FACTS IN i'h:V LINKS The number of rattle destroyed by wihl boasts i:i India last year excell ed MUtjO. Tin' entire output of sug.r :u lM,;ia for the yesir liHi.Vimn; hits been ulacod 111 70.(KKMXU poods. Tlu' natives of Mor.M-ii) think Furo poans arc ilirty because the wn-Ii in water that is not runtiiur. Sn.my has people ui lln square niilo again.-5 only l i u thi' mile foi tin' rest of the Ccnnnn empire. Tin' wreck of tin Fro:t.h battleship Sull on tin Cochin China i-onst recent ly represented a money loss of sfo.i'niii. OW. An effort to form an actors union is lutiiir mailo in Ktigkmd. 11. P.. Irvine ami Seymour 1 licks are at thi' head of the movement. Some French engineers an ail to havi' applied to the Russian govern ment for a franchise to build a bridge sutoss Bering strait. Tli' tirst dolls of which there is any knowiiNlge were fount! among the measures unearthed from the ruins of Babylon. They an small figures of terra cotta ami Ivory, beautifully CHTVeil. A chapel which is being finished in "Vi minster cahedral. Loudon, will cost 0.uou. Tlif money is tlu contri liution of converts to the Roman Cath olic eliureh its thank offerings for their conversion. The uly tire engine at Ronconsiield. Kugtand. was bought in 1M.. The lo cal authorities, afraid that it may got out of order -ome time or other, sire beginning to lisuss the purchase of a new one. The son of one of the Indian prince ws recently in London and is said to lmve gone to the circus every night while there. Now that he is at home uraiit he says that the clrens is the greato-i thing in the world. A foiirtc-n page letter written b Mary. qtie 11 of Scots, in .limitary. 1772. statins that she had under con sideration the formation of a large par ty of the nobility, was sold at auction lu liHioii the ollnr day for i.rH. Katie Bodkins, aged thirteen, of Marion, Ind.. eseajH'd a hard lesson in arithmetic by marrying. After an ab sence of three days from school the principal sent the truant ot.icr to the girl- home, where the ceremony had u? been performed. .Tame MoKemta. who wa natural in Oil in 1S(;s. ha just found that in his pltN's he i- made to fore-wear al losrUiuee to tlie kin? of Italy, lie in lllTiiatUly retpnjs the Fluted States district court. Sau rraneisco. to set tin paper right, declaring that lie nev er had anything to do with Italy. With a view of drawing an audi ence apjurently the London rhemical society announced the other day in j tiie papers ttia; that evening at its itt?iMimr W. il. IVrkius. Jr.. woiikl read iKr in "The Action of Klhyl Dibro iiwrpatioiotraarloxylate on the I is Ddium (ouimmim1 of Fihyl Propanoic t raa rl o xy la t e." Recently Barcelona invited the archi Ul- .f the w..rk I i eiHl in iinupeil tlve plans fur iiibtrsrsuu tin town. btu Ufjini: ihe workiiu: class iiartrs and far unit Mir.: the rive or i suburban ti us. "Jlie rirt iriae. rt.O'O. lias been won by a youn'j: rreuelmiau. Only live ifcneliiiei-ts two Siuish. one Fri'ii-h. MHk German aud oue Italian -oiupt oil. A Mouireal emple. Mr. l'irre lor rt aud his wife, recently celebrated the seventj -sixth anniversary uf Uieir mania Mr. !rt is l yinrs and I". inoutii iM. while U:s wife is ninety stv. aui llli are in eiHul health. One of tlwlr thirtHii chihlreu will herself CtMrate Imt troklen weddinic throe years lH-ue. thou-h she is only sixty senwi now. ''jonre Y. WooilhiMtM has presented UK public lilrtiry at Uuilainl. Vt., with a iMfty of the New Kntrland Primer triutii in 1777. The look is rare now. etudes !rotu this iilition l!ii'- valueil at "0. The work is a lK)-k of soventy llve pases and iHntaln lesides die al-h.-'.lM't anil oue syllable words the Lm!"s anil other prayers, catechisms nd epteraimnatie verses. These bear tite caption. "Learn by Hiart.' Is is claimed that the deefiest jmnc wire the earth has ever received was i.utly sut iiinil at the hands of .lames Tobin. an Ishpemint: man. who. iie:.r .Jh a urn bun,'. South Afri-:i. jwniierl mi oriiice iu the erottml to the dofrfh of ."..."S; I't-'t. lb 1 a diamond ftrill with a rated capacity of l.ian f. 