52 Times a year for $2. 52 Times a year for $2. Vohirne XXI. BANDON, OREGON: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21. 1905 Number 38. INI P-Ir LOCAL NEWS. Col. 11. H. Kosn is having bis new building ou Atwater Street painted. J. . Inciter started work on H. A. Cox's new store building yesterday. Rev. Horsfall will bold service in St. John's Episcopal Chnrcb,ou Sun day uibrning at 1,1 o'clock. A. Goodman, of Coqnille, was m town Friday evening on bis way to Fishing is going on but the ruu so far has been light. Wood CnorpEiia Wasted. Apply to A. Haberly, Baudot), Oregon. The incoming passengers on I bo eteamer Elizabeth, yosterday, were W W Smith and Jos Kicking. Mrs. A. McXair took a trip up the, visit bis eon Earl al. DairyvilJe Coqnille, Tuesday, for the purpose of j r j3,PUor4 jjandon's verv efiL'ient visiting relatives at Myrtle Poiut for , SUOemnkor, is having an addition n few days. J builded on to the west side of his Mr. and Mrs. John S. Edmunds, of store building. North Bend, have been visiting tola- j Whon yon want to paint yonr 1onso ives in Bandon during the week. , caU on Wm ClHliieT nnt, BPU wbllt lm Tbey will leave tomorrow. ! eau tlo for yml North Bond muik Mr. Jacobson is grading the incline sab aud doors for sale, for bis railroad at the rock quarry, j MrSf s L perl;ins and children The track has been laid from the aow s,,,,,i Tn,.inv t.,,.c. wharf to the bluff at the quarry. Held in order to catch a steamer to Osborn and Co. have moved their Portland, where they will vi.sit the sawmill from Johuson C.eek on to Exposition. Glen Cox's land near Prosper, wh-uv In tm, j,,, h,st wtok of ,ho ?np. tbey will engage in cutting lumber. ! poso(1 wri,ck of thl, ho()Uor ira. Mr, and Mrs. John Keil. who have it was slated that Captain lieed was been visiting Mr. K ilV sister and the builder, but that was an error, aa other relatives hero, will leave tumor ; Chris D.iuielson did the work. row morning for their homo in Min Mrs. J. Waldvogol returned home Sunday evening from a visit to the Portland Exposition. J. L. Nay, of Elk lliver, Cutry County, was in town Saturday night on his way to visit tho Lewis and Clark Exposition, at Portland. Mr. and Mrs. V. 11. Ward, of Bak ersfield, California, who have been hero for some time on a visit to Mrs. Ward's son, It. E. L. Bedillion, left Tuesday morning on their return home. Mrs. Bedillion accompanied Mrs. Ward to Coqnille. Marhied. At Bandon, Sept. lOlh, Miss May Mars to Dr. H. L. Houston, Hov. W. Horsfall, ofliciating. Tho wedding took place early in tho moru- ing, and the happy couple left on tho morning boat for Portland, whither Dr. Houston was called on account of tho sickness of his mother. Tho Recorder joins their friends in congratulations. . 1j. S::y nixtl ilr.it 'S Psirxe Wreck Kejiortcd. A telephone froni Dairyvillo vesier day evening reported a life-raft a half mile from there near Flora's Creek Passing over Mr. Nay's instilling personal remarks as unworthy of further notice because of their well known falsity, we d sire to show up tho utter fallacy of his claim to that .10 purdo still uwlige.' ted in his gul let, and concerning which the Fourth of July management had no mom to do than the man in the moon. Mr. Nay says that tho pr.r.