THE ItEOOKDER is runuicum) 1KVEUV TMliKSDAY A FTKIO'OOX 11 1 DATS!) K. ST ITT, SIITOj: A.VI 1'KOritIETOK. suuscki r no:: uatks. pne Yoar Vix Moatli TurmsMguth Tii)5 prr .? 00 . 1 00 . f0 Si)S prtieT s rttitved at tho lUndoti post tift:c as Second-class Matter. THURSDAY, JUDY so, 1S0.:. EDITORIAL. CUOl'KKA INlViNTUM. Child Not KxpvcttMl to Mi from One Hour to Another, hut CiiiimI hy Climitberliilii'tt Collr, Cholera and Diarrhoea. ICvliictly. Jiuthj tlta littlo clntiyhtor of E. N. Dewey, of Aguowvillo, Va.. was seri ously ill of cLoloru iufautuin Inst suminor. 'Yu jjavo her up ami did not expect her to live from one hour to another," ho says. "1 happened to think of Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera ami Diarhoca llemeily, and fot a hot tlo of it from tho store. In livo hours I saw a change for tho hotter. Wo kept on giving it nnd before she had taken the half of oue small bottle, alio was well." This romedy is for sale by C. Y. Lowe, Druggist. Coqjiiiit ESivor Improvements The wave of ivfi:malion still sweeps onwnrd. ami is now turning its net around Chauncey Depow, c f Now York. Snlcon riven Away. ti rant's Pas?. Or., July 14. Vo.-r-i-bly for th tirst tho law plncvd on On-gi.u's' book- a few years ago forbidding the ttablij-haient of a .-jiJoon within one iile of the adit jnniie of a working mine anywhere : the sl.-.le. without tho cov.sont of the mhieowner, has been made use of. Such a s.-.I.'on was doing business at I'facer, a irarup 1-ieated ne;r Cir.v?n lmck. Northern Joophme. Tho tem perance women of the camp wore ap prised of she law, and by petition to tho County Court had the saloon re moved. JSVn SU-r Ponlm. "I knew no for four weeks when 1 was f-iek with typhoid and kidney t row Me." writes Mrs. Annie Hr.u;or. of Pittsburg. Pa., "and when I -;t belter, p.! though I had one of the lest doctors 1 eor.l 1 get. I was !ei dotil.lo nd had to rot-t my hands on ihv kut's when 1 walktM. rr-.v.n this ton:blo Uy Electric 33i;ters. whicii restored my hfhhh and. strength, and now I can walk iu. trtight :is ever. They are situ ply woiulerfni." Cluaranteed to cure Stomach. Liver and Kidney disorders. At Lowe's Drug Store. Price 5Ur!s. Home Circle Column Crude ThouhtK Ah Tlu-y Full From Tho Ktlltoriul Ten. IMuiixuut Kvonin?; Kv orli'S. A Column Dodlcntid to Tlrrtl Motlit'tn as They Join Thu lloiuu Clrclr at Fveniii Title. The following is taken from Major . C. Langtitt's report, showing river and harbor work done in Oregon dis trict: Tho expenditures on tho original and modified projects to June HO, 10U5. on the Cuquiilo 1 liver, amount to $H)..)S7.21. of which the sum of ?2..7.).).77 was for maintenance. The expenditures during t ho lineal cnr have been for repairs and mainten ance of tiie plant; in making part payment for tho construction of aj tugboat; in making a survey at the month of tho river, ami in preparing specifications, etc. in connection with resumption of work under contract for extension of the north jftty with funds appropriated hy act of March j 3. 190.3. The maximum tlraft that can be carried across the bar at low l:d as shown by the survey of June, i about S feet. The average daily ni'ig' of the tide is about 1.2 feet Xo work is contemplated after completion oS" the north jetty to the projected length f 1.170 feet, which H to be done with available funds, and no further fun ! are required at pre-ent. Tho total expenditures to date on the original and modified projects have resulted in completing tho south j-tty through- GOOI) IIYK, OLD HOUSH. Good bye, old hmiso; tho hurry nnd the bustle Smothered till now all thought of leaving yon ; lint tho Inst load has gone, and I've a mo ment All by myself, to sny a last ndien. Good bye, old house! 