THE RECORDER EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOQif . , . . ... . . BATID K. ST ITT, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. ,One Year 2 00 ix Months '. 1 00 Three Mp.nthB 60 This paper is entered at the Bandon post ofBoe ns Seoond-olass Matter. THURSDAY. MAY IS, 19Q$. EDITORIAL. General Kuropatkin is credited .with becoming critical and having de clared that the present plan of send ing forth reinforcements is unwise. Juropatkin should know for he has had ample experience in tb.e matter and can testify thut the Japanese have been able to take care of all those supplied him to an extent that made it difficult to keep his whole ar :wy fx;om falling into their hands. The Lewis and Clark Fair opens Thursday, Jane 1st. . Twelve notable organ recitals are scheduled for the Lewis and Clark Exposition. The recitals will be held in the Auditorium, whore a 10,000 pipe organ will be set up. Telegram: Voltaire defined govern ment as two-thirds of the people pay ing all they could to support the other third, How much revision does Voltaire's definition require today? Chamberlain'! Cough Remedy Vory Bent. th,e Home Circle Column I have bpan using Chamberlain's Cough Rempdy aud want to say it is the best cough medicine I have ever taken," says Geo. L. Chubb, a mer chant of Harlan, Mich. There is no question about its bring the best, as it will cure a cough or cold in less time than any other treatment. It should always be kept in the bemp ready for instant q?e, for a cold can be cured in much less time when Crude Thoughts Am They Fall From The Editorial Pea. Pleasant KYenlng Rev eries. A Column Dedicated to Tired Mothers as They Join Tho Home Circle at Evening Tide. YOUR FRIEND. Ypn (nay not know him when your sky is bright; There are bo many faces sweet and bland, Reflecting Fortune a smiles as dewdrops mirror light. promptly treated. For sale by C. Y. Shining around your way on every hand. Luwe. Centennial News. A party of 200 Washington bankers with tbeir families .and friends, will attend the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion on July 20th, the opening day of. the bankers' convention. Yon may not know him by his words of praise; There are so many lips to praise snooees, And formal flatteries bestrow life's trodden ways, Like fallen leaves the antnmn wilderness. And yoa may scale the windy heights of fame; And gather wreaths and honors withont end; And yet, among the pleasant crowds who name yonr name, Yoa may not know, nndonbtinsly, yonr friend. CLARENCE Y. LOVE, A MATTER GF HEALTH ' "k. Druggist and Apothecary, Is jnst In reoeipt of a new and fresh stock of Drugs and Chemicals, Patent and Proprietary Preparations Toilet Articles, Druggists Sundries. Pebfumes, Brushes, Sponges, Soaps Nuts and Candies. Cltrars, Tobaccos and Cigarettes. Paints. Oils. Glasses, and Painter's Supplied DAWEnWft roots W tt UCfcsslsl Absolutely Pure HAS NO SUBSTITUTE MRS. E. J. HUE & CO. Props., We carry a, fine lin of Fall anci Winter Hats and Ladies' Furnishing CrOOCte. Give ns a call and examine onr Roods. City Barber Shop BATH ROOMS, The Washington farmer Publish ing Co., of North Yakima, Wash publishes three illustrated agricnl tural periodicals every month. 4Dai ryand Live Stock," "Poultry and Pet Stock." and "Northwest Farm and Home." The last named magazine is devoted to all the other features o agricultural life except those that are covered by the first two named. contains more practical articles on ir rigation than any other publication in America. It is a decriptive magazine containing from time to time complete articles on all localities west of St Panl and north of San Francisco, and is therefore invaluable to the immi frrant and real estate man. Ion can get all three of these elegant pnblica tious, comprising a complete agricul tural library, for 3.00 per year. .