52 Times a year for $2. A "H S-B 1 JIJX I 52 Times a year for $2, Volume XXI. BAN DON, OREGON: THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1905 Number 34. LOCAL NEWS. Attorney J. J. Stanley, of Coqnillo, was m town Saturday. J. W. Leneve, of Coqnille, gave Bandon a visit Sundav. A. J. Wilson, of Northern Cnrry was doing business iu town Monday. D. M. MncRonzii', of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was a Bandon visitor this week. William Gallier hasi had a now roof Paul Miller of Rosoburg was a 1 put upon his residence this week. (J. Bnndou visitor last Fndav W. T. Kerr, ono of Coqtiille's busi ness men was in town Sunday. Charles A. Gnerne, of Turner, Ore. registered in Bandon last Mouday. W. Dvgert did the work. Miss Blanche Stitt went to Myrtle Point, Tuesday morning, and will re main for two or ihreo weeks. Frank Flam, of Hour Creek, was doing business in town yesterday. St. John's Episcopal Church. Sor vices Suudny morning and evening J. A. Cox and George Farrier from Dairyville, wore in towu yoster- dny. Miss Jennie Denholm returnee homo last Sundav from ber visit to the Exposition. William nnd Frank Yincamp, o Elder E. Keeler closed protracted j Marshlield, registered at tho Topper E. L. Monroo of Coqnille was visit- meeting here Sunday night, and weuti House yesterday ing Bandon the latter part uf last to Kivertou to hold meetings. week. ! If. L. Mum ford, soliciting agent Miss Leah Boak wont to Myrtle ' for the Encyclopedia Britanica, was Point yesterday to visit friends for a doing busiuoss in town this week, few days. Mrs. M. 1. Swift, who has been in A. McNair ono of our popular mer- Eastern Oregon vitiug relatives for chants, had business which called ; some time, past returned homo Jast him to Coqnillo yesterday. Saturday. A. B. Sabin. of Dairyville, was in j Mrs. Joseph Walser and her son, town Saturday uight having come up Otto, who have been visiting for some to attend the A. F. & A. M. Lodge. timo in San Fraucisco, returned homo Mrs. Emma Erickson has been j lust Friday morning, ill for several days past, requiring' Parkersburg and Bandon ball play- Mrs. A. J. Hartman gave the Bay a call yesterday, having interests which called her that way. Janifs A. Cope, of Four mile, was in town, yesterday, having had busi ness which brought him this way. Dallas Grant, of Burlington, Iowa arrived hero last Friday on a visit to his sister, Mrs. F. E. Dyer, aud is en joying tho Pacific breeze. Burton MeDuffoos employed this week in repaintiug tho Tapper House. Gallier Bros, aro making considerable :ball grounds here, in wuich Bandon j E s MidieNon and tho service of a physiciau. She ir ers had a g'imo last Sunday on tho improvement to their property. convelfiscing. Tho stearaor Favorite lay off her wou bi' PCOru of 11 to run several days for repairs while the , Tho outgoing passengers on the wife of San Francisco aro visiting Coos County. Mr. Michelson is bi ok keeper for E. T steamer Liberty was called into ser-; steamer Elizabeth, Inst Sunday, wer- Kruz. and came up on a vacation. vice. Tho favorite is again doing u .u .5Keeis. u u fierce, uaij.n ijuk- j W. Felter and W II. L 'an have duty. ions, w untway ami .U .V-wn. lH.,.n trying their hand at the caulk- Mr. Jncobson is rushing work on j William Cangheil an 1 Fred J ers' pmfe-siop, this week, in finishing the construction of the railway from Schwarz, of Wt'd lerbnni, arrived . up the scows for the government. the wharf to rock quairy and will , here on a visit Saturday evening, and soon have the timbers ready to receive , extended the rails most of tho distance. i Tuesday. their visit to Coos Buy A little forethought may save yon no end of trouble. Anyone who makes it alo to keep Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at j ach and Liver Tablets. hand knows this to be a fact. For C. Y. Lowe. sale bv C. Y. Lowe. at... i- .... 