h 52 Hi 0 52 Times a year for $2. J ? i 5-2 Times a ym r Prr i, Hstr s vT-'l in .1 Volume XXI. BAN DON, OREGON: THURSDAY, JULY 27, (905 Number 30. ffW u 7 &g&$ 1 Ml HI El LOCAL NEWS. Aliss May Mars gave Coqniilo a visit lust week. Thy steamer Eli;:alothi came in as wu go to pro.-s. : Dr. H. L. Houston Rave Coquille a i J. E. Qmck. of Latapn) Creek, was! Bonjamin F. Parsons, tho Eyo visit last Thursday. doing business in Unci 1 oh yesterday- j Doctor, is hero on his yearly round. Howard II. Drowncll, of Weddor-; Mowing: machines and "hay rnoks at St.nHi bonier Viclorsows. burn, was doing business at U -quillo William Cutliiet's at coot. Call now. and in this placo during tho past' Episcopal s,rv5co in St. JohnV, ef?u Church, Sunday moruing, July 30th, ! Leon Cox, son of Glen B. Cos, has aj n o'clock. j frono to Ynooina on a visit. Ho loft v 4. ,u j I 4H in tilt.! IW aillllU l.lv." IMUI I . . . 111'. .... 1 il Monday mormn"- on tho steamer i n o. . i ; 1U directing aerial bodies and the .uuuu.iv, moiii..iB on mu fii.,uuu j Furniture St-ire to securo bar- . , , . . , ,. -port. 7 ! aainH. Salos begin tomorrow. I BWlflt'r Iambula.n.g tho baseball When you want a pleasant laxative Jngl cu5 ;(t ,ho Kurnitaw j J 1JIai.kpI.ov nis sciontijlc bnl) that is easy to take and certain to act , oenro som of the bargains 1 , . , . htore and secure somf oi inooaiains (W,.j(Sr was a wounor. invariably two me Ohamberlnin sbtomnch and Liver k r .., i.,i... p.,n .nrrmv . . ,. ' . , , . rn,,. , . y -i. f to be foumbtheio, CjII totuonow. out of three balls astonished the j.aiuciH. rur ami; uy v. x. liuwi-, j Druggist. the .Inly. 1!J(., Term. I II Waxuliiim.tf il. Ot in. G F ThuiuaH, S il, M in... lixri'NSKS in vcathin aitbr Tile .DJ.un:;i:ii ! llvii UubnTji, S d. 1"J II. .vriiiL, l'J0r, ti:u;. () (' (iroyory, S J, H m SnlnricHof oiluvrs $1080.11?) F y.'s ' CourHniti.-'i'. jmiitor. etc '.) DO j w i f',!U,; 1 Jl l..ii;......tu : ui S'iwiin I Writri A nuu:ber of tho steamboat men j Im, . sukiiJra.V. "."."".".".".".." r,2 0i ! f Mu,.,aw. ?d land business men of this placo met on tho diamond Sunday morning to decide which were tho more skillful F. J. Bluckerby went to Yaqniua j steamboat men, as they nover could nn the steamer Xewnort. and will ro-lfrnpss where tho ball was. but on the The Low and Order League met at . .n w. cfMlinot. mn,;o hpr rJ:t;ni n,;r,i fw, ,!! wvs nt ii, Coqnille htpt Friday, and retaiued : AworneyS. B. Lvtitherford, of Port- ( j turn trip. land, to look after the enforcement of j the Local Option Law, j There will bo a lartre excursion i J. W. Felter has purchased C. V.' routo for tho woods. Frank was there V II Ifcde. J i'. District No drnw- iu' jwrers $ A i' Ouen, dnuviiio jnrois in .1 l Din No 'J Ivy Cuiidrnii, drviiii jnnirs in J V dit No -J V II S Hyde, justice fees in ro tstato vs Gardner J W Carter, marshal fise in ro SlaSo vs Gardner i Ij V rd'inzy, jnror? fovs, in re .State vs (iatdner . Arthur l.ri.l.t'f. juror'ti fees in ri Statu -j Gardner Nerris .lonsen. juror's fees in ru State vs Gardner V S Weaver, juroi's fees m re IStato v.s Gardner A D Walnut t juror's fees in ro State vb Gardner U C Cordis, juior's fees in 10 State va Gardner J it Cecil, J F. dit No :j, State va llolmau, J I' fees Alex Snvdtr lilieil the pitcher's box ! Ine G u'liinan. special eonstiihie fyes, the way of the bat and took n balloon no sacnlico hits ,vhen he came to the bat, and if he did not advauco a baso man it was because there was nono on tho base.-. However, there were ex making a record ;i air threshing with a ball bat. Sanderson's house and lot on At water street, aud is having, some changes made around tho premises. 1 A ir'il ilson. of Lonmlle. lost the:u,u nrday. i bo Jd. h. Church and Ladies - q , roplicns to Fnink's deliveiy. as Tom Bandwdl picnic on tho beach, ihe f.. Lewis and Joe Oigg are credited with steamer Liberty will bo used for this -,, , . . . saw at the Coqnille saw mill ono day . 'last week. W.F. Hairis, wife and daughter. . . , , , , , , ,T j MilMM l. AVIUI', Willi Uii:i I'efriJ itiii- . who left here Monday morning on the , , . , i for the steamboat men, and m: sur x r ii .i i r . i eating here for a couple of weeks, ac- , ... . . , Jsowport, for Portland, left tho boat i i prised tho opposing foreo that they if i n . ' , i , rompanied his daughter and grand- 1 , , i- ut Marshueld, and proceeded by way ; .... . ... are still won. lering where his curves -.r , ' . -. . ",,. child as far as Coos Bay on their way b of Mrytle Point and Boseburg. Ihey . ,. . , . , , j .. wont to. J . , . . to Portland, roturning hero yesterday, were very seasick goiug from here to . Hark Dunham was t lie star player. Lo.iys ioggmg cairp at unmVn H , j al!.,!romu ,,.Umboat man, I ..i. : i r 4i Xt iret'ii i eiupiLuui iruiu -.' iu uu ban Is at present. Tuesday tho out put vf i: o tamp va 4b iL feet. Tt.e company ptuchased tho Jouathau Quick phtv'c a few lii;s ago. I L. C. Gibson aud P. C Stephenson finished work iait week on B. 11 ill rn s iiv.'nci iv tJir i I'Uikiiii- ."in nrjf'M il-i i t As lirv.t baseman Haik was a modi-' f po'iteriess, always bowing low in his appreciative thankfulness, in fact. . 'I WT.t f . KXn;:.M--s auu. i.v at hie jui.y, r.i0", i nt:i ' 4 x '". " . j D It Lewis, i d in re justice cor.ri expenson oa 2 00 John F'S, 1 it I, G hii:Miiwns, d ... .1 nines HatolK-r, G d.. j Kd Can or, i d C ii StiHny, t! ! L 00 ! , A!. x Iin:et , 7 d J li Ai.scii, (! d , j T:tedrp Land, 8 d 0 Ir'l U F Ju-aier. S d .1 Fred .sohroeder, S d 4 If. 1 (X 1 G; 1 (XI 1 roi 1 CO i eo the Bay. Crescent City Becord: Tim cou-t railroad survey crew has again mow.i nearer this place. For some time lines ha?e been run iu tho Wilsuu Creek section, but a suitable grade to roach that creel; was not found. Auother lino will probably bo run from on South River and then upj mitt ace, etc :17 10 .1 11 Cecil, J V dist No !!. State vs IM WiitM. .1 I' fees 1 eo W II Chapman, recorder N H, recorder fees, State vs Ki hurt Graham 2 70 C K Shaw, con fees State v.s