Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, June 01, 1905, Image 4

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.... BT ....
One Year $2 00
Six Months 1 00
Throu Mouths CO
Thia prper is entered at tho Bandon post
office as Second-class Matter.
Tho Portland "bog" is looming np
to an extent that the managers of the
Fair contemplate taking some meas
ure to protect the pnblio from bis un
merciful greed. Tbis bog is different
from tbo natural animal, iu tbat the
natural animal will lie down wben be
has crammed to tbo extent of bis ca
pacity, but the Portland animal has
nu unlimited capacity.
In Philadelphia we have the spect
acle of a Miryor defying tbo political
machine that rnus the city. Mayor
Weaver stands out against the corrupt
institution, but it remains to be seen
what the result will be, as tho ma
chine purpose to impeach him and re
move him from their pathway. Ref
ormation iu Philadelphia would be an
astonishing phenomenon.
Tho saloon bnsiuess has encroached
upon the entrances to tho Lewis and
Olark Fair Ground and upon school
territory, at Portland, through per
mission of tho City Council, to an ex
tent that the people of that place hove
invoked tho initiative to get rid of
naloons in that district. Portland
gave an immense majority in favor of
the traffic last November, but now
wishes to keep tho saloon in the back
ground. If the business is commend
able she should not be ashamed to
have it on exhibition, aud if it is not
bunoiicial to tho city, it should have
bosiii voled down.
IlnsMiuu Fleet Destroyed.
"Washington, Mav 29. Miuister
Griscom wires that Admiral Togo re
ports the total loss sustained by the
Russian licet Saturday was two bat
llesbipp, one coast defender, five
cruisers, two special service ships, and
tbreo destroyers, all sunk. In addi
lion, ho captured two battleships, two
coast defenders, ono speciul service
ship, one destroyer, and over two
thousand prisoners.
The Admiral adds that the Japa
liese squadron was undamaged.
Loudon, May 29. Tbe Central
News is authority for the statement
thai the naval battle in the Korean
straits is still progressing.
Tiie Japanese are pursuiug the R js
Eian warships, which are reported
widely scattered.
Messages from Tokio announco that
official reports state that the Russian
ljsses repjrtoi up to this raornjng
are 12 vessels suuk or captured.
Accordiug to a private telegram.
which the Central News quotes, tbo
Jauauese lost three crni?ers, and 12
destroyers, either snnk or disabled.
Eight captains of Russian vessels
deitroyd iu the baitle were drowned
with their hinking ships, and the
crews were made prisoners.
Tokio is delirious with joy, and Ad
miral Togo's report is awaited with
feverish impatience. During the bat
tle, liriug was plaiuly heard on shore,
London, May 29. Reports current
on th-i stock exslringe, purporting to
come from an authoritative private
source, state that Admiral Rojestvon-
sky's ling-ship, the Knazsouvaroff, was
among tho vessels sunk, aud that Ad
miral Togo is following up the Rus
sians and picking off their ships one
by one.
On the exchaugo this morning cou-
sold went up live-sixteenths, and Jap
aneso bonds rose from two to three
and a half per cent.
Tokio. May 29. A late report says
that Rear Admiral Nebagototf was
captured, and it is estimated that
3009 Russians were captured. Admi
ral Rojestvensky was wonndod.
Jul What Everyne Should Do.
Mr. J. T. Barber, of Irwiuville, Qa.,
always keeps a bottle of Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy at hand ready for instant
use. Attacks of Colic, Cholera Mor
bus and Diarrhoea oorao on so sud
denly that there is no timo to hunt a
doctor or go to the store for medicine.
Mr. Barber 6ays: "I have tried Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy which is one of the best med
icines I ever saw. I keep a bottle of
it in my room as I have had several
attacks of colic, and it has proved to
be the best medicine I ever used,"
Soht by C. Y. L.owe, Druggist,
worann to minnce business in this county
and ndjoininu territory for well entuhlised
houBe of holid nnnncial stnndiuE. $L0.0Q
Btraicht ca4i wtliiry with alt neotrHHary ex
penses paid weekly hy check from hend
A carter. Mney advanced for expenses.
