Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, August 03, 1905, Image 4

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    is rur.LianED
sniTon and rnorr.iF.Ton.
One Year ?-
'Six Months 1 00
Threa Mouths 50
This pper is entered at the Handon post
' otlisp as Second-class Matter.
THURSDAY. AUG. 3, 1505.
Every man, woman, boy or girl
should bo a seeker after tbnt which is
tiue, us only truth will bo ablo to
come out of the crucible, that shall
try all things in the same unchanged
condition with which it passed in.
Generally speaking it is very de
sirable to have a brother by kin, but
even thai relationship is some tunes
a misfortune as Keo Hadd, brother to
the Sultun of Turkey, can testify.
ll-?o Hnud is now in prison because
his brother suspicions that ho wants
to usurp his throne.
The .Sultan of Turkey claims Di
vino Providence protected him from
the huuds of iho assassin who rdiied a
n bomb in his directi m a few das
ago. The Sultan was more favored
than was his brother, who fell into
his hau ls, some months ago. The
assassin then septus to havu been
specially favorol.
Governor La .Toilette, of Wiscon
sin, in speaking of John D. Uucko-
feller. said: ".now, you take Jiocko
feller. He gives lots of money to
missionaries. His bands reach out in
"all directions. They have been in all
industries, and he i strangling and
throttling thorn one after another.
There is nothing that gets away from
him. Charity? Great God! If he
lived a million years, he could not ex
piuto the crimes ho has committed in
robbing his competitors.
How inconsistent individuals some
times are, and how far they will let
their prejudices lead' them. There
are persons who cannot listen to th
discussion of a subject that is in op
position to ideas that they havo con
ceived and which tboy believe to bu
true, and rather thau listen to the. op
po?ition they will leave an audience.
This principal is vvrong. Wo should
Jvoow both sides to any proposition,
"and should not fear to investigate.
'We cnly havo solid footing when we
are anchored on truth.
Mr. Roe Had, brother of tho Sul
tan, is incarcerated in tho same quar
ters where tho late Sultan Murad was
confined by tho great A'oilu! last
vear. Murad was also a brother of
Abdul, and, according to rumor, was
given his passport to auother world
by men acting under orders from
Abdul, liee Had is accused of the
same ofTeuce as that which caused
trouble for his late lamented brother
that is thpy both wautod Abdul's
position. This envious hankering
added uneasiness to r. head that was
already wearing a crown so vera I sizes
too large. Royalty in Turkey is not
always happy when tho bombs are
living thick, but liee Had seemed to
be willing to take a long chance at it.
even though he Iot.
A v Hilling t-i Mtlit:r.
Too much cire cannot ho used with
small childrep during the hot weather
of tho summer months to guard
against howei tronbL-s. As a rule it
is only nece.-sary to give tho child a
do.-o of castr-r cii to correct any dis
ordor of the bowels. Do not usu any
substitute, but give the old fashioned
easier oil. and .- that it is freh. as
ViiU'Md u nan !tes ami has a ten
dency to gripe. If :hi does nt check
th bowds nivH Ciiamherlain's Colic,
Cholera an 1 biarrh-joa Remedy, an 1
theu a dose of castor oil, and the dis
ease may be checked in its incipiency,
and all danger avoided. The castor
oil and thia remedy should bo pro
cured at once aud kept ready fur m
stant use as soou as the first indica
lion of a ti3' bowel trouble appears
This is ihe most f uccessful treatment
known, and may bo robed upon with
implicit confidence even in cases of
cholera infantum. For sale by C. Y.
A Valuable Book
One of tho mo-t valuable hooks
that has been olrered to the public
iatojy is
The American Family Educator.
This book is a fund of knowledge
that will interest the whole house
hold, and should be the compauion
of fdl persons in their leisure mo
ments. If if.s ml vice is sought aud
followed it will prove a source of pro
.fit as well as pleasure.
Sold only by J. J, Edwards, Aot.
Fob Sale. Corner lot with urunil house
and onthuildinus; lot TJoxiri feK; Kituated
on Iri Street near Uroomhnmlto Factory.
PriCH $HW. Knqnire at tn ollice. Also
fkroe lots ia C-irtwriht Addition.
Nothing on the Market Kqu:il to Clmmbur
laln'n Collts, .Cholera Hnd Diar
rhoea It cut oil 3.