1 shall not soon forget you, Tho witness of so much oventful time And walls ;havo ears, they Bay; 1 beg yon cherish Each secret that you have heard of mino. Strango facea will come in and gaze upon yon, Irreverent nnd careless of each spot That held in sacred keeping household treasures. Ah, well, you nerd not mind it mutters not. They'll wonder why that nail was driven yonder In reach of Freddy's hand at Christmas time, That he might hang, himself, his littlo st teliing. That notch marked Willie's height when ho was nine. These marks that I have not the heart to trouble, Johnny put there before ho went awav. Wishing, meanwhile, that he might make them don IV e. Thy meant shy days he hud at home to tiny. Dear child! u was that corner he ld hi ccftin When trouble, toil and pain for h:m were dono. And in Unit comer, too, I have knelt daily Miiviiig to find tin- way he hn won. 'Twns in that cmier Margate! wa-s married, Afd tlm white pt np.'ti the snn.-ky wall, Is where her pit tore Lutig tlur-e throe nai.s vomler v) n 5 FT, ?- r. 2 Heliograph signals are now being flashed from tho snow lino of Mt. Hood to a station near tho Govern ment buildings on tho Lewis nnd Clark Exposition grounds, seventy miles distant. Mt. Hood appear- o bo but threo or four miles avay. A Bqund of t'nited States troops, in com mand of a lieutenant, has established a signal station near the summit of tho jrnnd old peak, and tho exposition is in daily communication with tho mountain. Several parties of adven turous people will climb to tho sum mit of Mt. Hoed daring tho summer, as a sort of side trip ftom Portland, tho Exposition city. IF YOU CLARENCE Y. LOWE, Haudou. Druggist and Oregon, Apothecary, Is jast in receipt of a new and fresh stock of Drugs and Chemicals, Patont. and Proprietary Preparations Toilet Articles, 55rwxt Sundries. PunruMcs, Bkusiies, Sponges, So.vrs Nuts and Candies. CIjjui-s, TobarroK ami Cfirnrcttrn. Paints. Oils. Glasses, and Pu inter's Supplied BOOTS You Can't Expect to Get $2 worth for $1, but you can get your money's worth at M. BREXJER'S Dealer in Boots and Shoe Itepairing neatly and promptly done at lowest living prices. 9 Si V;E CAiS CURE YOU SEWING MACHINE." ROLLER BEARING. HIGH GRADE. .tre urten to In, lit lit-r j?tc., senri, s. , ? . iri. mip1.i-.iii. r-tahiNiu , uwn shawl. And eld hiii-e. yon hnw fur every blem ish A ttr:ute. peculiar r.iory of y.-ttr uwn : A- our 1. ilies do when we htr.e U-f - them. Aj:.1 puwi.rle.-s alike to utaky it knowa iiar. i'vi v rrl llu iis.ims .ojii ju- :iv..- t.-u virl!! Kalr. S' I.ill-. '.'!. Ikcccmnii'iiiliil t ilin.i l.uis. t'dUfntor liTKni;i Mini u-ihi1ii:i1ip citj 1.t. "ilii liilltlUto: n V.'cli'.n UrnixliKt I'ortiuliil wit n n wr lai k-c ! ;u-ii in ntt-ii(l.u:cc turn at ! voDifU irirNRii Mlla'i.!'. ten t.iflxiy. Jlniivhm i lion cuiol In l n Lut to lx w f k. I- t!rj tttiittutinllv re- :iifil Wnlcl. ln roitliimtotiiVioln r IJiti. Will" i.c ft f'M.IU until tJ'Uii.t tt. A POSITIVE. A JSOI.UTi; CURE GUARANTEED. i Wrltt at owIn ;atti.-ill:r.nili:riii. It 01:' n I thli. iiafr unit MvMfc In Mni"H. to c r tm.i'. I will x-wl mu .-ar rilh tutinl. 