(saved By Dynamite. Sometimes a naming city is saved by dynumiting a space that the fire eannot cross. Sometimes a cougu hangs on so long you feel as if noth iDg but dynamite would cure it. Z T. Grav. of Calhoun. Ga., writes: "My wife had a very aggravated cough, which kept her awake nights Two physicians could not help her po she took Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and .Colds which eased ner cougn, gave her sleep, and finally cured her." Strictlv scientific cure for bronchitis and La GriDDe. At C. Y. Lowe's drug store, price 50cts and 1.00 guaranteed. Trial bottle free. Wood. Good fir stove wood for sale at S1.50 per tier delivered. Leave orders with K. F. Shannon. C. H. Chandler. For Sale. llouse ot live rooms with outhouses, and one acre good garden ground, enclosed by full-grown cypress hedge. Apply to J. Dexholm. Decoration Day Program. 3 - 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Following is the pfograni for Deooration Day: Bandon PoBt. No. 56, G. A. R., will meet in G. A. R. Hall, at 9:30 A'.M.,"May 30, 1903 Tbe procession will form on Front Street at 10 A.M., in tbe following manner: Fire Department Band. 2 Children bearing wreath of flowers. Bandon Post G. A. R. Bandon W. R. Corps. D. S. Iifo Savings Crew. Bandon Fire Department. GUiaens. March to the cemetery. Decoration of Graves. Taps. Retarn to town and break ranks for dinner. The afternoon exercises will commence at 2 o'olook, sharp, in Kitbe's Hall. ' The oration 'will bo delivered by Rev. H. P. Donning, of Bandon. All ex-eoldiers of the Spanish and Philip pine wrira are cordially invited to be present. A cordial invitation is extended to tho public generally to tnrq out and take part in tho exercises, as this is a' day above all others, that ehoald be properly observed. A request is extended generally to each to bring all the Sowers possible for decorative purposes, and leave same at Gi'A. R. Hall. ' By reqoaaiof the G. A. R. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY MAN OR womart to'tonnage bnsipess in this county and adjoining territory fbr-well establised boose of solid financial standing.' $20.00 straight- cash salary with all neoessary ex penses paid "weekly by check from head quarters. Money advanced for expenses. Position permanent; previous experience not essential. No Investment required. Wo famish everything. Enclose self-addreasbd envelope. Address Manager, 810 Como Block. Chicago, III. T Whom It Hay Concern. - - -, Notice is hereby given to the pnblio that I have this day given xny son, A. 3. Stewsrt. bis time, and that I will not be responsible for any debts or obligations -be may oon irao. J. D. Stbwabt. Bnndqp Oregon. Marob iGtb. 1905. "The SheeDbrder" Paul De Laney'a new novel. Call at this office and let ns t b II you about it. ooo A Good Suggestion, Mr. C. B. Waanwright of Lemon City, Fla., has written the manufact urers tuat mucn better results are obtained from tli4 use of Chamber lain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy iu cases -of pain in the stom ach, colic, cholera morbus by taking it in water as hot as can be drank. That when taken iu this way tbe ef fect is double in rapidity. "It seems o get at the right spot instantly," against, it it trying to look rich while be says, tor sale by U. X. liowo. t,v nr vot nnor. Batter becrin on h SO small scale than put the last dollar in Joseph Marvin, Alaskan Commis L djgpiay that canuot be maintained sioner for tue United states uovern- n thn nnrl ment at the Lewis and Clark Centen nial, is in receipt of a telegram from Beauty in dress is a good thing, rail Governor Brady of Alaska, telling at it who may. Bat it is a lower i him that a large exhibit of gold nug- beauty, for which a higher beauty gets has been collected for exhibition, should not bo sacrificed. They love Mr. Marvin has secured a special safe dress too much who give it tbeir first Bat, ever should yonr sammer day be dark. And storms descend npon yoar stranded