Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, May 11, 1905, Image 1

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    • i
62 Times a year for $2.
52 Times a year for $2.
Volume XXI
For seed Wheat, Barley, Oats, and
Grace seed, call at Sanderson Bros.
John H. Giles got an arm caught
in tbe engine of the Antelope, Satur­
day night, aod is laid off work thia
Tbe Chico came in Tuesday morn­
ing bringing about 30 tens of freight
She missed tbe ev ^iog tide and lay
outside till morning.
While a bilious attack ia decidedly
unpleasant it is quickly over when
Chamberlain,a Stomach and Liver
Tablets are used. For able by C Y
Ce^wtHe City and Myrtle Point
have been grouped together aa one
charge, and the Presbyterian minister,
D. H Hare, of Myrtle Point, will
have charge.
Cox waota to see you. Cox, tbe
Grocer. He will sell yoo anything
in tbe line of provisions and groceries,
and guarantee tbe quality. For can­
dies and frait give him a trial.
Prof. M. L. R. Edmuuds weut to
Marshfield, Monday, witb tbe Lewis
and Clark exhibit of the Bandon
school and will return today. Miss
Effie Boyd took bis place in tbe acbool
room dnriDg bis absence.
Tbe memorial eervioe will be held
io tbe Presbyterian Church. Sunday,
May 28th, at 11 o'olock, A.M. A gen­
eral invitatiou to be present is extend­
ed to tbe public. Tbe several churches
are requested to att- nd the ser­
vices. Rsv. Haberly will dsliver tbe
f Evangelist Snyder of Portland, and
bis singer N. N. Jeffry, arrived yes­
terday and began meetings at tbe
Presbyterian Church last nigbt.
There will be meetings every nigbL
Tbe people of Bandon are cordially
invited to attend and assist io all
these services.
Friday evening we visited tbe
school roomsand inspected tbe work
oo display which is desliued for exbi
bition at tbe Exposition in Portland.
Tbe display was very elaborate and
was an exbibit from each grade, and
tbe neatness aod care taken in prep
»ration of the writing, drawing aod
other work, spoke not only of pains­
taking care of tbe pnpils. but of well
directed labor on tbe part of the prin­
cipal and teachers.
Sheriff Gather took three prisoners,
who were sentenced to terms in tbe
penitentiary, to Salem last week. Two
of the prisoners, Joseph Scbrimpsher
and Robert Graham, wbo broke into
tbe North Beod city warehouse, and
riflsd the cash drawer of $35, were
sentenced to one year service each,
and George Lawlor who robbed tbe
home of a Coos River family, was
sentenced to tbrea years io tbe peni­
tentiary. All the prisoners are yoong
men aod sentenced for tbeir first of
Still Another.
Dentist Dr. D. L. Steele
has finally Arrived at Bandon.
His services were in such demand
at Port Orford and Langlois that
be could not meet bis appointments
at Baodon as previously announced.
But here ba is and ready for business.
Those requiring ibeserviceo of an up­
to date dent let will do well to consalt
Dr. Steele. Call early. Don’t wait
until tbe last day. Will remain until
Monday, May 22nd. Office at Pacific
Hotel, Room 6.
I mi wot doing dental work at half
price, but first-class work at reaaona-
ble prices. Would you think of doing
ao honest piece of work for one half
of wbat your labor and material was
worth? You are to be tbe judge of
The annual election of officers for
the Bandon Woolen Mill takes place
Friday evening.
“Tbe Sbeepberder’’ Paul
Laney's new novel. Call at thia
office and let ns tell you about it.
W. A. Goodman, of Coquille, Ore­
gon, will go anywhere in Cooe County
to move your house or barn. Address
as stated shore.
F. M. Wandling, of Two-mile, is oo
tbe sick list, having suffered a relapse
from Is grippe. He is suffering from
sciatica rheumatism, but was some
better at last account.
Tbe Elizabeth came in Monday
evening witb about 80 tons of freight
snd five passengers, Tbe list fol­
lows: George Cooper sud wife, O A
Towbridge, E C Wismer and E H
Morton L. Tower, a civil engineer,
and E. L. Wismer, a draughtsman
are here to survey Ibe bar aud barber.
Mr. Tower will have supervision of
tbe government work this summer,
aud will remain here.
