Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, June 29, 1905, Image 4

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IB rouLtsnED
pne Year ?2 00
Six Months 1 00
Throo Months 60
This paper is entered at tho Bandon post
offlco as Second-class Matter.
Telegram: Oyama bas Linievitcb
cornerned. If tbo Japanese army
does not crnsb tbo Russian army
within tbo next few days, Oyama will
have demonstrated tbat bis self re
straint is as remarkablo as bis skill in
Centesimal Notes.
Tbe attendauco at tbo Lewis and
.Clark imposition is increasing daily
Excursions are run every day from
one or moro cities in tbe Northwest
bringing many people to tbo Fair.
Evervbodv wbo bas visited tbe
Lewis and Clark Exposition pro
uonnces tbo Trail "tbo best ever,
Thero are thirty shows, and you can
seo tbem all for about ?7. Tbe prices
range from 10 to 50 cents.
Tbe price of admission to tho Lewis
and Clark Exposition on Sundays bas
been reduced to 25 cents. Tbe week
lv admission remains at 50 ceuts. On
Snndays tbe gates open at noon ant"
close at 11:30 p.m.
July 12 will be Advertising Men's
Day at the Lewis and Clark Exposi
tion. Tbe Pacific Coast Advertising
Men's Association will be in session
on that date. This Association is
working along very broad lines for
the promotion of tbe coast and its
products, and for tbe elevation of ad
vertisiug aud tbe betterment of the
Towns and citios of tho state o
Washington will begin their specia
davs at tbo Portland Fair this week.
June 27 was Oklahoma day. and Gov
eruor Ferguson of tbat territory, with
many citizens, was in attendance
June 30 is omau's day, and July 1
is Tacoma dav. The Domiuiou of
Canada also will have special exer
cises on tbat day. Tbo American Li
brary Association Convention begins
its sessions Monday, July 3. On the
'Fourth of July thero will bo n grnnc!
celebration of Independence Day with
n great display of fireworks in the
II npo Task.
It was a hugh task toundortake the
cure of Ruch. a bad case of kidney
disoase as tbat of C. F. Collior, of
Cberokeo, Iowu, but Electric Bitters
did it. Ho writes: "My kidueys were
so far goue, I con Id not sit on a chair
without a cushion, and suffered from
dreadful backache, headache, and de
pression. In Electric Bitters, how
ever, I found a. enre, and by them was
restored to perfect health. I recom
mend this great tonic medicine to all
with weak kidneys, liver or stomach.
Guaranteed by C. Y. Lowe, Druggist.
Price 50 centsi.
Four more saloons have
been licensed to do business in the
neighborhood of tbe Exposition
Bravo indeed are the gentlemen who
compose the liquor license committee
of tho City Council.
Cohan Diurrlioca.
"U. S, soldiers who served in Cuba
during the Spanish war, know what
this disease is, and that ordinary rem
edies have little moro effect than so
much water. Cuban diarrhoea is al
most as severo and dangerous as a
mild attack of cholera. Thero is one
remedy. howver, that can always bo
depended npn as will be seen by tbe
following certificate from Mrs. Min
nie Jacobs, of Houston. Texas. "I
hereby certify that Chamberlain's
Colli. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
cured my husband of a severe attack
of Cuban diarrhoea which ho brought
home from Cuba. Wo had several
doctors but they did him no good.
One bottle of this remedy cured him,
as our neighbors will testify. I thank
God for so valuable a medicine." For
salu by C. Y. Lowe, Druggist.
Telegram: The law docides tbat
.Senator Mitchell is not charged with
moral turpitude. Thero is moro of
what the late Josh Billings would
have called dam phoolishness in the
law to the square inch than is associ
a tod with all other professions.
Fh J ale. Corner lot with small honse
and nntiinildincs, lot 12iji4."i feet; situated
on IriH Street near Hroonihaudle Factory,
l'rice 200. Knnnire at this offico. Also
three hits in Cartwrigbt Addition.
woman to manage business in this county
and adjoining territory for well establised of solid financial standing. $?0.00
straight cash salary with all neoessary ex
penses paid weekly by check from head
quarters. Money advanced tor expenses,
i'osition p"rraauont; previous experience
net essential. No investment required. We
tarnish everything. Enclose self-addressed
euvelope. Address Manager, 810 Como
Block. Chicago, III.
