4 THE RECORDER 18 VCBLISIIKD EVERY TIIUKSDA V AKTHKXOON J? Y OA VI I) K. ST ITT, editor and rnorniKToi:. suKSCiiirnoN kai Pno Year Six Months Three Months ..$ 00 .. 1 00 This pppor i? entered at the llitndon post ottice a Seond-c:lnss Mutter. THURSDAY. AUG. XL 1005. EDITORIAL. The peace commission popims likely of dissolution with out ncromplish inj nuy thing in the way of penre. lln.s-ian prnlo statnlf. in the way of ninl;mj such rone-sions as nr liko ly to prove efioctivo while on tho oth er hau l Japan has the cliehoanl too well in hand not to exact tlio war ex penco.s from her enemy. Russia lias not been vhip;wJ suflieient and Ja pan has not ha 1 light enough. Tho army wants more glory. A Tourhliiir Mtu-y is the saving from death of the baby girl of Geo. A. Evler. Cumberland. Mil. He writes: uAt the age of 11 months our little girl was in declining ; .... . . i health, with st-rtous throat trouble. and two physicans gave h. r up. We were almost in despair, when we re solved to try Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Tho first bottle gave relief: after taking four bottles she was cured and is now in perfect health.' Never fails to relieve and cure a cough or cold. Hi C. Y. Lowe's Drug Store. oOcts niid $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Tea ehe rs" K a r:i i ii a t i an. In the teachers' examination held August 9 11, rJ0. the following an Xlicants received certiiica'es: Edyth Howell. Neilie Kerrigan, Arthur Brown, Efiie Collier, Minnie McCrackeu, G. V. Harriugton. Byron F. Savage. F. B. llo.nl ami .Miss E. H. MacGilvray, Firat Grade. H. 1 Denning. Allie U ilson, Lena Belloni, Nellie Fairman. Taylor G. Bunch and Beit ha Wiluins. Secoud Grade. Selata Howe, Molta II. Haseeu and Mary R. Liilie, Tnird Grade. F. B. Rood. E. L. Brown, Pearl Walker. Fanny Getty, Laura Wi.-e, aal Mls Dais-v Suo. wtote for state i I i i J oco- ) aiii Xotij-Hird Tt e railroat Bwrveyors r ew alont t-evesi mile.- from tov.n. and have ptlehed their titt about ten miles west of here. Vp o Wedn.-dj tbe had been driv- in io town every evpj.infr. but thim l.tr.ct:ce Hii: now be diconlinued. .. .. v . ,, , i ,,,,.,, Ciardioer Oazidte A Alontauaman nims to have invented a proems tore bviiotatoescan be grown with- ,t vines in an incubator" he says he claims who out can row 3U.0U0 bu-hel to the aero , i ii - c.i ".. , 1 1 .' and produce them in (,') tah. jte, i -ii i.. r .. r....t ... i Miyshcwill apply for a patent on h,s di,eovery. Thi. makes the 1,. no man who clame.1 to have cr-nl j i - .....l ..v.. li,..r. 1 hoes uitu liretii.-s aud pio.Jure.l a j i ,i !.. ,ii ,.,..!.. i.,.t...v iw.th breed that v. on id m:.u lune toin ... ii. u ,., . ,.,...! mtit and day. Iit.e a lo;u- copp.-i cent. It is lucky i he Montana gen tieuian cannot take out a intent on Jviii'. AJewItoi ;r 2t)io::? 1. 