Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, January 19, 1905, Image 4

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prER jjivusdaj ATjy.js.vpqs
Ono Year 2 00
Sir Months 1 OC
Three Months &
Thia p?por is entored nt the. Hnndop post
ollico ns Seoond-clnss Matter.
THURSDAY, JAN. 19, 1905.
An amendment to tbo Local Option
luw has been introduced at Salem
providing for olections only in the
rosideuce districts of municipal cor
porations. Tuis is a move of the
Brewors' Association to prolong their
damnable traQic and license them to
sell poison and kill off the human
race. Snch protection is equal to
full fledged liceuso and protects no
one, not even tbo women and children,
as they are liable to insult through
the action of drunken men, when they
visit tho business section, while the
home in the residence section is just
as hablo to ruin, morally and financi
ally as it over was. The business
man. laborer and purchaser must visit
the busiuess section.
Young man, why do you throw your
life away? Is life so worthless to you
that you wish to destroy it, or do you
imagine that your physical being is
constructed out of boiler ulate or
some indestructible material? Why
do you take that into yoqr stomach
that will destroy your digestion and
bring djsease nnd fasten yice upon
you? Why will you expose your
luugs to tho poisonous cigarette or
ibe fumes of a cigar, or strong pipe,
in the face of the' fact that death lurks
in the poison, while your intelligence
is blunted before death ensues. God
designs that his children shall be
wise, and that if they will follow af
ter right living, and seek intelligence,
haj shall have graudness of life like
unto Himself, Such life is not fonad
in wantonness nor 6elf-destruction.
Telegram: A member of the Mis
souri Legislature has introduced a
bill to make it illegal for waiters to
accept tips. This may be one way of
frustrating the tip evil, but a better
vrsj jvosM probabij1 b& fo? prope - 4
tors of restaurants to establish a rule
voj?oring the sa'ine ground. It is sus
pected by an unfeeling press that the
author of the jjjeasjuje is endeavoring
to retaliate on men whom ho met at
.hp St. Louis Exposition.
A Very Cloe Civil.
"I stuck to my engine although ev
ery joint ached and every nerve was
racked with pain," writes C. V. Bel
lamy, a locomotive fireman of Bur
Ijpgton, Iowa. "I was weak and pale,
without any appetite, and all run
down. As I was about to give up, I
got a bottle ,of Electric Bitters and
after taking it I felt as well as I ever
did in my lifel" Weak, sickly, run
down people always gain new life,
strength and vigor from their use.
Try them. Satisfaction guaranteed
- -w ft ft
by U. 1. .Lowe, JUruggisi.
Trice 5(1
Conrt FroceediuK
Co it tin net).
before District Attorney and
Grand Jury :
Dr Geo Russell, 8 day
Dr A'nlter Colin, 1 dar
C: M Skeels, I day
Arthur Coach. 1 day
Mrs Stephen Gallier. 1 day....
Aiuert Suckan, 3 days
Mrs Geo Pike, 1 day.
A A Leach, 1 day
W B Norton, 1 day, 2G mile)..
Ji.Hu Mar.tiine, 1 day. 33 miles
Win Howell, 1 day, 18 miles...
John Boone, 1 dny ,
James Cox. 1 day, 'M miles
.$ If, 00
.. 200
.. 200
... 200
. ;'0Q
.. GOO
.. 200
.. 200
. . 4 CO
.. f.SO
... 380
.. 200
.. fQ
J L Quick. 1 day, 38 mill 8 5 80
T A Kins. 1 day -'00
John Flynn, 1 day, :5 miles 5 CO
Dale i'lynn, 1 day, 33 miles..
i6ra Moon. 1 day, 33 miles...
5 30
Fred Taylor. 1 day. :W milts 5 00
Walter Snckan. 3 daye G 00
J'red Perkins. 3 days, 72 miles 13 20,
Chas Hall, 3 days, 38 mileB 9 80
W Gaue, 4 days, 46 miles .' IS GQ
E M IHackerby. 7 days, C8 miles 20 80
Stella Conner. 1 day
Dave Johnson, 1 day
Mrs Ij P Maury, 2, d.ay
D P Strang. 2 days
Mrs D P Strang. 4 dass
O C Sanford. Id '.
Mrs B H Burns, Id
J C Simmon's. 2 d.
