Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, September 21, 1905, Image 4

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One Year...., 00
Bix Months 1 00
Threo Mouths .r0
This ppper is ontered nt tln Bandon post
office- ns Second-class Mntter.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 2 1, 1905.
TbeOpern Saloon has been dispens
ing soda water, occasionally, during
the past few days, but, strange to ro
late, some of the thirsty have had
bomethiDg stronger than soda water,
as unsteady legs and noisy tongues of
an hilarious nature- would indicate.
Will Cost 6500,000.
Klamatb Falls, Or., Sept. 14. The
ppeeiticaiions for the tunnel and main
canal of the Klamath project aro ia
the hands of Chief Engineer Xewell,
at WasLiugtou. The i-peeilicatious
cover the construction of dOOO feet of
tuunel 13 feet wide by 14. feet high,
3UU0 feet of couerete lined canal, and
ten miles of earth caual, 50 feet wide
on the bottom, 70 feet wide at tliu
top, and 11 feit deep. This work will
cost about $OLU,000.
The maiu canal will have its iutake
at the head of Link lliver, and will
form a feeder fiom which water will
be turned through laterals to irrigate
the entire east side of the Klamath
Yulley. This mammoth caual will
carry 1500 second feet of water, which
is one and a half times as much water
as is now running iu Link lliver.
Link River counects the Upper Klam
ath Luke with Lower Klamath Lake.
The river is now at the lowest stage
ever known, and in ordinary years
there will be enough water in Link
River during the dry seasou to till
the canal. The velocity of the water
through the tuunel will be ten feet a
Telegram: At what ago does a
woman become too old to marry ?
Evidently there is no statute ot lim
itations in this respect, for a colored
womau 120 years old is on her way
from the south to marry some one in
San Francisco. Tbiswill be herseveuth
pppt3orince as a blushing bride.
Reply to j2r. iel.son.
I desire to say to Mr. Nielsou that
all 1 am after in this controversy is
the $30 purse which be agreed to give
(o Mr. Turner aud me if we would
run our horses at Port Oiford on the
Mh of July.
Iu keeping with our agreement to
be there at that time with our running
horses, Mr. Turner aud myself were
ou the ground on the morning of the
4th, ready for the race. We called
the race the lirt tbi..g in the morning
because it was the bent lime iu the
whole day for the race, the. water tbon
being lower than at any other time
during the day. ben we were all
ready to run Mr. Nielsou informed us
tbat be was uui willing to have, tbo
race for the J0 pur.-e run iu the
meruing, and lLat if we rau at that
time be would not pay the money.
'Ihen we asked him when it would bo
agreeable to him for us to run, aud
he would state no time.
1 tojd him I wanted my horse to
run for the 630 p:iru iu the morning
bei-aiK-e 1 Uiiiit e.i him to run in the
other iate !hioi;glnut the day. but
to all m) rut pie.-1m he paid no beed
and i he result wu? neither Mr. Turner
nor mself got our race or received
the tiioue) that was promised to tLe
On the morning of the otb of July
.e went to Mr. 2siel.-.uti again aud
asked him to put up the purse and let
us iuu then, but agaiu he refused tin,
aud we then gave up the idea of run
ning at all and went home.
Now, I am not trying to cast any
reflections ou auy of the little girls of
Port Orford as the last article in the
Tribune would indicate, nor am 1
conspiring against the people of Port
OiTord in auy way. All I want ia
what is mine, and all 1 ask of Mr.
Nielson is a fulfillment of his promise
to Mr. Turner and mjself.
Now, Mr. Nielsen, why was that
race not run? J. L. Nay,
LlUe Flutling Mouey.
Finding health is iike finding money
so think those whq are sick. U hen
yon have a couh, cold, sore throat or
cheat irritation, bettor act promptly
like W,tO. Barber, of Sandy Level,
Va. He says: "I had a terrible chest
trouble, caused by smoke and coal
dust on my lungs; but after lindiug
no relief in othor remedies, I was
cared by Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds."