bark, Jnst as yon deem yourself, with Fear, alone, Yonr true friend's voice shall hail yon through the dark. We have many cases on record to day of "flying high and lighting low," as the old adage runs, that if there is one thing more than another that we should like to warn new housekeepers H. G. Higinbotham, who was di- fclli I EAJJCUl iu Cl rector-general of Chicago J.orld s $2 WOrth f Or $1 , DUt JTOU tended by the management to attend CftR QQl yOUP HI Oil By S tne opening exercises or trie Jbewas iiifttk s nn1 nini-L- Wrnnolfn n Tnno 1 of TtVi III uuu u& AJAJJUOiblwU wu V uaw awv uoun rxunr , one or uregon0 oiaee, "D"D TT'TTIT'T ?Q pioneers awpuilt a miniature lorai jlxjl. jjijluax ss JJJ-t Dealer in Boots and Shoes Repairing neatly and promptly done at lowest living prices. What We Can Do For You SHAVES, 2T Cta EACH SHAMPOO, HAIR CUT, SINGE, MASSAGE, EACH ' 25Cts- AND BATH. for storing tho nuggets. OOO thought, their best time, or all tbeir money; who, for it, neglect tho cul ture of the mind or heart, or the claims of others on thcirservice; who care more for dress thnn for thir character; who are troubled more by unfashionable garments than by a neglected duty. A COLLECTION OF DON TS Don't laugh at a child's foars aud fancies; try to understand them. If they are false, try to show him tbe trntb. JJont sacrifice tun borne to an ex aggerated sense of neatness. Tbe home is for the inmates, and it cau- not be enjoyed if a displaced book or chair calls forth a storm of reproach. Don't be a wet blanket. nthusi asm is youth's most precious posses sion and it is nourished by the aith that those we love have in us. Don't criticise the follies of youth. 31a Ko tue young ioIkh welcome iu your homo if you would grow up with your sons and daughters. Don't fail iu loyalty, honor and oharity to the husband whom you have chosen of your own free will, or to the children who are yours by no volition of theirs. Don't consider yourself ill-used. If yon are, have spirit enough to put a stop to the ill-usage, but do it with out whining. Don't woar a frowning face about the bouse. A mother's smile is the sunshine of home. Don't send a child who is afraid into the dark alone. Bear with his in firmity considerately and tenderly un til he outgrows it. uoo i tail to ciierieu your own in tbe full sense of the word: to treat An interesting exhibit m the Mines tenderly, to love, foster, comfort and and Metallurgy building at tbe Lewis support. and Clark Exposition is now in course Don't fail in self reliance. Self- of construction. A miniature moun- poise Hnd courage are beuutiful aud tain is beiDg constructed for the pur- inspiring. How to Wurtl off Old Ace. The most successful way of ward ing off the approach of old age is to maintain a vigorons digestion. This can be done by eating only food suit ed to your age and occupation, and when any disorder of the stomach ap pears take a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets to correct it. If yon have a reak stomach or aro troubled with indigestion, you will find these Tablets to be just what you need. For sale by C. Y. Lowe, OOO Hoy Jvuabenpnue, wuo gained re nown as tbe aeronaut who made tbe only successful airship flight at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, ig working on an nlrsbip of bis unu Jo sign, wbicn be claims win ue superior to tho famous "California Arrow,' and which he will operate in the air ship contests at tbe Lewis and Clark Exposition. Terrific Knee With Deuth. "Death was fast approaching' writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tarn pa, Fla., describing bis feartui race with death, "as a result of liver trooblp and heart disease, which had robbed me of sleep and of all interest 10 life. I had tried many different doc tors an 3 soveral medicines, but got no benefit, uutil I began to use Elec tric Bitters. So wonderful was tbeir effect that iu three days I felt like a