J'osition permanent; previons experience
not essential. No investment required. We
farnnb everything. Enclose Relr-addressed
envelope. Add res Manncer, 810 Como
pjosk, f'hicap), ill.
Cpbuu Diarrhoea.
U. S, soldiers who aeryed in Cuba
during the Spanish war, know what
this disease is, aud that ordinary rem
edies have little mare effect than so
much water. Cuban diarrhoea is al
most as seyere and dangerous as a
mild attack of cholera. There is ono
remedy, however, that can always be
depended upon as w.ill be seen by tbe
following certificate from Mrs. Min
nie Jacobs, of Houston, Texas. "I
hereby certify thct Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
cured my husband of a severe attack
of Cuban diarrhoea which be brought
homo from Cuba. "We had several
doctors but they did him no good.
One bottle of tbis remedy cured him,
as our neighbor will testify. I thank
God for so valuable a medicine.' For
sale by C. Y. Lowe,DruggiBt.
Decomposed granite has been
spread oyer the flooring of the Trail
and the Bridge of Nations at the
Lewis and Clark Exposition. This
material has been tised to advantage
in making all tbe paths aud roadways
at tbe Centeunial, and it greatly im
proves the appearance of the gaiety
Hugo Tim It.
It was a hugh task to undertake the
cure of suoh a bad pase of kidney
disease as tbat of C. F. Collier, of
Cherokee, Iowa, but Electric Bitters
iHd it. He writes: "My kidueys wore
so far gone, I could, not sit qn a chair
without a cushion, and suffered from
dreadful backache, headache, and de
pression. In Electric Bitters, how
ever, I found a cure, aud by them was
restored to perfect health. I rocoin?
mend this great tonic modiciue to all
with weak kidnays,iiver or stomach.
Guaranteed by U. Y. Lowe, Druggist.
Price 50 cents.
Edmund P. Sheldon, chief of tho
forestry exhibit, at tbe Lewis nud
Clark Exposition, is having made a
papier macho model of Mt. Hood,
which will bo located on tbe second
lloor of tho Forestry building. This
will be tlod to illustrate some of the
topographical features of Oregon's
greatest forestry belt.
Upou a lofty pyramid made of vari
ous grains which grow in tho state of
Oregon, a heroic sttstuo of Ceres, tho
Goddess of Grain, adorns tbe rotunda
of tho Agriculture nud Horticulture
building at the Lewis and Clark Ex
position. No Seuiet About It.
It is no secret that for Cuts, Burns,
Ulcers, Fever Sures, Sore Eyes, Boils,
etc, nothing is so effective as Buck
Ion's Arnica Salve. ,4It didn't take
long to cure a bad soro J had, and it
is all O. Iv. for sore eyes," writes D
L. Gregory, of Iopn, Texas. 2jc at
C. Y. Lowe's Drug Store.
Centennial XevfK.
Get ready to bit tbe Trail at thn
Le.tis and Clark Exposition, openiug
in Portland, June 1st.
A congressional party consisting of
thirty-one members of the House ami
Senate, accompanied by their wives
and families, is now on tbe way to tbe
Lewis and Clark Exposition.
Companies I and Iv of the Teutb
Uuitfd Stales regular infantry are en
camped upon tbe government penin
sola at the Lewis and Clark Lposi
tion. Captains Ingram and Gowen
and a staff of tbreo lieutenants aro in
Sprained Anklo. Stiff Neck, Lame
These are throe common ailments
for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm
is especially valuable. If promptly
applied it will savo you time, money
and suffering whou troubled with auy
one of these ailments. For sale by
C. Y. Lawe, Druggist.
Oreconian: The deeming millions
of stricken India are of a very low
order of intelligence, and this is per
haps a blessiuK, for the misery and
suffering which spoiu a part of their
existence, would be terrible to con
template woro tboy sufficiently civ
ilized and educated to regard their
condition as it appears to tbe civilized
world. Millions starve to death every
year, and this year the plague is rag
ing with such unusual severity that
more than 750,000 people have per
ished from it since Jauuary 1.