'Mi iaf- l"K.k. 11 . . A - 1 ...1 li - .. . ,1 1 ...... I . ..f t r . i I 1. .1.1 1 .ft tlt t t t f.. t t. t.lf.Sl t I !.... ....I l . u. .f il .'Hlllili.rilll f !- nf 1''f' . ill. t : 1 ...... "'III lln ptVM'l-ltll ll'U'TI II I.U ilW 11Tl ( v....... u... , v. .... . ........ ... w...., .......... ....... . . 1 :litetion 1 :it tese.ieii: 1 J . , . A,i,in vjli.iam t. lewib i ! n'..i.,mPiir.untnilvn Aacnrinto Prlnrltvil he! S. W Ci ISrhnndRaleich Slreeta I NRTLAKO, OKEUO ; Koto No pni.tls niV l'tcU ut l'ortlul after Svpt. 1st. J 1 Fifty Iorrotes of the bead-hunting THbe '.vill reach Portland, Oregon. about the lt of August, whore they ' hnild a village of their native bats and become ts feature of the Lewis and Clark Exposition. They eome b' c nsi-ut of the United States govern me ut. Son.ebcly Las unearthed fron: the Sh'S of the Sdrutiic American this little item. cf present in'ieM, which was j.rit.teu ni the issue of September ii. 1S6'3: "lu cutting some timber in Orr.cLa, a few days since, a bnliet was fonn-i inib-d.Vd m tin- trunk of a iwh c-lm. The grains which had (ivcrov.n it fhow that it must have Ih-ch dp.silol there ily-two years nv. n time uhon tho couutry had not vol 1hmi vit-itttl by any while men. except iWexphivri. Le..isauil Clark.'' The skull aul horns of a. Rocky Mountain ahep.nere found some time a;0. by an Idaho man. firmly im feeJrietf twenty feet i:ow the ground iu tltH trunk of a larg; tree. The section containiuif tiif curioity ha b-'cit takn to the Lvi-f and Clark Jixpofcitmn. whro it is attracting nsuch Rt;rtion. It is pre-umed that v.Ijwi the tree was a supling the sheep gK entngled in its hranchos and tiUfth As tho sapling gn-w into a tree, the sheep was lifted heavenward and ijs :-kuli and horns became imbodded in the trunk. 4 1 liulliir Savi n KirrMMitn Trii Dollar i jtrtifd. Th average man does not save to exceed ten per cent of his earning.- Ha mnst'spt'inl nine dollars in living expenses for every dollar saved. That being the ease he cannot be too care f.l about uunicessary expenses. Wry often a few cents properly in- vet-tKl. like buying seeds for his g;tr den. will save several dollars outlay later on. It is tho same in buying Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and JJiarrltoen Jiernedy, It costs but a few cents, and a bottle of it in the house often saves a doctor's bill of several dollars. For sale by C. Y Lowe, Druggist. in roustructi: g about 106.1 feet of the north jetty, and in tvmoing some of tho obstructing snags in tho liver channel between Coqnillo and My rile Point. The work so far done has iv-r-ulted in closing up the dangerous old channel at the mouth of the river, and opening up a new channel straight out to sea, with a controlling bar depth ranging from 0 lo 9 feet at mean low tide. The river and ocean fjrm the only practicable means of t ranrn-kJiiyuj Myrtle Point, l'l miles (loanille City, is the bend .f navigation for bgiTT rfr.rt. bouts. Tho estim ited valuo -f merrhandi.-o handled on this waterway "luring the vear 1901 is $l.:tt2.03S. A StirprUo I'aity. 'PI. ! fflii'i.N T'.'.i ten .i.l.i.-. rroi.i p.ith, I jness. Une mote walk through the roiMii-, !.! how ths'v eeiK: llo.v sirasii. and lonely is tlieir emptitiesi! The werd orphan is one oT tho stid tlest in human language. A r 'S I i'-r :;.inlnn. .tuthdr.ty The W.-Kty j ! 2.-; i -J -12. Smilesshr.nld bethe loKal tenderin .3 fp Can Q0 PGf YOU fSl by huyJas ry family for the navmeut of ail I ldkM4 reliable, honest. jbfefciS- high grade sew- ev.