new man, aud today I am cured of all my troubles." Guaranteed at C. Y. Lowe's drug utore; price 50cts. " I i - . j, I 1 a if I criD, iO represent me Bina 01 criD used by tbe Oregon farmers in the old territorial days, which be will ex hibit at tbe Lewis and Clark Exposi tion. rpi -cq -L. JTL3. JeZLj SHEEP- De LaneyTs new novel An Oregon writer's Greatest Effort. , A Hturr nf tho greitt rnngn war into which In interwoven tho romantic epUoden of acquiring tlmhcr litntlit, Jind the itil- vancviuent of Irrigation. This nroiluctioti wiil appear in tlie Serai- Weekly Ureuon Jnurnnl in fleriul form. The Juarunl will be clubbed with tbe Keooudkr, tbe two for $'1.'2: bnbrtoribe at once nud read thin ureal story of life aa told by Pnnl Ue Laney. THE STEAMER DISPATCH THOMAS WHITE, Master Leaves ltandon every uiorninc except Snndny. at 7:110 o'clock and makes connec tions with the train and steamer AlyrI at 10:30 a. ni. at Coquille City. Leaves Coaui He City at 12:30 p ru., arnv inu at liandon at 4;30 p. ru. Two Papers for the Price of One. Yoa Got tho Nowi of the TForld and the Looxl News Thrown In ns a Bargain. Hotel Coquille CJoquille Jity-5 Ogon. J. P. TUPPEB, Proprietor. This well-known hotel is now under new and com petent management and has been thoroughly ren ovated throughout The table service is equal to any in Southern Oregon. S mple rooms for com mercial men. Baggage transported to and from boats and trains free of charge. Fine new bar in connection with the hotel. To those who pay np arrearages and a year in advance, and to all new BObscrl- bers who pay in advance, vie make tbe following, proposition comprising soveral dinereut couplets to select from : Pbioe of Publications fsb Yeah. $2 00 C 80 r. 00 1 CO 60 The New; Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer Elizabeth, 0. P. JENSEN, Master- Dan do x Kecoiideb San Francisco Bulletin Portland Evening Telfgram Weekly Orecotiiau Appeal to Iteason Our Offer. The Bulletin is one of the leading pa:e if tbe West, and is a daily published in San Tb8 Steamer is New. is Strongly built, and fitted with the latest improvements, and will Francisco, and gives all (be news. Our offee Church Directory Preaching service every L'nd nud 4lb Sun iliiviitll A.M. and 8: P.M. Sunday School overy hunday at 10, A. il prMyK uiet'tfnq'Vednedy t H: P. M. PnKSBTIKRlAN SeEVICE. Preaching 1st and rd Sundays, moruing and (iveuing. Sunday htwmol each Sunday at IU a. m. Endeavor ineetiiigH at the usual bourn. Praver meeting 7 mM Thursday evenings. All are weluouie. Adolph Uadkbly, Pastor. El Dorado TONSORIAL PARLORS P. B. HOYT, Prop. fciited In EL OUKADO BDILDING. I lrst Street. AM)ON. ()KK(i()N SHAVING. SHAMPOUING AND HAIli CDTLTNG AT STANDARD PKIGKS. Itiitlirnnin tiowly flltrd np with Torcclnln Tub. Hoi tirCold llntlit lift cenlw includes tbe Sunday Bulletin. Recorder and Bulletin, one year.. $7 00 Recorder and Bulletin, one month G5 The Portland Evening Telegram is issued six time- a week. It gives all the news that is wotth reading and up to time of going tc press, much ot it being 'Jl hours fresher thai. vvhen it reaches here through any other journal. Recorder and Telrgrmn one year. $." .10 For a weekly newspaper tbe Weekly Ore ;onian leads in the Northwest, and gives I ill the r.ews usually contained in a weekly .rnper. Recorder and Weekly Oregonian..S2 fiO It is the duty pf e tch person to seek in formation along all lines that tend toward bringing about better conditions and greater prosperity for tbe human family, and for tbe purpose of giving our renders a cbanco to inform themselves we give them the best Appeal to Reason. Any doctrine that does not appeal to the highest order of rea soiling is not safe. Reoorder and Appeal to Reason... $2 00 First Glass Watch R pairing. give a regular 8 day service, for passengers aud freight, between the Coquille River, Uregon, and San rrancisco, Calif. ELBERT