W. F. Kennedy came down last
Saturday from Randolph, where he
has been working for some time. He
had hard lack Isst week aa bis camp
caught fire while be was sway and
burned up most all bis belongings
He was out biting again Monday.
John H. Shields and J. A. Keonedy
have formed a partnership in tbe
blacksmithing business. They have
a well supplied ontbt and can turn
off all kinds of work in tbe black
smithing line in first-class order.
They solicit a liberal share of public
patronage, feeling sure that they cau
serve tbe best interests of tbeir
Dr. Houston was called to Prosper
last Tuesday to attend a small son of
N. Crites wbo bad got hold of a piece
of biscuit that bad been given an ap­
plication of rat poison Tbe child Lad
gone to tbe bunk bouse aod picked
up tbe bread where it bad beeo left
under tbe sink, that being a place tbe
children were not io tbe habit of go­
ing. Tbe dose was light and tbe boy
is recovering.
Things are ehaoging in Bandon.
W. R. Panker taken charge of tbe
hotel aooo. and T. W. Panter has
purchased Sanderson Bros.'a »tore.
Caaaty Declared Dry.
The County Court met Monday
aod made tbe order declaring tbe re­
salt of tbe election and demanding
tbe closing of aalooua ioCooa County.
The opooeition propose to take an
appeal from Judge Hamilton's deci
eion and attack the constitutionality
of tbe law.
■ ra. F. B. Hayt Dead.
tin Saturday morning, Amelia, wife
of P. B. Hoyt, of thia place, passed
away after a long illness.
The fa neral took place Monday af­
ternoon, tbe serviee beiog conducted
by Rev. W. Horsfall, in tbe Episcopal
Tbe attendance was large, the
church being too email to accommo­
date those in attendance.
The floral tribute at tbe grave was
very beautiful and profuse, indicative
of tbe esteem in which deceased was
Deceased leaves a banband and
three children, a father and mother,
two sisters and two brothers, aod a
large number of friends to mourn her
A Bad Break.
Yesterday. James, the 9 year' old
son of I. R Cox, of Bear Creek, was
brought to town for treatment, having
broken bis left leg below the koee,
tbe da} before. Dr. Houston was
called to dress tbe leg. Tuesday after
noon, but tbe injury being very severe,
be had tim brought to town next day.
Tbe accident was tbe result of tbe
boy getting bis leg caught in tbe
wheel «bile trying to climb upon a
wagon. Both booesof tbe leg are very
badly broken, and it is not certain yet
that tbe limb cau be saved.
Dew lea
Despite tbe statement sworn to sn.i
signed, in an application to tbe civil
service commission, thnt be was a
married mao,(J. J.Smith, ao employe
in the customs service at Tacoma, de­
clared on tbe witness stand in tbe Su­
perior Court, yesterday, before Judge
Huston, that the woman, now dead,
with whom be bad livw.1 for seventeen
years, wbo bail borne him children,
and whom be bad everywhere passed
as bis wife, was not leg illy married to
The declaration; was made io de
feuse of a suit for the sura of $150
brought by Mrs. Anna E. Wentz, of
Bismarck, for services as nurse to tbe
woman wbo bad always been known
as Smith's wiTe, during ber last illness
from April 30th to June 20th, 1903.
This defense, however, in tbe light
of tbe previously sworn statement and
numerous instances of publicly recog­
nizing the woman as bis wife, did not
serve its purpose ia court, aod Judge
Huston rendered judgment for the
full amount and costs, without argu­
ment by the attorneys for tbe parties.
Bad Lived at Port Townsend.
Tbe plaintiffs petition and reply
alleged that Smitb bad lived witb
Elizabeth E. Smitb as mao and wife
Dr. Tatom, dentist, will be io Ban­
B orm .—At Bandon, May Sth, 1905. for many years at Port Townsend,
don, Friday, May 12tb, and will re­
to Mr. snd Mrs. Bert Anderson, a sou. where be held a position in tbe gov­
main one week.
All persons desiring the services of
Dim.—Tuesday, April 25tb, 1905. ernment service, and made various
Dr. Tatom, will remember tbe date in Gardioer, Loren George, the otherallagatiuns which were sustained
youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. by teetimony on tbe stend yesterday.
and call early.
