Volume XXII. BANDON, OREGON: THURSDAY, More Holy Rollerism. JULY 19, 1906. Number 29. Chris Long has returned from a Dane« Saturday night. l>auce by Orchestra at Bank Hal) visit with relatives in the east Saturday night. The Rivertuu sawmill bus beeu Don't misa the dauce at Bank Hall Mr. and Mrs Alf. of Coquille, are ! started up agaiu. Saturday night. Admission 5(*c. here this week for an outing. Mrs. Wm. Hite WHH Visit i tig Co­ A. J. Burrows, tt i practical elec- qull|H rp|a(lVHb i^, weeL D. S. Rouse, the Riverton coal man, Frank A. Stewart Ims retired from was transacting business here Mou triciau from Almrdeen, Wash., is iu I II... • mission i here being . to | . Gene \\ ickham of Coquille was the Port Orford Tribune and his sou, tue city, i bis day. H A. Stewart, now has full charge of here Oft iltt utlllUg Ibis week. Dr. Steele has returned from a visit investigate the prospect for installing the paper. C. F. Lorenz and family have been an electric light plant. He is very Mrs. Creffield is Accessory Before the Fact, She Having at the ranch and can now be found at favorably impressed with our towu visiting relatives at Bridge the past S. W. Roeseler, Lieut. Col. C. of E , his office. U. S. Army, aud J. S. 1’olhemus, as­ and country aud says he will put iu week. Provided the Gun With Which Deed Was Committed. Rasmtiai-en Bros, are having a uew sistant engineer, were here Monday Mieses Edna Lorenz and Ethel Ibe plant if given the encouragement. floor put down iu their billiard aud making an inspection of the govern­ Seattle, Wash.. July 13.—Father bind the left ear, and be died instant­ He expects the towu to grant him a Johnson of Coquille are enjoying au reading room. ment work. They found everything Mitchell abot aod killed her brother ly- franchise and the Board of Trustees outing at the beach. in first-class shape. C. Leik and R. Ed. Rackleff came up from Lang- will bold a meeting to talk the prop Ed. Ellitigsou has just completed George, the elayer of Fraoz Edmund As the gun was brought up Free lois yesterday to buy fall goods from Warrack, lighthouse engineers, were ositiou over. He was not able to a new 24-ft gasoline lauuch fur Creffield, in the union depot, at 4:20 Mitchell leaped to seize the weapoD, commircial men. here at the same time. make an absolutely definite propsitiun Cunnie Johnson in Coquille. thia afternoon, aa George aud bis but be was too late. He grabbed Es­ Attorney C. R. Barrow was down ibis muruiug regarding the franchise T. W. Smith, the salmon hatchery Steve Scotten, local editor on the brother Perry, were on their way to ther’s arm just after she tired, and Coquille the first of the week looking or price of lights but stated that be man came over from the Bay Monday Sentinel, was down from Coquille take a Northern Pacific train for the girl collapsed in bis arms. She after some legal business. and proceeded up the river where lie would expect a thirty-year franchise, Sunday with the excursionists. will spend some time in search of a E. W. Scbetter of Marshfield was a and that be would agree to commence Portland. stayed there until depot policemen No real estate agents are authorized proper location for a hatchery which work within three months and have passenger south for Wedderburn on Miaa Mitchell was walking behind hurried up and placed her under I to sell any of my property. the government is desirous of estab­ yesterday morning's stage. plant in operation within eight the two brothers, io compauy with a arrest. J. E. F isher . lishing on the Coquille. Anyone who N. C. Medley of Coquille has lo­ mouths. He said it would probably third brother, Fred. She had gone D. P. Strang Jr. of the Coquille knows of a suitable place for such an Both Esther Mitchell aud Mrs. cated in Bandon for the present and be sixty days before be conld close to the depot for the purpose of kill­ Creffield, who was arrested at 7 has taken charge of the furniture up his business interests hi Aberdeen Valley Lam] Co. was a business vis­ institution would coufer a favor on ing be brother, and she greeted him o'clock last night, while on her way store. aud be in a position to commence itor at the county hub last Thursday. Mr. Smith by giving what informa­ Ensign Storey and three members tion he could. This is a matter of with a smile and a hearty bandshake, back from the cemetery where Geo. E. Peoples, of the O. K work here. He claims that he is act­ of the Salvation army from Marsh­ great importance to our fishermen in she loitered behind to get her op­ “Joshua” Creffield is buried, acknowl­ Creamery was down the latter part of ing in good faith and that if granted field held meetings iu Bandon last particular, and all information pos a franchise intends to move here and j portunity. A revolver purchased the edged in statements taken before last week looking after business in­ Saturday aud Sunday. sible should be given to assist in the take personal charge of the plaut day before by Mrs. Creffield, for the Chief Wappenstein that they bad terests. aud should anything come up that Married At Coquille, Wednesday. securing the best place.—Herald. Father Dounelly arrived in town assassination, was carried concealed conspired to kill George. Had it would prevent him from going ahead -July IIS, 1906, S. E. Osborn and Miss Dr. Prentis Marshfield Tuesday evening and de with the work, that be would throw Floy Nelson, Justice Holden officiat­ under a cape thrown carelessly over been necessary Esther Mitchell was parted Wednesday morning for Cape Dentist up the franchise and not use it for ing They will commence house­ Esther Mitchell's left arm. prepared to follow her brother to Blanco, I Is now in town for a short stay, For speculative purposes. When asked j keeping in a few days on Mr. Osborn’s Fred Mitchell offered to carry the Portland. It was this insane demand T. T. Land has sold his confection­ regarding the price of lights, Mr. ranch south of town. Their many first class, up-to-date dentistry call cape and as she banded it to him, the for vengence that prompted her to ery store to T. H. Mehl. A. W. Var­ Burrows stated that lights for the i friends extend congratulations. on him. Office in room 1 at hotel. sister raised her revolver and fired, I refuse to accompany her father on ney will continue in charge of the city would cost not to exceed $8 per business. The bullet struck young Mitchell be- b*8 return to Illinois. month for arc lights and $2 per Before another year Coos Bay will mouth for 32 c. p. lights. The Cost take its proper place upon the rail­ of lights for business houses would road maps of the United States.— depend somewhat on the number of Portland Oregonian. lights taken in the town but he Two moving picture shows in town thought perhaps the following would last week and more beaded this way. be about right: One light $150; two A change in the entertainment line lights $2.50; three to five, $1 (Ml each; more than five, special contracts. would be very acceptable Harry Wilson, of Denmark made a Residences $1.50 to 2.50 per month business trip to Myrte Point last Sat- for one to five lights. Mr. Borrows is looking into con nrday. Mr. Wilson informs ns that ditious today and will be able to talk he expects to move to Bandon in a more definitely after investigating short time. The Misses Mina Lambert and ------ OQO------- This store is replete with everything in high grade Nettie Sears returned to their borne Chico Ashore. furnishings. Our vast showing of Underwear, io Eureka, Cal., this week, after a Shirts, Hosiery, Shoes, Neckwear, Suspenders, etc. A telegram was received here Tues­ two months visit with friends and combined with our special low prices keeps this relatives here. day stating that the stin. Chico was store prominently at the top as positive headquar There is a rumor that the Woolen ashore at Shelter Cove. 40 miles be­ ters for wearers of stylish and dependable Furnishings. mill at North Bend is to resume oper low Cape Mendocino, but no further ation in the near future. If Bandon particulars have been received. can make this industry pay surely ----- ooo— Coos Bay can too.—Coos Bay Times. F or S ale —160 acres dairy farm, 7 M. Doyle came up from Wedder- bnrn the first of the week to meet E miles from Bandon. 60 acres im­ C, Mather and wife of North Bend proved bottom land. 100 acres level and J. C. Whittengton of Myrtle bench Fair bouse and barn, small orchard.