Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, January 26, 1905, Image 4

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v:niTon and ruoriuKTOi:.
6tte Vrtiir
x ?.latii. ...
Three Xkmth-..
..S2 (X?
... 1 Oil
.. rc
Tina vir i enteral at tlto P.nndon nos:
odlc-e as Second -einss Matt r.
TliUllSVA Y. JAiV. 2. .."..
JKti. Schiller Hertnaiiti is opposed
to thf ptcst'Mt Local Optii-n law. j;iv
in; as li is ivnsou. thai l:o tioos not lie-
ii'Vo that tin pcoplo of ono coriwra
liou haslho riSht lo dictate to thoso
. . ,
. 1 ..n..I. . ............ ...... - r... ... ftt'k...
t?l ilUUtliei nl Ia'I til lull . nil iii - uim.i -
ho tU'.r.ks (. oquillo aiui Aly i tle 1 OIIII
should not have thu poivor to say by
n surplns of tho voice o their citizens
that Marh!ioId and North JJend
hhould closo ihir saloons.
In the ltr.-l place, it is hardly n
nuttttT of dictation, bnt a matter of
prosorvntmn of the morals and wel
fare of tin1 peoph'. both as to spiritual
and ts:upoi:d eomlmous in the whole
Tint the county jnvo a mr.jority
oxpiv.-ion for temperance does not
one loroti"h a dictator to
another, ad the county is a corporation
aa i lias lite right to a majority rule,
Th siiloon advocates claim that tin-
f.-.irness e:;ista in that it does not give
the prociucts which vote again.-t pro
liibition. tiie same terms that it does
thus which express a majority vote;
"therofor. This claim is false in that
the co:i.iiiioa i.u;))5l;.1 are nat tho
All preciucts that favor terapc-rance
impose no eost upon other preciucts
because of th -ir stand, honce. if they
dj away witti the sale of intoxicants
within their confines, they alr-o do
away with the c sts of j.r isocntiug
liOiaon who rcnuiMt i-r:t:ie- while un
der the ii.iluetice of ,lio,nor, hence,
t hey 'impose no burden upon their
sifter precincts by their choice.
" On the other hand, the county be
ing a corporation in which all are in
terested, and in which the burden of
government falls equally upon all
tax puyers, if a precinct or two. out of
iho wlioh. are allo.ved to run saloons
hec.ii.Te they have a'maioritv in their
eorp.iraU' i;:?:i:s who v.i-h tie r-ah if
iuJoxicating 1 ve:agos. ihr n :h tv
or three or whatever their UUmhel
might 1h. being a minoiity of the
whoh. force all the taxpayer? of the
con.Miy to pay the c..sto that are
"au.-ed because of the poverty and!
trtm s that c rn. thr mgh the tr.tlVic of
i(nor in tho-e corporation-.
We sh'iul 1 lo k b. fr we leap. If
MarshlioLl an I North 13e:id an I other
places wish lo prolong the abomina
ble traliic wilhiu their contitms. they
sbottld he willing lo put up a goaran
o that they will lake carc'of the
y.nnpers che create and pay the ex
pense of the criminal cae.i-ed by
the !ijuor trhflic. and si t mpe this
extra expense upc:i a unj -rity of the
tax payers who hftve expsv.-sed a de
sire to bo five theivfrom.
.rv Cl:
( all.
"J stuck to my engine although ev
ery joint ached anl every nerve was
mckod '.villi ai:i,"" writes C. W. I.Ioi
1riv. a locomotive iireman of i!ur
Hugion. lo'.vn. "1 was weal: and pale,
without aiiy appetite, and all run
dvi'.vit. As 1 was ;ili;ut to give up. 1
got a buttle of Electric liilters and
a?:t-r taking it J felt as well a-i I ever
did in my iif." Weak. aiekJy, run
down people always gain new life,
strength and vig ir from their u-e.
Try them. .Satisfaction gnaianteed
by (J. Y. Jowe. Druggist. I'rico o0
County Court Proceed ing;s
Ordered th it the following p'-r-fns Im- imnl
iho siitniml their r.-ipTtive names
!is ox;ens"S for trum,iuy, tw- eleetioii p'turn.-.
U the offi- of e eiaty clerk, ns follows:
KoUt Walkur, ibmdo;.
w u i (;.,.. ,
ICI (Wr.-ft. (W itiv.-r
N li I!ji: '.w. Der irk
Win Turin-it. limpin; 'ity
(' T i:iiin arotiyr. I'otir-niilo
I V Hli'ick.,
0 A Met! in. S M.irahti.rfd
L. W Duyou, .Mvrtie Toinl
.1 D Clinton. N irway
T J I'erkiiH, rarkuisbnry
W K dim. Kiverton
'1'hos Nioh ls. S mill .Slouch
(Jliver I-ii$reth. Ten-mile.
lames Wall. (Joo.s City
(J K Hdwardi. N (ios Kivur.... ....
J O Stymie r, Dora
A O Ilooton, Knchitntod
; W San foul. Lake
J K Dijjhtner. N Mursli'iold
J D Hen I'M i. i I ravel Kurd
Geo (h.;rd. N.-. it
(Jha Jiekholl. North UciiJ
A Harrows, 1'm-jpr ..
