Port Orâwtd, Dry Goods firm Groceries Our goads in this department an* all fresh and carefully «elect­ ed. and embraces everything that is good to eat. iti c<>.<>< Oregon, HlwayH on baud. \ t IbtUOgb ■ !*"t* complete SHEET MUSIC Also a HIGH GRADE PIANO for Sale Watch Repairing a Specialty; work guaranteed co E. C. BARKER & J Coquille City, Or. The Recorder Sent to any address tiri r>t > V • - - ■ •— ••• • t *> I rvc.tlru r a- just is . t» »sited fi i Move For Consolidation. i il** I » ; -VI;. I • . .«li- h*lat<* file thetieiieliil Land fftlic« K tl«* ct>«rr« i mad tuMter wia r» «••e*el ft mi Rosetiurg Sutxlaji i»qf it tia>! Leet» in a til** that -ure is being probably be held next December. the way by an eugiue standing on a Fitzhugh and Al. Marsh all made maiiitaiueil by any person or |H*rsut«s, j ['f,ja petition was drnwu up by th«* side truck. Enterprise. successful trips to Bandon for freight issociation, or corporation, to at ouce ' representative of the Harbor aftet —ooo— and got back Saturday just in time proceed tu secure sutlieieut data, in- j cousnltatioii with Mayor Simpson to cross the Sixes bridge as it So great a quantity of ice cakes eluding a d«*seriptiou of the hinds in- and - oilier - - business men, and it lia« tiiiated down tin* Culiiwbia river Iasi finished. week that vessels tn that stream i><* We are pleased to report that close«!, with reasonable certainty, their appr<«»al. it is the belief of th came thoroughly ice bouud, and not uec.ssarily by met«*« ami boumls. i Harbor that every broaii mm«le«i Graudmotber Zumwalt i- abb* to be Clll- there was a geueral tie up in shipping. around in her usual health aud nor by Governmental subdivisions of) zeu the mail whose vision is not Among th«* boats that could not strength. It was feared at first that surveyed land, but only so that the I warped by petty jealousies will join leave the harbor was the little schoou sb«» was slightly paralyzed, but her inclosure may lie identified and th«* i this movement for consolidation, and er Berwick. R. 1> Hume's Rogue riv­ speetly recovery precludes I but person or p«*rsotis guilty of the viu- | by united effort help to spread the er craft, which was at Portland tu be opiuioD. latiou, as nearly as may l*e. and by fam«* of greater <’< his Bay. .Sort li title«! with cohl storage. George Curry came in from I lie description if the iiaute can not, ou I Bend Harbor. —ooo----- Rock creek min«*s last Tbtirsi lay, and reasonable inquiry, lx* ascertained, , says that the snow was six fe«*t deep “Mazook” Anderson, well known ooo on the divide wh«*n be left there, and and to at once submit such case, with 1 iti Batidou, took an accidental tumble must be over ten f«*«*t by this time. the data thus obtained, to the United j Surveyors Moving This Way. into Coos bay the other night, and The miners have t|ll come out. would have drowned bad assistance Slat«*s attoru«*y for prosecution. Engineer Brown and his party of not been close at baud. Mazook is Harry Nelson of Bandon, who has Il shall t* shall be so instructed, in this city. They are working up Snyder's Central Hotel, Marshfield. ors along th«* coast, passed through to im alett and vigilant to detect the! - OOO------ isthmus slough, and go from Marsh Port Orford last w«*ek on bis way home. It is reported among th«* sur­ existence of unlawful iuclosures in field every morning iu the launch The Oregonian states that the lum veyors that they will soon commence his district aud to proc«*ed in accord ber output of Oregon for l'.MMi was Meteor. I two billion feet, of which the mills of setting grade Htakes, which usually an«*«* therewith as hereinitbove di­ There is yet a mouth or two of i means that construction will soon rected, and that he is not to construe Multnomah cut 700 millions. work before the engineers tn this Io-1 follow. his duties as requiring that, before cality. W hen they have liuisbed here ' The ditch and flumes of the l!ig proceeding iu th«* matter of an uti- I they will go to the main camp near; ■Jewel mine were so badly injured by lawful inclosnre, there must first I e Coquille, aud keep on with the work the late big storiu that Mr. Charles Jamieson, the Sept , will go back to filed with him a formal complaint by down the coast toward Eureka. It Minnesota tocousiilt the company be­ some person or persons acquainted will retptire probably two years or fore undertaking the expensive re with the facts, but it shall lie his mor«* to make the survey down th«* j pairs. We believe that they will have duty, as hereinabove stated, to I ake coast. Th«* preliminary .survey took | to put in ceutrifogal pumps to suc­ the initiative himself. up that much time. Tim«*s cessfully work the high bars of Sixes last Friday ou ♦ is Way 7- N e ha»« acoraiplet« stock to «elect fruto, and c«u please you in all ime«. Our CLOT Ml «tijck is al«ti cúmplete. ri:it Unlawful, l-fnd Ou.upqncy. — • I Mr. Burt s, Siq t i t filtrate* ».