'lue weifdit of the rods u--el iu ike drilllnir was dut fifteiii tons, wiueii is a iuo.strfiis load for ?uch a A llille rwl button worn ny some .ii!' voxnti. o.i ami vihiu. marniil an-d itM!e. anions the leadlnt; social sets of the "ity of Mexico, marks a new de jmrtMre. or. rather, n new stej In pro resp. This little round red button sc uffles ineuilKMhip in what i known as tin AutiklsMiit; kaue. MenilH-rs of tlie league take a solemn pledtre not to klw one another in public or private on the ground that kissing Is contn Iwis. or. rath"r. the means of coiivey-comajrir-; diseases from one fair M to the OthT. For one of the most important coi lccikus of Napob'ouic reli-. whIHi lwve come under the liatuuier only l."'.d guineas was iven at Christie's rooms, in London. r -ecu tly. It i.ver-d his wlKile career, start inu with a silver statuette of the fnt consul and endini; with a lock of UU hair and the death niHi.k taken at St. Helena. There were miniature of the jrri'at (or-ieu him Helf. of his sou. the il! fated kiim of Koii'io, of I'esiret I?eauhR.-!iais. Marie Louise. Mux. I'.onnparte. medals, croe? of the U-lou f Honor, Wa terloo relics and a remnant of the Has In which his eoilin was wrapped, with splinters, of the collin itself. I'olson I it Wiir. When th" I'rcn.-h beat the Formo sa its aloii the coast in 1SS1 the latter ret i nil to the Interior. When the French pursued them they found a ifiieer line of defense, beyond which they could make no progress and in Wonniiitr which many died. The For uiosans had poisoned the springs, wa ter coursesi. etc. as they retreated, and the i-ampa! of the French against them never iul farther than the poison line. The poison was a native one, as deadly ns arsenic or strychnine. A.li ,t. .ti It 4 n tt XX it u TT TT CHAPTER II. T HE travel at night began. By day the sun was so hot that the atmosphere was a smoth ering glare, and the drag by night would be easier on the animals. They could nil rest and sleep In the day. for there was not even a fly to disturb them-nothing but that deep, deathly silence, which seemed to creep, creep, creep, stealthily In from every where. Frequently they stopped hi the dark to breathe the animals, and then the tired travelers sank, in the sand for a few blissful moments and dropped Into sweet obliTion.. They clutched at the wagons, with hand upon the spokes, or the hind end. or lay in front of the o.ven, or sat between the wheels, that at the first movement every one might wako. Next morning they said to one anoth er it was a wonder no one was miss ing: the next, that they wondered how long they could, keep It up; the third. they tramped dully on till sunup with out a word, although an awful thing had happened. x They had rested four times during the night, and just how or when or where it had occurred uo one knew, but their number had been less ened by one. and some one whispered that Roy had been. left behind. l!od knows, with all that weariness weigh ing upon limb and eyelid, it was all one could do U see that ht himself waked without bearing another on his mind. - j "Its cooflby. said one woman in a low voice, "and it may be our turn next." she added, glancing at Mrs. Robinson ahead. The child had mur mured several times about water dur ing the night, and the mother walked at the side of the wagon, holding the little one's hand. iu dull dread. I'ut the captain's eye, responsible for every one. searching anxiously down the lines on both sides of the wagons, missed a face, and his voice had a trembling note In its bass as he began isking of e.ich: "Where's Hoy? Haven't you een her'; IVrhaps she's crawled in otie of the wagons, ami that's against orders. My Cod. men and wo men, where's my girl 7 Not left behind in this trackless waste:" There was no need to tell him in words. The faces he looked into were plain as a read tale. Running ahead he plucked Sevadra's sleeve. Hut the Mexican turned his burning, anxious gaze backward at the forms huddled in a whisnering group and with an elo- .pient sweep of his hand slowly shook his head. "Madre de Iios. senor: you miht go alone." he said. "I must still stai with these. I shall find water soon. I hope. Keep to the north and east on vour return and iod be with you. senor!" The woman whose turn it was to ride old Lucy cried as she was displaced. for she was a weakling, but she clung P the back of the first wagon, with old I luck's breath, coming on behind, at her shoulder, and Sevadra stopped back and told her he could almost re member a spring in a spot of brackish maiisli which he hoped lay a few hour ahead. With a quick, last look at the bent head of his already grief burdened wife, yet without a word, the captain was "one- swallowed up. lie