Jiihn Siinmqno", 'Ad
Lydia Simmons, 3d
2 00
2 00
: 4jQ
2 00
I.... GOO
2 00
Mrs T Johnson, 1 d
Mrs T A Kuk, Id
Witnesses in Stato vs A E Suckan :
C C Cady, 3 d. C22 m $ CS 20
Florence Suckau. 3 d. 022 m G8 2Q
Til la Suckau. 3 d. 022 in 68 20
Lawrence Suckau. G d, 14 m 13 40
Dr E Miogns, 1 d, 38, m 5 80
J P'Tuopef, Id.'. 2 00
Mrs A E Suckan, I d 2 00
Albert Suckan. Id 2 00
Witnossea in State vs Earl Steele:
Rnssell Johnson, 2d-..f 400
W W Gage. Id 2 00
Mrs D P Strang, 2d 4 00
J C Simmons, 2d 4 00
Lj'dia Siromond. 1 d 200
il M SktelB. Id 2Q0
Jr Walter Cnlin. Id 2 00
Witnesses in Stato v Phoebe Jtoelo
Or E E Straw, 2 d,38m....
Or Wm Horsrall, 2 d. 33 m 7 80
Ot WCaliu, 2d
Or J T McCormRC, 2 d. 118 in.
r J Lamb. 2d
Mrs L P Manry. 2 d
W WOBRe,2d
0 M Skeels, 2d
Mrs Mary Gallier, 2d
Dr Geo Knssell, 2 d
r A King, 2d
Ira T A Kipg. 2d
Mrs D P Strang. i d
K S Knowlton, 2d
Annie Knowlton, 2 d
, .... 780
... . 400
, 400
4 00
Dr E Mingns. 2 d. 3$ nj 7 80
IJarbara De'aD, l'd 2 00
Hattie Brace, Id 200
L II Hazard, 2d. 4 00
Mabel Hazard. 2d. 4 00
David Lowe. 2 d ' 4 00
Belle Lowe, 2d '.. ... 4 00
Mrs Judge Nosier, I d '. 2 00
Witnesses in State -rs Chas Gardner:
E A Anderson, 1 d. 33 m .... 580
Samuel Archer, 3 d, 7C m 13 CO
f H Cox, 3d, 76 ui 13 CO
Thos Wilson. 3 d, 70 m 13 GO
tsaao Wileon, 3 d, 70 m 13 GO
J W Tower, 2 d. 7G m 11 00
Mrs Ellen Sneddan. 3 a. 76 m 13 GO
Chas Sueddeu. 3 d. 76 in 13 CO
Chas Sneddon, Jr, 3 d, 70 to 13 GO
Wm Snoddou, 3 d. 76 ra.. 13 GO
Caas Metlin, 1 d, 3$ m 5 80
Alta Gardner, 2 d. 33 m 7 84
V Hoelliug. 2d. 38m '. 7 80
Tas Uiohardson. 2 d, 38 m 7 80
In re expense of November, BKX, election :
C A JohuBou, election booths 1 7f
EJCoffelf " . 2 0)
Anson Rogers, ' 4 40
Isaac Chandler, eleotion booths, meais
for board 5 00
J R Ligbtuer. election booths, meals
for board 5 f0
J D Bennett, election booths, meals
for board C 00
Heaver Hill Coal Co. election boots,
meals for board 2 50
Mrs G R Wickham, meals for board...
Coquille Valley Packing Co, roomjreut
June and Not
E Schneider, room rent, Jnne and Nov
Hotel North Bend, room rent and
meals for board
Hotel Guerin, meals for board
D R Lewis, making booths
G 00
5 00
6 00
3 50
2 00
3 00
4 50
5 50
1 70
43 50
8 2U
3 00
John Morgan, clerk Jane election
North Beud Mfg Co. booths
Hotel Blanco, meals for board..
G P Topping, room rent and meals for
CT Blumsnrother, registering
Shad Hudson, "
W B Beebo. "
J F Hall, "
E Bender.
Glass & Prudbomme Co. envelopes.
A D Morse, canvassing returns
J H Cecil.
In re Judges and Clerks of election, Nov.
19 4, for the various precincts:
Robt Walker, YM Lowe. E M Black-
erby, each if G 00
H W Holverstott, H Jkttys, J L Bar
ker. W B Beebe. John Graudy. Fred
Poo re, each 3 00
W C Chase, R J Dean, O T Skeels. B
H Burns, J J Lamb, N Lorenz, each
6 00
- Wawili Bw. ,u P Fox. Aa-
ion Rogers. E J CoUelt, A O Robert.