1 u io IrV5-rve Sti- t . t. S. t D.iuk. (Mihvakee i'ree Pres-), It is acotnmou thing for urmiifnc tui'ers to declare certain beverage?, absolutely fret from alcohtd without aualv2!nr them." said achemit. -.ilany so-railed tempr-ran-e bevere-; ges contain a much alcc.ed as beer or I he truth ,s there are many muieutiies in inu v.aj 01 m.ni-. Hfncinr::. purely uon alcoholic j drinks. .Some of them aro injurious on account of the poisonous llavor- ing an. I preservatives u.-"d. 'J'ho ten deney i-, toendovor to give soft c'ritiks the appearance ami even the flavor of beer when it is well known that such liquids cannot keep uudor ordinary circumstances in the absence of alco hol. An infusion of malt or solution of sugar is almost certain to change a portion or its substance into alcohol when subject to a healthy fei menta tion.' "Ntittiitiy on tin- MarUvl I"iii:tl to eiiiiuil.fr lalir'x Colic, ('lioirra ami lliar rluifii IS.-ini'ily. TIih fact is well known totlrtigist ewrywhere, and nine out of ten will 'ivo thfir customers this preparation wheu the best is aked for. Mr. Olte Wjtmer. a prominent druugint of .Jop iin, Mo., in a circular to his cu-to,n- ers.says: "There is nothing on the! J " I market m the way of patent inediein which equals Chamberlaiu's Colic. Cholera aud Diarrhoea Ib-medy for bowel complaints. We sell ami rec ommend this preparation," For Kile !v :. Xhowe. A 'W'urnliijr to Mothers. Too much caro cannot bo used with small children duriug tho hot weather of tho summer mouths to guard against bowel troubles. As a rnlo it is only necessary to give tho child a dose of castor oil to correct any dis ordor of tho bowels. Do not use an" substitute, but give the old fashioned castor oil, and seo that it is fresh, as rancid oil nauseates and has a ten dency to gripe. If this does not check the bowels give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and then a doso of castor oil, and the dis ease may be checked in its incipiency, and all danger avoided. The castor oil and this remedy .should bo pro cured at once and kept ready for m .-taut use as soon as tho first indica tion of any bowel trouble appears. This is the most successful treatment known, and may be relied upon with implicit conliilein'o even in cases of cholera infantum. For rale by C. Y. Lowe. QOO The steamboat sail tip the Colnm bia river, '.he ride to A ! ;a and the beach, and tho various other sido trip-? from I'oitlatnl, the r-sposiiion eity. continue to charm visitors who are in th Northwest for the first time, not to speak of those who have madt- those trips before and tiro eag er to go agaiu. Many people, bow over, find the attraction on the Ex position grounds so interesting and so numerous that they prefer to ! spM,i all the tiui-i at their ii-n- 1 ,,i ;it jj.,, exp:-.ti m. Too evening band concert-, firework-? and frorri-mt carnival features are speci!ly at tractive. OCO V: v :i: t s's" E :j t i i is i Dr. Jas Wilhyo nnbe, of the Oregon Agricultural College at Coivallis. writes that he with three or four of his staff will be here nt-il bold meetings as follows: Myrtle Point Sept the "Jad, Coqnilie the -iUi. and Mnr-hiieid the 5:h. All farmers should attend. F i r-Xi vzii v :: JL i c sz II. G Van Da-en, Master Fish War den of the State of Oregon, requests tin' pu'.l!catin f the lolltivvin" now cheduk' uf lifenes. for the benetit of tito- int-re.