Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, July 06, 1905, Image 1

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52 Times a year for $2.
I 52 Times a year for $2.
Volume XX!,
Number 27.
KPl f ''' JsP!
D. A. Wright of Port Orford, was
iu 13 and on Salurdry.
Bargain sailos will bogin at tbo
Bandon Furnitnro Store totuorrow
A son whs born to Mr. and Ms.
Lyman Wolf, of Marshfiold, June 28.
N. It. Smitn of Northern Curry
County, was doing business in town
Mi u day.
A. M. Sumner went to Marshfiold
last Monday to spend the week with
bis sous Milo aud Frank
James S. Hughes, assistant keeper
of tbo Capo Blanco light bouse, was
n Itaudon visitor hist Saturday,
Simpsons sawmill at South Boud
Washington, which burned down a
couple of weeks ago, is to be rebuilt.
llobert Hunt aud J. X. Luke woro J
iu town Mondaj having
e, u,,
frirw nr
from the Hunt Sawmill to make
W. A. Goodman, of Coquillo, Ore
gon, will go anywhere in Cuos Couu-1
ly to move your house or barn.
dress as stated above.
S. Syduam, of Northern Curry, ac
companied by his wife were visiting
relativis in Bandon during the pat
week. Mr. Siduaui gave Coquillo a
visit nlao.
When you want a pleasant laxative
that is eay to take aud certain to act,
ue Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver
Tabb ts. For sale by
C. Y. Lowe,
lteuben E. Gardner has resigned
Lis position in the life saving service
aud will go to his father at Klamath
1' alls, Oregon. His resignation took j
llaco July 1. Moss Averil took the
place as a substitute.
P. B. Hoyt and Chris Long were j
rres(d lat week for hunting out of ;
season,the complaint being made by
L. V. Travels, of Mutle Point.
They were taken before Justie Cecil,'
v.uqmuo ami Jiueu coi.iu
being line and co.ts.
William A. Cox, who left Northern
Curry, last fail for Arizona, in quest j
of healtn writes home that his health
" better, r.nd by the way he
l:e has boeti a gaiuer otherwise as boJ
is one of the winners of the Sn j wufch ibe Bnmlou Post, G. A. R
Francisco Examiner prizes, having j purchn!ietl of K E. Tj for a
drawn his ueight in silver. ; cemetpry for tho iI)t(nUont t.f those
Dr. . Horsfall, of Marshfield was who have served as soldiers when
in town last Monday, returning from ; they die.
a to Sixes Ui.-er where he had j w L Davidson returned homo
.gone last Sunday a week ago to per- j from Marshfield last Saturday evon
lorm an operation for appendicitis ou ;u wbero be bad tukcn bis wife gowe
E i. Divrlbiss. Ho left his patient ,tweive ,lavs beforo j0 Dr. Horsfali's.
very much improved and on the road , Hospital for an operation. Mrs.
o recovery although the case was a J Davidson is improving very rapidly,
very bad one, and required tho doc- j and be recoV(;re(1 sufiicient to re-
er"s care for several days after the
opjratiou was preformed.
The gleam schooner Newport,
Captain Levi Snyder called in here
last Mouday having a small consign
ment of freight for this place. She
took on live passengers here and left i
on 1 if same ti-ie. .ue win can zu u
1 1 II . 11
Coos JJay art J i aqnina and tuon go j
to Portland, her run being from San
. ... . ,
rransssco to Pott and, calling in at
. ' ... . ,.
the places mentioned. Those taking
passage from ln-ro were Mr. and Mrs
Nute Thrush. Frances Simous. A. li.
Utiltou and iss. Ttjunison.
Lot. In Bandon. about June 21
a gold clu.iu bracelet with padlock, j
Finder will be rewarded by returning
same to this office.
M uuuei,.-A1. tho residence of tho j
oflicihting clergyman, Rev. m j
Hoei.:on.juiyo.- jii.r.euuum.u, M..,uK uHU:uu j
of L'ro.-pr t)r. and .Miss Jvattierine j
K Mayor of Autiim Co. Michigan. ,
Tho. young couple will reside at '
P rosper.
Woon. Good iir stove wood for
sale at ?1 oO per tier delivered. Leave
oulers with li. F. Shannon.
C. H. Chandler.
,, . , . . .
