MS »usbarart«*'**" •• ►’»’S» >■**•»« - m 3* « ajtsu « «r*Sâ®»4. 0, ’W MM*flf**l «X BAND0N RECORDER* . adv nuco the art of aerostatics. well reward«*!. house for the homeless young men has fine of one dullar aud to serve one day drawing of the rug is made on paper, ever struck. After a two weeks’ stay rfUg|ng that In'll for?" The sweet william I m a biennial, but lu July aud August of tbe year 1783 -That?” said Mrs. Garfield, who bad I balloons filled with hydrogen gas were will «ow their own seeds an«) come up been elegantly furnished with velvet in jail. All of Miss Dungan's victims the Instructor showing ber pupils the here I return home feeling like another the year after year, as do hollyhocks, thus carpets, servants and everything that were men who were trying to fiud a arrangement of every thread and t“011- been waiting for tbe surprise. “That's 1 sent up from Paris, and in September color to lie used. When all this has the most fastidious clubman could de- "Well, that Is strange,” said the per- the church where we were when you 1 a* Versailles the flrst balliMiix was scut making them practically perennials. wife through the medium of a newspa­ been done, the pupils must make the There are dainty brac-a-brac, ion to whom this statement was made. flrst calm. They're all going to One of the handsome perennials that I ”*re- per advertisement and who were fool­ rug without looking at the drawing. “Do you know New York has upon me pray for you to get well.” and. falling , up freighted with living animals. flower In July Is the digitalis, which choice works of art, books and every- ish enough to send ber money and pres­ Persian rugs excel those of other In the same year .Montgolfier con­ just exactly the opposite effect. To me ou her knees, she said. "Aud I'm going j has long spikes of blue thimble shaped thing that is elevating aud will make ents, although a total stranger to them. countries In artistic design as well as what I might term the surplusage of to pray. too. James, that it may be structed a balloon which he claiims! flowers. It makes a striking clump. the young men feel that they have In harmonious coloring. Tbe Persians The principal advantage lu fall sow- found a paradise on earth after the She has nett«*! hundretls of dollars seem io have a natural intuition In tbe life here Is depressing. I am by no goon, for I know already that the other . Would fie capable of carrying passen­ gers. bls workshop Is lng iu tbe gardens Ing of flower seeds Is that the plants ,j«y'M worg ¡s ended. One thing that within the past few years by answering use and blending of different shades, means fond of solitude. I have lived In prarer has been heard.” From where he lay Garfield could see 1 of tlie Fauliourg St. Antoine. Tile bal- grow «franger. root “Ct deeper aud flower Mr. Itockefeller insists upon is that no advertisements for a wife, correspond­ and In tile designs that contain these a moderate sized city all my life, and earller and longer than those from ing with the advertiser, exchanging certain colors they achieve the happiest Itbores me to stay-in the country for | thc carriages draw up and group after ' loon was sixty h-et In height and forty­ liquor shall be allowed, and cards are apring sown seed. photographs and promising to marry results. It is really wonderful what any great length of time, but when I group go In. He could even hear the eight broad. Its exterior was richly strictly taboo«*!. Woe to the young come to New York and am caught tn The grape is one of thè most deslra him. Then she would find herself exquisite fabrics these people, born the tides of humanity, see the over­ subdued refrain of “Jesus, Lover of My painted aud embroidered, there being ble fruita to plant. It Is Inexpensive to man when either is found in his r«x>m, short of fuuds and would ask him to ami reared In ignorance and poverty. crowded tenements and have my earn Soul,” as it was borne by on its heaven­ represented upon It tlie twelve signs of ward way. Thrilled with emotion, a get a start wlth, it bears early, It Is for out the culprit will go into the cold send her money that she might fly to produce. the zodiac, the arms of the king of assaulted with the perpetual din of the productive and easily managed, and I to H'“! 