-ted : Jjieore for ill or drift net, ?r,)0 License for t net. .f2 I'D. Licfii-e for r-oine nt U exceed 500 feet in lenirtii. SLo.U'J: for each addi tional foot, lU'Witn. Th number of iho lieense nitwt he placed on the- bows of the iiiiiit iouts. to o rnt ?u.-H K-ar tor the par K.se of takin- bnon in any of Hi.. watr-; of this Mate without lir-t b - . . r ,r laintufr a lieeti'-e tteTefor 1 an olien.-e that will bt pro-efiiti-d in the courts. I H"V. Tri 11. Hie!;-, the no'-d weath ! er forecaster of rSt. Louis. .Mo., ha- for eii'hteen visi'.- ta.-1. edilt'ti a monthly . , I . ' ... . 1 journal oi national reputation. Woid; J . 1 . ' ' ;rk. W hnvo r-coive.! 01 d an-1 Wi at h, oQice am. can ,s Vlih H , f,l.,s:,,J' ,,,0ll".v' . j - " " h famiiv monthlv to ma'Mi'.'.itie fo; in. . - - 'tU'l with the Ui-loher number u.l.i!y w. o, a b,a.,..u.l marine Vrotny ,llu-tr,t..i with alMu.,e t'turravitif.-s. Uue or the ailv lab - . - num!'f:s of this ma::it.iue will contain , . , . . the weather Joieearts fur tbe lir-1 "ix '"uJ't"5 r 'J Jary, i (t 'i r ...... t ....... I : .w ......... 1 1. 1 ... I r , r ... J. . , l ........ i... ..r i mi iM-asi in: iii-r'i'i iiiiiiiviiifiiiii.-iii Web. 1 nene two numlers ot th, i marine will take the place of the Hicks Almau :e, which will be di.-.eon- tinuf-.l. The matter that has heivto foru been published m the Jlicka Al manac estch car will now lie lonml in the magazine and much more. The nrice of the Word and Woiks .NLnga- j .iue i 10 eents per copy or I.U() per 1 year. .S-ud 10 cents for a copy of t he ; 0tflobl.r umii!t whu.h ..jve, j on full I lhrlil.nl.ll8 of llow tbl. Jii, Weath,r riiri.uhl& fur a year in a.tvance will , .OW j.,v.n lo the public. Word aiuj W'oi k.-, rul lisintig Co., 2201 Lo .:.J .t; .Vt L,jih, I lu-y A2i;iil .i Our ynii:itlilfx. The bilious .nd dysjieptic are eon- blantMitV.Tersami appeal to our sym- patuies. T..ere is not one of them, however, who 11013 not. he brought back to health and happiness by the use of C'hamberlain'h Stomach .and Liver Tablets. These Table's invig orate the .stomach and liver ami reugth-n the digestion. They also : r..iila!.. the bowels. For sale, bv C, ! y j0.v.. " ! ?ioi5ce o!' 3Msso:ut:oi. Ni.tiec i- ln-r.'i v yiveii to !! uii.ttn il mav fum-. in, tie: tie lirtn I. it ! I . Known c tl... n.. .... , . i !.-tvt-.n Saau. ill, -iui.it. Kimut cifiii iiisi.