f BANDON, Volume XXII OREGON: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Number 46. Fresh bread at Button s store. yard io sha|M>, and it is said more men Mrs. William Reddick died at Co- The Bandon Foundry and Machine Shop expects to get moved iuto its will be put on. Don't forget that Dr. Steele, < leu list, is , qilille a few days ago. oew quarters before the first of tbe The ( *ody Company will send its located in Bandon. F or S ale A four year old bay month, when it will be io tbe business Cash paid for sacks at Bandou tilly. Apply to Dr. Steele. output Io market by tbe barge route heart of town instead of in tbe sub wbeo tbe oew mill, now constructing, Commercial Co. warehouse. 160 acre ranch 5 miles from Bandon; orbs as at present. Tbe fouudry is J. H. Price Chooses Location is in operation, or tbe greater part of Ladies' Rain Coats in large assort­ good bottom laod, $2300. Baudon Foundation and Wharf Now going to have commodious quarters Real Estate Co that Offers Better and especially suited to its purpose, and Started, and Lumber for it will go in that way, it is under­ ment at Loreuz & Hoyt. one of tbe conveniences will lie an Dr. Tatom, the dentist, will be iu Chicken thieves are abroad in Ban­ stood. Cheaper Facilities. the Mill is Being Cut. electric plant to illuminate tbe entire don, aud we Lave no colored folks in Ami thus is an extraordinary |*eri materially was properly made an honorary mem has now returned and declared bis town by one Coyne, an organizer for evening. Prof. Kauerud’s orchestra Elizabeth. is furnished tbe music. augmented. intention to settle on tbe lower Co­ tbe Woodmen of tbe World, who her of the Bandon Chamber of Com- The steamer Elizabeth will carry now iu this place. Signed: tn arcs. Tbe Carman Crites mill began the Every lady iu town is invited to our to San Francisco one of tbe largest quille. He arrived in Bandou Tues store to see tbe elegaut new line of shipments of woolen cloths yetlurued task Monday morning of cutting tbe P. J 8. M c M anamna , day evening, and with him came a I Ladies’ Rain Coals we have just re­ out by the Bandou Woolen Mills. Presbyteriau Church. Special Supervising Deputy. lumber with which tbe mill will be force of eight ship carpenters, mostly ceived. Lorenz A Hoyt. Services will be held in the Proa- ----- ooo----- Lorenz A Hoyt are properly to be constructed, and in other ways have from Eureka, and a gentleman and byteriau Church next Sunday. Nov. W. U. Douglas, one of tbe promi­ called tbe Gentlemeu's Outfitters of active preparations started for mak­ The Canneries. his wife from some other outside 18th, morning and evening. Sunday nent legal lights of Marshfield, bad The canneries at Bandon and Pros­ business at the coming city the fore Bandon. Everything needed by man ing a final reality of this long mooted School wt 10 a.m. aud Christian En­ point. in the toggery line is to be found al enterprise. Mr. Price comes to begin business per are just now winding up tbeir part of the week. deavor meeting at 6:30 p.m. Strang­ our store It may be late in tbe spring before ers especially are welcome. immediately. That business is to be season’s work. Tbe concern at Ban­ Everyone should go and see (tie II. M. Axtell, late of Port Orford, tbe mill is finished aud ready for located here because tbis efectiou of­ don tiuisbed packing last Saturday, superb line of Heating Stoves aud Miss Irene Lamb of Coquille, graduate in is to formally open tbe diuing room tbe tinal cooking being made at 2 p.m. Ranges which tbe Baudon Hardware of the Pacific House to tbe public on operation, but there is no longer a music of Columbia College, Miltou, Oregou. fers tbe suitable lumber more handily Labeling Hnd boxing are now claim­ is prepared to give lessons on piano and and economically than Coos bay, aud ing the attention of tbe force, though Co. has now on display. Saturday noon. Mr. Axtell is epokeu doubt that it will be hnmmiug by mandolin in Bandon, Friday and Satur­ J. C. Logan and wife were up from of hb an experienced restaurant lunti. summer at tbe farthest, adding many day of each week. Terms 50 cents an hour. be bas something to do at tbe begin­ they are somewhat handicapped by a Inquire of Mrs. Cbas. Kime. ning of his venture. scarcity of labels wbicb are slow in their home near Port Orford tbe fore Tbe lingering and partially broken more men aud families to our present ■ part of tbe week on a visit to tbe gen- storm of the past two weeks broke population. Tbe yard will eventually have its arriving. The Prosper cannery fin­ I tieman's brother. W. H. Logan aud into renewed fury last night, aud a ished packing a little sooner than tbe So much for tbe known public scene io Bandon, but for tbe- presen f, one at this place, and, while it put up j family terrible southeaster with accompany spirit of tbe substantial citizens of