3 , , . , Sick headache results from a disor dered condition of tho stotuach, ami is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stom- For sale bv Mrs. K. J. Hite and son George and Henry Adams returned hon e from at tending the L-nvi- and Clarko Expo silion at Portland, lat Friilay oven ing. Father J. C. Hughes, of Portland, was in town lat night on his return homo from a vi-it to relatives id Sixes. Thos P. Hughes brought him un James LsngloH and wife of Cape I companieil Captain Kuth to San from Sise. Blauco, who were visiting relatives 'Francisco, returned home Sunday D- laite:son returned Home and friends here and at Coqnille. left j from their visit and ocean v.-yago and M(,ntlav pv,nin. froin u-udderbiirii for home last Ibursda having en-j will remain at home for the winter. accompanied by his wife who had joyed the nrst vacation Mr. Lanjjlois tutmit.i t , i i i- i . , . , I --.j....v. wv-... ...u . .....i i . i. Tiling i II.IA.VO 114 I 11U llillll has had for somo time. ...-i , ... I oi l on whoim. Mm. K. E. L. Bediliion and Mrs. iois The Bdll Telephone company have I made some changes in the rate of Mr. Etlerby and his fon James, . seiiding messages and the public; is and W. J. Gibson, and their families, beginning to register a vigorous kick who were living here while ihe men by talk of trying to induc-o the West ern Telegram Company to extend were working at repairing the gov ernment scows, moved back to Marsh-1 their lino on to Bandon !bo Jattor part of last week. j T. Rtlnmoy. v,;9n,Mlh njmt ; ,.,c4 Enterprise: Carl Bros have leased : Friday morning bringing about lb'O iu . w.uj i .oruay o , tons ot ire.gut, and luui Uie Toliou .ng ; r..bniMiu the stairs which lead from theR. Robinson Cheese Co. of Tilla- list of passengers: E Michelson and lst Street to the Station l.'onse. Tbov rnook, for a term of fivo years. Carl j wife, .Mrs Joseph Walter, Oto Wal-1 haV() tl)0 worb abolU comol-ted. nros. an flmnnf mnst mippn;cftil : cor .1 HnoL'mnn T re I w t r ' " " ----- - - ; ' J l IU (X1 4I1IO U L. V. JT ii. i I i 7 and Miss Annio Clemeus. Ward. Mr. IVdillioo's mother, who i hero on a visit from Humboldt Co., went to Port Orford yesterday and will return Sunday. Keeper Johnson mid ihe life saving crew have been busy for several days it. I). SI nine in Sued !y BSoIiort ICiiniH t'uv $1 10,t$t)U Cash. Threo damago suits, aggregatiim $110,000, wero Hied in Curry County this moruing by Robert Burns, Rep resentative from that County, and at torneys Veasie & Freeman, of Port land, again.t R. D. Hume, ex-Repre sent at ivo from Curry County, and rated ono of tho wealthiest men iu . i.i i i" tno state, xj. is. iMirus appears as plaintiff in two of tho actions, and his wife, Nollio F. Burns, as plaintiff in tho third. In tho first complaint, Burns seeks to recover 10.000 for having been subject to loss of time and indignities alleged to have been brought about by tho defoudant, by reason of the fact that ho had him arrested on a chargo of auchoring a sternwheel steamer in Roguo river. In the sec ond complaint he sots forth that he was the owner of a certain parcel of land, on which ho had erectod a store and hotel nnd thero made his homo and tho dofondant commenoad eject ment proceedings on an alleged prior right to possession of tho property, and that tho sheriff of the county, at tho instance of Mr. Hume, did visit tho place, and forciblj gain entrance. removing tho goods therefrom and forcibly compelling Mrs. Burns, who was in cteiicato uoaltn, to leavo the premises, and did assault her at that time, from tho effects of which s:ie nas not, tuny recovered, i'or tuts. i Mr. Burns demands $50,000 damans. Mrs. Burns sues on tho same grounds as set forth, in tho second ?omplaint of her husband, and for a ike amount. Mr. Burns states that Mr. Hume at ono timo built a fence of barbed wire around a piece of land Burns had bought for a home, and stationed armed guards there to pre- ent him from taking possession. Mr. Burns had a photograph