Notice to the I'ublic.
Notice js hereby given that I will
put out poison sn my sheep pasture
to protect my stock from the ravages
of dogs and wild animals.
Thomas Andkbson.
Dated at Bandon, April 27th, 1905.
To Whom It May Concern.
Notice is hereby j;iven to the public thnt 1
huve this dHy given my eon, A. J. JStewnrt.
bin time, nnd thnt I will not be renponfliblo
for any debts or obligations be may ooo
trnot. J. D. Btkwabt.
Bandon, Oregon, Mnrob Ititb. lUOfi.
MEN AND WOMEN in tbis nnd ndjoin-
iriK counties for homo or traveliuu work,
roprepentino nnd nd vet lining tbe Wholesale
nud Educational Df-purttnentR of qn old es
tablished Mannfnctnrina House. Hnlnrv
$.' M nor day with expenses advanced. Kic
furnished wuen noocfiijury; position perma
nent; reft-rfnceR exchanged. Addres. Blew
Brothers fc Oo., Home Dept., Chicago. 111.
Home Circle Column
Crude Thought As They full From The
Editorial Pen. Pleasant Efoolng Rev
eries. A Column Dedicated to Tired
Mothers as They Jp?n The Ifqmo Circle
at Kvenfpfjr Tide.
She knelt ajono, that little one,
An orphan obild of three,
And whispered tho prayer she learned
Beside her mother's knee;
No gentle band upon her bead
In soft caress was laid,
No sweet voice mnrmnring her name
Sho knelt alone and prayed.
The tear drops resting on her cheek
A tale of sorrow told ;
For even she, that angel child.
Had fonnd the world was oo)d;
And murmured forth with tiny bands
Up-pointing to the skies,
"God, take me to my mamma, when
Poor little Lily dies,"
Tbe angels, pausing, heard the prayer,
And iu the palro mqoplight
Bent down and breathed npon the child,
And kissed her forehead white;
Aud bearing her with sours of love
Through tho blue depths of even.
They laid her in her mother's arms
She woke that mora in Heaven.
The memory of misspent years
shonld not hang like a millstone
about your neck; so long as yon have
a desire for better things, you stil
have in reserve, greater or less in pro
portion to tbe earnestness of your as
piratious, the very power you need in
attaining what you seek. Thousands
of bad buys have changed their conrse
radically and. become good and usefu
men, Tho ablest cardinal and states
man of France in bis day was known
us the iucorngibje boy Richelieu
Mazariu, when young, was I) reckless
gambler. Dumas was a worthless,
idle boy. Bt. Augustine was called a
reprobate when n boy. Wbitetield,
the groat preacher, was a thief wben
young, and his mother kept a public
house. President Thiers was the worst
pupil in school; he would striko his
tnehorwben angry, and uo punish
tuent awed him. A'l nt onco hn
changed his course aud determined to
become President of France, although
he was very poor. Great men a e but
common men more fully devtlop.'d
aud ripened.
"All I ask," said Nan Patterson iu
the Tombs, "is to go back to ray dear
old fat her and mother, to the dear old
home, to forget, if J chii, my long suf
feriugs, and be a little f It I again."
There was a time when Nau Patter
son was an innocent, pure uud happy
girl, tho same as aro scores who will
read this article. Sho was pretty,
Hr parents were justly proud of her.
In early girlhood she appeared be
hind tho footlights of tbe stagp. Our
readers are all familiar with what has
followed. Hit pictuie has appeared
in all our metropolitan papers. Tbreo
times has sbo beeu tried for murder,
and still no jury can agree as to her
Hearts of stroug men have turned
hack to tho old homo for refuge in
times like tbis. Tbe fundamental iu
stinctf of human nature are bo strong,
unerring aud uuiversal, tbat wben we
are led by sin into sorrow deep, we
turn to tbe good old home.
