Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, July 20, 1905, Image 1

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52 Times a year for $2. !
52 Times a year for $2.
Volume XX!.
Number 29.
E. A. Thorlinvon of Dairyvillo wns
doing business in town Tin:? day.
Krtioiit Pob.-onsky of Redding, Cal..
wae lot!:ing around Baudon this
fr. (K M. Dyor wont to Coquillo
ihi? weI: on a vi.iit to her sitder, Mrt.
K. K. Duck.
Captuin J. Moomaw has had the
gtenmer Venus on the beach this week, od custodianl of tho Coos County ex
putting in a new shaft. hibit at the Lowis and Clark Exposi
Jason Handleman, of Boar Creek, tion.
was doing business in town Tuesday. ' is. J. H. Welch and her dangh
haviug brought in his clip of wool, j jert Miss Cora Jackson, arrived hero
Georne Hfthell. of southern Coos Monday, from California, on a risit
was in town, Tuesday, with a lot of ; to relatives.
hogs he brought up for Franz Thomp- Ernest Ericksrwi, who has been
son. ! hero visiting his brother and mother
Mrs. M. K. Loo rod children, of j during tho last two weeks, left yester
Myrtle Point, arrived hero last even-'day for San Francisco,
ing on a visit to friemls, ami will re-j Following is the Elizabeth's pas
main several days. ' senger list when she sailed yesterday
Prof. O. D. White, who is travelling for San Francisco: Mr and .Mrs M
in the interest of the Philomath Col- C Wagelius, Mr aud Mrs L Jensen,
lege, spent several days in town dnr E Ericksou.
iug the week. i J. P. Topper, tho Coqnille hotel
Mrs. li. Johnson and children who man. was in town yesterday, having
have bM. visiting frit'tul in Sun j come down to see how work was pru-j,V'-'--co
thl'"K past few weeks. ! gressing on his hense here, which lie
.tjiurned home Mono ty. i is haviug repainteiH.
Dr. Leep and family and Mr. Per-11. E. Gardner did uot no to Klatn-
kius and family of Myrtle Point have ath last week as announced, but re
lern rn-ticatlng on the beach here for turned and has gone into business
some day-, returning home a clay or her.-, he ami George P. Laird bavin:
two go. leased tho Topper lionso aud gone
YVlj.m you want a pleasant laxative (
ihn is easy to take ai.d certaiu to net i
u-e Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver (
TabKts. For sale by C. Y. Lowe, J
Druggist. j
W. M. Vnndecar. of Myrtle Point. '
gave B;ulon a vwit Tiif-dhV. remniu-,
insr over until todv. lvnewintr old
r - ' ---- .......
eociatioas. Ijiisinees combined with
pleasure caile.l him heu.
The pupils of the Presbyterian Sun-
day-school pre.-euted Miss Blanche
Stitt a sold watch, last Sunday, as aiPai'i" for tho evMit of the sea-en
mark of their appreciation of her ser
vices in Sunday-School work.
Mrs. W. L. Davidson, who has
b?on in itie llorsfall Hospital for the .'
iumJ& -
turned home last Tuesday. Mr. David-
son having gone over after her. Sheld eight passengers. I ho hl of
is well on the road to recovery. passengers follows: Mrs K Jonnson
, , AT o it i a1 wo children, Mrs L A Welch,
Snrvevor Charles McCulloch was in . -r
oiuiui , Cora Jackson. L Boot. John Mciven-
town during the past week, having.
i . i i t f 'nanndLM HnensoQ.
come down to survey the lot for the , ......
Sbii."lo and Excelsior Mill which E. I 3.D. Stewart went to Sixes K.ver
Philpot is preparing to put up. ! last Saturday, and on Sunday brought
The site chosen is adjoining the old Ed Divelbiss to Bandon on his way
Woolen Mill building on the east. ! to Marshfield. to have a second op-r
. r, j ation, pus having formed again. He
John McKniin, of San Francisco, ! . i
oouu .ilhv u. was attoiided by his nurse and was
arrived hero Monday on the steamer jq q m qq hQ QU H look after his interests : QmsQ eded to MBRjb.
