?---------- -------- STTft------ BANDON RE< ORDER. will gpiitiiiue t«> aeiid forth in burning wordr ol praise and thankfulnrsw February is a memorable month with the Stockton ¡ieop|e. They are Wide­ MAX MULLER’S CHANGE. awake and progressive, and gre ileteS Tb«. F««u«»u. I“bllulu(l»l Sorely 8rr«l- mined to beautify their te» a, by free ed It W bril It f^lme. planting, etc. They don’t become en­ When Max Muller, the famous pbilol thusiastic for one season and then let In one of the busy, proqx-rous citi«* Hjlfft, -hazard somewhat limited income. C _____ _____ ________ I citizens, but the whole town turns out this period of Ids life an interesting I ¡¡f*., Kla,l eliougli to get the where- when Arbor Day rolls’round ami get story is told in "The Life and Letters L jtha| t«, keep the wolf from tbe d«x»r. r‘-mly to plant trees, not only in the of Muller," edital by his wife. Their existence was to toil, e«t and «-’Ry Luton the highways ami byways. WASHINGTON LET1ER lUftfOR OF THE HOUR e ■ - Iflpsclal i'<,rre»pon ’suspicion that bls case was like my own. "I had determined to lie cool at every eUBt. mid so far as 1 could tell I fired »way forty rounds, killed at least ten •f the enemy and had every reasou to believe myself a hero. I had begun to brag a little after the thing was all oyer when the captain of my company showed me that I bad loaded my mus ket ten times and had not fired it once and in u fatherly way observed to me: “ ’Abe, I can forgive you this once for running away and hiding under a baggage wagon, but If you play the trick again I shall have to take official notice of It!” Blouse waists made with 'henilsett* tffects are among the novelties of th«* Reason for young girls and are eml- neatly attractive and girlish. This one is exceptionally dainty and is made of white silk, the chemisette and cuffs being of tucked muslin, but there are bmumerable combinations that are tqually correct, all simple muslins be- Th«“ appointment of a Joint quiltary ind ffgval tatml to investigate the a«l rIAbillty of «eluding in the lustruc tiou of cadets at West Point and An Uffimlls l««soiu in self defense aud per­ sonal eu«*ounter was derided U(KM1 at a •scent meeting Of the cabinet. The presoMt war between Russia uuil Ja­ pan has shown that personal ’«ncoun- ter is more likely to occur in war than tins bean thought Particularly is this likely to hupix-n at night, when many attacks in the present war have been made. The training of the Japanese in ■word play and their agility came in to great advantage. Some time ago President Roosevelt called to the attention of Setretary Tuft and Secretary Morton th«* desira­ bility of encouraging the physical de­ velopment of the cadets, und subse­ quently a courte of instruction in Jiu Jltsu, tbe Japanese method of wres­ tling. was recommended. ALOMAN AND FASHION EKKOKSOF PH INTERS •LUNDERS OF THE TYPES BOTH LUCKY ANO UNLUCKY. Once In Awhile «be « ump«»slt«»r Will Stumble on an Itaproi ement «»a «he Author—rhe Sad Havoc «be Chasse of a Leiter Mar Make. Among the masterpieces of bluader- Ing typography must be reekoued two perpetrated In a southern newspaper. An editor, wishing to congratulate General I'lllow after his return from Mexico as a buttle scarred veteran, .?)“.? f“yi k ‘u. n Xi lit 1,1 tt,,d d“>’ °Ut> >e“r 1,1 a“d Th* tn*’’ h>V‘’ heretOtore was made by the ty|x*s to characterize a shop hl the Strand and on « ailing t>, y, ar *"'L un*i never a thought of ehang- are d,,i,,g nh'eiv, and with but few ex- him us "a battle scared veteran.” The fetch them he taiM «iown a sovereign to Ing their monotonous existence and «eptions have all lived. 1 he Stockton Indignant general, rushing luto tbe ed itoriul sanctum, demanded an explana pay for them. The shopman returned cultivating those thing» that would citizen« do not »top at tree planting, liim change for half a sovereign and | keep to lighten their ¡»athway and ^ul ,l*ake war on the rubbish as well. tlon, which wus given und a correction promised in the next day's paper. perslsteig round the cheap salcxms with extent, have predicted they would. I stand directly opposite to this and in interesting epistle.