—Coquille Valley Land Co,, Poiot. who accompanied him home. ?-94?-9-3-9??-9 .3-3????-9?-334-9-93??-S-3 9-9->9-?->9?-j-34-54-:5?^ Lee Barrows killed a 300 pound Baudon, Oregon. * ¥ bear last Sunday at the big burn w w back of Rose's place near Bullards. 8 BANDON, OREGON Getting Io be almost an every-day •Ò w SAN FRANCISCO. CAT. occnrence for some one to kill a bear •t in this neck of the woods. ¥ B> have opened an office in the Marshall building it .7 A. G. Thrift, recently arrived from west of the Postoffice in Bandon for the purpose of doing Ì Honolulu, where be was in the gener­ s a general Real Estate business, and are now pre pa red to yj al merchandise business, has pur handle Farm. Timber a nd Coa I Lands anti Town Proper­ i chased Ivy Coodron's interest in the Pioneer Grocery Co. Mr. Condron ty- Our San Francisco office brings us in contact with ..Ò will however, remain iu the store un­ it INSURANCE COMPANY OF N. Y. capitalists seeking desirable investments and affords us Ù O til the first of the year, and until that special facilities for handling large tracts of Timber or Ó o date Mr. Thrif will have charge of P. B. HOYT, Agent, BANDON, OR. the books The new partner is a son V Coal lands, or tracts suitable for colonization. dr of Alex Thrift formerly of Langlois ù If yaa-haveproperty fa/ sale in either toon or coun­ o o but now of San Jose.—Coos Bay I he Mutual I.’fe Insurance Company waa organized in 1*13, tlx- firat of its Times. try. in large or small tracts, come in and talk it over with v ¥ Wants Electric Light Franchise. Esther Mitchell Shoots Down Her Brother in Cole Blood After Shaking Hands With Him. I Trowbridge’s JSTe’w Spring Styles MEN'S FURNISHINGS Headquarters for Complete Line Just Received Dependable Merchandise LORENZ <& HOYT. BANDON, OREGON ilI The $ WHEELER REAL ESTATE COMPANY. The Mutual Life « us. We hope to establish ourselves in business here by fair dealing and courteous treatment. All property listed with us will receive our verxj best attention Come in and let us get acquainted- T. B. n HEELER. Manager. The W. R. Haines Music Marshfield, will refund all expense of transportation, including a days'stop at Marshfield, to anyone purchasing a piano, coming from the following places or tributary thereto: Langlois. Bandon. Coquille and Myrtle Point. Have several different makes of all styles and finish. We carry piano players, pipe aud reed organs, talking machines aod a full line of sheet music and mu«ical merchandise, also Domestic sewing machines. Easy payments. ,t V •Ò V V i I •Jr v « 9???4?-9-9444444444-9?-9???-J»* 14-9-544?■9434?44?4??34? ?4? The Recorder Sent to any address 1 year, $1.50 • - I I L. E. Poe drove through from Roseburg this week with a party of campers. F. M Heard and daughters Ethel and Blanche of Roseburg, and Mi■ Miller and wife. C. (>. Dryden and wife, Miss Frankie Dean. G L. Dean. Mrs S. C. Johnson and the Miaaes Emma Sherwood, Doll Skeels. Esther Boyd, Gretchen Nher- wooJ. Emily liarlocker. Hazel Gillham, Ella Johnson. kind in Anieric i. In 24 years it hint become the lamest in the world, For 30 tear”, m «pile of Ole keenest competition, it tin-- held tho lead. pasHing un Imrived throng* panics, failures, atstkea and wars: meeting with promptness Its every obligation and having over 170 millions of asset* to-day; tills being 78 million* tn e «-e*s of the 30-.’ millions required by law as a reserve fund for paying all tin Company's insurance risks, ns certified bv the New \<>rk In­ surance departi lent; and all other legal liabilities. A policy in tl> Mutual Life is just ns giaai as gold. No obligation conld Iosaibly lie better. A bond of the I . S. Government is no safer. ft. will, therefore, Ire a rui-f-irtor.e if anyone is misled l>y the writer who prints for >e»enue or for notoriety, or by the attorney who ia out for his clients, or the competitor who n out for himself, or even by the gentlemen who have organ­ ized themselves into committees under an honest rm sap, reheimon of the facts. Such incidents may tend to binder business, but need deter no one who needs insurance. IL • Mutual Life issues a policy at a notably low rate, which provides moat far reaching protection. OUR RATES AND PLANS P. B. HOYT, BEFORE INSURING. Bandon