:tt this place, he being the owner of a fied iond
fnrm on Two mile. He left yesterday
,i - . , m...j,;i.i I Mrs. Dan W alser and daughter,
to visit old associates at MarbheM I
it i. -. i :i. .;n r. turn i aud Mrs. William Lightner, from
and Libbv, alter which he will return . " '
, . . Walkers basin. Jvern Countv. Cali-
to his home. ! , . . . r, , T,
, I forma, are visiting Grandma barrows
Franz Thompson, of northern Cur- j reUtives hero Mrs. Wnl.
ry.shippM NlH.nt GO head of hogs ; .g ft sister Qf Mrs. Barr0WA nml
ywswday tm w steamer Elizabeth. ; . . , T,
lo the San Frar;ri,co market Part
ttf the lot wa-. from" the North Star
i stncb. -li"li he has rented, and tho J
baiauet; whs purchasod from neigh- J
boring dairies.
George Cox ha sold his ranch on '
Johnson Creek to Mr. J. P. Di-Geseo,
who arrived h'ie some ten or twelve
davs ago. Mr. DeGosen aud wife are
accompanied by a young man. Merza
Abbas, from East India. Mr. D.-Geseu
is a representative of a colony of peo
pie in "ew Jersey who represent
codidornble capital, who ate desirous
of settling i:i the We.-t, aud who may
locate iu this countv.
Boks At Flora Cteek. Julv 11. to
Mis. J. M. Conrad, a 91 pound hoy.
LosT.-In Baudon, about June 21,
a gold chain bracelet with padlock.
Finder will be rewarded by returning
same to this office.
- j
If you cannot find what yon want .
auvwhere else in town, come to tho j
Maybe we have one left, if so, the.
JlJl. Jl
price will please you.
Our stock is small, but the goods
are of a good quality, and the prices
are right.
We make ''Cash Buying" an object
to the purchaser, at
Episcopal Church. Servico Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock.
Mowing machines and hay rnoks at
William Galliers at cost. Call now.
For Fruit JurBcall at J. Denholm's.
Pints, quarts and half gallon sizes on
Just call at the Bandon Furniture
storo and secure some of the bargains
to be found there, Call tomorrow.
Dr. llaydon has been reappoint-
"do tho hotel bninrss.
The canal from Coos Bty t the
Lagoou on North Inlet. Wuieh has
been under way of construo'ion for
several tuombs, was tini.-hed kst Sun
dy and the event cplebnted by about
200 Persons who assembled tu see the
finish of the undertaking.
Thero will be a huge time at D tiry
ville on Aogust 5th. at which time th.
W. O. W. will give a big log rolling.
The members of that camp are pre
and will leave nothing undone tint
will add to the pleasure of th
The dMmor V,Vn;fiVfiVfi II'iVmi 'iih
jf' - om San Francisco, last Monday.
'l mmu.t;.. .w.,.. ...
Cark Ef)0sj.
tion and will remain here until Sept.
George P Laird and It. E. Gard
ner have tak'Mi a lea- of tho Tupper
HOUSe mill Will liv lill-ll mum in
. . . . , .fir Tll,;,mnRft is fn ,)n rp.
fitted and refurnished and put in
. i i::.... ... ...1.,f il.,, i
traveliriL' nublic: Mrs. Alice Hite
Ljts bppn on, a0l !lS njron. The
new management took charge last
Sat unlay.
Recall: Tho County Court awarded
tho contract for the rebuilding of the
Lee County Bridge, at. Lo, to J. D.
Bennett, of Gravel Ford, for tho sum j
of $1,000.
Tho design and minihture
f this bn Igo was made by County
Surveyor C. S. McCulloch, and is a
Bood Pil'ce of "ngniDering work, the
of architecture being new
to Coos County.
A. J. Wilson, of northern Curry,
was arrested hero las Monday even-
i ing for having assaulted a man named
McConnel, and his son, near Dairy
ville, a few din's ago, with a club.
Report snys that the cause for tho as
sault waB that McConnel's wife had
talked about Wilsou' daughters. Tho
' trial took place at Dairy ville yester
day, Attorney Browuell appearing for
McConnel, and Walter Sinclair for
Wilson. Wilson was bound over to
ljefonj tfao Gnm( Jnry
,,,,, ,
Elder C. E. Crumley, of Sacramen-
' to, California, arrived hero Thursday
evening, from Brookfield, California,
where he had been doing missionary
work, and whore he established a
branch of the church. Mr. Crumley
came through thispart of Oregon on
his return from Hnnjboldt County, to
visit and renew old associations.
