Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, January 26, 1905, Image 1

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    id 5
A....: $s$ Sfe
W'rw .s,:
52 Times a year for $2.
I b2 Times a year for $2,
Volume XXI.
Number 4.
&: BUS.
n i mm i rrj i h-A n- . tai un i on i
X. K. Barklow's baby was vory sick
Friday ni;bt, but has recovered.
II. Loan fjuvo l:n 5liliIl a
short visit last week, ivturnin,' homo
Monday ewni:.;.
K. M. Haytor. of Arao, was in
town Tuesday ui-ht having' come
down on a short viit to relative?.
Kev. Robert Ennis. at one timo a
resident Presbyterian minister here,
is now located at Jacksonville, Ore-
Miss Florence A. Hoa v,i oiiedo
Sun Francisco, ana will make her
home there a-ain. She wiil follow
.stenoKraphy again.
A. CI. Hot gave Alyrtlo Point a
fraternal call last Saturday, having
i totalled the officers of the I. O.O. F.
at that place .Saturday evening.
Cox wants to see you. lie sells
provisions ani groeeiies. iioiie.-i
measure and merit go hand in hand
with Cox. Try him iVr Flour, Hams.
Bacon, etc.
When you paint use the be.t. Try
Xason's paint ami von . huve the
best. For varni.-h there is :-npe-tier
to the Tamm A: X lan Cos arti
cle. Enqr.ii of McX air.
Dr. Perkins. J. M. Perkitn. D. E.
Stilt from lia.i.l n. and T. -I. Perkins
of Parkersbnrg. atten led the Okjs
County Law and Order League meet
ing at Coquiiie Ci'y last Friday.
The ieat:e r Elizabeth came in last
Friday night at midnight, having
about l.JO tons of freight and two pns-
sengers. 1 he names oT the pasen .
, ... , ,
gere were A Simons and Dr. J. C.j
Snook-. 1
,3 T r at .i 15
At. I I ie of Mvrtf Wnirst- u'- f
, Tit- . if
, - , ,
ban r rancisco, bv wav of Coos 13av.
Zt , . , "
some bur-inesi- In-fore ret urni ng home
He left for home yiMerdav moruid
W W Smith nf ..rrli,.rn Cum ;
was iu town the lMler part if la.-t
weekou biiHuess. Hen-turned
.Suuday acemupanied by his wift-Vi
parents, .Mr. ank Mrs. W. P. Holman.
who have gone out fur a jfew day-
visit. I
JEIder E. Keler, of Myrtle Point,
has goue to Fteldbrook, California, to!
preach f. ra few weoks and baptiz-a '
tiuinber of persons who wish to unite
with the etiureh. lie started la-t
Thur.-,l:iv and will be al-ent about
four weeks.
Walter Punter s young.-t child had an!ii,,-r fur 5atu0
its left arm thrown out of lace at the 1 Tl eie ha been a general hai;in
Hhoulder and elbow, la.-t week. Mr j P f Jhrndoniat during the paM
Pauter was leaJing the child when it ' week by -la giippe." among whom
stumbled and fell. The accident oc-; fJeo- l'- Topping. .'. V. Jlarris. Mrs
enrred in trying to save the child j B. D. IStitt a number of other.-.
The trouble has been adjuster ! lmt K'i"S better.
The steamer Elizabeth went to sea The steamer Elizabeth went to sea
last 3Iondayvith a largo cargo of j Monday, but a -lw mu-t have had
lumber, matchwosd and miscellane-, to encourter the strong spilth wind
mis freight. Following is the lift of during the storm .if the pa.-t three
passengers: Albert .Simon-. (J L . day-, she will hardly be able tore
Moore and wire. Mrs Emma M.khv. turn before Mond.iy or Tue-day.
Virgie. El-ie a:; 1 Gertrude Moore, j C Ij. Loekwood. wh-.. for many
?di?s FiMT.-.v A isa. Mis Sadie . years, has been plying his profe.-,-ion
Keed. E K iy, li M Kay, C Ilatiield .ss engineer on some one or other of
and Miss Meuah Lambert. jthe steamer- mi the C'tKpiillj Kiver.
