Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, May 25, 1905, Image 1

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    52 Times a year for $2.
52 Times a year for $2.
Volume XXI.
Number 20.
For seed VVbeat, Barley, Oats, and
GraBs seed, call at Sanderson Bros.
O. P. Ellingsou, of
yfBB doing business in town Saturday.
S. N. B. Hunt sold his iuterest in
the Clayton sawmill to J. N. Luke,
and has gone to work for the Govern-1 Johnson, Mrs Y 0 Sanderson and
meat. ! Charles li Palmer.
The tng Triumph has had a new j Donholcu has stiH a few Ladies' and
rudder put in, this week, the old one j Childrens' Jackets on hand which ho
having given out. E. HeukendurtT , will sell at greatly reduced prices,
did the work. j The danco at Parkorsbnrg was not
J. M. Upton, of Marshtield, was iuja success last Salntday night, as to
town Tnesduy, having had some legal j attendance, there being too many
business to attend to. Ho returned other places of amusement for the
home yesterday. j public to attend.
While a bilious attack is decidedly Evan Morgan waa down from Park
nnpleasant it i3 quickly over when
Chatnberlain,s Stomach and Liver
Tablets aro used. For sale by CY
Well, it is time to wake up. Are
we going to celebrate or not on July
4th? Bandon should show its patri-
otism by making this a day of re-
ii....f r.,r. -.,.,..:, rf
uuueit ijuni?, i'-jici- i ki.i - k .
Coos and Currv U.mnti.H. was ir. town
Saturday night on his wav to Co -
quille, returning from a business visit
x n.i . i i.
IU V7U1U JjeitUW.
Alfred Mjrr.i and George Button
Lave fixed a place to Iwom logs at the
1H rno!iii ni!l hiiihlim Tbev are
f..,;n., i;n T.,.r
JIJrtb O IL V V-VIJ1H LIU ULilt J. Itfr
m .
Uompany s lanu east ot tov;n.
Cos wants to see you. Cox, the
Ho will sell vou nnvtbtng!
iii the line of provisions aud groceries, ,
rvnuvnntnn Annhfi ! rt m n. i
For can
dies and fruit give him a trial.
Mrs. Jo Holman spent a few days
in towu this week, bavin? como up
from New Lake wheie sue has been
stODniu.- with Mr. Bud Hamlin and
wif. She will return there a-ahi to-1
day or tomorrow.
The Natiounl Good Roads Associa
tion meet id convention in the Audi
torium of the Lewis and Clark Expo
sition at Portland, Juno 21 to 24,
1905, in the interest of better roads.
Representation is invited from all
The memorial service will be held
in the Presbyterian Church. Sunday,
May 28th, at 11 o'clock, A.M.. A gen
eral invitation to be present is extend
ed to the public. The several churches
are requested to att- nd the ser
T iT . , , ,. ,
iiev. naueny win uuuvur iui
Prof. M. B-. L. Edmunds has in his
possession a scholarship granted by
Philomath College, to be given to the
pupil ranking highest in general aver
age for the school yeireuding Spring!
of 1905. The scholarship must be ;
used for school year beginning Sep
tember, 1905.
Myrtle Point7 Enterprise: Capt. C.
T. Riley, who loft hero some months Kev. J. E.Snyder, tho Preabyterian
ago for Los Angeles wilb a view to evangelist, and Mr. Jeffrey, his singer,
locating, has returned to this place. J closed meetings here last Sunday
He also vi-ited oiLer portions of Cali- eveniug, having mado about, thirty
foruta and made a trip to Baker City,' converts, most of whom will join tie
Oregon, but found nothing as good as j Presln ti rian Church.
Coos Coar.ty, anil was glad to get I Next Sunday j-ftPi noon has be"i
back. (appointed as th- tiu.e when they will
The Woman's Study Club of Co- J he admitted to :w mbeiviup.
quille Cuy has placed in the Bandon j
School Library a copy of "The Con
quest.'' by Mrs. Dye. The donor.-,
were given a vote cf thanks by th
facultv aeid pun-Is. The present is a
highly esteemed one lu-'.ng an auto-'
erranh conv of the joitti. r, work '
j - - i - - - - '
which is an account of the L.wh and
Clark Evpe'htiou. The gift was ar-'
companied by a letter from Mrs Dr.
Snook, President of the Club.