Greatest sale of any cough or lung
medicine iu the world. At C. Y.
Lowe's Drug Store. 50c and 1.00.
Guaranteed, Trial bottle free.
Cured or Lame Hack nfter 15 Venn of
UI had boon troubled with lame
back for fifteen yeans and I found a
complete recovery in the use of Cham
berlain's Pain Balru," says John G.
Bisher, of Gillam, Iud. This liniment
is also without an equal for sprains,
and bruises. It is for sale by 0. Y.
Must Ife Schooner I'cnrl.
San Francisco. Sepl. 13 The three
masted vessel which is reported
bottom side up on the beach of the
Alaskan coast, is believed to bo the
Schooner Pearl, which sailed from
hero December 7, 1901, aud from
which no word hns ever been received
The identification of oue of the
bodies which came ashore near the
wreck as that of George Fermorling
who shipped on the tessel as station
cook, satilies the Alaska Codfish Co.
which owned the vessel, that it is
no other than the schooner Pearl.
Advices from Seattle state that the
vessel came ashore at Yakatago, but
it was probably meant for Kakatat
Bay, in Southern Alaska. Tt was
stated that a hill of goods made out
in the name of Ibo schooner Prosper
was found, and it gave the impression
thattho schooner Prosper had mot
misfort une. This, however, cannot be.
as the three masted Prosper, operated
by'the Alaska Packers' Association, is
now laid np in Oakland Crook.
There is another tschuoner named
Prosper, but she is a four-masted
vessel now out 13 days from San
Pedro for WillHtiipa Harbor.
If it was the Pearl, 31 men were
Arc You t'liiigcd
Engaged people should remember,
that, atter marriage, many quarrels
can be avoided, by keeping their di
gestions in good coudition with Elec
tric Bitters. S. A. Brown, of Ben
nettville, S. C, says: ''For years my
wife suffered intensely from dyspep
sia, complicated with a torpid liver,
until she lost her strength and vigor,
and became a mere wreck of her for
mer self. Then she tried Electric.
Bitters which helped her at once aud
finally made her entirely well. She
is now strong and healthy." C. Y.
Lowe, Druggist, sells aud guarantees
tbem at 50.MS a bottle.
Centennial Xoten.
Less than four weeks remain m
which to take advantage of the low
railroad rites to go ami seo the Lewis
and Clark Exposition and the wonder
ful Northwest country.
The big horse and cattle show at
the Lewis and Clark Exposition is
now in progress, opening Sept. 19th.
It will run for ten days. Sumo of the
most noted horses m the country are
on exhibition, aud in the cattle, sheep
and hog sections the entries are high
ly interesting. Cattlemen and horse
men from all quarters of the United
States are in attendance.
One of the mnt interesting outside
attractions for Lewis and Clark Ex
position visitors is the Maclay Phik
aud canyon, which begins just outside
one of the entrances to the fair. There
is no other park in the world like
this. A narrow trail, just wide enough
f.r one person at a time, leads up the
slope on one side of the canyon, grad
ually descending to the bottom, along
which runs a purling brook. For a
mile or more the trail leads through
the deet canyon, with great lir trees
risiug ou each side, and ferns as tall
as a man, growing thickly. Then, at
the upper end. the sightseer climbs
the narrow trail up tbe slope and
along the mountain side, coming our
at City Park, a beautiful piece of
laudscape gardening. Maeleay Park
is left just as nature made it, except
ing that the oue nairow path has
been cut through.
Telegram: Another lightning
storm hasbwopt the Wiliamet le valley
causing several deaths. Until this
year, electric disturbances were rare
events iu this section of the country
aud fatalities were practically tin
known. Jt is apparent that there i
some radical climatic cltangM taking
place m this immtuliato vicinity. It
may be caused by t he dost met ion of
the forests or by the increased use of
AttacKeil i;- :t Moli
and beaten, in a labor riot, until cov
ered with sores, a Chicago street car
conductor applied Buekleifs Arnica
Salve, and was soon sound and well
"I use it in my family," writes G. J.