If you caunot find what yon want ,
, . . . ...
anywhere else in town, come to the
J !
Maybe wo have one left, if so, the
price will please you.
Our stock is small, but the goods
are of a good quality, and the prices
are right,
Wh make '"Cash Buying" au object
to the purchaser, at
The steamer Elizabeth is duo to
morrow or next day.
V. F. Gehlke, of Tarkarsburg, was
a Bandou visitor last Friday.
Mowing machines and hay ranks at
William Gal Iter's at cost. Call now.
Isotu Walker, of Curry County
gave Bandon a visit yesterday return
ing home today.
I Just call at the Bandon Furniture
! store and secure some of the bargains
to be fonud there. Call tomorrow.
J. E. Fisher ban enhanced the
value of his livery stable property by
putting a new approach to the front
Captain J, I'ollieuius, of Porlaud,
arrived bpro last Thursday evening
and will have charge of the jetty im
provement. Moss Averill arrived home from
1 i 1 t I . .1 f r i
, uuuerouru iasi r nuav. no uruiirs
slack when ho left.
Ernest aud Joseph Erickson ar
rived here Tuesday from Sao Frau-
I risen on a vis-it to their mother and
brother Axel and wile.
James Castello, more familiarly
known as ''Jitumio the Calker"' is
is down from the county farm this
week. Ho will return home Friday.
N. Thrush and wife of this place,
took passage on the steamer New
port, last Monday, for Portland
where they will vnit for the next
three months.
i Mr. and Mrs.
W. P. Hoi man, who
have been stopping with their daught-
er, .Mrs. N . . binith in Northern
Carry fore some time arrived home
Monday evening.
Lynn and LesU'r Unborn who have
staving with
au uncle in Northern
California, arrived home, the Istter
part of last week on a visit to their
mother and other relatives.
Miss Winuie Tennion took
pas- j
sago on the steamer Newport for
i'ortland wbore ht- will the ex-
j po,itijli for a short ,m), amJ hcn Q
jou to Washington state to visit
County Surveyor C. S. Mc Culloch
was down from ihe county set IaM
week snrvevinji a nlot of "round
turu home in a few days.
Herbert Walcott arrived here yes
terday on a visit eo his grand parents
and other relasivea. Heibert has
been working at the machinists trade
for tho past four years in San Fran-
cisoo anj
is off on a twenty days
joavo of absonce having come home
to visi, bis paronts at Marshfield.
. , .
-The vessel nnd-?r way of cons
.. , T, , in
tion at Prosper has uearly all
rosper has uearly all the
ribs in place and construction is still
moving forward. She will bo a threo
master and will be larger than the
schooner Onward! was, and will be
htte.J out with tho rigging that was
taken from that vessel when she was
Port Ot ford Tribune: Dr's. Green
and Horsfail have made arangetnents
nous, a gasoline uoai win ue sent to
the nearest harbor aud the patient 1
takn direct to Dr. Horsfall's hospit-
al at Marshfield, where every care
can bo givon tho sufferer.
District Attorney Brown now come
to the front with the statement that
Deputy District Attorney Farrin mis
understood him in the matter of
j quashing proceedings against saloon
J keepers, for violation of tho Local
j Option law. He now claiics that he
ma uoi insiruct uun to dismiss ail
suits brought against violators of
said law. so comes the latost roDort
, on the matter.
j One Dollar Suveil Kepxnu'iitK Ten Dollars
mi . . . . . i
j no average man noes r.ot save to
exceed ten per cent of his earnings
, , , . ... ....
He must.spend nine dollars in living
, . ,. , ,
expenses for overr dollar saved. That
being the case he cauuot be too care
ful about uuneeessorv expenses.
ery often a few ceuts properly in-
I vested, like buying seeds for his gar
den, will save several dollars outlay
'later on. It is tho same in buying
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, It costs but a
few cents, and a bottle of it in the
house often saves a doctor's bill of
j several dollars. For sale by C. Y.
' T,,,WP- n.rgist.
Now is the time to strike the Ban
don Furniture Storo to secure bar
gains. Sales begin tomorrow.
Coast Mail: John Swanson, a spec
tator at Sunday's ball game, wns
struck in the face by a foul ball and
quite severely injured.