-ry tamtly tor tue pay debts of kindness, and each member should bo willing to take this curren cy at its face value. We do not need tin introduction t a groat m iu to feel his greatness. If yon meet a eho rfnl man on tho street on a cold day, yon seem to feel the mercury riso several degrees. A right act strikes a chord that ex- A ph-aant surprise party may be j en.s through tho uuiverse, touche? 1 ii" 1 giveu to your sioniaeu nninvor, oy tking a mydicino tvhich will relieve atheir pain and discomfort, viz: Dr. King's .New Life Pills. They ate a most wonderful rouifld.fTon:ing-nre lelief and cure fer headache, dizzi ness and constipation. 'Jojts at Lowe's Drug .Store. 'l in- l;i:iiiiiinil Cure;, The latest news from Paris, is. that they have discovered a diamond curt! for consumption. If yon fear con sumption or pneumonia, it will, how ever, bo best for you to take that great remedy mentioned by V. T. McCiee. of Vanleer, Tenn. "I had a cough for fourteen years. Nothing helped me until 1 look Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, which gave in stant relief and effected a permanent cure." Unequalled quick cure fot Throat and Lung Troubles. At Lo'.vo's Drug St jre. Price 50c ts and Trial tot tie free. $1.00. guaranteed. A Valuable Book, One of tho most valuable books that has been offered to tho public lately is The American Family Educator. This bKk is a fund of knowledge that will interest the whole house hold, and should bo tho companion of all persons in thoir leisure mo ments. If its advice is sought and followed it will prove a source of pro lit as well as pleasure .Sold only by J. J. Enwums, Aot. WAN'TKI). MKN AN' I) WO.YIKN in this and adjnitt iiit eititifS for hmie or travelinu work, rcprentiiiu mm! iidvfrti-liii; tie Whli"snk tuid KtMicrtii'itial l)i (utrtii cuts of an old es-liibli-lied ManiifiictnritiL! Hons,.. Snhev 5"jMI tx'r tlav with x-nM"J ml va tired. jjr Ii 1 iti ti ticti tuT-rv: i'iti.iti jurnm- aent; i-iro)oi'i,!ic!iitiit,i'ii Adiri-, Itluw )5fcJiuHr Cn.. Lioi'ie Dftt . fiiN4;t. HI The Fourth of July attendance at the Lewis and Clark Exposition was 5o70S. This is at least .50 per cent more than tho most sanguine of the ofiieials expected. It beats the Fourth of July attendance at the Omaha Fa pesition by nearly 10,000, and is !, l.'U higle-r ban the attc-ndance on the opeuii-g day at Portland, June 1. Up to Pdy-l, halt? a million tidmis i"Ils irul been recorded in the thirty four days of tho big fair This aggre gate is far above, expectations. The attendance is increasing daily, and till indications point to a total that will break every exposition record, consid ering tho neighboring population. The Fair will run until Oct. 15. X-Ray Gas Generator. The Woaclerfnl Light of The Twentieth Century. On an ordinary lamp this attach ment will increase your light to at least double the capacity of tint ordi nary burner. This is a lato and most popular invention, and does away with smoking chimneys, and require.", no cleaning or trimming of the wick Call and Investigate It. I Sole A guiit for H.'unJon anil Vicinity. all moral iutsj'.ligence. visits every world vibrates along its whole ex tou. and convoys its vibrations to I he verv oo.'Om ot .roil. wkc:; v rKK soanv say s j. Whn y in'v. ben cross tmd rude, doii'l let fal-o pride stnnd in tho way of as' forgivi-ne-s. It isn't always ea-y to say "T.mi sorry;" in