taken of tho scene. Telegram. Important Nsvys Notes Tuesday. Aim. l.r. Aio Cary, marshal of Vale, Oregon, shot nnd killed Clinrlcs Madden. X drunken row whs on and Cary wi3 attetni.tiir to et-t- t It the fiiPH. Portland Chinrso aro said to he raising moniiB to aid tLo Cliinoo in thoir boycott against tlio United States Ono of llauuii's volcunos has become ac tive An eight-year-old Ikv, near Ke!.so, Vnh., lst a foot by the accidental discharge of a fho gun in the hands of another buy, A masked man held up a saloon keeper at Sinim-field, Oregon, and got away with $1-'. L port, Indiana, has a case of yellow fever Wkunksuay. Ant;. Ill Keport from tho far linst suites that tho Japanese troops aro getting anxious to light the Uu5Mans again, In a slight action wherein tho Knssians were tho aggressors. they were coii'tnlltd to rctho beforo the laps. Tho Judson Powder Works at San 1'ran Cisco, blew up, killing threo workmen. Tho entiie city wns skakeu by the explosion. The Trans Mississippi Comuieicial Con gress convened at Portland today. The Viceroy of Nankin has been ordered to stop tho boycott against this country There are GO.OSIt fraudulent names on the voting list of Pbilndelj.liia Judge Hunt, of Montana, will not arrive at Portland until Sept. "th, to resume the land fraud cas, g. TunwmT. Aug. 17 An excursion train ran into an open draw BANK of BANDON, i Bandon, Oregon. HOAltl) OF DIKECTOKS; J. L. Krosenbeiio, President, J. Dicn-holm, Vice. Prea. F. J. Faiiy. ('ashier, Fnk Flam, T. P. Hanly. A general banking business transacted, and customers given every accommodationt consistent with safe and conservative banking. Correspondents: The American National Bank of San Francisco, California, Merchants' National Bank, Portland, Oregon. The Chase National Bank of New York. Hank !. Open from t) it. in. to 1 tit., ntnl 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Pant er Bros., SCCCESS011S TO SANDERSON BROS., DKALKRS lit Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and, Shoes, Provisions, Groceries. near Portsmouth. Va.. carrying V.X) persons AJwaVS OR hand n Fnl1 S,oc,v of 5' (rain with it. 1L' persns were killed and CO ' MiJ! "..jj klnds of E'aisi'.s rcat Ptc(aclc. "Tho t.:i.t Ilnys of riin)eli'' unit Its tlorci'ous riri;".vorks Display. nnd progressive dairymen on the river, and will still coudnct their lare dairy farm. Amon the ihin comin; is a Ball to 1. ivfi at Un!!anls on rfat unlay Proe lxiats j Concert Co. wbich appears in Opera I .vii rmi ,-.. nn;nn ;iIi .. .. 'I'L 1?i - -r it . si . . . - r ' xno lucumoDii jioaiev uo. wuo null. 1 ru av ami atnn lav eveniti'. I'l.- T:i l -rii tii . ....... .i iuu iiiL-uinuiiu .ueui.-y iiiu.sinn'ii!,...,,,,,,, S,..,,.,,,.!,, show here next Friday and Saturday . are aware tbat the Castle Family bne evenings, have a new onttit, nnd yon visited Bandon and other Coos Conn will not be bored with the flickering; ty townc, but nevertheless they come, dazzling glare tbat too frequently ac-1 contident tbat they can give satif-fac-company moving picture. Among tion and merit the patronage of the the bceno6 will bo the live mile parade J people, that accompanied President Booso-j Bev. George A. lioach, the Presby velt s inauguration. : terian minister in charge here, arrived Tho Coqnille Public School will last Friday and preached twice on open September 11th: Following is Sunday. Hifi family, consisting of a a list of the teachers employed: J. P. , wife and ono child, will come in the Wells, of Seio. Oregon, principal; near future. Ho will occupy the resi Ellen M. Benmi-. grammar dept.; deuce, of Bev. A. Llaberly, who will Lucy Nowland, Cottage Grove, 5th move outo the property he purchased nnd fkh grade1?: .Mrs. H. T. W ooten. ' from Virgil Fi-her. ;lth gride; Inez Liu. Myrtle Point,; uh (firl,vuf Lltih( ,,hn has id grade: Mrs. J. A. "ioakam. 2d . , . i f ,", t . ,. a vi.