Welch, of Tekonsha, Mich., "and
find it perfect." Simply great for
cuts aud burns. Only 25ots at C. 1.
Lowe's Drug Store.
A'otice of Dissolution.
Nnticn is hereby given to nil whm it. may
concern. Hint the firm hitherto known an the
Hunt Brothers, and carrying ou a business
in lutnhiT at what has been known uk thu
i'luvton Sawmill, situate ahont eight miles
Honth of Bandon, has been dissolved. S. N.
M. Hunt having Hold his interests t t J. N.
Luke, and the said .1. N. Luke, and J. O.
Hunt having sold their interest! to Itoht. I'
Hunt, the old firm has iieoome dissolved and
Kolt. P. Hunt will continuu the business in
Ins own individual name.
All acconnts dne said firm are duo and
payable to said Kohl. P. Hunt, who iimsiuuch
all liabilities of the said firm of Hunt Hros.
Dated at iiaudun. August 31st, l!H).r.
.1.0. HUNT.
B. N. It. HUNT.
Home Circle Column
Crude TliouglitH An They Fall From The
Kdltonul Fen. IMeusimt Kveiilnjc Kev
erles. A Column Dedicated to Tired
Mother ns They .loin The Home Circle
nt livening Tide.
In n robo of lnce and satin,
With a sash of pnlest blue,
With a picture hat and roses '
Hoses red nud wet with dow;
In the freshness of the morning
I have of tea seen her wait,
Drumming with her dainty lingers
On the illar by the gate.
All in white aud crowned with blossoms,
By the gate ehe stood one day,
And she held her sweetest roses
That her hands could bear away
From that cool and fragrant garden,
Where- the sunlight kissed the lawn,
Fragrant with the hreith of heavou
Ou that happy bridal moru.
Still it seems I see her standing,
Sweet of form aud fair of face;
Weeds have overgrown the garden
That her presence used to grace.
By thu gate which is forsaken,
Cliugs tho ivy to the wall,
And the roses there are fading
Those she loved the best of all.
The majority of women do not re
quire extravagant pleasures to keep
them happy. All they want is a little
attontion aud considerable thought.
A man thinks he loves his wife and
children, and because ho works hard
for their support he needs no other
evidence that he loves them, rer
un ps ho doe.-, but when he constantly
reminds them of the expense they are
to hhu ami seems to begrudge every
dullar paid out to maintain the home
ami support the family, he spoils th
hiippine-s of that family circle by sel
ii-h thougbtlessor.-s.
natuue's vo;;k.
Nature ii a great economist. She
makes ihe most of every opportunity,
she works up all odds aud ends. After
you are wrecked and useless, she
leaves the wreek upon the rocks or
reef on which you were stranded, and
hoists her signal of danger, as a
warning to others. You loso your
life, but nature wants to u.-.e you for
a warning. Yon lose your health, but
t he tll t.tles are ieft in your face to
show the world how it went. If by
drink, haugs out as her sign a
red distress, it nut- be. on your nose,
in front of your ejes. where you cau't
escape it, aud v. here everybody yon
meet reads tho terrible warning.
Though your life is a failure, and yon
have become useless, nature can still
aflord to keep yon as an object lesson
tu warn your fellows.
Every boy belong to a man. It
may not be amiss to study the charac
ter of a true gentl man. What is a
true gentleman? Manliness is a tnif
virtue, virtue means purity, p'inty
means power. Never imagine that
the swaggering braggart is a power
ful man, or that such characters as
Corbett, Fitz-immons, Sullivan, or
thoir tribe are ideal Atnerican citizens.
The braggatt and bully is always a
weak character. The true gentleman
is utroug. The man who endures and
overcomes and lives t. bless other
lives is the true gentleman. The true
gnllman is nut made out uf clothe.
Fine feathers do nut make line birds.