This fact is well known to druggists
everywhere, and' nine out of ten will
givo their customers this preparation
when tho host is. asked for. Mr. Obe
Witmer, a prominent druggist of Jop
liu, Mo., in a circular to his custom-
uarket in tho way of patent medicine
wnicii equals uuumuerumi s -uin-,
(Cholera anil Diarrhoea Remody for
bowel complaints. Wo sell aud rec
ommond this preparation," For sale
by C. Y. Lowe.
Important News Notes
Tuk-muy. July '-'."I.
Senator J. H. Mitchell was sen
tenood to six months in jail aud to
pay SlUDU line. An appeal has been
Chinese are V jycotling A-n M'icinn
goods to force uio lilication of the ex
elusion law.
Eight persons die of yellow fever
at New Orleans.
Ta'o men we;e fatally burned in a
tiro near Trenton, Calif.
Tivo dead, two fatally burned, an 1
t lit1 rest of the family injurod, is the
lesult of overt 'irning a gasoline stove
in a house at Pitt.-burg.
Hugh Rrauuuu aud Harvey TJlm,
of Dilley, Oregon, havo beetl arn ste 1,
charged with burning a "blind pig"
The proprietor refused tin-in liquor
and thfy threatened to burn his t-a
loon. A half hour later the place
was in llames.
Wi!Ks-iY. -Inly '-V.
Ernest Star, a nephew of J. N.
Williamson, and principal witness in
the? land frau.3 case in which Will
iamson is on tiial, is Hoeing from of
ficers who are in search of him.
Russian I'ea.'e envoys loft Paris to
sail for New York.
Admiral Rogestwn-d-y underwent
a sergical operation at Tikio for the
removel of a hone iu the wound on
his head.
A liro iu a logging camp in I lab
burned ono man to death and forced
others into the water where they
covered their heads with wet coats.
Council, War-h., suffered i?lU0,000
loss from lire.
Thukimt. July '27.
Now it is stated that China will
turn down auy treat 3 that exclude.-,
her citizcus from entering the U.S
Rass-nger trains collided at Wa
terloo Station, Londou. and 2(J per
sons were killed.
Ten officers are chasing J. N. Wil
liamsou's nephew, wanted as a wit
ness by tho prosecution.
Three men wpro injured nt Gold
Hill by an explosion of dynamite
caps. A spark dropped upon the
Salton sink on the Southern Raoif
ic is threatening much damage to
property from overflow,;ay, .1 uly iS.
Three young ladies were drowned
in the Columbia while bathing.
Johau Hock was reprived an hour
before time to execute the death sent
ence and will be given a new trial.
New Orleans authorities claim tho
yellow fever epidemic is under co:i
A heuso was struck In lightning
at Yancouvr, R. C. two p.-rsons w.-r
tendered senseless, a cat was killed
and two doii:: scared till they went
S.vTt'anvY. -1'ily L'iK
The Trail at the Portland Exposi
tion will bo open on Sunday horeaf
Germany is aroused over tho pro
posed vi-it of the lmih lWt in the
Baltic Sa and talks of clusing the
w.iter to forei;:i ship-.
German and 1 tviieh troops have n
liattle ovt-r Hit' bt.undi'3 on tho fron
tier of French Congo.
Fift3 per.Mftis wore injured in a
railway wreck iu Kansas. One ie
eieod fatal injur v. July 'M.
R'pirt is being circulated that the
gunboat liennington's boileis wore in
unsafe condition some time previous
to th" explosion.
Erne.-t Stivir, J. N Williamson's
inph"W, wil-, caught but proved to be
an unwilling witness. Henej' began
hi closing argument toda.y.
E(mlanl i.i planning to keep three
month's provision on hands at all
liuiesMj that in case of war she will not
run up against famine.
Dierk's Uaml is tho musical atlract-iou-in-chief
at tloi Lewis and Clark
Fair now. Half a do.en other good
bauds help to supj ly the music, so
that the grounds hae
plnt of meMd3. Tin-re's music in
the air and (omeihing doing every
day and hour at the big western fair
I'aiaic ih Aioum'U,
The public is arouse 1 lo a knowl
edge of the curat ivo merits of that
great medicinal tonic. Electric Ritters
for sick stomach, liver and kidneys.
Mary 11. Walters, of 51G St. Clair
Ave., Columbus, Ohio, writes: "For
several months I was given up to die.