During bis visit herelfhe preached
four very interesting sermons. Ho
will! visit Myrtle Point, Dora and
Looking Glass, and then return to
Northern California.
F. 13. Rutherford, an attorney from
Portland, who is in tho employ of tho
Anti-Saloon League and Prohibition
ists, is in Coos County looking after
tho Local Option Law and its viola
tious, and making himself acquainted
with tho provisions of tho town char
ters and the conditions generally,
with a viow to seeing that tho law is
observed. A Mass Mooting of the
Law aud Order Leaguo is callod to
moot at Coquillo, tomorrow (F.ul )
July 21st, betwoen tho hours of 11
A. M. and 1 o'clock, .;o discuss the
situation generally aud to determioo
the course to pursue. All persons m
terestod should attend.
Show Comin;.
Nashna, tho great sleight of hand
performer, will be iu Baudon, Friday
anil Saturday nights, July 21 ami 22,
and delight his will) his
mysterious tricks, wonderful npo re
lease, trunk ami sack wy.Htoriu.-i, also
lady lloating iu air, accompanied by
h3-)notism aud spiri'ual maniu'sta
tions. Do not miss the mysteries of won
derland. Sale of a Fine Drul't Sinllioii
The first meeting of tho Myrtlo
Point Percberou Horso Company
touk place hero Saturday wljen the
following ofilcois were clctd: A. J.
liadabaugh, Pres.: T. D. Sec.;
Dr. K. A. Loop, T.-vas.: G. G. Sw:m, E.
A A n.loivnn T A Ynlns
A. UUL'i .1UU. U .1.. jLUIUO
, xOl 14 Vl JLS 11VIU10
Tuis company, which is made up
of cur leading ami enterprising far
mers, has just purchased the iiu
black Percheron stallion, Solferiao,
(o(37l) from tho Hartman Stock
Farm, of Columbus, Ohio, thrcugh
their agent, Johu Twaddle, who in
forms us that tbis is one of the very
bet young .stallions in any country.
;.nd our enterprising farmers are due
great credit for having foeured this
valuabl animal, lie comes from the
latest stock farm of its kind in the
woild, aud is sold under an irou t-iad
yZffiTFX This horso was three
vars old May, wi;h,'i. cbisii la!
the ton marl;, aud was imported from
France last December. The Hart
man stock farm has a branch stable
at Albany. Oregon, and wo are in
formed that they have a lino lot of
draft and coach atallions there. The
same salesman that sold our people
this horso sold oue recently to the
Camus Valley farmers which wo are
told is also a fine animal. Coos Co
can now boast of having one of the
very best draft stallions in the state
which speaks well for our up-to-date
citizens of this vicinitv.
EScnvfit Baseball Cmiiiiic.
Thero will be a benefit baseball
game next Sunday morning, July 23.
on tho Bandon diamoud, between the
steamboat men aud tho citizens of
Bandon, the proceeds of which will
bo given to Andrew (Jack) Hayter,
who mot with an accident some time
ago on one of the steamers, causing
tho loss of several fingers and maim
ing of his hand.
Everybody is invited to (urn out
and enjoy this most exciting of con
Awarded to liamlon.
As the Marshfield ball tenm failed
to appear here for tho leaguo game
scheduled to lako place on the Ban
don diamond July lSth, tho Bandon
team appeared ou thf- ground at the
proper hour, (2 o'clock) and having
full team in uniform, pitched the re-
quired number uf balls over the home
plate, and in the preseuco of an uui
pire, was then and thero awarded the
gamo by said umpire, by a score of i)
to 0. Tho team was then divided, and
by adding some local bo3'S, a couple
of hours was passed very pleasantly
l3- the many who were present. Tho
feature of tho gamo was tho umpiring
by Prof. Joo Gigg.
Tho gamo played at Coquillo be
tween tho team of that place and that
of JNorth Bend, was won by tho Co
quille team, tho score being 10 to 5
Below wo give the standing of the
league teams:
League Standing.
won LOST
North Hum!