One of tbe principal witnesses for
All kinds of dental work done in Stewart.
tbe plaintiff was Hon, Z. A. Leigb,
first-class manner aod work guar­
W ood .—Good fir stove wood for secretary of tbe board of civil service
sale at fl 50 per tier delivered. Leave commissioners of tbe Twelfth district,
Cleared Ear Action.
orders witb R. F. Hhannon.
with headquarters at Portland. His
C. H C handlib .
appearance in the case waa upon a di­
When the body is cleared for ÄC-
F ob S alb . — House of five rooms rect order from Wasbmgtoo. He
tion, by Dr. King’s New Life Pills.
you can tell it by tbe bloom of health witb outhouses, and or.e acre good swore that Smitb, in hie application
on the cheeks; the brightneas of tbe garden ground, enclosed by full grown for civil service examination, bad
made a sworn statement that ba waa
eye«; tbe firmness of the flesh and ! cypress hedge,
a married mao.
Applv to J. D kmholm
muscles; tbe buoyancy of tbe mind.
Smitb, when placed oo tbe staod,
Try them. At C Y Lowe's drug store,
Helling at Cast.
that he had lived witb tbe
man and wife, bad regis­
Foa H als .—Corner lot with small hou*e
and oatbuildinga; lot 123x45 feet ; mtasted entire stock at cost. Sale ia on now. tered witb ber at a hotel in Tacoma
on In* Street near Brooaihaudle Factory.
Price f'.W. Enquire at ibi* office. Also Now is tbs time to make your pur­ aa mao aod wife, aod bad introduced
three lot* in Cartwriuht Addition.
ber at the Fannie Paddock hospital
Call at once The stock must bo io tbia| city a* bis wife when she waa
brought there shortly -before ber
disposed of immediately.
death, for treatment for cancer.
When asked by counsel for tbe
plaintiff why be did thia, Smitb re-
Tbe public school of Bandon Dis­ ' plied that it waa to save tbe woman
trict will clone on Friday. April 19tb, ' from disgrace aod sbame. He denied
and there will be pnblio exercises he bad ever sworn sbe waa bis wife,
but when Colonel Joab asked him to
Saturday evening, tbe 20tb.
Tbe . program
«ckonwledge bis signature to tbe a|>
plication for examination by tbe civil
If you cannot find what you want lars will appear next week,
service examiners, be admitted tbe
anywhere else in town, come to tbe
Town Primary Notice.
signature aud that be bad tbereio
Notice is hereby given that a Pri- sworn be was a married man. He
mary will be held in the Town Hall, 81,11 d*nie<l
fact of the marriage,
in tbe Town of Baodon. on Tuesday, however. Smitb further (admitted
tbe lfltb day of May. 1906. at tbe hour that be had drawn tbe woman's life
Maybe we have one left, if co. tbe of 7 JD o'clock, p.m., of said day, for insurance in tbe Women of Woodcraft
price will please you.
the purpose of nominating two tickets 88 her Ue.r.
Onr stock ia small, but tbe goods to be voted oo at tbe Town election, | In tbe light of tbe admissions by
are of a good quality, and tbe prices sail! tickets to be for one Recorder of ! Charles J. Smitb on the witueea stand
are Tight.
the said town of Bandon, aod five that be had sworn falsely in saying be
We make “Cash Buying an object members of th* Board of Trustees of waa a married man and then denying
to tbe purchaser, at
said Town, to hold office for the term that tbe woman with whom be bad
ot one year.
I lived for 17 years was bia lawful wife.
School Closes.
together with other' overwhelming
testimony. Judge Huston, witboot ar
gomeut by tbe attorneys, gave judg­
ment in fav<w of Mrs. Anna E Wentz,
of Bismarck, for services as nurse to
Smith's wife, for $259.71. The original
claim was f153.73. bat in the endeavor
to repudiate this claim. South denied
be was ever married to tbe woman.
He admitted on the witness stand
under oatb, that be bad lived with
bar as husband and wife for 17 or 18
They both joined tbe Order of
Eastern Star at Coupeville. this state,
as busband and wife, Aag 9,1899.
They both became members of the
Order of Women of Woodcraft, as
has band and wife. She took out life
insurance in tbe order in favor of
Charles J. Smith as her husband, and
when she died ia Tacoma, January
15th, 1901. be drew tbe amount, $250.