De Laney's new novel
An Oregon writer's Greatest Effort.
A story of the gn-at range, wan Into
ivhich In interwoven the roniuiitio cplmideH
or acquit-inK timber lamls, and tho lul-ianc-t
ui nt ,r irrigation. '
This production wi l appear in the Semi
Weekly Oregon Journal in serial form. Tho
Journal will be clubbed with the ItEconDEii,
the two for .'.?.,. Subscribe at once and
?id thio great story of life as told by l'aul
0? l:a,!T
Oregoniao: New York is to havo an
ordinance permitting her citizens to
get drunk three times in ono year
without being punished. If tbe New
York drunks aro like those of some
cities, the authorities will have great
difficulty iu determining where Ihe
''spre" begins and whero it ends.
Three drunks of the kind indulged in
by some professionals, would lust for
tbreo years.
Dylaig of Kainino
is, in its torments, like dying of con
sumption. Tbo progreFS of consump
tion, from the beginning to tbe very
end, is a long torture, both to victim
and friends. "-When T had consump
tion in its first stage," writos Win,
Myers, of Cearfoss, MdM "after try
ing different medicines aud a good
doctor, in vain, I at last took Dr.
King's Now Discovery, which quick
ly and perfectly cured me." Prompt
relief and sure euro for coughs, colds,
sore throat, bronchitis, etc. Positive
ly prevents pneumonia. Guaranteed
at C. Y. Lowe's Drug Store. Price
50c and S1.00 a bottle. Trial bottle
Home Circle Column
Crude Thought An They Full From The
Editorial Pen. Pleaimiit Evening Kcv
erlcn. A Column Dedicated to Tired
Mother as They Join The Home Circle
at Evening Tide.
An Uriah Bull.
One day an English gentleman me
Pat and at once got into conversation
with him, "Well, Pat," he said, "1
havo often heard of an 'Irish bull;
can you tell me what it is?" "Well
sir," replied Pat, "you see those seven
cows standing up by tbat tree? well
tho one lying down is an Oirish bull.'
Glasgow Times.
No Secret About It.
It is no secrei; that for Cuts, Bums
Ulcers, Fever Sores, Sore Eyes, Boils
etc, nothing is so efloctive as Buck
Ion's Arnica Salve. ''It didn't take
long to cure a bad sore I had, and i
is all O. K. for sore eyes," writes D
L. Gregory, of Hope, Tesas. 2oc a
C. Y. Lowe's Drug Store.
Ki rally's groat specialty, ''Tho Car
nival of Venice," on the Lewis am
Clark Exposition Trail, opened las
week. This is a remarkable show
Bolossy Kiralfy has been known the
world over for many years as a suc
cessful creatorof brilliant spectacular
exhibitions, and this time he has stir
passed himself. There aro nearly 300
people iu the performance, including
scores of pretty girls. Performances
are given every afternoon and even
J uat 'What Everyone Should Do.
Mr. J. T. Barber, of Irwinville, Ga.,
always keeps o. bottle of Chamber
iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy at band ready for instant
use. Attacks of Colic, Cholera Mor
bus and Diarrhoea come on so sud
denly that there is no tirao to bnnt a
doctor or go to thestoro for medicino.
Air. Barber says: "I havo tried Cham-
berlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy which a one of tbe best med
iciues I over saw. I keep a bottle of
it in my room aa I have had several
attacks of colic, and it has proved to
Sold by C. Y. Lowe, Druggist.
Oregonian: Tho log raft is extend
ing its field for operations. Wbon it
first appearod on the Pacific the
builders were unable to get it safely
over the course from Coos Bay to San
Francisco. But tho route was length
ened to the Columbia River, and then
toPnget Sound, and now a San Fran
cisco firm is said to be arranging to
tow one of tbo unwieldy masses of
logs across tho Pacific to Japan. The
first rafts towed on tho Pacific were
not very successful, but since A. B.