So no art of the tailor can make a
man out of a tough by dressing him
iu a line suit. Some of with
tho roughest exterior possess the
truest and teitderent .-Dili's, while
some dressed iu th height of fashion
are demons incarnate. We like the
man with a sunny smile ami a loving
heart, an honest voice, ami a firm grip
of tho ban 1, a clear ey keen wilted
with boundless energy and a never
failing smile, a man sincere, -injime-ly
unselfish, iu-pird !y . tru wanuih
of heart.
(live ns such, tt man obedient to
the claims of others, rather than the
prim and pou:pins man whoe h"art
has the frigidity of an iceberg. We
believe what wo need today in the
homo and in Ihe church aud m busi
ness, is not an austere and unbending
Puritanism, but. a large hearted.
cheerful spirited Christian biotherli
ness. inspired, not by dollars and
acres, but by obedience to our high
est and best nature. Tho man who
encases his life in business claims or
wraps his being in a mantle woven
out of selfish acts, can nevor .save Ihe
world. What we want is sympathy
There are 11111113 who have fallen in
Ihe tragedy of life; 1103- ure bleeding
fr un some wound; what they need is
a brother's hearty hand shake, a lov
ing voice, saying. ''God bless you, my
boy, all is not lost.; your life is not
gone; there aro yet unwanted days in
which you cau win back a good name
and nn honorable place in society,
lie a man; I'll stand by 3011; you cau
count on mo."
Cot on Cheap.
lie may well think ho has got ofT
cheap, who, after having contracted
constipation or indigestion, is still
able to perfectly mstoro his health.
Nothing will do this but Dr. King's
New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant
and certain cure for headachp, consti
pation, etc. 25cts at C. Y. Lowe's
Drug Storo, Guaranteed.
of Choleni Moibus with One Emnll Hottle
of CliunileilalnH Colic, Chaleni anil
Diarrhoea ltviuely.
Mr. G. W. Fowler, of JTihlower
Ala., relates au experience he had
while serving en a petit jury in a
murder case at Edwardsville, county
seat of Clobournu couuty, Alabama.
He says: '"While there I ate some
fresh meat and some souse meat aud
it gave me cholova morbus in a very
severe form. I was never more sick
in my life nud sent to tho drug store
for a certain cholera mixture, but the
druggist sent me a bottle of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy, instead, saying that he had
what I sont for, but that this niodi
cino was so much better he would
rather send it to me in the fix I was
iu. I took one dose of it aud was
butter in five rniuutes. The second
dose cured me entirely. Two fellow
jurors were afflicted in the same man
lier, and oue small bottle cured tho
three of us." For sale by C. Y. Lowe,
Notice is hereby given to all persona in
debted to thu tinu of Lnreu. and Langloia
to call aud settle either by cash or note on
or before Oet. 1. lyuTi. All uccounts are pay
able to Lorcuz and Iloyt successors to
Loienz and Langlois
Doted Bandon Oregon Aug. 31. iyO."
Toledo, Oliio.
The Uest Known Newspaper In the
liijltetl Mate.
Circulation 18.1,000.
Kojiular In Keiy atute.
The Teh-.lo B '.le i no installed in its
liov building, i!i a modern iilatit and
i'i;iii;iitient . and l.uilat-'-. ttjual to auj pub
iie ni in ini..aeu s-'.v Yrk and Cuiuugo. It
is th" only edited ex
presnly fjr vi ry Mate and Territory. The
Ni'ws ot the WorM hj arranged that busy
people can more e.'.stly couipruhetid. than by
reailing eiiiiiberi.i:ie columns of duiheH. All
ciirtent topics made plain in each issue by
special editorial ei. liter written from nioep
11011 down to 'the only paper pub
lished especially for people who do or d not
read ilailv newspaper.", and vet thirst for
plain facts. That this kind of 11 tieu.Hpaper
i"- popular, is pr -veu bv tho fact the
WeeUy Blade uox has over Wi.UUO ycurh
subscribers, i.nd 1-. cneulattd iu all parts nt
the IT S. In isilu.tii.n to the new-i, the Wade
publishes fhoi t u'.d s-Tial storie--, an main
department: t" matter suitable to ever
member of tue iaunly. Uuiv oue dollar a
Write for free sucime:: copy. Address
Toledo. Ohio.