I had fever and ague, my nerves wore
wrecked: I could not sleep, and my
stomach was so weak from useless
doctors' drugs that. I could not eat.
Soon after beginning to take Electric.
Ritters 1 obtaiued relief, and iu a
short time I was ontiroly cured."
Guaranteed at C. Y. Lowo'a Drug
Store. Price 50c.
Chamberlain's S2r7bSS,SS
Never fails. Iltry it now. It may save life.
Home Circle Column
Criulo Thought Ah Tlny Fall From The
Ktllloriul Pon. rirnKiint Kwiiini; Kov
crlon. A Column UiMllrativl to Tlr-il
Motlioi-H uh lluy .T0I11 Tho llomt Circle
at KvunltiK Tldo.
Children should be taught the im
porlanco of porsistency. It is not nec
essary that tboy should onrly chooso
thoir vocation, yet it ia necessary that
when they do choose it, they should
choose it for life. An occupation onco
chosen should be entered upou with a
feeling that there is no other occupa
tion. Tho ships should bo burned
behind. So long as there is in the
mind a lingering thought that after
all some other occupation will consti
tute the hfo work, failure is almost
certain, for tho mind is not concen
trated, and its acts aro like the acts of
those who aro half in jest.
Tho first law of friendship is sincer
ity; aud ho who violates this law, will
soon find himself destitute of what he
so erringly seeks to gain; for the de
ceitful heart of such au ouo will soon
betray itself, aud feel the contempt
duo to insincerity. Tho world is so
full of selfishness, that true friendship
is seldom found; yet it is often sought
for paltry gain by the base aud do
signing. Rfliold the toiling miser,
with his ill-gottou and worthless
treasures: his soul is never moved by
the hallowed iulltionco of tho sacred
boon of friendship, which renews
again on earth lost Eden's faded
bloom, and llings hope's halcyon halo
over tho wastes of life, iho envious
man he, too, seeks to gain tho ap
planse of others for an unholy usage,
In which ho may u-urp a of pre
eminence for himself. Self love, the
spring of motion, acts upon Ihm soul.
All are fond of praise, and many art
dishonest in tho use of means lo ob
tain it; honco it is often difficult to
distinguish hot ween true and fal.-e
friendship. Our best fth-uds are be
neath our own roof. A family circle
when each member is linked to iho
other by homo ties, is whore you timl
tind friendship iu ita unadulterated
and pure form.
Onu of tho saddest sights is thai of
a young man, who, without over hav
ing asked himself if he possessed suf
ficient strength of nerve lo endure the
strain of an intellectual career, has
been graduated heavily in debt, and
has sacrihed what little health and
con-titutiou ho had for a colletre
course, 'o ouo told him, that, even
if ho should obtain his degree, he
would bf totally unfitted to excel in
intellectual pursuits, and would be
doomed to perpetual ineiliocriu. lie
thought that if ho could on 13 get
through college, oven if he were
broken in h-alth and in pnr.-e, he
could get on somehow. Jle i ni
longer content with his former lot, his
ambition is poisoned by visions of im
possible goals, his vitality exhausted,
his enfrgi'S scattered, aud so the
youth who might havo become a use
ful farmer or a skillful mechanic,
staggers und--r his load of pecuniary
obligatio 1, ill hoalih and unsatisfied
ami ition, until death relieves him of
his iniseiw. There are main such
young men in ovory community. The
parents, and not the young no n. are
lo blame for thi. Refore John i t- n
years old. his parents decide !o make
a doctor, a lawyer, or a professor o'i
of him. When John develnpo-, h,.
will naturally take to tho calling If i
best adapted to, as a duck does (
water. Wait for those developments
before. tr3iug to mould a lawyer out
of a natural mechanic or farmer.
In this commui.ity, like all other-,
wo. have a few penurious farmer?.
whose prosprit3 and hapfnno-s is
crippled by their own 'avaricts. Such
a man is to be found if ing a woo len
plow which his father loft him. Ho
goes barefooted wei I; day in order So
make his -hoes bf i two yeais of Sun
d?t3s. If he buys a now coat he must
pay for it with beans or some -..rodncl
of (lie farm, i'u could not think of
selling the beans for money and then
buying the coal, for thai would bo
paying 11101103 for tho coat. Indeed,
ho has well nigh dispensed with that
instrument of civilization money.