It Graham 10 7fi T H Chapman, rite N U. fees, State v.s Sehrim'-licr '2 10 Ni H:;n-n. sjvim.iI con. fees, milt at;e, jt tliom HI ( :t. i- . i... . I i : . ! Mill creek. Tho cutintrv gone over , mJ' wu,c "v ullSt "aM,, f " was very rough and steep, near Wil- j yloJ aml "1'ged. Mr. Bosa is Imv i- ...... . ... i. . i i. eon crook, and ho romiired ,,rade ; mg me pmuiurs hi wtu k iuis m-w. , from deckhan 1 up, which account ' for bis snpejio: ity, and be wn- givt ij : tir.-t base. Iu piling up runs fr hir ' side lie did his share, and being m j engineer be tired the ball, turned mu j steam and the way he crossed the ! home plate u.mSd have a-touished a j t-.ti v. Kiirl fjchiiaisher L r conHt.ibte s fees, btnto s lvtrl SfhriiusLer ' K Shaw, e.iti fees, etc f H Chapman, tec 2 15, rtc fee--. State vs Wheiply C K FIsHw, con fees, meals, etc. I' H Cltapiuan. roc N JJ. rec's feci. could not very well be obtained. A Small Rlnzo. Misses Jonnio nnd Crissio aud Misses Kate and inuio McNair, going cloar down upon his knees when tie caught the ball. He retired before the game closed on acntird of ou of went to Portland on the Mounter New-, jj,,. iiietttler- of h. Stand having irl Bandcn bad a .-.mall blaze last port, h aving h-re M mday mondi.g. j lii.-d si:t. a l stli r.f i s?ir under fnii m i - if. I Tt, .,. ;u .t . iv,. , .,,,,1 . ber.d of s;nin. at.d ipiuring one of Thursday, just after nocn. or near lhey will Msit !!; J-i; -t..on ,itni j . . - " one o'clock, which, v.ldlo it did no i will also vi-.it ivhuvtr, at tiuTfieut i ' jM1'va.; nn K,. pv (;o mo! damage worth mentioning, mitrht platvs while aw.iy. havo proved a very serious affair. j Lawrence liniiat d had the miafor The liro'can"ht in tho roof of lhoitn.no to fracture hi lft arm ue.tr the .wood and wash house of the Tupper Kote, wh-:cuV--ndd west of tho hotel, with but a narrow passage way be- j wtist. yesterday, wh it'eiussinir a stiie uear Prosper,- by thv turning of a plank, li. W. Buihinl, father of the tween. It doubtless originated from) young man, brought him to town to a spark dropping in some moss on the j havo the fracture reduced, roof, as the start was made some dis- j There will be a huge tsm at Dairy tance from a flue. ! oli Attgust oth.ai v.io. h . xuv tt:e The discovery was made bofoie the. y. (j. W. v.ill give a big ! g toSiiug. bihze bad made any particular head j -pho members of that camp are pro way, and being close to tho Town Hull i imrni, (or tho event oi tho sea: mi:. the fireman ocn had a hose playing iiUtl VVIi l,.aVe nothing undone th:.t upon the lie which was extinguished ' j aati l0 t;e pleasure of their ia short order. .fnes-ts. There was a very strong northwe; j Tho Hnraboldt Stan.lard says that wind blo.iiig at that time, and had ; ju c tlI Ua8 pnn.bHsed ihe fire had live minutes start, there' , 1( , , . . , .'