Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, May 04, 1905, Image 1

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52 Times a year for $2. 1
g 0 a year tor
Volume XXI.
Number 17.
uss vi I m u n m mis tni
C. Madden, of Denmark, was in
town Tuesday.
For seed Wboat, Barley, Oats, and
Grass seed, call at Sanderson Bros.
M. W. McCoimick, Jof New York,
registered at the hotel hero last Fri
day. John Morgan, tbo Empire City
hotnl man, visited friends bero last
Sundn-V- Mrs. YV. C. Sanderson, who has
It. Hampel. of Los Angeles, regis-, hPen sek for BOmo (imp, am who was
tmd at the Tuppor House Tuesday improving very nicely, has suffered a
evening. relapse.
"David Perkins moved into James Strong of Mrytle Point came
Costello's bouse in tbo southern part own Tuesday to sgend a few days on
of town, in Woodland Addition. j the beach and to enjoy the sport of
In the case of John Marsh vs. Ban- j catching perch,
don Oil Co., the plaintiff was per-! W. A. Goodman, of Coqnille. Oro
' mined to tile amended complaiut. ! 00t w;n Ru anywhere in Coos County
Tbe SbiepberderM Paul De to move your house or barn. Address
Laney's new novel. Call at this as stated aboe.
oflice and let us tell you about it.
Jerry C. Haynes, of Myrtlo Point.
jiccompanied by H. McCline, spent
Tuesday in Bandon, returning borne
Deit dav
J. C. Yale and J. A. Murphy, ropre-: John 0. Bates, of Two-Mil', was in
Renting Murphy, Grant & Co. of ban town Tuesday, and reports everything
Francisco, were doiug business in progressing in bis neighborbood. and
Bandon the latter part of last week. ; con'ditions favorable for a good fruit
While a bilious attack is decidedly ' croP
unpleasant it is quickly over when j The Coos Cot.nty Baeball League
Chamberlain. s Stomach and Liver is now assured, and t be season is ex
Tablets are used. For sale by C Y , pected to open on tbo 21st of this
Lowe. j month. The schedule is not yet ar-
From tbenumberof tights reported ' ranged,
in Bandou and vicinity Saturday and I Rev. Adolph Haberly, of Coqnille
Snuday nights, one would think that j City, moved to Bandon last Monday,
there had been a special importation i Mr. Haberly purchased tbe McLean
of lighting spirits. j property and repaired it, some time
Cox wants to see you. Cox, tbe ; and has moved tbere.
Grocer. He vviJl sell you auytbiug! George Belbell, of Southern Coos,
in the line of provisions and groceries, j was a passenger to San Francisco on
and guarantee the quality. For can- tbe Elizabeth when she sailed, last
dies and fruit give him a trial. Tuesday, having business connected
Mabuieo. At tbo resideuce of A.
LVMorse, Thursday, April 27tb, Fred j
M. Lockwood aud Mr. Mary Hunt,
A. D. Morse, J. P. otliciatiug. The;
Recorder extends congratulations.
V. R ri.novor of T.ncrlnlo tvonf t !
Sin Francisco on the Elizabeth, this
week, where he will meet his brother
wtd. family.from tho East.whom he
has not 6eeu for a long period. We
were finable to learn whether his
brother will como on to Curry Coun
t. or not.
Tbe steamer Chico has made ar
raageinents to cury lumber for the'
CoquillOItll and Tug Oompany aud Charles Dixon, Ed Chrissensen, of the
tbe new mill at Aberdeen, and now j f,rm Sudden & Christensen. and Mrs.
having become assured of her stay on j Ed Christensen were passengers to
the. San Fraucisco Coqnille route, asks j San Francisco on tbe steamer Eliza
the public for a liberal share of the j beth when she sailed last Tuesday,
freight patronage. This excellent j resprs j. y. Felter and Levi Gib
steamer is hero to stay and will ren SOn, assisted by a number of the mem
der good service and fair treatment j bers of Order of Odd Fellows,
to its -patrons. See Cbico adv. in . fjnjsuea setting tbo piling and laying
another column.