DYER, Agent, Bandon, Oregon. E. T. KRDZ, Managing Agent, 207 Front Street, San Francisco, California. THE JOY OF LIVING CAK BK FTJIXT SEZLUZD WMMX YOXT ENJOY OOOD HEALTH Agates Ground, Polished and Mounted i it to oraer; or nny oiupi- woru in my line will be tluno iu a neat nod satis factory manner, at a reasonable price. Call and see my now line of jewelry, con- j sisting of Stick Pin-, Hat Pins, Sash Pins, uady's Waist Sets, Hroches. RrareMs. Cuff and Collar Hnt'ons. Chains. Pbaruiu, aud Rings, which has just arrived. posa of showing methods of coal min- mer in u asbinuion. rue mine win be tunneled, and a miniature car will be run around the mountain and through the tunnels. Tho mountain Don't forget that lif is a oompro raise, a compromise with difficulty aud disaster, never with dishonor. Don't overluok tho fact that there are compensations m all things, and is thirty feet long by twenty wide, that sorrow dovelopes the soul. and is fifteen feet high. Wliy Suffer From ltheutnatUui. Why suffer from rheumatism when one application oil Chamberlain's Fain Balm will relieve 'tbe pain? Tbe quick relief which this- liniment af fords makes rest and sleep possible, and that alone is worth many times its cost. Many who have used it hoping only for a short relief from suffering have boan happily surprised Don't forget that your children must work, suffer and enduro in order to grow. Don' worry. Work. Do your vory best, and haviug done that, laugh away tho difficulties to be met and enjoy the rest and Happiness you have earned. Don't be cross; it upsets tbe chil dren: it distracts your husband: it makes you prematurely old and ugly. Don't make too many points of dif ference with a child. Remember the cardinal virtues, be firm in teaching THKSl'ASS XOTtKK. NotiRp U bt rebv given to all persons not totremmsH noon tbe premises ot nr. nenyou situated between I'loras ijnKe ana tue coun- tv mud. in Northern Curry, by removing. p.nifiniF. or Hestr.iviHL' limner uikii Ram bind. reward will be paid for informa tion leadin; to a conviction of treai'iim at utntprl nhove. Dated at Haudon. Oregon. March 14. iwi. PETEK NKLSUa, Agent. AHTHDIt 1CICE. Watchmaktr aud Jeweler. Bandon, Oregon. KILLthe COUCH and CURE THE LUNCSI WITH 'ONSUMPTiON OUGKSand OLDS Kim's Price 50c &$ 1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TBOUB- LES, or HONEY BAOX. The Popular Liver Medicine Will Keep Tou WeU A GUARANTEED CURE for all diseases produced by TOR PID LIVER and IMPURE BLOOD. Do not fill your system with Arsenic, Calomel and Quinine. They act as rank poisons which vitiate the blood, debilitate the system, and leave a trail of bad symptoms which require years to obliterate. HERB INE is purely vegetable and contains no mineral or narcotic poisons, is absolutely harmless and is the simple remedy of nature. It carries off all poison in the system and leaves no injurious effects. CURED BT HERBINE AFTER 0THEI REMEDIES FAILED Mr. L. A. Hicks, Iredell, Texas, says: " I waa tick la bed for eight months with liver trouble, the doctor seemed to go sne no good. I was told to try Herbine, and it cured me In a short time. I cannot recommend this wonderful medicine too highly." TAKE IT NOW! LARGE BOTTLE. 50c GET THE GENUINE Ballard Snow Liniment Co ST. LOUIS, U. S. A. SOLDAND RECOMMENDED BY C. Y. LOWE. DO YOU NEED ANY HARD-WARE? If You Do mid examine oar We nre still doing business nt Tbe Old Stnnd nnd cnu please you. Give us a Gall It to nnd that aftur awhile tbe relief becomes permanent. Mrs V H Leg- theae bnt be bijod to tbe llttle fQull8 i -VP W m W ia I gettoi iqiu xam, leDnessee, u b A, au(i foolishness that time will cure, writes: "1 am a great sufferer from rheumatism, all over from head to oot, and (Jbamborlain's J'aia Balm is the only thiug that will relieve tbe pain." For sale by C. Y. Lowe. OOO Notice to the Public. Notice is hereby given that I will pot oat poison in my sheep pasture o protect my stock from