-e was ''stolen from him," and that ho was damaged to the extent of 2dJ. To show the origin and purpose of that purse we republish Mr. Nrelson's letter in explanation thereof, and in proof of the truth of our statements. A Card f i'roe( if!. This is to certify that the under signed personally guaianteed the S.5U parse for the Nay-Turner horse race at Port Orfonl, on the -1th of July. 10U5, ami that said purse wa rained principally by donations from the Order ynuv Ssii jijjjI Winter I take pleasure in announcing to tho public the arrival of a complete lino of samples for the Fall and in ter of l!h!."5 (j, from leading Chicago, San Francisco and Minneapolis) lirms. Suits to order, Sin to ?-lU. Trousers. SI to 10. Satisfaction guaranteed in uery particular. louring my absence, Prof. Harris, who is widely experienced in this line, will forward yonr orders prompt ly. With thanks for liberal patron age of tho past, 1 am, Yours to please. P. 15 Hovt, Eldorado Barber Shop, opposite Pot- ljiiv, jj.tiKiun, Uregon. Important News Motes T A X 1 IT' IB ? 73 AMI 'V MO- andon, Oregon. HOAKD OV DIKKCTOKS; J. L. KnoNB.vnno, ProMdent, J. Dicumui, Vica l?rcsi L. J. Fahy, Cnsliivr, I'iuxk Fiu, T. 1. Hanlv. A umiotal bnnkiti" ljiiness tran?ictwl, and wistuiuors fven o"ry acanijiuotlatfiju witHisluiit with fcJtfo and cu:isorvativu bnnkiay. j. " Oorrapoatloals: Tho Americau ITationai Bank of S211 xranoisco,. Ca3iftHiHa. Merchants' National Bank, Portland, Oregon. - n The CJhaJse Ntiioaal Bank of 17ew York. . " ISiink is Opcii I rum '.) n.in. to 1" in., ami 1 l.tn. ; p.m. TrK-invY. St-pl. VJ 'VI JiipHiu-se b o;Ies!ip, .MiKui. Ailminil Tnyt.-. fht.-liij.. sHi.k wiih her entire uim I t . . . .. . people oi roi l m ionl unci vinmly, ail j.Ictuent oi oiiict-rs and met:. From soh.m. of which has been ivfnuded to the du nating parties, and that the Fourth of July Committeo liai! nothing what- The iufant dangiiier of Mr. and with four men ai d a woman ahoaal. j uver to llu wil tll raising )f .-aid uakn.i-.vn wiast; she caanht tiro ami tho after magazine i-slyded. Adiuim! Tuo wan net on hoard. A hi.lv war has liten proclaimed in the i.ta5.'tjan districts of :u;7.nr s lid JuLroi A run- A I ' 1 k m ... uesoia. ji,. J,tIU(.s T. Mars tiled Mondav af- Kenor .Tnlin-.m and his crew started Pifi. no autiion y to tiesignate tero lanars aro massaersn- tho W. W. Smith and his brother Hr- teru-on. and Mb interred in the Pan i immediately in tho Mirfbout, and Caj)t. lVr i! should be ased. uhiiw sti,.mt ibdti.iuii..i ,,i x. vey are putting up a smali sawmill , don Cem-terv. Tuesdav afternoon. Butler left at four this morning with U. Xielsk::. , . " ' ' ' ''" , nar Mr. Smith's I) acu in ort hem : Kev. W. Horsfall eonibielirsf tln s.r- llm ) 11 'l,sirtm:ii and U Ki I Oft Urtonl, Ure., July 2'1, l'JUi). I '.''in. v.li i o m " " k .m j-- ' - ------ i - - t .iui y3inii-jnviiu i Liu .i) u in iit'r.ri n onrry. The 1.. sU.r camo on the i'diz- j vice. I Gardner rode down tho cast last Bbetb yesterday. J c) c, T Blnmenrother, who has ' evening and returned this morning, Mr. and Mr-. Ii. A Cx have pur-. I in Now York for some wel;s, in i but :t being roggy tb-y saw nothing. chased a lot east of block 2. and near the interest of the Paudou Woolen the end of the plank road leading j Mill, left for home lat Tuesday, and fionth, and will build ami move their hould arrive hero by the middle of grocery store to their new possession, next week. Now the reader wants to romemher that the race between Nav and Tur- Dentist is Here. Dr. Steele, t e Dentist, is here, aud tier was a Private Mitch liaco fr "riOiJ a side. Ni.