I More Railroad Rumor. FARMERS ! Bring Y our Produce to The Bandon Market. H. M. And Company Civil Rngineer and Surveyor. S I !<><•! i Higher Classes of Work Solicited. BANDON, Dr. Bancroft Ey? & Nerve Specialist Plain Sewing. AXTELL n foot among a certain class of Jap­ See Railroad talk of coarse is always anese t. declare war upon the I nited Did yon tuo* that yon «an get ten interesting to Coos County people States, but that class Las wisely fig­ views of Bandon and vicinity at A and one of the latest rumors afloat ured that to do so it wilt first be Rice's for fifteen canta * amoDg railroad circles is that ttoe i necessary to overthrow the present Of interest to the ladies of Bandon '■ Northwestern is taking active steps Japanese Government. We wonder For Visual Defects. Eye Diseases, Ixtrenz A Hoyt have just received to construct and continue ita line to if that class of Jap renegades have NERVOUS or CHRONIO ILLS. the Pacific Coast. Surveying parties stopped to consider the enormity of their uew summer stock of dress goods. You are invited to call and representing that line have been in li e task they Wish to accomplish, Consu.lta.tion. Free inspect. Boise Idaho making necessary pre­ namely, to whip Japan and the Next Visit to Bandon. July IB liminary arrangements for yardage, I nited State«. These same Japs are and depot grounds, the same agents reported to be raising the necessary CLARENCE Y. LOWE are alsolmaking similar arrangements funds to carry out their schemes, ami in Walla Walla, Wn. , and it is then they will no doubt have to so­ Baudou. Oreffen, furthermore stated that the objective licit some million or more recruits to point of the line is Tillamook Bay, <■spou.se their cause, before they will and that railrord parties supposed to have a fair stiow to get the worth of Is just In ruceipt of a naw and lx> in the employ of that line, have re­ the money they are raising ‘‘to blow fresh stock of cently begun operations in the vicinity in."' if these Japs think to much of their native land and of their kins­ Children’s Sewing a Specialty o f that Bay. Drugs and Chemicals, It is generally beleived that Hill man. why don't they apply that Patent aud Proprietary Preparation- and Harriman have recently entered moDey on that $350,000,000 Russian MRS. DEAN, Toilet Articles, into a new coinpat t wiierebv the se­ War debt, and theieby advance their Druggists Mandrie«. curity of one's territory from invasion government s financial standing! At the Livesay Residence. by the other is guaranteed, and if it is PlHFÜMES, BRUSHES, SPONQIS, SOAP. Almost every successive edition of a fact that ttie Northwestern is com­ N uts and C andies . ing to this territory it will mean a thr Marshfield Times has a colnmu- Cigar., Tobáceo« and Clgaratl... great development for Oregon, a uew or more editorial upon bridging Coos awakening in Kailroad affairs, a de Bay. Now il is well known that the Painta. Oils. Glass and Painters' Supplia« cided improvement in transportation, b ridging of Coos Bay is a question for George Gonld is one of the prin­ belonging solely to the Federal juris­ ***.«*4oMM> ».A*.«*.«* cipals of that road and while he has diction, and if it comes to a "finish’’ at present no road to the Pacific tight between Harriman and the Gov­ Northwest Coast, and is not at present ernment. Marshfield might get hurl in a position to compete with either if she mix up in the affair, for in such a Hill or Harriman, in transportation I tight she would last just about as long he is nevertheless, financially a very as the proverbial snowball in tly time. There is one railroad the fate formidable rival. of which, however tests largely with If the new line conies to the W est­ Marshfield and her people, and that ern Oregon coast he will doubtless par­ BANDON is ttie much talked of Electric line. * allel the coast and Coos County will Nice clean rooms. 25 and 50c a night ; $ 1.25 be sure to derive her share of profit.. But we do not hear much about it, at ■> li­ least in the editorial columns of the a week ; $5.00 a month. ft Times. « Portland will celebrate the Fourth MRS SARAH COSTELLO. :■ Bandon is not going to intrude where of July, Judge S. A. Lowell of Pen she dues not belong, lest she be step­ dleton being the orator of the day. ped on. or get hurt for she is not One of the novel features of the day very large, but she is not asleep, by will be an elaborate red fire illum­ any means, and she is not going to ination from the snow capped peaks allow golden opportunities to pass, of Mt. Hood, Mt. St Helens and Mt. Proprietors. when