became a thing of the past in a moment. They said to each oth'er he could never find Hoy. She would be lying asleep, and he might pass even within a mile of her. Several men told how they had heard the faint, low voice of a hoot owl through the night made and re turned far too regularly to have been given by the bird, and other Indian "signs" had been noticed -a compara tively fresh chewed cud of soap root twice, and once an arrow and again the hidden marks of a camp. Indeed, roving bands had kept the train In watch all along the road, but it was no use telling the women before, yet now it was perhaps best to reveal ev erything. Adelaide shivered and look ed back in fear, but her mother still walked on. holding the little extended hand. What strange hallucinations filled the captain's whirling brain as with his heels pressing his poor horse's ribs he tried to retrace their steps! In vain. The sand which had sucked at each withdrawn hoof and foot had run gen tly back and tilled In the track smooth ly and evenly till the whole lay like a tawny carpet, spreading away in every direction to the horizon. Then the sun wheeled up, and he remembered a pic ture he had once seen of Phoebus drawing a red car up the day. Oh, what a glaze! And then oh. strange and beautiful product of his fancy si ship, with canvas spread to some cool ing breeze, sailed sicross the vaulted sky. with men aboard of her, her very cordage standing out to his strained gaze. On she swept without si sound, si phantom ship, si dream of derision, a thing for men to curse. And there ahead a shimmering bike of water, dimpling and alluring. No; a crystal stream It wsis. O Cod. for one sweet moment he hsid believed his desire a fad, but he knew It was a mocking. j taunting mirage, oft seen before, and j there was no lake and no stream save in a world apart from this desert! At hist he bowed his bead on Lucy's drooping neck, where she had paused, and. dry eyed, sobbed aloud. Lo, Just ahead lay :i saffron wad of soap root. He dismounted and felt it. It wsis vet moist from the mouth that had spat it forth. Indians! Indians! In .U....C -Hov." he shrieked. "Bov. paw's coming!" He thought or ncr terror, he thought of- that- instant he remembered those Mexlcsin women at Albuquerque, Sevadra's wife and daughter, and of how the older had In sisted that Hoy was no longer a child, but of an ago to be In that country even si married woman. He himself but lately had noted In this tropical climate her rounded limbs and slender ing wsiist. A thought may be a thorn piercing the soul, and so was Captain Kobiuson slung back to the steadied poise of a man. ,t, ,, "BOY vv By JULIA B. F05TJ5R. f C(jyni;it, ifOi. by Julia li. Fouler ... ,T. 4- f 4-A He sprung from his saddle and, tak- ' Ing his canteen, poured a little water under Lucy's hanging tongue and wet her nostrils and psittcd her Hanks, bid- ding her nerve herself for a last effort. lie tipped the canteeil to his lips, took si swallow and stepped out upon the wil- ilornoea io-mIii .itnl .iu if Sf li.nl .-..n. up of itself, there, under his eye. lay a limb of mesqulte. a little tuft of the foliage still clinging to its tip. as he himself had trimmed it and given it sis a plaything to the sick child. His own knife had rounded the end to make tt smooth for the tender p:uv. His blood leaped within him, and he stepped on afoot, his hungry look searching hither and thither, roving into the perspec tives or every direction, w hat was that faint depression over there? It was It wsis the trace of si cloven hocf. for there yet remained the fairly de fined impression of two toes. Way be yond there wsis smother and oh. mar vel! beyond another, and by and by another. Examining closely, he dis covered si thin, crisp crust lying in patches siloug the surfstce. which ex plained the tracks sind that he, too, was leaving the mark of his foot in this alkali spot. By this time he had been alone several hours it seemed a year--and then he stooped and pick ed up the Isisso he silwsiys csirried slung to the horn of his saddle. Had he dropped it Just now, or wsis he real ly retracing the trail of the night be fore? He would have bartered his last possession to know. Lucv whinnied wistfullv and looked over the wimpling sands to the right and whinnied agsiin. "Coad horse. If vou were a dog, if you were only Tige. I might hope iu your scent." the captain said