-I-.en rai-eil .'Hd fur tho winner of tho race. There was no race run, hence there was no win ner; and it being a private nine, -no Mrs. Nelson, from Coos Bay, who Nels Kasmupsen started for Port-' is PPil to do all kinds of work iu , one but Nay or Turner cutild order it iias been visiting Keeper P. Johnson land, Tuesday morning, to visit thej his liae' If yu noed uisKeivices cal1 iind family here for a few days, re- Ltwis and Clark Fair, and to repre tnrnod homo Tnesilay. Mrs. Nuiriii the Knights uf Pythias Lodge of ts the wife of Norman N-lson. K.-eper Huadou at the Grand Council, which of the Coos Bay Life saving .Station. mie:s October G:h. .John K.Scott Mr. and Mrs Joseph Walser re- i will also attend the Grand Cotitu-il as ceived a letter from their danht r. ia delegate from the Lodge lnre. Mrs. Sophia Simpson, anuonncing ' W. H. Logan is exjjeeting Mrs. be birth of a teu pound boy. The : Logan to be able to return home the bild was born Sept. loth. Mr. Wsd-; coming Saturday fiftu Matshlield. eer is oow rejoicing iu the title of , where sbo has boeu fur several weks grandfather. Henry Averill arrived hero last J Hospital. Mrs. E. M. Blackrby, who Thursday evening, from Brownsville, 'is also an iumate of the hospital, is to take np his residence again at Ban- j improviug. and is expected to be able on. He brought the informatinn to return homo soon, that bis father, W. H. Averill, had; We gave Mr. Nay space to air lu sold his farm at Brownsville, but ha ' Fourth uf July grievances, ami lii not yet decided as to whet e he will j adversary a chase- to an.-wer. but th. ocato leoutioversy has drawn beyond rea- Mr. M. Pt. Lee came down from sonable length, and the Ki c!:iki: njv Myrtle Point, Sunday, bringing Miss m.'es notice that it is not open to Blanche Stitt home, and on Monday further discussion ou that subject, ex lie returned home taking his wife and ( cept a short plain answer to the one daughter Sylvia, with him. the latter question Mr. Nay asks Mr, Nielsen. Laviug recovered frGm her illness; The shinglemill proposition is forg sufficiently to rourn home, although ' iog ahead as fast as convenience will ehfl had not fully regained her usual ; permit. This week the space between early and make appointment-. School Announcement. The Bandon School will open for the nvw school vear, next Mondav, S te attend the entire time t-o that tho itn thw linsuian IVaco Kavov, sailed fui rJ ir-jji". t'inc.nnali. (hio, and .Men-tmiae, Jlichi iinu, each have uasvd of yellow feror. ViaxiciiAY. Sept. lhirou ivuuura, tho Japani-su Poaco Kn voy, v. ho whh r.M'rtfd ill. is sutronn from tvphaid ffvor al .Wiv Vork It is stattd that the price for wool will not fall olT for A vars A car accident at I'ittshiir". I'm., injured i) msstiirr. nine heiny seriotislv hurt Ju-si before dark ! rakv-t fa:h-d to work. hntnor n ennrctin" the name of Gov 1 Ik of .Missouri with the Dt'iiiocraliu :10m- m iti ,n for Pn-id-at in 1!0S m and riven i entitled to tlie iioife i.n w ontiil.rl "'m in MaiKhtnia. inn, and no Commitle) pretended to have authority over it. They never had both horses on the beach togeth er. Why, wo ask ? Mr. Turner galloped his hote 'through and tiin claimed tho S.J!). a urttsH. Sept. -Jo. All who contemplate alJ "over h.nnl m own ebum.ug j ihv rhin,,,- n. ,id w in restored ail e ,.Ii,g th,s vear ,hould arrange to j ih aIr L 1,0 UJ s ' T n.l"",II u ,h- !l rade work of tho various classes can lie done bv all. The follow inr teach- to Nay's U!U. If ntivouo was robb.d' . A ir"" lrf,sl ttith '- has boon 1 .ritiu) of lhe..50 it was Turner, and hv the j ...... , , , , An unknown tuna was fon:ul d.