—Judge. and disapproval, the latter for some, in speaking of a discussion before the wus It, calm and dignified, without any [yawning doors to lure them in where front of Lafayette square will accom­ the former for others. So far as the council of ministers when Lord Brough­ The interest is just as keen, and every modate 5,000 people. Both pavilions A Trick Exponed. swagger, ta took off his hat, and. prof the wily dealer in cheap drinks found lingerie blouse is concerned, the leg o' am was chancellor, stated that “the now and then we hear of new clubs will be erect« “ d by the inaugural com- ltlng by the short moment which was |1(, trouble in getting their money away mutton, with a full top tapering down chandelier bad thrown an extraor­ being formed in distant towns, and if mitt«'«', which will sell the seats. As cause.1 by the adjudant ’“t never for money or any and heard enough to recognize that the Necklaces of opal beads are much finite«*, to have children." In the I.on cently, and he heartily approved it. don Courier many years ago ills majes presslou on me. Turning to Augustus Mtakei while older men gathered chief additions to our knowledge of as­ worn. Loeb’« Doorkeeper Reduced. t.v George IV. was said to have a lit of de la Rocbejaqucliu, colonel of th« | ”1 the reading room to enjoy periodi- tronomy in the near future will lie Ecru lace is used in preference to Arthur Simmons, Secretary Loeb's ne­ the goat at Brighton. Another journal grenadlers, who was by my side and pals, magazines and the late papers] made in the United States. ” In com­ dead white. who deplored, like myself, the death | and hooka which were furnished liber- menting on the latest astronomic gro doorkeeper, lias b«*en reduced to the New earrings are of large pearls in a advertised a sermon by a celebrated rank of a common messenger in the in­ divine on the "Immorality of the Soul,” ”r1t11! Pr,,l'e,8' ,l 81lid [ally by friends who had become inter- acliievments here lie mentions especi­ terior department. peculiar shade of buff. and also the "Lies of the Poets"—a “There, my dear friend, is a grand les «*ste«l and wanted to assist in the good Chiffon mobair is softer and less wiry The announced reason was that Sim­ ally Professor W. H. Pickering’s re- work, no doubt, of many volumes. The son In learning to die.”—“The Empire work. than the ordinary mohair. " ... Tliey impressed upon the boys | discovery of the ninth satelite of Sat- mons "liiul beeu there too long” and London Globe once gave an extract and the Restoration,” General lloehe No one with a paucity of gowns Is the advantage it would lie to them to I urn, Phoebe, which he first hs-ated sis'ined to have forgotten how to treat chouart. from tlie registrar general's return in wise In selecting a conspicuous red -ave their money, witli the result that I some years ago by means of photo- people. which it was stated that the inhabit­ toilet. Simmons regarded himself as Mr many of them who had allowed thelgraphy and the remarkable series of ants of London were suffering at that THE USE OF JEWELRY. New finger rings show settings much money to slip through their fingersand star photographs in which “ each part Loeb’s watchdog. Before he would larger than have been worn for a long time "from a high rate of morality.” take a strnnger's card in he subjected It la Noniethlng More Than a Love ol A letter more or a letter less makes who could not tell you next day where o f the sky is represented a hundred time. Pretty TrlHea. him to a cross examination that was strange havoc of a sentence, Early in it had gone now have little bank ac-1 times over. There is tlie history of the calculated to bring out every essential Even 111 In Ito A'JIlll its UlUlKiU modern AVI form 1U when vvlltil Ml orna Hit 1.1 ,« . . . . . I v the French revolution tlie Abbe Sieyes The L*«e«t Toque, ment Ims been left almost wholly t(| ami every Saturday night they „ky for the last decade, and there it fact In his history. If the explanation A new toque, the latest thing in in correcting the proof sheets of a accumulate for decades, nay, cen- did not suit Simmons the caller was women it _ ______________ is something more _____ than a make a small «lejtosit and are the | will ___________ pamphlet in defense of Ills political "Miss Sluger says there was a note Tarts, has no brim at all