Chas Eodine. Z T Thomas, John
Porter, E J. Bigelovr, G H Hal, L M
Orrasby, Win Abernethy, E P Mast,
J O Stemler, A L Nosier, H H
Browuson. TJ Ruikard, Wiq Ter
pen, John Morgan. B D Jones. C T
Blnmenrother. W P Bovre, R P
Hunt. C E Hhiisou. G W Sanford,
W Ahlskotf, J V Shock. JJauoes Her
vey, W J Lichty, each
J R Lihtner, John Bear, T M Dim-
mick, F M FriedbnrK, J F Hull. C A
Metlin. each COO
J D Bennett. L B Uollenheck, J M
Bright, each
L A Roberta. L W Deyoe. I E Rose,
Geo Chard, S J Centers. John Lnnp,
G S Davis, J D Clinton, Auost
Schrotder, each ,
3 00
6 00
3 00
CbBS Eckhoff, S W Vunzile, E L Par
ker, each G 00
Frauk Flam, R Pouiuroy, T W Drnne.
John DjualdSMU, A Barrovrs. Alf
Machado, Win Rohm. J F Lee, Wm
Hull, C C Carter, K P Carman. W H
Wise. Geo W Wilson. Geo Was-wm,
Chas E Gotty, S B Sherwood. A D
Boone. J W Catcbini;, Beuj RoburtH.
Oliver Lnndritb, C N Norris, each..
G O Leaob, W L Kistner, J W Nosier,
Jnlins Krnse, James Wall, I N Wilson,
E T Coffelt, G A Gould, C E Ed
wards, N E Bicelow, W E Biuelow,
F E Schoefield, Stove Minnrd, L F R
Heller, A O Hooton, S S Eudicott.
W P Davis. C V Sanford, O W
Jacksou, F H Colcrove, J P Haul, J
F AlnmbaaKh. B F Snvae, J W
Jndd. L F Cronch, D R Lawis. W II
Meyers, Webb Ma-it, each
Noris Jensen, E L C Farriu. C H
Marsh, C L Pennock, EC Campbell,
C R Goldon. each GOO
Walter Bennott. K II Hansen, I T
Weekly, each.."
C E Hnlintr, Gay Rose, T D Gaerin.
M J McDouald, I Wilson, S J Sleep. R
S Tyrrell, J B Lamb, J H MoC.mj
key, each
E A Keane, Alfred Feller. A 11 Ebert,
E E (Jakes. T J Perkins, 1 1 A Hansel!,
"Wm Hanson, Cain GoodiuaHi F W
Barker. O A Kelly, T P Hanly, W L
Hood, Col Gant, Calcin Gant. T
Nichols, J S Wasmii, Guy C Lattin.
Fredj Cnvananuh. F E Wilson, An
drew QIboo, J DMcGoe, enoh.,
To be continued.
G 00
3 00
Sycl from Terrlulo Death.
The family of Mrs. M. L. Bobbitt
of Bargerton, Ton n., saw hor dying
and were powerless to save her. The
most sBUlful physicians and every
ropiedy used, failed, while consump
tion was slowjy bnt surely taking her
Ijfe. In this terrible hour ilr, King's
NewDiscoyery forcpnsrmption turned
despair into joy. Tho first bottle
brought immediate relief and its con
tinued use cop-iplotely curgd hpr. It8
the most certain curp i the world for
all throat a.nd lung troubles. Guar
anteed. Bot'tlps 50cts an 1.00. Trial
bottles free at (J. y. Lowe's Drug
Store. - g
ClmiiiburlHlu'H Couch Keiiuily AbMiltUely
Tho fault of giving children modi
cino containing substances,
is sometimes more disastrous than the
disease from which they are suffering.
Every mother should know that
Chamberlin's Cough liemedy is per
fectly safe for children to take. It
contains nothing harmful, and for
coughs, oolds and croup is unsur
passed. For sale by C. Y. Lowe,
Home Circle Column
Crude Thoughta As They Fall From The
Kdltorial Pen. Pleasuut Kvonlng Itov
erien. A Column Dedicated to Tired
Mother an They Join The Home Circle
at Evening Tide.
"This nation has uoed of women of
leisure, women who have time to be
very busy about things that are with
out money and without price," de
clared a college president yesterday.
No one has any wish to quarrel
with the quickening interests which
have come into women's lives, but it
is certain that if all the women in the
future are to be too busy to attend to
the things that are without money
and without price, if they aro to be
hurried and hurried over the things
of tho world, tho whole of life will
havo becomo incomparably the poorer.
uThere are three ways in which wo
men aro pro eminent: T'hoy are the
binders together of society, they are
tho beautitiors of life, and they aro
the preservers of tnorals," said Presi
dent Hoznrd of Wolh'sley in one of
her addresses.
As the beautitiors of life they are
indeed most essential. Theirs the
privilege ami duty to make center of
sweetness and light .vhero the things
of this worl l cease from troubling
and the weary one may rest. Theirs
the primary and essential function
of furnishing refreshment and inspir
ation for those who aro wearied with
the couflict of life.