-r- -. . i -,i ' has gone ..j C'difm-.ia. Mrs. Luck
ror a limited time onlv wc will j "
i t . , -, r ., i woo l weit to S-tiita ii. -a la-t fall,
send free to ev ry subscriber of the,
KKCi:i.L-a. who, hi-ides leinitting all1 -M-"- Don-las T-i f-.r i died at
way for a vear s -nb.,crii;tioti ' ' r'y "nday m.i,-:ing, aged
in atlvaiice, a hand-ome Muvenir '
iVashingt.n City, containing &S re
j)roluctions of the celebrated aiti.-t
Thomas Fleming. Beside- 1 1 i pln
did souvenir we will furnish each sub
scriber with a -fl.Ol) cup.,n wl.ieh v,ili
be honored by the Xnt.sheil Put-. Co.
of New York, a part payment for the
illustrated book, "Around the Capi
tol." a volume highly commended by
the public men of Ameiica and Eu-
ropo as one of tho most humorous, j
interesting and instructive etTorts of i
our lime
ji t.,..i. ,i,( -ii . i
xi is n i uu u iiini ii in ui-
appreciated in every American home.
o'clock in the evening, and carry per
If you cannot find what you want sons to the ball free of charge. Tick
anvwhero else in town, come to tho els to the ball one dollar each.
Maybe wo have one left, if so, tho
price will please you.
Our stock is small, but the goods
are of a good quality, aud tho prices
are right.
We make ''Cash Buying' an object
I p the purchaser, at
I S, F. Uai'M'r, of Myrtle Point, was
i a IJam.ou caller yesterday.
,Jnd.o D. J. Low.-, who was taken
;u.k some two weeks. a;;o, is convales-
iiii nicely,
The .schooners Oakland and Onward
; art, r,.JUy for soa and will probably
get out today,
The Seaside Orchestra :ivo a very
! pleasant daueo last .Saturday nibt
whieb was quite well attended,
w Marshall, one of Northern
r,lirv CollMtyV puunment stockmen.
uasdninj; business in town last niirht.
Mrs. J.ena Davidson, who has been
n, fjr monl)S WJls somi.wimt
( WOfJe lllis. bM js a ,illlo bottt,,.
ng iin.
; Dr. (5ooro lius-oll of Coquillowas
I( j.Iui,II mglll i,uving come
tou.M to ioauj ):ilil.nls bl, has at
iids place.
The Meamer Dispatch laid oil' her
run yetetday fr repairs to her wheel
and rudder. The Meamer Liberty
carried the mail in her place.
The Meamet Elizabeth bni.ght in
Mbiut l.'Jit ;mi of freight on her laM
! ut.- t.y ti-l.r,, I. I 1
of the machine y for th. woolen null.
An agreeable movement of the
Imv. ids without any unpleasant etVerl
is produced bv ( 'hnmiie! 1 iiu' Stom
ach at.d Liver Tablet:-,
C. Y. Lowe.
' or :-a!e
Fratd; P. IVgert. of Myrtle Point,
came do n JhM Friday and will make
Ban l 'it his heme for Idle. He am:
1.1 1 . 4 1 a9 f!iti..i ud oi 1 .S.omr .4iini
amr.r.g upon the beacti.
M is. A. J . Hart man, who returned
home last week, from the hospital at
' MarM.field, is improving very nieelv, i
: although it ill be some time before
, ,
-lie will be up ami iioun.i.
. . l'!.b.v:i! i (i.4i.?- nf 1 ;iH!ii:m Uv Cnvrv
. : : ... .. ..a. .. i .! .:. ..
'" L '" l: 1 1 " u IUI ' l:t wi" '
f thi. Masons. This
ir !
x visit t ti-wn m a but a vtar.
r- Snoiks. tho d.-nij-t. is here ;
'. an t tlirsrs re.p!i;in- i:i- .-erviee.
sh'nhl call at once. K-niftuber he i
prepareil to do all kinds of work in
,Lo dtntal lilw aiul guarantees what
l)e l,oos-
Through the inlbiice .f Senator
Mitt-hell, we have been the re-
cipietit ..r a -upplyuf garden -oeds
Ur'r patruiis can haw a paeknge b
! calling at the lirt:ji;iEn i.ftiv'e n.i.l
ye?:!. M;:ii- nf our lemlers H ill
li.!..''!:,! .T Mrs. IVIfi ;d ;:s .-ho lived
in ' two or three vears while
hr grand-on M.-is v.orkeil in th-
Wunh'ti Ml!K le-i e.
-topping in town this week, having
placed himself under the care of Dr.