Port Orford Tribune: Mr. Adolph
fn has installed tbe system of log
ging across gulches and rough places
by hauling lugs on a suspended wire, .'completed. Tho contract to construct
a method verj extensively used the building has not yet been let.
iUrunhont tbe mountaiuous regions Citizen: The City Council has or
uf the Northwest. It is a compara (ort,,i tiia (jj,y Attorney to draw up
Jily new method, and a very inter- .;n ordinance prohibiting chickens
--u"iig oi.e to watch in operation. It j at ()th-r poultry fiom trespassing
ehitiirihl"; tbe most expensive j on 0ilnr ptMplfH piopoirt- othor than
difficult roads, and is practical andj,iM, ouimts, within the city of North
economical. This is the firf-t one in Bend. Under the proposed ordinance
us in Curry County, and it is well
worth one's while to go and see it.
Cleared Tor Artlmi.
When the body is cleared for ac
tion, by Dr. King's New Life Pills,
you can tell it by the bJooni of health
on tlw MxioL-E- tl.i. hricbtiiHSS of the
w - -. v...-. - r- i
th rrr.i.o of tllO f estl Mid :
muscles; the buoyancy of tho mind, i
Try tbern.
At C Y Lowe's drug j-toro,
Fob Sao:. Corner lot with mall hon-.i
and oattiiildiiig: lot l!i.rxl" feet; -ituated
on Iris Stieet near Btooml audle Factury.
Price '.CJ. Eiqnire nt tlis oltco. Al-o
three lots in C rtwriubt Addition.
If you cannot find what yon want
anywhere else in town, como to tbo
Maybe we have one left, if so, the
price will please you.
Our stock is small, bnt tbe goods
are of a good quality, and tbe prices
are right.
Wu make uCash Buying" an object
to the purchaser, at
E V. Fuhy, of Bullanl, was doing
IniMoess in town Monday.
William Howoll wns in town yestpr
dny looking after help for his logging
bus-in ess.
E. M. Blackorby bus been on the
sick list for n week past, but is on
l bo way to recovery agnin.
B. b Morse, A. E. Dickson anil F.
N. Zeuti, of Pomeroy, Washington,
; wtre looking around Baodou Monday
William Jenkins of Myrtle Point
came down Tuesday to visit bis chil-
dren and ttieir fmnlltoH, hih! to enjoy
himself for a few days angling for
WI,U U1S niry interest wnicu canon
thorQ for short "tuy.
The steamer Echo and launch Dixie
collided at Coquilb last week, just
opposite tbo mill. The Echo bad her
stern twisted and the Dixie received
some scratches, but neither vessel re
ceived any serious damage.
'John Wbito, Zl Flora Creek, nr
rived at Prosper, Monday, on bis way
homo from Salem, having been dis
charged from the Asylum to which he
was sent about a year ago. He ha
recovered bis uormal condition.
E H Cheever, George H Bet hell
the timbers for tbe foundation of tbe
I. O. O. F. Hall at this place, and
when tbe proper bracing has been
put in place tho foundation will be
'any one is allowed to kill any chicken
found upon his premises and make a
chicken pot pie of it if he pleases.
and it will be entirely legal. The or
dinance is drafted to protect tho gar
dens. Woon. Good fir stovo wood for
. -v- .... ii- l T
orders with Ii. F. .Shannon.
Fon Sale. House of fivo rooms
with outhouses, and ot;o acre good
! garden ground, enclosed by full grown
cypress hedge.
Apply to J Dexjiolm.
Town Primary Notice.
Notice is hereby given that a Pri
mary will be held in the Town Hall,
in tbo Town of Bandon, on Tuesday,
the lGtb day of May. 1905, at tbo hour
of 7:80 o'clock, p.m., of said day, for
tbe purpose of nominating two tickets
; to bo voted on at the Town election,
said tickets to bo for ono Recorder of
the said towu of Bandon, and five
members of tho Board of Trustees of
I said Town, lo hold ofiieo for tho term
of one year.
Dr. D. L. Steele, tho popular den
tint, will not reach Bandon until May
5th. That the Dr.'.s services has been
in such demand, in Port Orford and
Lauglois, is tbo reason why bo cannot
bo in Bandon before May 5th.
Have your dental work done by Dr.
(In case tho Olser idea is adopted.)
re:ir Jim: tho crops is doing well
The cnlf U b'g cnonch to trell ;
I'vo traded off the brindlo cow,
And we ain't cot bnt just one now.
The hossfB all is fnt and sleek,
Except that Hob is rather weak;
lint still that isn't nothing queer.
WVve havo him nigh on twenty year.