But how are they to do this if every
moment is devoted to some monev-
getting pursuit and they reach home
with every nerve in a state jf ten-ion,
every muscle aching with weariness,
and no desire but to creep away into
a corner with their bruised being.
It may ho taken as an axiom that
few women engage in labor outside
the homo unless forced to do so by
stress of circumstances, and there aro
few women who do not prefer thn '
home life, with its duties and privi
leges. But apart from these there is
a rapidly increasing circle of women
who "have become so absorbed in the
various activities of ''society," of club
life, of athletics, and the 101 "culls"
that claim attention from time t time.
that the type of woman wlu greet-'
you iu her quiet drawing rotun a mir ;
who has "Inng days of repose hehmd (
her and looks serenelv forward to
others of the same tenor" is becoming
so rare as to imuress one as an exotic
r . i . - i
lie sure is not a luxnrv. it is mi e
hnmiiu need, as necessary to normal
health as food and sleep and air. It
is so gracious and civilizing a posses
sion that no rutin .should be willing to
do without it, and he should command
it. if nossible. for his woman folk, as
... . . . I
onu of the most precious possession?.;
he can give them .
Too much bard phical work,
whether undertaken from necessity or
for pleasure (witness tho athletic
craze), is bad for women, it is a.-serted
by more than one critic. The savage
or peasant women, who tire often
beautiful in youth, develop into un
seemly coarseness after mmho years of
unremitting toil.
Not that women violate any obliga
tion of womanliness or detract from
its dignity by making t liemsel ves
more capable, but if they are fonvd
to labor to the verge of exhaustion
thoy cannot fail of loi-ing some of the
gracions charm (jf freshne-.s whi'di i.
the fruit of a beautiful leisure, of
years of abiding iu green pastures,
and beside the stiil waters of life; of
doinu the things that are without
money and without price. "An 1
beauty born of murmuring sound
shall pass into her face," wrote Liner-:
sou of his Lucy, and it is certain that
ouo must first "absorb at tho great j
uatnrai reservoir ami iountams oi tne i
beautiful iu life and character, and so
be ablo to transmit beauty to all
CI)aijilxrIitiirH Cuuli ICcnii-ily tin
lltst .'Maile.
'In my opinion Cliamhfrl'iin'.s
Couh Hnmpily is I ho best inndo for
coIiIh." snys Mrs. Cora Walki'r of
Portorvilli', California. Tlicro is no
doubt about its biMHtf tbo bst. No
olher will euro a cold so quiclcly. No
othor is ao stuv a preventive nf pmu
motiia. No other i.s so pleasant and
safo to take. Tlioso are fjood rea'-ona
vb3' it should be preferred to a 113'
other. The fact is that few people
are satisfied with any other after hav
ing oncp usod this remedy. For 6ale
by C. Y. Lowe.
WANTED Quickly. Iw persona to ri'pre
ficnt lonu established wbnleaale limisc aiming
retail umrchaniH and am-ntR Ii'ical territo
ry of few counties. 1H salary, ami expenses
paid weekly. Expense money advanced.
Com mission extra, i'efinaneiit enaeuient.
HusinesV ' fiucoessf nl. Previous experience
not eB8ential. Enclose self adtiressed envel
ope. Address. Supehintcnuknt Thavklkiis.
35 Dearborn Rt., Chicago.
Cured IIU Mother f lllmimatt-:ti.
"My mother has been a sufferer fr
many years from rheumatism," says
W. H. Howard of Husband, Pennsyl
vania. "At tirnos ho whs niriMt' to
movo at all, while at all times walking
was painful. I patented her with a
bottle of Chuiiibeiiaiis Pain Balm
and after a ftnv applications -sho de
cided it was tho must wonderful pain
reliever she had ever tried. In fact,
she is nover without it now and is at
all times able to walk. An occasional
application of Pain Lai m keeps away
tbo pain that sho was formerly trou
bled with. For sale by C. Y. Lowe,
II in Nnd JLot.
An American preacher, at tho con
clusion of his sermon, said: "Let all
in tho house who aro paying their
debts, stand up." Instantly every
man, woman nod child, with one ex
ception, rose quickly to their foot.
"Then," said the preacher, after they
had seated thomselvos again, ''let ev
ery man not paying his debts stand
up.'' The exception noted, a care
worn, hungry, cadaverous individual,
dressod iu his last summer's suit,
slowly rose. "How is it, my friend,''
asked tho preacher, "that you are the
onlv man not to moot his obligations?"
l" rnn 11 newspaper,'' he meekly an-
swered, "ami tho brethren who stood
up a moment ago are my subscribers,
ami" "Let us pray," exclaimed the
preacher, hastily. Druid Magazine.
l)iiliH -t i- T ouhtf.