fact. sometimes it's deeper ately hard; but once you've said ii you'll feel s) m K'h h ippir Ih'U it's j really w irt'n t ho sarilici! to your ft;o! ih pri lo. Tn 1 uig'r yu wait tht Innler it will be to s-iy it: th angry feelings will grow like a snowball, until what has merely been a slight giiuvauco assumes the proiortions of n real e-lrangeunnt. TSien is r.o fault so hard to over eomo a the ha-ty temper. Wo may make any number of good resold: ions and thn th: iirst time we have any provoalion, away we go, without an instant's warninir, and before wo re alize what wo are iloing. tie unkind words have been spoken, and no mat tor how mueh regret we feel, they can not be ttus'iid. Tiie stiange thing about, it is thai we so often hurt tiio peopln we lov the best. Even when ' beg forgive ness ihouirh wo lo-al the hurt, wturan- not do away with tho scar. As a rule the people who tiro quit k to give oll'.'noo are equally quick in taking it. Thur feelings tiro equally hurt, and they go about with tin4 pro verbial chip so lightly balanced on their shoulders, that some one is sure Two I'MiM't-t fr tin Prlfo of (lr.c. Yon Get (lie New of the World ami tin; I. oral New-i Thrown in n- it It'ficain. To 1 hote who pay np aireatajje-: and a Viir ;n tuivatico, atul to ail te-w s'lhseri-li.i-i v.iio iay iti ailvnnet'. mtt!;o : he tillovcii:y ;ritsition eoinprisittu Sf veral tluf-rrnt ei..:p!i ts to select froiti: I't.icr ' i- 5't i:z.:ciTis:; ri:u Vkar. Uanixx Ji'rr..r.u:n $2 00 S 01 l'iaa-i -e Huilfin I" SO 1' I.v. ui'.c Tfierani e 00 Weekly ( in 1 ZO . ivsi to Ki t'.-i.n f.O On!1 JfSVr. Ti e I, d't'in is one .f the leadinc pa,H .if the Wi-t, u:d is 1 daily pi:hli-hetl in Snn Oar ollee IK yJ h's nachiae, STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sewing fvlachinc Co., SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, FACTORY AT BELVIUCRE. ILL. J 1 v c: 1 i: 011 Watch Eepairing. Agates Grou::d, Polished and Mo 15 FraneiMM. xv s all the news ineltalts the re.i,. . r.nMeti::. lli-conlf-r ;ii.l l.r.ll. iin. one year.. S7 00 Kt cottler tin, one month Ti The Portland Kve-tino Teleyratti is t.M:e ?ix tiiiU' a w !. It ive- all the new-; thai is .voi tli r?nl:ii atul np to time of yoin' le firh .1 i: l-ii)e2t hours fi (-!i.. r thai. 'nen it r. :. i.e-: la-re tlminh any oiler j 1itr1.1l. lierd.-r Jrd 1. ! rrrnttt 0:10 v. nr. c." .VI .ii'n l lis w the .N.-rtUxv. ami iiivw '!! tieWft timi.;I!v JMtttain it it. a vek!y rtjwr. Uee..r?,r ji.uJ WVeklv ()r.-ir.ian..S AO It i the ttiiv of e eh tfrs.o: r- jft-k irs formal ion nloro all lines thil tcint tuwanl 'rlnfit'i! 'ttnttt if't?. ronilifci(M!ianl uo :ir.iptritv H-r the htjinan innstiy. atul f.. the p'.rp.)e f : i.iiit" our rentiers a citniK'.c to mf.-rin I la-revives w yivw litem t!;- l-st ppf.-l to !N n t. Any tlortrhn that lot-s not appeo to the hiihtst- orUr of rva xoiiir.j; is not fe. Ket'onler ami Appeal to Moaon... $1' tltl to order; or any other work in my line will be done in v. neat and st:iis ( factory manner, at a reasonable price. Call ami re tt'v new lino of jewelry enn Mstitio of St t', lint I'itts, Sash l'ins, '9 W iit S. rs. Pr.Kahe, llracclcts. Caff am! tlotlir Ittttwn.s. Chains, Charms, ami ilhse.s. wl.ich ha j:-.: arrived. Ail Y'.U'i: i;K'H. V ;.i ru::.r... .- Jeweler. rsgon. r -. . - '.r- f ,- ' V: 4 i Hi's 1 .-itf i ' hi s1 r t j .5 y&U" ii i.S - I .. -. J -j.