< <•*> < V* Bay LEWIN’S I Market —OOO------ river. The body of Jack Boom*, the young from i'rosper to I All Kinds oi man who was drowned a couple of the Sentinel says: About 5(10 of tbei weeks ago while assisting to break a stray logs caught behind th«» Cody log jam on the north fork of tin* Co- j mill works during ttie storm went to, quill«*, was recovered last Thursday. sea Sunday morning as the result of It was fonud a short distance down the malicious culling of the boom en- j river from where the accident or closing them. The dastard so mean ■ curled. The river bad been well as to cut loose the Jogs of tti«*s«* al I searched for the body al the time of Furnished at Living Prices. A .share » ot the Public Patronage ready heavy losers is too dauger*iiis j the drowning, but no trace was found to society to I.«* allowed at large, amt ' of it, and it was the general belief Solicited. The Cape Arago Light Station was should be apprehended, and drastic ! that it bait floated down the stream, C. P. J EXSEX, Master. and little hope was entertained for the scene of a very pretty home wed measures should b«* «*mployed ever recovering it. This Steamer is New. is Strongly bnilt, and fitted with the latest improvements, and will ding which took place on Jan. 10th, th«* community of him. give a regular 8 day service, for passengers and freight, between the 1907, when Miss Mari«> L. Amundson Coquille River, Oregon, and San Francisco, Calif. was united in marriage to Mr. Oscar ELBERT DYER, Agent, Bandon. Oregon. li. Langlois, the ceremony being per KRUSE, Managing Agent, 207 Front Street, San Francisco, California. formed by Rev. Thurston. 1 year, $1.50 The New, Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer ELIZABETH Mr. Burnham and wife, who are new comers, were in town on business last Friday night. They have lo­ cate«! a homestead on Elephant Rock creek, tint have been not ¡tied that the place has l*«*eu tiled on as a timbei claim, although it is brush land with no timber except a few trees. Th« swindling timber cruiser is getting in bis work all over Curry. A correspondent MEATS and PROVISIONS E. LEWIN Prop Civil Engineer anil Survey or. Higher Classes of Work Solicited BANDON, OREGON. -------------------------------- y—" California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company Steamei Alliance Now plying between Portland and Coos Bay only. Weekly trips. GEO. D. GRAY A CO., Gen’l Agta. 421 Market. St. San Francisco. W. SHAW, Agent, .Marshfield, Phone III. The many friends of Roas Sutton will be pleased to learn that be and Ids old friend and schoolmate, Moray Applegate, have organized in Oak­ land, California, the Metropolis Im provement Co., incorporated, and are engaged in real ««state, building and mill w**rk, and, having lensed wharf privileges, an* prepared to do co tract building and handle lumber on h large scale. In a letter received from our niece. Mrs. J («. Walker, wo learn that Mr W alker stood the trip to Bois«* City splendidly, amt that he lias t een mi proving in Liealtn since ins arrive there . Th *y are much pleased with the place. BANDON, OREGON Supervisor Ellis decided, wise)« th«* people believe, to i lit in atilt foot -pation the approach to the Six«*« bridge. This will enable drift to rm by, and will not bo so easily whs I u d out. Fortunately Mr Ntilson was able to furnish all the m*.'< ssary rod-, aud no delay was incut red. Tribune. Capital $25,000.00 —OOO----- BOARD OF DIRECTORS; .1 L. K konknbebo . I’re-idcnt. .1. D f . niioi . m . Vice I’m F. .1 Fxnv, ('«shier, F rank F lam . T. I’. II ani . v . Want Bounty on Shags. BANDON, \ yenuriil b.-mkinu biwineRM trnn«»icte m. to 3 pm. 'y ’-r?» B .A. LT ID O LT The Growing Town of Coos County and Southwest Oregon ICiie Recorder, Ihe reflector of I be events nel progressive doings of this progressive section Senator R«*pr»*s«*nl at i « •*- Chase mol ef 11 is di —11 Id Subscribe. Bring us Your Job Work. Advertise. have been asked to tty to pul tl i '.gli a • i>l .it Ibis '■ I’m of the Legislature providing for a bounty of ten emits each fi r ti-h eating sling-, instead ONLYS1.50 A YEAR live cents as the law now -l.ttuls. These B andon (). lints do great damage both tin- salmon ami trout l.y folio ing the schools when on I hell' way to I trf) t li iiis¿ Vw tor H iimìiivm * lilt» Vw llitiy Store is Nou I r» *li -ea and feeding oil millions of > In m. Il is the thought of many that if the Drugs and Druggist s Sundries. Patent Medicines, Brushes and Toilet Articles, Fancy Stationery. Fine line of Fancy Candies. money was spent in luintHy and a llt'le less for raising ti-h it would be saved, iti 'iu y for if nil were saved that are hatched from year to yen Imported and Domestic Cigars. t ere would be no n* ed of hatching > i«:i >v HI.ACKSAI ri’ll AND WAGOX Tagons of all Kinds Made to Order. MAKERS » Diirng llie big -torni thè Mtl-I.- .¡■•Id and Mitilo l’oint railroad was colisi, leral'l v Horseshoeing a Specialty■ Job wir» attended to promptly nnd ill work gniirRnteed to Hive satisfaction, reaaonable. Hhopott Atwater street, Bandon, Or. ooo — Prie s delle •r'<|ize*l. Tta'tis GRILL H. M. AXTELL, ROOMS Prop’r. Conducting a J neral & High-Class Restaurant Business Quick Service if Desired. -o many. i% i PACIFIC Special Rates to Steady Boarders Private Suppers for ';Od j is, Parties and Balls our Specialty Private Dinir g Rooms Prepared on Short Notice. Phone Pacific ! mi nirig tlir< tigli lo Ho* only resila poi Ut thè .)rsl of H e f- ) r • > • * . » • 4 » I