: LODGE DIRECTORY, i Tbe ladies of Line. Leander, Our Correspondent andon lodge . N o . us , a . f . a m . Tells of the Week’s Inci­ oornmnnicationa Mr ** oat or- B day Stated Thirty Engineers Arrive in after the full moon of each mouth dents at the Hub. All Master Masons cordially invited. Coos County to Continue G. BOAK. W. M P. N il von, Sec the Work. Pursuant to custom will pencil you a few Masonic. lines. 1. O. O. F Point. Myrtle COQUILLE NEWS NOTES Surveying Coast Everything is dry up tbis way, now, andon lodge . No. 13S. i. o. o. f . even tbe atmosphere as well as tbe saloons; Additional evidence that tbe South­ meets every Saturday evening. bowever, tbe water in tbe Coquille river ern Pacific Company intends io build Visiting brothers in good standing oor- ebbs and flows just tbe same, and now m< n dially invited. a railroad along tbe coast from Eure O. F. LORENZ,. N. G. will engage in tbe illicit traffic and resume A. J. H artman , Seo. business as heretofore under tbe prohibition ka, Calif ., to Marshfield, connecting B tbe Improvement Lane County is Dry Club bare bad gates built at two cor­ Eugeue. Or., Jnue 29.—(Special to nets of tbe public square, ami will have steps built over tbs fence at tbe Journal.)—Judge Harris to­ Tbeir next move will day rendered bis decision in tbe lo­ be to gravel lbs wh A« ami place cal optiou case, aud under bis find- seats in tbe park tiding it up so that it Will be a pleasant place in which to inge Lane county will be dry. Tbe other pointy. spend spare moments for cittaens or After tbe park is provided visitors. for these euterprieing ladies hope to secure a public library giving people same question caiue up in Linn. Beu ami ton Yamhill counties, all of which went dry. aud it is probable Harris' opinion Judge will l*e Tbe W. R. Haiuea Music Co. Marshfield, will refund all expense of transportation, including a days' stop at Marshfield, to anyone purchasing a piano, coming from tbe following places or tributary thereto: Laogloia, Bandon, Coquille and Myrtle Point. Have several different makea of all styles and finish. V e carry pMOo players, pijie and reed organs, talking machines ami a full line of sheet music and musical merchandise, also Domestic sewiog machines. Easy pay ment sv in­ regime, notwithstanding tbe fact that some elphi lodge N o . m , Kmght« of of our divines have presented a panorama Pvthias. Meets every Monday even iog at Masonic ball. Visiting Knights in­ of tbe future, wherein, two years hence, our vited to attend. F. A. HOLMAN, C. C. streets will be all repaired, and debts liqui­ B N. H absington , K of R. 8. dated. in fact, dwelling in tbe Garden of Eden, if prohibition is adopted; but we Furaeter« of America. C. Haga is building a new resi dorsed by tbe other judges. Tbe case free reading of good books. Every < deuce in Woodland additioo. ing branch from Drain, tbns com progressive citizen will certainly wish will, no doubt, be appealed to tbe pieting another through road from tLem well in tbeir undertaking and supreme court. Tbe law goes into V. R. WiJaon of Coquille was a Portland to San Francisco, was fur­ do wbat tbev can to forward tbeir en­ effect Sunday, July 1st. business visitor Friday. nished this morning, when a South­ deavors. OURT QUEEN OF THE FOREST. No. think they are false prophets, and if they 17, meet* Friday night of aach week, preach such fallacy in the pulpit, is it to be in Concrete Hall, Bandon. Oregon. A cor­ dial welcome is extended to all visiting wondered that they have empty iswh and brothers. W D MARSHALL, the sinner is unconverted? A. Rica, Chief Ranger. Fin. Secretary. Our city at tbe present time baa an in ern Pacific surveying party of 30 Knight, of Pythia. D C at the latter point with tbe forthcom men, who arrived last night from San Francisco, left this morning for Marshfield, to commence tbe survey It is said that tbe fish are beginning ÌLOUR! to bile at Bandon, and tbe camjters are burryiDg to tbe oceanside from all directions. of the remaining links of tbe projected creased population, temporarily augmented C. L. Bernier has sold bis coal line. Tbe party ia comprised of seven easide camp N o . sis . w o . w . from tbe different logging camps, who have black roadster which be recently pur­ meets iu regolar session