Perkins. Mr. Perkins' health has not
j,..,.,, 0(Jt for H(),,K, jjrm, :m,j Hie
physiciau thought it best that he
.sloi,i uavt, (.tjv ,.an.
i on rtAi.E.- Allred .Macnado will
sell his valuable seining ground which
lies on the north side of the Coqnille.
adjoining 11. V. iBullard's property
on the we-t below Bollard's Ferry.
This is a valuable piece of fishing
properly, tho largest haul of the sea
n.n being reported from it.
Then1 is to be a ball at Biverton
next Saturday night, .January 2Sth,
to which a general invitation is ex
tended to the public. The steamer
Antelope will leave Bandon at 7
Mr. Edgar Bosseti fuiis-hed his work
on the furnace at the Woolen .Mill
last Saturday, and it is now read' for
1 use. The engine has been placed on
its foundation, but the work of ad
ju - tment has not been completed. ;
Tho shaft hangings are being placed j
in tho mill, and tho Lcvar brothers.
are at work putting machinery togolh
er. M. I. Smith camo over from
North Bend and has gone to work in
the mill.
ElatN 1'ost.
Jjadies in need of Hats will do well
to call and examine my Mock, asSpring
will soon be hero and I wiMi to make
room for a new stock.
Mas. E. J . Hitk.
Ilonit.stlr Tiutllilr.
It is exceptional to find a family
where there are no domestic ruptures
occasionally, but these can bo lessened
by having Dr. King's Xew Life Pills
around. Much trouble they savo by
I their great work in Stomach and Liv-1
j er troubles. They not only relieve
1 you, but cure. '25 ceuls at C. Y. Lowo's
Drug Store.
Members of the Law and Order
League met last Friday, at Coqnille.
City, and concluded the organization
by adopting a eouMitution and by
laws. A number of communications were
read bearing on the work in hand, iu
cludi:,g one from Judge Hamilton
giving the imVrmaMon that a hearing
j could be had. ai any tune, in regard j
' fi I'.birln,! t.i tl.ii T. .11 ii.l . 1 i ... . 1
the County Court to close the saloons
in Coos County, by giving ten days
notiec'fo the parties who enjoined the
Several Miort speeches Were made
j the spirit of the mi mbers of
tht League, which Mious a .Mrotig
purpo.-e to Mumi for the right, ami to
-ee that the lawi compMeil with, ami
that a minority shall not rule in dia
obedience to tiiu expressed will of the
.Reports of the linances of the
League showed about '2Jy in sight
with fair prospects of raising ample
to prosecute the work in hand.
1 he pntpose of the meeting having
11 h "
. i c. l .. ..i. :.. ii i
. . . - . .
. ,Jr " loiKMl!,' I invr.I'il Hie cll.S?o
, .... .
MiuiMi t'l ui!' injiiuri ion. ine enliven- -
li.iii eluscd o if efnvi'in' on b'rid;
F.-K 17. h. at L'.iqiiille.
l ..I I ..I 1 1 I
r.aeu i'ti.-oii who .-unsci ih'S 10 Hie
, l, .
mi ot i no t.eaguo is a member of
-nine, and all members are invited to
uitend the meeting.
W u:iil i'i ftil Ni'i ;
Is di-p! by many a man endur
ing pains of acci-lentai Cuts. Wounds.
Brui:-e-. Bum-. .Sj-ald?-. Sore Feel or
StiH' .Ji Hits, l'-'.t tl ei no ui'ed foi
:t. Bui'kletiV Amiea Salve will kill
the j and cure she trouble. It
:l.e best S-jhe -n eaith for Pih-P. too.
'!') cents at ('. . L -we - iJi u
"flA TUT T7 J
DUU Meil, WOmen and
Children, to purchase
' I
Dress Goods, Mackin-
bUOliUO, UilUcl Wbdi.
ShflPS W.fn nf Q rnrnnl
tion of from 10 to 60
per cent discount.
We must have room
for our Spring line of
Goods, hence this sac
rifice. C, me and examine our
stock and be convinced
jyOU Cclfl C8 t 3. DPQiflf 21 ID
all kinds of goods.
Sale commences Rfion
day, January 30th.
This offer only holds
good until February 1 1th.
F. I). Lay ton and M JI. Martin, of
San Franci.-co, are interviewing Uan-
, don merchants in the interest of thu
linns they represent.
W e would be pleased to have you
try a sack of Whito Lily, our new
brand of Hour. This is an old estab
lished brand in Portland, San Fran
cisco and Sound cities. A trial is all
wn ask. Wo are hiire you will bo
pleased and always call fur "White
Lily" in the future.