Fon Sau:.--House of live rooms
with outhouses, and one acr. good
garden ground, enclosed by full-grown
cypress hedge.
A; plv i i J Dknii-ij.m
If j'on cannot find what yon want
gnywhero else in town, come to the
Drice will Dlease vou. I
price wui piLafit- vuu. (
Our Stock is small, but tho goods
are of a good quality, and tho prices j
are right. j
llf 1 t.O t. T I 1.
to the purchaser, at
f I
Born. At Bandon, May 21st, 1905'
to Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gross, a four
pound daughter.
Rev. Horsfail will hold sprvicos in
St. John's Episcopal Church on Sun-dn-
morning and evening.
Outgoing p:isson;;irs on thestoatner
i Elizabeth, this morning, were Mrs It
erburg, Tuesday, and moved his
family to that place. Mr. Morgan is
engineer at the mill, and his family
i will stop thereuntil school starts up
j f wbeii th will leturu
; I,;'ln-
j Chutles E. Palmer, of San Diego,
California, who has been here for the
j past two weeks visiting his sister.
Mrs. W. C. Sanderson. If ft forborne
. lI,J ",'.
j . ill fur some tun,, accom
P'" tlj lllt of bor
' health.
.1 - M. 0 1
George Bethel! and Captan Ander
son were passengers on the Elizabeth
from San Francis-co. Mr. Bttholl
relatj.'es in California and
looked after hi dairy intere-ts whilo
in the citv. Gantam Anderson is up
. , ,r , , . .
Gardiner Gazette: Charlie Stewart,
of Myrtle Point, brother of G. V.
Stewart, of this place, began work in
1,10 mi Aiiea.iay moiuiug, an.i uau
been working but a j-burt time when
. V - I l MV t - 1 ,
he Poifn"v injured hi
s hand in the
i lath mill. I)r. Bin her dr?sed the
hand which was badly cut, but no
bones were broken. The accideut
will keep Mr. Stewart from i?is work
for some time.
Recall: A CoosBiver logger caused
! quite a disturbance at Porter yester
day. Tho man was very drunk aud
appears a little insann He took an
axe aud smashed in .he door at the
residence of J. M. Thomas, and said
he would kill everybody iu tho house.
Mrs. Thomas escaped to a neighbor's
house aud the uews soon enehed Mr.
'I'll rv, i o r f rt.l- ,.
xuvuiua at, uin in iij-j nil-;
Thomas immediately toidc the m;.u in
custody and turned him 'over to the
city authorities. After sobering him
up the city authorities gave him -10
minutes to leave town and turned him
loose. Tho man had no grudge at
any of tho Thomas", aud bis action
was evidently caused by temporary
iusanity while druuk.
The Revival Closed.
Mi-ssrs .sr.y:or ami Jeiirey are en-
eff2ehc i rkers, and m;.; an emeienl
forre to awaken men and women o a
realization of what they huvu been
doing and as i. the careless it:iti!e-r j
in which t hoy haw liv. si. i
done a work hern 4 lint w.H
iey ;
have -
inlloor.ce fur good, if those awalo-i..- i
will search and notsthnd idly waiting.
Zi;::wh:A I Svimun On.
!lsS Se-ulay saw i he baseball sea
M "1:,-"J 'm r'i,n 1 'Marshtield team
goiug to Xoith Beud.'aml tho Bandon
team to Con ui lie. Tbe result of the
Jgame on tho Bay was i to 1 in favor
of Mar.-hliel..
A large delegaii'in.went to Coqnille
with tt.e team fiom" this place, and j
the best game of ball ever played in
, the county is reported.
The Bandon aggregation were t hreo
men -hurt and lilloM out with home
talent. After contesting for 12 in
nings, the Coquillo Uiam mado their
second run. giving them tho gamo by
a scon of 2 to 1.
o have been unable to obtain the
particulars of the
M:y IM-Sdir May Flowur, Gadmansou,
j U day from Hn Frnncfsco.
May 'JO-Schr Advance. UidinBHen. 18
days f roin Han Francisco, to 0. M. fc T. Co.
M:ty L'L'-Huur XirdliiTK, 150 hours
Kn r -hcUr U,)1' K"r'1'. ay from
!Ul i.r.,CISC))t t(J iriJSjHfr
Mnya; EliibU, Jensen. 72 Lours
frmu 's,,n Francisco.
,1."!' F,,rt'ma'' Am,l'"' 11 dv
May 24-Scbr Albion.'oisen, to S. F.
