Sr-fttfr vt i Ù>1 ì S Died—March 17. Lloyd, iufaut hod burg. T J Rasor, Prosper. A J Wittmar, Camp. C A Wegb<4tn. Kaudolph, W I* of Mr. and Mrs. Hampson id wards. Haliteti, Baud >lph, A B Robison. Marsh i-C-C-C-C Local Lore « I Butter wrappers pnuirJ at ths R e cohdek office. Died- March 1*.). Mary Ellen, Cash paid for sacks by the Bandon daughter of Mr. and Mrs McAffee Edwards. Age 1 year 11 months. Commercial Co. For Sale, a Baine W agon. 3 1-4 in. House, barn ami 3 lot« in Baudon, as good as new. Inquire or address $135H. Bandon Real Estate Co. T. B. Wheeler retnrne»! Tuesday W . H. Smith. Coquille, Oregon. morning from a few days visit iu Marshfield. Mrs. S Mundy and Mrs A. J Barre were Coquille visitors last Thursday. Sunday was St. Patricks l>Hy nod the wearing of tlie green was promi­ nent everywhere. Miss Dollie Skeelh, of Coquille, is in town for a few days’ visit with her sister. Mr». Cbas. Lorenz. Send your watch repairing to V. R. Wilson, the watchmaker at Coqnille —over 20 yearn experience. J S. Cox of Portland, n prominent fire insurance ui’iti. was in (own the latter part of the week on business. Rev. Horsfall will liolil services in Si John’s Episcopal church, Sunday morning am) evening nt Die usual hours. (}. ’ Hon, of week . ness. Mrs. Doris McKenzie am) child, re turned Monday evening, after a month’s visit with friends and rei- stives in Seattle. W ash. 'There is nothing new tn regard to the schooner Bessie K. The notes from Port Orford states she is still off shore and a Ing will arrive. W. J. Li)jeqvi~t. of Marshfield, is in Bandon this week looking over the country. He is a contractor and builder and is looking for a location. Carpenters Attention. Do you know that the Bandon Hardware Co. carry the finest line of tools that yon will see for many a day? A letter from A T. Fetter asks after his friends, anil informs its he has gone into the job printing business in San Francisco He is managing the business, M rs. Janey Laird, who has been visiting her children near Johnson’« Mill, returned home Monday on ac­ count of the illness of her daughter. Mrs. Von 1‘egert. Everybody is getting a skate on now days at the new rink in the Rosa hall. The management have laid a fine new floor and while the building is rather narrow for this amusement, it is amply long. N. C. Medley was a Coquille visitor this week. He informs us he has the agency for the Standard oils anti paints and will have something to say to our readers in the near future through these columns. D ressmaking I’ ahloks . Mrs. E, Lewin and Miss Annie Clawson have opened up dress-making parlors iu the rooms directly over the Lewin Moat Market. The ladies of Bandon and vicinity are invited to call. The new buildings for the Lyon & Johnson Mil) near Bandon are being rushed A crew of experienced mill wrignts from Portland arrived and are working on the new structure under L. A. Crane. We are forced to leave out about a column and a half of good local tost­ ter oti account of the unexpected arti- cle of the shooting affair Second Annual Meeting. COMING COMINO COMINO Our laige stock of Implements, Plows, Cultivators and Shovel Plows on every boat. A fine line of Carpenters Tools and Stoves and Ranges have already arrived. If you are thinking of pt,j-.ting your house this spring drop in and let us figure with you. W e can save you money. TLe aeconil annual meeting of the Yon can tell a mans' ability by tii»> tools Im uses. The best carpenters Cooa Epworth League Association get their tools from the Bandon will be held at Coqnille on April l'.lth, 20th and Slat. A number of the local Hardware Co. who has a new line. If yon fail to receive this paper members will be present. Following regularly, kindly notify this office. is the program for the three days: COQUILLE Friday evening April 1!) 