Hammond beiran operations with
them, not a raft has been lost, and it
is highly probable that tho trans-Pa
cific ott could bis successfully accom
Ankle, Stiff
Nook, Inline
These are three common ailments
for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm
is especially valuable. If promptly
applied it will save yon time, money
and suffering when troubled with auy
odo of these ailments. For sale by
C. Y. Lowe, Druggist.
The Weekly Oregonian aiid this paper
give you all the nowa of home, state, the
Northwest and the nation.
MEN AND WOMEN in Ibis and adioin-
na comities for home or traveling work.
representing and ndvortislng the Wholesale
and Educational Departments of an old es
tablished Mantifacturine House. Salarv
$:j ) per day with expenses advanced. Kin
tarnished wuen neoessnry; position perma
nent; references exchanged. Address, Wow
Brothers it Co., Homo Dent., Chicago, III.
When morning broke and baby came
Tho house did hardly Beom tho samo
Ab just before. Tho very air
Grew fragrant with tho essence raro
Of a celestial garden, whero
Tbo angels, breathless, leaned to bear
The yoothfol mother's fervid prayer
To God, to goard her first-born care,
And with what diligonco eaoh ear
Did listen, as her lips did f ramo
The helpless little stranger's name
When baby came!
o c
When darkness came and baby died.
Tho misty grief that fell belied
The transient joy that filled tho room
But jnst before; whero brooding gloom
Now dumbly spoke tho baby's doom.
Wo hid away the little things
Woven by nature's matchless loom
A woman's hands! Tbo amber bloom
Waxed dimmer on the finch's wings!
Tho flowers, too, iD sorrow tied,
As if kind nature drooped and cried
When baby died!
Modern living is a complex affair,
greatly in contrast with tbo simple
modes of lifo of tho earlier Americans
aud of thoir immediate descendants.
All tho appliances which have been
invented notably during the past
generation to give heightened com
fort to tho borne, and to make labor
easier, have added to this complexity
of living, aud most materially to its
cost, How materially, ono would
hardly beliovo until he had studied
tho matter for himself and discovered
beyond a question that today a man
caunot support a wife and bring up
one child, living in a comfortablo and
not at all lavish manner, upon what
his ancestor would havo considered
su CQcient to rear a large family. He
cannot do it on what it cost bis .an
cestor of only two generations ago
As men and women aro educated aud
taught to thiuk for themselves, they
will no longer follow bliudly tbe load
of the so called ''fashionable" boll
wethers, but will rocognize tho charm
of independent modes of thought
and lifo, and will permit thomselvos
to live according to their own ideals
and in their own ways. They will see
tho folly of attempting to imitato tho
methods of the millionaire on the in
como of the average business or pro
fessional man, but will live thoir own
lives, happy in doing the things which
they really caro to do, instoad of the
things which they do just because
somebody else does them.
How fretful wo sometimes fool when
we aro hungry! A baked potato will
prodnco such a change in us that we
hardly know ourselves. Tho tooth
ache has boon known to transform in
half an hour a saint into a sinner.
How quickly will music calm an angr
'The trifles of oar daily liven,
Tho common things .scarce w irth rocall,
Whereof no visible trace survives,
Theso are tbo mainsprings, after all.
Destiny is not without tboo, but within.
Thyself must mako thyself."
All those facts only show what a
powerful influence little things may
have over us. Our lives are made up
of moments, and the character of each
moment depends upon tho influences
of that moment; and it requires but
a very small influonco to change tbo
charactor of a moment.
Love shows itself iu our willingness
to do little or big things that will
please our loved ones. A man may
not caro for violets, but bo shows his
love for his wife, if ho will, for her
sake, go down on his knees in the
grasB aud gather a bunch just for her.
Ho may not caro to go to church, but
if his wife and children want him to
go, he could fchowbis lovo for then by
going with them. Ho may thiuk that
thoy ought to know he loves them
dearly, because every day of his lifo
he is working for them.