-- 1 '-nth of I'.tiidoti. Ins lift-n ili-v-f,. S. N It. linn: Iihvihu s.tiii his iim-ivsts t., .). N . I.iil... ,1.. .1 tl... wiil .1 " 1 1.!.. .....1 1 ' ii Thiir mosio .io,;; v !!"'" '-fMlislvwl j , Ir.ltll . I I I Mill VVI II .l...l llil'l. I III 111 ... I T, - . i iV. ; 1.' .7 . . ... . Al' Mcriiiini itni! siiiil tiuti re dui mm! ! lilt to sud lt4it. I'. 1 1 titit. who ..nne ' :iliititit'J of tli Haul linn of limit Urns. Dlol nt I'ltiiiinii. iiuK-t .'51.. iK. It- IIT l. ittJNT, I. C HIW'T. S. X. M. HIW'T, .1. N". LIJ1CK. Home Circle Uolunm Crude Thoughts Ah They I'nll From The l.'dltorial I'le.iHimt Kveiilnrc Kev- orles. A Column Dedicated to Hred Mothers as They Join 'I' lie Home Circle ill ICvetiin Tide. HERE'S A DADDY'S SONG. "Must all your soujb bo mother sonus, Mj- botitiy bnbv Do pouts write no other soii, That father's name employ? Then Til riyht the moi streun wroact Come, boy, and hoar thy daddy's sim. Hnt firt a to-s hih in the air, To hear his merry shont, Ami 'lien a tH;!e here and there, To hriia thi dimples out, And "iion a ron-e upon tho hed. Oh, prccions little tonsle head! Now. then, wee barefoot boj-, take care? Kim swiftly over the floor, And father!! be a bruin bear, And jjrow! aud bite and paw! Why, bU"s na boy, wlint flimsy stnfT! Dad's soi! is ran time, sore enough. There, now of play we've had our till, ' Tm cuddle lime, I know. (How very bright his eyes aro still?) "Hu-di, baby mine, by-low!' Come, come, you little rascal yon. Dad's had enonj:h of prek-a-boo! Ii'i-'li. hu-h, hit bov. to sleep with thee! (I wish his mamitiad come!) Thv falher'l! turn into a beo If longer he must hum. Ah, well, te lull a i-hsld to rest. A mother sung, peichanee. is best. Some one has wiseh' said Unit so ciety's "!row" needs to bo decoiated with woman's jewels who tire not too highly educated or cultured to love their hu-bauds and to be faithful io i hem; tun too brilliant to bo g.iod motheis and wise conseliors for their , i , i . . eii dren. and not toi oroi:e.--ive we'r their hu-'oan.l' naint ::u' re tlect credit upon theim-elves. Acti Ns die -loetrmes: woi "He sure yon are light, then ahead!" was D.tvv Crocket's tuot,. io . . ., " . . . hie. Jl.ive a purpo-e m !ile a t:ii: piiriJOr-e -inen imis-mou: ouve tinally crown your elTorts. rf ill world de-pises yon because yon iio :4.t follow its way, if you aie ngh: show it by your hoi aud lin-dly tue woritl vill turn to your way of tank ing and give you credit . vi!i.s yon cnenpon yonr-e'ves tves by j a-l; (.f pnrpose in iifo"' say Reua I J ..,tj..r. -ion .-bow cotsi.ueuu.nt!e (i.hl in 'ursuin your i-iudie.-: nj i ale: lie-.-.- in eotnnivh.'ndin:: and j t v jn p..-::nuii!i:i ditlii-uM problems i !ihv htvome jmvi-r'. i.d: nino tin;t joul U i: ,on ..r.insnl: your r ther j ,,., ttl ultn VUt; ,s :j( jtaiuod. tbeijoai reaeht d. whet . i . ,t. :.,i;uiJli: eertiHente r? 'ii- v. . i-,-,..; -el.tv.!, r a r.rk;.- d ...... j for aim u; of i.,n mihi n- :uid0.l tJuretc. 