Nan Patterson is now free to no
back home. But she can never take
buck to tho old home tho innocent
childhood she took away from it
Neither will the old home look natu
ral to her, for a heavy mortgage Iihs
cast a tbadow on tbe dreary rooms, a
mortgage placed there by forgiving
parents to protect their child's neck
from the hangman's ropp. A deeper
shadow bas fallen upon tbe nnfortu-
nnte than upon her home, and has fal
len npon her by her own sin.
Her father, in the sunset of life, did
not forsake bis girl in her hour of
trouble. Aud the iovnlid mother dai
ly seut ber messages of love and cheer
These doting pamnts can never again
bo as they were before her sin bent
their forms and whitened their locks.
Too many of our most promising
children, allured by tbe bright flow
ers, the butterflies and the rainbow,
may forget and wander far from borne.
But when sin hrniBps their feet nnd
their limbs become weary and the
boart sore, they wiU cry for tbe good
old home once more.
Matured men and worpen have a
little stronger limbs and harder
hearts; they caq chase the butterflies
and tbe rainbows a little further; and
then they, too, like ppor Nan Patter
son, must see the mocking folly of it
all, and, weary and heartsick, Ipng for
tbe old home and mother.
No penalty is so sure as that which
comes with the suicide or sin. Yon
may hold tbo beautiful flower you
have plucked back to tho stem, but it
gets no life there again. Nan Patter
son can return to her old home, but a
cloud will ever hover over it. Her
innocence cannot return any more
than the plucked flower can Bgatn
grow to tbe stem.
Too many of oqr young people, like
Nan Patterson, who bad good homes
and good parents, have wandered so
far from them that the journey back
to innocent childhood and peace is
too far for feet of clay. Let the young
learn an object lesson from tbe Bor
rows that have overtaken Nan Patter
son and that overtnke all who seek
pleasure in paths of -air. ..." ...
Absolutely Purs
HAS no suBsmum
Frank Vincent DuMond, chief of
the Fine Arts exhibit at tbe Lewis
and Clark Exposition, arrived at the
grounds a few days ago to supervise
the installation of four carloads of
paintings valned at more than a mil
lion dollars.
Tbe Oregen Spenjj-Weekly Journal,
in addition to containing Paul De
Laney'8 new serial story, "The Sheep
herder," is issued twice a week and is
brimful of the cream of the news of
tbe world. It has decidedly tbe best
market reports of any paper on tbe
Pacific Coast. For tbe citizen whose
postofHce facilities do not justify a
daily paper, tbo Semi-Weekly Jour
rial is tbe best investment in reading
matter that can be made. For club
bing rates seo tbe editor of this paper.
Telegram; Prof. Frederick Morgnn
Davenport, of Hamilton College, at
one time a Methodist miuister, has
leeu writing oo tbo subject of revivals
He does not havo much regard for
them. Modern revivals, he avers, are
based on hypnotism, although he ad
mits that revivalists may not know
the secret of their strength. How
ever, according to Professor Davou
port, a revival weakens b ith intellect
aud will. Still, be doubts whether
a man, seriously affected by a revi
val, ever had either much intellect or
ft rt VajC
De Laney's now novel
An OragonitorTB Greatest Effort.
A Mtury of the grrat range vrnr Into
which U Intf rvivMi the miMwnjtlo plaudit
f actilrlii timber hinds, uud the nil
Vitiivt:iiit'iit ul lrri;ntluu.
This production will appenr in tbe Semi-Wt-t'kly
Oregon Journal in nerinl form. The
Journal will Imj clubbed with the Ukoobhsu,
the two for Subscribe nt onco and
rend thin grout story of life an told by Paul
De Lancy.
