Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, August 10, 1905, Image 4

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One Year 00
Six Months 1 00
Three Months 50
This paper is entered at the Hnndon post
olBco us Seooud-class Mutter.
" Just now it begins to look as if this
section will move forward again. Tbe
railroad newsseouisto bave tbe stamp
of trutb impressed upon it, and if
construction begins soon, Coos will
bare easy moans of reacbing tbe out
side world in a year or so.
Tbe proposed sbiogle and excelsior
factory proposition, is still unsettled,
and sbould be secured. Tbis place
will afford a good location for such a
plant, and tbero sbould be offered
sucb inducement as will secure tbe
plant; at least tbere sbould be no ob
struction tbrust in the way, Bandoo
needs all tbe labor employing institu
tions sbe can get.
When Governor Cbamberlain was
berej Saturday evening, Keeper It
Johnson and tbe life saving crew gave
an exhibition drill with tbe beach ap
paratus, and then tbe crew showed
the Gove.rnor how to sjioot by throw
ing a line across the river, and our at
tention was invited to tbe iucideut by
the suggestion of a friend, who re
marked, ''How lucky the Governor is
that he is in Oregon instead of being
ia Iussia, for bore tbe people show
him bow to shoot, while if he was in
Russia they would be shooting at
him." Well, here is -much truth in
the proposition,, but this is America.
Coquille Revoked Saloon
Tbe following, in regard to tbe Lo
cal Option LaWj at Coquille, is taken
from the Recall. It says;
A petition from the Law and Order
League was presented, asking for the
cancellation of all liquor licenses in
tbe city.
Moved by Councilman Burns and
seconded by Davenport, that tbe re
quest he granted. The Icily attorney
was called upon by the council for an
opinion. lie said that tbe city bad
no right to grant tbe licenses under
the existing order of things. He was
followed by J. M. TTpton, Esq., of
Marshtield, who was present as tbe
attorney for J. P. Tupper, who made
some remarks on the subject. On the
roll being called, the members voted
as follows:
Yeas Lamb, Schroeder, Burns and
Pavenport 4.
Nays Kerr and Leech 2.
Tbe Mayor declared tbe motion
It was moved by Councilman Lamb
and seconded by Burns, that all un
earned portions of the licenses of J.
P Tupper and Baxter Bros., from
this date be refunded to tbem.
It was moved by Kerr and seconded
by Leach that said motion be amend
cd as follows: That the unearned por
(jon of the saloon licenses of J. P.
Tupper, A. D. Garten, and Baxter
Bros., from May 8, 1905, and also tbe
200 received foF a new license from
J. P. Tupper on tbe 23d day of Juno,
1905, be refunded to tbem, and that
tbe Recorder be instructed to ascer
tain said amounts ip payment of same.
t Varnlnp to Mother.
Too much oaro cannot bo used with
small children during the hot weather
of the summer months to guard
against bowel troubles. As a rule it
is only necessary to give the child a
dose of castor oil to correct any dis
ordor of tbe bowels. Do not use any
substitute, but give tbe old-fashioned
castor oil, and see that it is fresh, as
rancid oil nauseates and has a ten
dency to gnpe. If this does not check
tbe bowels give Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and
then a dose of oastor.oil, and the dis
ease may be obecked in its incipiency,
and all danger avoided. Tbe castor
oil and tbis remody sbould be pro
cured at once and kept ready for in
stant use as 60ou as tbe first indica
tiou of any bowel trouble appears.
Tbis is tbe most Fiiocessful treatment
known, and may be relied upon with
implicit confidence even in cases of
cholera infantum. For saje by C. Y.
For Sale.
I have for sale 13 head of Ram
boullete bucks. Price twenty dollars
per bead, V. S. Marshall,
Laoglois, Or.
Pok Sale. Corner lot with Brunll houoa
and outbuilding; lot 1L'"h45 feet; Hitunted
n Iris Street near Iiroombnndle Factory.
Price $00. Enquire nt thii ollice. Atao
throe lots iu C-trtwri;ht AddiMou.