Carnpors are beginning to make
their vtay to tbo beach again. There
is a party hero from Douglas county
aud a number of persons from Myr
tie Point, enjoying tho Seabreeze.
The Coast Mail says that "Marsh
field, Coquillo nnd North Bond are
tied for Cellar champion of the
league." "Bedillions hired mon" nro
occupying the top seat, and are likoly
to maintain it.
Senator Mitchell.
News renched bore yesterday from
Myrtle Point that Congressman Hor
mau had telegraphed Bender at Myr
tle Point that the jury before whomo
Senator John H. Mitchell was
tried had brought iu their verdict
The Fourth at ISaiidon
Tho auniversary of our nation's
birth has again come and gone, and
whilo wo diil not get up, and carry
out the usual program scheduled
for I hat occasion, yet there was con
siderablo amusement afforded and
Bandon had a largo number of visit
ors from Coqnill and other river
Tho day was somewhat cloudy aud
cool in the morning and the wind
blow too strongly for an ideal one,
yet we have seen pleasanter weather.
Somehow or other, wo cauuot tell
why. tbo thirtceu guns at sunrise fell
off aud wero numbered by two only
and good t-leepers goneraly would
have been pleaded to dispense with
that number, as sunrise on July 4 is
au unearthly h nr to rise.
At ten o'clock the B tnd gave a
street concert during which time the
steamer arrived from Coquille. after
which tho races wmo run, some seven
in number uuJ u.piu-oatin contest
took place.
Ai'ter dinner the crowd made their
way to tho ball ground", where the
Coquille and B.iudon teams afforded
amusement for a couple of hours, the
Bandon Coucert Hand interspersing
the proceedings with selections dur
ing the afternoon. The ball game
was considered generally a tamo -article
an l finished with a score of
12 to 0 in favor of Bandon.
Iudiau Jakey, of Sixes, afforded
tho best amusement of tho day, but
his was a suocial feature, not on tho
program, and many persons failed to
to see it. Jakey gave an exhibition
of his horsemanship on the streets
being dressed as an Iudian Chief and
afterward ho and Indian Neil gave
an exhibition war dance.
Chief Jukoy showed romarkablo
agility for an aged man as it is
claimod for him that bis ago is about
one buudred years.
The ball was very lanrely attended
and was pronounced a succesr al
though tho hall was rather too small
to accommodate the dancers.
Kooiuk at the LcmvIm and Clark
Fa i r.
S. A. Madge, J. 0. B. ScoVoy and
V V Stnek-infr. nf Olvmnin. Wash.
, .. . . f . (Won,
h , tbo Hjol Pamor 0f
Portlunil an J put it under competent
management for tbo Fair trade. It
is a Go room hotel situated on Alder
steet between Seventh and Eighth,
just one block west of tho Oregouian
building, only one block from tho cir
lino running directly to tho fair
grounds. For one dollar a day the
very best accommodations can bo se
cured. The nbovo gentlemen are
well known all over tho stato of
Washington and to a largo extent in
Oregon and their names give assur
auce that the guests of the hotel will
be properly cared for. Take tho
Morrison Street car at the Union
Depot and ask tho conductor to let
you off at Park Street, then walk one
block north to tho hotel. Write at
once for particulars and for reserva
tion of a room. Address Hotel Palm
er, 350 Alder St., Portland, Oregon.
From the Morning Olyrapia, Olymp
ia, Washington.
Good for Stomaoh Trouble and Constipa
tion. ''Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets have done mo a great deal of
good." says C. Towns, of Hat Port
ago, Ontario, Canada. ''Being a mild
physic tho after effects are not un
pleasant, and 1 can rocommend them
to all who suffer from stomach
disorder. For salo by 0. Y. Lowe,
Won Again
Sundays game between Bandon
and Coquille on tho battler's grounds
was won by tho Bandonites in ouo of
tbo most oxciting and hardest fought
battles ever witnessed on a Coos
Coqnty diamond. It was anybodys
game from the start to tho last half
of the tenth inning when Bobineon,
of Coquillo was struck out by O'brion.