LoitKN. it Lanoi.ois.
.Stiiii:u-li Trouble anil Coiitli:itiui.
"Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets are the best thing for stomach
troubles and constipation I have ever
sold,'' says .J . U. Cullman, a lru''ist
of L'otterville, Mich. "Thoy are easv
to take and always give satisfaction,
I toll my customers to tiv them and
if hot satisfactory to come- back and
yet their money, but have never had
a complaint." For salu by C. Y.
Home Circle Column
Criule Thought.-. Ak Tliey full From The
lldltoi I't-ii. I'lriinaiil Kvfiiin Hi-v-rli-.
A Culiiinii I)L-ll::tttl to Tired
.MotlH-is us "1 lit' Join Tlio Hume Clreli
at Kveiiinir TMe.
Practical religion is a friend of
longevity in a fact that it is a protest
against dissipations which injure and
destroy tho health. I3ad men and
women live a very ehort life. Their
sins kill them, You all know many
good old men. and but very few bad
old men. Why? JJad men seldom
live to get old. Lord Dyron died at
Missoloughi at thirty-six years of age,
j himself his owu Mzeppa, his unbri
dled passions the horse that dashed
with him into the desert. Edgar Al
len Poo died at Baltimore at thirty
eight years of ago. The black raven
thnt alighted on tho bust aboo his
chamber door was delirium tremens.
Only Ibis nml nothinjj more.
Xapolcon Bonaparte lived only just
beyond mid life, and died at St. He
lena, and one of his doctors said that
his dL-ease was induced by excessive
.nulling. You have known many peo
ple who have not lived out half their
days on account of their dissipations
and indulgences. Xow practical re
ligion is a protest against all dissipa
tion of any kind.
But, you say, professors of religion
j have fallen, professors of religion
have got drunk, profe.-sors of reliuion
have misappropriated trust fnmis,
professors of religion have abscond
ed. This is all true, but they threw
away religion before they did their
mor-ility, ami before they did those
evil acts. If a man ou a Whito Star
Line steamer bound for Liverpool, in
mid-Atlantic, innins ovnrbo.'ird and is
j j 4i .i- n
i orow nei, is that anvthini; against the
. (! m:m iiimm-.-; t!u i-rn:m ? A rial if n
--- w.-.. ... v- v .... . ai !
iu"" jiaii.ji.-j urn iiii: iicniiiir ui l i-ll
I itii n i n in ru mi'ui lli.i unit iti t.i T ...ill
I 1
ion and troe.i down never tn, is
ii,.. ... f.,.. ......
j that r.-ligii.n has no capacity to take
,i i .1 t a r .i i
(the man clear through? In the one
case if he had kept to tho steamer his
body would have been saved; in. the
other case if he had kept to religion
his morals would havo been saved.
There are a great tunny who try to
feed their m uI on infidelity mixed
with ti nth. They t-ay the Bible has
goo 1 th'it.g in it. but it is not in
spiled. They say Christ was a good
:uati, but He was not inspired, and
that religion is made up of ten de
grees of humanitarianism. and ten
egrees of rgolism with oi'o degree
i ""5V ,rutni ntl,J 0'' i poor, miser-
- aW.. cud they make their immortal
I"12!. ch,T, wl,i, ,h" T,M,ows
l iot s world are trreon and luxuriant
n - - - -
with well-watered pastures. Did you
ev.r meet a tdicid skeulic? Did von
,uvr "1('(,t contented atheist?
i -
ne. t'lotn the davs of Gibbon and
"Noll aire down, not on". They quar
rel about God. They quarrel about
tho Bible. They quarrel about each
other. They lako all tho divine
teachings and gather them together,
and under them iljey put the tiro of
their own w it, and scorn, and sarcasm,
and thon they dunce iu the light of
that blaze, and they scratch amid the
rubbish for something with which to
help them in the days of trouble, and
something to comfort them in the
days of death. Finding nothing Vol
taire declared: "This globe seems to
mo more liko a collection of carcasses
than of men. I wish I never had
been born."
.Jnn. 'JO. St m r Klizabetli.JeiiBen, 18 hoars
from San Francisco.
Jan. 'JJ. Snlir Advance, OyidpiiRson, .1 dys
from Sau Francisco to C. M. it T. Co.
