LODGE DIRECTORY Text Books May be Free I Marion County Farmer» Not to AIL Hospitable to Mormon Laagleia. Mrs. Frank Holman wbo has lieen spending a few days with ben sister Oregon school children will be sup . Maeoalo, Elders. in law, Mr«. Counts, returned to her plied with free text-books and other andon lodge . No. us. a . f . a ffi . home iu Bandon Tuesday. Salem Capital Journal. Stated communications first Satur­ needed materials if tbe measure to be Mr. and Mrs. Z. Boice came down day after the full vided they are tbe same as used by longer under the auspices of ths mis­ dealer, for tbe Young aud Co., firm € ornee over furnitcre store . Eastern Oregon Flour. tbe other scholars. Before any pub­ sion, but are organized as integral of Oakland, Cal. * ❖ BANDON, OREGON. lisher of schoolbooks shall be allowed parts of the church and are self sus­ A message was phoned here Tues Special Prices on 5 and 10 Sack lots. X to enter into a contract with a district, taining. With two or three million­ day morniog of tbe serious illness of GEO. P. TOPPING, 4 Mrs JobD Anderson'of Denmark. Her s said firm must give a gilt edge bond aires in tbe fold they should be. ATTORNEY íxd COUNSELOR AT LAW Half gallons * busbaod hastened up coast, since AMD ranging from J2000 to $20,000 for tbe Tbe Mormon church maintains which time no word has been received. NOTARY PUBLIC. faithful performance of every con- j about 2000 missionaries in the field Mrs Franz Thomsen of the Star Fire Insurance. dition of the contract; should any all the time. Any intelligent young Ranch and her son Thomas started Raodon, — — — — Oregon. - - Oregon. <• part of this agreement, which will Mormon of good moral character is Wednesday morning for an eight I Bandon, days' visit on tbe Coquille river in not be made for a longer period than liable to mission duty, and when C. R BA-RROW" ay rain and ill eeds five years, be violated, the contract called, be generally goes and further­ tending to visit at Baudon on tbe «Iways on hand. M Attorney and Counselor at Law way. will at once be canceled. Notary Public more, be pays bis own expense,or tbe 4 4 4 4M- 4 •> 4 4 4# 4 444 4 <• «44 “One clause in tbe law will read: family pays it for him. Tbe cburch Firat-cla«« references Fifteen Yeais Ex­ Riverton. perience. ‘Any contract entered into under the will stand for tbe price of a return D. P. STR ASG, Jr. A. E. HA DS ALL, CoqUIlXB, O begon . Mr. Wilboit baa opened a butcher Practical Surveyor. provisions of tbis act with any pub­ ticket and a free copy of tbe “Deseret shop io Riverton. This baa been lisher wbo shall hereafter become a News ’ and that s about all. needed long time, and we should C- T- Blumenrother party to any combination or trust for The young Mormon missionaries «bow our appreciation by liberal pat If you want a home in Oregon, investigate our offerings. tbe purpose of raising the price of are aggressive. They are all the time renage. One Riverton woman at 17. 8. Commissioner and Notary Public. We have Timber and Coal Lands, Farm and Dairy Lands, Stock Ranches and school text books shall, at the wish of telling of the restoration of tbe true least has apparently patronized the Filina« and Final proof« made on Home CITY ZPROFERTY. shop in a liberal way as she said, “I stead«, TimberClaims and other U. S. Lands tbe School Board of the district using gospel by the prophet Joseph Smith, If you wish to buy, sell or exchange, call on us and we will give yon good bongbt more meat than I wanted just such books, become null and void.’ wbo found a book of golden plates Money Loan* Negotiated on Approved to accommodate the buteber ’f ben she service. Homeeteadfrs Located on Desirable Government Land Security. Tbe books will simply be loaned to under a rock, somewhere in New went around town trying to give the 40 good level LOTS in WOODLAND ADDITION, close in and cheap for cash. Office