I! o
a t
:s r.
t r
Good for Stomach Trouble and Conntipu
''Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets have done me a great deal of
good," says C. Towns, of Bat Port
ago, Ontario, Canada. "Being a mild
physic tho after effects are uot un
pleasant, and 1 can recommend them
to all who suffor from stomach
disorder. For salo by C. Y. Lowo,
Now is the time to strike thv Bau
don Furniture Storo to Bocuro bar
gains. Salos begin tomorrow.
C. Timmons, of Astoria, arrived
hero the latter part of last week, aud
is installing some new machinery in
the Cannery ami getting it in good
trim for the fishing s-eason.
Bartholomew L. Eddy, of Tilla
mook, has boon appointed as Register
of tho Koseburg Laud Office. G. B.
Hegardt, of Portland, has bet?u rec
ommoudod by Souator Fulton for tho
Port Orford, Oreg., July 17, 1905.
Editor Baudon Bkcoudkk:
lu the issuo of tho Port Orford
Tribune of tho 12th inst, tho follow
ing appears:
"Some one, through ignorance or
maliciousness, has started tho roport
that all tho money that was taken in
for tho 1th of July celobratiou at Port
Orford cannot bo accounted for. As
wo have examined tho books kept by
tho 1th of July committees wo are in
a position to state positively that th
roport is nttorly without foundation,
and that every cent can bo accounted
Now, knowing that the editor "pro
tern of said shoot is not the norson
to accord one a fair dual iu tho col
umus of said papor whoroin himself
or any relatives aro couceruel, I beg
leave to intrude on the valuable space
of your papor, and ask that ymi print
the followiug, the same beinii my ver
sion and explanation of my part or
actiou therein, which 1 believe called
forth the above from the pen of Mr.
H. T. Stewart, co editor aud proprie
tor of Port. Orford Tribune.
Imado the statement tbat I did not
believe there was any money collected
for tho $10 purso lo be put up for the
Turner Nay horso race, and tLerefore
no accounting could bo made of the
sumo. The reason for my said belief
was tho following:
The person in whose possession said
alleg-sd purse was supposdd to be, aud
the lth of July Committee in charge
of tho racing part of program, refused
ili'tRoJo pay over, mn-x? if v .race was
run at tho following times: tho morn
ing of th ) lth and tho morning of the
th. Mr. Turner and myself wautod
to ruu our race on tho morning of the
1th; but tho committer said that if
we did the winner would not get the
money. 1 was there later in the day
at a time when tide served, and the
said committee never called our race,
and after other races were finished it
was dark and the tide was high. I
was on hand with my horse tho morn
ing of the oth and wis ague told
that could not have tho purso if we
run. Now, midor these circuialance
would not any one be skepti'al as to
tho existence of a bona lido purse for
said race? When they made the last
mentioned refusal,! ask"d tlom what
they intended to do with said money,
and they made no reply.
I then broached the subjecr of giv
ing part of the purso( to .Mr. Turner,
as ho had come a fong w.iy under
heavy expenses, and by his agreeing
to come up with his hor.m was the
means of bringing quite a crowd, who
otherwiso would not have come; in
fact, this race was tho only drawing
card to said celebration, that part of
tho purso not given to Turner to go to
Johnson who got several baths in tho
If tho said commiltoo and holder of
tho purse, had wanted to, or beon dis
posed to act fairly with the colobra
tors and tho owners of tho respective
horsos, they would havo callod said
race first on tho program. I proposed
that this be done in order that I could
put m3T horso in tho "Freo for all
race," and possibly other races. They
said they did not want mo in any
other races. This action on their part
was evidently inshgatod by Stewart,
tho aforesaid editor, as ho had a sort
of raco horso that he had entered in
some of the races, and he was heard
trying to bar a horso that Mr. Fry
(Tumor's ridor) was entering.
They said they did not want mo in
the other races, and from thoir actions
it appears they did not want me in
As tho old saying is ''you can fool
some of tho people" etc.; s- if yon
hear anything more from tho Port
Orford cur, yon can judge the. source
and think of it.
Yours for a fair deal,
J. L. Nay.
Forced to Starve.
B. F. Leek, of Concord, Ky., says:
"For 20 years I suffered agonies with
a soro on my uppor lip, so painful,
sometimes, that I could not eat. Af
ter vainly trying everything else, I
cured it with Bucklon's Aruica Salvo."
It's great for bums, outs and wonuds.
At Lowe's Drug Storo. Only 25cts.
Important News Notes
ToEsn.vt. July 11.