May IT-Stmr IiU;:nb .,lb. Jensen, to S. F,
The Pairyville Camp of Woodmen
purpose to have a big log rolling onr
ly in August.
Members of the Sunbeam Choir and
Children of Veterans aro requested
to meet in the Opera House, Monday
May 29th, at 2 o'clock, sharp.
The Kiitertainment.
Bandon has had a good many schoo
entortainmouts in the past, and they
have been meritorious aud showed
good work, care aud diligence, byjboth
the faculty and the pupils, and among
the best of these, ranks that of Satur
day evening.
The principal and his corps of
teachers have been workers, aud then
efforts ha7o been reflected in the de
gree to which the school has ad-
1 vancod, ami the entertainment showed
j the result of hard work on the part of
Tho salutatory, recitations and ora
tions were good, and those taking
part havo endeavored to make the
best use of their opportunity, and they
have succeeded admirably.
As comic features. "John Brown's
Little Indians" and tho 'Duet'' were
very pleasing.
The Indians were fantastically ar
raved and executed a march upon tho
stage. The Daal was tho most amus
ing feat ir-. the first verse passed off
very nicely, but a discord aud dispute
as to time took place iu tho second
attempt. The soprano claimed that
there was but one beat to the meanire
while the tenor claimed that the song
started out with three and still re
tained the same arrangement. After
naming several places as being up-to-date
in music it was finally agreed
that tue Bandon standard should be
used, whereupon tho soprano walked
to a stand, and picking up a gallon
measure took a large beet from it in
proaf of her positiou. The tenor left
the stage seemingly badly beaten, but
being encored, returned, and taking
up the moasuro extracted two very
small beets from it, thus making good
his contentiou.
Net proceeds of tho Entertainment
were S3S.
for Young Wohiimj who may go to the
I.e. Ii anil li.rk ( rlitouiilitl l'
flliou at I'ortliincl.
At the time of tho Centennial iu
Philadelphia, in 1S70, tho Young
Women's Chiitian Association, t.-en
i. years old, j-ei-t out circular1; to
w;mi gills agrdnst coming to see the
Exposition with iho idea of getting
work. Notwithstanding this there
were hundreds of girls stranded who
exhausted their small savings in three
or four days and found no work; how
to protect them was a problem which
is well remembered by lh-?se w ho were
managers of the Association at that
Desiiing to meet these conditions
wo make tho followiug suggestions:
1. See to it that yon have money
enough for an emergency and for
yoor return home.
2. See to it that before 'eavmg
buiee yon learn from a reliable -outoe
.1 your destination iu Portland is a
safe one.
3. See to it that you accept no di
rections f: om eitlo'r men or women on
ti ains. if uukuov.u to 3ou, and that
you r-uo-t 10 the conductor any ad-,
v:. sees made. You must depend upon
yourself and the railroad officii. Is Tor
i. formation concern oir .i.'ns. Any
jt'.stinfs will be answered by the
r.vellcr's Aid Agents," to be found
at tho stations on tho way. '! voy will
be women with badge-.
i. Sec to it thai you havo an au
thorized 'Traveller' Aid" card of
5. See to it that yon apply roi noe
cards lo your Organization. Society or
G. See to it that before accepting
employment in Portland, through ad
vertisement or otherwise, that the
'Exposition Traveller's Aid Commit
tee" endorses it.
7. Seo to it that beforo going to
any lodging or boading honso that
the Exposition Traveller's Aid Com
mittee recommends it. Tho address
of tho Portland headquarters of this
Committee is 5312 Oak Street, Port
land, Oregon.
Tcrillic i:::ce With Uonth.
"Death was fast approaching,"
writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tam
pa, Fla., describing bia fearful race
with death, "as a result of liver trouble
and heart disease, which had robbed
mo of sleep and of all interest in
life. I had tried many different doc
tors an 1 sovoral mediciues, but got
no benefit, until I began to use Elec
tric Bitters. So wonderful was their
effuct that in threo days I felt liko a
new man, and today I am cured of
all my troubles." Guaranteed at C.
Y. Lowe's drug store; price uuun.
The Town Election.
The town election look place Mon
day, at which there wws 131 ballots
cast, six of which wore thrown out.
There was considerable iuterert taken
in the election, as tho "wots" were in
favor of a Board favorable to the
whiskey traffic, while tho temperance
element were iu favor of temporauce
and obedience to tho law.
