Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, April 04, 1907, Image 3

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    Supplement to
Chas. Bloom Drowned.
Bandon Recorder,
Chas. Bloom, of North B-md, fell
offtbsTsteauier * Eebo''iaat SaTurdsy
night on ths excursion to Arago, and
I was drowned. The young
_ man bad
| been driuking very heavily and whs
; pretty well iutoxn ated. He fell from
the boat a* out 31 miles above Co-
quilte near the Albert Clinton place.
A life boat w.'S launched by ,Jim
Lee and Paul Giratd, winch capsized,
and by the time the other boat could
be launched the unfortunate man
bad disappeared. The body whs
found about one o'clock seventy five
yards down stream.
Bloom was a single man and had
no relatives closer than Eureka, to
which place the body will be shipped.
He was not a member of any fraternal
organization, but bad many friends
in this vicinity. He had been work
mg in a shingle mill near Coquille, i
and was in Bandon visiting friends
about two weeks ago. He was 35
years of age.
April 4, 1907.
her natural home, Oregon. This is close. For matters of informal ><>i
not a money-making scheme, nor is address the pastor, Rev G W Ellis
UJ‘‘r,on“ry io any way Our pride Coquille, Ore.
is touched, as yours should be. Any
pictures of beautiful women in this
Let I» Ito lour
viciuity sent in to the Recorder office
will be printed in that paper. Here
1 is a chance for some of the pretty
women in this vicinity, Send iu
your pictures at once.
Surveying, Plating &
Society night tomorrow night at
tie rink.
Win. Rohm of Riverton was in
town Tuesday.
W. E. Smith, with a Portland hard­
ware firm, was in town this week.
County School Superintendent
Ministerial Association.
Bunch was a Bandon visitor Monday.
Civil and Mechanical Eng.
G. A. Murray, representing the
California Saw Works, in in town ou
Following is the program of the
Sub-District Ministerial As­
Geo. P. Topping is confined to his
home with an extremely severe case
of the grip. He has not been at bis
worth League Association, to be held
office for th« past three days, but ex­
at Coquille, Oregon. April 17th, 18th The Bandon Real Estate Cc
pects to be able to return in the
and 19:
m iroing
Offer For Sale:
Wednesday, April 17, 2:30, de­
Mr. and Airs. Henry Spangler, Mr.
Mrs. Jos. Spangler and daughter
Ruth, all of Findlay, Ohio, arrived in Notes From San Francisco. Elder, M C Wire. Reports from
400 lots in Portland Addition froi
Bandon Tuesday where they will
pastors; Sunday Schools; Leagues; $10 to $35 a lot.
make their permanent home. The
The schooner Bend' r Brothers and
House and lot on extension t
two gentlemen will take up home Barge Chinook are ready for sea Benevolem-es; Revivals and conver­
sion. 7:30, sermon by H C Preston. First street, $1,250.
■tends 1.1 this vicinity.
watting for tlie tog “Wizard” to tow 1
Thursday, April 18tb, 9am de­
House and five lots W. M. Ad
Haldon Foss returned from Wash­ them to Bandon. The Bender Broth­
exercises. Religions Fanat­ $3,000.
ington last Saturday evening and has
accepted a year’s contract with the ers is consigned to the Bandon Com icism, W K Rogers. Does God call
Six acres of laud Town of Baudot
Shingle Mill people. His return has mercial Co. and loads at Bandon.
Men to Preach, and How? G W
been long looked for by the members
The gasoline schooner Monterey Elli . The Preacher as a Stu lent, $2,000.
of the band of which he was a mem­ will be ready for sea in about a week
House and 13 acres land, Town o'
ber, and lie arrived in time to assist and will probably be loaded at Ban­ W R F Browne. 2:30 sermon by M
in ttie concert last Saturday night.
don by the same people. This schoon­ 20 minutes each. 1—Christian Edu­
Panter Bros, have received the er has the reputation of being the
660 acres, Dairy Ranch. $14,000.
cation, Wiilameite University, A F
finest National Cash Register that
577j acres stock or sheep ranch.
has been seen in these parts. It is a fastest gasoline scbooer on the coast Lucy. 2—Christian Literature, Our
large commodious affair, containing and will be a valuable addition to the Advocate, W R F Browne. 3— 300 acres cleared and io grass; guo<.
four drawers thus giving individual fleet now sailing be1 ween San Fran­
buddings; a snap. $4000.
service for each clerk. A tag is cisco and Bandon. She is expected Christian Benevolo. ces, Tithing, W
s Gordon.