It is oxeeptii'iial to lind a famik
where there ate no di niotic rupture
occasionally, l-'.'.t thcM can be ie-.-c!i-!
by having Dr. Klin's New J.ifc "ill
around. Much tumble they save l.
their great work iu Stomach and Liv
er tionbles. They not only rl:evi
ou, but cure. '2") cent-- at C V. Lowe'.
1 rug Store.
First Class Wat
r. -t
Agates Ground, ioiished and
o ord'r; or any other work in m
lino will be due in a neat and sa:i
facton m':iiiii r. at a reasonable price.
C.iil and m-- n y v.vw Inn- of ji'.vcirv c : -st-,t:ni;
..f S::i:k l'it:-. Ib: I'm--, ush fit:.
I.a.ty's W :i,t MiiHU-hi s-, Ur u-I. t.. Ci.iT
mil Collar BcttoiK. Irirn.a, a:.
Kines. which has jost arr:vi.ii.
AKIllfi: KICK.
Watchtutiker and Jeweler.
Timber I.:onl Act. .Inne. :. 1S78.
i r. -.: I we OrricK. ltosebtiry.
( i; :. N v - V . i:l '.
.. ....... i, i,. ft-, ii ;!.at in ro:ji!ianci-
..oh Mi.- i r-'Vi- n.-: !.. s.-t f C.m:n"..
I J.
'!. it " m :.t" f I It.'-' le
..f tim'r.': l oi i- m (':. Si .it i; Ca5:f..-:ua
! t)rt,'-'.,.:1,
vi. 'a. :o.J V. .-S.jnt'S'.n I'm
.1 Il ll . 1 ! . as -:tu.:.i j.i a:: inc i
I -si.ucs iv .-..m ! Aj-jsj s. ;:.. ianK riaie
' 1 I - ' la . - . I'.. . . C ....
I I I .1!, i i:n "u " .
Dov.'M. Ii t!'i- dav tiled it: th: otace ni--.wurii
-.tnteisu'i.' N... .r.7t. for (lie ji'imMisi.
nf Ui- I. t 1G. of Si di.'Si No. 1'-', iu 1 nwn-hii
No '.MS., linnet' No JS W. ait! olf. r
preof to -.lio-.v Mi;.! i!ie la.ut smmht is m-.r.-vatnalilo
for in tu.j'.er or hi.ijic than l'.r
agricultural piiri"s-s. nnd t f.tal.l.-.h In
claim to said land hi-f tc .lamc-4 Wats-.ti.
Coiintv C,crk of C.uw I 'mini v. Dieciin. at
lli.-e tif C.Mtivi lerk in t -eirt at
Coii'iiilc Cuv. Of-: Co.. ()reoii.i'i) M.-n
(! l ,,f K.-hru-irv, f.:u:.. II.
icnnes .':. u ;I in-.. -i s : : jms I-. ll ni-al!. ImI-.-.:t'l
t)lt:r.-oi. ! I' !' ml Klm r 1-.
.ill 't !.it!;.T-; ar-.'. C.."s ('.,.. ( )f.-..iii .
Otl.1117 UIel- i t: .-
.I...V. -d.-CJlbell 1 till- I're r. on. '. t a i
t Ii ir clioeis oi tl,; l? 5 - "in or l.t lrt fa-d
n day t.f lisn.o .
.1. '!'. Unroot.:.
! ,i,.ci
X.icc ti 52 ei:s!'rs.
Alt pers in-: nr.- ii I- f ilu li'eii t ties-
i. s- . it t.iv i r mi-is I, r Ma- pntp.!-. l
hunt in-.', and mv person found tn s,-: -:n.' !
upon n.v I. nut, h .vim: t-ois it" tin ir p- n-t-- (
...n. itl hi- O.ooi ' !r pi..-. ( 'Hi-.! (
.I'.iiv it v nt.otf. n
Thia prrr.t stock medicine is a
money saver fur stock raisers. It
is a moiiiiiia', not a cheap food orj
condition powder. Thoiii:h put up
in coar.-er form than Thcdford's
IHack-Draught, renowned for the
cure of the digestion troubles of
m pcr.-ons, it Jias the Fame qualities
of invi"cratinc digestion, Ftirrtntr
-1 1 u
Up the torpid liver and loosening
the constipated bowels for all stock
and poultry. It is carefully pre
pared and its action is so healthful
that stock grow and thrive with an
occasional dose in their food. It
cures hog cholera and makes hoijs
grow fat. It cures chicken cholera
and roup and makes hens lay. It
cures constipation, distemper and
colds in horses, murrain in cattle,
and makes a draught animal do
more work for the food consumed.