-nd near n n.?orrio n f r trmiluvi.nf nf iln IT .... f ., 1 1 i t'I'S Will. 1)0 ill cll'il'fe: MsS a kef. V " ' V " , i ill-, anil IlHIrUsr IS sUppU5'.'ll lO bf at;...- v'.ii...... xr: . iu. 1 i.. i m... Walstrom ami .Mr. Worrell. :1'!U. Bat who:) Turner galloped his j " catiao of dith horse on tho b.' ioh aud claimu 1 the purse, Mr. Niels;n d .'!ined to give it - -ppr uHmtm a45,ah ii .-, i i I; i I ra -t-ttt-tm- 1 . I for tho winner of a heat race, aud strength. B&odon is now taking on some im tho main building and the street was planked over, and a concrete fouuda provement. and with A. J. Hart mail's tion is being placed for the drag saw large concrete structure in course of 4 Tho boiler has been hung on strong construction, aud a residence for i ""ons preparatory to building the fnr A. McNair, and likewise for Gus Barro j nnC(? construction generally is and H. A Cox. it begins to look as if progressing. Mr. P: ilpot is having a building boom was on. Also yo ; bis work done in a substantial man ,, . , , . . : ner. and it will roam re several weeks editor will build an addition to his res- j y(;l to get the .,- roa,ly for operation. tdence anl improve the old house. 1 t TA 5 1 . , i.eoo. mm was orowneu m tne ,htro !)0 no ,,im.,... T.Irilvl. mill pond at Davw Bros. Saw mill, 12anti SuUon agtvel tj arbitr.ito. and miles ,onth of Bandun, Saturday, . Tnnur ch.JSl, i Di.U!1j ;UJ , Xi..j -ept. .h. 1 nm-tal servu-es were en-; sea L.hodl Frxnk yUlyln ;, Sl,f ,lfl.j ducted at Bandon Sept. 11th. by lev. tlll.y uh(0 Dr (;!uivi)K, than v-honi Haberly. nit rment being made in the nn f.,:P.,P , nitn. ,,..., ,,.iaM L, Bandon Cemeterv. "I..i .J.w. -.A I no rr i " I ..vu-n:-, .e to eai, ; UQt urthlvA to t Uo i ). Ulld 110 OUU m.:.ths, and 2(J .lays, was wsll known iiics at lu..ir VWtvt xc;.)t :r :;.tv! 111 tlii Vlpinitv rinl liitrl.li- .. i . ,.... ,-.1 ....... . ""' ""o"'. Again, Air. -Viv claims to by all. He leaves to mourn his loss. .1 ,...i ;.. . I WWWtl 4 ,14 IUU IL1 14 For New DrehS Goods or bargains in Men's Underwear or Men's and Ladies" Shoes Hovt's .Store. I5u.:ne Ch:inge. ,...u L 4.4. The business coango which has limifi !1 iiiiilit'Wi fui4 iiii tirim w t Luion;: aud j whj(.j. , D-nholm step- down 'and not of toe commercial business of 1 Bandon. ha- materialized thin week, i and O. A. Trow bridge takes up the Peter Ase,the Mattel Gardener, of reins when. Mr n.-nholm b-i.s go. .,, .... ..... ?lr. I roworidge doi- net com." to Bridge, will 1:11 orders lor lomatoes fl8 ;in (,XjM.rillM.r u ,,, Ci;mo-,!H olM and deliver on boat at Myrtle. Point. wltt ,as iUM. ,., -gaged for vears in the Tomatoe. fortwocentsa pound. Address all order? to PLTKPv AXK, Bridge. Ore. i'li.tiiilii-rluln'-, C'ouli Kcii'.imI y .1 id- Nature 8th fMi'ude 3-jxnmiiinlioii i biihiness, atul who understands its i - -intricacies. I '.r DiMihobn. nltboii"h irninr en- t lin.h- oni of lni.Mnf-Rs.does not int. .ml ' Arrangements have been made for ! moving elsewhere, at least for th j "u Sth Grade examination to bo hold zr 1 ! r , , a ui! Him