'th hd U) fa:: er .,t nviv; or v!.,0.ifcr unlH ma. :.. - i ,.. n ... ...... ... . ' j "'' i n ..it,.tlKr. J If ,y bo;. bonlA leve el.o. ' - I. la head fr.il of hi.-torv and ::rant t rv; i , aid th cia-i and madt rn l.Oio t re. ant: ail the other :-t tulle o. j- etirrieuluni. an.! yet should not i-..w in id- he-tit to iehl a willm tled- , . . . , , e:iee to law -tho law of the MUboo!. .... t!ie law of the eo'umnnit v in whicu u . , f ( ; had two .i.rown a.av. V. e i tall of o tr behoo! in.-anw ' . ,. obedience to nroj r ant hot v. , , ' , th-ne bovs of lo lav are th i" :-o- ; ... , mu , Jh , . ,. j . ! Ian 1 w.' iun-1 hav. ..ujp; ,t .... ' v. dimtr ob.-.::eu.'e to !a.v. j pah'rs now I-a kin in the wn-: ! . icitnv e.xji-i e:e o u , Jit, , u- .. ; ;, , . fjf u( t , : home, the O.' .4' I , upon Uio iiu ti;'?s ; iWlJ ;u ! r'" tjf eteruitv will not dim th- t-:;gh; re-soi us Di.-inre. tniewi n-'v.-i . . Wt i, 1:. .,,".., .. ,,, .... ..,, tii(. O,tlor 1(.otIl,.r wlll) ,.. w . ,o llHU;,Hl(! wh,.ro lho f.,,-r..,, u(iomi.it TU( A memories will never grow less bright or dim. with age. -OCO Telegram: The Ku-.-iau army will clamor for war as long as I hem is a prospect of peace. lri vales in the ranj:s ,,,.(. not srt ei.thr.siastic as the (.it and J)tikes or Lihieviteh. I'al.Iii: i Aroiiscil, The public is aroused to a knoul edge of ''the curative merits of that - 'n'at '""5'' IMer.s ,,,r ""- "v,r Kiunoh. .Mary li. Wallers, of oJG St. Clair Ave., ('olumous, Ohio, writes: "For several months I was given up to die. I had fever ami ague, my nerves were wrecked: 1 could mt sleep, and my a., weak wm useless duel irs" tlriigs that L could not eat. ,, , , - i.i fM . Soon after beginning to take hleelrii: i.-,, r i .. . .1 ... 1 ... 1UU' 1 "'- '-," ' ; sln.l time 1 was entirely cured. . . . It I I TV tiiiarantoiMt at u. i. Lowe s jrug Store. Price 50c. Hferv mini :' In iiini-elf anil lii-4 fam i!v t 1 111. -ii-r it tr.-irie nr pro'.-:oii. Ko'd til- ll-illV ll(H(-ttinflirltt of ttie hit .MotSw Seluiot of Twlftinijiliv. in tnir ise. nnd le;tru Imw ea-ilv 11 vim ; mnii or !inly inav Jt-aru u legrnyhv nnd bo atiniiret! 11 pefiitioii, 4 i;3 Y.Vi jr urj lK-r v v. -i or aw t V.' 'In Ji.'hin i: -v 3. Only sis weeks remain of the Lew is and Clark Exposition period. Tho big fair will closo Oct. 15. Nearly every ono who visits it goes homo ad vising his friends to tako advanlagn of tho opportunity to see this wonder ful exposition before it is too late. When President Francis of tho St. Louis World's Fair visited Portland two weeks ;igo he urged the people, in a public address, to attend tho fair for their own pleasure and benefit. "If 3ou do not" he said "yon will re gret it only once, and that ..ill be all the rei of your life. Yon will begin regretting it a- von as the fair has -!:ed it- rr'ites. This is an onnor- ' UVtlly r K ijf...jm,. j r'iQi-IifiiV"f CoSk-. Cholera nntt ' viUi!TiliC ciii a i ;.-,, ;,,, v.:nn! v. Never la .!. il no-..