8OI“e stuffy little room The designs lu Persian ruga are gen streets I become positively melancholy. tear trickled down the president's fact1. I'raii'cand nutnls'rhtas fleurs-de-lis and him. The money was forthcoming and Then he closed his eyes and turned bls the fruit Is delicious aud wholesome. with no conveniences, and the chanj^ erally floral, and In some districts, es­ "I feel what an Insignificant atom I lower down, ntuid a crowd of grotesque ----------------------- I will be somewat of the order of Adam then she would cease to write or answer pecially Furs, the women weavers In­ am. after all—no more than a drop of face as a sweet woman's voice arose fiends nud garlands of flowers, a flock subsequent letters. The |>ostmaster at singing from one of Sir Michael Costa's Couldn't stand Satire. I leaving Paradiseor the Garden of Eden. vent tbe designs, varying them every water In a great river—and the feel­ ot eugfi-s. with extend«.*! wings, tfiat A burglar, while attempting to rob a I He will have plenty of time for reflec- Gold Hill stated that Miss Dungan had two or three years. Tbe Mohammedan ing oppresses me. It seems so like oratorios. “Turn thou unto me and si eined to lie flying and supporting the bloated bondholder of Maryville, by I Ron and for regrets, for ouce oust«*! received large sums of money, and she religion does not allow any direct rep­ there was nobody here who cared what have mercy upon me," sang tbe voice, huge balloon upou their shoulders. “for I am desolate—I am desolate and mistake got into the bumble residence front this little earthly Eden it would confessed that it all came from these resentation of animal forms, conse­ tiecame of anybody. The only relief I afflicted; the troubles of my heart are Below the balloon proper was con­ matrimonially inclined men. These quently rugs woven uuder Its Influence find from the feeling Is In the theaters. of an editor next door. After unsuc- a hafd |naUw for h|m structed a circular platform of wicker­ enlarged. Oh, bring thou me out of my cessfully fumbling about for suitable I. .... . eccentric wife-s«?ekers got just what take floral, geometric and vegetable 1 go to a show every night while I am work. covered »vitb silk, which «vas arsets tor some time he was illsgust. d ,,lto the lu»ur“>u'‘ «u>»»iun. Ibe base- nearly all of the same class get in the forms. The Shiah sect of Moslems, here, and of course I enjoy that Im­ distresses—out of my distresses—tny used as a car. This platform «.as very to observe tbe tenant of the bouse sit- >ncnt of this commodious and elegantly long run, viz: sold, and intelligent peo­ however, numbering about 15,000,000. mensely. But as soon as I have made God.” large aud was surrounded by a balus­ The people In the church sat almost ting up In bed and laughing at him. fitted-up mansion has been turtle«! into ple have very little patience with them. of whom 8.000.000 are Persians, do not the rounds of the shows I am ready to spellbound under the voice, for the trade to prevent th«' aeronauts from "Ain’t you old Skinderson. the capl- a luxurious smoking-room, where they regard representations of animals as return home, where I know most ev­ falling out. In the center of this plat­ tallst?” Inquired the housebreaker. lean lounge at their leisure and dream I knew of oue man who got a divorce unlawful. By the industry of this sect erybody and there are many who care.” singer was affected deeply and made It form or car was an opening, below from the sweet, refined lady who had seem to all, what it must have been to "Nary time." chuckled the Journalist. I of a land that may be fairer than this, and that of Infidels and of all who dis­ —New York Times. which was suspended by cbaius an Iron ber, a prayer in music. • I nt the editor of The Screaming I t,ut uot much more «xmifortable, ac- i**-n his wife for a number of years. In regard tbe law of the Koran animal stove, which was to b«‘ used for rarefy­ tact their children were grown, but he forms are seen on some Persian rugs. ®‘aK'e' I cording to their manner of thinking ing til«' air in tlie balloon, while In one RAILWAY RUMBLES. The prayer rug was evidently Invent­ "Jerusalem!’’ said the burglar, look- ,, . wealthy widow, fair to took upon, etc. worsblfiers with one absolutely clean more than 10.000 all the tracks of Ext­ Some years ago who had a cork leg ’ straw, which served as fuel. thia branch almshouse. I say. old quill OUH fantastic shapes. It He had not been the kindest husband place on which to offer prayers, it is that was a triumph of artistic decep­ Pilatre des Hosiers, generally alone, driver, you never poke fun at your sub- I coat the members of this Bible not lawful for a Moslem to pray on any rope. tion. None but Ills Intimates knew for but at oue time accompanied by the and father in the world, and bis wife The Dominion of Canada has granted certain which was tbe real and which Marquis d'Arlandes and ou another oc­ scribers, do you?" I class a small fortune to live, you say. place not perfectly clean, and unless "Not tbe cash ones.” I There’s where you are mistaken, for all was willing that be should secure a each one has bis own special rug be Is *88.884.557 and 39.725,130 acres of land was the sham limb. A wild young wag casion by M. Glrond de Villette, had as- "Exactly,” said the burglar, taking I it will cost them is from four to five divorce. The advertiser came from a not certain that tbe spot has uot been to railways. of the “outer bar," who knew the ser­ rended in th«' balkxiu without cutting More than 45,000,000 passengers a geant pretty well, once thought to util­ the rope which held It captive to a out his wallet. “Here’s six months' dollars a week, Mr. Rockefeller only distant state and they were marrted; polluted. With regard to the purity of subscription to call tills thing square. askjng tliat the house bring m $2000 a but you should have s«ten the prize he the place of prayer Mohammedans are year go through the North Union and ize this knowledge of the sergeant’s se­ height of 1,290 f«* l. won. She had a cross in her eyes, wore specially careful when making their South Union stations In Boston. If there’s one thing on earth I can't cret to take In a green, newly fledged Hosiers bad much difficulty in obtain­ pilgrimages, the rugs which they tak< In most European railways the prin­ young barrister. The sergeant was ad- ing permission from the king to make stand. It’s satire.”—Tit-Bits. IJ a wig, dyed her eyebrows until they » » » » will) them having been preserved from cipal difference between second class I dressing a special Jury at Westminster an ascent without being held down by were purple; she was awkward and Don’t Be Afraid ot Work. Polly only wishes thata few nioreo coarse, but she had the money, but it pollution by being rolled up until the and first class lies In the color of tbe in his usual earnest and vehement the rope, but consent was at last se­ One thing that keeps young men I our prosperous men and women whom journey is begun or until the hour for seat cushions, first class being usually style, and the wag whispered to his cured. aud on the 20tb of November. never did him any good, for she knew prayer arrives. It does not matter to red. second class gray. neighbor: down Is their fear of work, lhey aim fortune has smiled upon and could 1783. everything was made ready. Dur­ how to keep it, and not a dollar of it these followers of .Mohammed how to find genteel occupations, so they write thejr bank accouut jn The average cost of the body of a “You see how hot old Buzfuz Is over ing the day tlie wind and rain were vio­ „ ....... . ever fell into his bauds. He was sick unclean a rug that Is on tbe floor may modern long electric car Is *2.000, the bis case. Now, I'll bet you a sovereign lent. and It was found necessary to can dress well, not soli their clothes and handle things with the tips of nmny figures, would do likewise. What of his bargain and ashamed to acknowl­ bo. because over It they place the pray average price of a set of double trucks I'll run this pin Into bis leg up to tbe postpone tbi> ascent. Th«' uext day. tbe their Angers. They do not like to bappi»«« it would bring to )ieople edge the woman as his wife. But he er rug when their devotions begin. for such a car is *600. and the average head and he’ll never notice it, he’s so 21st. the weather was more favorable, get their shoulders under the wheel, whose lives have hitherto been dreary got his just deserts. The Turkish rugs made at Slvas are cost of the motor is $1.500, making tbe absorbed in bis speech. He's a most ex­ and at 1:30 in tlie afternoon iu the pres­ always woven of wool, and almost ev­ total cost of the car $4,100. and they prefer to give orders to oth- I enough. I would like to see homes es traordiuary man in that way.” ence of the dauphin and his suit Pi­ ery hamlet carries on tbe Industry of ers or figure as masters and let some tablished where men whose days of Some of the Austrian railways have This was more than the greenhorn latre des Hosiers and the Marquis d'Ap­ BRIEF REVIEW weaving in the homes. There are no followed the German custom of selling