the first and regular surveyors, their assistants, third Thursdays of each month in the Ma- come to prepare to celebrate at tbe different chased of Schiller B. Hermauu to aonie hall. Visiting members are oordislly places, our natal dav of independence. The mostly students from tbe University Chas. Jamieson, of Port Orford, tbe invited. A. RICE, C. C. great Americau eagle is not going to flop bis of California, and camp tenders O.C. W aldvooxl , Clerk. consideration being $225. wings here, consequently Arago and tbe city Four of Kelly & Banks' three seated by the sea will be honored with our pres­ Tbe large boiler of C. C. Carter’s hacks, each drawn by four horses, ence. mw donkey. engiue went through Woodmen of the World. S PROFESSIONAL. Railroad matters have been resus­ Dr H. L Houston, & PHYSICIAN SURGEON Office over Drug Store. Hours, 9 to 12, a.m. 130 to 4, p m . ; 7 to 8 in tbe evening. Night calle answered from office. - - BANDON, OREGON. - Dr. 8. L. Perkins, PHYSICIAN TS and LynD and me went down town for suiueihibg more stimulating and appropriate for our stomachs. Tbe wagon roads are iu excellent condition and tbe possessors of a horse You Can’t Expect to Get ft Worth for fl, But You Can Get Your MONEY’S WORTH at M. BREUER’S Dealer in aod buggy are baskiog in tbe sun­ shine of luxury, and your correspond ent, less fortunate, contents himself The Talk of the Town Square Sifter (SPOKANK, WASH) Flour. Sold by 11. A. COX sueb a * Special Prices on 5 and 10 Sack lota. MASON'S PATENT FRUIT JARS I » s w S Bandon, : - H ay , G rain <* - - and Oregon. M ill F eeds always on hand. *.♦ *** <■<> -K-> « D. P. STRANG, Jr. COQUILLE VALLEY LAND CO. If you want a home in Oregon, investigate our offerings. We have Timber and Coal Lands, Farm and Dairy Lands, Stock Ranches and CITY PROPERTY. Francisco with its many steep grades, very least for ridding tbe country of will pay its cost of construction in a few years by tbe great saving to its —ooo---- Josh Billings on Insurance. owners in the cost of hauling freight trains and in tbe time consumed Nick Collar was transacting busi­ ness at Marshfield Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Goetz are visiting tbeir mother at tbis place. It is understood that tbe telephone, telegraph, express and other corpora­ tions upon whom a tax was voted at the recent election, will not pay until the new law is tested ia the courts. M C. Woodruff of Minneapolis, and a sister from San Diego, arrived here last week am! drove to Encbre Creek to visit tbeir brother. Judge Woodruff. Tbis was the tint meeting of tbe brothers io 36 years. C. B. ZEEK, Hay Grain and Feed. their travel—Roseburg Review. I kum to tbe konclusion lately I Lt hi ife was so uusarlin that the only WHy for me to stand a fair chance with other folks was to get my life iusured Base Ball. There was a red-bot ball game at the ball park last Sunday. Tbe pl ay era were all employee on tbe govern meat work. Those that work on the north side of tbe river were desig­ nated as l6and fleas” and those who are employed at tbe quarry bore tbe significant title of • dynamiters.” Tbe sand fleas were stickers and won tbe game by tbe close score of 13 to 12. A keg of dynamite was put up as a trophy. King Bedillion witnessed the game and offers to bet that the weavers at the woolen mill can de­ feat either team. Tbe line-up was as follows: Sand Fleas Dynamiters Littlefield Swift Fieger Davis Patterson F. Holman Walser R. Holman Adams Lewis Biackerby Whipple Inman Wbittock Osborne Gross Walker Farrier tbe ageut of tbe Bandon- Oregon. V The New, Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer Guardeu Augei Life Insurance com­ pany, ami answered tbe following questions which were put to me ovet C. P. JENSEN, Master. the top of a pair of spectacles by n slick old fellow, with as round a be«' as was ever owned: “Are you a mal< or female! If so, state bow long you have boen so Had you a father oi phi« Bfeanier is New. in Strongly built, «mi titled with the latest improvements, and will give a regular H dav service, for pasHeriRer« and freight, between the Coquille River, Oregon, and San Francisco, Calif. E. T. ELBERT DYER, Agent. Bandon, Oregon. KRUSE, Managing Agent, 207 Front Street, San Francisco, California. mother! If