.he seuotnier Bender Liothers to would not have been much of Landon I , , , . . ,, t plaf on tho L.iruka-C lescent Ctt Jeft. as there was tiouble with the! .... , . c, . , . Jrnn. lue scuoouer is ol.bi gross ami water evotem cansitig a 5h:tago ini0.l0.. . . i . n t . - r, ;SU36 net tons rcgiMer. ?m.l will have the supply ;.ns.talled in Iral'tUH. P.Slat.dar.i 1 he what f was found t a.'.itig tie-. .. . ... . r gjisolin f ngice to operate twin .crw.. iween a c .uple of plank-, a i iv or . Sbe wjlI Jllti;ii ; v be m le.tdtues., two before the hot.-l lire. Some per-Jhout August 15th nuxt. ton had probably thrown down a cig j Tbp steamer Newport sailed foi aret te or ci-ar si uti which had !o , or:iJlxui i:i,t M.jnday morning, via in a crack and i eeti fauu-d in.o a ' c:o,JS y;iy ad Ynqtiina. Followihg blane by .he v. i:i j . ..... i. , . . a i,. M;iVc 10 oc t; (xi amu-Mtig atl romr.ntie -tme of 5m e;:-on. and there wtre oiLer celebri- titis, but we ni re tmal-lo to get a full j uvount. One thing, very noticea'oi' for a '! or two after tb game, wp-s the hedM;." mniinr af. lotiornot iojt o1 the pS tyer-, each, or nonrly so, mov ing as if ho had a doctor's certificate for erenity. The gate receipts were $21.05. Tt.j.v we gie t:tf litie-np and ti:b eda'ed .-.core. fitMKC. Ff ! ir i, Wi)dvojs-l. 1 H-s.tn 1 1 ::friv. p : :. ilrdilh,.:;, :tr.U) t U Manr! t,-J i h 4 1 Dvtrt-it. t 3 1 Knell. If 3 0 Kenriedv. r f :i 1 Total 10 Str-amtioHt. men Fox. :5:d h 4 l MrOird, ; 4 '2 Snvd'T. p 4 1 WiHaixl.ef r, 1 !nuli.i:n lt ( i:tsi '2 Mt'it:iaw 1st U2 itfji 1 1 I.i- tis. -ifd ! :t 1 H:ilfn. e : 1 ranter, r f " U lVrl.ias. Is I! 1 Tot il a!5 h nil : 1 n i o 10 4 0 0 t 0 0 1 I.-. ai: i: Ht; in :; i l i i o l o l n 0 () 0 1 8 0 0 IS I I 1 9 n o o n 10 A a .i l d o o 0 0 0 10 2 I :m i:t 1NNI.-COS. i ?.i. !i i: l l Suamho'U .Men. It ! 0 I SCM.MAKV. Struck out hv Snvder, 7, Ulaprhv. C. 0 1 1 0 t d o o w i n o i T i o o o 7 V M Iitimit.ell, for defending ilark Wheiply. hill not allowed Sij Hansen, for arresting, etc, Joe Schrinirher into custody K Heiider, J I' dist No f. J F fees. St .tie vs I. Tu hi r.ur If !?. ii V. Traver, c.ai foe--, mileage, etc.... 1 ij S I Ptilf-rd. it re Hay W'atkics. for iuviNt. evidence, h.ll nut ftl!ow;:l.... hGri In re Coroner's Kxpucs i:t te :inpi-s! upon the budycf ChrisUipiiei J l;(tup-ilt : I '! Ix.-v.is. jrrfeos $ I V i: i'tinsan " 1 w V, O Wilinuut; " 1 4 D Joh:.toti - 1 ' G N Ko!t ' I 00 E N llurdwtck, witueis ffefi 1 au I. W Sha-.e " 1 W 1 V.' t'rtrU-r " 1 W V. V. Vrs.vv, :iaifjv... '2aW- V. M.j ro, t-:nceis fcei 11 LV I.i r ii.iu-st held upon the body of XiHiiuit '1 b:ruason : fc. K V'rw. nat-?4;;- s '27 0.'! E Mb ga. coroner's foes Witnesses before District Grand Jnry f 11 SicICay, L' d, :W niiloB J W Carter. ' d, 'M m, Kd S' tang. I d. 1 1 m S Iiiljuruth, Id, U in Nellie Atidersim, 1 d, I'M m.. Jihi Knight. 1 il,;'i tn j Joy Williams. 1 .1. .'JO m S .'5 ll'ru.Mi::. 1 d. IS in ltuv !C Stiint.icilin. . d, Si' m.. C K Shaw, 2d. 51 m Sig llitnsett, '2 d. It m 1' 11 Cnapm in. d, It m Mr-. V VutL.'.d. I d G Q Iv-nne.iv. 1 d- Airivd Ni!.u!... d, 11 m U l'end. riass. '2 d. 44 m.... I SimpjKtn. Jr, '2 d, 4 1 m.. .. Win Waid, 1 d Jack Hartley, I'd, 5J0 m Dave lf;trtttu .:5 d. 2S m T .M I 'immick. 