at the back, love of pretty trifles. On On tlie the person» persons I l’roud lM,ss«“ssors of their own bank | turies to come.” The numerous dis­ turned down regardless of rank, He but at the front the brim of the curled conduct, read. "I have abjured the in the last bouquet she received over offended the German and Italian am- of tlie female members of his family 1 it is a new era for them, and I coveries of variable stars, made by the up type Is nearly three inches high and republic" — a misprint for adjured, lias8a«lors with ills insistent questions, the footlights.” the man loves to see the display of th« I lias opened up a side of life they were I Harvard observers (several hundred "Wr«*tch!" be cried to the printer. “Do “ Oh, yes. The manager sent lier the same height at the sides also, but you wish to send me to the guillotine?” wealth which in these days Is power I utterly ignorant of. now being enumerated), also excite his and they were among many complain­ from the middle of the sides It slopes word that she would have to pay for ants. and, if modern taste will not allow it | I ■ , . . ,, , down until at the center of the back What Is treason, once asked a wag, but «_ » «. .. It i is still indulgent - ... -------- wonder and admiration. Simmons was appointed a doorkeeper her own flowers in the future, as he there is none left. The termination is reason to a "t"?—which “t" an accident In himself, to bls I was tired of doing It." at the White House in President vicarious display of it through his I These same ladies have also taken an absolutely flat, nearly square, and on of the press may displace with most Whist and Inventing. Grant's administration. women. So far ns women tliemselve-1 interest in the girls, and they, too, it cachepelgn«“ of some sort is to be awkward effect. On the other hand, n The Effect Wan LaMtinv. William B. Dulaney, President consciously aid and abet in this asser I have their reading _________ rooms and gymnaa- ____ Here is an incident illustrating how affixed. This toque fits beautifully printer whir omitted the first letter of Dentist — That confounded tramp per ­ tlon of power, so far they may claim I |UIU, where many happy hours are I business problems pursue the inventor Roosevelt’s barber, has been promoted suaded me to give him laughing gas over the coiffure when the latter Is low. Mr. Caswell's name might have plead spent. this department is also a to be acquitted from the charge ol s|H .nt j In n thig a |of of the air-brake, writes Theodor Nevin Ito Simmons |,lace' i“d that It wns "as well” without the C. and extract four teeth. Pope Sixtus V., in order to exclude hn?e r?* in omen of families win piano . lentv o ate music. and , ,, plenty of f i late music, »1- al- in the January World’s Work. A few Mew con.ul General at Hankow, Du Barry Hood.. Friend — Well? have become recently rich love most though the ladies are trying hard to years ago a game of whist was pro-' L.’^^rti^ Those fascinating Du Barry hoods, every possible error front an edition of Dentist — Well, when I told him that to display their Jewelry, and It may b< that would cost him $1 lie gave me the which any girl who knows how to use the Vulgate Bible which he essayed to ____ ___________ ______ make as them give up the rag-time meloJ pressing smoothly when, after one of I, genera, nt Hankow chlnn Mr there is not so much vanity asser a needle can readily fashion for her­ publish, personally superintended the merry ha-ha.—Somerville Journal. tlon in it of their claim in virtue ot pies that go with a rythm and swing tlle deals, Mr. Westinghouse did not Martin lg a natlve of Dunkirk, N. Y. self, are making quite a furore for printing of every sheet, yet it swarmed wealth to lie respected nnd honored I which captivates their uncultured ear I pick ills cards up, but kept «lrawing on I i[«> waa appointed consul nt Chlnkiiing, themselves, and fashioned In gauze with errors. Heretical printers made A Falal Dose, Those womeu who have undisputed when the music from the old masters a piece of ¡taper beforehim. Theothers china, by President McKinley and with a dainty silk lining they certainly great fun of tills demonstration of pa­ “ I wonder, ” said the young wife, as claims to distinction exercise more dis I would be turned down as “no good.” watched him curiously, remarke«i that was there during the Boxer troubles in she mixed tlie dough, “why they call are most becoming to any type of face. pal infallibility, especially of the bull cretlon, and their chief displays are on |“|ley are a]8(, |a.illg taught the iteauties tlley were ready to proceed, and then In 1902 be was appointed consul this ‘angel cake?’ ” prefixed to the first volume excom­ tbos«“ occasions when it is congruou-1 ()j |lature. Every Hunday, one unable to to under under- ­ at Nunkln. municating all printers who In reprint­ Every Hunday, one little little wait«?«! waited and and waited, waited, unable An Attractive Design. “Probably," replied her husband, “be­ ing the work should alter the text. flneinel,a*n.»!ll.,,»ir.h?l21 ,,o'vi‘rn,l,l,ll" lady, kwly, who who lias has concluded concluded to to’ devote devote her her »tami «'and why why he he should should pay pay no no attention attention P«r«rai«. of tke signer, complete. New designs in shirt waists are be ­ cli>s«> ■ mi ■ ti i «" ' * •" ''i "> I iifo to tlie lietterment of the people 11° them. Suddenly, with a flash oil ' isitors who, strolling through tlie cause any one who eats tlie cake is in ing constantly brought out, and this An edition of the Bible printed nt the Immediate danger of becoming one.”— life to the lietterment of the people to them. Suddenly, with a flash of cloMf* coiiuoc tioii l)<*t wii oriLunont «m “ Whose turn is it to play ?” tedious task It was for Major Peabody, ment is wild. That's foolish. “c” dropping out of the following pas hot and allowed to shrink in cooling soP“1 treasures the woods and plant life „ "ZT —. « olfl<*r of the 8tate department, to McFlub—Foolish nothin’. Why, he sage in n form of the Book of Common Moving an Elk Range. that they are practically a solid plts-e holds for us. Home of them were not | make these colleetlims. As a result of pays taxes on $2,500,000.—Louisville Prayer: “We shall all be changed in A year ago the Government was pre with tin- axle. Tlies«- cars go nrouml interest«“«! at first, but grtulually tlieir pre- ­ Major Peabody', la I-ora in bringing to Courier-Journal. the twinkling of an eye.” When the curves, and it will Is- observe.1 that tin* <*yes have liecome opene«l ami they are sented 8e,,tad with w,th a herd of 200 elk Uv,n K 0,1 living on ,/>"lpl“lou thli* w,,rk the *ov „"I““'?4 book appeared the passage, to the hor- outer rail «“overs n great .... more L.tkingat this grwdold world through the Kern range, "’’/X^taraUo^ of inde’ Iltibblng It In. range, m in California, California, on on »h« the ror of the devout reader, was thus Dundty—Morris snid that I had no animals wereto |(ell(1ence *n' who fnmmd the fe.leral XsBtt.Uon enthusiastic as the teacher ** removed to Bequoia Park. H. D. the twinkling of an eye." sider that an insult. ■ le slavl must of n«««ssltj travel L herself. ,. . Life . has »..i..... ... nl ,(,.ilpr | Van „ „ , taken on another Y“n. Eaton, Kato,,; in 1,1 the the current Harper ’ s Mistakes In punctuntlon. such as the considerably faster than the inmr one. rl* 1 11“M lalu" 0,1 another 1 Mr. R«>ekhlll’a aaeeesMr. Wlckle—So it Is. There's no reason q-|le appointment of a director of the to suppose a yellow dog has less sense omission or misplacing of a comma, Yet it is fixed solidly to the axle and Ic,,nrl"' nnd ,l,<*y are broadening out J Weekly, tells of the many diffieultles =--■ I llle Government has encoun- bureau of American republics to sue- than any other colored dog.—Boston sometimes greatly change the sense of cannot make a fraction of a revolution !