S' ■ -------- «---------------- Dscoration Day.--A goes I crowd atfeurled the Decoration day service« |n Bandon yesterday. At 10 o'clock ihe pr-.cession furmed at the G. A. B. ball, lieadetl by tbe band, uud marched io tLe cemetery where the usual ritualistic G. A, K. ceremoniea were con lucted nt the graves of departed Veteraua. Tbe graves were then dec­ or ded timl nt the sounding of tape the procession returned to town and brek<* ranks for dinner. The W. K.C. s< r "d dinner at tbe G, A. R. ball for tb>* m' liii.ei* of these two organiza­ tion« and the band. At two o’clock the exercises were continued at tbe opera bouse. Col. R iihh railed the meeting to order Invocation by Rev. Sauderlm was followed by a ►eleclimi by lii««<*boir ami tbe r.»ad itig of Lincoln's aditress at Gettys- lung. Au antbi’iii by thechoir. read Ing ‘>t general orders by Col. Rosa and a solo by Chas. Feller were next io order. The address of the day was made by Father Edw. Donnelly. E. Hofer, of the Salem Capital Journ si was present and made a »hurt appto,-iiate address. Father Donnelly’s Address: We boast, and justly so, that we in«* ut.e of the greatest of the nations, if u'*t tl.e greatest nation, on the face i f tli»* • nrth. From the discovery of ihrAmencan continent until now, Ametiea has been the borne of the liberty loving, and of the oppressed of the earth, and the United States of \tn«rica Ims. by the perfection of her updamental law, by the wisdom of ier administrationa, l»y the barmon ou« co-operation of tier co ordinate ranches, set the standard of govern mental perfection for the whole world The aspiration for freedom, for libt r'y, delivered the colonies from sill je-li- n and crowned them with sot. teignity under laws of their own making, l'be United States have grown from thirteen to forty-tive and the i nseiii'e of their strength is union To e enemies. Though pas siou may have strained, it must I not break our bonds of affection.” “ ' The chords of memory, stealing from every battlefield and patriot grave, to over) living heart and hearth stone, all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.'’ How prophetic and grand those clos t .* wordsof that inaugural, but at what a cost their ultimate realization. The passions grew, the conflict li.tnc: four long years of struggle and s't-iiti were crowned at last with most g .’lions victory. Hundreds of battles on sea and land. Oceans of blood Cl ippies and corpses on every band, I tit no matter wbat tbe cost, the Union had to be preserved. 75,e wise,’’ and lie is excusable for I Count». made a short review of educational suppose he has never ventured out conditions of the past and present in the county including an explanation of the side of Ihe incorporate limits of meaning and effect of the salary fraud. Mo­ Marshfield. Come over Mayor and tion was then carried by a vote of 15 for we will show you around some. and 2 against July nud August being vaca­ With Joe it is a different proposi­ tion months. tion. He knows the. length and Mrs. Ed. Thrift is now visiting relatives breadth of this valley, tbe fertility and friends at Gold Beach. We bear that Dr. Green is still in a veiy and resource«. Or does he think it critical coudilion of health. His two has remained dormant like thirty daughters came up from Port Orford lust years ago when we used to woo the Tuesday intending to make their residence dusky maidens at Randolph and John here. Mrs. Fred I'elloni aud Mrs. Jos. Nye re. Lewises', wbet'i* now stands the city turned to their homes last F’riday. of Bandon, second to none in Coos Miss Mary Bossen who I ihh been spending county for ent< r, rise. 8he leads all several weeks at Port Orford, has return'd com pvt itol’H wiili all of her tnanttfac home. Mr. Bossen ha» gone down tbe coast to luring indtistin*s; she errtaiuly 1« worthy of recognition, likewise the resume work for Mr. Hume. M™. Reed, mother of Mrs. Monroe Upton, remainder of tin« valley, which has came down from Marshfield last