4 d. :W m Oh.; N:.l.!o. 1 d, I5s m Ii s n.'-; :te:;vM. ! d, X A (5 i-.ett, ." d. :k? in WC. iver. .'. d. M w Au Il .t.itij, .1 d. It m C M I't.ttiaftn. 1 d, m il lXfV.. 4i. H tn j H st;.".!!iH.fu.:;$ m j 4.V ! r.x. : .1. in .ims !.', : U J. ieh ; o as in Al' '.lehuln. V d Mr- Midland. d. 4tm S Oldlnnd. d, tt in (t liictiards, Txl.ISS m tiny Gnrrtt. 1 d. '22 m i! G F'.nr.ftf.u. i d. .5o in.. 7 70 2 1:. 8-y w' rM:.tnd. r.i. fs m tf bpt.- ti. i .i. 12 hi ' Al. u . 2d. ;2 ui W D ?4itrhcv.j. 1 1. IS m t'dwiu Otdl.t i.l. 1 1 Cnrl Kntt.u. 2.5.44 tu " il iu.de. 1 d, 4 5 :i: Kho VM: u.2d. iO m C K AK'M'iiiiL;. 2d In r- of I'anter v (! h-s Cor:y. for t! k County. twSiit. td.:f)iut l r "Teiw. 1 I. Si at Hits Tor. 2 d. 4'J tu K Jiiiiiren. 2d M ( Medtev. 2d J ft W Unnhaet. '2d T 1' ti.ti.t it. I 1 V i: W:u n, 2d. t..u Heiirh. 2d C t Kria--. 2d .'. e.ti.". i,- ti. ' in V.' H .'.nti r.2 d. . 21 iV) .. 22 10 . 22 00 .. 17 20 .. n;?o .. In 10 .. K 10 .. 4 00 .. 2 CO .. 2 CO . . 2 00 .. (1 00 .. 12 00 .. 12 0 .. 12 00 .. 14 00 .. 12 00 .. 10 00 .. 10 00 10(H) Attorney and 7 SO 7M) t; 40 0 40 12 00 r to , tied so it 20 b 40 8 t0 10 to 2 00 2 00 S 40 S 10 S 40 2 00 700 8 SO 1180 11 so .1 so iSStl i:t 80 It to j 11 SO ' It SO j i:;.-o! . . . 2i M) j it to 10 00 . . . . 11 Q -1WJ 14 40 14 40 lt o I 20 1 1 Hi i 21X1: lfiWi 7 31 7 20 ! :i Ml ; 2 to Sl.ji r. 40 ; 4 00 Wittiesses BANK of 23axxcLon7 AN DON, Orsaon. apatol: 82.5,000. HOAKD OF DIUECTOKS: J. L. Kmikkskkiui, Pre iiSenI, J. Diumowi, Vice l?rca-k F. J. Faiiy. Cahior, Fiunk FriM, T. V. Haklv. A genera! hanking bnniness transacted, nnd customers given every accomraodatioa consistent with safe and soneurvaiive hanking. Oormspoiulents: The Americtui National Bank of San Prtuicisco, California. Merchants' National Bank, Portland, Oregon. Tho Chase National Eauk of New York. Hank Is Open front 0 a.m. to lti m , nitd I p.m. to a p.m. r OS. SUCCESSOUS TO SANDERSON BROS., DK.VX.EQS IN Dry Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and Shoes, Provisions, Groceries. Qop.-j rjpoin nm Grasi kinds iu stock. AlvAnve nn fianrl a Full Stoek of Hay, Grain Always on nana nnd khlds of Mill Feeds. A full Mipply of liutter liep", enl.es, p:iptrs, etc., etc. Will handle vour Batfcar and Produce in liniimited amounts. Eancloii, ----- Oregon. ; H O RS F A LL ii OSPITAL, MiSS L. G. GOULB, Fvlatron A Private Hospital, well equipped for the treatment of Surgical and' Medical Diseases. Traisxctl sitsrscs in aesni:x:ice. For mfornintUm addro? W.M. IIOIISFAT:. 11. D. llnrahfiuld. Oregon. too 7 20 io no 4 Uti 4 CO 4 00 c. nn Ba K -1 E . 4 el t u-i! uuvi ) 1 l :) 2 WT'iliii, M 1, 2 d In i Hit U'-f-s for i'r:i!t:!i; ni d statioi tv: ft SHi t li.-tv New;, fr ptiutt.'.g ycl.. i!R I for itsstsSM.-. ctMittitnftl !0 Of Iu re turpi at held upor. tuo Iwdy I Wnn.Th Si:i. priuti.