7>K), de It is our aim to furnish subscribers votional services led by Coqnille; the paper regularly am) notification of such failure will be promptly in­ address of welcome, M C W ise, P E, NOSLERA MORRISON, Prop’rs. and F L Sumner; reception. vestigated. Timber Land Act June 3, 1K7K Coquill«, Oregon. Saturday, April 20, morning 8:30 FOR PUBLICATION. There is one young man of Bandon devotional services led by Myrtle United NOTICE States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore., This space for announcement of Miss First-Class Laundry Work February, <», 1907. who is deeply regreting his kindness Point; business; paper, “How May Notice is hereby given that m compliance Mantie Garfield's Spring Millinery of heart. He was asked a» a favor to the Social Department Help the with the provisions of the act of Congress of every kind done on abort notice, Opening. and nt rensonnlile prices. riile a horse to Bullards ho the beast Spiriual Department, I y North Bend; of June 3, I87S. entitled "All net. for the sale of timber lands in the States of (Lil might b»> loaded onto the Dispatch. discussion; “The L. h in Towtuhip No. 2S Smith. horse, common cnurtesy called n in lb»» Cabinet Meetings and Social Range No. 14 West, W. M., and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more and after proceeding pint way Gatherings; discussion; dosing. valuable for its timber or stone than for ARTHUR RICE found that he was not built Saturday afternoon, April 20 2 agricultural purposes, ami to establish his claim to said land before tile County Clerk Jeweler and Watchmaker for a bareback performer. After o’clock, devotional exerercises led by ami Clerk of County Court of (’oos County, much persuasion with a two inch pole, Bandon; paper, "Personal Responsi­ Oregon, at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, BANDON, OR. At North Bend on Saturday, tiie lltii day of May, 191)7. the they steed brought him to bis bility for the I'dsaved,” led by Myrtle He mimes ns witnesses: James A. Mor­ SOUVENIR POSTAL CARPS. destination, where he joyfully de Point; paper, Christian Character in rison of Bullards. I*. ()., Coos County, Ore The largest and best assortment in gon; Francis J. Fahy of Bandon, ('oos town. Agates polished and mount­ scended to terra firtnaonce more vow­ P)iblic Life, Is now open for the re­ Marshfield; paper, County, Ort gon : Mary E. T'ahy of Bullards, ed to order. If yon find a nice agate ing never more to do stouts on horse Christian Character in Business, Co­ I*. ()., Coos (tountv, Oregon; Sarah Fahy of ception of patients. The Billiards, I*. O.. (.'oos County Oregon while on the beach we will tell you I back. Since then the young man lifts quille, discussion of both th»» above. Any and all persons claiming adversely terms aie $1(1 per week whether it is worth mounting. A above-described lands nre requested to been eating his meals off the mantle Christian Stewardship, Elkton, dis­ the and upwards. For par­ large assortment of watches, clocks, file their claims in this otlice on or before and had to lay off from bis work fit cussion; The Churchless Masses, said lltii day of May, 1907. ticulars apply to : : silverware and Jewelry of all kinds. B knjamin L E ddy , Register. the ship yard. North Bend, di mission; Misssonary Gold and Fountain Pens, including the Waterman and Conklin's auto­ That Abe Rnef, the San Francisco Study Classes and How to Run Timber I.and Act. .lune 3, IS7S. matic fillers, the best in the market. Them, by \V S Gordon, Gardiner, grafter, was not the debonair, smiling, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. We have the Marshall one dollar bappy-go lucky fellow that be was discussion. How Should Young Lady United States Land Oflice, Roseburg Ore.. fountain pen. February 7. 