could swallow, so he took the bet. The laudes set out together from the .lar­ one else do the drudgery. There Is no usefulnt*is have passed and who are factories, the young girls and women number«*! seats In tbe cars of fast wag took a large pin front bls waist­ dins de la Muette upon tlie first aerial doubt that Indolence and laziness are considered too slow to keep up with the doing the work here as In other parts trains. both first and second class. An coat and, leanlug forward, drove it up voyage ever attempted and pi'rfornied. the chief obstacle, to success. <(f (he n)bust meu (>f (he Automatic Bookkeeping. of Turkey. Slvas rugs are in most U hen we see a boy who has just se- . , . . .. The head liookkeeper in a Philadel­ cases small, measuring about eight by extra charge of from about 25 to 50 to the bead In the sergeant’s leg. A yell The wind was still very rough and the cured a position take hold of every- d“>’> who ttre “l,ve to business cents is made for these seats, according that froze th«1 blood of all who beard It, weather stormy, but in spite of these thing with both hands and “Jump “"d thoroughly up-toiiate. Silver- phia carpet factory, who has just re­ four feet, but in these years larger and to distance. that made tbe hair of the jury stand on disadvantages the balloon rose rapidly. right Into his work” as If he meant to haired men, wbo are trudging down turned from the Pan-American Expo­ more attractive rugs are being made. Having passed over Paris mid be- Tbe other day, just as a train was end and the Judge’s wig almost fall off. succeed, we have confidence that he the hill of life slowly and hopelessly, sition, says that labor-saving machines Even the poorest families have fine about to leave Kutas. In Hungary, for rang through the court. coui«' fre«> from all fear of getting eu- will prosper. But if he stands around and only the memories of happier and for keeping accounts displayed there rugs, for they regard them as valuable Palfalva, an official appeared and put “By Jove, It's the wrong leg! I’ve lost tang l'd among the buildings of the city. and asks questions when told to do | other days to dream of would feel that threaten to put him and many more property, to be sold only under the seals on the wheels of the engine. The tny money.” exclaimed the dismayed tli«‘ mromitits suffered themselves to pressure of great extremity. The weav ­ anything; If he tells you that this or the last days of their journey through like him out of business. He says he passengers had to get off and walk. and conscience stricken wag, quite re- descend considerably until they found niui wiougs iu some omer ooy tv ov, this world were gliding swiftly and saw five iiiavllitien lliat wilt enable a er*' are so frugal in their manner of Tbe was 2’JU crowns in ar- gnrdleas of tlie pstn lie lind Inflicted np- itiemselies In n fresh current of ntr, living that their daily earning of 15 to rears company for It Is not bls work; If he does not in payment of taxes. Next day 1011 the learned sergeant.—London An- which bore them In a southerly direc­ merchant to dispense with his book ­ pleasantly by if such a haven of rest 19 cents is sufficient to supply their try to carry out his orders In the cor­ tion. the taxes were paid, and the train pro- »were. rect way; If lie wants a thousand ex­ were opened up for them. These meu keeper and turn over the control of ac­ wants. Their food consists usually of After proceeding a few mill's farther ceeded. planations when asked to ruu an er­ are to be pitied, and the work! is full of counts to a young woman, who inci­ lice and crushed wheat, with occasion To Jodice the Air of I.ace. tin' tire was allowed to di«' out, and tire rand and makes Ills employer think I just such people longing for homes in dentally acts as a typewritist. The ally a small piece of mutton. In fixing the approximate date of balloon desi-vmled about five miles from Why His Clock Was Slow. that he could have done the whole I their old age that are homes in every machines, manipulated by the type- Smyrna is only a mart for the sale There Is an Italian fruit dealer, with any given piece of lace It is well to re- Paris Wlien the aeronauts returned to of comparatively inferior rugs that are thing himself, one feels like discharging ^ense of the word. writist will make out a bill, copy the in­ a well stocked store near one of the member that machine made thread was ill«' Chateat de la Muette, they were such a boy on