so, which! Are you sub If ject to fits! bo , ii lloeli do you ever hav< more than one at a time! your precise tiling wale! ever have any ancestors! \\ bat i JkliMt eilet Did yoi And if so. Correct Abstracts for any part of Coots County far­ li inhed on Nhert (jomptmy how much! Du yu have night mares? Are yu married, or are yu a bachelor! Right. Priera COQUILLE, - - Notier. - OREGON. Have TOO ever committed suicide! If so, bow did it affect yu! After an California and Oregon Coast Steamship Company swering the above questions, like i Steamer Alliance man. in the affirmative, ibe slick, lit tie. fat old fellow with gold speck« on, said I was insured for life ami Only Regulnr probably would remain so for man» retired.—Ex. L eander . BANDON OR Th© buying public is invited to call and get my prices on all kind© and grades. ID tbe trees in lovers' lane, while Madam running. r particularly in tbe Siskiyou district, many noxious brutes.—Enterprise. one can readily see that the Dew line years. I thanked him ami smiled ami items to start her nagging tongue a 1400 ACRES CEDAR TIMBER Stock ranch of 520 acres; good bnildings and other improvements. $5 per sore. We have dairy ranches, city renidetice property and acreage property within city limits. His record with Office in EIDorndo Bldg present one from Portland to SaD he deserves a vote of thanks at tbe P c lb 2d 3b ss If of rf qp I V A V' 1 »)») price, according to location .................................... HP 1 road with tbe big game is certainly remarkable, and strolling with I n Lu in tbe shade of Boote nnd Nhoee Gossip is slraiuing her neck to pick up Repairing neatly and promptly done at lowest living prices. comparing By male bard to resist. so I kolled on song my old friend Lynn Doyle, who as­ Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers exceed a grade of one per cent. dious strains of that old, familiar time to tbe water front where I found Tbe Old Reliable Eastern Oregon Flour. If you wish to buy, sell or exchange, call on ue and we will give yon good fair a few days more, a large portion three months. Just bow soon after ing. During tbe past year Mr. Epps service. Homesteaders Located on Desirable Government Land. tbe survey tbe construction of tbe line has taken twenty-one panthers, six­ will be safely in tbe barns. 40 good level LOTS in WOODLAND ADDITION, close in and cheap for cash Levi Snyder, for many years master will begin, is a matter of conjecture. teen bears, two wild cats, and thirty 1 LOT8 in WOOLEN MILL ADDITION. 1 ~ TO &70 menced to cast its refulgent rays over C- T- Blumenrother “Byer’s Best, Blue Ribbon” enough to find tbe printing press as from that point south to Port Orford, Tbe raising of it to tbe road aud .4. E. H.4DSALL, Practical Surveyor. well as tbe boys, thinking perhaps a distance of 60 miles. Another starting it again on its way will be no that tbe press had been confiscated, Southern Pacific parly of surveyors mean task. A few eveniogs ago as I was saun- First-class references. Fifteen Yeais Ex- perience. O b t oom . C oquille , High Patent, Eastern Washington Flour, were utilized in transporting tbe par­ short visit Sunday. C. R, “Pure White” Line vl B GEO Between C ooh Portland and Bay Eureka • • • • L. W. SHAW. Agent, ^j^iRAY A CO.. Gen’l Agfa, Marshfield, Phone 441. 121 Market. St. San Francisco. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Ü. 8. Land Office Roseburg, at Or., May 10, 1906. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of her inten tion to m«ke final proof in support of her claim, tnd that said proof will be made be­ fóte County Clerk and Clerk of Coon tv Court of Coos County, at his office at Co­ quille. Oregon, on July 18, 1906. viz: CLARA K. CANTERBURY. Widow of Edward M. Canterbury, who made homestead application No. 9595. for the WS NWS. 8ES NWS. NES S 'S. * 8ec. 28. Tp 29 8. R IV W. She names tbe following witne«se« to prore hi« continuous residence ujvin and cultivation of said land, viz: FraneO M. Sanderlin. John O. Bate«, Aquila W. Strader. Elgin L. Strader, all of Baadon. Oregon, B eniamin L. E ddt , fiesta ter. Tbe stage travel from this city t< the C oon couotry is exceeding!) heavy these days. One Coquille citi­ zen waited several days this week, hoping to get aboard the stage an