in room 10 Beyerle Building, Ban­ tbe children, tbe volumes being held York state, which he translated by m at away to tbe neighbors. don. Residence on Bntte Creek. Oregon. as property of the district means of a seer stone This was tbe Ira Metcalf has rented the River Real Estate bought and Sold. “Oregon has a law compelling all book of Mormon. Josepb did not ton Hotel. He took possession Tues­ S'lX, children between tbe ages of 7 and 14 stop at that but couliuued to have day. Stock ranch of 630 acres: good buildings and other improvements. >5 per acre. We have dairy ranches, city residence propeity and acreage property within city Mrs. Ed. Price and son Eddie, re The W. R. Haines MtiBic Co. years to attend school several months revelations from tbe Almighty. He limits. turned borne last week, we are pleased Marshfield, will refund all expense of each year. And. while this measure was succeeded by Brigham Yonng, BANDON OR. Office in Ellkoriitlo Kltlg transportation, including a days’stop is a good one, it works many hard­ wbo also bad revelations. It is part to note that bolli «re improved in health. at Marshfield, to anyone purchasing a ships. There are thousands of poor of the faith that the president of tbe Miss Myitis Davis of Remote is piano, coming from the following families in the state who have several church gets revelations from on high friends in Rivertou this visiting places or tributary thereto: Langlois, children of school age, and must give week. at any aud all times when needed. Bandon, Coquille and Myrtle Point. Have several ditlerent makes of all them an education. On tbe average A good Mormon must believe that Mr. Chaney ruet with a painful ac­ styles aud finish. We carry piano text-books do not cost less than $2 a j Josepb Smith gets revelations from cident a few days ago. W bile work­ C. P. JESSES. Master. players, pipe aud reed orgaus, talking pupil aunualiy, to say nothing of tbe God, and be teaches it. Joseph F. in ing 10 the Riverton mill some pieces machines aud a full line of sheet hi. Steamer is New is «tronglv baili, aud fitted with the latest improvements, and will money paid out for other school sup I bis testimony in tbe Smoot case in of saw dost flew into bis eye, and it I Ihi. S’<’an’7v,e‘‘RNr g(tH“ service. f, ,r ..„««engeFs and freight, between the music aud musical merchandise, also seems that tbe doctor was unable to Coquille River, y its GEO. D. GRAY A CO., Gen l Agt«. Marshfield, Phone 141. 421 .Market Ht. Han Francisco. plies for tbe children, said supplies adherents in all thing*, except in the will be furnished by the district. But matter of polygamy. Tbe laws of people do not like to do thia. Oregon tbe laud and a very convenient revel-1 ia a ricb state aud should not be be­ ation from God to tbe prophet has —AT— hind iu tbe progressive educational stopped that. Aud now a young Mor „ », i. Everything New and Freeh. The New Drng Store 1« Wo * movements of the Nation. M e should mon manages to skirmish «long as have a free text book law as soon as best be can. with only one partner BARDOS possible.’—Telegram. for bis joys and sorrows. Nice clean room«. 35 and 30c a Light. f 1 ‘K> —ooo----- — ooo---- a week ; >5.00 a month. V.L. Arrington of Myrtle Point Sheriff Gage was a business visitor Fine line of Fane, Oendiee. Imported and Dmneetic Cijan. . MRS. 8\RAH COSTELLO. was a Bandon visitor this week. Saturday THE WATER IS FINE AT B B D C S BANDON FLOUR! “Pure White Resident Dentist “Byer’s Best, Blue Ribbon” : I I I MASON S PATENT FRUIT JARS 1’V H ■ , G M F | COQUILLE VALLEY LAND CO. #15 TO *70 1400 ACHES CEDAR TIMBER The New. Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer ELIZABETH BOOTH SHOES c. s. ’iilkwli Steamship M. BREUER S Steamer \lliaiKc Furnished Rooms B andon The Pacific Co. Drugs and Druggist s Sundries, Patent Medicines, Brushes and Toilet Articles, Fancy Stationery,