I think I'll put the bottom field
In corn and oats: it onghter yield
A heavy crop. Tho land is rich
Ami just the thing for oats and sech.
There is no news, to speak of, Jim.
Miss Snsio Jones is just as trim
As when you saw her in the fall.
The folks are well. I guess that's all.
Hut stop: I 'most forgot 'bout dad;
I 'xpect the iiewu'll make von sad.
Yon know that dad was getting old.
Just sixty rears had over him rolled,
And so, I much regret to say.
We chloroformed poor dad to day.
And that's 'bout all the news till
I write agin. Your brother, Hill.
Pittsburg Tost.
W. D. MeCully, of Portland, was a
visitor in Bandon, Moudav
Tbe steamers Elizabeth and Cbico
are due bero aguiu on Sunday and
L. M. Deyoe and Dr. H. A. Leep, of
Myrtle Point, gave. Bandou n visit
Tuesday eveuin
Hie three yoar obi daughter of
bchiller li. Hermann, of Myrtle Point,
was burned so badly, lnt Sunday af-
ternoon, that she died before raid-
night. The child found some matches
in tho yard, and in playing with tbom
ignited her clothing. I ho screams of
tbe children drew the Indian servant
t:irl to the scene, aud she wrapped
the child in a blanket and rolled her
011 the firor.Uil, extingnismng lUO
W. A. Goodman, of Coqnille, came
down to Lampa Creek last Monday
with his house moving outfit for tbe
purpose of moving the buildings on
tho Green ranch. A Michigan com an entirety, it shows that it was not
pany is putting in a losing camp on designed as a substitute for tho for
Lampa Creek, and some of the ht.ild- mer law, and hence does not repeal
itigs are in the way of the track that
. . n
is iXMnjj omit to luo um nor. rue
company nas anont a nan mile oi ne question not oeiug invoivoti nere
trcstlo work completed and ready for in, it is unnecessary to detormiue
tbo track. Work was commenced at
the river just above tbe Lampa Creek
school house. TJj.pafiy expect to
lure about 70 tuen when they are
ready to rnu full banded.
litK.secl Over Hie flivide.
News was leceived here last Sun
day of the dtath of Hubert If. Lowe,
who bas been staying for some time
past with John Hayes, near Rural
po.-t oflicH on the .South Fork of tbe
Coqnille, who bail ended bis natural
life by casting himself into tbo river.
.Mr. Lowe bad been a paralytic for
several years and seems to bavo be
come despondent. Jle would not stay
with his brother.0, J. D. or Y. M
Lowo of this place, neither did ho
wish that they should holp him; bow-
ever they managed to help hi n through
the services of Judge Harlocker, Mr,
Lowe believing that it came from the
county, but it seems that bo discov
ered where his aid came from and
that be concluded to end bis life.
It tee:ns that be went to tbe river
and stripped off his clothing except
bis underwear, and having left a note
stating that he had no hope of ever
being any better ho proceeded to end
bis life.
Tbo deed was committed Sunday
morning, April dUth, and ho was
buried at Rural tbe next da'.
Robert M. Lowe was born in Balti
more County. Maryland, Juno 30th.
1832, and lacked just two months of
being 73 years old.
Call at Once.
Dr. J. C. Snook will leave on his
regular trip to other towns, next
week. All those wishing dental work
done should call on tbo Dr. at once.
Oyama'.H Idea of Happiness
Tho great Japanese Field Marshal
Bnd, wo believe, commander of all tho
Japanese armies, tho Marquis Oyama,
once said:
"My idea of happiness is to dispose
of everything I possess that belongs
to the practice of arms, aud go far in
to tho country, with big boxes of
bookB to read, for tbo rest of my
days; books that toll of happiness
and progress, and not of tbo terrible
deeds of war. And I would gather
about mo my best old friends and
little children. Then, in tho sunny
days, all would bo happiness. " Now
York Press.
woman to mutiauu business in this county
and adjoinini! territory for well oatabhsed
house of solid litiaiicial stauditiu. $-'i).(K)
straight cash salary with all necessary ex
penses paid weekly by check from head
quarters. Money advanced for expenses,
l'ositiou permanent; previous experience
not essential. No investment required. Wu
furnish everything. Enclose self-addressed
envelope. Address Manager, 810 Como
block, Chicago, III.
Borx. On Floras Creek, Curry
County, April 2Slb, 1905, to Mr. and
Mrs. It. E. Cope, a daughter.