the spot, for he Is con- »»»» voice permanently in a book and make made in the Interior from the coarse suburban railway stations, who baa uot used till after the beginning of the greetr'rl with Hie utmost entliusinsm by liafr of tlie Angora goat. These are vinced that he was uot cut out for suc­ This is what Polly heard on the cars a permanent sales sheet copy. Their woven In irregular designs and. al adopted a unique device, and one eighteenth century. Before that time the assembled crowds. Benjamin Frank­ cess. That boy will be cursed with the other day. (You will think that accuracy, rapidity of action and econo­ though not artistic, are largely sought which shows a deep knowledge of hu- the threads ran in lengths of about lin was a witness of the whole specta­ mediocrity or will be a failure. There man nature, to hold his own In com­ twenty inches, for the worker could cle, aud when asked whnt he thought 1« no place In this century for the lazy Polly is always hearing something on my of labor strongly recommend them as coverings for tbe bare floors and to petition with another dealer, whose | stretch no farther than her distaff and of it he replied, "1 have seen a child man. He will be pushed to the walL— the cars, but it is a great place to hear to employers. The principal drawback add warmth. The weaving of these stand Is some fifty yards nearer the had to break off and join again, so that lioru which may oue day be a man.” Success. biased and unbiased opinions, facta and just now is the cost. The lowest-priced rugs is crudely done by girls and wo­ station than bls own. A commuter after unraveling some twenty-five Aerostatics liad advance«! to such a men. Sometimes the loom Is primitive ­ fancies, as well as prejudices well aired machine is $160. But it may he only a was leisurely peeling a banana In his Inches of thread no joint is found the degree that on the 7th of January, Wood Too llnrd to Horn. ly constructed from the trunks of trees. There are certain kinds of wood that for those who choose to listen without question of a year or two before they The designs are very simple and have store the other day when the Italian lace is surely after the introduction of 1785. Blanchard, a rival of Hosiers, machine made thread. The "bride'» cross«*) over the channel from Dover remarked: are too hard to burn, or refuse to Ignite I necessarily being eavesdroppers.) It will be as cheap as typewriters. either been banded down from earller ornee" alone are enough to go by. In to Calais. “ You gotta fiv ’ minute before your for some other reason, such ns Iron seems that some millionaire in New generations or are supplied from the the fifteenth century the bar bad only train.” Hosiers was spurred on by Blanch wood and the good brier root, but It is York had given a ball and reception Florists’ Lives are Short, city. “No; twenty.” replied tbe commuter, a knot or a dot as ornament, in the aril's success and set to work con­ a curiosity to come across a piece of I and had been lavish in his expend­ Yuruk rugs are so called from a band sixteenth n double or single loop and strm ting a balloon which, when com­ It is commonly supposed that the glancing at a big clock on the wall. common deal—the soft, light wood ot iture in the way of fruits, dowers and In tbe seventeenth a star. The edging pleted. lie called nn aerotiiontgoltier. men who work in the mines or those of nomads who dwell among the moun “ Thata clock fifteen minute slow. ” which so many boxes are made - —that tains of Anatolia. They have larg«> — I everything that goes to make the “per­ whose occupations necessitate breath­ flocks of tine sheep and weave rugs of said the Italian. “I keepa It slow. also helps. A sharp angle in the scal­ It censlsted of an immense balloou of cannot be set fire to. fect whole” on such occasions. “Do The piece of wood In question was. . ..... ..... ing of poisonous fumes and gases are the firm, even texture. Tbe colors are very Peepl’ used come In a-here, looka at lop fixes the date In tbe middle ages, Ityd ogen gas. witli a Inrge cylinder tlie rounded scallop came In with the common white deal from Sweden, but Pou ku,,w rlch old fell,,w »pent shortest lived. This is a mistake, and good, the field often of dark brown, or­ clock, getta excite, go way, not buy. nineteenth century, with the seven­ plnc;*l under It. tlie use of It being to was remarkable for Its comparative thousands °* dollars just on flowers-1- it will surprise many to learn that the namented with large designs. ran fy tbe uir without losing gas. Time to buy at Pedro's stand, notta teenth a dotted scallop, and the eight­ AV'ien a favorable day liad arrived. welght. It had formed part of a boat perishable things— that were dead when here. Now keepa clock slow, get Alton! 