Kecerdcr snbseiihers can have the Hindi
and the i;Lio;.no:., for $2 a 3 ear, payable in
A Valuable Book,
One of tho most valuable hooks
that has been offered to the public
lately is
Tho American Family Educator.
This book is a ftiutl of knowledge
that will interest the whole ho'ii.-e
hold, ami should he the compauioti
of all pt-r.Mius in their leisure 1110
menls. If its advice is sought and
followed it will pro.e. a source of pro
lit as well as pleasure.
.Sold only by J. J. Edwakds, Aot.
i O- T. Blunienrother
U. S. Cominlfeioner and Notary Public
Filings ami Run I proofs made on Home
o.iJ-i. I iiiiber Ciainu and other U. S. Lauds
Money Lou II.-. Neuotiitied on Approved
Office in room 10 Heyerle Building, Bate
' iliin. Iti'sidi-iieu on Hutti! ('reek. Oreeon.
I All UlieU of Heal Kstate bought and
Notice is lu-r.'bv :ivcn that tho partner
ship her.-t'dor." fXi-ting between (,5e. f
1. !. .2 nud ! N. La. vi.-H nud d nig bu--
iie-: under the firm tiaon- and -tle of Ln-
r-11 -Mid Langlois Iihs been disv.Ui d, said
.1. N. Langlois retiung from th
tiroi and the said Ge. I". L-.oenz
a-s tciaf i.ig . G Hoyt with the busmen-;
lied, r th." lino name and style of Lor.-nz
an.' iloyt. Ail acount -t due I lie aim
of Loreti. and f. 'UI."n are now due to Ler-
eii. and ibM wli a.-.iiiio ail liabilities of
liiht on :iti 'in'.: fwin.
Kamion Ore. Au;. I'.lBt.
Guo.r. Lohknz
.1. N, la::;.oii
A G. Hot
What We Can Do For You
I Two I'aj.cnt for tins 1'iicu of One. You
"et I lie ews of tin; WorM and
tilt: l.oeal News Thrown
in a :i ltarKaiii.
To those who pay up nnvarutres and a
year in msvunee. and to nil new subscri
bers who pay in advanue. ws make t ho
follovvini; piopositiou compriuinu several
diiFerent couplets to select from:
Banijon Kkcoudkr ?- CO
San Fianeisco liulletiu HO
l'oitlaud Kv nine. Tch'iirutu fi 00
Weekly Orejiouiaii 1 .r0
Appeal to Beaton
The Bulletin ia one of the lending
of tho West, aud is u daily published ii San
Francisco, and gives H the news. Our'offee
includes the Sunday Bulletin.
Becorder anil Huilctiu, oue yenr.. $7 00
Recorder and Hulk-tin, ono month 65
Tho l'oitlaud iiveninix Telegram in issued
six times a wuek. It gives all tho news that
is wotth reading and np to time of going to
press, much of it being 21 hoars fresher thai,
when it reaches hero through auy other
Becorder nnd Telegram oue year. $5 oO
For a weekly nowspnper tho Weokly Ore
'jotiinn loads iu tho Northwest, and gives
all the news usually cuntnined in a weekly
Itecordor nnd Weekly Oregoninn..$2 50
It is tho duty of ech person to seek in
formation along nil lines that tond toward
bringing about bet lor conditions nud greater
prosperity for tho bnmaii family, nnd for
tho purpose cf giving our renders n chnnce
to inform themselves wo give them the beBt
Appeal to Reason. Any doctrine thnt
does not nppoal to tho highost order of rea
soning is not unfe.
Recorder nud. Appeal to Reason,.. $2 CO
Huudou. Oregon,
Druggist and
Ib just In receipt of a new nnd
fresh stock of
Drugs and Chemicals,
Patent and Proprietary Preparations
Toilet Articles,
l$in;"-istrs Sundries.