11MI7. pictured by the San Francisco papers Members Show a Christian Interest North Bend, Or. Notice is hereby given Hint in compliance in Young Men W ho tire Stranger, with the provisions of the net ol Congress when recaptured at Trocadero after of .litue 3, IS7H, entitled ‘An net for the his picturesque escape from custody and should Souls Remain Unsaved sale of timber lands in the States of Cal­ for the Want of an Introduction? ifornia, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington was the statement made hv a deputy Territory,” as extended to all the Public led by Marshfield ; General discussion of W. J. Burns, who found Rnef, to Land States by act of August. 4, 1892, Thomas H. Ibinly. of Coquille, County of Horace Stevens. Mr Stevens who is election of officers; adjournment. State of Oregon, has tins day filed in Saturday evening, April 20-7:30 Coos. assistant to T. B. Neuhausen, special this office his sworn statement »No. 7«U4. for the purchase of the EC of SF.’t, NW1, agent of the interior department, has devotional exercises led l>y Elkton; of SEq, NE'ij of SW*-4 of Section No. 27. lecture by Rev \V S Gordon of Gar ill Township No. :!ll. South, Range No. 14 just returned from San Francisco West. W. M., and will offer proof to show where he has been engaged in gov­ diner; question box opened. Bene­ that the land sought is more valuable for diction. its timber or atone than for agricultural ernment work. Continuing he said: Best bargains offered by purposes, and to establish his claim to said Sunday, April 21 G:30 a in, the ‘•Rnef was not only not happy and land Ix-fore J. H. llpton, II. S. Commission­ at his office at Langlois, Cnrrv County. smiling when retaken by Burns, the morning watch and experience meet er Oregon, on Wednesday, the 15th day of ing led by F L Sumner of Marsh ­ May, 1907. deputy told me, when he discovered as witnesses: Janies (4. Rus who came after him, almost fainted field; Sunday School; love feast led sei, lie of names Fourmile, Curry County, Oregon; Office i» Denholm building, upstairs. hy Brother Jackson, Coqnille; ser ­ Gustave Shroeder, of Arago. Coos County. and ha»l to be assisted into Burns' Oregon; John llnftile, of Hare, Curry mon followed by sacrament, M C C. T. Blumenrother automobile. County, Oregon ; Henry Cbestley, of Hare, Wire, Curry County. Oregon. A. D. Morie and all persons claiming adversely Sunday afternoon 2:30 union rally, the Anv -.y^-tl »9 •’» •»’» T: Xi. ahove-descrilied lands are requested to £ MARINE < mass meeting with the children, led tiie their claims in this office on or before May, 1907. hy Junior Superintendent Mrs P said 15th day of B enjamin L E ddy , Register. AUBIVKD. Nelson of Bandon; 6:30 Epworth March 15 Sch Coqnelle, Botzer, League devotional hour, Prof Vose, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 150,(MH) ft lumber. Coqnille; song service; addresses on Department of the Interior. SAILED. lh»< Sabbath, shall il I k » sacred or sec­ 4.SW', of NT?,, tion meeting closing with the Ep­ and Nl-.j of SE’,. Section 28, 'Township 28 S. tug Wizard. Range 14 W., and Hint said proof will be worth League benediction. ............................................................................ Bandon Hardware Company Steam Laundry. Watch Watch THE MERCY HOSPITAL Sisters of Mercy lUfYiAT is the time to buy 11UW Bandon real estate BANDON REAL ESTATE CO. Bandon, Oregon A Fifty Dollar Suit House for Sale. W’e have two bouses, just finished, and lots adjoining each other that we will sell, either separate, or together They are in fine location and have fine view. Call or address. W. C R ockwell . H. F. Morrison and wife returned G eo . H, R ockwell . the fore part of the week, from several days visit in Portland Mr Morrison Lillian McCue. has purcbaseil a complete lino of fixtures for a barbet shop, which lie Died: Lillian McCue, the two-year- will install as soon as they arrive. old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc­ He reports the strike has things Cue, of Parkersburg, March 14. The pretty badly tied up in the Rose City funeral was held at the Episcopal Mrs. Anna Kellogg, of Portland, church of Bandon, last Friday March who is visiting witli her brother Wm. 15. The