-it to his sister in law, .Mis. C. 1). Stillwell nnd her familv. left Tues- MAmuEi). At the residence of the ,nv noruitig on his return home. .Mr. officiating clergyman. Bev. Adolph ' (rby was accompanied on his visit Haberly. Aug. 17lh, 7:39 l'..M., Isaac ,,('ro hv 1,is uife aml tanlitT ls Sonn and .Miss Nancy E. Harvey, wife's sifter, his wife and hor sifter both of Bandon. " i being istlls to Mrs. C. D. Stillwell. i.. t i ... ! - x on o.i.i.e. iio'iso ol live rooms j with outhouses, and one acre good ! garden ground, enclosed by full-grown j cypress Ledge. ' j The Bichinon.l-.Mt-dley Illustrated Apply fn J. Dkmiolm. ' Concert Co. will show iu Bandon, Fob SIneT ?ol 1x7 Fri,la' 1111,1 "W euings, Aug. and ontlinildinL's: lot lixt.'i feet: situHti-il . inth and 2Gtb. iu inn street near Hroomhnndle bacnirv. oral invitation is extended the public. Dr. S. L. Perkins v.h:i has been ab sent for the past seven weeks in North Carolina, having been called ihre by tho sickuess ami death of bis father, returned homo last Monday evening. Ho is again ready to answer all calls. Farmer' Institute. grade; Fannie Gettj', Empire, lst grade. Show Coming. i'rioe fa). Enquire at tin oflice. hrefe lota in Ctrtwrjjht Addition. AIho SAY!! If .you cannot find what yon want anywhere else in town, come to the RACKET This company comes with a rare lot of moving picture ncenery and de scriptive song, and aro not of the ''cheap John'' style, but aro confident of giving satisfaction and pi using tho public. Among tho scenes, will be shown The Wonderful Egg,; The. great Train Hold uf), and other -scenes tbat aro new and well worth seeing. Descripti.o songs My Old Oregon Home and other melodies will bo rendered by talent that will enlist the attention of the audience. Admission 25 and 15 cents. Dr. Jas Withycombe, of the Oregon Agricultural College at Corvallis. writes that ho with threo or four of his stalT will bo hero and hold meetings as follows: Mvrtlo Point Sept the 2nd, Coqnillo the -It b, and Mar.-hlield the 5th. All farmers should attend. A P:tiu! Ac i id "itt. One of the saddest accidents that ever occurred in the vicinity of Gold Ueach happened last Saturday, Aug, 12, at about 1:30 o'clock. J. L. Wright in company with Frank Jones was sinking prospect holes on the beach near D. CunnifT-i: they had dug the hole down some eleven or twelve feet before noon, and on returning fi after dinner started to sink tho hole a little deeper. Mr. Wright went down into it. while Jones was hoisting ?ho dirt or sand with a bucket. They had hoisted but a few buckets when the shaft caved nearly all around catching him stand ng straight up against on" wali still holding the shovel in his hand, lie was buriod completely, the sand being about three feet deep over his head. Jones dug awhile as fast as ho could, but the sand kept eounug in ho fast that ho could not gain on it at all, so lie ran for help. It was but a very .short time nut il there was 11 or 15 persons there; thoydidall they could, but when his head was uucovered, he was dead. Si ill tho men worked on as ranidly as possible, yet it must have been all of an hour before we could get tho body out of the sand in which he was buried. Gold Beach Globe. Maybe wo hav one left, if so, the price will please you. Our stock is 8'nall, bat the goods are of a good quality, and tho prices are right. Wo make J,Casb Buying" an object fo tho purchaser, at THE RACKET. NEW RESTAURANT. I TAULES SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST TH E M Ait K ET AFFOHI )S. Meals at all Hours. A liberal share of Public Patronage is solicited. MRS. E. J. HITE, PnnpfiiETitcss. Bandon. - - Oregon Grocery Store. H. A. COX, Prop. Fresh Provisions n G ,333:133 on H an nd Coming. SNOW-DItlFT, SPEKUY. AND WHOLE WHEAT FLOUlt. Choice Hams and Bacon, Fruit and Vegetables. BANDON, OREGON. Pain's stupendous pyrotechnical spectacle. 