Y î. ® •• o • .*• • -------- -- • e • ° o 3O . o o Q uu • 0. o o Jt— m wBM • 4» 0 o O o o° °« o « t ■’’V. O o o o o — o T o. with reference ly the -teaililiMit THE RECORDER I Slid TI other question» uf vital concern bi o o ® ® o L »«6 b • 0 0 DIRECTORY. LODGE i» ruuLiüHab The Bandon Real feriate Ça Offre Foe Sah: to the Coquille Valley. Coquille baa . O. F SUHN0R1FT1ON RATER. campaign iu behalf of Coquille valley andon lodge , N». 188, i. o. o. f - Firat street, fl,500. meet» every Wedm-Hilav evening. One Year.................................................... f 2 00 aud bar. and there is uo possible ex- Visiting brother» iu good »lauding oor- Hoose aud live luta W. M. Ad Hix Mouth»............................................ 1 M cu»e why our committee »bould not dially invited. $3,000. Three Months............. MI J. L. STITT, N. G. Jv**"lr P ah » in A dvan «:», $1.50 a Y kab have been named before this. How P hil . P kahhon , Sec. Six acre» of laud Town of Bauilou, »ver, we are glad that our Chamber $1,500. Knight» of Pythia» '•'Ins pi*(>er is entered at the Handoii post ba» pledge*I its aid iu raising the xl!l.1*111 LODGE No. «0, Knights of House ami 13 acres laud, Towu of office as Seeond-claM Matter. * Pvtbias. Meet» every Monday even money necessary to send Orvil Dodge Bauilou $5,500. mg at M.-isoiiic ball. Visiting Knight» m t te National River» aud Harbor» vileil to attend. J. H. SHIELDS, C. C. ABVEKTISINO KATES. 660 acres, Dairy Ranch, #14,000. It. N. HAHKINOTON, K of It. S. Congress, where be will press tbe Legal Advertisements: to 1600 aeren. Slock Ranch, #6,000. First insertion. p*r line ................ F«*re»t«r» of America^ .05 claim» of tbi» section for another ap­ Each subse.pient insertion, line .. ■ 32b acres Dairy Rauch, #4000. .05 propriation for bar improvement. Mr. /«OUR! QUEEN OF THE FOREST, No. Locals, Jter line each insertion ....... ! Prosper I WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL .DEALER8 Oregon Pine, Spruce and White Cedar Lumber...... B ------- DEALERN IN General Merchandise Dodge ha» an extensive acquaint­ in Concrete Hall, Bandon. Oregon. A «sor­ Several other large dini welcome is extended to all visiting Dairy Ranches cheap. anceship in Washington, arid his abil­ brothers. W D. MARSHALL, .05 .05 ities and ffdelity to Southern C ook county are not in the least to be qu< s- A. li h i . Fin. Secretary. < 'lie f li tiller Woodmen of «tie World. Let us be doing on all mat- : QEASIDE CAMP No. 212. W O. W • » ineeta ill regular ses-loti the first and ters of interest to this favored local­ third Tliiirsi'av» of each month in the Ma­ sonic hall. Visiting members are cordially ity. invited. A. RICE, C C Roseburg Calls a Halt. a Specialty. The Sentinel Wearies. PROFESSIONAL. last week in opposition to the further The Corresponding Secretary of spread of the liquor business locally I the Board of Trade in this place bad bad the effect of calling forth many a cal) this week from various localities | words of commendation from leading in «lifferent States for literature de- i citizens of the community. To be scribing this valley ami its re»ources, sure tbere are some who are dispose d but unfortunately there is nothing! to differ with ns, setting up the claim suit utile on hand aud tbe Board of that if we are to stop more saloons we Trade is sleeping No life, no «»nier- | should slop more stores ami business prise, not even a common intere»! in IHNIXIN, Dr. S L. PROSPER, OREGON NEW MANAGEMENT DANIEL BOONE. Lessee. S & SUHGEON Office over Drugstore. Hours, Hto 13. I :H0 to 4, p ill ; 7 to S in the evening Night calls answered from office. 1.1 ni. Market Price Allowed for Produce of all Kind». I desire to inform the public of Bandon and vicinity that I have leased this popular eating house, and will conduct it aa a atrictly first-cln»» place where excellent meals will HINGLES for sale. No. 2 white cedar tie furnished for 25 GENTS AT ALL HOURS. Good treatment and aatirfaction always. shingles, full count, $1 per thousand Bandon Commercial Co. Short orders a specialty. Give us a trial.