C C Ctrtsr, K'i-.vlHiid
J W Oitehiti!. Suanmr
a 2l
1 40
r. to
7 HI
a IM
7 r.O
2 10
:$ -ii
l .i
I 20
4 (HI
1 M) ;
; mi i
7 10
1 (Ml
4 10
H "Ml
:. ho
:: i'0
I lo
." !
: o
'1 0(1
(Jrderwl th it tlm followiiii; hills for sia-
uwiipry. i-niiHu-,. mm ittieiiHiiiiits sup- ,
liltrs fr ih vnriosis yes f tliC comity l,..-1
I i Duiley, stamp, etc $ 10 M
Stephen (inllier, stamps Hi 10
James Watson. stamps, etc 2.1 tXI
T J Thrift, .;tamp. etc .'laO
Iduke. AIcFnll .V Co. blanks for sheriff. 15 113
Coos lav News, print'i: for ass's ollice 'JO 00
liandon Furniture Co, trneinii paper
for anrvevor's olhVe f(X)
Hammond A Stephens Co, snpt's olliee 1:5 01
IS DolIiti"t-r .V Co, 2 deed records,
clerk's olliee MM
Clarence Dryden. blank for all 2."i (H)
ttlass.V Prudhoinnie, blanks -0 10
Universal Acc't .Machine Co, ribbons. If OU
Payott. CpU-run A Co. supplies Hi 5
Pnncrnft A Whitney Co. vol ?; Oregon
reports o 7."t
I) F Dean, priutitii; ct procV. notices 'M 7;?
N H Citi.on. printinj; "t proc"is ... -3 .V
C 1! New-, notices nml letter heads Kl 00
Uveal!, blanks ami letter he-ids for
clerk Mad sheriff MCA)
In ro el.'!tinj official papers for printini;
in;: si'hed.ile of court proceedings :
North !t.;:i.l Citizen and Semi-Weekly
II raid b -i si at the only papers filini: certified
Mn't-tin-iiis nnd unking application for said
print in;;. t!ie conttaet uns awarded to then:
for the year liHI.'i. ?tt the rate ot not to exceed
."0 cents per square of ten line.'. bre.i r tvpe
In n c mt met for printi o notice: o'hc
i than a schedule of curt pr..c,vd.iii:s and
- . t; x-il-:
that the !L; dl I... awnrded the
, contr i r . it b.Miij: thhiiv.4t b: 1.1ft or --ame
. , -!. I ,1... .'.r , . ,1
! vrIereJ that :no folt.iwiim bills iiic:irr A I,int(f the inti.-mary, be paid
as f-iltou-s:
Steamer Welcome. fjeiLt on lumhor
an 1 hnek $ 7",
L)r G K;is4fll. treating .Mrs. Hatcher,
f undent ini; residenco 11 00
Kusicll l'h-inmay. drills, eto
1-ane Nictiol. labor on Four Farm ... .V' .V)
Alfred Johnson, lu.nber
7 1
! In r- rejurt of su;ie-inteiident of Poor
I-.ini!: report app.-.ivi-d n:id!tn-
i: i:lls M.d.-red p ii,l :
P i: I ran-. izroeeries r.nd uients SJrti ill
tj l- 'iriiitiire To, furniture, etc.
lea:i .V .llorun. treats..
V." H Uersey yroceriea
MetilfV .V loy..-lle mi:l::ti'
A ...,, A t,. imrd-.ire
j (ii ... liouiu-on. mds.
i r M Skee!-. ltocitsim and tnds.
T H .Meh! .v Co, hnrdwaie
K S Kaowlt. n. dniL'.s. etc
t km A Kus U. dr.-.s, etc
X Ltiri n.. md-e rocerie.s.
F t' Fry. 1 buek sheep
" K McCurdy, 7 pi:s
W T Kerr A nuUe
. . . i" '
... r.m
..tlV. -VI
... roo
.. lO.Vl!
. i-1
i- A 1 lankliu. s-daiy as sujit lt! V.
In re 5ii;i-rintendin. poor farm and infir
nmry :
Contract awardid to Frank U Odburt for
the sum of $l.VUI per mouth.
('.mtrtict for cariny for the indigent -iek
who are unable to tiu cared for at the
poor f.irm. a-varded to I r Wm Ilorsfall t o
'Ait suai of H.'J't per il .y. f r ui 'diciucs and
Rltiiilion, f:irni-hed eaeh itidit-nt.
Ordered tii fiilowm bill? in Kid ot
aid. j.-ii; ; :.s n-o,i::dvj of ttso count j puor
fur. u tH.- p. ud iii follows:
Simpson l.uiu'j.-r Co- supplies for Doc
K uu-ford I i
C M l;eeis, iupp!it.. tor Mrs Hatcher.
t m 3tiis CI
It W Hnll.ird. in;) plies for Mary and
Polly luditius; CQ
Pioticsr Grocery Co. supplies for Josh
Xolson 1 ()."
Cpiille Mill and Tn Co. supplies for
I. ivin fjsn.ih lJ 71
V':.t Jiiikujs.. i.s, hjinjii:. s for llovt,
1- vJt; f .r C.irk. $J it) 7.''k-.