Supreme Court Local Option
A lalo Salem dispatch, giving tho
decision of tho Supremo Court in tbo
Portland box-onlinanco case, says
Tho decision of tbo court in this
case does not affect tho powers o
municipalities to license the salo. o
liquor under existing city charters
On tho other band, the Supremo Court
holds expressly that licensed liquor
dealers may continue to sell, with tbo
exception that in Portland thuy must
not serve liquor in boxes.
The opinion also holds that tbo
local option law adopted by tbe pno
plo does not repeal by implication
any charter provision authorizing
cities to rejMilato and license tbo sale
of liquors. Tbo opinion says:
Tho adoption ot the local option
law was tho enactment of new statute
relating to intoxicating liquors, but a
perusal thereof will show that it was
not intended as a substitute for the
earlier law, but only as a modification
thereof when its provisions become
applicable to a specified district by a
majority of the q lalifiod electors.
As it affects incorporated cities, tho
Stipromo Court says of the local op
tioo law
The refusal of a license in an incor
porated towu or city, in pursuance of
n majority vote for prohibition, under
the provisions of tho local option law,
is a modification of the prior acts gen-
orauy applicable to municipal cor-
nnralimw. hut . ns mieh Inw war mil
intended to bn onwiited until thn nv
pe Honey or inexpediency of granting
license was determined of a popular
vote, we think that when tho enact,
ment by tho people is considered as
the prior acts by implication.
I fll - f a. 1 lit a
luo supreme uoun reronrKeci luni
whether the local option act violates
sectiou 2i of article 1 of the constitu
tion which providesc:iunng other
thmg-t, t tint no law stmii vn passed.
'the taking effect of which shall be
made to depend upon any authority.
except as provide I in this constitu
The view of tho Supreme Court is
that the application of the local option
law is suspended until "such time as
tho votors of a precinct or district
shall make it applicable, whereupon
it applies in tbo territory in which a
majority votod for prohit itiou.
Terrific Knee With Death.
"Death was fast approaching,"
writes Ralph F. Fernandez, of Tarn
pa, 1? la., describing his feartui raco
with death, "as a result of liver trouble
aud heart disease, which had robbed
mo of sleep and of all interest in
life. I had tried many different doc
tors an 1 sovoral modicinos, but got
no benefit, until I began to use Elec
tric Bitters. So wonderful was their
effect that in throe days I felt like a
now mau, aud today I am cured of
all my troublo.." Guaranteed at C.
Y. L jwo's drug store; price 5'Jets.
To the Friends of Local
Wo havo won a great victory!
Judge Hamilton decided tbo olection
last fall valid, and saloons are now
outlawed in Coos county. But this
does not moan that there is nothing
more for us to do. Wo need to be
prepared at onco to moot any appeal
on tho part of tho saloon keepers; wo
need a fund to soo that tbo law is en
forced, and we havo not yet received
all the money pledged to defray tbe
suit in tbo circuit court, which wo
bavo just won. Friends send in your
subscriptions to tho treasurer at your
earliest convenience; and let those
who have not yet contributed or sub
scribed do so at once. We need sev
eral hundred dollars and it is but fair
that this burden should be boruo by
the supporters of Jaw and order gen
erally, and not by tho fow. Tho
treasurer is A. H. Mulkey, Coqnille.
How to Ward off Old Aire.
The most successful way of ward
iog off tho approach of old ago is to
maintain a vigorous digestion. This
can be dono by oating only food suit
ed to your ngo and occupation, and
when any disorder of the stomach ap
pears take a dose of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets to corroct
it. If you havo a .veak stomach or
tiro tronblod with indigestion, you
will find these Tablets to be just
what you need. For sale by C. Y.
Important Nsws Notes
Tuesday. April 2o.
Kumin intends Hpondinq $3.0,000,G00 on
warships in the iitxt ten yi-nrs
Turkish troops Hent to quoll Yemen Itisur
rection are badly beaton. (July 1000 men of
original force of ftOOO left after battle.
Squndrou of twenty Japanese vessels
sighted passing off Kamrauh liay. Kus
siatis still in vicinity and firing beard
Defendants lose tbo first legal battle in
celebrated land fraud cases Judge Iiellinger
renders decision against .Mitchell. Indict
meats by Grulid Jury held to be good
Frank (J. Uigelow, President of First
National lank of Milwaukee, confesses to
taking $1.4.r0.()00 from tbo bank
Strike of Chicago teamsters prove- ntter
failure and they abandon struggle aud ap
ply for employment.
