«iS»- ■K BANDON RECORDER ih rikLiMilVt* BVSBt TMIKWAÏ jM KA I l> $2 OU One Year... 1 OU Mu Months I'hree Months.................................................. 50 UT! r P aid in advance , ♦! 5J a Y eah hi* paper is entered nt the Bandon |*»st officie as Second-class Matter. «ri ä — already made settlements but have over the side of th«« vessel and he not acquired title. The Government is took a look after McGinty. not standing in tlie way of any borne We bad almost a blaze in town last builder When opponents of forest Saturday morning The night natch reserves assert that settlement is lie I discovered a light in U Y. Lowe's ing retarded. it might not be a bad drug store early tn th«» morning, am) idea for them to give th« names of on seeking th«» cause found that th« intending settlers, the lands ttiey de­ tloor was on tire under the heating sire to locate upon, and the time wLen stove. Some matches had been left they asked th«» Government to release under the stove th«* day preceding the lands and wore refused. and they hail become ignited. Wooden Water Mains. A. W. Kime, who left here a feu months ago to graduate in the Port land medical coll«*ge has successful!) passed the examination and has re­ ceived his diploma and is a full fli»«lge«l M.D. It is understood that h«> stood high in bis class ami made an enviable reputation before the ex amiuing board. He will arriv« horn« in a few .lays. Our friend H. H. Baldwin is having J. W. Felter enclose bis yard with h neat paling fence, arul also has lum ber on the ground for a porch which will b«» attached to the northeast cor­ ner of the cottage, and lit» thinks of further improving the building by adding a small tower or observatory By the way Mr. B. must be a bimetal ist. as be has the front dour bedecked in silver and gold paint at about tin ratio of 16 to 1. — » West Bandon Landon's L in est Ocean The use of wood for water-pipes is increasing in the West, and is said to A OVKItTISI Ner line .05 much cheaper and more « cheaper to T he Q uestion of a thousand dollar build of steel. There are so many liquor license I* op befori* tin» voters variable elements due t»> locality that of Portland. In a place th«» size of enter into th«» cost of pipe that it is Portlaud, the revenue on tin ir licenses difficult to make comparisons. As a is not to be sneezed at genera) thing, wood pip«* is from 36 ----- ooo----- to 50 per cent, cheaper than riveted T he L ong Island burglars who re­ steel. House for Sale. cently hauled a fifteen hundred pound “The interior of a wooden pipe will safe a distance of three miles and on not deteriorate as does that of an iron We have t.ko houses, just finished, opening it found a nice, juicy lemon, pipe From the standpoint of steady ami lots adjoining each other that we may console themselves that their capacity the wood is far superior to will sell, either separate, or together, efforts were not wholly fruitless. iron. Not many careful experiments t hey are in line location and have have been mails on the How in wooden tine view. Call or address. T he L iterary Digest lias it that pipes. The r«*sults ar«* not materially W. C. R ockwell . hell is a place of strong drink, tobac­ better than those obtained by experi­ G eo . II. R ockwell . co, baseball, theatres, ar.d peekaboo ments on the flow in new, smooth shirtwaists, according to a I’ennessee iron pip«*. “The comparatively early deteriora­ minister. In that case it looks as if Butter wrappers pruned at the R e ­ tion of two or three existing pipe lines ’ ninety per cent of the “sky pilots” corder office. has been used as a premise for arriv- . will have to close up shop. mg at the conclusion that wooden pipe is a failure. Whore there is one 4 lots ami honst» in Bandon, all T he K oosiiay P rogress , issued by pipe line that has been a partial fail­ Major Kinney readied this office an< ure (there are no absolute failures) J cleared and fine ocean view, $1300, is a creditable publication. It is pro­ there are dozens that are giving the' Bandon Real Estate Co. fusely illustrated, printed on a heavy utmost satisfaction. Each partial ■ calendered paper, and gives a lot of failure has been due to local causes j The Bandon Real Estate Co. good information regarding the Coos which might have been avoided if: Bay country. Here’s hoping he will they had been understood. It is well Offer For Sale: get out another issue soon. known that iron pipe gives under some conditions the greatest satisfac-| 400 lots in Portland Addition from •’T he R oad of a Thousand Won tiori, while under others it is very un­ $10 to $35 a lot. ders,’ published by the Sunset Maga­ satisfactory. House and lot on extension to “The use of wood pipe has been First street, $1,250. zine people, reached this office this I House and five lots W. M. Ad. week, and is the finest publication of greatly extended in recent years. A $3,000. number of long lines have been built its kind we have ever seen. It is made up of views, colored, taken in the East during the past two years. Sir acres of land Town of Bandon. along the Southern Pacific in Gregon It is even attracting attention in $2,006. and California, ami contains descrip Europe. The use of wooden pipe, on House ami 13 acres land. Town of I’bis spare for announcement