Ij l-Yriy. sup;ilies lor I' F Winter i 2.1
a.-inn Hr s, s:ip;i!t s for Ci.trl: :W ia
S nihern rrfi.i Cj. s tp,il s fur Dj.-
a Ji;
Maatt-v Kirj.v. k-vpuu Kixibtti
St.f!. Ii m eitlH ,.w
i K DiHii,'. -n;;!fs fr Uichel Wd-
sim. ; iuot!!i;.
-. ,iU
C irth J! -1 1 F-ir.-iiwre Co. c-illin and
b ir;al. .Mrs I niiAii "J0(m
Cj A .I im-on. eotnti and burial, J An-
no!a and .l is Livin -10 tJ
Mrs H W .Sinford. c-uiui; for .Mrs
Duiiuait 13 II"
J T Xoslor, coavevuit; jury and ihir-
'. n tu p or farm .;
() Sseuiter. .M D. fniwiyatiiii; Ltu-
iM-H re-id-n ov JafK-
v Cnlitt. 1 vim in-nne, sirviee- at jail
and m tii! -i.t -iek :I0 ."i
11 lii'cis. indigent iek .$'li7l, ni-
nie ?!(!, b'irm cow J?1MJ. CUTft
(".ini of .Marv Kuxzell fjf imrsi:. .Jul: a
Pi -ice. not allowed.
Ordered that petition of citiens 'f (Jravt-l
I-'otd fur incrta-'e of allowance iueien.e t
;Jll'.'il per month.
AlSo'.vanee to Miekelson for H per
id nth increased to .Sid.
Mrs Xettie -iorens!':! allow"! for main
; a iiice-.f self 1 family. Siu per month.
In re I loads and Hndyes.
Dub-red that the folhviu: bills for re
pairing mid l.nildn: roads and bridges !;
paid o-it of the general road fund, as .l-l-.i-.vs
Andrew Ols.'ii. snpv r d 1
larob Fii.-inim, labor r d 1
.1 Stonelake,
$10f. 7.i
. 10 2.1
. 2 2"
. 1 .SI
. a 10
. :. oo
. 1 .-o
. a 10
. .) ;
. ;i m
. (I 10
. i; to
. 4 Mi
. '.u
. l ;
. I 2.
. 7 2.".
O-snr .Miski.
Sinmn Krie-'iison, "
V I) AdaniH, "
Nels 1'eterson
I W Konson "
Dave Uoherts
(Jeo li'ol.erlS '
Ahi; Koln rt
lohn Sion-lalro
I' .Mi.nson
Nels Moii-on
Ucii Koheits
hake ( reaniery, spiktifi r d I
C li llanjn, snpv r d 2 .. .
K p rt of Ii It I jc rolI, mipv r d :, aji
pioved ami follouim. hiU ordered paid:
Inyeiso!! Kr-iS. lahur r do. team and
Southern Oregon (o, linnher r d 'A.
K A Aiiduraon
Ji It Iiiiiur.soil. 'J r d 2.
I McDonald, lahor rd."
C, I! Kelly "
5: tl (M
. . 4 :.r.
.. 21 i I
. . 12 (M
.. :km
.. 4;ki
.. 7 io
.. rrjoi
.. 7MI
. C2.V1
.. 2 00
.. 4 00
.. 2. oi
. . a r.o
. . c oo
2 IM
j D .Moit.MII "
j lilmcr lmck "
j diet Morn, "
F I! Harzui.
H II Iniiernoll
(jus litiu'liloin "
Thos Walker "
UK Inuet.-ol "
C 1J Kelly "
lid roterm "
Walter Holden '
W A Sniip-on "
Ke-rt of John Hear, snpv r d l not
K-.-p nt of F I' Notion, snpv r d f ap
proved. Dist funds on hand ... 1077 K.
!!i.p.irt ot W II Smith, Miipti r d 7,
i p.
... jik;
proved. Disr funds on hand
1 Any Hoot inc. supv r d . labor ..
T. 0'i
Chris Sneddon, labor r d 3 L' OO
Keport of 7. T Silin, -upv r d !l. ap
proved. Dist funds on hand I". 41
Heport of .John (Jntcuiii". Kupv ap
proved, nr.d followinu bills allowed:
J W Catchinir. supv r d 10, labor '."
Dean Lumber (k, Ininbor r d 10 C, 10
Hinder mini, labor r d 10 'J
Walter Laird. "
T M Culver -Ji on
Miko Koono " 0:1
T N Jloone ' '7 f.0
(Jeo Cntchino. " 10 (K)
W C Harris, fr't on lumber and nails.. 70 02
J W Norris, supv r d II, bal duo II 37
Chns Kodine, supv r d 15, bal due lfi 12
Chas Kodine, labor on Glenn Creek r.. .r0 00
Knute Nelson, :;o 0i)
1 N Price " .... -V,00
Fred Noah, -j 00
John Henderson " 8 (K)
ZT Thomas 1G 00
Joe Larson, labor on Glenn Creek road
board and team lflfiO
Herbert Lockhart, Glenn Creek.