Jan. 10. Sciir Knby, Kortli, ( S. F.
Jan. -1. Sclir l'raui, Hansen, to
San Fiaiifisoo.
Jan. Stmr Hli. ihotli, Jensen, to S. F.
3Dr. S- Ti. iFeirfcixis,
Utlicc ovor Win. (iaJlier'H Store.
Ollice liourH ( to 1) a.m.
('.ill at rcsiduacu at otLur Lours.
JDi -ti. Tj. Houston,
Office in Pacific Hotel. H.n.rR, !) to 12, a.m.
1 :'.',() to 4, p.m.; 7 to 8 iu the eveninn.
S. A. D. EATON, .
Ij A IV V K n ,
Will practice iu all Courts.
Notary in o'.licu.
Ottlni- ii-lalr. in K Duraflu Iliiif!iii;
Important Wows Noics
ITukjjday. Jan. 117.
Senator Mitchell denies all connec
tion with the land frauds in Oregou
or elsewhere, and deiies his accusers.
Fifty-nine persons perished in Xor-
way by a land slide. An avalanch of
land slid into a lake causing a twenty
foot wave to sweep the neighboring
General Sloessol, with 500 oHicers,
left Japan for Russian ports,
The Japanese captured tho Dutch
steamer Wilhelmina. She was on
her way to Vladivostok with a cargo
of coal
Firo hi a coal mino in 111. caused
tho loss of live lives and one man is
Wkinkw.vt. Jan IS.
Governor Chamberlain ha notified
the Legislature that under all, except
extraordinary, condition", ho will veto
measuros carrying an emergency
Russian troops lire into a mob of
people at Lodz and kill and wound
many person-?.
The strike is settled at Fall Kiver,
and th trainmen threaten tostriko at
The Japanese captured the British
steamer Baw try, a blockade runner.
Tam:-iAY, Jan. lit.
Bullets tired from a government
batter entered the chapel where the
Czar of Kt.s.-ia was worshipping. It
is said to be a plot to kill tho Czar,
but tho aim was too high. The offi
cers an 1 meuof tho battery have been
Flora Patterson, a small girl of Eu
gene, was severely scalded by tho
bursting of a water bottlo she had
takon to bed with her for warmth, tho
bottle being tilled with hot water.
An oilwell in Santa Barbara county
-f .I..,- A I........ :.. 1 .......
, Ul Uli jll-i VIIIJ . .'X Ull-UUilUJ 12 UL'Ji:
constructed to tavo the oil.
Th' Band entertains with a Grand
Ball on or about Feb. '22nd. Exact
; date will appear later.
Fiuii.VY. Jan. JO.
A high Cliiueso otlicial gives out
tho information that 'Chiua has no
intention of taking u hand iq the
Eastern war.
The Japaneso aro considering tho
task of damming aud pumping Port
Arthur harbor clear of water with a
view of sdving tho Bussian ve&sels
that have been sunk iu it.
Thousands of Russians join tho
strike at ISt. I'eteisourg.
Sati'iioay. Jan. :M.
Tho strike in tho Bussian capital is
still growing. A priest who leads the
strikers urges tbem to arm for the
Four Americans were killed in
Mexico by Indians who tired upon j
tho stage from behind rocks.
A Xew York chef died from blood
poisoning caused by tho pinch of a
More troops have been called out
from surroundiug barracks at St.
Monday. Jan. '23.
There was tierce rioting at St. Pet
eisburg in which the strikers and
their sympathizers used brickbats and
other missels while tho troops used
their guns. Three thousand killed
and twenty thousand wounded aro
Tho steamer Cleo. V. Fhler struck
a submerged jock in the Columbia
Biver aud is a wreck. Sho lies on tho
;5 x 3: y .cf
cIANDON l.ODCi:, So. 1 15, A. 1". A. M
$"5 p ANDOX LOIKJ i:,No. 11S.A.F.A .M. J
-I Spitid conunnuicationK firm
after the full moon of each ;
j-Miionth. All Master Masons cordiatjv r.
invitetl. W. 0. SANDKHSON, W. M. ' 5
y J. U. Walstiiom. Sue. i::
Con i-l Ouri'ii of tlir l'iiri'l No. IT, .'.
l"ori'tTS of Aim'-ie;..