-.g anidivi:? and i:ann.i imrn t-jp OU Anderson Will Keep on Hand at :11 Times Pork, Mutton, Smoked Sausaqes. Etc., also Prop. ..5 100 i r, 0 r 1 2 i gold chain Uracolet with Kuilock. I 'I" Z-T-wCITv ,.TT Un V'? l'tli m' W,lUlvnco1' ... , J ..ie,'l , .i;-r o t'jltt-t a. m tt.Mi ?u!t!iani. F Cttxs. '.ddr"-. .'ludiT Will be rovvaitietl by t?tttruinj,' L...,h-.::i, ;m l .M:-.- s K it" it:.. I 'A in t 'l itiee hn- hit. Hlackerl.y. .'1 Fiud same to this ofiico. Iff MfNsir. L.-U' C''t t:t :J llll't. i sif-i Mr aiifl Mrs 11 L fi an. I ) MAiutiKD. At Dairyvillo. July 27ilt, I iticf tu .Mai:li'l(l. '1 hi o wciv 1905. Andrew Bossea to Miss .Syilnaiu. ' oXhi'1' I'rvuizm. to iVriluu-.J, t' , . T , rt " , vvhoao uaiiii'.-. vvt ftJiihl itot loarn. Died. At Pro.-ppr, July 2 .th. aftw nn ilInesH lasting sinro l.u-t Mareli. ; T;i7ni' C1;-! Anna, wife of Ea-.vai.l M.-r-um. IV i liuilO OiXxO. ceased was intprrt'J to.ltiy ;n tho Han-i ... ,, ,, , ... ,, ,, , , t ' j W.C .SimtUrsuu will t('ll all h dou corottrv'. , i , ! riMist'UOiil Lfuo ls. eon.-isting; of Jel DiED.-XearMot.roe. Oregon, July lltHtm vru otc, Mon. 17th, Eihx th.; tw.y..::rolI thfi-h (,.V .lflunil)un AiiKObi. 7th, 1905, at ter of Mr. anl Mrs. John IJ.i.-kin- 2 o'clock, on the remis.-s. ham, after a short illness of .-even ' days. Mr. and Mrs. Bnclcin-ham 5'"t of tins League. were former residents of Bantlvn. In tho it.Jlf,ll0 nm(. at this place, - ---- .last Sunday, the lianclon toain won , out against tho Coquillo nino by a score of 10 to 5. This winds up the baseball for this seasou, as the league seems to have ono out of business. Camp Meeting. SA S ' 'no Annual nui.ioti of tho niPtn H ' bets of the Sonibwesti-rn Oregon JJis- mAB&m m&m , lri(t ()f th(. Hporganiz,.,! Church of Jesus Chrir1!, Latter Day Saints, will If you cannot find what yon want conVMW at ISandon, Fridsix, Au-, -1th, and last t'ti davs. Dist riel conference ' will bo in Fe.ssiou during Satunlay ! nud Sunday. Aug. 12th and HJth. A cordial invitation, is extended to all persons to attend. Ituy It Now. Xow is tho time to buy Chamber- I'mpin-s. '' p-i Htiln-'s. tin e t?f (inttie, 1 In ur. .2e(!y Work starts. Y. GncobHon, of Portland, arrived bore Monday to j--tart operations on 111 jetty eontruct, ttnd work will be parried forward as fa-t as possible. V railroad will be built on Ihe south side of the liver and rock taken to Ihe north jetty from Lookout Rock. Kesn2uiioit oi Condolence. anywhere, else in town, como to tho RACKET May ho we havo one left, if so, the price will please you. Our stock is s:nall, but the goods Join's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea are of a good quality, aud the prices : Ketnody. It is certain to Im ueedo.l . , ' sooner or inter, and when that time v r, , -o t J comes, yon will need it bndlv-ynu W o mako "Gash Buying nn object ; wiJ1 np(J., j, (,jt.icv. jjuy it now. It io tho purchaser, at way save life. For solo by U. Y. THE RACKET. ' L ''iggist. Bandon, Oregon. July 2ilh. 1905. Whereas, the Divine Master, in his infinite wisdom, has removed from our midst. Neighbor J. M. Conrad, therefore, be it Resolved, by Sea Side