aloud. "Hut. surely, old girl, with your legs and my eyes we ought to find her." stud he pushed on. By and by he came to a standstill and. despairing, looked about him for the hundredth time. Then he took his revolver from his hip pocket and tired si shot into the air. reckless of the dan ger it might bring upon him. "Five hots left." he thought sts he replaced his six shooter sind listened. Away off on one side there was the cry of a hoot owl. responded to in the distance by the same weird note, pitched in the same key. "An owl in the daytime," he thought contemptuously. "Why. that's too plain. You hounds of hell. If you've hiid hands on my little girl. heaven must give me my revenge on more than one of you!" Mechanically he set his gaze ahead upon a dark spot, and in that hot and yellow air, sill meshed and mazed with a tangle of golden rays, it seemed to move sind quiver. "Another mirage.' he muttered. "Oh. Boy! I'm going mad. I know. Somewhere on this wide desert you are. paw's only boy. Oh. lot me find you!" And again the spot way yonder seem ed to move. He had passed it now iu the distsuice and wsis lcsiving it off to the left. Cod help him. he was mad to leave it so. stud, despairing still, he once more took out his revolver and fired it in the air. then listened. The spot seemed like a figure rising to its k;iees. then to its teet. tearing sit Its breast with beating hands. Indeed. It even seemed to wave si suulionnet of the slat kind, worn iu Iowsi where he csime from. Strange, how it reminded him of Boy! And then there came a scresun- a long, wild rush of sound and the figure struggled a few steps toward him, then stumbled and became a spot again. Oh, how could he wait how could he live to get there! And then, frenzied, crazed, he had snatched her up. had forced the canteen be tween her teeth, assured her in fond and endearing words, used a dozen dif ferent wsiys. that he was her father. and no other: tlmt she was safe, safe. safe! TO HK CONTINl'KIi. J EAGLES IN REAL LIFE. flie Do .ol I'iinm'vs I he . 1 1 1 1 11' One Iteiuls About. I lid the old eagle show tight? is the first oiterv put bv the casual listener. I silwsiys see a trace of disappdut- inent sweep over his countenance when he hears the answer. The mo ment you speak of climbing to an eagle's aerie ihe average man gets an idea of si harrowing tale of the pho tographer hanging to the edge of si cliff or the top of a tree, with the old eagles clawing out pound chunks sit ery swoop. Few eagles possess the mad ferocity pictured stud magnified by sensational story tellers. When we first scrambled over bowlders of the canyon up toward the nest t ssiw the no esigie sup omeiiv irom ner eggs sind suini out over the mountain top. When I strapped on the climbers to ascend the tree I had one eye opened for trouble. But each time we visited the spot the parents silently disap pea red sind stayed siway as long as we card to hold possession. They kept a watchful eye. however, from the blue dit:itice overhead. For a noble bird like th' eagle this abandoning of the nest aud young seemed to me cowardly sit tirst. Perhaps the long years ol per secution have taught him Mimethiug. The first rule of self preservation of this pair seemed to be to keep half si mile distant ft mi the sitiiiual that lights with m ither beak nor claw.-- ( "ouplry ( 'aletiihir. When tlie .Neurit Wns "re:ilcil. The Mexican Indians, as well as hose of must of the Central American republics, have st superstition to the elT ct that the negro wsis inside before either the white limit or the Indian or even before the sun wsis created. They ace unit for his color by declaring that he was made and dried in the dark. Their own race, they say. wsis made in the morning of the first day between daylight and sunup. On this account they delight in a term which they :tp ply to each other ami which signifies "dawn people." The white man. "who fv:r darkness sind cannot stand heat." was inside, according to their belief, at noon ou the first dav of cresitlon. i - VVOM.AN AND FASHION (Sown Kor Miiamcr Day. In spite of its decorative ami rather elaborate appearance the house gown shown here is quite simple in its mak ing :hd may esisily be put together by a in giniier :u uressnuiKing. it is :i model which may be used satisfac torily by si young woman or bv si mid dle siged or elderly woman. Made up In lawn it becomes a cool sind easy house gown for summer days. The HOfSi: lioWN. fullness In the body is confined by lucks, which give st slenderness to the figure. The sleeve is also tucked, and lit daintv little collar, which adds so iiiucn in uie design, is niaue wiui iucks wh:.