----- Dr Ti. L Houston. PHYSICIAN aud Special Edition—We have several hundred copies of the Recorder special edition ou band yet. Send them to yonr friends elsewhere. 1(1 cents a copy, 3 for 25c. O. C. W aldvogkl , Clerk. The position taken by the R ecorder Stock Several 30 and 40 acre tracts of land, cheap. Town Iola from #100 to #500 each. lioned. THUHSDAY, NOV. ¡i-', 1906. LOGGERS’ SUPPLIES * / 17. rneeta Friday night of each week, .10 .15 i, 5 1 Display advertisements, per inch... Display A*!»., one time only, inch... All Resolutions of Condolence ami lodge notices, per line........................... Cards of thunks, per line.................. Church notices free. Mill Co. TIT ANTED: by Chicago wholesale and V v mail order hou»e. aa»i»tant manager «man or woman) for this county and adjoin­ ing territory. Salary #20 and expenses paid OKKGON, weekly; expense money advanced. Work pleasant ; poaition permanent. No inveat- inent or experience required. Spare time Perkins, valuable. Write at onoe for full particulars and enclose »elf-addresHed « nvelope. GENERAL MANAGER, »eii of Fourmile Oregon. O. R BARROW B kn . iamin L. E ddy , Register. residence. the community’s morals, and not in­ obliged to ignore their call for infor­ spired by a desire lo protect the exist­ mation. ing barrooms from further competi­ Some time ago the three Boards of j tion. Such was far from our thought Trade held a joint meeting, and the. and intent, and we will dismiss the appeared very enthusiastic, aud agreed matter as nuworthy of added consid­ eration. The liquor business iu any town must be watched by the town and kept within a proper order of restraint, if the business is to exist there at all, for it is one not calcu­ lated to contribute to the better moi al welfare, and is separate and distinct from other pursuits Wo are con­ vinced of the justice of our demand io jointly appoint a commilteo to pi o-1 im.te tbe interests of the conutiy. They bad u banquet, retired to their j homes, aud never fulfilled their prom ises. At least tbe Coquille Board of i Trade President has hot. been aide to j drum up a meeting since. Mr. Pre-i ' dent, we move that you disband and J. Waldvogel & Son ♦ Leaders in the M eat L ine . Bandon, CLARENCE Y. Druggist and Apothecary O- T- Bl-timenrotlrer Oregon HOTEL LOWE, Bandon. Oregon, position cite the action taken but le- GALLIER SPECIAL BATES HT THE WEEK Olì MONTH. (J. S. <’«»inhiÎMsioiior and Notary Public. SAMPLE ROOM IN CONNECTION. BANDON, 15< >< its I< >Etf .............. BANDON HARDWARE CO. A. Garfield, Prop. (Succeuaors to Win Gallier.) b' ------ OOO------ Mill and Steamboat WORK A SPECIALTY. (S pecial M achines B uilt to O rder . Turned Shafting, Cap and Set Screws, Machine Bolts, Pipe and Pittings, Brass Work. PRINTING . Hardware and Tinware. Tinning and Plumbing a Specialty. 'u,<»al«»r in B oo I m an«l Shoe* tion with the coal land frauds along Saturday, on his way home from the tl e Union 1’acilic railroad. It detel bay. Mr. Zeek .s taking a great lu­ liepairing neatly and promptly doue it ups that for three years the Interior lowest living prices. tercet in the black sniids us it milling Department had detailed information proposition, and has great faith hi concerning these frauds, i>n whii li it the future of black sand mining. failed to act. Almost a year ago a Mr. Alft ■ed .Johnson left Inst Fri ay i à Rates $1.00 to $2,00 per Day. Is just tn receipt of a new and fresh stock of that place says: We are informed that William Drugs and Chemicals, Filings and Final proofs made on Home Roseburg is curbing the saloon. At Caruthers, an old lime merchant of steads. Timber Claims and other IL 8. Lands Patent and Proprietary Preparations the last, meeting of the City Council this place, died Nov. -1th in California. Toilet Articles, Money I. oüid Negotiated on Approved * I Mrs. R. Pomeroy left Saturday Security, resolutions were passed against licen­ IkriiggiMtM NundriëM. sing anymore saloons in that city, morning, via Roseburg, for Hemp OlHce in room 10 Beyerlo Building, B.ni­ stead, Texas, where she goes for an P erfumes , B rushes , S ponges , S oap . ton. Residence on Butte ('reek. Oregon. which now has fifteen thrist. parlors extended visit with relatives. N uts and C andies . ft' Kral «state bought and Sold. of high ami low degree, and miue ap­ U. T. Riley was iu Coquille Tues­ Cigar», Toba*'.