recorder THE' • O »UBLlfiflBD • >1 AFTKRNOON »AVI» *. •VlT.T, urna nopRiETOB. •UMCItimON RATES. Ok* Tear.......................................... »2 00 Six Mouth«........ ..................................... 1 00 TbruaMuifths................................................ M This pppor it enter««! *t the Ilandon post office ax Second-clas» Matter. THURSDAY. Al li. 13, l'JOà. EDITORIAL. J tint now Ibero seems to be a refor­ matory wave sweeping onward like an avelanch St Lewis and tbo state of Miaoori bad its cleansing, New York, Philadelphia and other cities, baiia I XoteR. “Hit the Trail” is the slogan of 1905. The Lewis and (’lark Expo. Bition opens June the 1st. You can hit tbe Truil every day uotil October 15. Sculptors are bard at work putting tbo finishing touches on boroic groups and figures which will be placed about tbe Lewis and Clark Exposit­ ion grounds. A spur track is being built on tbe Government peninsula at the Lewis and Clark Exposition to facilitate tbe unloading of exhibits consigned to tbe government buildings. Heliographic communication will bn established between tbe summit of Mt. Hood and the Lewis and Clark Exposition grounds during tbe Ceu tennial. A. A. Glisson of the Fort Worib and Denver City Railwar is in Port­ land and says that tbe “Lone Star” state will send thousands to tbe Lews and Clark Exposition. Work upon tbe “Trail" at the Lewis and Clark Exposition is pro grossing rapidly. A number of .now b l ildings have been started. Long i e fore the opeoing of tbe Centennial, i e amusement thoroughfare will en vite public ins^ectiori. For A Wenk Digestion, No medicine can replace food, but Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will help you to digest your fool. It is not the quantity of food taken that gives strength and vigor to tbo system, but tbe am.innt digested and assimilated. If troubled with a weak digestion, don't fail to give these Tablets a trial Thousands have been benetitted by their use. They only- cost a quarter. For sale by C. Y. Lowe. Druggist. WANTED-TRUSTWORTHY MAN OR woman to tnnnsge holiness in this eonnn and adjoining territory for well eatablism' honae of solid finnmasl «finding. S j U. iri atraight ca«b «tlsrv with nil necessary ex penne* paid weekly *>v check from Bond qoartera. Money a>i*aneed f-4 expenses i’ositiog permanent; pr-yions xxi'O'iei.e . • ■ ’ \ ' (Mful Mau. M. M. Austin, of Winchester. Ind. knew what to do in tho hour of need. Hia wife had such an unusual case of stomach and Liver trouble, physicians could not help her. He thought of and tried Dr, King's New Life Pills aud abe gut re|ief at once and was finally cured. Only 25c at Lowe’s Drug Store. Home Circle Column CLARENCE V. LOWE, STORE, Bandon. Oregon, Crude Thoughla An They Full From Th»* •idltortal Fen. Pleasant F vcAlng Rev- eris-». A Column l>c. Snbacribe at ouoe and in the other. His sou’s Bible class dinner or making your lied, is time read tliifl greut story of life as told by Paul any in Southern Oregon. S tuple rooms for com­ Two Fapere for the Price of One. You De Laney. is a poor substitute for uprigtue-s. worse than wasted. mercial men. Baggage transported to and from Get the News of the World and ADMJNI8TKATOK8 NOTICE Tbe whole tribe of Standard Oil boats and trains free of charge. There is no doubt that many un­ the Local News Thrown sharks have come by their money happy marriages and many divorces Fine uew bar in connection with tbe hotel. Notice ia hereby pi vet», that the nnder- in as a Bargain. aiened has been appointed administrator of dishonestly. If they do not know it result from the inability of young the rstiite of Wm. HulehiuS'Mi d ceased by To those who pay up arrearages and a it is