7 7f)
1'ioncer Hardware Co, tools Glenn Crk
road t it,0
(-has Kodine, pnppliea for men, Glenn
Creek loan. i id
Keport of K W Kullard. snpv r d 14,
j K W Kullard. supv r d It, services fd 00
Kll Fahy iV: Sons mni,or mul haulin..:Ul 7:5
Keport of John Voakani, snpv r d 15,
appiovi d and bal dist funds on hand oli Of!
Keport of H H Ihims, supv r d HI, ap
proved, and the following ordeied paid:
L5 11 Kiuns, labor as supv
Peter Johnson, labor with team.
'. ( SSlransj, lumbei-
lilnier Kl.ike, labur
Mas Tenuison "
W 70
7r, (K)
41) 70
J7 0,)
7 'S
;i 7ii
I .Martin V lesson
I ... v;..i.ij
' j i ill man Hn-s
j Kep.irt of Win Urady. supv r d 17 ap-
I proved, foilovvinu unlet ed tmid :
, vm Krady. !al..r as Mipv
' v A l?rslit. lr.bor on sub cripti in.
...VJi. j aUT. emei.l
. .. 1 I j .Wilin Hrtuhi, labor on Mslscii;ttiun.. ..
... -!:, I 1) llriuht
... 7 iV. j Wm Weekly
... J A) j vstl i;ai.,,.
... :i j (.;,, Chitlin il
.. iVJM j Pnd Miwer
.! 1 .!
'Jl Tti
r r.o i
I i :aiik tlr.rni-li
Kd (len "
iC I'raktiian "
Hnhii:. Luady v Sous, hdwr
lied Mo-er. li l'.vr
M...I.. I , I -. 1 1.
,t o;
I ..Shall 1 I'llll l. IIIKt l V.. , .11, iWl
j j;. ,K.,t f T S Kveri.den. h.ipv i d IS
aorr.-'i-.j. folle-wiii" oidrred
l'S Kverndon. lalmr as snpv
b L Kvernden, labor
(.Jeo Hanson ' ,
ii P Km- "
I U .leU.-e "
.Ill w
:w f.7
. i: oa
. u cc
. ::t V5
j I ! Me".o
(' ! .tt is
( !!ia::l
II Ht t
' Itn iVil-hisH
l li kint er
Kav SSv.unvr '
P KniHe:t "
1 .M Carney
H S ILivi, '
U P i:n "
L L Kv-iMiJen "
F A Mverndi a "
I K .Skinner "
S K Appleti.n "
b 1) MrMee, la!ir with tomu ,
I'll. '' L- std...!!!:, I.tlxir ttntii...
: . N n r
ii t.,
:o in
1 1
i r.u
i m
ii i
J :i C :tt -..
! I. !) in-i . In.Mber .
Il ii:-.
fial'MiN li'ind;. : -'imi.?, iouI. r. in?.
!"- bnadv .t So:;-. i.wd-r, fur. . U .. ' , , .
'i VU:::i-v. Ii'. .rsdf :.d ti-nui iea'i x.'
: s i .....1 i.....Ti.... i-t s-.
, w,-.. . 1 ....... . n.ivi "hiiiii. i 1 .
l lie i ! hb-:t::., labor self and it aim
e 1
.S.S iJndic.t:. "
lU-j.on ,,f j ;,; p. -supv r d is) aji
provid 15 d -li.-t fttsids on hand .... 12a 21
Keporl of W A P-'fit, snpv rd 20 ap
pioved. ai.d f !lo-,vmi' urdertd jx.d.
W A " 7.-;
I) H I're.vett. o.M t Hint; 2. .':
Uep .rt of CM liefni-.:i:i. ?iiv rd-A
approved, following or l.Ted p Hl...
0 M i!. :ma::n, lah r s-!f aid fvi.n...2J. 'i
V D Airi:i-o:i. lumber i- .' .
Hurry I leroi-tnit. tabor.... . i
W lY CifV( 'an!!. I.tltor . .'
W.J.Mas " i ' i
Henry Hermann. Inlwsr with Ui:n
George liiiinyor, "
21 ;
J II l'an-y '
Frank Rirkiow "
I 1' iiay.'.
LeiiSIl.ttl.y .) D lUiklo.v '
A'la-rt Harl.low. (I pile-1
T. he rot:! i;i'i ti
l i I
IV. U-
. . 41 I t
( liamlie:-laiir oii.;li Zti n.nly
'In toy oiitiio:i C'liiimliei lain"
L-Ollll J vi-IUfily in tile lil-t Itiaiio 1t
colil.s,' says Mrs. C'ra Walker oi"
n....i ...... :i i.. '..i.r :.. an :
1 UI ll'l Villi', Villl IW Ilia. JLIII'lt' l.- III!
dotilit aliotiL its being tliu btht. .u
othiM will etirii ;i cuhl mi quickly. No
ulhi'r is so sure a preventive of pneti
luonia. No other is .so pleasant and
s-afu lo take. These are reasons
why it should be preferred to any I
ot hi
ht. The fact is that few peupli'iy U Ixz". .nLsVrdStiey pj
halislieil with any other after hav- i C-J 6'. V.J.'.G Otroct ii
.... . .. . fl f.l ..' i.-ntrrV;.'; 3
mg onro used .this remedy. Fur .-.ale
bv U. Y. Lowe
.. ,
.Sec. Hay has warned
China against thoevil results that will j w ni'.-saiiili.n ; v.-ork ii.n-1 to rc.ian
follow if .-he invites a violation of her fjj l;'""" t- a. rest. I
,. r. i i Ira fonnd I v-.-H not pruning n:y
neuirality. It is clearly uppaivnt . VA r -nrlh 11ml health ;w, fiu-t as 1
that trouble on this score. ;u which; $ could vil:, a:il as your "Wine of
,t,., ,, i,i , i ,... .,ii i, . , i i C'ardui was i-.'eonnnejahMl as.smlia
t lie world at large will ne mere ir bss ,3 i ,. r r ,t , ..