-h open out lo form the frill. As one may ob.-erve by glancing sit the de sign, the entire dres may be self trimmed, and then' is no further ex pense in the way of decoration. The ni'rt'cl is not only sultsible for wash materials, but is si good one to follow iu the making of eahmoio or silba- tross. Cooilhy to Wilclnir Collars. WoincM who like to wesir high col lars ,r t it t ti stuns with their summer trt.-k- have been bothered heretofore by the collar.-, wilting or through the pricking of the wearer.- n eks by biu of featherboiie put ill to stiffen the col- lirs. For this summer sin ingenious per-on has designed a little contriv ance to do away with these two sin- !iomee-. ihe device takes the lorni of a set of little gold extender bars that are fastened behind the collar aud are caught sit the lower and upper ends with little jeweled screw studs. These tliii are made in imitation gold and in tin real thing. Shirt waist, closing ni the hack sire very popular this season, sind au ex ception;! llv prettv one is here shown. Pongee was chosen for the develop ment, with bands of insertion in the -ame color for decoration. Tucks In the front, on either side a center box plait, give beeourug fullness that pouches fashion. iblv oer the belt. The simrr waist. 3'oke may be omitted if desired, as the lucks extend up to the shoulder. The sieeves sire quite tun in the upper part, finished by a deep cuff. Madras, chatubray. tJitTota, albatross and all the fancy weaves of cotton will make up stylishly. The medium size will require two sind live-eighths yards of thirty-six inch material. Summer Petticoat. Wash silk petticoats are to be worn with daintj' summer dresses. A charm ing model Is of white liberty silk trim med with two graduating flounces of accordion plaiting in which insertions of lace are Inset. Accordion plaited skirt flounces are not possible to laun der, and where a skirt Is to be "tub bed" thev should be avoided. X'ii Pnrnnol.1. Animal aud bird head parasols and folding umbrellas sire the very latest things in the wsiy of protection from the weather. There sire parasols of every color. Natural wood sticks anil handles are still the proper thing, but llm animal sind bird heads sire an evi dence of a purchase this season. The animals are Boston terriers, hounds, collies, spaniels and horses, and they are realistically fashioned. Sj-month die O In tine lit. An old time quack compounded his "sympathetic ointment" according to the following prescription : "Take nio.sse of a ded man's lied, two one; man's greaee. one i-nc; niununisi, man's blood, of esich half an one; Unseed oyle, twenty-two one.; oyle of roses, bolearmlulck, of each an one. Bet them together In a mortar till It be fine leeke an oynt meiit; keep it in a box." Then all the sick person needed was the weapon with which a man had been stricken. This he anointed with the ointment, pressed to the wound and wsis well again, or should hstve been. CHOICE MISCELLANY (.olonu!o. Soda l.nke. One of the most remarkable discov- J eries ever made in the region is thsit of a lake of liouid soda in the inaccessible desert between t 'rest one. i 'olo.. m,.j Hooper, in the San Luis valley. Tin fake is sin siere sind si qtisirter in ex tent and lies at the bottom of a little basin valley in the desert. On its sur face sodsi crystals have collected to si depth of eighteen incites, the whole hike having the appearance of a body of ice with si hard snow covering. A recent examination by the State School of Mines shows that these cry a tals are "JT per cent pure soda, pure than most of the commercial soda of fered on the msirket. A Henver. ma . Ei M. I'silke. has secured a lesise oi tii" land containing the lake ami is uou insialling machinery which will .on vert the native crystsils into msirkeia ble form. There are -I.ikio tons iu sight. The School of Mines experts say that the soda is a creation of feldspar. The granite masses of the Ssingre de t'risi range stsind sentinel on two sides of the little vsilley. The feldspar iu the granite, undergoing decomposition. cl leets in the lake bsisin, where it is hel l in check by sin impervious clay, sind proper conditions sire turnislied for concentration and evaporation. 