;:r -lovivv (Wa:s of tiii: foufst.i
':. J N'o. 17, meets Fridav niylit i.f eaeli.. !'t'k. in (.oncrete Hall, Hamlou. (Iii'iinii.v
'4 cordial welvotue is extetidi'd to all vis-;'-?--itini!
brothers. J. V.. FISH Kit.
y J. N. Lvnoi.ois, ('hiet Kaner.
'.j. Fin. Secretary.
iiandox i.oixji: No. i:;:i, i. o.o. y
? AX1X.N Lf)I)(.K. No. V.V., I. O. O. K.
meet ft every Satuulav evening.''
v;Visitin brothers in ood standing'!'!
icordiatly invited. Z.
$ A. J. HAHTMAN, N. G. ::
T. W. lionisos, Sec. '
O- T. Bl-amenrotlier
U. S. Commisioner and Notary Public
Filmland Final proofs made on Hon-e
Ltead'i.Ti'nher Claims and other I. S. Lands
."Moio-y I.ouiik Niot luted on A pproveil
Ollice in room 111 Iteverh Ituildine, Iian
don. Hesideticu on Matte Creek, Oregon.
fn.ll l;lmU of Ue:il ICHtale lioulil ami
The City Meat Market,
0 Yes! 0 Yes!
We Have the Variety of Stock
Hoof, Pork. Veal. .MutNui. Luteli. Holouin ami Po-k Snnjn:e, Pressed Hoof, Head
Cheese, Corned Hei f. 1'n-kinl Pork. Kjjus- Veu-ahlfS and liutler.
Call on us and y.vl prici-.s before bnyin elsewhere.
We are not like the Hind Wheels
of n wagon, alwnva following in the snuio rat. Wo nro pushers, .s trivial for a larger!
business, and wo L'et th ro by keeping
Tlie Best Meat in tiie Usundi
and stilling at the vi-rv lowest prices.
Wo aro here to please and here to stay.
"SToTjirs to serve,
J. Waldvogel & Son, Props.
Bandon Meat Market,
T. .AxLClersom. Prop.
Will Keep ou Hand at nil Times
Fresh Beef, Pork, IViutton, Smoked Meats, Lard,
Sausages, Etc., also
Fresh Vegetable-, Poultry, Eg.s Butter and all Farm Produce.
I will pay highest warRel price for hoof, pork, niutton,vool, hides, etc.
Dry Goods of Every Description.
Ladies Coats, Capss aiid
Boots &c Stioe
Fresh Groceries of
Suits Made to Measure,
The New, Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer
C. P. JENSEN, Master-
Tlii-s Steamer N r. is Sirn!y SmiH. mid fit'ed with the httist imjirovements. and will
jjivc a urnt.-r dav m i :n , r pa i i "Zt-rs and freight, hctwetii thu
(' )ijtr!h- l.ivcr. ()rii.o:, and San Francisco, Calif.
KLIF.lT DYElt. Affiit. Handon, ()rcon.
K. T. KltUZ. Manaiim Aint. 1)7 Frmit Strtet, Sun Francisco. Callfornin.
Household Furnishings and Beco-.
x'ations of all kinds
lied IJii-'m Sr.irt-s Car' iin 1'
ami I'mv. U widow
Cabinet Shop in Connection. Mattresses and Springs.
Furniture Itepairin and Sa.v-tHniK a Specialty.
jGlass, Paints, Oils, Brushes. Vl7S!u UNDERTAKING
A Fall Line of IJtiri.'l C'a-Ie. ts. 15ari:tl K li sand (inodx, and Undortakin; Snpplios
('oas:in:lv lt ;it en Ilaial.
J. C. Shields & Son,
Bl&cisxxiitix &5 Wagon
Wagons of all kinds made to order.
Jnh work attfiidcd to promptly nnd idl work unarantcod to nivo satisfaotion. PriceBt
Horseshoeing el Specialty
' If You Do
and examine our
Stoves, Ranges and Farm Implements, Etc,
Now h tlie time to purc-linse Hardware. Tho mnlorsigtied lias
in stock a lar't a-i.rt incut of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Glassware, Crockery and Miners' Supplies.
1'aintH, Oils. Doors nml Wii:!owM.
The Bandon Hardware iVIan.
;ko. r. 'rnrriMi,
Fire Iris-ui-iSLiaoe.
liuiilon, - - Oregon.
all Kinds.
- s and Fine
Wall Faiwr and
TriniminL'. House
We aro still doinii tmsinesR at The Ola
Stand and can nlcnso vou. (Jive ns a Call
Wrenshal! & Wrenshall,