one cn.j.i, miner, moiUer, Xow K,t Uri .,nticmv six brothers and two sinters. Near a cool and shady nintinlain, Wlu-io the iinIin; tit trei wave, J)wolt our brother, kind and loving, Uut he now is m his crave. The Savior came and claimed him, For his endless hoiuo above. In tho future . will find him. With our dear ones whom we love. Iu our dreams wo see him smiling Far above the clear blue sky, He is knei'litii: with the angels, Who iu cronpii are hovering by. Then again wo hear him calling Come, my loed ones, come, 1 tay, Hero there is no thought of parting, Uomo and share the endless day. V. Gai.dneii. Tho above was sent us last week, I'tit we received it too late for last week's isbtie. Thuuimt. Spat. 1 1. I'utrirk A. Collin-', .Mayor of L'ostou, died t Hot Springs. Vn. Dick IJeanett DameM wis hot nd killed hvCharUs Ui.dei wood un tha Heachuitt l.'iver. Aioiij!t W-nr-us nnl Stru!oIi, It :ly. are .eiive, th latter VMiniine firt". Tli. Portland biWrtr.H aggreration has giitird st-eoiid .lnee in tin- 1'aeilic League. Tour jK-riw.ns w.-re kiilfd six injured fa- Hllr. and 'JO nth, rs reo. ivod injury ly light ning ftriking an fxhibitiun tent iu Iowa Thousands of chieken were ki!hd. The Williamson Land Fraud case is bo coming more seriw f-r tho-o iiuheU-d. as nave j the government is streunh-ning itsea-e. ie sum of .JJJ. J IeH'own. Liaho. M.-d 11 business build- illv slate- inj.s destroyed hv lire. m-.Mit.' Had he even wo.i the race and ' Friday. Stjit. !.". purse, lm would have won the 1UU ! Ut1c",l! ' " "r i -i mini. Kiviujr nH. 11,-1 exninuioi; yat aehifvetl iu the airl.in line. I'rof. Kr.Hifriek arr of the Chicago Fni- oil, and 1 hoy dejido 1 tint Tttruvtr was 1 r OT SL'CCESSOliS TO SANDERSON BROS., Dry Goods, Ha,ts, Gaps, Boots and OIIU-oS, i i U ViblUlib, UiGOUilrJb. Alwavts nn hand " Fnl! Stnck of y.t.rain Sppd Grain ,nnd Grasi IH.uyo L-li i.Jl.U I:i :, kinds of OBCU VJIdiil g,, of n,j AIill Ffwls. kinds in stock. A full supply of butter k'-g1, eulie-. pupiTS, etc., etc. Will handle your Butter and Produce in unlimited amounts. T2- Oregon. T IE Horsfall Hospital, MISS L. G. GOULD, Matron A Private Hospital, well equipped for the treatment of Surgical and Medical Diseases. Tr::ii:i?l liisr.NC iu atlcmkuice. For infotmittion address W'H. IIOKSFALL, JI. D. ilarshtield, OreKou. anclon Meat Market, Prop. r-ri ii 1 m pre.Mmt, but will virit ti month at IVrthnd and Oregon City, and then return hero. . ienfist Tsituin CstllftI 58onte. Dr. Tulom, t bo Dentist, received a Medicine that aid nuture are al ways must Hfeciusil. Chnmberlain's Couh Kemedy acts on this plan. It allnvs the couid). ri-linves the Iiiul";. aids expectoration, opens the seen- j telephone that his wife was ill and ions, aud aids nature iu re-toriug the not expected to live, and left thin system to a healthy coalition. Sold morning for Sins-law. He will re- urn hyC. Y. L a... " ; here to complete his work just as : soon as the condition of his wifo will permit. C;iue of Inoiiiiiia. Indigestion nearly always disturbs tho sleep more or Joss, and is often 'the cause of insomnia, Many caes have been permanently cured by niifimberlain's Stomach and Liver rp.,i,lnL h'.ir tfih. lie (). Y. Ijowe. I m If you cannot find what you want Druggist. aoywbero else ia town, com to ,b i RgSTAURANT. K A ( h 1 XVI 1 XV J JL TAULKS SUlTUEIi WITH THE THE MAKKET AFFOl'DS. Meals at all Hours. AVI! BEST