Smith is a member of tbe Woodmen
of the World, and the Masonic order
at Port Townsend.
In bis answer to tbe suit brought
by Mrs. Wentz, Smith swore be was
not a married man between April 30
and June 30,1903, nor for a long time
prior aod subsequent thereto, but
that be was a single man; but on tbe
2d day of May, 1903, in Tacoma, be
fore Alex W. Thornley, a notary pub­
lic, Smith solemnly swore in bis writ­
ten application io the civil service,
that be was at that very time a mar­
ried man.
On tbe application of Col. Joab,
counsel for Mrs. Wentz, to tbe civil
service commissioner at Washington,
D. C., to have tbe proper officer pro
duee this document io court at the
trial, Mr. Black, president of the com
mission, wired Hon. Z. A. Leigh, sec­
retary of tbe civil service commission
for tbe twelfth district with beadqnar
ters at Portland, >o attend tbe trial at
Tacoms. and produce the original at
fidavit, which be did.
J. L. Wrigbt. grand clerk of tbe
Womeo of Woodcraft for the United
States, living in Colorado, sent to W.
(i. Crooker, the local secretary of tbe
order, all tbe original papers concern­
ing Smith's case, including tbe paid
life iosornnre policy, and Charles J.
Smith’s affidavit aod receipt for the
money on tbe policy.
Charles J. Smith, tbe defendant in
tbe case, has been io the service of
tbe federal government for 17 years,
serving as a deputy United States
marshal in Iodian Territory; then as
lighthouse keeper in Oregon; after­
ward as lighthouse keeper at Point
Wilson near Port Townsend; then as
boatman at Tacoma, now as inspector
of customs«—Tacoma News.
Terrifle Kaee With Death.
“Death was fast approaching,*'
writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tam
pa. Fla., describing his fearfn! race
with death, “as a resalt of liver trouble
and heart disease. which bad robbed
me of sleep and of all interest io
life. I bad tried many different doc
tors an 1 several medicines, bat got
oo benefit, until I began to use Elec­
tric Bitter*. So wonderful was their
effect that in three days I felt like a
new man. aod today I am cured of
all my troubles.” Guaranteed at C.
Y. Lowe’s drug store; price 50cts.
DecwrRtlow Day Program
Following ii tbe program for Decoration
Bandon Poet, No. 56. G. A. R., will meet
in O. A. R. Hall, at 9:30 A M.. May 30. 1905.
Tbe prooessioo will form on Front Street
at 10 A M., in tbe following manner:
1 ~
Fire Department Band.
Children bearing vreatb of flowers.
Bandon Post O. A. R.
4 Bandon W. K. Corps.
Bandon Fire Department.
a Citixeus.
t March to tbe cemetery.
a Deooration of Grave*.
9 Tsp*.
M Rcturu to town aud break ranks for
The afternoon exercises will commence at
3 o'clock, sharp, in Kimr'e Hsll.
Tbe oration will be delivered by Bev. H.
P. Dunning, ot Bendon.
All ex soldiers of tbe Spanish and Philip­
pine wars are oordially iuvited to be present.
A cordial invitation is eitended to tbe
pnblio gent-rally to turn out snd take part in
the exercises, as this is a day above all
others, tbst should be properly observed
A request is extended generally to each to
bring all tbe flowers possible for deoorattve
purpose*. and leave same at G. A. R. Holl.
By request of tbe O. A. R.
How ta Ward off Old Age
The moat successful way of wnrd
ing off tbe approach of old age is to
maintain a vigorous digestion. This
can be done by eating ooly food suit­
ed to your age and occupation, and
when any disorder of tbe stomach ap­
pears take a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets t j correct
it If you have a *eak stomach or
are troubled witb indigestion, you
will find these Tablets to be just
wbat yoo need. For sale by C. Y.
George Cooper and wife were pas
sengerson tbe Elizalwtb last Monday i
being on their way to Coquille City.
Mr. Cooper is a left banded ball
pitcher, and will toss tbe ball for tbe
Coquille team. He pitched for tbe
Oaklaod, California, team, a year or
two ago.
Tbe boys who will comprise tbe
Banduo team are expected to be here
on tbe arrival of the Elizabeth, about
Thursday or Friday of next week.