Friday- made rapid strides of development. She is accompanied by the little daughter of Monroe Uptou, and intend« speiidiiig W by stands the capitol building of tbe county nestling in a city sur­ a few days at the Upton home. Miss Chase and Mrs, T. 8. Malehoru rounded by as good a farming corn S[ient Tuesday at the home of J. H. Upton, muuity as tin* sun ever shone upon, by invitation. if ihe enterprise and population is We learn that C. Christensen has gone to on the other side of the divide. Come Marshfield for surgical advice. Walter Sabin came down from Bandon over Joe and we will show yon around Tuesday; be will remain a day or two call­ and yon will see a change. business will corroborate the afore said. Our towns minus the revenue our business men the trade and our young boys engaged in a smuggling business, these are the emoluments accrued under* t*«’ year regime of prohibition. The liquor question ought to be controlled by the city's municipal government. If the ma­ jority says license all right; if no li cense all right, and cease this calam­ ity howling. Leander. FROM BUSY PROSPER All the News of a Week’s Happenings Told in a Brief Manner. M ik » Utilise, who I ihh be«-ii touruiK the Htale lecturing on equal Hiilfingu, spoke be fore seventy mt« rested listeners last Friday evening in tlie Fms|ier Hull, bhe is an lu­ te lest mu speaker. Her form of delivery, distil etuiH« of speech and clearly detilled ideas win f> r her most enthusiastic assem- bllts, and baviim u tendency todemonstrate to tbe doubter the probable good and ad viiiiceiuent of tbe cause, she uains much favor. After tbe uieetiug an effect was par licularly discernable ru tbe opinion of one of our prominent busim ss men. who being a firm anti woiiisti-stitfragiat. admitted that many good thoughts were evidenced through the lemarks and arguments delivered by Mi-» Chase. “Leander.’’ the Coquille coriespoudeut. also professing tbe anti-suffrage question, is .subjected to much laughter on his com merits and eriticinius of the amendment. It lias be« n ohwryed that when tbe lecturer ( Miss I’hasel traveled oil the boat on which ■'Leander” is n frequent pHEHeiiger, be would act as h bushful boy, and to avoid Lerproxi111ii5.be preferred ’‘going around ratber I ban neroM?,” yet be expreHHed a longing to aci aw an arila^oniatie follower* assuring uaot ceiiaiu vict.ov. Wu tind to encourage bis aspiration* but we could, evideuth, see that on the up trip in Ihe absence <4 the campaigner, ,,ljeander” whh nioie comp, sed and could enjoy bis promt n adc on tbe hurricane deck without any agi- tation, and from this we judged that he mounting a rostrum Io argue with and face a feminine opponent, would surely mean a I ihuhi rouN failure for “Leander.” Impres- sioiik ait that In* is hoveling in tbe last stages oi c give np sea life for awhile and will ventuie on anol I er project. Mis. Wm. linking was a Coquille visit, r la-t Sain day. L H Edmond» spent Sunday at North l see tn your last issue that there Bend III visiti d Ills lather who is quite i I at itiat place. was three columns devoted to the m Daniels n of liandolph was a visit--r called law an I order league but mote I at Etta Bandoli last Saturday. appropriate
  • eeii more drtiukentiess during t lie I he Heli. (' T. Hill arrived nt the l’ronp. r prohibit ion regime than bef. re an.I Mill'M’ivdav. She will load for Han Fran- Democratic Nominee < tlii’/e is ih> gaiiis’iy it>g or dentiti ci <• -s-.« ♦♦ ■> •> Marshfield from this place. Mesdames White and Rasmussen of Hau- don made this place a business and pleasure visit last Monday. T he recent rains have chiisi d the river to rise so ni to Moat Ihe logs ill Ihe forks above Myrtle Point. A numla-r of logs have already been transferred to Ashton's boom. Work in the ship yard was temporarily snap* tided the first of tin* wei k, tin- meh ment weather adding to the delay. A ball glime was witnessed nt Riverton last Sunday between the Randolph and Riverton boys, the score being 3 to I in favor of Riverton. o <■*.