our great wizard of curves and
shoots. Both teams played "Big
League" ball, and tho 4 double plays
which wore made during tho game,
and tho cutting off at tho plate of
runuers by Streib, of Coquillo and
Adams, of Bandou, will livo long in
tho memories of the fans, who wit
nessed the game. "Buck" Hughe's
work with the stick aud his playing
in the field deserves great credit
whilo Terry Mc Kuno, who in the
first half of the 7th lifted one of Co
qnillo's best over the fence for a
homo run brought the crowd to thoir
feet, whilo ho crossed the plate, scor
ing tho first run of tho game. In
Coqnillo's half nf the eighth Smith
hit a line drive to tho loft field fence,
This compled with a single, and Ban
don's only error, tied the score- In
the toutb with two men out Hughes
hit safely, stole second aud by the
aid of a hit aud a bad throw, scored
tho winning run for Bandon-
Tho score is as follows:
Handon A 15 U Ml l'O A E
.McCiine L'nil I f. 12 2 10
liliss 1st b si 0 1 U 0 0
Adams hs fi 0 0 1 'A 0
Clyneacf 4 0 2 1 0 0
Smith If 4 0 0 2 0 0
Dowmimard b 4 0 0 1 0 0
Oswill c :t 0 2 13 0 i
Hushes r f 4 113 10
O'nrii-ii p 4 0 1 1 si 1
Total :5a 2 i) :!) 10 2
('oquilld AH U KM l'O A E
Xeviim k s 0 I 1 0
Stri-il) 2nd It 0 0 3 It 0
Smith Ut b r 1 2 Is". 0 2
Uirtwriuhtm-d It 4 0 1 0 2 0
K biiison If 0 0 0 0 0
K-niu'dycf 4 0 1 2 0 0
Ordway r f 2 0 0 0 0 0
IVniltoo 4 0 :J 7 1 1
Uoojier p a 0 . 1 2 f 0
Total WJO-'ae- 17
i 2 t : r 7 8 i 11
l!nti.!ou l: 0 (I 0 0 II 0 0 1 0 1
H 0 1 1 1 1 1 112
Coiiuillu K 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
II 1 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 1 0
Stolen hicis, Smith, Cartnrisht, Ordwny.
Struck nut. by (Hr:e:i 10, Coopers'.
Home run, MuKune.
T.o basis hits, Smith, NVvinp. Clynes.
Double 1'lnyn, Cooper. Streib, .Smith,
Nevin. Streib. Smith U'Urien, liliss
Hnclios. Downing.
Hit by pitcher, Ordwny 2, Oswill.
Umpire. Frank Hlackerby.
The gnrao at Marshfield, between
th tenm of that place and the North
Bend aggregation was won by the
latter by a Bcoro of 10 to G.
J.eaguk Standing.
won LOST
Unm'on 5 2 .71.r
Coquille :t 4
Marshfield 3 4
North Heud :t 4
IJuy It Now.
Now is the time to buy Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and D anhoen
Remedy. It is certain to bo needed
sooner or later, and when that time
comes, you will need it badly you
will need it quickly. Buy it now. It
may save life. For salo by C. Y.
Lowe, Druggist.
Fon Sale. Houso of five rooms
with outhouses, nnd or.o acre good
garden ground, enclosed by full-grown
cypross hedgo.
Apply to J. Denholm.
A Valuable Book,
One of tho most valuable books
that has been offered to the public
lately is
The American Family Educator.
This book is a fund of knowledge
that will interest tho whole house
hold, aud should be the companion
of all persons in their leisure mo
ments. If its advice is sought and
followed it will prove a sourco of pro
fit as well as ploasuro
Sold only by J. J, Edwauds, Act.
forced to Slurvc.
B. F. Leek, of Concord, Ky., says:
"For 20 years I suffered agonies with
a soro on my upper lip, so painfu',
sometimes, that I could not eat. Af
ter vainly trying everything else, I
cured it with Buoklon's Arnica Salve.''
It's great for burns, cuts and wounds.
At Lowe's Drug Stre. Only 2octs.
W A N T li D T It U ST V O KT 1 1 VI MAN OK
woman to manage- busuiesH in this count v
and adjoiniiiii territory for well ustalilised
houso of solid iinaucinl Htanding. $20.00
straiaht cash silary with alt necessary ex
penses paid weekly by check from head
quarters. Mimoy advanced for expenses.
Position permanent; previous expeiience
not essential. No investment required. We
turnish evurythiiiK. Undone self-addressed
envelope. Address Mnniijer, S10 Com-i
Kl.-U. Cuh;, 111.
important News Notes
Tuesday. June 27.