El Dorado
P. B. HOYT, Prop.
First Strict, HAS DON, OUKOON
lliithroom nowly fitted up with 1'orcelaln
Tub. Hot or fold Hath 25 ciuitu
Notice is hereby given to till perBonB not
to IrtfipilSH UJIOD IUU yreuiitKm ji wt.iicujwu
it anted between FloniH Lnke nnd the conn
t,. ,,.i in Murthfrn Cnrrv. bv removing
cutting, or destroying timber npon snid
land. $-'." rewnrd will bo paid for informa
tion lending to n conviction of tredpnso hs
Htated Hbovo.
Dated nt Bandon. Oregon. March 14. 11)01
Because the lrrer is
' neglected dcodIo suffer
-with constipation. hiltoasneM.
hoodachea and fevers. Colds attack
the lungs and contagious diseases
take hold of the svntem. It is safe
to pay that if the liver were always
kept in proper working order,
illness would bo almost unknown.
Thedford's Black-Draught is so
successful in curing such aicknesa
becuuBO it ia without a rival as a
liver regulator. This great family
medicine is not a strong ana
drastic drug, but a mild and
healthful laxative that cures con
stipation and mar be taken by a
mere child without, possible
Tho healthful action on the liver
cures biliousness. It has an in
vigorating effect on the kidnevs.
Because tho liver and kidneys do
not work regularly, the poisonous
acid? along with tho waste from
the bowels get hack into the blood
and "virulent contagion remits.
Timely treatment with Thed
ford's Black-Draught r mores the
dangers which lurk in constipation,
liver and kidney troubles, and will
gssitivcly forestall the inroads of
right's disease, for which dis
ease in advanced stares there is
no euro. Ask your dealer for a
25c. package of Thedford's Black-
j" fta&dop. Oregop,
Druggist and
Is just In receipt of a new and ,
fretib Ktocji of
Drugs and Chemicals,
Patent and Proprietary Preparations
Toilet Articles,
Uraggist Sua dries.
Pebtumep, Bbdbpps, Sponges, Soaps
Clears. Tobaccos and Clrarettet.
Paints. Oils. Glasses, and Painter's Supplied
You Can't Expect to Get
$2 worth for $1, hut you
can get your money's
worth at
Detfler in Boots and Sfcoe
Bepairing neatly and promptly done at
lowest living prices.
What We Can Do For You
Two PDr for the Prlco of One. Yoo
Get the Now of the World Mud
the Local Newi Thrown
in uk a Bargata,
To those who pay np arrearages and a
year in advauoo, and to all new subscri
bers who pay iu advance, we make tbe
following proposition comprising several
different couplets to select from:
Puick or Publications pes Ysab.
Han dok Kkooiidkb $2 00
Shu Francisco Bulletin 6 80
Portland Evening Telegram fi 00
Weekly Qresouian 1 50
Appeal to llcmsou CO
Our Offer.
The Bullet iu is one of the leading papo
.if tho West, and is a daily published in San
Francisco, and givt s till thr tic-ws. Uai otfee
includes tbo Sunday lluHeSiu.
Becorder and Hulk-tin. one year.. $7 00
Recorder aud Bulletin, one month r5
The Portland Evening Telegram is iasueri
mix time a week. It gives all the new tbat
h worth reading and up to lime of going U
preHd, much ot it being L'i hours frontier thai.
when it reaches hire through any othrr
Becorder aud Telegram one yrnr. $." fiO
For a weekly nowspxpor the Weekly Ore
uoniiiu load iu the Northwest, aud give-
all the news usually contained iu a wcekh
Becorder and Weekly Oregonian..$2 f0
It is the duty of e tch peMu to seek in
formatiou along all Hugh that toud towan!
bringing ibout better conditions nnd greate
prosperity for the human family, nnd f:
the purpose cf giving oar readers a cbanci
to inform themselves we give them the besf
Apiieal to Uous,n. Anv doctrine tba
does not appeal to the highest order of rea
Boning is not nafe.
Becorder and Apnea! to Benson... $2 00
First Glass Watch
Agates Ground, Polished and
to order; or 11113' otlior work in my
lino will bo donu iu a uoat nod Batis
factory mannor, Ht a reasonable price.
Call and see my new line of jewelry, con
sisting of Stick Pin, Hat Pins, Sash Pins.