But his love is not all that it might
bo until it loads him to do tho things
tbat aro specially ploasing to his fam
ily. Numerous caros, deep thought,
au absorbing lifo work, a crowded
day, free no mnn from tho duty of
showing his lovo at homo in ways
which aro wholly of his wife's or his
children's choosing.
The man who complaius of tho use
less demands bis family make upon
him, bad better right about face and
ask himself bow much he is doing to
make such loving claims soom no
onger like demands.
The Fourth of July is rapidly be
coming a day to be droaded rather
than enjoyed. The Fourth of July
means the death of hundreds of chil
dren by explosives of diffnroat kinds.
Tho daily papers on the fifth of July
nevor fail to contain column aftor
column of death notices from toy pis-
ols, fire crackers and various kinds of
explosives. In New England tho
growing disgust tbat a day which
should bo hallowed by patriotic mem
ories should be degraded into a dav
marked by tbo killing and maiming
of hundreds, if not thousands, of
children, and into a day of torture for
bo sick and nervous, and of dread
and anxiety for the strong nud well.
'he hospitals of the large cities on
tho Fourth of July nro filled with
youngsters of all agns, cut and burned,
with their hands torn to shreds anl
their sight destroyed or injured, and
the death duo to lockjaw alono would,
if wo were not calloused by custom,
cause such au outcry that thoso who
sell or parents who put into the bauds
of their children the deadly toys
would bo held up to general execra
tion. That thoro is no exaggeration
in this statement of the case is borne
out by the newspapers of the morning
following the Fourth, in evory city in
tho country. Among the sick and
unwell, or those who are in the least
nervous, the constant din and tbo sud
den ear-splittiDg explosions cause a
degree of misery that in itself would
justify tho suppressions of all explo
sives even if they wero entirely inocu
ous to 'those that handle them and to
surrounding property. No ono has
the right to subject others to torture
merely to amuse himself. To bring
children up deliberately to disregard
the comforts and well being of others
is to teach license, not liberty, on the
day that should bo consecrated to
A 11ml Scare.
Some day you will got a bad scare,
when you feel a pain iu your bowels,
and fear appendicitis. Safety lies in
Dr. King's Now Lifo Tills, a suro euro,
for all bowol and stomach diseases,
such as headache, biliousness, costivo
ness, etc, Guarauteod at C.Y. Lowe's
Drug Storo. Only 25 cents. Try
X-Ray Gas Generator.
The Wonderful Light of
Tbe Twentieth Century.
On an ordinary lamp this attach
raent will increase your light to at
least double the capacity of tho ordi
nary burner. This is a late and most
popular invention, and does away
with smoking chimneys, and requires
no cleaning or trimming of the v. irk.
Call and Investigate it.
Snli Agent for It:indoii :md Vicinity.
At Hr.ndon
June -1 Jfarshfield liamlon
June It Coqnilla vs '
June -North Head vs
July 10 .Marshlield v.s
July Coqnille v.s
Ann 0 North Hend vs "
Aus- -'7 .Marshfu-ld va "
Sent :l Ooqnillu va "
.Sent iT North Head va "
At Co.uille
May -1 Handon fqtiillo
June 4 North l!.-nd s "
June i". Marshli.-ld v-j
Jnly "2 Hamloti vs "
July 10 No th Hend va "
Ans 0 M.-.rahlifild v.s ,l
Ann Kl Handun vs "
Am? 27 North Hetid vs "
.Sept 17 Mar.'.htidd vs "
At North Hend
May 21 Marsh field vs North Hend
May 2t Hnndon vs "
Jnno 18 Coqnille va "
Jnly 9 Bandon vs "
Jnly 23 Marthfield vs "
Jnly III Coqnille vs ,l
Anc 20 Handnt! vs "
Sopt:J Mar-ihtield vs
Sept 10 Coqnille vs
At Marshfield
May 23 Cnquillo vs Marsh field
June 11 North Hend vs "
June 13 iSatuIon vs
July 2 North Head vs
Jnly tl-Coqoille vs "
July "! Bandon vs
Au IU North Meml vs "
Aiic 20 Coquilh? va
Sept 10 ltn:itl"ii vs
A rec-Riilzcd
authority Tlw Weekly
Il:iiidon. Oregon,
Druggist and
Is jaai In receipt of a new and
freHh stock of
Drugs and Chemicals,
Patent and Proprietary Preparations
Toilet Articles,
Irjigrjts Sundries.