Perfumes, Bkdshes, Sponges, Soaps
Nuts and Candies.
Cigars, Tobacco and Clgurctten.
Paints, Oils. GlusseH, and Painter's Supplied
You Can't Expect to Get
$2 worth for $1, but you
can get your money's
worth at
Dealer in Boots nnd Shoes
Repairing neatly nnd promptly done nt
lowest living prices.
by buying thla
reliable, honest,
high grade sew
ing machine
National Sewing Machine Co.,
Glass Watch
Agates Ground, Polished and
to order; or any otln-r work in my
line bo done in u neat Mid satis
factory manner, at a reasonable price.
Call nnd se my new line of jewelry, con
sisting of Stick I'm, Hat Pins, S1t-.I1 Pin-.
Ijtidy'.s Waist Sots, Hrooclius, Hraeeh-tH. CnlT
and Collar Hut tons, Chains. Charms, au.l
Kings, wliieh Las just arrivtd.
AKTJirK RICK.'iiiaiUT aiid Jeweler.
BanrJon, . . . Oregon.
. . if-7 J! . ri 'i
0 -f
ii't. V tl.- .It. - V.v V.. b
u. u a I. l.u ' C
0':'.VPT!0N Price t .
r K fi G. CHS i:iJ EOc A S 1 .00 t I
,nrav nnwj -wjwv i-rm' J. mmt I. 'I BiMiMi.A.V.'
i? Surest vnd Uuickes; Curo for all g
? THROAT cud IAMS 'xilOUB-
H 1,33, or TiOlZZY BAGK. X
El Dorado
P. B. HOYT, Prop.
I.ocatod iu liL DOKADO WILDING,
Irnt Stn-ct, HANI) ON. O It CO ON
ltatlironni nnuly tltt-l np with Torcelaln
Tub. Hot or Cold HatliK lift cntw
Trade Marks
Anyone sendtnff a sketch and description may
qnlcklr ascertain oiir opinion froo whether an
ihTantlnn lapnbabljr enftStenglSl:
Uonssincnyconaaonimi. nanuouun uu;uw
eent free. Oldest anency for socurtnjr potonta.
Patents tnken through Jtunn & Co. receive
rpecial nolict, without cbarso, in tho
Scientific American.
A hnndsomolr lllnstratod weeklr. Jjnrcst clr
cul..tlon of anr sclenttBc lournal. Terms. ?3 a
year: Sold byall nowsitcalcn".
MUNN&Co.36,Broad New York
Branch Oltlco. C25 F BU Washluutoii. 1). C.
Wanted-An Idea
Who can thln.
of tome simple
thltur to iiateatl
Protsct tout Ideas: they may bring you wealth.
Write JOHN V.'SDDEiUlUBN & CO.. Pntent Attor
Days, Washlrtgtca O. C for tbelr 81.RXJ prlio oC
x-i U)t of twp Uundrud uitcdUoiui wautcU.
fH LKu mm
Citv Meat Market,
0 Yes! 0 Yes!
We Have the Variety of Stock
Ri-ef, Pork. Veal, Mutton. Lamb, Rologtm nnd Pork Snnfmge, Pressed Efcef, Head
Cbtt-Be, Corned Reef, Pickled Pork, Kgga, Vt-gftatdea and Rotter.
Call on Urf jmd get our prices before buying clsi-where.
.We are not like the Hind Wheels
of n wagon, ulwnys following in tho same rut. Wo art. ynshers, striving for a larger
bubiuess, and we get tit-re by keeping
Tli Eest Meat ill. tli Land.
and selling nt the very lowest prices.
Wo aro hero to please and hero to slay.
Yours to serve,
x J. Waldvogel & Son, Props.
The Newly Refitted, Speedy and Elegant Steamer
Will giye a regular ten day Service between Coqoille Kiver, Oregon, nnd Snn FranciRCO,
California, for both passengers nnd freight.