‘nd becoming more ____ and _________ more enlight- a passage, as when a compositor prob­ ntore than the other one. yet the axle cned ami refined. They ’ _ are getting to tered lu n,ovillg the elk from one range ceel William W. Rockhill, who Is to go Transcript ably a crusty old bachelor—In setting remains Intact, and the curves are pass-1 appreciate the good B ooks and maga- 'to the other. An attempt was made to | to Peking ns minister from this conn- up the toast, "Woman—without her. ed with untlriug regularity, Why is it? zines much more than they ever did ‘Mve the »nimafa in a large corral, but try, is said to lie between two men. man would tie a savage,” put the com­ Estelle—You don’t seem to worry at the cheap yellow-bai'k novels that they the ‘*lk jumped the high fences William, C. Fox. chief clerk ma In the wrong place and made the Secret of I.ongevlty. ’• had lieen used to devouring when they "f the corral and K“ined freedom. At ™d “T* trace ta all about the wrinkles In your face. sentence ••■nil. "Woman, without her Jack—No; n person can’t have every A I.ondon newspaper has been asking ' ? ,D.' ri'ai1 at all- In fact, the good work baa ' . ...... has the e,,d of a hard da>’s l,attle °nly and man. would l>e a savage.” newspaper writer. It was thought tiling the way he'd like It in this world, a number of very old men for the se­ ------- --------- eight elk were eaptur«*d and tbe plan ■emo tirrn ego that Mr. Pepper stood and I’m uiticflod that the kinks In my During the last bait century inert?- cret of their long life. The replies are progress«-«! so rapidly that several girls has l>een a remarkable Improvement in the better chance, but the chances are conscience don’t show.—Detroit Free of vne aortCOtnmotily'lieand.’ «me-lives p.avv ip,He it good-sized bank account was abandoned as' impracticable. regard to errors of the press. A writ­ now said to favor Mr. Fox. The ap­ Tress. long because ho hns taken wine every and are saving for a purpose; and what er today may use the word "eclectic” Think Straight. pointment will probably be delayed day In moderation, another ltecau.se he doyou think it is? Why, nothing more Fact« In the Case. with full assurance that it will not be. has never tasted wine. One finds sover­ nor less than taking a trip abroad, and ffrrr.tsn shift »uw. . . It would be impossible for a lawyer for some time, and this may again lead “Her," asked I.a.ly BHssingttni, metamorphosed by the typographical to Ciiauge in the probabilities, inas ­ eign virtue In moderate pbvsi.ji ever- they are to-be haperoned 'ey (Mie of the io Inake a reputation in his profession ficient fullness, and a shapely appear­ imp Into “electric” nnd may take up a your son ever come to marry else; another Is convinced that he lives young lady supporters of the club when wiiilecontinually thinking ataut medi­ much ns Mr. Tapper has some unusual­ American girl?” ance is given In the back by tbe tucks proof from any respectable publisher ly strong backing. long I «“cause he keeps his body quiet that time rolls around. In the mean cine or engineering. He must think “He didn't,” replied the dowager extending down to tlie waist line. The without shuddering with fear that. In and his mind active, nil of which A Wonderful Timepiece, duchess. "filie came to marry him.”— epaulets and the narrow revers are Hood's phrase, all bls roses have been means that each man has followed bls time they are reading books of travel about law, and must study and be- There is a chronometer at one end Chicago Tribune strapped with tnn colored broadcloth turned Into noses, all bls angels into natural Inclination, never exceeded the and studying maps and consulting come thoroughly imbueil with its prin­ of the rear lobby of the senate belong and finished by small silk covered but­ angles him ! all his happiness into pap- guide Issiks for the trip of their lives. ciples. It is unscientific to expect to measure fixed by good sense and really Ing to the weather bureau and super­ tons. The sleeves are in the regulation plness.—William Mathews In Pblladel TV«“ Bnllnrt of «hr Ice. thought little or nothing about it. fit. Tlie line of travel is all laid out, and attain excellence or ability enough to vised by one of its trusted employees. A little dish of broken Ice shirt waist style, gathering into plila Post Louis Post-Dispatch. they know just what they are going to gain distinction in any particular line Mr. Jones. So wonderful a piece of Lay basking In the sun. straight cuffs. Any of the season's Its owner hod forgotten It do when their little bank talks register while holding the mind upon and con­ mechanism is this chronometer that It wnistlngs are suitable for the making, Before her work wns done. A Ovukey’s Sweet Tooth. Mind Accomplishments. a certain amount. They will lie chap­ tinually contemplating something