Maybo wo have oue left, if so, thu price will please you. Our stock is small, but the goods are of a good quality. Hud the prices! are right. We make ''Cash Buying" an object to the purchaser, at A liberal share of Public Patronage is soliritod. MKS. E. J. HITE, PnornurrnnBS. THE RACKET- ! Baiacloii, - - Oregon .September 4J8 and li!), !)i5. All touchers who have classes pre pared for linal examinations, will please notify mo immediately of tho number of libts of questions wanted. Programs and Hides for conduct ing tho examinations will accompany the questions. V. II. Bunch, Co. .Supt. A Il)iii(.'ly Without :i I'.mt. "I find Chamberlain's .Slomach and Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used for stomach trouble," says J. P. Kioto, of Edina, Mo. For any disorder of the stomneh, biliousness or constipation, these Tablets are without a peer. For sale by C. Y. Lowe. Grocery Store. H. A. COX, Prop. J Fresh Provisions and Groceries on Hand and Coming. SNOW-DUIFT, SPEUKV, AND WHOLE WHEAT FLOrtJ. Choice Hams and Bacon, Fruit and Vegetables. . BANDON, - OHEGON. from Turner and th" ';'M onrse. He! drew d.nvn tho Sim) ho put up, aud where his 2 I'd damages can origi nate in this trausacti'iti. is tut appar ent ox.wpt in his imagination. Perhaps Mr. N iy h;;s not yet learned t hat horse racing is so expen sive that it is said to bo "the luxury of kings.' From the foregoing state ment it is plain thtrt Mr. Nay has no possible claim totheS;jiJ "stolen from him,' nor has hu boiui wrongeil in any possible, way by an of the ith of July managers, nor by thu people of Port Orford, wh un .vu regret to s-ay. he has wrongfully abused and gro-tdy uiisre)reseiitid to the ouUido worl 1. In conclusion, we wi.-di to hiiy that of tho funds collected for tho Lth of July, Mr. Nay conlributed no part thereof, ami yet hu was the fust, only, and hist one to raise a voice of sus picion thati the funds were not prop erly accounted for. To more eouclu lively show tho uiiju.-tno.-s of his in sinuations, wu will lvmnrk that tho Finance Committee consisted of tho following ouiii.' ladies, to wit: Mi.-M's Anna Dean, Ethel iJau.ieson. Mai'3 Sutton, Ollie Host and Katie Froiiiui, and lh.it they turned ovr even cent to TIioh. Hugiit's, TroaMirer of the Executive Commit tee, who, in like manner, pui I out every cnt that passed into his hands, as his books will hhow, and that no one but an "old man in his dotngo,' would ewr so nnju.-tly impeach the int-grity (f the whole community in which ho lives, and in which ho ought to lake an honorable interest. v.r-j.tv. Ii: s !k"'1i yranti'd 11 viicHtion mid will im'. 11 cnr cir more anions iho sn,B:e ttili-J of Afrien. In"i.n!iari.s find n hiii'ultnt: at bos An- I j,'li-. nml while tint ilxmos ror lioiiiL' hiiI- (liu'i! -t..!e :t 1,-rip ronininitit: $i:U).0f0. The hue font liiifil !."0t) in ltI the nt in ImiiiiIh TIh-v took the cold ami throw the hny in the lire, lint it t.-i r.-oovt-rcd b. fort? the contents wee destrnvt'd. Z. F. VMijhn. J f bo Aj!flcs. Iihb redis cover, ti Use !o"t art of It'mpeiiiig 'til. silver and nopjuT f 1 thi- co!i-i-,tt ncy of the linesi tt tniHied jit id. STS"R!AY. It.. 