Below wn give tho result of the
election, the star signifying tho suc
cessful candidate:
For Towu Recorder,
A D Morse
For Town Trustees,
Elbert Dyer
F A Mehl
B N ir.nri inglon
BEL Bed il lion
J H Shields
117 voles.
85 votes.
70 "
J E Fi-her
C I Kimo
W F Disher
A He,-y
J T Mars
Clfiircil l'or Action.
When the body is cleared for ac"
tion, by Dr. King's New Life Pills
you can tell it by tho bloom of health
on the cheeks; the brightness of the
eyes; tho firmness of the llesh and
muscles; the buoyancy of tho mind.
Try them. At C Y Lowe's drug store,
'25c ts.
Iiecoi'nlioii Day Program.
Following ijj tbe program for Decoration
Day :
Handon P. fit, No. MI, O. A. It., will meet
in G. A. It. Hall. nr. 9:H0,A.M.. May 30. 1U0.1.
Tbe procession will form on Front Street
at 11) A.M., in the following manner:
1 Fire Department Hand.
Children bearing wreath of flowers.
Handon Post G. A. It.
Handon W. H. Corps.
I". IS. Life Savnigrt Crew.
Handon Fito I opart incut.
March to the cemetery.
Decoration of Graves.
Kcturn to town aud break ranks for
Tho afternoon exercises will commence at
o'clook. Bhnrp, m Kime'SlIk-
The oration will be delivered by Kev. II.
P. Dnnnitig, of Handon.
All ox Kildicrs of the Spanish and Philip
pine wars are cordially invited to bo present.
A cordial invitation is extended to the
luhlic generally to turn out and tako part in
tho exercises, as this is a day above all
others, that should be properly observed.
A n cpiest is extended generally to each to
bring all the dower.-) possible for decorative
purposes, and leave same at G. A. It. I1.U1.
Hy n-tiucst of tho G. A. It.
Baseball Schedule
At Handon
Juno I Marshtield vs Handon
Juno 11 Coqnille vs "
June 'J" North Hond vs "
July M Mur-ihtirld vs
July Coqnille vs
Aug (.North Bend vs "
vt l'7 Mnrs'ifseld vs "
Sept 3 f'oqnille vs ,4
Sc t i7 North Head vs "
At Cot,uillo
May 21 l'.indon vs Coqmllo
June I North Henil vs '
June -J."i Marslififld va
Jnlv li Buidon vs f "
July 1(5 No th Hond vs
Aug .Marshtield vs
Aug 13 Handon vs "
Auc 27 North Hond vs "
Sept 17 Marshiiel 1 vs "
At North Hend
May 21 .Mnrshlu-ld vs North Hend
May 2S I! mdon vs "
Juno 18 Coqnille vq . "
July '.) Handon vs "
July 23 MaMiGeld vs "
July 31 Coquillo vs "
Aug 21) Handon vs "
Sept 3 Mar.ihti'dd vs "
Sept 10 Coqnille vs "
At Marshfield
May 23 Coquillo vs Marshfield
Juno 11 North Hend vs "
Juno 13 Handon vs "
July 2 North Hend vs
July "-Coqnille vs "
July 31 Handon vs
Aug 13 North Hend va
Aug 20 Coquillo vs "
Sept 10 Hmidm vs "
Brown Leghorn eggs from prize-
wicning stock, at 51-00 per sotting r
85.00 per hundred.
J1. (J. Watsox, Coqnille.
Work on C-oquiilc Jetty.
rajor V. 0. Langlitt, U. S. Engi
neers, is preparing specifications for
the extension of tho north jetty at the
mouth of Coquillo River, for which
work an appropriation of $50,001) was
provided by the last river and harbor
bill. The extension will measuro 515
feet, and is to bo completed this sum
mer and fall. The jetty at the pres
ent measures 10G5 feet. Telegram.
A Creeping Heath.
Blood poison creeps up towards tho
heart, causing death. J. E. Stearns,
Belle Plaine, Minn., writes that a
friend dreadfully injured bis hand,
which swelled up like blood poison
ing. Bucklen's Arnica Salve drew
out tho poison, healed the wound
and saved his life. Best in the world
for burns and sores, 25cts at C, Y.
Lowe's drug store.
Closed on Sundays.