Nothing on the Market Kquul to Climnbor
lulu'ii Colic, Cholt'm anil Diar
rhoea Remedy.
This fact is well known to druggists
everywhere, and nine out of ten will
give their customers this preparation
wheu tbe best is asked for. Mr. Obe
Witmer. a prorainont druggistof Jop
lin, Mo., in a circular to bis custom
ers, says: "There is nothing on the
market in the way of patent- medicine
which equuls Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for
bowel complaints. We sell and rec
ommend tbis preparation," For sale
by C. Y. Lowe.
Important. News Notes
Tuesday, Aiir. 1.
Great Northern & Northern Pacific
force of telegraphers forced to quit
work for refusing to accept proposed
wage scalo.
Today is set aside by Exposition
management as Clark Day, in which
the Dixie Society participated.
Yellow fever sit nation at Now Or
leaus unchanged.
Tainted coiu is acceptable to cler
gy men of. City of -Portland, who
think the sooner it is taken out of
evil bands tbe better.
Boat loaded with Norwegian sailors
strikes floatiug torpedo outsido of
harbor of Stockholm, and seven aro
Whdnbkuit, An? 'J.
Williamson-Geanor Biggs case goes
to jury tbis afternoon.
Six-year-old child probably fatally
injured at New York by being run
down by an automobile.
Governor Chamberlain of Oregon
is tbe guest todtiy of the citizens of
Marsh tield.
'Daad" bolts and ''Lifeless" crown
sheet .cause of gunboat Bennington
Yellow fovar at New Orleans still
increasing. Hot weather causes in
fection to spread.
Tiro iisi) at. Auff. 3.
Louisiana will use force to prevent
interference with citizens by Mis
sissippi quarantine guards. Sheriff
to arrest neighbor's boats.
Woodmen of World will celebrate
in Portland, foui: days, commencing
this evening.
Workingmen'y Day and low prices
bring thousands of visitors to Expo
sition. William J. Bryau, Jr. underwent
a surgicaljoperaiiou yesterday for tbe
removal of an abscess on bis right
knee, resulting from a corn on his
Finn ay, Anc. 4.
The jury empaneled to try the case
m which J. N. Williamson is impli
cated, have disagreed, standing six to
six. A third trial is set.
Seventeen new cases and four
deaths were reported at Now Orleaus
up to noon today.
The Russian forces on Sakhalin Is
land, about 2300 men and officers have
Heat is reported to be injuring the
hop crop in Lane County.
Satuiway, Anc. 5.
Attorney Heuey announces that he
will keep up the work of fighting the
grafts until they aro stopped.
The introduction of the Russian
and Japanese peace envoys took place
today at Oyster Bay.
Two boys aged 12 and 14 years old
robbed a house in New York but were
caught emerging from it with plunder
amounting to 1,000.
They Appeal to Our Symputhies.
The bilious &nd djspeptic are con
stant sufferers and appeal to our sym
pathies. Tierci is not one of them,
however, who may not bo brought
back to health and happiness by tbe
use of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. These Tablets invig
orate tbe stomach and liver and
strengthen the digestion. They also
regulate the bowels. For salo by C,
Y. Lowe.
Mr. Mackay's Gift.
Tho Infant Incubators are endorsed
by the best elements of socioty. The
Incubator has saved more human life
than all the other scientific inventions.
Tbe Infant Incubators at tbe Lewis
and Clark Exposition in Portland,
are attracting tin immense amouut of
attention. Everybody wants to see
the woe mites of humanity and every
body is pleased.
Tbe following excerpt from tbe
Journal-American speaks for itself:
"Mr. and Mra. Clarence H. Mackay
were visitors to tbe incubators in
Dreamland, yesterday, having driven
over from their Long Island home.
"Mrs. Mackay showed tho deepest
sympathy for tbe little babies in tho
machines, and sent Mr. Mackay out
on a mysterious errand. He returned
with twenty new and crisp five dollar
notes, and into the right band of oacb
of the nineteen babies Mrs. Mackay
placed a closely folded five dollar bill.