radi­ varies only about eight seconds a year. such as pique, madras, albatross and But when she went to get the Ice Seven plum puddings hung in a Power to do is largely a result of self eroned by one of the ladies. And bring It In to tea Since this session of congress began it taffeta. The medium size will require cally different. kitchen at Etalham, England, when a faith or self confidence. No matter She found the Ice was not what it has varied less than one second. two and fiveelghths yards of thirty- donkey walked in and ate five of them, Had been cracked up to be. what you undertake, you will not do it Importa in Argentina. ____ CARL SCHOFIELD, alx inch material. _____________________ PlM* cloths and all._____________ until you think you cnn. You will not The ladies have not forgotten the wee Proof of HI« Sanity. The imports in Argentina from the master It until you first feel the mas­ lads and lassies either, but have a kin­ The Word “Jlnrlklaha." The Difference. Announced Himself. "Well. I am the only sane man here United States in the first six months tery and do the deed In your mind. It The word Jlnriklsha comes from three A delegate from Boston to an educa­ dergarten that gathers in all the little who lias the papers While looking for stragglers Just as to prove It. ” one of HMM were $4,003,163 greater than the must first be thought out or It can nev­ Japanese roots. Jin rlkl-sha. meaning a Welsh regiment was about to sail tional conference In Philadelphia tofd er be wrought out. It must be n mind children who have been accustomed to imports in the same perils! of 1903. Oskaloosan observed. respectively man, power, carriage. but from Cape Town for England an off! of the answer given by a certain pupil Tbe rest looked at him In astonlsh- , running wild on the streets; and, in accomplishment lieforc It can lie a ms The exports to the United States were ment. it Is not of Japanese origin. So recent­ ccr found a private standing at atten In one of the public schools of the Hub trrlal one.—Success J learning the first rudiments of their greater by $300,000 in 1904 than 11103. “Oh. it’s tru*" he protestcd. *I've ly as 1870 the Inconvenience of the tlon in a shed.. "What are you doing in answer to a question put by a pro- . < a I ueat ion, they areenyiy Ing themselves Thia is a satisfactory shewing. got my discharge from the Mount alow, lumbering two wheeled carts here?" he was asked. “Please, str,” feasor of natural history. Bou*« Be To«» "Tallonai.” and are as happy and joyful over it as Tlie question was, "What is tlie dif­ Pleasant Insane asylum right here in turned the thoughts of Engjlsh resi­ was the reply. "I am a lunatic, and I One's naUonnllty Is to otl r» a bore any children in the land. Ths ladies dents to the ease with which the hardy am waiting for tbe corporal's guard.” ference between a biped and a quadru The average of birth in London is my pocket.” «*4 ■ nuisance which <*annot be cot i have marked out a noble calling for natives could propel a lightly construct­ He was right; he waff a lunatic, and his ped?" 11,000 a month. It is computed that a •«» off »lie way too f.xm. A man's n.-i The pupil’s answer was. "A biped has Workman I’ve been and got mar­ ed vehicle, anj oge wns Invented, some guard bad forgotten him. themselves, and no marble shaft can single month ’ s births of male tallies «ksaallty !• something he Is lustly two legs, a quadruped has ’four legs; say by a missionary, others by a news- ried. sir. »nd I'd like you to raise my ffsmi.l Of. bur not till It Is put as ■'.■ .ili) ever take th«“ placeorta the monument would nearly suffice to replace the men Wares. Employer Very sorry for you. pa|H'r proprietor's son. Ever since then Vanity keeps persons In favor with therefore tbe difference between a bi­ «ta mail of another n It! >n l,.r v <.r fr> their memories« and their noIde lost by England on the Boer tattle* t>Vt I *m only responsible for accidents the hca.y carts have l>een entirely dis­ thesiselves who are out of favor with ped and a quadruped'!» two legs.”— iH'iiievements, that these loyal h«*artK fields. >1»« humanly, spiritually • •- • that occur I d the works. London Flip pensed with. Woman's Home Companion. all others.— Shakes pears. i*