Camp, No. 212, V. O. U. that by his death his wife and children lost a loving bus band nnd father, and the Camp ono who was always ready to lend a help ing band in time of need. Hesolvnl, that we extend our pin cero condolenro to our bereaved neighbor's family, in this, their sad hour of sorrow. Fraternally submitted, M. l:!tKUi:it, A. Iitci:. C. 11. Pat runs, in Grocery Store. H. A. COX, Prop. Fresh Provisions and Groceries on Hand and Coming. SNOYV-DhlFT, Sl'KUKY. AND WIIOLi: WHKAT FLOUK. Choice Hams and Bacon, Fruit and Vegetables. BANDON. - OH 12(1 ON. t it : K Minnas, cortmei'ti foes 5 GO In ro itiqrifftt held upon tlie liody uf J.e 1'iititio: 1 A .io!den. jtirur's fees Kulhttt Ktarkoy " . ... loht: A!eie.ua:it " I D.I..iinpon " Fiaitk Uowr.in " L I! it rt-.n II b.Hnii-. wiiiuHS fH;5 Fresh Vegetables Poultry, KggF, Bntter and all Farm Produce. 1 will pay highest market price for beef, perk. muttcn,vvool, hides, etc. tC n tiiJBC-d i.cx .veel-. I ' Every ::inn owvs i. tt liimclf and his f im iiv ti matter A tr.ule nr prnfeiiiiiti. Head, the ds-5jlHV advf rtisiunt of the six .'.Ior-t.t hemxMs of I elii:r:i.ltv. in wiip isjho. and T 1 ,w j lenr:: ho.v ea&ilv a yon- y man nr lady may I 1 00. learn itleeraphv and tv nssuruxl a ;Mailiun. t 1 Ob 11 t 1 J 1 en no t tp V ,1 (i:.-d mr 1 00 1 td 1 wt 1 M 1 f,0 Atohte. Hideout '" MamiKl a Ibt) .1 T .McCurmae, ::nto;?y 11 .Miliums, coroner's fees .. .1 V Carter. cmiHtaitlo fees In re inqncHt held ukui the body of Itohtrt II Lowe : H llcndei-. J I5 Dist No f., acting coto- ner. fees -r' W In i! inquest held upon the btdy ttf John M Ctinrrid : A D Morse, actitiL' coroner, feat 7 40 C 11 Lewis, jtirorfee 100 J C Taylor 44 1 00 Jas Armstrong " I 00 Uoy Van Anken " 1 00 I L Ilickinij " 1 00 Vernon Smith " 1 00 In ro Circuit Court expenses, April, rJ0", term : .Stephen Gallier, in ro arrest of lid Wires, s-tae tare, mealn. etc 0 2.1 Aliee M Tnttle, 115 ineala for 12 jarois, 1 bailiff : 2.". .Mrs Geo Wickhnm, 20 meals for juty.. 0 ot) In ro C'tictiit expenses for tho April, 11)05, term : Grand Jniora 1'ettl Her !iitt!te. 9 : "I knew no one for four weeks when 1 wn., siok with typhoid and kidney trotsbio,' wiiles Mrs. Annie iltiuier, of I'ittt-burir, L'a., "and when .... ... 150j belter, although I had one of -0o'tho let. doc'ors I cottl 1 gel, 1 was i 17 "ir' j hotit double and hail tore.-t my hand? j -m,on my kn,-? when I walked. From i this terril-lt a.'litction 1 was rescne.il by Fleet ric I.Sitters. which restore.! my his'tlth ami strength, and now 1 can wa!l: as ?iraigj;; as ever. They are simply wonderfttl.'' Guaranteed b) euro Stomach, Liver and ividney diorders. At Lowe's Drug Store. Price otl.-is. D )ry Goods of Every; Description., Ladies Coats. Capos and Cojlareitas. cis biioes r.r.v itiM-:. Aitttivni) Inlv 2.'. Stmr Xt wport, Snyder, from Portland via way ports. SAII.KO -July 22. f-elir Knby, Korth. toS. F. July 2t. Stmr Newport, Snyder, to l'crt land via way ports. 00 miles. 'M " .. 42 01 " . 18 " ., 52 " .. 