-, it i.iy SJtve life. Q-A ,?ei "J J- Sri (1. j:Vt,jU. S. Uoaintisiori8i' a-id Notary r-ibiio ; t'iWt;- o d i . ! .. f 111:1 ! n !!o:ri' 1 :. I i.otu rl'l iHu N.iti -ilh.-r V. S. ln;;i j ! Tiloncv !.uu- 's;st!.-; p n mtri vt-tt s,.ouiiy. . 0:n,p ; IO,,n, ,n Pw iTnri.rc, V.m ilt!. itt-sii't-rtce u tutt Crst-k. ikw All Ultu'i of Welti :!: liMi:a!! ::tm! -.Mtl. I'mir! ( )! t. itf lli; I,r.". Nil. 17. rt.ri-'li-r- ! .:. S:tt)riiT;.ri:j::; oi this foks v .' .vi. 17. tr. . i- Kii.!.:v ni!.t f;s.-t- v k. iti I'.-i cr r.ul. I'nnd.n. Or K,'i! .- i j- .. i :.. t .-. i... . , : . .1. ; i .. ..it ..; . . . ;.,;.. t.r..:h..r -i. hi. 'Ki-.tii:V. "T . V. rt-ma. (.'hie: Hr.:,r. ; Ths "vfostdtifui Light of The TwfeKiletii Oe-iliu'?. On an rvrdsnary lamp lhi ;H'n;h tneid wdl ir:i'He vonr htrht to at ; "iwHty of the .rdi j r.nvy Uv.nv. U- a ia?e ami no . popular invent-;, n. .in. does av.uv' :, ,- ,- i . i f(U v ..iU!,r , tr::!tui":i of the wick. Va V lilt v UW k&a AM i'Ki'i il 'ii " S--J-. i v 11V tm., .u- ;;rti: rr :::.! u .t viiut.v. What We Can Do !-or Yotfi 1 Tv.. I'jiptTH for ! It- i'rJri: 1T :! Hii of tlif VV.nl.I k.i.I ll.ir I.-H-.3 .Nrv.s '! hf Ii ii )- ii Ha j:ttl. To :ti K' who ;mv up .urenre ! a v.-tr 111 inivs::.n;. and ti alt lif v Mit-wil-Iiit.-i v.lm -.f. in .".dviiiict-. vn m'lke the full., a int.' .toiu'Ni; inn tu.::i;:i i.i:i; cvutnl ditrvf.-nl coiiflv ts lo !. i fimti : J'i;ick ui' I'i:aLiovTiiK I'W.t Vi:m:. I'.mon !Ii:eoi:iK-a 0- "0 S in l-'raiicist:.. liulleiiu ' :-n I'oi-'Iand Kv.-iuie.! Telt'omui ; U0 W. i'k.!y ).-':ii:iti 1 Ajiival to llt-i:t:ii ;W tSs:s' OiTer. 'I'lie U'dlctin is one ui" the li'iidint; pa'.'e .r the We-il, and is n daily publisbed in '"aii rrancinci, and :iv s II the m:Vrt. Ouroffee inchulis the Suudu Uclietin. Koennler anil Ualleiin. wile yi'r.. $7 00 Ki-ciirdf r ami Unlh-tiii. one innnOi ''." The Pol land Kvep.iiisj T-I."niiii i isii-i six times a wed;. It giws all the news that 1.- woilh reading and tip to time of gtiing ft. prosM, much ot it lu-iti'-'t liours fte-iier th 'i when it, roadies hero thr.mh any oiii. r journal. Ki-rnrder ami IV!i nram eee - rjr. 5." -"Vt"! !"or a weekly aewhii tjier the v.'t ciily ri "eiiaii loads in ihu N.ni!:wt. and ive all the new nsnidly cuiilaiut-d in a v.otkU pnpor. Ketvu-tU'r asu! Wt-pklv ()i.'C"'iiia!i..$- r.U Il is the duty of o'ic'j per-m to acfk in formation alot: nil lini's tlmt tend toward l.ringine nlioni l...'itorcindit.i(nK.'nu! jjn ao 1 pro-pi.'ritv for the human fnmily. and foi Ihe purpoio f siivinj: our r. n.Iers a .-hant'e to inform t!iem.lvis we jive them the ln-st Appeal to Heas.in. Any doetritie that doofl not appeal to tlie hishest order of rt-a soiling is not s.'if.'. J'f-'jot'Jer Had -p.'fitl to He-nsoii... i'i CO CLARENCE Y. LGVVg, limn'on. On'tun, uruggist ana n I A,Gl'i.::Cotll la jnsi in receipt of a new and fre.ih htucii f Drugs oncl Chemicals, Patent ttnd Proprietary Preparationfi Toile.t Articles. PKuru.Mi:s, UnusHKs, .Sponges, Soai-s NlTTS AM) CaXDIKS. Clunrs, Tiilmcnis ::nd ClKnvt". I'aiutK. Oils. U!a.