Sbe had one left over, and going up
to tbe little Indian papoose, sbo
crumpled tbe Dittle red fingers of bis
loft band over it, so tbe Indian baby
bad ten and the others five dollars
Chamberlain's ?llho?aReln?
Never ftjia. Buy it now. It may save life.
Home Circle Column
Crude ThoughtH An They Full From The
Kdltorial Pen. Pleaaniit Kveulng Itev
erleB. A Column Dedicated to Tired
Mothers n They Join The Homo Circle
at Evening Tide.
The path of life runs so crooked
that we cannot see arouud the curves.
The homo is the place where all the
joys of life may exist in their ripest
The leaving of home is an experi
ence in one's life freighted with mo
mentous consequences.
Mother! your life is not insignifi
cant. It is not and cannot be isolated
from universal significance, for yonr
boy shall bear it into the great tide
that never ebbs.
Fvery soul in the universe lives
alone. There is a dark curtain
dropped before the windows of the
house which hide it from the view of
all. Everyouo has folt this loneliness
even in the midst of crowds.
Without a fireside, man's domestic
nature, from which he derives by far
the largest amount af bis earthly en
joyment, cannot but remain cold and
almost entirely inactive. This depart
ment of his nature can bo kopt alive
only by tbo bojt of the hoartbstone.
There is somothiug grand and in
spiring in a young mau who fails
squarely after doing his level best,
and then enters the contost again and
again with undaunted courage and
redoubled energy. Wo have no fears
for the youth who is not dishearteued
at failure.
Whom shall wo blame when life'
joys are tarnished and tho sweetness
turned to bitterness? Whom sbal
wo blame for tbe strained and wonk
ened eye that makes the sunlight
painful? Whom shall wo blame fur
tbo seared and deadened conscience
that makes duty a task and honor a
burden? We fancy tint tbe con
science of none of our readers is yet
so far deadened that he will not
quickly answer, "1 myself am to
We resemble insects which assume
the color of tho leaves and plants they
feed upon, for sooner or later we be
com 1 like tbe food of our mind, like
tbe creatures that live iu our bonrts.
Every act of our lives, every word.
every association, is written with an
iron pen into tbe very texture of our
being. Tho ghosts of our murdornd
opportunities, squandered forces,
killed timo, forever rise up to rebuke
us, and will not down. How bard it
iB to learn that like begets lik; that
an acorn will always become an otk
if anything; that birds of n feather
will fiock together. Lot our young
people especially remember thin and
be careful with what "birds'' thoy as
The world, it is said, is always look
ing for men who are not for sale; men
who are bonost, sound from ceuter to
circumference, true to tho heart'.-
core; men whose consciences aro a
steady as the needle to the pole: men
who will stand for the right if the
heavens totter au 1 tbo earth reel;
men who can tell tbo trutb and look
tho world aud the devil right in th
eye; raon that neither brag nor run ;
men that noitbor H ig nor Hi neb; men
who can have courage without shout
ing to it; men in whom tho courage
of everlasting life runs still, deep and
strong; men who know their message
and tell it; men who know thnir
places and fill them; men who know
their own bnsiuess and attend to it;
mnn who will not lie, shirk nor dodge:
men who are not too lazy to work,
nor too proud to bo poor; m.n vh
are willing to oat what they havp
earned, aud wear what thoy have paid
for; men who are not afraid to say
'No" with emphasis, and who are not
ashamed to say "I can't afford it."
We have a large number of boys grow
ing up in this community who will
make just such men, and also not a
few wbj will make tho opposite.
Young man, in which class shall we
register your uamo?
Public U Aro uncd,
The public is arousod to a knowl
edge of the curative merits of that
great medicinal tonic. Electric Bittors
for sick stomach, liver and kidneys.
Mary H. Walters, of 546 St. Clair
Ave., Columbus, Ohio, writes: "For
several months I was given up to die.
I bad fever and ague, my nerves were
wrecked; I could not sleep, and my
stomach was so weak from useless
doctors' drugs -ihat I could not eat.
Soon after beginning to take Electric
Bitters I obtained relief, and in a
short timo I was entirely cured."