Ho has gone back so far toward bar
barism that ho desires to barter
iostoud of buy and sell with
money. His homo circle is not a hap
py one. Tho business man frowns
when he is seen coming into tho store
or odico. His children do not run lo
meet. him. If he would open his
purso strings for on week, the old
wor'd would look brighter, his homo
would seem like heaven and tho bright
faces that would moot him at the
door would more than compensate
him for tho little money that it re
quired to bring about this radical
chango. This same class of persons
borrow this paper each week of their
poorer, but more happy neighbors.
When tboy cotno after it this week
just mark this article bofore giving it
to them.
MEN AXI) WOMKX in tliht nnd mljoin
inu countioH for home or travelint! work,
represent hi" and nilvortnln the Wlmlpsnle
and Educational Departments of an old es
tablished Manufacturing House. Salary
$:ioUi)cr day with oxpeiiRos advanced. Itit;
f nrninlind u lii'ii tiprnuanrv wii.ifi.M ,wrmn.
ennt; raff rences exchanged. AddrcHS. Klcw
nrotnera cc Uo.. Homo Dent., Chicago, 111.
term m
Absolutely Pure
Nothing but a Whiskey Flask
A nnntomobilist on Broadway, Now
York, had a thorough scare the other
da3', after bumping into a tall, spare
person and causing him to sit dowo
violently. Tho victim sprang to his
feet, and his hand reached swiftly for
his hip pocket. Tho chauffeur
crouched beneath tho seat to be out
of the way of bullets, and bystanders
grabbed hold of tho excited man. The
scare turned iuto a laugh, however,
when tho cause of the stranger's ex
citement was discovered to bo a broken
Haskof whiskey in his hip pocket He
was a Southern Colonel.
A Touching Story
is the saving from death of tho baby
girl of Geo. A. Eyler, Cumberland,
Md. He writes: At Iho age of 11
months our little girl was iu declining
health, with serious thioat trouble,
and two physicans gave her up. We
wore almost in despair, when we ro
solved to try Dr. King's Now Discov
ery for Cutisumplio 1, Coughs and
Colds. Tho first bjtilo gave relief:
after taking four bottles she was cured
and is now in perfect health. ' Never
fails to relievo and cure a cough or
cold. At C Y. Love's Drug .Store.
oO.-ts and Sl.'J'J Guaranteed Trial
bottle free.
Ono of tho most popular places at
tho Lewis anil Clark Exposition is
the "Rest I'avillion'' adjoining the
Abraham Lincoln home. The .state
of Illinois has built this costly pavill
iun so that visitors can stop a while
and ret on the broad portico. Rus
tic chairs and rockers aro free io all.
Tho Lincoln h me, is reproduced at
the fair, f a center of interest.
X-Ray Gas Generator.
The Wan-Jarful Lidit of
The Twentieth Century.
On an ordinary lamp this atlach
uient w:!l increase 30111 light to at
!ea-t double Iho purity of tho ordi
naiw burner. 'I his is a late anil most
popular invention, anil does away
Willi smoking chimneys, and leqnires
no cleaning ur trimming of the wick.
Csil 2nd InvesiKgate It.
Stilt Ariil Tor It. union :tatl Vicinity.
IF Ytl
-T"7 T. T;. r" PvK PFJ fc'-qj
! ' ;- I--? '' Vy.
V : CU.:: YOU
1 f ' l.'S.. ' . I
; : "t.
II. In. .. , it !.' ' ! .-.i.i
. . ti' ! ' it' '..i'l:'-.. I ''.i t -t
. .:: m .'r it.'i. I '..t :,) i . Tlx
1 :: : ' I'r .t!t l SiB;.ui.,T,na " itt of elian!''-
.Veau:ii i: ,ii-. A'h:iittrrliic;ixl
t. W li ' "' "' :i 'trflu
;vtivi. t n. -;. oo.n
;."oto Ny :' -t : . il.-n-l aittr t-vi't. 1st
What We Can Do For You
I"t I'apiTS fur the lrlt:e of Oiu V.
Srl Ho: Nivs of tin? Wnrlil anil
tin! Local News Thrown
In n- a l":i::iln.