Lady's Waist Sets, Brooches. Brncelets. Cuff
and Collar Buttons. Chains. Charms, an.
Kings, which has just arrived.
ABTlirit BICE.
Watchmaker and Jeweler.
kill cough
wiTO Sir. King's
New Discovery
fob Q
0UGHS aad
Fres Trial.
Barest and Quickest Cure for all
Do You
Know the News ;
tSFYoa can have it all for
In tho Evenirng Telegram, of Portland,
Oregon. It in tbe largest evening nown
pane published in Oregon; it contain!?
n.U thi newn of tbe state and of tbo
natioL Try it for a month. A sample
0 ipy w I be mailed to yon free. Address
The Telegram,
m Mams
Abtobs MBdtas a tkttob sad dMerMkm Bay
!IeUr MeerUis oar opinion fir wMtbcr as
Mat frac. OldaM whist for mouSc aataatk.
A feandaomely Uractretad weakly. Ianrett dr
calOJon of any dnUSo Journal. Termi. S3 a
yaart foar raosUsj, 81. Boldbyall newsdealer.
MUNN ft Go," H8Yflr!t -
9rsoch Office. C25 F F C "Warhlnn 0 n . D, C.
City Barber Shop :
Hotel Coquille
CJoquille Oity5 Oregon,
J. P. TPPPEB, Proprietor.
This well-known hotel is now under new and com
petent management and has been thoroughly ren
ovated throughout The table service is 'oqual to
any in Southern Oregon. Smple rooms for com
mercial men. Baggage transported to and from
boats and trains free of charge.
Fine new bar in connection with the hotel.
The New, Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer
j Elizabeth, ?
C. P. JENSEN, Master- "
This Steamer is New. is Strongly built, nnd
Coqaille ftiver, Oregon, and San Francisco, Calif.
ELBERT DYER, Agent, Bandon, Oregon.
E. T. KBTJZ, Managing Agent, 207 Front Street, San Francisco, California? -
The Popular Liver Medicine
Will Keep You Well
A GUARANTEED to &tz product by TOK.
PI& UVKR tad IMPURE 1L60D. Do not fill your jUm
with Arsenic. Calomal and Qufciat. They act as rank poUoua
which vitiate the blood. dbilitU the system, and leave a fraa
of bad symptoms which require yeara to obliterate.
INE Is purely vegetable and contains no mineral or narcotic
poisons, U absolutely harmless and Is the simple remedy of
nature. It carries off all poison in the system and leaves co
injurious effects.
Mr. L. A. Hicks, Iredell, Texas, says: ' I wa
tick ia bed for eight months with liver troubla, the
doctor seemed to do me no good. I was told to try
Her bine, d it cored me in a short time. I cannot
secommend this wonderful medicine too highly.
Ballard Snow Liniment Co.
ST. LOUIS, y. & A.
C. Y.
Xt Vnil TO We nre 8t'" doing business nt Tbo Old
JLwtA AJrXJ Stand and can please yon. Give us a Call
and examine our
Stoves, Ranges
Now is tbe time to purchaso Hardware. The undersigned baB
in stock a large assortment of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Glassware, Crockery
PaintH. Oils. DoorM and Winder. T"
BT PAN-S iaboles
Doctors find
A Good
lor mankind
Ttn lot 8r DretjriJtj. Qmm, Jtntimata,
lalec, frtw-Sfeali, Cmcral Stoma sad Barbtf
Shop. Thrr baaLafc pcia. Mae aa4 fnhmg Ufa,
Oat rim rtlUfl No iMtHr wiiti the nsaritr. cat H1
4o yon gco4. Tea aasiplca aai eax thoasaad ttraV
aioalala ttet br sail ta aif tiirtt m rteip pric,
ks fM.KKwM Oumt&X Co., jp.Sproa St., Ktwwk Qt
fitted with the latest improvements, and will
and Farm Implements, Etc,
and Miners' Supplies.
The Bandon Hardware IVar,