200 years ago small embroider ­ highest death rate is found among a eenth century one Is more elaborate, a 1'ilHre for tbe last time made Ills belonging to a whaler and bad been the morning came? Just think of it, tnucha trade. No. I not letta peepl ’ ed rugs were largely made In Persia, dragged below the surface of the wa thousands of dollars for flowers, when class who breathe in the sweetest odors chiefly at Ispahan. These were prayer miss train. 1 tella them after they large alternating with a small scallop preparations. He was assisted by a ter to the depth of more than half a a lot of us poor people can oarely make —florists. Tho reason is a simple one. rugs, and on each of then), near one buy de banan’.”—New York Commer­ and dots along in the center of each.— Boulogne physician named Romain, Connoisseur. nuJ on .lune 15. 1785. they stepped into mile by a harpooned whale. The two ends meet, work as hard as we The florist lives at once in the torrid end. wna a small embroidered mark to cial Advertiser. tlie basket, tlie ropes were cast off. and length of line aud the short distance and the frigid zone. From a green­ show where the bit of sacred earth Some Tyrolean Epitaphs. ti e hallo, ti rose with tlie utmost inaj from tbe point of descent after being may, besides putting every chick of a house atmosphere of nearly 100 degrees from .Mecca was to be placed In obe Insect Plaan’es. A German traveler has discovered struck at which the whale rose to the child out to work,” said a black-eyed in the winter months he must step out dlence to a law of the Koran that tbe The Insect plagues of summer are no some quaint epitaphs In a Tyrolean «'ty from tbe earth Vhen it liad risen about 200 feet, it surface was a proof of tbe depth to little woman, snappishly. “Not only into one that is nearly always below a head must be Itotved to the ground In matter of jest Man must strive with cemetery. I that, but he used yards of silk for dra­ struck a fresh current of air wlileh which It bad dragged the boat. prayer this was touched by the fore- them as he strives against the other freezing point. On a tombstone in a valley of Tux l iok It directly toward the sen. It soon Only part of the boat came up again peries and to help decorate his tables, bend when the presentation was made, hostile forces of nature. He must fight was this inscription: “In pious remem found another current which rapidly at the end of the line, and It was taken when we cau hardly afford a piece of and so the letter of the law was carried the Hessian fly or the wheat crop will brance of the honest widow Anna enrried it hack agaiu It possibly may Eggs as Small Change. on board when the whale had been silk, even for our hats. Of course it out. The custom prevails. The Persian uot be garnered, be must fight tbe wee­ Kriedl, forty years long.” have been the desire of the aeronauts killed. That piece of wood was so was ruined and never could lie used Ill some parts of Peru—for example, women who weave the finest prayer vil or the grain will perish in the bins, A miller Is thus remembered: “In to descend to find a more fnvornble cur- hasd thnt It would not burn In a gas in the province of Jauja—hens' eggs are rugs seldom weave any other kind of he must fight the army worm or tbe I Christian memory of II---- . who de­ nt of air. for while opening tlie valve jet. Tbe weight of water had com again.” They were in full sympathy with the subject and thought that every circulated as small coins, forty-eight to rug.—"Rugs. Oriental and Occidental." i cattle will starve in the pastures, he parted this life without human assist, Io let the cold air into bls cylinder un­ pressed It. —London Standard. must tight the tent caterpillar and the auce. ” I successful man who had made his fifty being counted for a dollar. In the borer or bis forests will wither and the I A farmer whose Initials only ars fortunately a hug«' rent was made iu Silence You Can See. the balloon The consequences were I money by hard work and the active market places and in the shops the In­ Where She Differed From I’aul, There Is no such thing ns silence In streams disappear. Tbe entomologist, given and who appears to have been ¡.