To t lics;t who pnv np arreaiajies a tut a
.war Mi iiiIvuiicm. it ntl to all new huhscri
heis who pav in ailvancf. we make tho
fnlliiwiii pttiposil ion coaiprishij' several
(htreivnt couplets to select, from:
Handon ltr.coitnKit - OQ
S in Francisco lliillelin
l'ortlar.d lv nui Tolenrain r 00
Weekly Ureoaiau 1 al)
Appeal to KcaRon aU
Our Offer.
The Ilnlletin is one ol the leading pn;o
f t ho Vefl. and is a daily pnhliriheil in tan
Francisco, and gives all the news. Our uCTeu
includes the Sumiay Hullelin.
Recorder and Hnllctin. one year.. $7 00
Kecorder and Hulktin. one mouth
Tho Portland K voninu Telenram is insiied
.six liniOH a week. It ivtfH all the news that
is wtiitli readini aud up to time of going to
press, much of it being '-'l hours frcdier tbar.
when it renuhe.4 huro through any other
Iteeorder and Telegra'jii one yvnr. $a .10
For a weekly newspaper tho Weokly Ore
gcuuan leads iu tho NorthweKt, aud gives
all the news usually contained in a weekly
Recorder aud Weekly Orognnian..$2 50
It is tho duty of each person to sock in
formation along all lines that tend toward
bringing about, bet tor conditions and greater
piosperitv for tho human family, nnd for
the purpose cf giving our readers a ctiunco
to inform tliemselvo.s wo givo them the best
Appeal to lieasou. Any doctrine Mint
dnoH not appeal to tho highest order of rea
soiling is not safe.
Kecorder and Appeal to Hoasen... CO
!ur. I.'- I . - 1 : . !i 1 11:11 MHt
ttiict i..: . - 'It.. p.U9 i ! yai. I.n4t
Siii ,; ru.: . um t : n r Ki A
.T. ...- I. : tf.l . I'- .11 ii" ... 1! L'i'il . Ill . :i'".lltll
Handon. Oregon,
Druggist and
la jnsi In receipt of a new and
fresh stock of
Drugs and Chemicals,
Patent and Proprietary Preparations
Toilet Articles,
DruggiNt.s Sundries.
Perfumes, Brushes, Sponges, SoArs
Nuts and Candies.
drum, Tobarcos and ClgarettcH.
Paints. Oils. Glasses, and Painter's Supplied
You Can't Expect to Get
$2 worth for $1, but you
can get your money's
worth at
Denier in Boots nnd Shoes
Repairing neatly und promptly done at
lowest liviug prices.
by buying thla
reliable, honest,
high grade se
ing machine.
National Sewing Machine Co.,
First Class Watch
Agates Ground, Polished and
to order; or a ay other work in 1113
line will be tlouo in a neat and satis
factory manner, at a reasonable price.
Call and se my new lino of jewelry, con
sisting of Stick IMii". Hat Pins, Sash Pins,
Ijaily's Waist Sots, Hrooches. Ilracelets. Cuff
aud Collar Hut tons. Chains, Charms, aud
Kings, which has just arrived.
AKTnr:: hick.
Watchmaker aiid Jeweler.
Sandon, . . . Oregon.
i.-- wj
tiC- 13 5
v .- - -
LOUGHS and 50ci$l.C0L
OLDS Fieo Tiial. f
Surest and tiuicitost Guro for all
miTTirt Am .1 TTivin inn rtrr-D
El Dorado
P. B. HOYT, Prop.
FIntt Stroot. 1AMX)N. OltM.'ON
Ilatlirooio imirly lilted np with Torci-lalu
Tub. Hot ur Cold Haiti l reliU
Trade Marks
Anyono sending aiketch and decrlptlon niT
qutcklr ascertain oor opinion free whether ar
invention It protmblr palentablo. CommuDe
tlonitrtctlycoslsnttal. HANDBOOK onPatonta
ent free. OUt sf on cr for f ecu nn jr pat e nu
Patents taken torousb Mnnn & Co. receive
special notlct, without charge, in tho
Scientific American.
A handsomoly illnitrated weeklr. Tjircet rlr
cul .Hon of any sclenttne innrnal. Terms. ?3 a
yonr: four months, fL Bold by nil nowsilenlorj.
HUNN & Co.36,Broadway- New York
Branch onico. G2S V SL. WashlDgton, I). C
Wanted-fin Idea
Protect yonr Idea?: they may lirlDg you wealth.