It gives animals and fowls of all
kinds new life. Kvcrv farmer and
raiser should certainly give it a
It costs 25c. a can and saves ten
times its price in profit.
rimiauaii, Kxa., March "X, 1001.
I havo been ukih jour IlIaeSs-DraUKht
Stock ami fourry Jleilt'-ine oa my
stock for Boiae time. I havo used nil
kinds of Mock food but I have found
that yours iu the best for ray purpose.
' 1 1 jfEDIOlNfi. J I j
W ftal .
1 1
i.:iiMOin, iircon,
Drunqist and
Ih just in receipt of a new and
fresh stock of
Drugs nnd Chemicals,
Patent and Proprietary Preparations
Toilet Articles,
I&rugijis.H Sundries.
I'ekkumes, Bkusiiks,, Soaps
Nuts and Candies.
CIsrnrH, TobaccoH ami Clrrurcllcn.
faints, Oils. GlasseK.and fainter's Supplied
You Can't Expect to Get
$2 worth for $1, but you
can get your money's
worth at
Dealer in Hoofs and .Shoes
Repairing neatly and promptly done at
lowest I i vino prices.
What We Can Do For You
t'wo raporx fur the Trice of One. Vim
Cel the News of the World ami
the Local News Thrown
In a a Itarpiiii.
To tlio-Je who pav tip arrearages and a
war in advanci'. at.ti ! m-w snbseri-lier-i
.hn iti v in adva'iee. we make the
fnii iwuig piejMisit inn C'lniprtsing several
Jj;t r -nt couplets to ! ci from:
filICK UK I'yitMOATIoNS CKI". Vk.'.!.".
1:.n;;n- Ri:ro!:):rR C-1
S u: Kia:i-i-co Itnii.-tin C m K-.. :i.:ig IVligrajii :" l0
W.ekh ()i-,'o:u.tii 1 .V)
Appt-.t! to Reason as)
t '7. t.
The IJ-iIli'lin is one i '' t!j. tiding pi,:'
.f t!if vY-t. :!i.l is i d.uly puliii-te d in
:i anci :. and t:iv s .'.! t'v jes. Our If-, t
an'isiih-. she Snnd.-.y I lull'! in.
Rci'i-rder and Halii-tin. one venr.. 57 t"
K eordrr nnd l'.i!i tin. i:stli t-."i
The' I'm ilaud Mve.i!i'.r 'I'. ! tja:it is it:-!.: :
sx 'i:i: a wi k. it tiv.- u'. '.'u- iuv t h.?
s .voclj :v.. tint: id i:p ' t.Jt" irii g '
innc'i ot it Ih mizUl limns :;?-5i. r M. .r
aii.'ii it rcuu'.ies !..:. thr.uh any ;!. r
necir.U r n-V. Tt". :rau y-ftr. iT-f-ir
a weekly Jiinsptp.-t sl.e VecM tW
inn mi !e- d- in iU- .".-r'f -J. anvl iri"
ill tli" r.e;s K.-w.ilv c:it..isn tl in it w!ij
.iapi r.
Kee-ird.r and W.-rkly (.)rec"iiiati..$"' ."0
It is the duty of e e!i per-in to seek in
forniatioii alon all lines ilia! tend ton-iin!
'.ritigisii: aboRt bet tcrcondi: ions at:d tiri att-i
prosperity f.-r tlse tinman fnniily. ami for
he pnrjjse i f jjiving our ri-adei.-. a chain "
to inform t hcm-clvcs we .jw !i-m the !
Ai p. ;! Jo"' ir.. Any tltit
iloe. il ; ,; il !' tl.t- uiullesl o.dct of Ii i
sonil'n 'S :ife.
Recordt r f. d Apt a! to to -.u. . ' 0
Know the News
"""Y-n: can have it nil for
0 Per
In the llvfii'iiiii TcK-irrain. nf INirtlatul,
Orrii'iii. It : tin-lan.'1-.i i vi iiinj: iu'ws
pajii' palih-iliti! i:i (rirn:i: it fontains
all th ww ot '.It -r.i''- :m i nf tins
natim 'V' t ti-r i !. : ". A -.i.,j!t
u ;v w I ! i i.i!fi i .. :it'. V.i rt s
The- Telcnrr;:ii,
rii: i i. os: j
N nt l. Ft m: i t ::i.:c i u;:.
t imii.'i- i milt ah, .JiKic ::. :s:s.
Intb: Mrs I.nj HfH.K. K'ibotT.
I r t )i't. .!: II, ;: l.