'hica- go Chronicle. Tlie I "our OiiiiiI Dltlleiillic.H. First. Climatic conditions. The so lution for this lies in sanitsition. We will have the gresttest sanitsiry experts lu the world associated with us. sind I am sure we will overcome the climate. Second.- Lsibor. The solution for the dillieulties involved in securing enough of the right kind of labor lies in fair treatment, fair wsiges and enforced sanitsition. Third. The engineering problem is not per so more diiheult than others that Inive been put through success fully. Its immensity is the only stag gering thing about it. The same or gstuizsitioii and the same forces applied to this project that sire used in less gi- stutic enterprises of the same kind. but on si similarly large scale, will, in my opinion, make a successful job. Fourth. I istsince front the base of supplies. The solution of this lies en tirely in the perfection of an organiza tion m Panama aim m this country. What will be necessary will lie the maintenance of an absolute equilibri um between demand sind supply rela tive to the class of labor sind material. President Shouts in Chicago Journal. relieve ami Poverty. A recent bulletin of the Massachu setts labor bureau shows thstt iu Har vard, of ton called "a rich man's col lego." nearly Id per cent of the young men sind nearly 11 per cent ot the young women sire the children of peo ple classed by statisticians as wage earners. In Boston university, the I;irg'st Methodist institution of New England. over ,;. per cent ot the students are the sons sind daughters of wage work ers. The record of Clark university is even more reinarksitde. Hits is de voted entirely to postgraduate and re- so.iien woiK inai is. io mo kiihi oi itudy which must wait longest for monetary returns. ot nearly per cent ot Its students are trom wage working families. Chintgo Inter Ocean. A Model Street Cn r I. Inc. Leeds, England, is proud of its street car line, as wen it may ne. uu or about tfl.-HiO.Oi.O gross receipts in l'.'U" j?l!00.iiU0 was clesir profit sifter making all sillowauce for depreciation. Nine teen cents out of every dollar taken went back to the city treasury to light en taxation. The usual fare is '2 cents. Out of tHJHrUM fares taken over fiO.tiOO.isihi were '2 cents each. There were -i.t)0O.(" one cent lares and only i.imo.tHNi six cent fares, the highest paid. The aver age fare last year wsis '2:2$ cents. The average Leeds passenger pays. In other words. l.S cents for the actual cost of his ride and a trltle less than half a cent additional to the city treas ury. This Is a city smaller than Balti more and mainly containing people of very small income. Hours of School Study. Investigations stmong ld.tiuo school children of Halle. In (lertnany. .showed that the number of sick among the children attending morning and after noon sessioiis was one-half greater than among children who attended ses sions in the forenoon only. A Cent) an scientist favors a morning session of five hours, giving a resting pause of fifteen minutes at the end of each hour. He ssiys thsit the afternoon sessions exhaust the vitality of the children. disturb their digestive organs sind tire their brains. From si medical stand point afternoon sessions should be abol ished. The afternoon hours should be given to play, outdoor exercise ami physical training. Life of Modern Ilu ( t lesh i ps. One of tl Hi ers of the Washing ton navy yard has figured out that the life of a modern steel battleship is los-; thsin half of that of her wooden proto type, the ma ii -of-war of si previous generation. He said the old wooden frigate was good for forty years of cruising, while the steel vessel of lu cle Sam's superb twentieth century navy reaches the Junk pile in less than t went j' yesirs after she is launchwl. "To build a modern battleship.'" said the naval otllccr. "requires five years, counting from the time of Ihe signing of the contract until the vessel is final ly accepted after trial."-Washington Stsir. Scholarly Version. On the campus of Emory college, in Oxford. Oa.. there is a table to the memory of Ignatius Few. the first president. One day a freshman wsis crossing the campus with his cousin, who asked him to explain tin? Inscrip tion on the stone. " 'Vlvit lion - niorttiUR est.' " she read slowly. "What does thsit mean. Will?" "That," said the freshman easily, "oh. that means. 