she may have them just for the Adams, all of which can be distinctly asking. Bandon, seen from Portland. OREGON. California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company Steamer Alliance k Now plying between Portland and Coos Bay only. Weekly trips Druggist and Apothecary burnished Rooms Eldorado The Pacific Wines, Liquors and Cigars LEWIN’S Maket Meat It is gratifying to note that there is one thing upon which the Portland Journal and Oregonian and Telegram are at perfect harmony i e. knocking Seattle. The party of Oregon girls taken to the Jamestown Fair by the Evening Telegram returned to Portland last Saturday night. Among the number is Miss Lillie Way of Myrtle Point. Another party of Oregon girls in charge of Philip S. Bates of Port­ land, also returned a day or two later. Both parties besides enjoying Furnished at Living Prices. A share a most remarkable trip have accomp­ of the Public Patronage lished a great deal toward adver­ Solicited. tising Oregon among Eastern people. MEATS and PROVISIONS i Rasmussen B Opera Joaquin Miller, th« poet of the Sierras, has announced bis intention GEO. D. GRAY A CO., Gen l Agts, L. w. SHAW, Agent, to return to Oregon his native state 421 Market St. Han Francinco. Marshfield, Phone 441. and under the popular election, run baa a select stock of for the United States senate. He is interested in mines and unlike most poets is more substantially pro­ vided with this worlds goods. but we The past week has been one of have an idea that should he attempt ' special interest to Masons througb- and to run for the Senate, lie might find : out the North west, as the grand lodge ('APT. J. OLSEN, .Master. himself a poor man even should be of tiotli Oregon anr.g Store ia Now Ready for n...l.M Rr.rykhla, New and Frr.h Drug« and Druggist s Sundries, Patent Med icines, Brushes and Toilet Articles, Fancy Stationery. Fine line of Fancy (J mi J im . Imported awl Deaeatic Cigars HIllELO* A l)Y blacksmith ANI» WAGON MAKERS Wape« «f all tad: Mai« to Crter Horseshoeing a Special #«b work atiewded to promptly and all work guaranteed to give astisfacti, sonable. Hhogon Atwater street, Bandoo, Or. Title Guarantee and Abstract Company one to three, in her den during the That at Coquille Adjoins Postoffice. months of March and April, and It Is Seven and one-half Chicken nu Interesting thing to know that she Marshfield Phone, 143 Coquille Phone. 191 bus the power to give birth to her Ranches. Phone at our Expense when ordering Abstracts young ut least two weeks before the proper lime if driven from her don. I have divided mv land into a little Bhe will return to her cubs if let alone. i ver seven sections containing five In the t riglit-of way passes through lap the Icicle which Is made l y the fronting each tract. I hev lay two freez'ug of her breath on her paws and a quarter miles south of Bandon First class chicken ranch. 20 acre«, She venture« forth a« mid as the an w partly cleared, three and one-half near ttie plank road, ami sell for $00 has autlicientiy dm Ited to parmlt "f be* miles south of town close to the getting llM'iit and f-r «evernl days mil and $05 an acre. These lots are not P. B. HOYT, Prop. •■at nothing but hemlock bark and cer­ I tn ttie hands of any real estate dealer, beach Has a five room bouse, br.tb tain roots, which act as a physic. and I do my business direct with yon. room, good barn, 7 chicken bouses, When in her normal -Into of health 4 tracts of 10 acres each in same lo­ ( 'all on or address. ■.„rated in EL DORADO BUILDING, again she is ravenously hungry and cation, 1250 each. Will sell on easy First Street. BANDON. OREGON K C handler . Will dllgently fish the broks and Bandon. Oregon. Streams in search of a dinner of trout, SHAVING. SHAMPOOING AND HAIR terms, For farther particulars sd- will hunt up the carcasses of deer or dress J. P. I)i G ehen . CUTTING AT STANDARD PRICES. 1 ne Royal Chinook Shoes for M en moose which have lieen overcome by Bandon, Oregon. the severity of the winter or will prey the kind that gives satisfaction to the upon porcupines by quickly putting her wearer, at Lorenz A Hoyt. paw under the stomach and rolling the porcupine on its back, then with a slap A now line of Men's gk vos, al] Just arrived, a nig eh» k of men tear out the entrails and escape the kind«, styles and sizes, at A. J. Hart­ and women'« show, All th« latest F. E. Allen and W. C. Bradley of quills.—Field and Stream man's. Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Ei. D orado TONSORIAL PARLORS Marsh field, wer« to Band on taking tyl«« ¿«11 law »Icck, Lorenz A Hoyt