W. F. Harris has taken charge of
tho El Dorado Tonsoriai Parlors dur
ing the absence of P. B. Hoyr, who
will apply himself to other business
for awhile, and notice is hereby given
that tho shop will bo closed on Sun
Boraember and havo vour work
done on Saturdays.
Important News Notes
Tuesday, May III.
From Chicago comes tho ndws that it is
proposed to prosecute parents of fcIiou! chil
dren who strike m school. Chicago school
children have gone ou strike iu sympathy other strikes.
Admiral Unji-st vensky is keeping his move
ments secret. Ttie Japanese uro also on
the sly.
Eleven yachts representing America, Eng
land and Germany are ready to race across
the Atlantic Ocean for the Kaiser's cup i :ul
Tho Conductors of America closed their
13th biennial nefsion at Portland, and leave
for home.
Many sheep are being poisoned on the
rangu in tho southwestern part of Grant
Captain T. J. Morris of the schooner A. F.
Coat os grabbed a burglar who was trying to
steal from the schooner, and held him till
the policj relieved him of his charge at
W kwckrdav. May 17.
Ui-jestvensky drelarcs that his course is
not governed bv neutrality laws. Ho is his
own judge in such matters.
Kojestvensky's fourth division is to sail
for the Par Ea-t next month.
Tho yachts entered in the race for the
KaiserV cupstarted from New York on their
threo thousand mile race across the Atlau
tio Ocean.
The remains of Ilirnm Cronk, tho last
survivor of tho war of 1812, was laid to rest
in Cyprns Hill Cemetery, N. Y. Three eons
and one daughter attended the funeral,
ranging in age from Gti to 81 years.
Sailors and longshoremen fonght ot Ta
coma last night. 30 shots were fired and
four men aro supposi d to have drowned.
Safe crackers carried off about $340 from
two eafos at Spoka e.
Thuusday. May 18.
Itojentvenaky's aud Nebogatoff'a squad-
Vous aro united.
Nowa from Tokio states that the plague
has broken out at Harbin, and thnt 300
deaths occur daily from it.
Oregon farmers expect to harvest tbe
largest crop of wheat on record.
Polk County his t la-iy ro-idenl who Is
over 10o yonra old, being born in 171H).
Itcfetondnm petitions were filed to atop
tho appropriations for normal schools today,
and this throws tho state upon a credit
Tacoma lends at baseball in the Pacific Lague and Portland stands nt the
foot of iheclns-t, tins year, again.
Fin day. May 19.
Secretary Taft purposes buying supnlics
for tho Panama Canal in open market, so
that Americau manufacturers will not havo
a chat ce to exploit the government.
John Hoch was sentenced today to the
death penalty for the murder of his wife,
Mrs. Mi io VValcker Hoch, at Chicago.
Six indictments weic returned at l)n!!n
Texas, against bankt-rs who had violated the
state law. robbers raided a jewelry store at
Chicago aud got away with 2."i00.
Ogden Hudson whs killed in the paper
mill in Debanoti, Oregon. He was caught
iu the machinery.
A Croat San Francisco caused a loss of
Tho Japanese army in Manchutia is pre
paring to take the offensive.
Satchday. May 20.
Anotner to iblw battlu and struggle for
the mastery in Maucluiiia is at hand, says
uews of the far Ku-t.
President 1 tons,-wit has bt-en requested to
investigate luu l-Jquilabh? Life Insurance
The Chicago Teamster's strike has been
settled. Only 3.r per cent of tho strikers
will be reinstated.
Wyoming has been visited by heavy rains
which have mndi torrents out of tho small
streams and douo considerable damnge.
Troiihht iu Servia his again broken out
and 2000 Albanians havo surrounded the
town of Guillaiie and threaten to massacre
inhabitants. bOO Turkish troops aro in tho
Four Portland firms, will bid to furnish
lumber for the Panama canal.
Monday, May 22.
Tho Chicago sjriko is on again and ex
tending. St. Petetsburg expects to hear important
news f oin Kor'Stvoiitky.
Uojest.venk v is reported to bo dead.
Foit Sax.k. Corner lot with small hono
and mitliiiil(liiiL'; lot lL'fx." feet: situated
(in Iris Street near Uronmhandle Factory.
Price $:-(Jtl. Kr.quirt' at tins ollicc. Also
three lots in 0irtwright Addition.
X-Ray Gas Generate!
The Wonderful Light of
The Twentieth Century.