'He lives no. he don't, he's dead.' " NEW SHORT STORIES Time For a Chiitiuc. A cueuii t in the employ of a big New York eomp.ii.y resp-d in cer tain Mont :na mines .-.ays that not loir ago tl.i or fotr scientific gentlemen troio an e-t.erit institution undertook for puri'"-'" ' sin y. p. penetrate into the depths of n certain mine. Hue of the easterner- was evidently of a most nervous temperament. f,r he was continually asking qiiestious sis to the precautions adopted to avoid disaster to those going down and com ing up the sis;; ft. On the ascent by minus of the usual bucket the nervous scientist perceived, "HOW oiTKN JU Vol' CMANC.i: T11KSE MUl'IiS?" or thought he did perceive, unmistaka ble symptoms of weakni'ss in the rope by which the bucket was suspended. "How often, my gimd friend." inquired he of the attendant when the party were sibout halfway from the bottom of the awful abyss, "how often do you change these rojws?" "Oh. alwMit every three months or so." carelessly replied the sittendant. "We'll change this one tomorrow If we get up safely." New York Times. Openiuir 1'or a Populist. The first day the senate committee on interstate ciuniuen met to take I up the rate question there was some cha fling with Senator Oolliver about his various engagements. "I low soon are you going to get through?" asked one senator. y "I am prepared to stay here until the 1st of June." replied Senator Oolliver. "Then the Chautauqua circuits do not Irt'gin until that date." was the obser vation of one of the men present. "I have abandoned the Chautauqua busine-s for the summer." said Sena tor 1 Kdliver. "That was what I thought." chipped in Senator Carinack of Tennessee. "Down in my state the other evening I listened to l.'eneral (Irosvenor and chimp ("lark doing si turn, stud as Clark wns your old sparring partner on the Chautauoua circuit I concluded that you hail turned It over to fJios vtnr." "How did they come out?" inquired Oolliver. showing a languid interest In the subject. "Well," answered Cannsick. "(iros venor got up and abused the Oenio- cratie party as hard as he could. Clark followed with abuse of the Uepublicsin party. Neither of them hsid anything to say iu favor of their own parties. It occurred to me that it would have been an excellent opportunity for a i'opullst to gel iu his work." Washington I'o.-t "When llenerxil (Srant .lokeil. deiieral (runt seldom indulged in hnniiw. i in one octsion. however, he si?t mpted -oinetiiing in this line at the cvpense of his West Point classmate stud roommate, comrade iu the Mexl can and i-i il wars and intimate and devoted friend. Major Ooneral Kufu.5 Ing.ilK of Denmark. Me., writes C. O. Stiekney in the Bangor t.Me.i Commer cial. Ingalls was quartermaster gen oral of the armies liefore Richmond. (.rant ami his stall were seated one evening before the blazing enutpllro. when Oram suddenly turned to In gsills and. jninting to a yellow dog whi.-h had accompanied the latter through many a campaign and which now lay at his master's feet snoozing st way. jocosely asked: "Sav. Ingalls. do you intend taking that dog along with you into Bich mond?" "Certainly." w. the quick response. "Why not? He belongs to a mighty long livitl breed!" A roar of laughter followed this good nit tured sally, and for once at least the face of the grim commander relapsed into a broad smile. liuetv Mini, hut Couldn't Place Illm. A rather seedy looking stranger drift ed into the room of Ass tant Secretary of the Treasury Reynolds the other day. With his hat lu his hand he sidled up to the desk of the genial Mr. Keyn o!(K aud In a faint hearted way said: "I guess yon don't know me. Mr. Reynolds?" "Well. now. I remember your face IH'tfectly." replied Mr. Reynolds, "but 1 am sorry I can't place you." "That's too bad." said the stranger, preparing to move off with a disap pointed air. "I was in hopes you could plait me. I've got sin application iu for a job In the New York custom house." "Oh. here." called out Mr. Reynolds, "you want to go to the civil service commission! All positions In the cits toms service are under the protection of the clusvliled service now." Brook lyn Eagle. Could Xot Qunllfy. A well known Scotch horse couper. who was considered si respectable member of a congregation, was fre quently pressed by the minister to al low himself t. be nominated for the