-it and 'u;::ir:s Supplied 1 50 You Can't Expect to Get $2 worth fcr $1, but you can get your money's worth at Stealer In ESooi ixud Shoos Kepairint: neatly and promptly done at lowest living prices. wING MACHINE. KOLLER BEAR! NO. HIGH GRAD2. n n 7 '. i - - v- Vi this ! mhS injnchinc. ;CY7- iii' Nacnil S??v$rig f.l:ichin Co., SAVi FRANCESCO. CAL. TACICUV ATBSLVS-Jlilil;. ILL. . u n, - j j, j rui'li'S Vttlt.Cl T; .r. . . i i' tS! , to ord-T: or an- ei!o-r wrik in my ... , , . . . line v.in ie tione in a nsni an tan- ; fu..r. manner, at a rea.-unal It- p::c Ca'l ateJ f;-i y new line tf 'ry fn-! siHti:i f Stick !'!!. Hr Pins. N'.-h I'::.. : &4f Whist i i, Uo- irtes, Kr i . C.fT i t:tt t"5t it li'tt I trims. t'LariiiJ?, H;'. A.isi'CIJ tlil. W... :.. : .Tew. lor. IB. ' 9 i : I i - 11 1 Tt'i.-i. -t I : .rnf. :z. iv1."; t-r"j for v.: : I i f T A 3,? c f: In Dj vr-Q C v.: 1 1! .- u 1 1 1 u. 2 . i i z . .1 v. P. S3. r' i.o:;i:.mI hi r.l. iKtHMur :l !I.!LT;. rir-i .-i:tei. li.i.MiiiN. i ::i:t;:). ; SJIAVlNCr. ilAVtl'(.HIN(; AND UMU (T VYl'M AT S'l'ANDAUD PUlt i:s. lt:il!:romii newly lltteil np willi t'oi-eetatn ! I nl. II tit or ( ohl I.;. II.s 'ir, rent- I Trade Marks Designs COFYRIGHTS &C. Ar.rono "ontllim n pfeololi ami ile.icrlptlnn niny ctiit-kly .-isivrlmii titir ofini !! freo wlietlier an Invent ion n jirelmlily ii.-ituiital.lp. rmi:iiu:ilc:i. , ";,. "trlcttvr..iilleiitlnl. IIAKDBOOX on Piitciita I eon: trco. oMct iitfoney forM'curiii;? patema. r-xii'tit? laSen ttimutfh Munn .t Co. receive tjM-t.d notice, without clnircc, la tho i Sdetitifie Jfiierlcait ; A iKitiilsonif l7tltustr:t'cl wreilr. T-'irccst otr- j i ii' In of Ji-e i iMiUtln loiirtutl. T.-ri'i. i'J -i i je.-ir- ! nr ti. ' ttm,5t. Bold byall tiewniiMli--. 88&Co.3G,a,oate'-RewYura tir.K..! o:5' - V J'.. '' 5.-fcti"t-'. l'- V;-- jfcr w. .. . : it. - !'K li ? sl3SljlluUAll iUdd Vhlur"ori;1 " ' lmwr' a vic-h.n of lrrt arf ? ttt. with the train and stenrntr Myrl r. Pnftct vonr Uloas- ".T ,.my i,ri- ylut wmun. , ''-'t !ov. ; Ifti t. in. t ri.jniUe Citv. vvrKi! Jot v ';.i.ir..s t o . .-at.nu aiw ; at suatw. f'r .. n T.-L. 14. I ijv? (?oi(u:Me Hitv I2it!t p. m., nrriv- 1 1 U " A ViLV iVlCclL 1V1 C Tes! 0 Yes! We Have the Variety cf Stock IJref, 1'orfc. Vpr!. ifnttnii. L:wl. !tuinca Rati Pork Sausage, 1'rosacd h'eof, Hiea :Imm, Oi.rsjrd Ikrrf, V:iiLd J'i, run. VtK.tat.tts ttz:d liutter. CntI ita Ua Biul jitl utsr prices L-.-tuM, lt:yoe' i-Jst-vvhi-re. We ere not like the Hind Wheels f a wRo, atwsys f-dlowint: in the SRiue rnt. Wo are pushers, strivine for a larger?1 hcrtiuot, aiid wo cot tit re by Unepins TIi est jN.'IoslI: ill tli XjCinci nnd elliuK ft the vT7 li-.