«.#» Eldorado <• A « Wines, Liquors and Cigars J. 1». Tupper of Coquille City pass ’d through to Bandon Sunday afternoon. Ilr is negotiating a trade with a party here, He is contemplating tile purchase of a pile- of property at Coquille which wilt lie tilted for • business location should the den) lie made. /\tism ns sen 13 / os. Proprietors. Bandon, - Oregon. • NtrrtCK EUlt 1*1'111.K'ATION D.'partineiit ol the Interior U 8. Land Office It meburg, at Or., May 10, llHIt:. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has tiled notice of Iler inten tion to in ike final proof in support of her claim, mil that s lid proof will be made be­ fore Couoty Clerk and Clerk of County Court of Coo« County, at his office at Co­ quille, Oregon, on July 18, 1900, viz: CLARA K. CANTERBURY. Widow of Edward M Canterbury, who ma le homestead application No. 9595, for the W>.; NW*,. SE*4 NW*,, NEL SW*4. Sec. 28, Tp 29 8. R 14 W. She names the following witnesses to prove Ins contiituous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Francis M. Sanderlm. John O. Bates, Aquila W’. Strader, Elgin L. Strader, all of Bandon, Oregon. B knjamin L. E ddy , Register. Tliulier Lmid Act, .lune 3, IH7K. NOTICE FOR PUBLICAT ION. United States Laud Office-, Roseburg Ore., May 3, l'.IOfi. Notice is hereby given tliat in compliance with the provisions of the act. of Congress of June 3, 1878. entitled "An act for tbe sale of timber lands in tbe States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri­ tory" as extended to h II the Public Land States by net of August 4, 18‘J2, Edward L. Oilman, of Bandon. County of Coos, StHte of Oregon, lias this day filed in this office liis sworn statement No. fkia.3. for the* pur­ chase of tin- SE quarter of SW quarter of Section No. (!, in Township No. 29,S., Range No. 13 West. snd will offer proof to show Unit the land sought is linin' valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pui |H'Hes. and to establish his claim to said land nefoie the County Clerk and Clerk of the Co. Court of Coos County at his office, on T hursday, the 2t>th day of July, 190B. He names as witnesses: Frank Flam, Edward H ulsell, Albert Snead and William Doak, all of Parkersburg. Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file tlieir claims in thin office on or before said 2t!th day of July, 19oti. BsNMMtN L. E ddy , Register. limber I.ami Act, .lune 3, I STM. NOTICE EOR PUBLICATION. Undi d States Land < ffice, Roseburg, Ore. May 3, 1906. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 18*8. enlit led "An act for ihe sale of tinilier lands in the States of California. Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri­ tory,” as extended to all the Public Lund Stales bv act of August 4. IS'.rj, William A. Prewett. of Parkersburg. County of Coos, State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his »worn statement No. tit'J<4, for tbe piirclno-e of the NEl, of Section No. 14, in Township No. 29, 8.. Range No. 14 West, at d will offer proof to xhow that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or alone than for agricultural piirpone«, and to eKtabltsii his claim to said land liefore the County Clerk and Clerk of County Court, of Coos County, at bis office at Co quille. Oiegon, on Thursday, the 2»>th day of July, 1906. He names as witnesses: Ed Hadsell, of Parkersburg. Coos County, Oregon, Thomas Prewi It, of Paikeisburg, Coos Comity, Ore­ gon, Nathaniel Ba'klow. of Bandon. C.ios Comity. Oregon. Chris Long, of Bandon, Coos t'omity, Oregon. Ain and all persons claiming adversely the nbove-descrilM'd lands are requested to file tlieir claims in this office on or tiefor-* safd 20th #»v of July. l!Mt> pEltJAMttt L E ddy . Register. tt "HTf TW".T È :: THE ANCHOR BAR •< ■ ALVIN MUNCK, Prop. M • ■ « ■ «• «■ —Ws?- Best Wines, -■ and Liquors 7 ■H •H Cigars. ■» L L L 1— . ■ • I £ Ve I- We invite our friends to call and see us. Stuff. That's the - - • • ■ s* •< M I L I