Tbe ecbednle has not yet been
mnde oat, but tbe seaaou is to open
up Sunday, May 21sL
Uawd BMaebed.
Jack Heyter had the tnisfortna» to
get bis left band burt very severely
last Sunday while trying to get a line
around a pile when tbe ateaiuer Dis­
patch was landing at Parkersburg on
ber return from Coquille. Jack placed
bis left baud against a pile for sup­
port while be reached tbe rope around
with tbe other band. Tbe steamer
struck tbe pile to which he was mak­
ing the line fast, and jammed it
against bis left hand, smashing ft very
badly. Dr. Houston, assisted by Dr-
Perkins, dressed tbe baud, but it wss
nrcettssry to smputate the third and
fourth fingers, while tbe second finger
was also very much injured.
Jack is doiug as well as could be
expected under the circumstsncee. but
it will be some time before bis band
will be well, as besides tbe injury
mentioned, tbe band waa otherwise
H orsfall H ospital ,
MISS L. G. GOULD, Matron
A Private Hospital, well equipped for the treatment of Surgical and
Medical Diseases.
Trained narses in attendance.
For information address
The City Meat Market,
0 Yes!
Moxnst, May 8.
The Roasian forces are falling back before
the Japanese in Manchuria.
0 Yes!
We Have the Variety of Stock
Beef, Fork, Veal. Mutton. Lamb. Bologna aud Pork Sausage, Pressed Beef, Head
Cheese, burned Beef, Pickled Pork, Eggs, Vegetables and Butler.
Cali on us snd get our prioea before bayiug elsewhere.
We are not like the Hind Wheels
of a wagon, always following in the same rut.
business, and we get tb-re by keeping
We are pushers, striving for a larger
Ttie Best Meat in the Land
sud selling at tbe very lowest prices.
We are here to please and here to stay.
Yours to serve,
J. Waldvogel & Son, Props.
Bandon Meat Market,
T. Anderson
Will Keep oo Hand at all Timea
Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Smoked Meats, Lard.
Sausages, Etc., also
Important News Notes
T ubsdit , May 3.
There was mnob dietarbsoae at Warsaw,
Russia, between tbe troupe and people. A
procession ot demonstrators was fired upon
and 81 persons were killed and twioe that
number wjouded without provocation.
Other scene* of bloodshed took place daring
tbe day and evening. Tbe dead number 100.
A British torpedo boat was wrecked at
Berebaven. Ireland, last night, by running
onto a reef. No lives lost.
China tries to bold interned Russian ships
Tummy Barns was given s decisioo in 2Uth
round over Dave Barry, at Tacouia.
An unkuown man's murdered body was
burned under a pile of railroad ties, near
Gleudale, Oregon.
W sdpbsdat , May 3.
Tbe Teamsters' strike at Chicago has
gained strength on both sides. Tbe Gover­
nor will be asked to send troope to Chicago.
Nau Patterson's case weut to the jury at
noon today. The majority are fur aoquittal
Bojeetveusky's fleet is lingering in French
waters and tbe Japanese government is dis­
satisfied with France.
Brooklyn boys play Indian and one is
killed. The shooting was accidental, tbe
boy supposing the revolver be was snapping
to be unloaded,
E J. Smith, the defaulting tax collector
of San Francisco, was caught in Missouri.
His shortage was about $410,000.
A million eight hundred thousand pounds
of Idaho wool was sold to Boston parties at
18 oeuta a pound.
T huusdat . May 4.
Russian disorder and bloodshed still con­
Cossacks Bred upon a crowd of
Catholics on tbe church steps at Lodz and
killed seven persons. The crowd was sing­
ing revolutionary songs.
Rojestvensky’s fleet passed through a ty­
phoon and tbe lighter vessels were scat­
Jury fsiled to sgree in the Nan Patterson
care, standing 8 to 4 for aoqoittal. It is ex'
peeled that she will be freed.
Home City. Kansas, a place of GOO inhabi­
tants. suffered from a hundred thousand
dollar fire. About all the business houses in
the plaoe burned.
At Melotopol. in tbe Crimea, Jews were
assaulted and shops pillaged. Tbe number
of killed is not made known.
Bobbers entered tbe bank at Woodburn.
Oregon, yesterday, and pointing a revolver
at tbe cashier, swept nearly 33000 into a sack
and escaped.