death is due to stomach Stephens, has start»»»! n class in trouble that the little one has been tapestry oil painting. She is ex­ afilicted with for a long time. perienced in this lino of work and has a number of beautiful pieces At the Gallier Hotel finished in this manner. Mrs Kel­ Following are the guests registered logg is desirous of securing a Rood location for a rooming house and at the hotel since last Friday morn came to Bandon for that purpose. ing: E N Hutchinson, Portland; W H Kit) acre ranch 5 miles from Bandon; good bottom land, $2300. Bandon Wood, S F, Geo Clinton and wifp, J D Myers Coqnille, Jas Smith. Flor Real Estate Co. once. W A Goehing. Council Blnfis, Beecher Jess, the new city marshal, la, W S Crome. Mont. Chas G Loe, informs ns that he is going toonforce (’ A Berg, S W Berg, Portland, O I’ Rohrer, City, F M Flye, Marshfield, the dog license ordinance to the limit. G W Shelley and wife, Marshfield, There are a lot of worthless canines F A Spencer. Chicago, Oliver Neal. on our streets that nre a nuisance and Etelka, Ed Robillard. Michigan, Wm are owned by nobody in particular, Oddy, Coqnille, A J Perkins, J L Clark. V S Booth, A L Young, Port and Mr. Jess informs ns he will act Isnd, Hugh C Lnwer. Chicago, A H aa the official dog catcher until they Waterman. S F, A M ()aki»s. Port­ are regularly protected by license or land. W L Cronk. Townsen»!, Mont, exterminated. Mr Jess is the new M F Logfin,Clinton, la, Alfred John* marshal recently appointed to take sou, Sr. CoqnilloJ S P Bartlett, Co quille, W A Kinney, Portland, \\ G th« place of ex marshal Ed Henry. ijilgeqnest, Marshfield, C A McKel What is worth d ung is worth doing li|»e, N Bend, L McCurdy. Empir », well. Send yotir \\ atcb Repairing to V. K Wileou, the watchmaker nt Co- q«dle- over ‘JO years experience. field, James Armstrong, Aberdeen. A > Waterman. B J Scott, W A Babb. Spaikslie, J F Lucy, F H .Munich. H F Heawck. W A James, K Hillmaa. W H Dulwrt, J M Nel son, Hy Thompson, John Thompson, T D Haaeltine, M Everest, G W Collins. Port­ land, Miss E G Kelsey, Siioruian. Texas. Chas Mansell. Coquille. Claud Brown. Mir tie Point, LCox. City. Mrs. <’. Flicketigi r. Albany, B A Ayles and sou, C.spnllc. B.,l> Hill:», Camp Chas W Dye Coquille, Win Collin., Pruspiro, Iml. R W Harrington, Bridge. H Krouiiian. Eureka, R O Hepburn, 8 F. Mrs ('has Baxter, Ciajuille. (I i. Mil lard. Kov Fox. slm Favorite. Vern G iroulte, D M Gro«, Camp, W Housiuan, I'ortliiud. John P Tupper, Coqnille. cuNTEsr Minear 1>< lurtweiit >f the Interior, f . H. Lai d < ttlie nt R .—burg »It . Fotiruary. 23, 1907. A Slitheieut contest affidavit having been tiled hi this otlice by Mar; «ret Lamont c.,n- lesiiini. Hgainst iioiin -lead eutrv No. 10X12. made June 27, 1J0I, I r X'-a of \E'(. NE'4 of N W »4 of See. 31 slid .X W l4 of N W I4 ot See. 29. township 29, «>., Range 14 W., by John E. Tathuiu. cuulestee, in winch it is alleged that sin.I John i< I'mliatn lias wholly abandoned smd tract ; that he has changed Ins residence Ibetefroiu for more Hum <>ue vear since making said entry ; Hint Hie smd tract is not Mettled upon and eulti x J, 1 by s nd party m reqairvd by law; tbai Ins alleged nbsetiee from »aid land is not due to employmeut in tin- military or naial service ol the United Stales said parties are her, bv notified to np|iear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. in., on April 29, 1907, before George I* lopping, 11 notary public at bis otlice at Bandon, Oregon, and that final bearing will be held at 10o’clock a. m. on May lit. 1907, before the Register auii Re cciver at Hie Fluted States l.niid < Ifiiee- in Roseburg, Oregon. I he said contestant ha\ ing. ill a proper atlidavit, filed February 23. 