'I'ho tark.nitine Arnuo h hore at Clat sop opit, netr the nnn:h of the Ctli:mIiiR. I'ive iin-n view killed liy an explosion in a .MirLicnn nwinill, hinl eiyht or ten others wero injnii'il. Nine isii'ti lot t!ir Hvps by an explosion in the fiii worl;- Ht Avon. ('onn. Isnac (J. Downing. nsi-tnl ihmtinn?tor at VoiiUr, N. V.. bus Ihsvii icniovod for i-ob-oin the ti:ttil. JioxUAY. Sept. IS. None t'ity was abiHn.t deotroyei! Uy fire. The :! nix .s canned cxU-tiPive dHninei... Ttirr.ns of rain fell in Eastern Knns.fs and Wtst-rn Mi.-soiiri. ami tho livers are Koinurn, th .; ane mi voy, is improv ing, derlare-i h'r sectrtai v. Anderson Will Keep ou Hand at all Times resh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Smoked Keats, Lard. also Sausages, Fresh Vegetables Poultry, E's. Butter and all Farm Produce. I will pay highest market price for beef, pork, mution.wool, hides, etc. (HQ 1 Dry Goods of Every- Description. Ladies Coats, Capes and Colkrcttss. f " i ots &d Slioes. Fresh Groceries of all Kinds. Bulls SVb.de to FVIeasurs. WARNER'S RUST PROOF CORSET. AGENT FOR .:.;::m:. a:;hivbh Sc- t. II.. Si-Sir Advance, Uidinfsen, Ii das fr.Mn S.-im I'laneidco. Sept. IS. Srhr lbihy, Korlh, t days from San !''raiiRu-co. Sep,. 'JO Stmr Hli.-!!.th, Jt-n .n, (it) hr? fr-ni S ui Franoi-i'o. C U : n 1 ( 1 1 7 m O 1 is c ienneciy, n p5.rvP,n 1 -r. n vv agon .Wagons of all kinds made to ordor. .In! work ntleiidi'J'to ptotnptly and all work unman teed to tb saliifsetmn. lluus.inaltio. -Zor3ssii.osiiie: e- Specialty In regard to Mr. Frank A. .Stu'vurt's aiticle, I consider it too trilling to merit any reply from me. 1 think he is meddling vith u matter that, is none of his butincbs. I will pay. how over, that it appears to me as if the wlmle Stewart family aro after mo. and while I recognize thtit I hey are k'reat lighters when they combine their family forces together, 3d I am quite Hire I will be able to attend to them, and if they persist in their at tacks on me I will mako them wish they had let me alone In my "dotage years," J. L. N,v. .- v v j v v v.v i- v. v. : x-v .vm v .; ('null Oo.-fii if the fiirt".! No. 17, I(irtr f Amerlea. -.. jVnit'IITi KMX OK T1IK KOIJUST.J J Xo. 17. meets Kridav iiiuht t.f earh ;.wck. in Coiuirefe Mall. Handon. ()jron.-j cordial welcome ii t-xtended to all vis-x ;:,itiii- lr.therx. K. M. lib ('K KUI5V, W. V. Ktsiiiii. Chief lta:i"er. X I'ia. Secret a rv. x : XtzZ.-Z-X. :'. :.xvvv;vi: ATTOIIXFY AT LAW ANDi XUTAliY PUBLIC. Special attention ojven to collection, fore- closure of inortn:eii, nrnishec and attach ment suits. Wrenshail & Wrenshall, ; Photograpliers, ! k(u;ni ikunk c.i.t.i:i:v, iiamo i ZDr. Xi- iSoiJiston, PHYSICIAN & SL'IiUEON Officii ovor Furniture Store. Hours,!) to r a.m. 1 :"0 to 4, p.m.; 7 to 8 in tho uvuiiing. 11ANDOX, - - OK HO ON. Oil!,!' hi KI IJorml.. ::hie. KAN DON, OUKGO.N t PHYSICIAN d; SCHGI0N, K.VNDON, OKIitlON. Oflico ovor Win. Oallior's Store. Office honra (! to U a. in. Gill! a: residence at other hourd. i 4 Vi: .M)ON I.ODCK, N. 1 l, A. 1. A. .II f p AXHOX LODC; K.N . II".A. F.A .M. - : i Staled ciiiiniiuni.ition.s tiwt Sat--3 Snrdi.v after the fall nio.nt of eacliK :.iuontb. All .Master btSons cordinlly Mnvited. W t'. SANDKUSON, W. il. 3 y$ J. K. V.'.vi.-ruoii, Sc. v. : : f -ivv? : V ? KANOON I.O DO K No. 133, 1. O.O. V v. v3 55 'i;itbm brothers in j;ood standing -cordially invited. n t A. J. HAUTMAN. N G. 1 T. W. Koiiison-. Sec. GKO. 1. TOrriNO, ATJ'OUN'EY and COt:XSCLOU AT LAW notauy rrr.MC Fire Insurance. Kauilon, - - - - O1-030C. 5 I AXDOX LODCiK. No. V.V., I. O. O. F.S ylJ meetP every Satiudav ovenmc.W