N'uliri' i l.i'ivliv i.-n J t ? 1 in n jiliaJM'" j
w'jili i In pr-n :jiiii :! a- ! C:i!,r'-i nf
.hum ' l,71' n:itll ' An ai-f tu tin-! it i
timlM-r 1'iinN in tin- Si . i.f Till. rui'.
( 1r..,i.n 'i V:l.lll .! V": : .f!"!iM '' 'l-
irv.' ii-; I'Mitid.t! in all it . i'i:!iii' .:! I
t t'i s !iv ar t An;: 1. I-- r.iilii' V. t - it t cr- 1,11,,. ..,1 ,1
lw .iii.i..:: of !;a..,l..t,. iv.,:..v r .,..: V M-T in Harness & Satullfis nnd rul
,.t ()...'..., it ix t!.i itav u!-i! in tin I'tVn-' ki: ! Dt v:?.rs kept in a hanicss
i r t iii i... rii N . ''IvS f tn- ! r i.,,-.
ll l . i'f Jlli'SW'j i! Sh',...t SitI lull S'. i '
:i. in Iiv.:i-hi2i N". IMS. nib. uf !:!:: ; T) ,r,n'!-.i nc n Cl-nnr.i o If tr
Ii Uist. '-ml C. v pi.,.f s.i .-Ii.m. iha:
ti.r lanil .r.itlit is mnr.' vnlu.ililr tm it-tiiu-
l iT nr .stum' llian fur au'iii'iitiaral jnir.iM
t. (M li'i-h her eiaini !i tiu l-n:i In--i
f n (' T lO'iin. ui'i'k . r. Y S ( 'oi'iie'ivn-
r. ai in-; . tn at Kanci-p. 1 1 tiiuy. mi
W iiliii'd iv. the Nt da v nt I t tiniarv. i:M..
"N naim-s as mtne.i": : d M. I j"el,wMni
f ItjMi.lnii. i:ilnTt !'.. I. H. iiit:i"i . of ! hi-1
I-111 . Spr-v Y rn. i-I in ar I'mihI-hi. I'.
1 1 11 11 1 . 1 near K.iudnii, all ot t'-nis ('.unity.
( )r ynti.
Anv and all persons el :in itnr a.lver' lv
the Jihovi-di eril'ed lamls are reipiiit.d t-i
tile I heir claims in I his olhee on ot Iieiote
said 1st day of I Vlriini . I'.tC.
.1. T. IhanoKs.
oell'7 Ketiiter.
I)ep:i rl nii'iit of tlie Intei-ior.
I'miki) St.ti:s Okkii'j:, at Kom
!.i in. ()i:!:c.n. Oct. :!. li'lH. j
A iiH'u'ieiit eoiite-it allidavi; having lien
tiled in tlnsoliiec liv Maii.''il'it L.tninul. .'II 1
ti st ttit. iii;aiiiii: honit stead uirv N. latv. !
iiinde . I tine '7lh. I'.ui. f-.r S-., of NK',. M'. ;
or XWi4. Sect inn :ai, Town-Jhip -".i S . Kan:;
II W., liv John 10. Talhiun. eniiier-t . isi
whieli il is alleje.l that said .Inliii K. Tatl. uii
has wholly aliaudoiied aid tract, that he
ui changed his residence I hcri finni for
more than one year since niakim; said entry ;
that the s iid tiaet is not settled upon and
cultivated bv said pauv sis required 1V law.
said parties are hen by notitad to appi ir,
ie-.ontl and I'lfer vidi'uce loiiehuit; ".aid .1!
leilionai HI o'clock, a 1:1. on r.-hniar !
liMCi. before (ol.(' T. hluaii iiri.i In r. I
('oiiiuiissi.iiier, at his oiliee lit Handon. Ore j
L..n. and that final hearitm will he held at
10 o clock, a.m.. on .March 1. HUM, ln-lon-
the lCcuisier and Heeeiver at the I'mietl
... . 1j.11. .... ....
States band Office in Kos'bnrL. Oregon. j
.1. 11. ISooTll. Ui celer.
M'I 1." I
Notice i hereby uiveii to all pcr-ns not
to trespass npon ih.-preniise-of lir. beiiv .'i
siluated between Hniaa bake and t!:ei
... .1 : x. .1 . . . .. 1...
iy roiiii. in .oruiero v-uiiv. 113 iriirxiu.'.
niilliim. nr rm iin limber llouli aii!
land, "-'."i reward will be paid forinfonna r
lion leadiiii! to a eoiivieljon of trespa" as
Stated above.
Datud at Standcn. Oregon. March lb I'M I.
PETriH NELSON. Atrent.