. . I lf'H,,I lii'-dicini! for the iIIk ot our
invnlveil, lies with Ktissia raiher than ; wj 1 iiuuflit a lttl.i and began
CIiuiiiIm-i l.iln'h CihiIi Kcmeil A l.-olutfly
'J'he fault of giving children tnedi
cine containing injurious Mib.-lances.
is souietitties more iliMistrou.s I hau thej
iliseasi' iroin winch Ibev are sulr'nnr. !
10 very nndher should know that
Ciianil.erlnt's Cough Ueiiiedy is per
fectly safe for children lo lake. Jt
contains nothing harmful, and for
coughs, colds atid croup is unsur
passed. For stde by C. V. Lowe,
Cinvi! His .!.ti:er n,r iiiimI m.'i.
".My mother lias been a MtfiVror fr
rijsin - veai-.s fiiun rheuma' :: :::," .sav
W. 11. Howard of !iu-l..m.i, I'ontiM U
vnnin. "At t: sir.: !jo -;.s ;;::nl !t in
tuoo at ;.!!, w ii.le at ti sir i wrsllciti
iv :
, -0 i was painfiil. 1 j le-i'in-i! lu-r with a
H(inu il L lia:.i! c; l .ii. & iJalui
and after a fe,- a:.hi nu .ise de
ciiled it wjis the sisoyt v: r.-.-U if ul pain
reliever Mie had ev.-r tii. d. In fact,! Patent and Vroiinetarv 1're mirations
she is never without ii now and is at
Jill times able to walk. An occasional
application of l'att: ISalm l; away
the pain that she was formerly trou
bled with. For sale by (J. V. Lowo;
Telegram: (Jen. Kuropatkin will
not bo topt waiting long for his drub
bing. The Japanese guns which per
formed such blanghter for the Japa
nese, at Port Arthur are already on
theiwny to reduce the army under
this commander.
S'aM'it 1'--iiiii Terrible tleath.
The family of .APs. M. L. J'.obbitt
of JJargerton. Teun., saw her dying
and were powerless to save her. The
most skiliful .physicians and every
remedy used, failed, while consump
tion was slowly but surely taking her
life. In this terrible hour Dr. King's
XewDiscovcry forconutbpt ion turned
despair into joy. Tim first bottle
brought immediate relief and its con-
tinnod use co.nplotely cured hor. 11$ We Can DO F0f YOU
mo n:eM run; in ii.o worm ior
( ! aii I an! !ug trouble'?. (Iiiar
ianlivt!. j'.ot!;. ."'t !s. -oid !.(). Trial
i t ... - 1... f ... f V r
i St.. re.
tt'A"i lit) Q-ni ki frw p mMis ui rep: -
! -ai lo:i est ;:.;.-..t d wlt4t4. e Ii ais t!i"t:i
3ttK)jr .-til t.e-i'S. n o. . i..s Ij -,1 i: :ri: -17
r-J j ''f f ' .!.' . -. ; - -.v.:rv, M-tl p.- s
: rv. r ui' ii: v vai;t".-,i
' t'eji.o a rTi t P :it;".m-!l e:'?i:e:ufi!.
ii;nIIm -it. tri'. expel lvfv
Hl ' U ft t ui. a!. KtK-io- ..ild:t .-.-i! ev !
i s. :ht1'.. .:N ; .nt I uav;::.s;.k;.
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.V i z: -r-
i : I i Ci n n n
Eeoair iiii?,
rtiJfltcJo viUi.,.u, i J: iSi.ti'-i ailU
i ordr
in i:
m.'J fin.jujv nrs.'.fo r. at a i t a-.-i ibio :ri- .
('..:l 1J.; -v i'"' of i"tlrv io::-
j,. ....,. )(f :,
P . I: . f '.!--. Pl-.s.
ts i:.. -t i:r...'4i- s c.-ir
!f i:-, CI. l'is, : i.ii.i
f .:tdj .s W
aial ('-..:..
Kuiic-s, .!.,;.. '; ; j::-t t.
tt I.
Aits jii u i;i
o Jt-.wier.
I lull ; I !.! ... 1 11 lie. . IStf.
i.vv.- rrttK. I III but.
. .. X- .i- : .'. : I
a .
; . 1- ; .
'. :!i. , r
:: , Ii I
;v ;t ' . 1 in poti'Miiaiic.