■atnciPatr and burrible At that time A Scotch clergyman called upon a I use of his brains should be compelled to dians make most of their purchases with Ibis woiid. Il is an luifiossibliity. That therefore, wages the war of civilization I the author of his own epitaph has this parishioner not long since, nn old worn j distribute the reward of his labors with this brittle sort of money. One will ■8 partly the reason why science has en­ against forces all the more terrible be- memorial: “Here rests In G«xl F. K. the balloon was 1,700 feet aliove the surfac«' of tlie earth A few moments an who was not blessed with many those* who had been less successful. Yet give two or three eggs for brandy, an­ titled us to see It. tause of their minuteness aud apparent I He lived twenty-six years as man and afterward the two aeronauts lay on virtues, but who possessed a very va the»«'same women would have thought other for indigo and a third for cigars. The explanation of the paradox Is lnslgnifican«?e.—St Louis Globe-Demo- thirty seven years as husband.” tlie ground dead and borrbly milt I rled assortment of vices. He took the I it the height of injustice and cruelty if These eggs are packed in boxes by the this: Silence, as we understand It, sim­ crat. I On the tomb of a man who fell from Ia ted. latter as a text for a sermon and spoke a roof and tvas killed are these words: ply nienns that there are sounds too shopkee|>ers and sent to Lima. From their husliands, who made possibly Near the spot where Pilatre des Ro­ to her at considerable length upou the More Rest. "Here fell Jacob Hosennkopf from the siers was burled a monument was subject, concluding with some extracts I seventy-live dollars a month, should Jauja alone several thousand loads of delicate or too loud for the ear to regis­ Doctor — There ’ s nothing much tbe roof Into eternity." erected In 1833 to commemorate the nl from one of St. Paul's epistles which have b«*eti calleii u ) m > h to divide or as­ eggs are annually forwarded to the cap­ ter. In other words, when we can't matter with you.. You only need rest. This wall of a desolate busband caps most miraculous crossing of tbe sen by bear anything we call that condition he felt to be apropos sist another fellow-workman who made ital. Patient — Oh. but, doctor, look at my the climax: "Tears cannot bring thee Blanchard, upon tbe very s|iot of earth "silence.” But wherever you are there She didn’t si>enk for several minutes but twenty-five, or to give it to men tongue. back to life. Therefore I weep.”— on which tliat intrepid aeronaut de The cinematograph for the blind is a • re sounds around you. Even In the after be bail finished, and be thought who did not desire work and only made Doctor—That needs rest. too. madam. Household Words. scended He had become for France that be bad made an Impression upon a pretense of finding something to do. machine which passes under the Ang­ deepest mine the air vibrates and —St Louis Republic. n hero, and numbers of Inscriptions are her at last. He was mistaken, how­ The latter are the ones usually who cry ers of the blind, a series of reliefs repre­ makes a sound. An Instrument has She .Seeded Them. been Invented that will catch these still readable.—New York Times. ever. for she suddenly turned round senting the same object in different tlla ¿rror. “I wish. John." she said regretfully. with the remark: "Humph! That's loudest at the unfairness of this world positions—the branch of a tree, a bird, rounds and [icrnilt of the vibrations be­ Consumer—1 say. what kind of a “I had had sense enough not to destroy ing represented pictorially on a screen, A Joke. just where Paul and I have differed and the government in general and John D. Long. In the .Massachusetts would make ail capitalists divide their or any other object. The blind )>ereon and in that way you may see silence cigar do you call this? It's the worst all the letters you wrote me during tbe these ten years." year and a half of your courtship." tobacco I ever tasted. campaign of 1878. was making bls first wealth. Polly cannot understand bow has the illusion of moving scenes. Just and properly understand what It The argument was not continued. He smiled In a gratified way. “I run for governor against General Pen Dealer—Beg your pardon, but you means. as photographs passing over a luminous people like the two women who were are wholly in error. There Isn't a par knew you would regret that some time." By comparing the pictures of noises Butler, wbo had captured the Demo­ Sedan Chairs la Fraae«. deriding the man who gave the bail screen lend the illusion to those with with those of that condition of things tide of tobacco In that cigar. It Is so I he said, cratic nomination, and Judge Josiah «> The sedan chair still exists In Or­ and reception and spent so much on sight. known as silence we gain an Idea of the easy to be mistaken, don't you see?