On an ordinary lamp this attach
ment will increase your light to at
least double tho cwpucity of tho ordi
nary burner. This is a lato and most
popular invention, and dms away
with smoking chimneys, aud requires
no cleaning or trimming of tho wick.
Call and Investigate It.
.A.. ZMZoIsTair
Solo Agent for Handon and Vicinity.
MISS L. G. GOULD, Matron
A Private Hospital, well equipped for the treatment of Surgical and,
Medical Diseases.
Trained nurses iu attendance.
For information addrcs3 ' UOI'SFALL, M. D.
Marshfield, Oregon.
The City Meat Market,
0 Yes! 0 Yes!
We Have the Variety of Stock
Beef, Pork. Veal, Mutton. Lamb, Pologna and Pork Sausage, Pressed Beef, Head
Cheese, Corned lieef, Pickled Pork, Kegs, Vegetables and Butter.
Call on us and get our prices before buying elsewhere.
We are not !ike the Hind Wheels
of a wagon, always following in the samo rut. V.'e aro pushers, striving for a large?
business, aud wo got thrre by keeping
Tli Best Meat in tlie Lanci
and selling nt the very lowest prices.
We are hero to please and here to stay.
"SToiirs to serve,
J. Waldvogel & Son, Props.
Bandon Meat Marl
J t -3
Will Keep on
resh Beef, Pork, (Button, Smoked Meats, Lard,
Sausages, Etc., also
Fresh Vegetables, Poultry, Eggs, Bntter and all Farm Produce.
I will pay highest market price for beef, pork, mutton,wool, hides, etc.
J. Denholm
Dry Goods of Every. Description,
Ladies Coats, Capes and Collarettes. i.
Boots & Slxoe
Fresh Groceries of
Suits Made to Measure.
BlsicfeisxrLitlx Ss Wagon
Wagons of all kinds made to order.
Job work attoudid to promptly and all work t::iranUod to ive satisfaction.
Horseshoeing el 5pecial-by
The Newly Refitted, Speedy and Elegant Steamer:
Willuivoa recnlnr ten dnv Service between
California, for both ji
K. DYEK. Asuit. Kandon. Orccon.
IIUYT, Aucnt. L'l'G Hrtttety Strt-L't, t?au Francisco. California,
G- T- Blumenrotlier 1
U. S. Gommisioner and Notary Public
T'l: 1 L.: r 1.. !!.
n IllliJi" "mi mini prinus m muic
steadH. Timber Claims and other U. S. Lands
Money I.osun Nruothitcd on Approved
n v
Ollirc in rnnni 10 Hevorle Hnihliivj, ltn-
don. Residence on Hntte Creek. ( In-tron.
All Itliuls of Ki'itl ICstiitt- botijilit ami
Wrenshall &. VVrenshsll,
ID jr. S- Tj. Ferlsiiiis,
Office ovar Wm. Gallier's Store.
Office hours t to U n.m.
Call at resideucu at other bourn.
JDir. H. Ji- Houston,
Offico in Facific Hotel. Honrs, 9 to 12.,
1 :30 to 4, p.m. ; 7 to 8 iu the evening.
7- ri-
LVCL .v T")-- -V
Hand nt all Times
all Kinds.
('iqnille River. Oresou. and San FranciRCOt
- hcnor3 and freisht.
JnA!kBs I u-K yo-1 M g
1 .I I
I f.LlJ lJVl..f C, T". i.a..n.
n i -s -...i i :..4:...... ;,
! XX of eTch
j month. All Master Masons cordially:;
V: J. Ii. wautkom. sec.
Ak ft -iWv.-
j J Com I Oueen of th l"oret No. 17, jgj
Fillisters ir Anif:ic:i. S
I i
! I V. No. 17, meet Fridav nijjht i f mcLv
I -.week. in Concrtte Hall. Handon. Uit-R"."-:-
cordial welcotuo i extended t( nil vis-
I Aitini: bri.thera. E. il. liLACKEKBY,
I ? V. V. l iMU.i:. Chief Kaucer
" Fin. Secretary.
S HANDON LOIJGK No. 133, 1. O.O. F J
f.T ANDON LODGE. No. 133, 1. 0. 0. F,g
jS-O meetR every Saturday evening
;$Visitinc brothers in Rood s t:mWuj:
cordially invited. ' 3k
T. W. Uodison, Seo. W
o.ko, i toiting,
Fir Insurance,
lUudou, - - - - Ore$QBiA