Hussian jails at Wsissaw are fnll. Since
Saturday nearly 700 persons, mostly Jews,
have been arrested.
Negotiation for peace conference aro pro
ceeding FatiFfac'orily. China has askod
to have representation at the conference.
Itnssia is di?courn:ed at news regarding
the position of Liuevitch's army. The Jap-s
have been drivin back their enemy.
More than :9 editors visit Portland today.
Mrs. James Kirwiu died while dancing at
a church festival iu New York. Cause, ap
oplexy. "Vkine;iay, June 2s.
The crews on two Russian Warships in
tho IHaok sea aro reported to have mutinied
and killed all their oflicors. They sailed in
to OdtHF.n und threatened to bombard the
city if molested.
The Itallinn Cruiper, I'nshrin, visited
Portland today.
Mrs. It. F. Myers and Mrs William Joues
lost their lives iu Portland by blowing out
the pas in their room.
Heavy rains in Oregon has delayed sheep
shtmri g.
Secretar3 Hay is again sick but is report
ed to have passed a better night. He is iu
New Hampshire.
Three robbers held up i Chicago cafe rea
lizing $.-.,000 from tho job.
Tiiuhsuay. June '"..
There is nocouliol of authority iu the
city ot Uilessa, Kussia ami t lie city is on
fire. Sailors j. lined tho strikers and used
machine gnus on the troops.
Cr ews on four more war.-hips m the IMnck
Sea hare umtiucd. Soldiers show no mercy:
three hundred workmen are already killed.
Property destroyed amount s to millions of
The Uussian government fears that mu
tiny in the navy will involve thearmw
A Ktonn struck Phillipsburg. Kansas, last
night killing six peisons, aud injuring L'O
others, 11 of wjj.ij aro sevjroy h urt. Pro
perty damage amounts to thousands of dol
lars. Two persons were killed and throe others
injured iu a headon collision Kansas City.
Fian.vY, June ."0.
Itussins trouble at home increases and in
terual disorder is tho greatest in SO years.
The Imperii1 1 sailors at CionIadt join open
ly in revolt.
Sympathisers with the Ku's'au revolution
ists, in New York are raising funds to h-lp
ih"m iu their struggle for better eonditioiii
John I). K.ickefellur has given ten million
dollars to the General Educational Pourd
for higher educational iiirposes.
Norwegians are mobilizing army a. d a
force of 'HJ0(J is moving toward thuSwcedish
. SvrunD.vr.,JaW.l. ,
Dr. Harry Lane took ntlice as Mayor of
Portland todaj'
John Hay, Secretary of Sa!e. died at his
e.immer home at Ne.b;iry. N. II.
Indictments have been riiurued against
lis Chicago packing house magnates.
Sweeden is getting teady to light-
A robber at Chicago thu w led pepper in
his victims eyes an 1 then took 17U) dollar;
irom him aud m ide liU tsivi) e.
Kd Violet'o was killed i'l a logging camp
at Gardiner by a log rolling on him.
July II IS'nir. NtWj ort, S.i; d -r, I! days froni
Sau FniUvisso.
Kill k
Ji ly 2, Sc'.ir., An.lerson. to Sun
Fruncisc .
T vj M 'I' lllll .. I.',...)..;,...,
.July II Sinir. Newp.irt, Snider, to I'ott
land via via. Coos Hav and Vaquiua.
Church Directory
M. K. Cnriiru.
I'reaehinu service everv 'Jud and -1th Hun
day at 11 A. M. and .S: I. M.
Sunday School everv Sunday at 10, A. M.
Kpworth League . 7:1M.
l'rayer lueetiny Wednesday at?: 1'. M.
FitKsuviiiKtAN Serviim:.
Preaching 1st and I5rd Sundays, morning
and evening.
Sunday School each Sunday at Ida. in.
Endeavor meetings at the usual hours.
Prayer meeting 7 '5U Thursday evenings.
All are welcome.
Anoi.PH H.iif!5IjY. Pastor.
O- T- Blumenrother
U. S. Commisioner and Notary- Public
Filings anil Final proofs made on Homo
steads, 'I imber Claims and other V. S. Lauds
.Money Loan Ncunt lat'il on Approveil
Sncu lily.