"WisDNEsnAT, April '26
Fift3-tbree branches represented at second
Convention of Uio Oregon Development
League. Hood ltiver sends most aud Wil
lametto Valley in charge.
isew york professional mendicar.t om
ploys private secretary and lives at swell
Two men are reported killed in range- war
in Klamath County.
Germany will terminate present trade ar
rangement with tbo United State?. Officials
at Washington fear nction may lead to a
tariff war.
Nan Patterson wins point, as pawnbroker
cannot, identify J. Morgan Smith as man
who purchased icvolver.
Ten men are burled to death in mice in
I'a. Hoisting rope breaks and cage drops a
distance of 1000 feet.
Thousday, April 27.
Carnegie founds fund of $10,000,000 to
provide annuities for college professors who
are not able to continue in active service
Nebogatoft's force expected to join fleet of
Kojestvensky, May otb. ltusia believes
Togo will not daro to leave way open and
seek Nebogatoff.
Count of Flanders may abdicate in favor
of bis son.
Four French Evangelists are mnrdered by
Thibetan savages. Chinese Amban attempts
to save them and shares their fate,
Fmn.vv, April I'S.
General Filzbugh Lee whs slricken with
paralysis, near Harlem river, while on his
way from Itoqton to Washington. Shortly
after 10 o'clock he arrived in Washington
md was taken to Providence Hospital.
The three das' fast, which tho Kus-iians
bserve prior to Easter began today.
Hojeatvensky's fleet, was sighted yesterday
seventy miles north of Kamrauh bay. Des
tination unknown.
fa a saloon fight at Vancouver, Wash.,
riiomas PadJen shot and instantly killed
Charles It. Reynolds. Self defense was tbe
uon of thu coroner's jury.
.'. ; Duhoirc, Pa., sixteeu men were killed
in a mine explosion.
Con.ietit has been obtained to publish
newspapers in Kussia, in the Hebraic lan
unaue. Sanaa, the capital of Yemen province,
capitulated to tho Arabs. The Turkish
trooi-s have been settiim worsted.
Hatuudat. April J.
Portland Council is fight ins; nainst hav
ing saloons located near the entrances to
the Exposition grounds.
1'resident Roosevelt will bo asked to inter
vene in the Chicago strike,
General Fitzhugh Lee died at Washington
last night from theeiTeetof the paralytic
stroke received yesterday.
Four peoplo were killed in a railroad
wreck near Gteenville, youth Carolina. .Sev
eral other persons were injured.
Tho city of Laredo on the boundary be
tween Mexico and Texas was swept by a
tornado and twenty to twenty-live persons
were killed. Much damage to property wa
Geneva. Switzerland, wrs shaken up by an
Tho Jews will celebrate the -TiOth anni
versary 1f the settlement of Ameiica.
Monday. May 1.
Str ets of Warsaw running red with blood
Soldiers fire deadly volley into dense crowd
Rush of immigrants to United States
Steamers to arrive at New York this week
will bring L".000 persons.
ijewis and :iarK bxpo-utton will open
gatrs almost freo from debt the 1st of June
llussian licet obtains coal and supplies
and keeps in touch with St. Petersburg.
April L'it. Stmr Elizabeth, Jensen, GS hrs
from San Francisco.
April ill. Stmr Chico. Martin, G3 hours
from San Francisco.
May L'. Stmr Chico, Martin, to S. F.
May '2. Stmr Elizabeth. Jensen, to S. F
May 1. Schr Fortuna, Anderson, to S. F.
Kotice to tho I'uMio.
Notice is herrby given lhal I will
put out poison in my whoop pasture
to protect my ntock from tho ravages
of dogs and wild auimals.
Thomas Anderson.
Dated at Bandou, April 27th, 11)05.
Tho Supremo Court of the United
States has just rendered .mi impor
tant docisina in regard lo legal hour
of labor. Tho sum of it is that State.
havo no power to fix hours of labor,
and that all such laws prescribing
what shall coustituto a day's work or
a week's work, are unconstitutional.