F bidat , May 5.
Rojestvenaky sailed to join Nebogatoff
Tbe Japanese lie io wait for the latter, hop­
ing to catch him in tbe Straits of Honda.
Frank Guglielmo was banged al Salem tor
tbe murder of Freda Goaratict*.
The Chicago sinkers attacked tbe non-
union Negro drivers tudsv. Bricks and
baseball bate were ored freely.
New York and vicinity was visited by a
revere gale and many sailing boats ware
driven ashore and wrecked on l ong Island.
Nearly 4000 acres of beets will be planted
in Grand llomie Valley, Oregon, thia year.
H stubusv . Mayn.
Pat Crowe, tbe supposed kidnaper of tbe
son of millionaire Cudahy, turned up in
Official" of the Standard Oil Trust indict­
ed at Peoria, III.
Three men were arrested at Chicago for
throwing a bomb at a teamster.
President Roose veil's party broke camp in
the mountains and started for New Castle
where they will board a train.
A fierce wind and rain storm in Indian
Territory demolished buildings, killing
many |ters'*ns and destroying dope.
General Oyama baa bis army ready to
move against General Liusvilch s foroee. A
general battle is probable.
Foor Russian destroyers seized and
burned a small Japanese sailing vessel.
Marshfield. Oregon.
Fresh Vegetables, Poultry, Eggs, Butter and all Farm Produce.
I will pay highest market price for beef, pork, mutton,wool, bides, etc
J. Denholm
Dry Goods of Every Description
Ladies Coats, Capes and Collarettes.
Fresh Groceries of all Kinds.
Suits Made to Measure.
Shields & Kennedy
Elaclsismitlx <3c Wagon
Wagons of all kinds made to order.
Job work attended to promptly and nil work guaranteed to give satisfaction.
I rices
Horseshoeing a. Specialty
The Newly Refitted, Speedy and Elegant Steamer
Will give a regular ten day Service between Coquille River. Oregon, nnd 8an Frsucisco,
California, for both passengers and freight.
E. DYER. Agent. Bandon. Oregon.
HOYT. Agent, 226 Battery Street, San Francisco. California.
O T- Blumenrother
U. S. Commisioner and Notary Public
Filings and Final pro.fs made on Horue
steads. Timber Claims and other U. H. Lauda
Money Loan. Negotiated on Approved
Office in room 10 Reverie Building, Ban­
don. Residence on Butte Creek. < Iregon.
All kinds of
* tt ttt»» ffftt ♦ <
■ill INDON LODGE. No. I 15, A. F. A. M 2
Ik Stated coniriinincatioiis Drat Hat
X'trdav after the full moon of eseb j
"inoiitb. All Master Masons cordially*
»invited. W C. HANDERSON, W. M. «
S J. E. W alstuo M. ties.
Beni IbMBW Uxuhl aud
Wrenshall & Wrenshall,
Dr. S I j - Perkins,
Office ovsr Wm. Gallier'a Store.
Office boors 6 to 9 a.m.
Call at residence at other boors.
Dr H. L. Houston,
May 8.—Stmr Elizabeth. Jensen, 47 hours
Office in Pacific Hotel. Hoars, 9 to 12. a.m.
from San Francisco.
1:30 to 4. pm ; T to 8 in the evening.
May 9. — Stmr Chico, Martin, 57 boere
from San Francisco.
4 ««****»♦
Court Queen of the Forest No. 17,
Foresters of America.
No. it. meets 1- c. ia.-
- f - • f ,
wweek, in Concrete Hall. Bandon. Oregon <•
4 4 cordial welcome is extend'd to all tt. J
Kiting brothers. E. M BL.4CKERBY,
Chief ltnoger. 3
5 W. V. Ftsiivs.
Fin. Hecretary.
4 2-C*
* *♦♦****♦■♦«
g****«»-*****'* ♦
ft *•> ♦ * ♦
* I» ANDON LODGE. No 133,1. O.O. F. ❖
Í 1 J meets every Saturday evening.
ZViaiting brothers in good .landing
»oordially invited.
« T. W BomsoN. Bee.
t 4 4
* ♦ * 4 f t <■
f BANDON LODGE No. 133. 1. O.O. V «
Fire Insurance.