Guaranteed at C. Y. Lowo's Drug
Store. Price 50c
MEN AND WOMEN in this nnd adioin-
inc counties for homo or traveling work,
repreKentinc nud advertising tho Wholesale
nnd Educational Departments of nn old es
tablished Mnnufnctnrine Houho. Halnrv
per day with expenses advanced, ltig
famished when necessary; position porma
ennt; references exchanged. AddresH. Hlow
urotuera Uo tjopje Dept., Chicago, III.
Absolutely Pure
"Brother," says an editor, "don't
stop your paper because yon don't
agree with tho editor. The last cab
bage you sent us didn't agree with
us, but we didn't drop you from the
subscription list."
A Touching Story
is the saving from death of tho baby
girl of Geo. A. Eylor, Cumberland,
Md. He writes: ''At tbe age of 11
months our little girl was in declining
health, with serious throat trouble,
and two pbysicans gave her up. We
were almost in despair, when we re
solved to try Dr. King's New Discov
ery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. Tbo first bottlo gave reliefi
after taking four bottles she was cured
and is now in perfect health." Never
fails to roliovo and cure a cough or
cold. At O. Y. Lowe's Drug Store.
f0ets aud $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial
bottlo free.
A Valuable Book,
OnR of tbo most valuable books
that has been offered to the public
lately is
The American Family Educator.
This book is a fund of knowledge
that will intoiMst tbe whole house
bold, and should be tho companion
of all persons in their leisure mo
ments. If its advico is sought and
followed it will prove a source of pro
fit hs well as pleasure
Sold only by J. J, Edwauus, Aot.
X-Ray Gas Generator.
The "Wonderful Light of
Tbe Twentieth Century,
On an ordinary lamp this attach
tueut will increase your light to at
least donblo tho capacity of tho ordi
nary burner. This is a late and most
popular invention, and does away
with Muoking chimneys, and teqnires
no cleaning or trimming of tho wick.
Call and Investigate It.
Sole Auiit for Ituiitiuii and Vicinity.
t" : . ' i vim1--! rss
..' i.ii : Mi-ti- an. I :.iii -l.i. I olD'-ci:
!? c ir '! 'Wi-. fi;i. .mn:.ii i.airu
Ms Ini-.s l"Ui' .!. I ct M'Miou'i.'ii ty -U?n'-
.-ii ii -ii.l i.-'uii - ruTi ) ic.
!iti:tit:. Iik t i.'i-i .iii-:i -l IVrtU'ii! vltli
.-r ia-.-; V if ' . 's li: ulli:il..tii-c ni n an!
mii'i. .ir!.i . '. -i. r-.s.-n t..-itl..' Mri-j fcn-.o
li i'U ! it. ;Mc . .ut tl !.l v rri.-1 thi-
.ii- inl n;i:.n-.l '.. !c!'-" if. Iwtli iloiii i-tuhrr
.t Wi'l t :iU hn iuiI." M- .! rr lt A
sinvn. oi.u'iK cisnr oiv-iwntfkd.
t ( f f-l '.' "!. -I'"' '-I '-"I- If -'U " ' tl"ll
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ill ii'i'ii viu -"ir U't!. i.iumI 'VI l'- lht
vll'i-1"! hfJlr.i i.l -it tutt-nHTHnr," ficc urcl.tre.
ciui Kui'tusciiifiivc AHbuclatc Piiaclpnl
S. V .Vi 1 U'.i nn:l nn!u:t:l5 -treoln
i'Oicr:.-:.r.. oiu:gun
uto-No iuiii'.i ..ict'i-ltJ nl IVrUaml after St pt. 1st.
What We Can Do For You
Ttvo raporii for t lit Price of Onn. You
Cut the NeuH of the World and
the l.o::il Nuwh Thrown
In itt a Ititrgiiln.
To tlioso who my up nrrcnrngeR nml a
yi'iir in advaiioo. nnd to nil new Kiilincrj
berti who pay in nilvanct'. wo niaku tho
folli)viiii propo.sitinncompriHiiiK Hovoral
different couplets to select from:
Handoh HKConnnn 00
San Francisco Bulletin 15 80
Portland Evening Telenram fi 00
Weekly Oreuouian 1 "0
Appeal to UenBon W)
Our Offer.