E. DVII1J. Agent, IJnndon. Oregon.
S WAYNE it HOYT. Agent, 2it Uattery Sireet, ijau Francisco. Californin.
City Barber ShpfTf
2.1 Cts
Hotel Coquille
UoqniiIc ity9 Oregon,
J. V. TiTPBEK. Proprietor.
This well-known hotel is now tinder niw aud com
pctent ruanageiueut and has beun thorougbly ren
ovaU'd throughout. The table service is equal to
any in Southern Oregon. Smple rooms for com
mercial men. Baggage transported to and from
boats and trains free of charge.
Fine new bar in co.Mioction with the hotel.
Elecantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer
m 1 1 r?Q
0. P. JEH8EN, Master
ThLi Steano-r is N'.-x. is Stronclv bnilt, nnd fittrd with the latest improvements, nnd wi
givu a rt-gular S dav service, f-t i-m-m ngtrs and freight, between the
Coq.tilltf itiver. On-g.i;, and San Francisco, Calif.
ELHEUT DYElt, Ajrent. Handou, Oregon.
E. T. KltrZ, Managing A:: nt, I'.'T l t.-t.t Stn . t, San Francisco, Cnllfornin
v s "A
03 juaunuxi Aon pJnu9
3MinN39 3HI X39 0S '31X109 39HY1
onuc3 i -amu ;ioqs n m 3d psino ;i pao 'auiqwH
Xjj 01 pio; suaC i poo3 ou sni op pDtnaas lojoop
at 3qnoii J3Ait qiiM. sqinoui iqSp joj paq nt 2J.0J8
iDAi i :sXs -SBsax 'IPVI s:!Pl.B. 'V 1 'JW
s;o3j3 snounfai
ou SDAeai pu-a ui3-js.Ts ot; ui uostod q go sooreo 1 0Jn;2U
jo Apatuai a-duiis oqi si pue ssaiuusq XpmiosqB si 'suosioa
onoaJtu jo rejotiiui ou sunjuoo pus aiqiaiJaA Apana si 3N
-SiJSH 8;2J3?qqo crj sivoS. ajtnboi qoiqAV suioduiAs pq o
jnej; b pax 'uiofe aqi a;T2i!j:qap 'pooiq aq; aH'A qoiq-
suosiod -u2i SB 102 Xaqx eum:nQ puis latuoi-BO -oiuasjy tfltAV
tuaiss Jno nij ;ou oa 'aOOlS 3afldWI PUT! M3AH Old
'UOL pasr.pojd sascDs;p a joj HCID a331NVHYflO V
mK d98B 1M
no. K3n.ii uaznvau .in.u aa xvo
C. Y.
You Do
ami cxataitiu ortr
Stoves, Ranges and Farm Implements, Etc,
Now is tbo time to purchase Hardware. Tbo undersigned bus
m stock a largo assortment of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Glassware, Crockery and Miners' Supplies.
lninH, Oils, Doors and Windows.
The Bandon Hardware Man,
Nut iot is hereby a von to nil Nrsojtft not
to tritiums mrHii tin premises of Dr.Kenyon.
-itnatei) Itetweeti Floras Lake anil the coun
ty road, in Northern Curry, by rexaovum.
cutting, ar deHtroyint; timber upon said
laud. '2n reward will be paid for infoi mil
lion leadinu' to n convictiuu of treripas us
stated nbovo.
Dated at liandon. ()recfn. llnreh It. 1W1.
TtiTliK NELbUN, Aer.t.
'sinon xs
OM1M1 JO AOf 3H1
Vo are still loin luincp nf The Old
Stantl ami run please vu. Give ub h Call
Leaves Raiuion every niomiuc. except
Sunday, nt 7:150 o'clock and make Conner
tions with the train and steamer Myrl at
10:30 a. in. at Coqnill City.
lieaves Coqnille City at 1250 p. ra., artiv-
intr at liuuduu at 4;&0 p. ui.