- : 1 1. . . f C 'iiyies-
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.. i V, . . ., l -i-fi
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:n;i!-. r or -tm tl. t
No .. i. Mi.---
ptlHlf tO -t " - !
iurieu!loral !i':t. . -i t !
elnim to fittUi iai.d bei 'ir . - V. n'-i.
' C'.nntv fUrk of imi- t' tuatt. O-.f . at
tit .-. of nri'v "l. ik in ' tr H
' i ,r .- .f.o Co.. ( hv& u, .'! t:
.!.. 'o- i f K-f;y. i-';'-
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l Ii 'U -;i .
I . .
.'. '!
: d .d
'l -eiv-'tis :i,- t.r v forl'ldi !! t. trt.s-
..4-., Iti J. , . f !- . - ' S '' pll.
. ::;'!.! ' ' : "1 ! ""! ti. -.;,.
t ti i- v ! t: '- i-ii- t!- .r ) . -
-: -ii, id ; i . ' ! f":
... n. --i-.v.-.:-v,.-. JL. V.
t I .J i"'-"iin.
! & ?ir,'dl,-;,
! H Makisuti.-j, Vis.,Srnf.2ri, 1003.
M , r:iri f'
H ,J-:"p !t- I wa.5 rati died with luc
si ri...t.i ircri the use ol tiie
fri b. 't!i',:":i5 1' ik three inore.ind then
i'j r ii , .i iii
tiounu i re.-lore(t to goou ii.vutn
ami strength and aMe to take up
my v.ork with rciievml vicor. I
consider it a line tonic ami excel'.Mit
r p.? ..
hi ..rn-oat, nervous contnuou,
M .md rim i o-.r.,? tn eiolono it.
Jo 37. vrr:!i Wiso.niai iItU-.nd M:lcty.
f . I
.cM-iir.':ii-i.f'Oh..ttleof "Win" -f 3 I Noiie- is herebv yiveii to id! jH-rs.-its n.-t . a"- w'.-'. o- -u- ,
W I'.-irdui a::d a .':. p.:ckat' of lotre-imss upon the premises of Dr. N.-n .-u. j J "V 0"iS!f PFtO'J Prico
K TL-.'iford'a'ghL today. & situated bit ween Floras Lake and the eoun ( f fV . o-jOi-G and 5 lie i- s. ! 00 -
-'i 1? tv rot.d. in Northern Ctirrv. bv reniovmo. Ua t j,,.. . . J;
' s rut tint:, or destrovint! tiiitb-r upon said j o: r"- sr'uI 5
W'IK57 ilC f'rn2?3 W ' reuanl uill to- p.iiti for inloriaa rT"1 "1?"T '
fctfli 'J? L-knUUi g t.onleadin,' to a conviction of trespa-s as U ;V V.V'""V1 3 !
r 3 -! cl :i I .. I n I iii vi I . -. . .rf-
J.lHltf I
Itaiiiion. Oregon,
Druggist and
Is just in receipt of a new and
fre.-h toek of
Drugs end Chemicals,
Toilet Articles,
Srii;o;jMt Suiitf vivu.
Pkkkpmks. JJat sm-.s, .SroxoF.s, SoArs
Xn.s and Candies.
'!j;':r3, Tubaeeos ami 'lari-tlea.
Paiisis. Gds. tllassLS. and Painter'. Supplied
You Can't Expect to Get
$2 worth fcr $1, but you
can get your money's
worth at
Healer in EJoots and Shoes
Kepairiii: neatly and promptly done at
lowest living prices.
un I'apeis for the I'rico of fine. Yon
(let the News of the World ami
the l.oeal News Thrown
in a- a tlarpiin.
tl.oe who pnv up atrearayes and a
ir in d:ife. and to all new subscri
!i ts vim pnv in advance, we make the
iti" ..vm:! rojNi.iit ion coMipr.sint: several
t'ii.i: :.t emipU !s to M-leet from:
I'kic r'.TioKs 1'iiix Vi..n.
N i.':.c-hl-R
s- GO
li si)
i :a
. ol'i : e.- ;.rani
W-ekh )-e.,o. .;i
Apjea. to It. ..-e:i
Tbi H.'dctin is o:se of she hntlisti' : ",
if the Wc.-i. and ia a d.iiiy pJibii-hed 1:. .o.
Firucssco. and iv s all ili new:?. U :r uSe
iueiad. s tin- Si.n.l v Uittltfin.
Kei- 'riSer !ht!e:Ii. one ye-r.. ?7 ''
K e ;idi r .-'.:id P.-.r 1. -tsn. on-h. -ne li ''-."
Tii- Pi.r! Hvt-Hinj Teji vrai '.
.-i 1 tieie-a - !:. 1 ;-.- lt ?H-- - -- !!
is Aoiih r-r-ii'i; ; t time i,s t;,.io:; it
ntrcu o
liiordi-r anil WVeklv (rri:.i:i:an..$2 .")
i; ii l!e .'nty of -eh person to Ke 1: 1:.
.'nnaii.ii nlon;; at! line- '5itt o-nd toM-ar:
r:if;i:t: t..i I-!pr hi.iditiotjsainl t;iea:i 1
;ii.jvritv f r tb hiiitintt fnslv. :at f--.
, , - .