Write JOHN WSDDEiiBURI & CO., Patent Attor
oeya, Washington. X). Cfor their Sl.EU) priso oflet
xaa ILit of two hundrod UiTcntlons wantod.
The City Meat Market;
0 Yes!
We Have the Variety of Stock
Href, Pork. Veal, Mutton. Lamh, Hologua nnd Pork Sausage, Pressed' Ucef, Hend!
Cheese, Corned Heef, Pickled Pork, Kggs, Veg&tilhlcs and llntler.
Call on us and get our prices before buying elsewhere.
We are not like the Hind Wheels
of a wBgon. alwnys following in the namo rut. Wo are pushers, striving for n larger
business, aud we get th re by keeping
Tii e Best Meat in tlie IiancL
and Pelling at the very lowest prices.
We are heto to please and here to stay.
Yours to serve,
J. Waldvogel & Son, Props.
The Newly Refitted, Speedy and Elegant Steamer
Will give a regular ten day Service between Coquillo Hiver. Oregon, nud San Francisco,
California, for both passengers and freight.
E. DYEH. Agent. Handon. Oregon.
SWAYNE & HOYT, Agent, 2-'G Mattery Street, San Francisco. California.
City Barber Shop
2."i Cts
Hotel Coquille
CJoqiiSllc Oregon,
J. V. TrPPKlt, Proprietor.
This woll-knowu hotel i.s now uuder new and com
, potent tuanuKotijeul nud has been thoroohly ren
ovated throughout. Tho table servioo is equal to
any in boutuern Ureon. btuplo rooms for com
mercial men. Baggage transported to and from
boats and trains free of charge.
Fine new bar in connection with tbo hotel.
The New, Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer
0. P. JENSEN, Master -
Tb:& Steamer is New. is Strongly built, and titti-d with the latest improvements, 12J wil
give a regular 8 day sen ice, fr pa-si-nper-- and freight, between the
Cotjtnlle Kiver. Oregon, and San I'ranc-.sco, Calif.
KLBKKT DVKi:, Accn. Handon, t)r.g..n.
t-.. I. KI;l'A Mauflging Agent, ji;7
u ri rm vzZ old ccrcs. csizk in nacK. hacuachz, lumsaco.
" 3 anksls, ochn husks'" spa.Mncn wrjst. raosTea
"I -vras much r. (Hie teil vrith rlieumatism, vrritcs
Ed. C. Nud, Iowavillc, Sedgwick Co., Kansas, "going
about on crutches and sulfur inv; a great dcsl of pain
I was induced to try Uallard's Snow LiiJunent, which
cured me, after using three 50c bottles. ITISTHB
ommended it to a number of persons, all cspresa
themselves as being; benefited by it. I now walk
without crutches, and om able to perform a great
deal of light labor oa the farm."
THREE SIZES: 25c, SCc AND $1.00
ST. LOUIS, U. & A.
"T-P fcin Tlo We are 9tl ,-,ns ,"iip,:s a 'liie oid
A.1 X U U. ? J StJUU, ni(, can vi.i!tC yui Give ns a Call
a:ul uxuuiiue uur
Stoves, Sanges and Farm Implements, Etc,
Now is tho timo to pure-hasp Hardware. The undersigned bas
in stock a Jarge a.-.sorliiioiit of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Glassware, Crockery and Miners' Supplies.
Paint, Oils, Doors and Vindoiv.s.
The Bandon Hardware Man.
Nni ice is hereby uiven lo ,".11 -M-rsnns not
to trespass upon the )ireuiiM' of Dr.Keuvun.
-it netted between Flornn Luke mul tlie comi
ty rnnd. in Northern Curry, by removing,
cut tint, or deHtroyiim timber upon said
bind. sf'J.'i rewuYd will be paid for informn
lion leadiiiL' to h conviction of trerfjuisH us
staled nbovo.
I? a led at Dandon. ()rprn. Mnrrh 14. Uif'l.
0 Yes!
lTnt Street, han brneico, California.
Leaven Hnmlon every morning, except
Sunday, at 7:o0 o'clock Hnd makes connect
tiotiH with the train and steamer Myrl at
10:.'H) a. m. at Coquille City.
Leaves Ooqnilh- Citv at 12:30 p. ni., uniVi
iuc ut Uuuduu at 4;"j0 p. uj.