Nuts and Candies.
Clicurs, Tolmecos and CitrnrcttcH.
Paints. Oils. Glasses, and Painter's Supplied
You Can't Expect to Get
$2 worth for $1, but you
can get your money's
worth at
Dealer in Boots and Shoes
Repairing neatly and promptly done at
lowest living prices.
01 i
by buying thlfl
reliable, honest.
Nationai Sowing frischine Co.,
First Class Watch
Agates Ground, Polished and
to order: or any otbr-r work in my
Siiio will bo ilonu in a noat and satis
factory manner, at a roasonable price.
Call and see my new lino of jewelry con
sisting of Stic!; Pir.. Hat Tins, Pius,
Lady's Sets. Urooches. Bracelrts. Cuff
and Collar l'.r.foi.s. Chains. Charms, and
HiiiKH. whioli lias just arrived.
WatcLiiiak-.-r and Jeweler.
wrsctK? it's: lv! y:rr
t i
9 Thedford's Dlack-Dranpht comes
iiwiiiiiiu uiu I'll i in; n.iii-iu
and keeping the oody in healtli than
any other medicine made. It is
always ready in any emergency to
treat ailments that aro froqnent in
any family, such as imlimtion.
biliousness, colds, diarrhcea, and
stomach aches.
Thedford's Blnck-Draucht is the
standard, never-failing remedy for
stomach, bowel, liver and kfdney
troubles. It is a cure for tho domes
tic ills which so frequently summon
the- doctor. It is an good for children
aa it is for grown persons. A dose of
this medicine every day will toon
cure tho most obstinate case of dys
pepiia oc constipation, and when
taken as directed brings quick relief.
Danville, ill., Dco. 31, 1003.
TtMKWoM' niack-nrauicht has been our
family doctor fur flvo year and wo want
no other. Yfbr-a any of u feci badly wo
take a doo and aro all rlstit In twclvo
hours. Wo bayo spout lts of money for
doctor bills, but got nloni Just as trull
with DlacV-brautfht. IliA Ut baIIKII.
; Aik your dealer for a packapro of
Thedford't Black-Draught and if he
doea not keep It aendUc. to Tho Chatta
nooga Medicino Co., Chattanooga, Tcnn.
and a package will bo mailed to you.
ar. ' hr J iTl!
! sfOn I
T.w Hl:U
6Ci: &$1.C0 ;
Free Tr;3l.
Sun' '. .Mid u licJicst Curo for nil ?
and J-'JG- TROUB
El I3orado
P. B. HOYT, Prop.
r.ocat-d in EL lKIt.DO m'lTjDIXR.
I" Stri'ot, r.VMIHN, (IKDCON
Hittliruom niMvly llttod np with Poro'lniii
Tub. Hot or Cold llatlih '-'5 c-ii!m
lie City Meat Marlcex
0 Yes! 0 Yes!
We Have the Variety of Stock
Ueof, Pork. V-nl, Jlutton. Lamb, Holofimi and Pork Sansae, Pressed Ueef, Head
Chouse, Corned H?cf, Pickhil Pork, kj.'Uf, Wctiahlt-.i mid Hotter.
Call on us and get our prices before biiyui elsewhere.
We are not like the Hind Wheels
of a wagon, always followinc in the samo rnt. Wo aro pushers, striving for-a larger
business, aud wo cet by keeptn
Txie Best nEeat in tlie Land
and selling at the very lowest prices.
Wo aro hero to please and hero to stay.
"S" to serve,
J. Waldvogel & Son, Props.
The Newly Refitted, Speedy and Elegant Steamer
Will Riyo a regular ten day Service between Coqnille Kiver, Oregon, and San Frnncico.