MRS. E. J. HUE & CO. Props.,
"W e ca.rry a fine line of ITaJl and Winter
Pla ts aiicL Ladies' Fu-rnisliiiig Goods.
Give ns n mil and examine onr goods.
City Barber Shop
Successor to J. U. TIIOMl'aON.
L'" Gts
Hotel Coquille
CJocjiiiile njJily5 Oibcsoii.
J. P. TTPPER, Proprietor.
This well-known hotel is now uudcr new and com
petent ninnnpjcinent and has been thoroughly ren
ovated throughout. Tho tahlo service is equal to
any in Southern Oregon. S tuple rooms for com
mercial men. Laggage transported to and from
boats and tniins free of charge.
l''iue new bar in connection with the hotel.
a I C- Ci old boris. crick in baok, backacmi. lumraco!
m. m W. m ra ffz. . snrr joints, contracted muscels. sprained
er m mm amkbls, corn huskbr's spaaixed wrists, frosted
rcET.coRMS, bunions, chilblains, and all inflaukations or NUN 01 SIAST.
: tyXnitfS?
"I was much sfilicted -with rhenmatlanx, isrite
"SA. C. Nnd, Iowaville, Sedgwick Co., Kansas, "going
obcut on crutches and suffering a great deal of pain.
I v;as induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment, which
cured me. after rsinjr three 50c bottles. ITISTH?
otrcmsnded it to a number of. persons, all express
themselves r.3 being benefited by it. I now walk
v'tL'Ont cn.tclws, c.;d am able to perfejm a greet of hght labor oa the f.irm."
THSES Si2S: 25c, 50c AND $2.00
ST. LOUIS, U. & A.
C. Y.
Gcquille, Oregon
j ivt'sJCiil iiig Ch VJ UOWftl tfjT .
Willinin (lallicr will art as my aui'tit at
:;.,,,J"J: and all orders left with him fori
I is or repairs will receive prompt atlui-!
t i;ti;
i I
P. G. HOYT, Prop.
I neilcl in KI. I)()KI) IiribniNC.
cr rriNt; at standakd pkk ks.
IJ:itlirooiu iKMily llllrd np with I'orrnbtill
1'uli. Hot or ( old !tiil: ,'.. rent
Independent and rt liable The Oregon
j d- w 1 w
: k mar u m
1 a iiriTti iiiri mum Elm . . '
1 w,,n m
1 1
it iV -5
1 rt ONSU'ilPriOM Price
, PVJ i .-,1 rJ cn. til nn 3
50c &S1.C0
i 1 1 ii r. - - - - -
j j -w. j
rrco Trial.
Smeat juid tiutckest Curo for all
iisiMiir n
(v. !!r th 'i--t-t:m (1 to ererj sub
Sei.Ior jn.y 50 t .'ui a Tear.
1S,' i i i ii ii i r saam aa
A era, Im i f't trtl plain; Ulttt
j'. ,iir iiiL r. oti .niKl .llnijr
v" 'k.h- afl. .1 l. ni fit'.un. rtt SuSh
in .el.. r d i.t. fr Ulr.l Copy
1 jjy ..c.l e- lfjrtcrnii.
Stti'i. It.-'ulilc, Siuinto, Up-to-d.v-.
Kii'mcal and AbMilulal
i'rrfcLt Flituii; Ia per Pattern.
tO A TA X3t.
All Sears Allowed mi Prrforat leas tkn
the Omlag a ail Scvlat IIks.
Only 1 3 and 15 crt cch none li!(kr
Ak l.r them SoM in nearly trj-
..! t , 1 r by nun lictn
1I3-U5-I17 West 3ht 3U HI Y0SK.
Leaves Haiidou every morning, except
Sunday, at 7M) o'clock nnd makes connec
tions with the train nnd steamer Alyrl nt
10::U) a. in. at Coquille City.
Leaves Coqnille City nt p. ni., nrriv
i 11 iT nt liandon at Ai'AS p. ui.
Trade Mawi
Anyone fending m iketch and description r
eatckly m certain our opinion fe whether s
liiTpntlnn It probablr patentnbla. Cotnmunlc
llontrlrtlrflJentlal. HANDBOOK on Patent
ont free, uldeat g e n cy J r of? rtaifr .
Patents taken through Mann Co. recftrs
$peciai notles, without cbanie. In the
Scientific Hmerican.
A handomelr Illustrated weekly, fercest etr
cul .Hon of any sdenttflo lonrnal. Tenna. S3 a
Jear: four months. L Sold byall newsdealers.
MUNN 4 Co.38,B-f, Hew M
Branch Office. 6 F EU WwhlBton. D. C.