-»» and <1 garet ten, pear to lie looking that way from the day ou his way from Bandon to Mu- Paint». Oil». Glass and Painters’ Supplies. adjoining dry counties. tie Point. Having disposed of bis in terests at Bandon lie will again take — OOO I I • ip Lis residence in Myrtle Point. I The retirement of Secretary Hitch­ I Norman Dodge leaves today on I lie cock as head of the Department of fbe Breakwater for San Francisco, lie Interior, and of \\ . A. Richards, for­ has in his ebarge several Ions of < re mer Governor of Wyoming, as Com­ from ilie Salmon Mountain niir.es missioner of the General Land Office, which will be treated at the Selby - ooo---- is believed to have been caused di­ smelter at Vallejo Junction. lengthy protest concerning these con­ with bi- wife for San Francisco, wlu ro , ditions was tiled with Commissioner he goes for medical aid for Mrs. Richards. Au instance which aroused •Johnson Sin» has had a sickness <*x some comment at the time was the tending over a period of three or four months. Ib-r many friends hop«» -h«» ! creation of th«* Klamath Forest Re­ may find relief and regain her former serve in northern California. This health. reserve, it was allegisi, while Having A. J . Ferrin and family moved to much valuable timber, also included Riverton Sunday, «here Mt. Ferrin much land owned by the Southern has accepted the position of sawyer Pacific through its grant of alternate in the mill at that place. The prop­ sections. This laud was absolutely erty has been shut down for some time, but a new management has worthless, covered with brush oi bar­ taken charge who say it will run ren, valueless for either timber ■ r steadily hereafter. grazing By getting rid of the la.id, Col. Coach, who has large inter« sis which could not be sold or marketed. in th«» Valley, and others have org m- , the road would save the taxes de­ iz.ed “ TlieCoach Transportation Com­ manded bv the State and secure good pany.” Tin» principal object of ihe corporation is f«r the purpose of I ir- land in exchange. nisbing Iran-poitalion for the pro­ ------ OOO------ duct« of the Coquille riv«»r VHtley, by The R ecorder hopes to sc»* <>ur ocean steamers Th*» capital stock ie Chamber of Commerce awaken Io Hie #200 000, ami #11)0,000 the st ck necessity of taking early and decisive has lieeu Bnbscribed. Prioee Resident Dentist let every one bo for himself and the! Attorney and Counselor at Law Notary Public devil for ns all Sentinel. to stop the threatened influx of froze- ----- OOO------- First-clas» references. Fifteen Yearn Ex­ perience. out saloon-keepers from the “dry" Items from the Sentinel. C oudh - le , OiiE * « ■ » I i1 * t • * * *’"'*' * i ? i '? 7 i “ 7* * '¡'-J- A. B. SABIN Manufacturer and Dealer in Promptly Done at the Recorder office. BANK BANDON, B ANDON OREGON Capital $25,000.00 All Kinds of Saddlery. ; ; of IliiriieftA and Saddle* Repaired. 1 BANDON, - - OREGON. T BOARD OF DIRECTORS; J. L. K bokknbkr ( i . President, J. D cnholm , Vice Pres. F. J. F aht , Cashier, F rank F lam , T. P. H anlt . C. H. PATTERSON Dray and General Delivery A general banking bnsincHt transacted, and customers given every accommodatiou consistent with safe and conservative flanking. Correspondents: Meet all Boats. ---- All.orders handled with care.----- H anihjn , < lB*e«. The American National Bank of San Francitco, California. Merchants' National Bank, Portland, Oregon The Chase National Bank of New York. from • « >*, 1» 14 . ■«»