Tho Bulletin is one of the lending pnpo
of the West, and is a daily published in
Francisco, and ivea all tbe uowb. Our offeo
includes the Sunday Bulletin.
Hecorder and Bulletin, one year.. $7 00
ltecordcr and Bulletin, one month Go
The Portland Eveiiinn Teleram is issued
six time a week. It mves nil the news that
is worth reading and up to time of going to
press, much of it being 1)4 hours fresher thru;
when it reachos hero through any other
Becorder and Telegram one yrnr. $T f0
For a weekly newspaper the Weekly Ore
uoninn loads iu the Northwest, nnd gives
all the news usunlly contained in a weekly
Kocordar nnd Weekly Oregoninn..$2 SO
It is the duty of onch persou to aeek in-
formation along nil lines tb'it tend toward
bringing about letter conditions nnd greater
prosperity for the hnman fajnily, and for
tho purpose cf giving our renders n chnnco
to inform themselves we give them the best
Appeal to ltenson. Any doctritio that
does not nppenl to the highest order of ren
Honing is not snfe.
Recorder nud Appenl to IleuBflu... $'10Q
ISiindon. Oregon,
Druggist and
la just In receipt of n new nud
fresh stock of
Drugs and Chemicals,
Patent and Proprietary Preparations
Toilet Articles,
DrnggiMts SnmlricM.
Pekkomes, BitusiiES, Sponges, Soaph
Nuts and Candies.
CjR;irn, TohaecoH and Cigiiretteft.
Pninta. Oils. Glasses, and Painter's Supplied
You Can't Expect to Get
$2 worth for $1, but you
can get your money's
worth at
Dealer in Boots and Slioea
Repairing neatly nnd promptly done at
lowest living prices.
sewing machine;
m yvy-yygy.7r---
by buying this
reliable, honest,
high grade sew.
Ing; machine
National Sewing Machine Co.,
factory at bolvidehe. ill.
First Class Watch
Agates Ground, Polished and
to onlor; or any othor work in my
lino will ho dune iu a neat atul talis
factory manner, at a reasonable price!
Call and see xny new line of jew try. con
sisting of Stick Pi:i3, lint Pins, Saab Pius,
Lady's Waist Sot. Sfroochcs, Hrncelets. Cuff
and Collar Buttons. Chains. Charius, and
Kings, which has just arrived.
AUTHl-it KICK. .
WatcbisiHKt-r and Jeweler.
f 3 ? ? the OOSfTi
; ! m 1 c i.i Vc' v v
i WITH S:' g
p. tya
X 3
FGR uss"'
nr.f t. i nn i
www w
Frco Trial.
Stiro-t nnd Quiclc OBt J1nr fnr- oil
'PTTTtOAT n-r.rl T.TIWfl TT3 flTTTl t
T TU nv "WO M"CV " HIT "
El Dorado
P. B. HOYT, Prop.
First Struct, HAN DON. OltKCON
Itathroom murly fitted up with Porcelain
Tub. Hot or Cold IIhUib '25 cfiitw
Copyrights &c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
otjlcklr ascertain our opinion free whether as
Intention ts probably patentable. Comtnunlca.
Uonsstrlctlroonfldentlal. HANDBOOK on Patenu
sont free. Oldest aeencr for soenrtnffpatents.
tptcial notice, without charge. In the
I'atenu uuton inrougn Mann s ( :
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllnstratod weekly. Largest cir
culation of any sclentlfle lournaL Terms. 93 a
jrcnr: four months, JL Bold by all newtdealew
HUNN & Co.381Bfoa New York
Branch Office. (25 K BU Waihlnaton. D. C
Wanted-An Idea
Who can thlnS
of some simple
thins to Datentl
Protect tout ideas; they may bring you wealth.
Writ JOHN WK5DUU3URN & CO., Patent Attor-
washingtoa. u.. ror tnrir f prue ones
t of two hundred luTentlous waiiu-U.