. :jv ;'' ' t''i'ti r :.i ri a !....::
t. ! f .ro! t!u le-.-l'i-s v.- t?if tla: tl: !
A.;?. ' V. '.- . Any dortrii:" t. 1
d- es i.v.t 1.. th highest I'ttti r f 1
soniue i) : v.f,..
JleCoid. r ai! Apwn! to i!.as;i. . S2 .O
Do You
Know the News I
' .ii e.i.-i have it all for
; !nt
IV r
In th- Fvi-oie,' i". I . r.-i". of Port land,
Dr m. Il t lie 1 tiL" ' Vi niti" news
p ort. ptil.ii-.iu ! in r i contains
al! th t. v.- ..t th. ;!: ..f the
lei' oi
f p V.
Ti u :"- :
1 t'. ; .. ii it :
f n p.e
Ad;rr S
... ii.
h 1 I
w - . . I .
"in: t i.a :. cm: it.
N;!tt :: ; ):; i-l l.J.ii'A I 1N.
Tlmliei- I ami let. niiie :t, If.'.H.
I'xi.K!' '! !,. .n ! 'fMri;, IJ.Sflii:ij,
(.rt m. (isr.U 1 1. !"..
Votiit- is 1 v fivi u tint ir t ipi;.!iatM,i
rf: tl.e pr'.'.i. toa-o! !h af i.f "nifrr s
Juno '. I7- entitled "niiet foi the sale of
i.luT i.tud- it: ;!.
Ot. - :i. N. v.-.d .. u"A V.'.i .h:i:-! e: 'l.rsi
i r." n- ei ad.'d lo .11 ih I' i,-,.td
'r- .z-Sv e : ,.f I. is2 I'arohne I.
' f ' !'!i'ia of I il! it. .ft. "II::! v "t I S' i!e
I !!;.., his 'hi- d.;v f.; . Ill this otliie
I i : -.v-rn !-t ..-
i-..'-. f-.r t!.
pin- i
..f ii.. SV.i. ..i .SH . f S..-I.
J in 1 .wii-I.;,- V.. -.-.IS .nil., o: K.i:...,- V...
:ii I. oi. I -..n'ii: i- m.-ie vain due f.o il lim-
r ii !'- .". ti 11:- : :..: . h
. t : - . i ... .. .'. . ., ; .1
j.-uriiM'. F-j "
.... 1 T..t - -'i I
"r r.,:.; :. ; :;: ai- WM- v X COUGHS, colds, consumption, bronchitis,
. ,..;u, to n.., x n.. a,,,. ' B A7Hu0?IKTG VXVX, S0SS TMS0AT, K0AHSSKESS,
.tit,, M,T.:,:d'Je.-,?,!iad b, a ' M L0'5 V0KE, T"E PHLEGM AND EAJ5ES
. ip,r. . I : XP2CTGRATI0fc ifSALS THE LUNGS.
ln-r i.r Htoie- than tr atrneulinrnl purpose-.
M -'i.t to i -t .!!i:i hi r !..; t.i ! sanl latal h
fei :' i . ('. T. Hlnu !-iiM.t!i r. I.'. S ('oitiiir-sioii.
y i i. at hi -tii. e at Kandoii, iVus Count v. ti
Weill. e-iliv. the lt day of Fehrnarv, t'.KlV
She names as n-il tie-j-nw : Fr"d M. lioel.wood.
f Hand hi. IC.IuTt ... I, Kedillion. of Han
Ion. Spiay Gsh rn. of near Hand-m. J. P.
H'ini. of near ltand ni, all of Coos County.
1 ) i l'oii.
Anv and all persons claimiim adversely
the above d.-orihed lands are requested Jo
file the'.r claims m tins otli-e on or la-fore
said l.-t day of Ft binary, V.UA.
J. T. Hmdoils.
CiN i KST NO! km:.
Mepai'tmeiit ofllie liilei'lor.
I'sirun Siri:s Iivsn Ufkhji:, at Kikx-i-.i
ie: Oiti:a. n. Oet. :, t!Ht.
ti Isi Meut eoaleit allidavit iir.vint: been
lited in ihisoilice bv Margaret liiiinont. eon
i t ft' in', a.;aui-t home-tc ad entrv No. t!.
mail- laeel'ith. I'.Ml. for N 1 2 ot Nl-.'4. Nil',
: oi' N W',. Scetion ",0, Towil-lllp 2!l S.. Uai. e
I 11 W.. bv .lohn !. Tat hum. eente-iee, in
jwhieh it is aile.-e! that said .lohn li. Tat ham
! l.-ts wholly abamhiited said trait, that he
I has i-h.ineil his te-ah itec then 1'iotii for
more than one year since makiiii: said ent ry :
th .t the ti.u't, is not settled upon and
!eii!tivaled bv said paiiv iu reoiiircd by law.
! s.iiil paities are herein- tint i tied to,
I respond and oiler eviileni-e totiehiuu sal. I al-
...'attoii at 10 o eloek, a m.. on l-ebiuarv l"
I'.lo.-i. before Col. C. V. Hlumeiirother. C. S.