of Miss tive matter relative to each view. The i large scale, was decidedly a West­ Bandon $5,500. coloring is a work of art. and the ern innovation. After a demonstra­ Mancie Garfield's Spring Millinery 660 acres. Dairy Bauch, $14,000. book is a credit to any person's libra­ tion of its worth it has found favor Opening. ry. This book is given to subscribers with the engineers of the East. At 577.J acres stock or sheep ranch; to the magazine. If you desire to in­ least in one case, wood pipe has lieeu 300 acres cleared and in grass; good form your Eastern friends of the nat­ favorably considered by conservative buildings; a snap. sit MH>. ural beauty of this western country, English engineers. This is in con­ 320 acres Dairy yon can do no better than to notili nection with a large water project in India. Recently a number of in­ them a copy of this book. Several other quiries have come from Japan for de­ Dairy Ranches cheap. COQUILLE T he B eauty Contest in the Chicago tailed information relative to design Several 30 ami 40 acre tracts of Tribune is causing much comment in and cost, and ««ven Siberia is getting I ami, cheap. Town lots from $100 to the various papers all over the coun­ into line Up to the present time, $500 each. NOSLEK n nbort notice, over all the women of beauty, and the extensive general use is assured.” and at reasonable prices. editors of the Journal are endeavor­ Bandon 10 Years Ago. Satisfaction is (Inara nt red. ing to show that Oregon not only has Let V n !><» Your PT Orders left on Mondays with our Ban beautiful women, but lias the most Isam Walker returned today from don agent. A. O. TKOWRRIDGE. will I m * beautiful. There is no doubt in our down th«» coast where he bad been given careful attention and delivered in mind but what Oregon's beautiful Bandon at th«> store Friday evenings. looking after his cattle. Ho Rays he Women has the Chicago beauty will lose very few head unless disease “skinned • mile,’' and in order to dis­ gets among them. tinguish just which one is the most The eighth silver medal contest I b**ntifnl, the Journal is going to will bo held in the Presbyterian i publish *11 of the pictures of pretty Civil and Mechanical Eng. Oregon Woman If you have a pic­ church, Bandon, Friday evening, At North Bend ture of an Oregon girl that yon would April 16, 1897. There will b«» seven NORTH BEND. OREGON like to see in the contest, send it to contestants. Admission five cents. Elbert Dyer gave Myrtle Point a Is now open for the re this office and we will forward it to visit yesterday and from that place he rept ion of patients* The the Journal. terms aie $10 per week went to Empire City to«lay when» he ----- ooo----- anil upwards. For par­ will take the st »amor Farallon, this ticulars apply to : : evening, for San Francisco. The Oregonian On The Captain G«»orgo Lenovo moved his Forest Reserve. family to Coqmlle City last Tuesday. He will have charge of the steamer — ooo--- Nearly ail those who have protested Fawn which makes th«» rnn from Co­ against the creation of forest reserves quille City ami return each day.. North Bend, Or. Garfield & Von Pegert. do so upon th«» ground that such ac­ The bar had scant ten feet of waler tion restricts homebuilding. There last Sunday, but the Moro managed ----- ooo------ is no fonmlation for this objection, to get out nil right on a draft of ten a for two reasons creation of a reserve feet nine inches. That looks just a ARTHUR RICE X. ù does not prevent settlement, ami as a little strang«». but we guess it is all Jeweler and Watchmaker 1» WORK A SPECIALTY. 4/ rule there are very few places in the straight. BANDON. OR .r reserves where any one would want ù The steamer Coquille River sailed ft SOl’VENIR POSTAL CARDS to make a home The department last Monday for San Francisco, hav­ The largest and'best assortment in if has many times declared its policy town. Agate« |*>li*hed and mount­ Ú ing on board 250 tons of coal lieeides of removing from th«» limits of n r«»- ed to enter If vmi find a me. «(♦■ d other freight. Her draft was ten feet eerve any lands that ar«» wanted for while on the t»ench we will tell von Ù Ù five inches when she passed out over whether it is worth tnonnting. A & settlement. This policy was an­ •Ù the bar Turncd Sha fti»g. Cap and Set large assortment of watches, clock«, & nounce«! in the letter written by the Screma, Machine Rolts. silverware ami Jew«>lry of nil kinds. ’Ù Capt. Robt. Frederick got 9 9 9-99»>»39-9«» I ieie Lots Bennet’s Plat A C'/teapest Lots in or Around Landon Acre Tracts Convenient to Industrial District Easy Terms Small Monthly Payments The Wheeler Real Estate Co. Watch A Fifty Dollar Suit Will not make a man look dressed op if he has a three-days growth of beard. Presto, change. Just step into W. LU STEPHENS' Barber Shop and lie will make you look like a gentleman. Hol and Cold Baths. Watch Steam Laundry. Surveying, Plating & Drafting, OAKLEY & ARNOLD MKBX NEED A NEW STOVE? Bridge A Beacli Stove«. Bange* and Heaters Have in them so many excellencies that they are now acknowledged the greatest sellers on the coast, mid they are growing in favor every year. We have the exclusive agency in Bandon for these bonsehold and office necesHities, and prices range exceedingly modest in either case.