California, for both passengers and freight.
E. DVEIi. Agent, Handon. Oregon.
HOYT, Agent, 2-,(I Jiattery Street, San Francisco. California.
City Barber Shop
25 Ct9
25 Ctg.
Hotel Coquille
;oqiiIilc JJity5 Oregon,
,T. V. TUPPER, Proprietor.
Tbis well-knowu hotel is now under new and com
petent management and bas been thoroughly ren
ovated throughout The table service is equal to
any in Southern Oregon. Smtilo rooms for com
mercial men. Baggage transported to and from
boats and trains free of charge. '
Fine new bar in connection with tho hotel.
Nsw, Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer
0. P. JENSEN, Master-
I'bis Steamer is New. is Strongly hnilt . and fitltd v?tth the latest improvements, and wi
give a rei-nliir S dav Fei vice, fi r passenger" and freight, between the
Coijnille Kiver. Oregon, and Sn Francisco, Calif.
ELUKKT DYEK. ttnt. Knndon, Oregon.
E. T. KHl"Z, Alnnai'ing Agent. 2i7 Front Stnet, San Francisco, California.
The Popular Liver Medicine
Will Keep You Well
A GUARANTEED CURE for all diseases prodnced by TOR.
PID LIVER and IMPURE BLOOD. Do not fill your system
with Arsenic, Calomel and Quinine. They act as rank poisons
which vitiato tho blood, debilitate the system, and leave a trail
of bad symptoms which require years to obliterate. HERO
INE is purely vegetable and contains no mineral or narcotic
poisons, is absolutely harmless and is the simple remedy of
nature. It carries of? all poison in the system and leaves no
injurious effects.
Mr. I,. A. Hicks, Iredell, Texas, says: "I waf
ick in bed for eight months with liver trouble, the
doctor seemed to do me no good. I was told to try
Her bine, nnd it cured me in a short time. I cannot
recommend this wonderful medicine too highly."
Ballard Snow Liniment Co.
Wo aro still doinc business at Tbe Old
Stand and can nlease von. Give na a Call
and examine onr
trade marks
Anyono sending a nketch and description mar
qulcklr ascertain our opinion free whether an
Invention Is probably patontablo. Communica
tions atrlctlr confidential. HANDBOOK on Patent
sent free. Oldest atroncy for securing jutonta.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
tptclal notice, without charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely lllnstraled weekly.
lArsest clr-
Torms. 13 a
cul .tion of nnv vclentinc Journal
year: inur montns, 71. com uyau newsdealer
MUNN & CQ.36,B'oadwa'- Hew York
branch Offlro. G25 F BU Washington. I). U.
Wanted-fln Idea
Who can tMnl
of some slmpls
thlcc to tiatcntl
Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth.
Write JOHV W Kl)tE.ftBURN & CO.. Patent Attor- ,
dojt. Wahlnstca. ). C. for their Sl.SM prlso octet
k list of two huudrwt IhtcuUous wanted. 1
If You Do
Stoves, Ranges and Farm Implements, Etc,
Now is tbo timo to purchase Hardware. Tbe undersigned has
in stock a large assortment of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Glassware, Crockery and Miners' Supplies.
SainiM, Oils, Doors niul Windows.
The Bandon Hardware Man.
Notice is hereby jiiven to all Hrsoiis not
to trespass noon the premises of Dr. Keoyon,
situated between Floms Luke ami the coun
ty road, in Northern Carry, by removing,
murine or destroy in e timber npnt said
land. reward will b pnid for informa
tinii leading t a conviction of trespass :n
sta'ed Mbove.
In!ed at Hando'i. Ore-. n. Mreh U.
i'L I Ell MiLbUN. Aeut.
Leaves Hnndon every mornirig. excepi
Sunday, at 7:30 o'clock and makes connec-.
tioos with the train and steamer llyrl at
10i!0 a. in. t Coquille Citv.
I Leaves CV.(piiJle Citv at 12:30 p. m., arms
it.u at ii'andou at 4:oU p. m.