— I "Indixx! I do." she replied. “I net*! a Abbott, wbo was the candidate of the leans. a bustling town not far from the floral decoration could look at | little change the worst sort of way, old line Democrats. difference between a noisy nlgbt, for Boston Transcript. Massachusetts is supporting a State Paris. In this pretty city, says a Paris things in, that light. The gardens and the man who buys rags and old pa instance, and one when "absolute si­ The late .lodge Thompson was mak newspaper, especially on Sundays at bathhouse at Revere Beach. It was lence reigns.” as tbe novelist puts It. It W««. per was here today. How wasteful we Ing a speech for Abliott before a big were stripped of their floral treasures the hour of mass, the classic sedan patronized last summer by 170,993 per­ Is rather surprising to And so much dis­ are in our youth!” He bad gone to ask ber father for her Democratic audience and. after pra:s chair, as It was known to the gallants Who raise«! them? The poor man, who sons, 11.6 per cent in excess of the pat­ turbance at tbe time when everything hand In marriage. "Well. air. wbat Is He looked at her reproachfully, and Ing the ca xliilate a.« a jurist am! a of the eighteenth century. Is borne was glad enough to dispone of the flow- ronage of the previous year. The total appears to be perfectly quiet—Pear­ It?" snapped out the old man. Re- I almost Involuntarily his band sought statesman, asked sarcastically. Ami through the streets by robust carriers. era that would have had their day and member. I am a man of few words " "I j his pocketbook It Is seldom Indeed Dow, who Is this John L-L-l^mg receipts amounted to *36,272, an average son's Weekly. No died on bush ami vine if they ha«i not Its occupants being aged people and In­ don't care If you're a man of only one that a resourceful woman has to make one answering, he proceeded: "Tlivy valids, to whom the jolting of a car been gathered and sold to decorate the of about 22 cents per capita. word If It's the right one.” replied the a direct request for money.—Chicago say be has made a translation of Ho­ They Hold More. riser Is intensely disagreeable. Post home of the man who paid the price mer'a 'Iliad!' Wbat gg good la ti nt to “Do you ever wish you were a girl?" suitor He got tbe girl.—Philadelphia A London paper notes the fact that Record. asked without parleying, for money us? All Democrats read Homer in the asked the visitor who was waiting In He Had Great Eipretatloaa. T».e Importaaee of Lews. the death of President McKinley oc ­ was no object to him. The decorators the reception room "How do yon account for the fact original." Herman Stump, ex-commlssloncr of The most effusive argument n charm curred on the anniversary of that of At this the person to whom the Judge were not rich men. Tbe farmers came “ Only at Christmas time, ” answered Immigration and prospective United Wellington and of General Montcalm the boy. who was lingering I d the door­ Ing woman ran use to a man Is an ap that Miss Bullion, the wealthiest heir was telling the story laughed, but the in for their share of the gain» in eggs, States senator from Maryland, whose pealing "Iion’t you think so?" Biuar ess of the season. is going to marry judge continued: "Th th-tbnt s not the bachelor borne la In the little country poultry and other edibles for the ban­ Nodo. who hasn't a cent to his name?" Bet The last census taken in Holland way. "Why do you wish It then f town of Bel Air, Md., made a flying quet, so did the butcher and the baker, shows 2,000,000 Proteatanta, 1,700,000 "Oh, but be has great expectations '* real Joke at all! Tbe real Joke is that not a m-m-tnan In the audience so mix b “Because of the stockings they wear.“ trip to New York city recently on the mush Ians, etc. Thousands of dol- Catholics and 100,000 Jews. Patience Is the key of content. Mo "He has? What are they?” as smiled!” was the prompt reply.—Chicago Post timed. "He is going to marry Miss Bullion.” Polly Larkin I THE RIG DESIGNERS # • • *