eldership, lie always put the matter off with evasive answers, but at length 'the minister demanded the reason for his refusal Thus driven Into a corner the worthy replied: "Man. I wonder to hear you, Mr. McNab! Hoo can a man be an elder and sell a horse?" Scottish American. I MMw I f.7 ' nnhtT- HUMOR OF THE HOUR A Pen eh. Carson was briskly wending his way up Broadway, n serenely happy expres sion on Ids face. At last his efforts bad been crowned with success, and yet this jewel he had found and possessed himself of was well worth waiting for. No wonder he was hurrying forth to acquaint them sit home with his great gKid luck. "She is mine!" he cried to himself. "Mine, mine!" "Hello! Sir Cupid landed another vic tim?" inquired a cheery voice from he hind. And then as his friend turned about and facet I him Gebhard added: "You shouldn't talk so loud, old man. Well, since the secret is out, what's her name?" "Nsitsie!" exclaimed Carson, with a twinkle in his eye. "Wait until this evening. ( ome up. and I will intro duce Oll." Oebhsird knitted his brow. "Then I don't know her?" "No. but you will. Don't forget to come up. She's a peach." "What! Your prospective" "Quite so." broke in Carson. "My prospective cook." New York Press. A Xervon Ilnnte. "The trouble with you Americans Is that you eat too fast," said the Euro pesm. "We can't help It," was the contrite answer. "We feel like getting through a meal before the waiter brings back the cheek with an announcement that the tuestt trust has raised prices." Washington Star. Xot Her Purpose. "She strikes me as a woman of con stant singleness of purpose. She's so"- "She does seem likely," Interrupted the spiteful thing, "to be a woman of constant singleness, but I wouldn't ssiy "of purpose I think she can't help herself." Philadelphia Press. A Query Ml.sundcrntootl. ;race He insisted upon kissing me good night when he left. Virginia -The idea! Wasn't that odd? Orace I don't know whether it was oild or even. I didn't keen count. A Startling Statement. "Yes. I believe that brevity is the soul of wit." "Oon't be hasty. Look at little Codling- four feet one in ids socks. He's the briefest thing we have about here, and he doesn't know wit from a water melon." Cleveland Plain Dealer. ("lipid Shooplntc. First Duke Well, do you think Miss Van Bullion intends to buy you? Seind Duke My dear boy, I don't know. Some days I think she does. At other times I fear she Is merely shopping - Louisville Courier-Journal. A Iteiiiiirknhle Mini. "Yes sir; he wsis honest when be went hit politics." "That-; nothing remarkable. Plenty of holiest men have entered politics." "But he was still honest when he came out." Chicago Record-Herald. Professional Ailvlee. Tramp Would youse give er pore man wot is starvin something ter eat? Physician -Certainly. That Is the proper thing to give him under the cir cumstances. Two dollars, please. De troit Tribune. The Gnrrulon Man. Ii's not the man who talks the mo3t Who has the most to say. 1'ou sec sad cvidenco of this Around you every day. You hear men talk and talk and talk When their Ideas are nil. And nil their hearers would rejoice If they would Just keep stilt. Tho man who r.?nlly has Ideas Is silent as u rule. Yet when ha says a few brief wordt You know he Is no fool. Whllu he who talks and talks and talks. He makes our courage sink. And wo bxclalm. "If only he Would top awhile and think!" Somervllle Journal. Xot by a Old Chum Does tone Shot. your little girl take after her mother? Married Man Not especially; she's three years old and can't talk more. than half a dozen words. Detroit Free Press. An Iiiillcntlou at 1, en.it. "(.'race Is a Jewel! I never snw a woman like her!" "Ahem! Well, if the women don't like Iter that goes to nrove she's a jewel, all right."-New Orleans Times- l H'luocrat. Wlint, Already f "Bobby, here's your pcunj and you must go straight to bed." "Pa, I want more pay and longer lours." New Yorker. Content. The fountain of content must spring up in the mind, and he who has so lit tle knowledge of human nature as to seek happiness by changing anything tit his own disposition will waste his Ife in fruitless efforts and multiply the griefs which he purposes to re move.- Johnson. It llbln't Work. Jackson- Some time ago my wife aud I agreed that It would be best to tell each other our faults. Waxton How did it work? Jackson She hasn't spoken to me for six weeks.