-t prices. Wu aro liftite to p!fan and hett- ti stay. "ovirs to sre, J. VValdvogei & Son, Props. The Newly Refitted, Speedy and Elegant Steamer vvi es?3a E- Et2n zzZZ-a ViH fetTu a rej'n'.ar ''M- dnv Snrvice betwet ('ntiutrnin. fur tmth CAPT, a S3 si. DVin:. .wui. I.'aiidfn. Orenn. SWAYNK & IK Y. At-nt, 'Jit; Unttery iitretst, ian Fnninisco. California. Citv Barber Shop j H R j E. 2 SlIAVKy, '2 Gls lIACil siiAMruo, HAIK CUT, Hotel Coauille 'I'S? This v'il-lcimv. u lioie! iM now under now and cotn pftent inaniioiut i.t and baa been thoroughly ron uvateil throughout. Tbe ia!k aei vice is equal to any in Southern Jre'n. Snti!o rooms for com-nu-reinl men. J)ayj;a,e Iranct.ortrd to aud from n:tl trains free- td ( l::iri;e. i'ino new bar in counevrion with tho hotel. 5 !ia 1 1!5 .'. s-:tl; '-.!! 5.1 i litlJU, G. P. JEHSEN, Master i rhi:? SttStwr w X r. isJ'Iror'f'v UniJt . i . iihi itf, Ht f;o , : r : Jwtpii'le Kiver. t)i.-.j!., F. T. KV.rz. Ma.!:.'-!:.-; .-vi i"7 4 SJjAt'.Zt ci'Vis-ki 0 c u V5 j 5-- Jai ;-::tt.s. c: f e iysxTK-; -,?ift.-wjsti. xkostcd ri t FCIT, CCSf.1, CVrD.'.-S. vSiuBUV.:-'. Aii. l.fAUL:Ai tv.'.w Cf aia OR oust. r - v . 'wf " -: v' -vA a-A v.si v5S ''i. vs5 ns;:.?h r.irt-1 Tviih rr.uuciHtisnj, writes 3vt. C. iiu.1, Ior.ivilief S:i4.f;itfUCc, Kansas, "going olcut t:i cuitcitc ; :. snf:.iijr a great dcil of pain, I -was iadnccd to It' lUHuro's fow Liniment, whirh c.irrd tjc, sftcr v.. three 5"c hoct'.os. IT IS THIS GKi:.TKi5T LIMi'IlsT 1 J Ve.i I'bED; havercc o:tu:'r:ir!c(t it to i?umrvrr of "rrot:s, all express tLsseselves ps beity !.t-.:ci:tt:d by It. I now walk v.i'.ho'Jt cre.tchcs, ami am aide to perform a great deal of li-.;ht labor ou tLa farm." TH?S' SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $1.00 BALLARD SNOW L2N2SVSIEWTCO. ST. LOUIS. U, & A. w GOLD AHO KSCOWMi-NiJED BY Y0;j Ucid A'iY HARD-WARE? - V.'e - Stand ui! 1 -m phase v;n. Give as a Call and examine our .-r ,.-i tJ Xow is the time to pnreha.se Uaiilwaro. Tho utulerigned has in .-tuek a iarre a.-sorttnont of i j Hardware, Tinware, Granite ware, i Glassware, Crockery and !Y1 friers' Supplies. S:iIiin. SHotif ;h? .Vi j:!ivk. TiXSiKJP IN CONNKCVrilX. TtitSl'.S NfJTtK. . if i. wr"liy i.iv-!t t all i-rtt ut .i -;. niKHi ihf jtr- ntt.t. f in. ht iTn. !) WLtwrll rlin' L-ik HlUi ll.eioe riU. in isortlN-ra Chm. lv rnH'i. nt'iatr. or tlc-fUit.vmK thwiifr tif.n nui T .--n J- TV ell cr L3 V sZL-j tZssi? - ii (nqnsllo ltiver. Orocon, and Snn Francisco;, pns.sen:ers and freisat- M ,HT?7T I'T ID BOOMS, EACH! s i x g i: . MASSAGK, AND HATH. :!. 5ropr!etnr. and Speedy Steamer f"t'.! !! Infest improvcraonts, and wijj, i j i.r- :;iu In iihr, bttween tne 0 nii rras.v sc, Calif. n.-iiulort, Or-t."R. I'r r str.-. t, San I'r-nrio, California. ii-i-. K'li.'J A j f H hSj are i-till doinn lni-ii!cs at The OM anges and Farm implements, Etcr A. McNAIR, The Bandon Hardvare Man. THE STl-iAMER DISPATCH TItOMA.S WHITE. Master I Iivi Hhiufon every Moriiing. exeep- I