320 acres Dairy Ranch, $4000.
issned for each purchase, and it has
all of the conveniences of all the to make steamer time.
Friday, April 19 b, 9 a m, devotion
Several oth'r large Stock anr
machines. The price of this piece of
! al exercises. Prayer, its Philosophy Dairy Ranches cheap.
mecbauism was$57O. Lorenz & Hoyt <
$ 1 and Necessity, A F Lacy. Is the
have ordered a machine similar to
Several 30 and 40 acre tracts of
j Doctrine of the Fall out of Date, H
this one.
land, cheap. Town lots from $100 t<
The Band Concert was fairly well
March 26—Stmr Elizabeth, Olsen,
attended last Saturday night. The 200 tons freight—8 passengers.
'Church, \V S Gordon. A Successful $500 each.
boys took in something over $85,
32 acres J mile deep waler front
March 26—Sch Oregon, Anderson, Ministry, H C Preston,
which will leave them a little over
from Bandon, for $1000. Fine
expenses. The dance in the Bank j some oil.
site. Bandon Real EstateCo.
hall was very largely attended after
the program and the dancers held I March 27—Scb Ruby, Kurth, 350.-
forth until the small hours. Those 1 000 ft lumber, to S F.
in attendance at the concert speak j March 28 San Buena Ventura,
very highly of the mnsicale and will |
be glad when the band commence 1 175.000 ft lumber, to S F.
their summer concerts on the streets, j March 30—Stmr Elizibeth, Olsen,
G. W'Messinger was overwhelmed 325,000 ft lumher, 15 tons misc. Pas
with troubles last Saturday and sengers, Mrs Oilman, Emila Turner,
so gbt relief in the cup that cheers. ' Mattie E Hall.
After whipping most of the lamp;
We have the finest Steel Ranges and Cook­
in town, he was gathered in by .
Presbyterian Church.
night watchman Wm. Clarke, who I
ing Stoves on the Market, with prices that
gave him quarters for the evening in j
the l< cal bastite. Owing to the fact ' Services will be held next Sunday,
look good to your pocket book.
that the following day was Sunday, April 7, both morning and evening.
he was required to remain in his The communion of the Lord's Sup­
quarters until Monday morning when per will be administered in the morn­
bis case was brought up before Justice ,
Strang. /After duly considering the ing. Sunday School at 10. Christian
matter, the scales of justice were ten Endeavor at 7, evening service at 8.
Opposite the Post Office.
simoleaus shy ou his side and be was Strangers especially are invited to
allowed the previlege of leaving come and worship with ns.
that amount, on the bar of justice.
Capt. S. H Whitney and wife and The Most Beautiful Woman.
child passed through Bandon last
night enroute for Portland where he
The Portland Journal is looking
will spend the coming six weeks in
experimenting with black sand. He j for beautiful women , As a result of
is interested in this inode of mining a little one sided beauty contest, the
and has a fine lot of machinery in­ Chicago Tribuno has the temer ty to
stalled at his mine near Port Orford
A giant hydraulic is used, and he is assert that the most beautiful woman
satisfied the project is a good paying iu the United States lives in Chicago.
Best bargains offered by
proposition. The black sand yields To back up this ridiculous statement
about 40 per cent of magnetite, or the Tribune publishes a picture and
the finest grade of steel, and as this permits other papers, including the
sells for about $35 per ton io San
Francisco, pays more than the gold Journal, to publish the picture of
Office in Denholm building, upstairs.
does. The sand pays five to seventy this most beautiful woman.
dollars to the ton in gold and from
The Journal is up in arms over this
C. T. Blumenrother
one to five in platinum. With the silly claim, and proposes to prove
A. D. Morse
new device be expects to mine for the
magnetite, aod will afterward take the most beautiful woman in America
matches her surroundings, lives in
out the gold and platinum.
How About that New
Steel Range You Need ?
is the time to buy
Bandon real estate.
Bandon, Oregon.