Mnjor-Goncrnl Count HauvaloT, Prefect
of Police, nt .Moscow, itunwi, was assassin
ated while receiving r-etitioiis. Oue of tho
petitioners shot him wilb a revolver.
Doubt is expressed as to pe o l.oinc. es
tablished between llus-iia and Japan. I' i-
feared that Jajmu'd ieiin, .Mii not bu ac
cepted by Kuiiu.
At Cardiff, Wnl s, 1-0 miners were en
tombed iu a colliery. There is no hope that
any ot the miners will be taken out alive.
SU bodies hae bet u recovered.
Captain Houuouiii.a Frenchman, waa con
victed and sent to prisou for ten years, in
Japan, for sending ataie secrets to the
French newspapi'is.
A largo forest lho has destroyed much tim
boruear Yacolt, Wash.
Wkdnusday, July 12.
More than 21,01XJ Uhioaun are said to be
visiting Oregon at the present time.
Portland is tilled with visiting doctora.
A lngro n utdered eleven persons ou a
Kchoouer on the Gulf of .Mexico. A young
woman escaped and swam ashore, being the
ouly Mtivivor.
It is tumored that General Stoeasel is un
der arrest and that ho will probably bo dis
graced. Henry Froshmr.n, a young man, waB
drowned while bathing iu Grand Konde, by
getting beyond his depth.
Japanese liium (j cutthroats iu Corea.
Attorney Genera! D. Collins, under bond-:
tor bigamy at tan Francisco, jumped his
hail and he and wife No. '1 aro in Vancouver.
H. 0.
Thuusdat. July 13.
General TrepoiT is named as the next Rus
sian doomed to usrasMiiation.
Attorney Jienuctt argues for dismissal of
the J. X Willinm-on Land Fraud Case.
Murderer George W. banth was hanged at
rfalem, today, for the murder of his mistress
Mrs. Lenora H. Jones.
The dweovery of a plot to blowup the
Czar of 11'ir.sia when he visited his palace
near Moscow, ha caused him to give up his
intended visit.
One person was killed and manv others
were injured by a tornado in South Dakota.
The Davenport Mill at Hood ltiver was de
stroyed by fire, causing a $:?9,(-50 loss.
The chief turnkey at Walla Walla has left
his wife and run away with a discharged
convict who is p trt negres.
Faii'AY, July It.
Genet nl Leonard Wood underwent a sur
gical operation at Hotou, to remove n bony
growth from his head.
For the year ending June 30, the ru'lroads
carried 3,000 000 passeugera to Portland!
Three nersoun u-irn killwl nrwix others
wero aorionfly injured in a railr?ad col"a'
... .iuik, 111. - i i-ri.T7r n .l
nt v: : tii Va
C. r .... r, yr-gmrov J
by p vicious hull and wilt probably die.
A miner who had g me crazy and rushed
off into the woods near Sloan Junction,
H, C, wan found lfHd from exhaustion,
Secretary of War Taft ami party are in
Hawaii on their way to thn Philippines.
SATriaAY. July 15.
John II. Mitcln-ii's plea for a new trial
was denied.
A series of earthquake chocks wero ob
served in Maine and other adjoining states.
No damage was sustained.
Four persons wero killed at Winnipeg.
Manitoba, bv a building bt ing blown down,
during a gale, the building being in course
of erect ton.
The army worm is doing damago in the
western part of Indiana.
Collin-lmrg. Pa., has an epidemic of Ty
phoid fever. There are about 3ll houses iu
the place, and iu each hoiie there is from
one to live cases of the disease.
The military pirtv in Kus-da la still in
hope that the war will continue.
Mon'iuy, July 17.
J N. Williamson took the stand and de
nied frauds, ('latins that all was legal.
Two persons were fatally injured m nn
auto smash up at N. V.
Three persons wen- severelv injnred in an
elevator accident at Philadelphia.
lJuy It Now.
Now is tho timo to buy Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
liomedy. It is certain to bo needed
sooner or later, and when that time
comes, yon will need it badly yon
will need it quickly. Buy it now. It
may save life. For salo by C. Y.
Lowe, Druggist.
Julv 17. Sttnr Eliziboth. Mate ltydmnu,
51 hours from San Francisco.
July 10. AMiion, Sprint;, to S. F.