A Crei'piiic Dentil.
lilood poison creeps up towards the
heart, causing death. J. E. Stearns,
BhIIh Plaine, Minn., writes that a
friend dreadfully injured his hand,
which swelled up like blood poison
ing. Bucklen's Arnica Salve drew
out the poison, healed tho wound
and saved his life. Best in the world
for burns and sores, 25cts at C. Y.
Lowe's drug store.
A Private Hospital, well equipped for the treatment of Surgical and1
Medical Diseases.
Trained nurses in af tendance.
For information address "WM. HOKSFALL. M. D.
MarshGeld. Oregon.
The City Meat Market,
0 Yes! 0 Yes!
We Have the Variety of Stock
Beef, Pork. Veal, Mutton. Lamb, Holngna and Pork Sausage, Pressed Beef, Head
Cheese, Corned Beef, Pickled Pork, Eggs, Vegetables and Butter.
Call on us and get our prices before buying elsewhere.
We are not like the Hind Wheels
of a wagon, always following in the same rut. We are pushers, striving for a larger
business, and wo get th re by keeping
Tlie Best Meat in tlie Land
and selling at the very lowest prices.
e are here to please and here to Btny.
Yours to serve,
J. Waldvoge! & Son, Props.
Bandon Meat Market,
T Anderson Prop.
Will Keep on Hand at all Times
Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Smoked Meats, Lard.
Sausages, Etc., also
Fresh Vegetables Poultry, Egs, Butter and all Farm Produce.
I will pay highest market price for beef, pork, mutton,wool, bides, etc.
J. Denliolm
Dry Goods of Every Description.
Ladies Coats, Capes and
IBoots &s SfcLoe;
Fresh Groceries of
Suits Made to Measure,
Shields & Kennedy,
Blacksmitli & Wagon
Wagons of all kinds made to order.
Job work attended to promptly and all work guaranteed to cive satisfaction.
Korseslioeing a- Specialty
The Newly Refitted, Speedy and Elegant Steamer
or to u rsi m iy it
Will give u regular ten day Service be tween Coqnille Uiver. Oreaon, aud San Francisco.
California, for both passeimers and freight.
K. DYKll. Agent, Handon. Oregon.
IIOYT. Agent, '226 Uattery Street, San Francisco. California.
O- T- Elumenrotlier
U. S. Commisioner and Notary Public
Kilincs and Final iwte mini.- on Home
tcad. I imbc-rClawiM and other l S. Lands
.Mom-y I.oaiiH Ni-uotlatcd on Approvt'il
Ol'ice in room 10 Bevorlo Ilnilding, Han
don. Iteflideiire on Butte Creek. Oregon.
UIiiiU of ICeal Kfttate liouulit and
Wrenshall & Wrenshall,
I1ANI)(" i
3Dr. S- X-. Perkins,
Oilico ovar Win. Gallier'ri Store.
Otlico honrs (i to 11 a.m.
Call at tesidence at other bourn.
ID i. U. Hi-
Oflke in Pacific Hotel. Honrn,1.! to 12, a.m.
1 ::U) to 4, p.m.; 7 to a in the evuniiig.
itANDON. - - oitt:;ox.
all Kinds.
J &
gust -poo or
llMON LOI)tiK.No. 115.A.F.A.M W
& S
I A . IAi,'u -rn 'V JM-&
i 1J tn?d oomii.iimcations unit Sat-
t- wnnv Minn p Vn nr. v m
lift i r the full moon of
month. All Master Magnus cnnliitllv
...v ..... , flA
tfinvited. W O. SANDEUSON, W. M. ' &
i J. E. WalptimjM. Sec. 0
f :i: tfs3K3SSS3SSS tfS&iSSSijSSSR
i Court yueon of the No. 17,
j$ ForexUTS of Aiue.Icn. Jfe"
'J No. 17, meets Friday night of eacb
week. in Concrete Hall. Bandon. Orerjon.
5:A cordial welcome is extended to nil vis-
Siting brother. E. M. BLACK EUBY, 8
X W. V. Fisiikh. Chief Bauger. 5?
Fin. Secretnry. g
ft ItANDON LOHGK No. 133, 1. O.O. F p
T) ANDON LODGE. No. 133,1. 0. 0. F.
meetR every Saturday evening.
YiHiting brothers in good standing 3
corditillv invited. si
g " A. J. HAUTAIAN. N. G.
g T. W. H01JI8ON, Sec. f.
Fire Insurance,
lt.indiiii, - - - - Orecnn.