1907. set forth facts which show that after due diligence personiil service of this notice cannot lie made, it is hereby ordered amt ilireoted that snob notice be given bv line and projier pnli lication BnuAMlN L. E ddy , Register. Card of Thanks. We, (he undersigned desire to ex- press our sincere thanks for the sympathy and assistance extended to us »luring the illness and death and burial of our beloved daughter. Ma. A nu Mas. A. M c C ue . made before County Clerk and Clerk of County Court of Coos Comity, Oregon, at his office at Coqnille, Oregon, on April 1». 1907. lie names Hie following witnesses to prove bis continuons residence upon, and cultivation of, , the land, viz viz: : Jesse G. lien cultivation of e •ve, 1 ofKandon, Oregon ; Jacob 1’rewet.t, of I ’ 1 arkerstmrg, Oregon ; Ed Hndsall, of Ban- d. Ion, Oregon; Zenas C. Strang, of Coquille, » tregon. I B enjamin L. E ddy , Register. Notice to Creditors. NEED A NEW STOVE? Bridge A Reach NtovcM. RangCM and Heater*« Have in them so many excellencies that they are now acknowledged the greatest sellers on Hie coast, and they are growing in favor every year. We have Hie exclusive agency in Bandon for these household and oflice necessities, and prices range exceedingly modest in either case. Our assortment of hardware, tinware and edged tools is most complete. 4 lots and house in Bandon, all Notice is hereby given that the under­ cleared and tine ocean view, $1300, signed Ims been duly appointed Admin Bandon Real Estate Co. islrator of the estate of 8. A. Alumbangh, Sherwin-Williams, the paint of deceased, and tlmt all imtsouh having quality, at the Bandon Hardware Co. claims against said estate are hereby re­ quired to present Hie same to the under signed, duly verified, at. ray farm near New The Bandon Real Estate Co. Lake school house, Ceos County, (>r<. vitliin six months from the date of this notice Dated this 11th day of March, 1907. Offer For Sale: J ames F. A i . itmhmkiii , Administrator of Hie estate of S. A. Al 400 lots in Portland Addition from nmbangh, deceased. Tmning &, F’lLirnl^ing' a. Sp>ecia.lty A. M c N air , HOFEI Six acres of land Town of Bandon, $2,000. House and 13 acres land. Town of Bandon $5,500. 660 acres, Dairy Ranch. $14,000. 577| acre« slock or sheep ranch; !XX) acri'H cleare»! and in grass; goo»l buildings; a snap. $4000. 320 acres Dairy Ranch, $4000. Several other large Stock Dairy Ranches cheap. and Several 30 and 40 acre tracts of land, cheap. Town lots from $100 to $500 each. i • W V I’ >pe, Lnaglom, W >1 Norvsl. Coquil; i, 32 aerea | mile deep water front. L A Braden. Myrtle Point, W W (Hvf. (!o- qnille, riio» Lan»'. L I’ M.inry, W E Slinu»- I mi lea from Bandon, for ÿtotx). Fin» A bv. R H Mimt.S I’ Bartlett. I’ercv Schroeder, J Tbos llnulv. Coqoille. M It Snwd. Parker» factory site. Bandon I ¡an I E-talaCo. rT-î-î-î-r m :-rrt-um 4 A. B. SABIN Manufiictnn Manuf icfiir» r hîh and I i> D> al»T aler in GALLIER /\ates $r.oo /o $2.00 per Day. #10 to $35 a lot. Executors Notice. House and lot on extension to First street, $1,250. Notice is hereby given that the under­ House and five lots W. M. Ad. signed has lieen apisiinted Executor of Hie $3,000. last will of Henry Randleman decensed, and letters testamentary has been issued to him out of the County Court of Hie State of Oregon, for Hie Conntv of Coos. All persons having claims against the estate of said Henry Rnndleninn deceased, are required to present them with the prop­ er vouchers within six months from the date of this notice, to me at iny farm on Bear (’reek, near l’arki-rsburg. Coos County, I >regon. Dated this 12th day of March. 1907. DsWrrrC. R anpi . eman , Executor fo the estate of Henry Randle- man, ileceased. T he H ardware M an . 8 EEC ML R.1TES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH. SAMfLE BOOM BANDOX, G. it. Smith IN CONNECTION. OREGON. O. E. Rohrer Bandon Co-Operative Reality Co. Real Estate and City Property l Í 4 Iti Silit X F ANI! Iti SINF.SN l.ttn SOI.Il AMI EXCHANGED A GENERAI. All Kinds of Saddlery. flames«* and Saddle* Kepaired. BANDON, - - OKEGON. lllillKni lGE Itt 'INtss J i Tl M lll-:K. F A KM I. A Mrs. KKMTS, COI.I.F.CTIOJJN