tbe ravages of dogs and wild animals. Thomas Anderson. IJated at Bandon, April 27th, 1905. without constant Fretting on your part. Don'tfail in foresight and prudence: they are homely virtues, but comfort able to live with. Don't forget that an atmosphere of ''Don'ts" is a most miserable place for children to breathe in. A Creeping; Death. Blood poison qreepa up towards the heart, oausing death. J. E. Stearns, Belle Piaine, Minn., writes that a friend dreadfully injured bis band, ftmvr ivn mnirrtw itr i . I ... i ii t . tti&n TTvai.Ci iu mia una najoin-I wuicn SWe10U up line DlOOO poJSOD- ing. Buoklen's Arnica Salve drew ont' tbe poison, healed the wound and saved his life. Best in the world for burns and sores, 25cts at G. Y. Lowe s drug store. This great stock medicine is money saver for stock raisers. la a medicine, not a cheap food or condition powder. Though put up in coarser form than Thedford's Black-Draught, renowned for the euro of the digestion troubles of persons, it has the samo qualities of invigorating digestion, stirring up the torpid liver and loosening tho constipated bowels for all stock and poultry, ' It is carefully pre pared and its action is so healthful that stock grow and thrive with an occasional - dose in theff food. It cures hog cholera and makes hogs grow fat. It cures chicken cholera and roup and makes hens lay. It cores constipation, distemper and colds in horses, murrain in cattle, fcnd makes a draught' 'animal do more worJc for the food consumed. It gives animals and fowls of all kinds new life. Every farmer and raiser should certainly give it a trial. - It costs 25c. a can and saves tea times its price in profit. Do You Q Know the News ; fSyYoa enn have it nil for 50c Month UKJLr month In the Eventing Telegram, of Portland, UreRon. It ir tbe largest evening news pnpe pnblisbed in Orecon; it contains all tbt news of tbo stnte and of tho natioL Try it for a month. A sample oipy w 1 be mailed to you free. Address The Telegram, PORTLAND, ORE. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE ''WW1 ' WANTED. no' counties' for home or trrtvellrii? work. representing and Advertising the Wholesale and Edbeational Departments 'of an old-m- tablisbed' Mannfaoturing 'Hooee.' Salary $3.50 per day with litpehses ndvanoed. Big farniBhed wbori neoeximr'; position perma nent; references exchanged.1 Address, Blow orotbers & Co., b'.owe Dept., Onicsgo, III. Prmauad', CisT, Mrch X, )90f, X h&vo bn xulngr Jtur BUii-Dnntiflii aioex. and Foaltry Meaicinc on nr stock for lomi time. I bsve nud u kinds of stock food bnt I htT foval that yours is ths test for mj parpos. J. 8. HAB80W;C TfUDC MANKB DlllMI COfVRMHTfJ AC. ABToaa Mdiu a skUb aad dsa1pUoa may TOlcklr asoarUlB onr opinion nt wkwur .on invMitlM la srobAblv MtacuM. CoaaBBnlo. Horn itrletlr eonSdastul. MAMIOOC oa Piti Met fra. Oi&mt iMUT t or amm Pausu taka Uroua Hmxn WfM, SMStvs tptcial nottes, wKkost starss, ta tM scteNtific mttm. A hasdaomalr flfeitrmte4 WMklf." JiTMt At- eakoion of ny icientlSa joarcM. Tarsi, S3 a rear: roar Boatas, CL. Beta ay an sivKiuen wsscn usee, areu wasnissron, New York isglon, v. 0 Stoves, Ranges and Farm Implements, Etc, Now is tbo time to prircbaso Hardware. Tbe undersigned has in stock a lare assortment of Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware Glassware, Crockery and Miners' Supplies. I'nlutN. Oils. Door and Windows. T1NSHOP IN CONNECTION. A. McNAIR, The Bandon Hardware Mtn. Furniture Household Furnishings and Deco rations of all kinds- Bed ltoom Suites and Pieces. SEWING Certain Poire and Fine Window TrininiingB. Honse MACHINES AND BABY CARRIAGES Wall Paper nnd Lining. Cabinet Shop in Connection. Mattresses and Springs. Furniture Repairing and SAw-fHing a Specialty. Glass, Paints, Oils, Brushes. UNDERTAKING A Fall Line of Burial Caskets. Burial Robes nnd Goods, and Undertaking Supplies ': Constantly Kept on Hand. BANDON FURNITURE COMPANY, if