July ID Stmr Klizubeth, Mate Kydnian,
to San Francisco.
Church Directory
M. K. Cnunni.
Preaching service evcrv "Jud and -It li Sun
dav at 11 A. M. and S: P. M.
Sunday School uvorv Sunday at 10, A. M.
lipworth League. 7:P. M.
Prayer meet iug Wednesday at S: P. M.
Preaching 1st and 3rd Sundays, morning
and evening.
Sunday School each Sunday at 10 a.m.
Kndeavor meetings at the usual Iioum.
Praver meeting 7 '30 Thursday evenings.
All aro welcome.
Auoi.imi IIaukui.y. Pastor.
O- T- Blumenrotlier
U. S. Commisioner and Notary Public
Pilings and Final proofs made on Home
steads. Timber Claims aud other U. S. Lands
Money t.omiH Negotiated on Approved
Secni Ity.
Olllee in room 10 Meyerle Pnilding, Pan
don. Residence ou liutto Creek. Oregon.
All UIikIa oT Krai Kstale bought ami
V;. Court Oueen of the Forest No. 17, .;.
l'orostern of A nieriea.
v.J N'- I", meets Fridav night of earh.
jvveek. in Concrete Hall, bandon. Oregon.1
A ooruial welcome is extended to all vis
Siting brothers. 15. M. ULACK15KHV,
g W. V. r'tsitKH. Chief Hanger. ,?
Fin. Secretary. ?!
Bandon, Oregoru
Capital ; $25OOOo
BOAKD OF DIIIECTOHS; J. L. Kuonenbkko. President, J. Dkshoiji, Vico Pres.
F. J. F.nv, Cashier, Fimnk Flam, T. P. Hanlt.
A general banking business transacted, and customers given every accommodation
consistent with 6afe and conservative banking.
Correspondents: The American National Bank of San Francisco, Oalifonua.
Morcbants' National Bank, Portland, Oregon.
The Ohasa National Bank of New York.
Hank 1 Open from 9 ii.m. to 12 m., and 1 p.m. to :t p.m.
Dry Goods, Hats, Gaps, Boots and
Shoes, Provisions, Groceries.
Always on hand K11 Grain Seed Grain g;
Mill Feedd. kinds in stock.
A foil mipply of hutter kegs, cube, papers, etc., ete.
Will handle your Butter and Produce in unlimited amounts.
Bandon, - Oregon.
Horsfall Hospital,
MISS L. G. GOULD, Matron
A Private Hospital, well equipped for the treatment of Surgical and
Medical Diseases.
Trained nurxes in attendance.
For information address
0ii'"Mgat Market
T. - A.nc3 -
Will Keep on
Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Smoked Meats, Lard,
Sausages, Etc., a!so
Fresh Yegotable;, Poultry, Egss Butter nnd all Farm Produce.
I will pay highest market price for beef, pork, mutton, wool, bides, etc.
ch & &
Dry Goods of Every- Description,
Ladies Coats, Capes and Collarettes.
Soots &g Slxoes
Fresh Groceries of
Suits Made to Measure.
Shields &
Blaolsxriitla &z Wagon.
Wagons of all kinds made to order.
Job work attended to promptly and nit work utmrantecd to Kivo satisfaction. Prfcea.
Reasonable. . , , . , .
Horseshoeing el SpieQilty
Wrenshall & VVrenshsll,
IDr. H. X-j. Ploviston,
Onifio in Pacific Hotel. Honrs. ! to V. n.m.
1 ::U) to 4, p.m.; 7 to 8 in the evcninf.
Ofilco ovsr V;1n. Gallier's Store.
Ottice ionra ( to U a.m.
Call at r sideuce at other hourfl.
lined nt nil Times
fe 4!
all Kinds.
;5 STftSSSa XfeS.-"JSSS8SSaj5S
Vl).M)OX LODGK, So. 115, A.l'.A.M g
& t vnnv t.miu: (. n n.V V.V.A .M.
: i) Stated couiniunications nrst bat-
lo.. ..ft..r- tin. full innntl of each W
A'Hint iiit . ..... ..... -.-
vLmonth. All Master Masons cordially g
invited. W. C SANDKKSON, N . M. A
J. li. Wautiujm. t'ec.
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Fire Insurance,
Hamlon, - - - - Orejon,
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