CommisKioiier, at his ollicis in Ikiiidoti. Ore
L" n. and that final henrnie. will lie held at
10 o'eloak. on Mareh 1. l'.IO.'i, before
the Kei'i-ter and IJeeeiv r at the Failed
Stati s Land Oltiee in Kosebnro. Oreeou.
J. II. Ini.tru, Ki ceisir.
net i:;
Dated al Handon. Oreer.n. .March 1 1. IIK'I.
MRS. E. J. KITE & CO. Props.,
We carry a, fine lino of s,iicl Winter
jrlstts a.ncl ".EjELclios7 2xrrrisiiiii.g Goods.
Give us a call mid examine our goods.
City Barber Shop
Siu-ei ssoi- to .J. I.. '1 110.1! iMN.
'jr. fits
II All: CUT,
norei ociuiiie
J. I. TrPiK3?. rropriptnr. mil I n i.'l ' I
This well-known hotel is now under new and com
petent management and has been thoroughly ren
ovated throughout. The table service is equal to
any in Southern Oregon. S mplo rooms for com
mercial men. JJaggage transportid lo and from
boats and trains free of charge.
Fine new bar in coutn'ction with th.- ho' id.
I . 1
-4 li.r?i,
fv- k
.4 1 1 ' 1 1 11 ii 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 '1 1 ' 1 111 m 1 wm
I 1 llWI MMWIilBMI' 1 1 1 1 I II II II PPM I P
l J fA S II ri V F- w il 'A. Vi V fed
h Endorsed by leading: physicians as the BEST remedy for
pA Chiidrsn's Croup r;r:d Whooping Gough because
. it contains NO OPIATES. The action ct tiatiara s fiore
j hound Syrup is mild cni bsr.fgn. it is adapted to infants, as well
' ' .1 . , f ,...,.!.v fr r.vr.;ir" -,i?r ii.-; n P." 7 "rill" inn.
i I
,, o St -1. 1 .
,vs s;c. it: ' -t'.'.i m. iit.-.r ; r.;l .0 c vs : r.-.c '.o . cu za ccr.
:yinjl:.v.. Vc prc-urru a 'c.v.'-j ci L -.. '.r.i's Ho'Jy'jt i Syrup, and
r. cured hi'r,. ir- r.c v r. v ; :rr. r.-.t vc E.'.vr.ys kep a boUlo
r 1
in the rcjvc-, and tn.r.k
U Easy io !lte; S'cre Id C?ire; EvsrfBrA'ile Guaranteed.
THREE S1:.F:S: 5c, 50c, Sl.oo.
V t .
tui ui li,C!!
r. ; t t
T:.W in Jiirrx?$ Si, V.ccalis r- 1
of 1
1.4. .
!n r.
j TJ r
. T I
- T
William (r.iltier wdl act ns nv r-ei i a'
Haiidoi: and all ordei.- hit u.ih I.e.: t. or li poiM wi.I u-celiv proii pl aitiil
P. 3. HOVT, Prop.
I.oeateil in Kb DOKVDO Hl lI.DIN(r.
1 ii-l street, I1.1MHI.N. OKI HON
Itatbrooin newly fitted up wijli I'oi i.-lnln
Tub. Hot or ( oll llaili- .' cent-
Independent and nnable--The Or-.ijon-tan.
VITil khW
f v-j .... v.. n?-w t a f-j-
ilj v . a. j-rs.'A2-.
r - .i 1 4.
S I CI K ,
it t f.V
r.o ewal fcr puirnoriar aisc-3scs.
... i-trfv sub-:-
. 4
. .
-.. i
' -t l.-ttrtt
r . Jjnrjr
. S cpy
: s Meal
- v.rp-to-
' t A! -i.luicljr
r r.'?!i.-rii.
All,s A!li.ifd eld Ptrforatlon iJww
Dc Bjs'.i's acd Srwina Liau.
Ontr i si I i c- -t cicl. tune higher
AtV. t t i.i m Soil n nearly every cilr
B ani) l e' I'V mati Ir im
5 113-11 j-117 Hcjt 31st St, HtW YORK.
THUMAS V, HiTE, Master
Leaves Handon everv morriitic. exrep"
! Sijnd'.y. at Tutu o'eloek and makes eonnec
t ion- with the tram and .stoi.iiK r .Mjrl at
lt:ISl a. m at Co.pnlli- ii'v.
Leaves Co(j.:il!i Citv at 12:2.o p. m., nrriv
iiit; at ISaiulou at tiO p. in.
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac "ending a rketcli and description mir
Qiit. kly iiaoertniii our oi'teUm frco whether aq
ltivt.iiti.a ti prohnlilr r-itf"i'il'le. CommunlcA,
tliiiisntrictljcmiaJoatlal. HAN0B00K on Patents
Butii free, oiliest ni:eitcr for secunnif patents.
l'.iienis taken through Jtunn & Co. recolra
tvicuil notice, without charae. tatbo
cieiuific American.
A handjotnely Illustrated weekly. Lnrcest clr
cut .tiu'i i f any sncntltlc journal. Terms. 13 3
i-.r: four luntittis, f L Sold byall newsdealer,
WUfiN & Co.36lB- Hew York
ItraLch Ofllce. C25 K SU WaabtDgton. D. C, "
itr rir ii
S 1 v