Ofiice in room 10 Peyerle ltuilding, I'an
dn. KeHideneo on liutto Creek. Uiegtiu.
All UIiiiIk of Ural KM ate lioiilit ami
Court Otli'eu of Hie I"iir-t No.
I'oresterrt of Ameiiea.
( v.
No. 17. meets Fridav night i.t" earhj:
;-veek. in ConcrHe Hall. Handon. ()n'g.?
A cordial welcome i extended to all vis-:--.
::;itinu hrothers. K. M. HI.ACK KKHV,
A NV. V. Fishku. Chief Hunger. v4
Fin. Secretary. j
X-Ray Gas Generator.
The Wonderful Light of
The Twentieth Ceutury.
On an ordinary lamp thta attacli
uiont. will incroaso your ligiit tn at
liast double I ho capacity of tho ordi
nary hurner. This is a hito and most
po)iilar invention, ami does away
with smoking chimneys, and nupiiros
no cleaning or trimming of the wick.
Call and Investigate It.
'oe Acri'iit for JXuuiVmi and Vletntly.
ANK of
HOAUD OF DIKliCTOUS; J. L. Kuose.nbki:u, President, J. KcNaoLir, Vioa Pres..
F. J. Faiit, Cashier, Fcvnk Flam, T. P. Hanly.
A general banking bnsiness trausncted, and castoraors Riven every nccommodnifoa
consistent with safe and conservative banking.
Correspondents: Tho American National Bank of San Francisco, California.
The Chase National Bank of New York.
lluuit U Open from ) a.m. to 12 in., ami 1 p.m. ti p.m.
Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and
Shoes, Provisions, Groceries.
Always on hand !!nsIIay-Grnin Seed Grain gTS
Mill Feeds. kinds iu stock.
A full supply of butter kegs, cubes, papers, etc., etc.
Will handle your Butter and Produce in unlimited amounts.
Horsfall Hospital,
MISS L. G. GOULD, Matron
A Private Hospital, well equipped for the treatment of Surgical and
Medical Diseases.
Trained nurse in attendance.
For information address Wll. HOKSFALL. M. D.
Marshiiold, Oregon.
Bandon Meat Market
T. .A-zxclex'sorL Prop.
Will Keep on
Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Smoked Meats, Lard,
Sausages, Etc., also
Froi Yegi'tabJes I'oultry. Kjjrs, Duttcr aud all Pann Proiltifie.
1 will pay hi'lipst iunrkoi price for beef, pork. iuntton,wool, bitlc, etc.
Dry Goods of Bvery. Description.
Ladies Coats, Capes and Collarettes.
Boots &5 Siioe
Fresh Groceries of
Suits Made to Measure.
Shields & Kennedy,
Bla,o3s:smit3a &n Wagon
Wagons of all kinds made to order.
.Tot, work ntU'iuh 1 lo promptly and all work muntnteed to give satisfaction. Prices
Horseslioeing a. Spscialty
Wrenshall & Wrenshjll,
kouni) norsK t;.M.i.KHV, i:and
JDr. EC. Xj- Houston,
Office in Pacific Hotel. HonrP.9 to 12. a.m.
1 :r.O to 4, p.m.; 7 to S in the evening.
3Dr. S- X-j. Perkins,
Office ovar Win. GRtlier Store.
Office li.mrs ii to i n.m.
f'4ll a icfudwe 'it oilirr hostrf.
Hand at all Times
9 i
1.1 .
all Kinds.
ItAXDON LODGK, No. 1 15, A. I. A. 31 "
-S . ft
$ p ANDOX LODG K.No.lin.A.F.A .M. g
Stated communications tirst Sat-
i$urdav after the full moon of each A
v'month. All Master Masons cordially
invited. W. C. SAN'DEICSON. W. M. g
'i J. li. Walstiiom. Sec. ;
jr. c- $ ytyyyg'fiKag-
d HANDON LODCKNn. I'.l'J, 1 . O. (. " &
13 meets every Saturdav evening.
.Visiting brothers in good standing j
:icordially invited. &
R A. .1. IIAliniAN. N. O. 3g
0 T. W. Kohison. Sec. f$
m:o. l. Tornxo,
TPiie Iiisvcra-Tice,
Uimdoii. - - - - Orogpii,