'Tho Last Days of Pom peii" unquestionably the most mar velous dpeu air rspc ctaculai aijl scenic pxhibitiJ.n in tho world, will be seen for tho lirst time on the Coast, at tl.o popular re-ort 'The OuK," in Port land, on Monday evening, Aug. 2Sth. To those who havo never witnessed ono of Pain's wouderful s-hows, the experience is as novel as it is enjoya ble. Tbj aro so unlike anything in the amusement line, and ho vast and extensive in their scope, that tho spec tator involuntarily admires the daring and ingenuity of the men who aro r -sponsible for them. They are a ka leidoscope of acres of massive hand somely painted scenery, hundreds of gailv costumed performers, daring chariot racing, acrobats, bo.. itching dancers, stirring music, gorgeous pa geants, glaring, myriads of lights, wonderful fireworks, anil pyrotcchuic displays beyond human conception. Tho exhibition depicts in a thrillingly interesting manner, tho most tragic episode in Roman histor, tho de struction of ancient Pompeii by the Volcano of Vesuvius. This latter feature is depicted in a startling man ner, and the spectator trembles for tho safety of tho hundreds of actors who aro seemingly buried beneath tho fiery debris of tho fallen city. Tho entire production is brought direct from New York iu IK) huge cars, and fully 500 pooplo and artists aro ro quired in tho exhibition. "Tho Last Days of Pompeii" is what made Coney Island famous, and tho O. V. it L By deserve great credit for tho under taking. Excursion trains will bo run on all lines, and tho special salo of seats commence on Thursday, Aug. 21th. wounded. Tho killed anil injured wore mostly colored pooj-Ie. The Hpoikt-rs at tlio Trans Mississippi ConyreHs favor revision of t lie immigration laws. Lot in some Chinese and abut oat somo Europeans. Tlie crises is said to bo clo?o at baud in the nonce negotiations. Walter P. Kraft, transfer olerk of the Eqnitahle Trait Company, at Chicago, is missing, and his accounts are $'20 000 short. The Hnlfmoon Hay stngt in California, was held up and the passengers robbed and tho strong box taken. Eiiin.KY, Ang. IS Hankers SchilT and Gnggvnheiius of New Yoi k each receivrd a package containing a bo nth designed for tin ir execution. Frank Ward of Pueblo forced his 10-yenr-old danghtpr to take poison nnd then com mitted sniride by taking the same drag. Gns Hobliss, n Chicago clerk started to take $10,000 to the bnnk for hi3 employer. and made off with the nioncv Hugh Watt, a London financier and for mer member of Parliament, lias been ar rested for plotting to kill his wife A ab"r. i!iV in Dodds Narrows, on Vnget Sonnd is supposed to have, been scuttled. Satitiwat. Aug. ltno"PveIt will Irv to heal the differences between the envoys of the Peace Confer, once. A resolution pns'ed tho Trans-Mississippi Cougre.ss to admit n ore Chinese. State room near Ihe Portland Fair bnrned Two persons were btirtn d to d ath, nrd sev eral others were injnted. Los N '0O0. Two bombs were set o(T iti Sam toga, N. Y. Windows were broken and the people flight ened. Japan prefers continuation of war to snr render of demands. Ffrn Creek mill at South Hcnrt, Wash., bnrned down. The loss was S 10.000. Moxnw, Aug. til. Another grMid jnrv is summoned at Port land to look after bind fraud matters. An attempt was made on the life of the Qneen of Italy. Portland had a tiro Monday night with a loss of si.v.oro. Seed Grain S' kinds in stock. A full supply of butter ke-, enbes. paper, etc., ete. Will handle your Butter and Produce in unlimited amounts. Bandon, - Oregon. THE Horsfall Hospital, MISS L. G. GOULD, Matron A Private Hospital, well equippe for the treatment of Surgical an Medical Diseases. Trained nnrscs in attendance. For information address Vi'M. HORSFALL. M. D. Marshfield, Oregon. -j Bandon Meat Market, T. Anderson Prop. Will Keep on Hand at all Times Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Smoked Meats, Lard, Sausages, Etc., also Fresh Vegetable, Poultry. Egg?, Butter nnd all Farm Produce. I will pay highest mnrkoc price for beef, pork, rmitton,vool, bides, otc. Plaindealer: Congressman Her mann returned home Thursday from Portland where ho attended tho Har riman banquet and slates that ho was assured that operation on the Drain, (Joos Bay railroad would commence at I ho earliest possible date after the permanent survey is completed, and tho right of way was secured. Portland and vicinity was visited by a refreshing shower of rain last week, but this part of Oregon has not received anything of that kind yel, although n good shower would refresh ihiugs generally aud start the grass growing. lV;ullar niftaiipi-uraiiee. J. D. Hunyan, of Butlervillo, Ohio, laid I ho peculiar disappoaranto of his painful symploms of indigestion and biliousness, to Dr. King's Now Life Pills. Ho 8ayn: 'They aro a perfect remedy for dizziness, sour stomach, headache, constipation, etc." Guar an teed at 0. Y. Lowe's Drug Htore. Price. 25c, j.. -v. s 3 MA KINK. AUItlVKI) Anjj. IS. -Vainer 1 lizuhith, Jensen, 3 dny from San Francisco. Ana. 'M. Schr Huhy. Korth. H days froni San Francisco to Prosper .Mll Co. Ahl'. '-M. Sclir Viipielle, O.-jkinsr. I t days from San Francisco to Aberdeen Mill. SMI.K') An. 20. Stmr Elizabeth, Jensen, to S. F. Oregonian ono tiling has long been a custom, yet never should have ; been tolerated and ought to bo stop pod now, namely: Payment of money out of the State Treasury to promote gambling at the State Fair. Plt'iulNh SuffiTliiK is often caused by sores, ulcers, and cancers, that eat away your skin. Wm. Bedell, of Flat Hock, Mich., says: "1 have used Buckleu's Arnica Salvo for ulcers, sores and cancers. It is the best healitigrlresbing I ever found." Soothes and heals cuts, burns aud scalds. 2oc at C V. Lowe's Drug Store. Guaranteed. Dry Goods of Every- Description. Ladies Coats, Capes and Collarettes. Soots Sc Siioes Fresh Groceries of all Kinds, Suits Made to Measure. AGENT FOR WARNER'S RUST PROOF CORSET. 7 Blacksmitli Sd "Wagon sxLSilsierss- Every man owes i? to Himself aud his fam ilv l.i master :i trnde or orole-iMion. Keid the display advertisement of the six .Memo! School-; of Trlrtiraphy. in this is-ne, and learn now easily a yt.n. u man or lady may learn telegraphy and be as-mred a position. O- T- Blumenrotlier U. S. Commisioner and Notary Public Filinys and Final proofs made on Home steads, 'l imber Claims and cither V. S. Lands Money I.ouiih Neuotlutfd on Approveil .: u 1 lty. Oilke hi room 10 Heyerl Haildinc, Han dott. Uesidence on Unite Creek, Oregon. All Itlntl or Krai Kutate bonjiltt ami sold. Wagons cf all kinds made to order. Job work attended to promptly and all work Kiiaranteed to yivo satisfaction. lvc;:sou.".ble. . . Horseshoeing a, Specialty l?ricej?i S Court Oureii of the Forest X. 17, roivler tf Anierlea. 5: 1C Wrenshall & Wrenshall, PhotograiDhers, HOUND HOUSK C.A J.1.V.U Y. IIAMI 'OIMtTQl'KKN OE THE FOHES'l'. No. 17. meets I'rniav ni:n 01 earnKj iweek. in unnorete nan. uainn'u. ii"" 'A cordial welctme is extended to all vis-; .';;tin.T brothers. E. M. Hh ChKHH , S S W. V. Fhiikh. Chief Kanner. V. Fin. Senretarv. Dr. 3HL I-i- Houston, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Ofllee over Fnrnitnre Store. Honrs, 0 to VJ. a.m. 1 ::) to 4, p 111.: 7 to 8 in tho evening. HANIJON, - - OKKtaiN. ID jr. S- Prk.iiis, PHYSICIAN cC- SURGEON, 1JANDON, OKKfiON. Ofllco ovor Wm. Gallier's Store. Otlice hours f. to II a.m. Call at, residence at other hears. UAMJON Lt)l)Cii:,Sii. 1 15, A. F. A. 31 H i? f ANDON LODG E. No. 1 15. A. F.A .M. Stated cominnnications tirat Sat- A V:urdsv after the full moon of each .j month. All .Master .Masons coruiai.-y;x invited. W C. SNDEKSUN, W. it. S IIA.NMON LtlllOK N.. 13a. I. O.O. F ; 1 AN DON LODGE. No. 133, 1. 0. O L) meets every Satnrdav ovenm.ic J..isitinc brothurs iu good standllijiSj :oordially invited T. W A. J. HAHTAIAN. liOEIsOX. SbC. G KO. 1. T01JING, ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LA y AND NOTAKY rURLlC. Fir Insurance. Hand on, - - - - Oregon. I