The City Meat Market,
0 Tes!
We Have the Variety of Stock
Heef, Pork. Veal. M niton. Lamb, Holncim nnd Pork Snnsnt'e, Prossed Peef, Head
(Jhoese, Corned Ikef, Pickled Pork, lifius, Ve -tables and Putter.
Call uu uu and yet our prices before buying elsewhere.
We are noi like the Hind Wheels
of n wnjjon, always followinc in the same rut. We nro pushers, striving for a larger
business, and we yet th-re by keeping
Tli Best Meat in tlie Land
and selling nt the very lowest prices.
We are here to please and here to stny.
Tours to serve,
J. Waldvogel & Son, Props.
The Newly Refitted, Speedy and Elegant Steamer
Will ciyo a rccnlnr ten day Service hotwoen Ooqnille ltfver, Oregon, and San Frnncisco,
Californin, for hoth pnssetmers nnd freight.
E. DYEIt. Agent. Pnndon. Oregon.
SWAYNE & HOYT, Agent, ?M Uattery Street, Snn Frnncisco. Cnlifornin.
25 Cta
HA lit CUT,
Hotel Coquille
J. P. TL'rPEB, Proprietor.
Tbi.s vell-known hotol is now uuder new and com
j)etont lunoaoiiieut and has been thoroughly ron
ovated throughout Tho tablo service is equal to
any in Sunt hern Oregon. ISmplo rooms for coni
imTcial men. Baggage transported to and from
boats and trains free of cht.rge.
Fiuo now bar iu connection with the hotel.
he New, Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer
C. P. JENSEN, Master-
fhis Stt-nmer is Now. is Strongly hnilt, nnd
give a ivcnlnr b cay service, for pnxsengers and freight, between the
Coqnillo itiver, Oregon, and San Francisco, Calif.
ELHEHT DYEIt, Aixent, Unndon, Oregon.
E. T. KltrZ, Mnnnging Agent, 207 Front Street, Snu Francisco, California.-
The Popular Liver Medicine
Will Keep You Well
A GUARANTEED CURE for all diseases produced by TOR
PID LIVER and IMPURE BLOOD. Do not fill your system
with Arsenic, Calomel and Quinine. Thoy act as rank poisons
which vitiate tho blood, debilitate the system, and leave a trail
of bad symptoms which require years to obliterate. HERB
1NE is purely vegetable and contains no mineral or narcotic
poisons, is absolutely harmless and is tho simple remedy of
nature. It carries off all poison in the system and leaves no
injurious effects.
Mr. L. A. Hicks, Iredell, Texas, ays: " I wag
Blck la bed for eight months frith liver trouble, the
doctor seemed to do me no good. I was told to try
Herbine, and it cured me in a short time. I cannot
rtcommend this wonderful medicine too highly."
Ballard Snow Liniment Co,
C. Y.
If You Do
and examine onr
Stoves, Ranges and Farm Implements, Etc,
Now is the timo to purchase Hardware. The undersigned has
jn stock a largo assortment of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Glassware, Crockery
I'aintN, OilM. Doors nnd Window.
Notice is hereby iiiven to nil penuwH not
In trespiiHM npon t he pr'tniKeof Dr. Kenyon.
-it tinted between Florns Luke nnd the conn
ty road, in Northern Curry, by reiuovinc.
cut tint;, or destroying timber npon Bnid
hind. ?'J. rewnru will be pmd for informa
tion lendinL' to n conviction of trerfpnsn hb
stilted nbovp.
Dated at Uuntlon. f)reon. Mnroh 14. 1901.
0 Tes!
''Barber "Shop
25 Cta.
fitted with the latest improvements, nnd wil
nre still doing bnpinesa at The Old
Stnnd nnd enn please too. Give na a Call
and Miners' Supplies.
The Bandon Hardware Man.
Leaves Bnndon every inornitiK. except
SnndHT, nt 70 o'clock nnd makes connec"
tiotiR with tbe train nnd steamer ilyrl at
W)0 a. m. nt Coqnille City.
Leaves Coquille City at 12:"0 n in., arriv-
iuR at Handuti at 40 p. iu.