40 " .. J 1'Hays 0 days James II Wall " A O Ilooten " K L Kohbins " G W Lepett " J A Palmer ' J F Quick Trial Jurors J I: Liuhtner S days :tS miles.... WSltutler J I) Clinton 4 K A Cribbins S J P GotHlnitin 8 J It L( Wt lien ( I; Fr. tl.Tiek jr 1 L Laffettv. 0 1. 12 m John .Mo'i-au, ti d. 51! in. Gay lt se, S d. 50 m .$ IS 00 ... 15 SO ... 10 20 ... 15 10 .. K5.S0 ... 17 20 ... 10(H) ... 10 ?0 ttft4! t'JlCl? RESTAUR HI. TAltLLS SFPPLIFl) WITH 'IIIF HEST ii:f :.:ahivF.t aifoijds. TvIcgIs st all Hours. A liberal sharo of Public Patronnge is solicited. MISS. K. J. HITK Sa.iicioii, - PitOI'IllKTKKSS. Oregon t t. 50 12 41 IS it w o. T- Blumenrotlier sij Jo i U. S. Commisioner and Notary Public j 10 00 Pi!ii!.: and Final proi f-J mtitle "ti Home Kthtl! s-'- ' !. I i''d'i (.'iai:m ai:tl i.ther I'. S. Iiiuid? 7 20 12. 20 17 m 21 00 Frcsli Grooeriss of all Kinds. Suits Made to Measure. AGENT FOR WARNER'S RUST PROOF CORSET. Shields & Kennedy, Slacfeisxxiitlx e Yv7 agon TXi-aliers- Wagons of all kinds made to order. Job work attended to promptly aud all work n ira.itied t. i-.a satisfaction. Prices Hcr.sotiable. , Horseshoeing a Specialty Wrenshail & Wrenshcll, Photographers, uor.Ni iiorsi: o.vi.i.ntv, kamo Fo recti to Starve. 13. F. Leek, of Concord, Ky.. says: .Itotiey i.oitttH emtl:itel on A ppn.vetl Hrcnt ity. Otli-'e in room 10 never!:' Pail. Un;!, Han don. Ut 'sideuec on Untie Creek, Oregon. All liiail of Keitl Kstnte Ix.ttlit ami Hultl. ."V ?. f'iiiii'l Oiinon tT flid Kitrovt N"k 1 a. r or zti years l snuereti agonies wmi j .;. t-.irester, iiT .V imv ie:t. ........ .... ,,.,..( t.t, ax w.ifi.riii I - ,r ' ' -: n'.n.T i .i i.t.' eui. wui v" sometimes, mat l count not eat. .vi-1 , ter vainly trying everythin, cured it with Dueklon's Arnica li s great for bums, cuts and won -ids. j w- y 'inr,. Chief JtiW-r At .Lowe's Drug Store, Only 12octa. j -k?j-f-v Iv. 17. t.e i ts Fritlav n'Kbt f i.-n'li " else J j '' ,: Cexct-r Hall. lt:.nIn. ( )ni ii. . ' ,, I e-mhnl welootuo "meend"d it) all vi.s-kl CO balve. --Mem brother. 1. M. hL(JK KltUY. Ti Dr. 5-1. Xj. PIoiastoiiL, I'll YS 1 CI AN & SUKUKON Oflinftin Pacific Hotel. Hoiuh.1) to 12. a.m. 1 ::,0 to 4, p.m.; 7 to S in the ttvoninj;. ItANDOX, - - OKKC.ON. JDr. S- Hi. Perkins, PHYSICIAN A SURG ICON, ItANIlON, OltKfidN. Ofl'tco ovor Wiu. Galliur; Storo. ( Itfico h.ir.rn 0 io 0 h.iii. 0r!1 nt lojidenae at other !nih. r . . . . . . . i imne v.. 11"! A 1 A SI y . ; X") A N'DOX LODG K. Xo. 115. A. F.A .M. 'j l3 Stated otr.ii:trtnintim ttrst St- v i'nrdav after the full moon of each Xni-.titlt. All .Master Manis cordially ? t invited. W C. SAXDKKSUX, W. M. .1. I-.. l.AUIWMI. 'O. .:. .y.:. . $ - .vv .wf . i:amin j.oijgi: No. t::::. i. o.o. F a $ I AX DON LODG K. Xo. 1-., I. O. O. V.Q l. meets every Satin tin v eveninjr.'w' .fViNitinu broth.'fs in Kod standing icordially invited. . j5 i A. J. HAUTMAX. X. G. A T. W. Homso:;. Sec. g (tan. I. TOl'flXO, ATrOKNSY ako COUXSIvLOK AT IiAW xuv SOTAKY Pt LIC. Irire Iiisn.xaiice, Ittiotioi), - - Orvgoui i