until tbesilecan be determined upon, more cases of fish, they were chiefly Hark Dunham and bis good port ing rain fell upou us. Everyone is it will be located at tbe Carmau-Crites half pound tins against full pound eye were looking at Bandou again tbe fervently praying fora change in tbe Bandon! mill, nearly opposite Prosper. tins in tbe greater lot at Bandon, first of tbe week. Hark took occa­ weather. One of the great social events of An ocean lumber barge for tbe Cody Altogether tbe season has been quite sion to focus bis eye significantly oo tbe season in Bandon comes off at Steve and Ed Gallier purcbasd the a successful one, aud tbe operation the R ecorder man while here. Bauk Hall next Saturday evening. Lumber Company will be tbe first remaining five acres of the Fisher I of the canneries has put considerable Nov. 17tb. We refer to tbe twelfth Tbe social committee of Ocean tract iu tbe southern part of town, construction work of the new yard. money in circulation on tbe lower annual ball of Delphr Lodge. No. <’L At least such is tbe report io circula­ river. Another week will probably Rebekah Lodge extend an invitation au-n- cations count for anything there will be will engage in teaming during the ing and granted Gross Bros a re be a mouster attendance, Tlie tluor winter months. Mr. Taylor has Ins newal of tlieir liquor license. It was will be ably looked after, the supper I family here, Hud will return in tbe decided by the Board to make tbe will be No. 1, anm bas a heart as big as a watermelon on a visit to Coos bay. Mr. Jeii-eu Complete Line of Everything at Wholesale Prices. « Best bargains offered by when it comes to helping a praise­ sought tbe protecting wing of Col, worthy movement. Blumenrother while iu town. Bandon Vicinity Gets Shipyard. Work Begins on the Cody Mill W I NTER M illinery ! Complete Absortmeut Nobbiest of Styles. JUST RECEIVED ! HATS MADE, TRIMMED —TO ORDER= Miss Maud Garfield A Full line of Dress Goods. NOW is the time to buy Bandon real estate Umbrellas in Great Array. Trowbridge’s A party of mighty Hunters, com­ posed of Warron Parker, John Ham block, Warren Billiard and James Morrison, returned last Sunday fiom I a week's stay at New Lake, and with them they brought about fifteen geese and over fifty ducks. They report a good time, but preferred seeing more "goosies" of tbe feathered kiud than came within tbeir range. 1 he tug Triumph is daily looked for ou her return from Portland whither she was taken for repairs about two months ago. Two weeks ago, when J. L. Krouenberg left the •Stales metropolis, the Triumph was fully overhauled and ready foi sea, but she has probaldy lieen bolding back waiting for better weather Tbe ¡crew that brings her down will take back tbe substitute tug, tbe Geo. R. Vosbnrg. Purser Kinsman and Chief Engi­ neer King of tbe steamer Elizala lb are trying their dainty hands al Hie printing profession whenever idle in port these days. The R ecorder <•*- taLlishinent is the scene of tbeir ef­ forts, and they are already liecomi ig so proficient that they can fold pa­ pers, (sdiab the cylinder, and play the ‘•devil ’in gen »ml. We tried to in­ duce Assistant Engineer McK-mna to take tbe job of fighting editor. I nt could do nn {.neinpH4 with (bat hooey. The invitational entertainment giv­ en at Masonic ball last Thursday evening nuder the auspices of tbe Grand Circle, W omen of W ooilcraft., was quite well attended and pleasxut and profitable for all. It is not un­ likely that a circle will lie instituted in tbis town before long. J. L Randleman, of Norway, w, ut down the river tbe last of the week to see bis father, Henry Ruudleman, of j Bear ecrek, who lias been in feeble health for some time, aud who is glad nally growing weaker. On account of Ins advanced age, 82 years, little hopes of bis recovery ate entertained. Inadvertently the R ecorder failed Io mention last week that Capt. Levi Snyder was to lie in command of the towboat Traveler which the Rivet ton Mill Co. bas secured to tow i pleased when lie is comfortable in bis new liertti. Tbe Traveler should! hive lieen here liefore this, but tbe cuutiuned bad weather is probably responsible. The barge Cbimxik, Inden with Intuber. has lieen lyitnr at the Bandon dock for a number of days waiting for her escort to tip |>ear oT the bar. » », * o BANDON REAL ESTATE CO. Office in Denholm building, upstairs. C. T. Blumenrother A. D. Morse Bandon, Oregon A. J. HARTMAN & CO Carry a Full Line of GROCERIES & CROCKERY Also Art Needle Work Goods. ./ Fine Assortment of Holiday : Goods Have been ordered and will duly arrive. ------------- x-------------- Our Bowling Alley and Pool Parlors In the npi>er story of our new building are now opened to the public, and offer amusement to oue and all io tbeir leisure. Bowling for Ladies Monday evenings. Prizes awarded NEW BUILDING. MAIN STREET. BANDON