time they did. If they think a wives to properly perform theordma the County Court. Ail persons having year in advance, and to all new subscri­ claims against the ‘»aid estate will present few million given here an I there, ry duties of a household. There is no the aaiue duly veriö» d to me at Baudon. bers who pay in advance, we make tbe following proposition comprising several money which was first stolen before more pitiable object than the wife Oregon, or ('« quilie, O'. eiP’n. dillerent couplets to select from : Dattd this 2iird Jay of bVbruav 1935. it was given, can square tilings, they who cannot prefolm tbe duties of a W. K. P\NTEB. P rice of P ublications per Y ear . Administrator of the estate of Wm. Hutch­ little know th« sentiment with which house keeper through igiu,ranee. inson debased. F an don K ecordfb f- 00 later they will be obliged to reckon. What a humiliating position it Sail Francisco Bulletin 6 80 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. Rockefeller m ty think bo is a good young wife is ill who is b reed to con­ Pori land Evening Telegram 0 00 Notice is hereby given that Frank Flam, man because be belonges to a church fess to her husband, probably at tbe Weekly Oregonian 1 50 Executor of the last will and testament m W) and says prayers. But tbe sharp end of the honey moon, t but she can­ Frances Flam, deceaseti, did on the 11th d>»y i Api*cul to lleascn o| \tareb. 1915, tile hi* iioul account ns such ers and freight, betveeu the word, things, because her husband may recting that: Monday, the 17th dav of Apiii, Erancisc*’. Riid giv« s all iL news. Out oifee Coquille River, Oregou, and San Francisco, Calif. And have no more gr.icif than other people; 1905, at 10 <»’< lock A M. of sal.i dav. in the includ* s the Sunday Bull-, tin. be rich, but riches somotiiues trike County Com t room at l ba Court 11 P. i’cppixa Mt’y L»r estate. thief.’’ And before be shall be al­ to Call :n >ni'il Work. For it wo'!;'.'.’ n. wKp »per the Weekly On *oo jLNraiAiiNin a ons aèivrnvs lowed to sit at tbo table to eat bread Don’t do it mothers gonian leads in tbe Northwest, and give1! CCH$ GNV =>CS *^Z 1S3Z1S 3THHX ill the news usually cuntanud :.i a ueckl.v and to drink wine in memory of the Teach your laughters to co ik an 1 Church Directory ,,-niiB; 9qt co xoqrq rq3q }o («sp paper. Carpenter’s So.i of Galileo be must sew arid m >n I an I in tkw be Is. M. E. CnutaTi. b aucpsd oj 3[qB tun pud ‘saqartus jnoqiiM Rec -iLcr and Weekly; Oregonian. .S2 50 mou I •>! Xq p^yanaq Supq su ss vpstnaqi Preaching service every 2nd and 4th Sun be told to relinquish bis ill gotten You will there by minimize the It is the qjus puu satp’nio uo ttioqa the purpose < f giving our r< adrrs n cluince P ukuiiyierían S ervice . preached for a hundred years to No, the borne girl, God Ideas In r 2hito8ll*»B«u«i{''OD>P!*'3p99 ‘an’AB V'°I ‘PnH 'D 'PH to inform themselves we give them tl'.e best Prenci ,i g lit and 3rd Sundays, morning su;pM'tuspvmnaqi qiua popi^jB q .uiu saL jt| come. In fact such a course would is uot being extin -t, S m h is only —Appeal to Reas m. Any doctrine th it und evening. S-imlnv hc’.io*»I eich Sunday at. 10 a. m. does not appeal to the highest order of rea bo the greatest revival of religion been temp irarily crowned from th - Emhavor d .eutings ut the u-nal hours. that lias been seen for l'.l.Uyears Tel­ front rank by the girl of tbe period Praier me ting— 7 -30 fhursJay ev< uings. soning in n<»t s;ife. li»-.’ i i -t- »t. CO egram. and will come to the front again in All arc welooiup. /D olph H adii : ly . Pastor. due time. The average girl can Makes A Clean £we?p, even go down into th« kilclnn and make tho same kind of bread “that There's nothing like doing a thing mother used to make.” She knows thoroughly. Of all tbe salves you that the family cow givos sweat milk ever beard of. Bucklen's Arnica Salve and that butter mils comes from the Agates Ground, Polished and is tbe best. It sweeps away aud cures churn. Il is barely possible that she Burns, Sores, Bruises, Cuts. Boils. Mounted knows how to s-t a Imn an I can P. B. HOYT, Prop Ulcere, Skin Erupt ious atxl Piles. It's drive a nail straight if yon give her t<> or.l. r; or ntiy of her work in my only 25c, an I guaranteed to give sat- ' lino will I o ¿lune in a neat and satis a good bummer. She can mend a L,.ci ...l In EL DORADO BVILDING. isfaction by C. Y. Lowe, Druggist. pair of hose amt sew on a button Flr-t Str«»», IIANIIIIN, OltEtlON factory inanner, at n reasonable price. Cail and see my now line of jewelry con­ right where it belongs, ami she is Comity “Dry ” Xo Divorce*. SHAMPOOING AND HAIR sisting of Stick Pi p, li:” Pm-, Sash Pins, th« kind of gill that the sensible Lady’s V.’ .i t '< »n, Br> .»clip«», Br ifel.’s Cuff •i«xv« mo avH /■> <»oiiv»»nvisHi iw a«v ’«tewsiiHG •»retar.« '«woo ‘im CU ri'lNO AT STANDARD PRICES. Olito»« 'sitia». oiHoresa s . hissch «eoo '«Tixs» Corvallis, Ore., March 28—Judge youth wants one day to be the qm-en ai d Co’.i-ir I ut’o; s. Ch.’Ui.s, < hiirms, and piona!» '»imn« c>i5in«c-> '«ie>or out R* B »I w te •o-j»a»ni SÍ7C ‘worn «I xo>«o '«»»0» oio J 1 ”9 g“li ■ ■ « J bi:.p.3, v. ixiclt Lt'S ju©? nri ivi-d. E. T. Harris, of Eugene, newly ap­ of his heart and the mistress of his ' pei-1 f«*r iisfotmn- ■J " * 1 < V * « ti.m ieadinc t » a comiction of trr.q-Kas It is asserted by tbe “dry" element man. And they ema-r-ipate them statc.l above. •a3 CI Ti.x LUBC31 Dated at Bar.don. Oreg n. Mu ch II. UK I that this absence of family discord in selves ns far as home is concerned PEI’E’: Ni* ¡»SON. Act nt. Mother's bands are siren ly coars- Benton county is due entirely to tbe V. ' * o benticial influence of prohibition and red. audit is better th it sb- I l he bead of the family can no Ion should do the u » w >.•; ib > r i h ■ J premises while lhe daughter in l-i! i ger loaf around the whiskey shops eV ut.' !¿ií i?. and squander bis wages, but instead go» in some of t'l • fa It sli « ac piirea I Prie» 5 CLGKi and COs i$1.00 remains at borne and gets acquainted at ci’leg» on m viey tint th- pi-r *^01-08 Free Trial. with his family, with tbo result that ¡ old m ithor help« I to earn through ! J Surest r.od Qnicireat Cure for all discord is relegated to “wat" districts- ■ toil and self denial It makes no dif- > ” THROAT and LUNG TK0UB- This is tbe dry claim. The Sheriff fsreneeto her that tbe tiered old eyes ; § LES, cr MONEY BACK. of B»nton county has served but two are daily giving more evidence of b.« 1 notices of applications for divorce ing weary, and that the calloused since January 1, and these have been spots ou tho dear old bands are grow-1 sent to him to serve from outside, ing larger. It is only mother and ' counties, both “Wet," one from Mult­ she has had her day. A girl connot If you are n«rvouB and tired out be young but once and mother bus nomah and one from Clackamas. contmaally you could have no ;Yon can have it all for been a girl. Thns it continues till clearer warning of the approach of ’«rionit female trouble. Ver Many cities in the Pacific North­ the tired oi l mother is gt»)?o not wait until you rnffpr un- Monili west are planning to send the grad her reward, and when tbe girl sees ¡n. Il i» the larce.t evening nm now just ae much 03 if tho trouble pn;:e pnhh.hed in Orefion; it ontHinn to tbe Lewis and Clark Exposition. cheeks and realizes that the end of wero more developed ar.d the tor­ the state and of tho all th. news of ............................................ Railroad companies bare been re it all has truly come, it is then that nniiot Try it for n month. A sample turing pains of disordered men* I bo mailed to you free. Address o py w quested to make special rates. rtruation, bearing down pains, her heart is tilled with remorse and Imienrrhopa, backache and "head­ she would give the world to call the The Telegram, ache were driving you to the un­ A bo nt Rheumatism. PORTLAND, ORE. loved one back that she might de­ failing relief thatine of Cardui has brought hundreds of thousands There are few diseases that inflict ni -nstrate to her that sb« really did of women and will bring you. more torture than rheumatism, and not intend to be ttnkin I. B it it is Wine of Cardui will drive out 60 YEARS' all trace of weakness and banish EXPERIENCE > • L K ■ t: r o- there is probably no disease for which too late now. Mother has become a ( nervous spells, heada< be and back­ such a varied and useless lot of reme happy girl again. ache and prevent tho symptoms dies have been suggested. To sat The woman who is making a h.ap- from quickly developing into dan- Cerous trouble« that will la> hard that it can be cured, is, therefore, a by home in today is tlm womanly wo- > check. Secure a .00 bottle of bold statement to make, but Chamber man, and tbe womanly woman is th« 1 Wine of Cardui today. If your dealer does not keep it, send lhe Iain's Pain Balm, which enjoys an ex bouse wifely woman We do not I To... Tn.DC MARKS money to tho Ladies' Advisory D esigns tensive sale, lias met with grent sue mean by this that a woman should ’ Ten for five cent«, at Dniffritta. Grocers, Reatanrantt, Dopt., Tho Chat tain oga Mt-.licine rrjfV* C opyrights A c . Saloon«, New»>Standa, General Stores and Rarbere cess in tbe treatment of Ibis disease. be made a hewer of wood up 1 a | Anyone sending a sketch and description may Co. Chattanooga, Tenn., and the Shop« Thejr banish pain, induce deep, and prolong life. quickly ascertain tmr opinion free whether an One gives relief! No matter what’« the matter, one will medicine will hi sent you. Invention la probably patentable. Commnnlca. One application of l’ain Balm will- drawer of waler in any home for sb« do yon food. Ten «ample« and one thousand te«t|. tlona strictly confidential. IIANOBOGK on Patetita monialt «ent by mail to any addre«« on receipt of price, aent free. Oldest aaency for aecurinrymtenta. relieve the paiu, and hundreds of suf has a noble mission to perform, but Pi»ruts taken through Munn A Co. receive by the RipaosCbeteical Co , io Spruce St., New York City. rial nutlet, without charge, in the ferers have testified to permanent we do mean that it is n groat •uk’ttike cures by its use. Wbysnffe^ when for our daughters to become the A handeofhefy Illustrated weekly. Bairgeat «Hr- Pain Balts affords such quick relief heads of bappy »homes, when they cul tl< 1 of anf scientific journal. Terms. f3 a and co’a but atrille’ For -ale by ('. ye*1*: foer montha.SL Sold by all newsdealers. : 1 I. -1 ' r the l’l'j' s '.f the Y I wc. D^iggtst. position. City Barber Shop I >< >< )TS BATH ROOMS, has no siiasriniTE THE SEEP ■ HERDER You Can't Expect to Get $2 worth for $1, but you can get your money’s worth at M. BREUER’S Hotel Coquille What We Can Do For You The New, Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer Elizabeth, C. P. JENSEN, Master- \ E l D orado First Class Watch Repairing. TOIEORiAL PARLORS lava a,w wsuvwr.sHE SX1050H I'lV JO WIS COUCH 1 Do You Q Know tho News ¿ - 50c Ti iMW WINE sf Sckattnc American. New fori C. Y. LOW E. RTPAN-S taboies Doctors find A Good Prescription for mankind