- i tTi-'a j; .'7'T.CU I'rtcc I ...1 1 . A to knock it ofl' either intentionally or to RIIOCIC acudenl: Hy. Half tho ill-feeling in tho world could be smoothed otit by n few words of explanation, but tf, on the one sido thn offender will not say, "Have I done tiny thing wrong? If so 'm sorry, tho breach will go on wid ening until it is irreparable. If wo ciniiot control our too hasty tongues, wo can at 1-ast say we are sorry, and so save ourselves untold misery and sorrow. Never let n griovanco stand over night; belter sacrifice your pride than your peace of mind. Never mind how much of nstrnggln it is, when you're sorry, say so, and "let not the sun go down upon your wrath." Fob Corner lot with email hnnit and nntlinihlini's; lot. lLrix4f feet; Kitnated on IrU Street near Hroomhandle Factory. I'rice S'JOO. Kn quire at tins oftico. Al:io threo lots in Cartwripht Addjtjou. At Mandon ..Mine 1 .Marshfiold vs Mandon .tunc 1 1 Tfjtr; tittle vs " June 'J" N'..rlh Immhi vs " July HI .Mar-h!ieli! vs Julv .';.(..'!;!( vs ' v.-i C -X tt!i Mend vs 'it Id vs l ... . .. ..1 . : ri'iii ..v i(;ii!iie v.s Set i7--Nor;h Mend vu " At Co piillo May 'Jl llantlon vh Coqnillo June I Not th Mend vs " June .Mardilield vd " Inlv L' Mando:: vs " July Kl-Xotth Hnnil vs u fi AiiK 'I -Marshfield vs " J Ant: KJ Hantlon vs " Any -7 North He ml vs " Sept 17 Marsldiold vs " At North Ilond May 'Jl-Mir-.lif,t ld vs North Head May S Kamlon vs " June IS Coqnillt; vs " July ' Mandoti vs " Jiily.'Ii-.Mar.-hlidd vs " July III C.iqnillu vs ,l Aim "0 Hamloa vs " S-pt:i Mar-hti.ild vs " Sept 10 Coqnillo vs " At Marahliold May 2S Coqnillo vs Marshfield Jnno 11 North Heml vs " June IS Handun vs " July 2 North Itoml v.n " July !) Coqnillo vs " July III Handon vs " Ahk K5 North Hond vs " Auc -0 Coqnillo ys " Sept 10 Handoii vs " Chamberlain's n?irdiocha0Kny. ."cvcr fails, liny it now. It may save lite. P. 5f;c &S1.00 f co Trial. 1 3 6urt l.i.csi Cure for nil p i'HlvOAl' t:..;i. THOU 11- U El Dorado T0NS0R1AL PARLORS P. Q. KOYT, Pron. y I.o-:ite.I in KIj IMJKVDO HUIIiDING. Klit .Street. ltAMt)N. OKKCON S1IAV1NC. SlIAMt'UOINCt AND HAIlt CUTTINC- AT STAN DAK D PKICES. Katltroom newly fitted np with 1'orcelufn Tab. Hot or Colli HatliM centw The City Meat Market, 0 Yfis! We Have the Variety of Stock Uccf, Pork. Veal, Mnttnn. Lamb, Jlolognn and Pork Sansace, Preyed L'eefi Heaa Cheese, Corned Hcuf, Pickli-d P-rk. Kgcs, 'ettahlcs and litiUer. Call u:t us and onr prices bofore htiytny elsf.vheni. We are not like the Hind Wheels of a waqon. nlwnys followiec in the same rut. We are pushers, striving for a Inreor business, and we 2ft th rc by keepin TIa Best Meat in tla LslucI nnd Helling nt the very lowest prices. We are horo to please and here to stay. Yours to serve, J. Waldvogel & Son, Props. The Newly Refitted, Speedy and Elegant Steamer ox Will give n regular ten day Service between CrqniIlo Itiver. Oregon, aud San Francisco, California, for both passcugors nnd freight. CAPT. M. MA RUN. E. DYEIt. Agent, Jlandoii. Oregon. S WAYNE it IIOYT, Agent, 228 llattery Street, San Francisco. California. . barber BATH BOOMS, Shop SHAVES, 2. Cts EACH SHAMPOO, II A IK CUT, SINGE. EACH AND HATH. Hotel Coquille J. I. Ti'PPKR, Proprietor. This well-known hotel is now under new and coui jtetit Ejamigeiueut and has been thoroughly ren ovatPtl throughout The table service is equal to any in Southern Oregon. Scnplo rooms for com uieVcial men. Bagtiyo transported to and from boats and trains free of charge. I'iue new bar in connection with the hotel. The New, Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer Miabetii. 0. P. JENSEN, Master- ihis Stiatsier i" ?Cev. is Ftmn5v biti't. ard Ctrd vitl- the Intfst improvements, and wfj give a leL'.tJnr 1; .tiijiriii- f'lvvr t-i tvice. fi r p- r-rVZ- ".r.u m-'il r. between the tun bjuuvsco. tatti. n.rr i:t, I'. T. KKFZ, M-iPayii-o A" :.t. : if,tJ. i.t ih:i. tJiift T I r t.1 Sfi--tSe'i Fr -acweo. California. III OF ALL MMMEI? S CURES RHimiAT?5:r1 AlnD ALL FAIN !KUKAUCta, S?atN3. CUTS. DRyiS K3. BUJtWS. SCALBS. ILO SO5t, CRICX t CACK, CACKaCHC, LUMRASO. .TIFF JOiHTS, OCOTKACTrd KMSCCL3. SPnCIMIO ItSCLS, COnS ItUSKSn'S SP.AI"fSO WHISTS. PROSTCD :iA.S5. -f.O ALL !nlrLrf!UATiJ.': Cf tSAB OS U3AST. L-3 , CHILCL.' "I va3 tr.t:s:h nfnictetT vrlth rheurrsalisin, TvriteJ Ed.C. Kud, Io-.vavillc, Sclg:ckCo.,Kan?as,"goh:g ttboat on crutches aul suuerl". a fcreat deal ot pain. I was induced to try Ballard' St:or Liniment, which cured me, after us:r. three &'c bottles. ITISTHU GREATEST LINIMENT I l.VKK. USED; have rec ommended it to a number of persons, all express themselves ns Iieinfi boneGted by it. I now walk without crutches, and cm able to perform a great deal of light labor c.n the fziui." THRE SIXES: 25c, 50c AND $1.00 BALLARD SNOW L2 N 2 fVi SMT CO ST. LOUIS. U. S, A. SOLD AND RECQIS.YAZMDED BY C. Y. LOWE. i mm- r S3H BO YOU NEED ANY HARD-WARE? We aro Ftill doiau bnsincfw at The Old Stand nnd can tlenc voa. Give ns a Call and examine our 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 9m Trade Marks Designs Copyrights 4c AnTono fendlnB a nfcetch and docrlptton may quickly ascertain our opinion freo whethw aa invention is probably pntcntnblo. Commnnlea tlDiiHRtrlctlyconiltlcntlnl. HANDBOOK onPatoaU eetafroo. oldest neency for nocurlngpatenu. Patents taken tnrouch Munn & Co. receive tpccltil notice, without chnree, In tho Scientific American. If You Do an Stoves, Ranges and Farm Implements, Etc, Now is tho time to purchaso Hani ware. The uailer&igned has in stock a iarjje assortment of Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Glassware, Crockery and Miners' Supplies. S'aints, Oil.. Doors ami Windows. TLSSIIOP IN CUNN'ECTION. A. McNAIR, The Bandon Hardware ManA A li.mil3omolr lllnstratcd weekly. T.arirost clr cul tiou of nay Hrioatttlc Jnurual. Tvrtna. 1 3 a rear: four months. L tioM brail newsdealer. MUNN Co.3C1Broadway' Hew York Urancn Ottlco. (B5 V 8L, WashlDBton. V. C. Wanted-fln idea t your Ideas: they may bring you Trealth. stated above. JQHS VEDDtTr-BURN & CO.. Patent Attor. natid ut Iti Vasbtwnca. O. C. for thctr Sl.euo prise ozr i'attu ai in Protect Wrtto J UCJf Jt iiuauuiA.!., W. .J . . l . . A , .w film '.cci list vi ih o nuLaroa iutuuiiquh waniea. TKKSIMSS NOTM'K. Not top is hereby eiven In r.ll rwrnons not to trespnm npon the pre initse of Dr.Kt-nyon. situated between Floras Lake antl the comi ty road, in Northern Curry, hy removing. cut tine or destmyinc timber upon said in...t i'tr. ..,-. , i .;n t.r. i r... :..f.. or some iuddIg. : . - . . . . . . r , thing to patent? i tl()" leading to a conviction of trenjiasH an undon. Orcriun. March 1 1. 1101. PEi'Klt NEhSON, A-;ent. THE STEA3IEK DISPATCH THOMAS WHITE, Master Leaves Haiuloti every morning, except Sunday, nt 7:.t0 o'clock and makes conuec- Hons with the train and steamer Myrl at 10.-:0 a. in. at Coqnillo City. C'jnille Citv at I'J.-riO p m., arriv. it: at Uttudou at,4;.50 t. in.