Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, January 19, 1905, Image 1

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    53$Sk: :p&W&I
52 Times a year for $2.
Volume XXI.
Number 3.
A. fl. Waterman, of Coos liny, was
n visitor here Saturday.
C. A. Jamison, of Port Orford, gave
Bandon a visit Inst week. j
Charles A. Grady and Frank Cns-.
Bell, of Denver, were in town this week.
H. M. Cbay and wife, of Portland,
registered at tho Tupper llouso Sat-
unlay. I
F. L. Luwe came over Saturday
evening, from Marshlk-ld, on a visit
to his pareuts. Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
F. L. Lowe, of Marshlield, has kind
ly donated a large flag to tbe Woolen '
Mills here, lhero h nothing small
about Frank.
George A. Henry has rented a farm :
on the river above Coquille, and he j
and bis wife moved tb.-io last week ;
and have engaged in ranching. j
Mrs. T. J. Sulhvell. ho has hoen !
coaliued to Ler bed for some time, by
a complication of ailmeuts. is still
bedfast, but blight ly improved.
Cox wants to see you. He sells
provisions and groceries. Honest 1
measure and merit go hand in baud
ivith Cox. Try him for Flnr, Hams,
Bacon, etc.
Evan M-j'gan was borne this week
from Parkersburg. the mill at that
place having shut down to awaii
sirhooneis, tho wharf having become
Mocked with iumber.
lieu you paint use the best, ivy
"Na-:oas paint and yon will have iue
best. For varnish there is noues-upe.
tior to the Tamm.V Nolan Uu.'s arti-,
cle. Enquire of McNair.
Thesick folks are generally improv
ing. K. Walker is able to be np.
uj ;
eo is S. A
Abimbaugh. while Mis. j
Thomas Anderson has beea s'owly
improviug for a wvek pat.
Mrs. S. T. Midehorn, of Floras
Creek, ""bo has been visiting her
daughter. Mrs. J. A. Yoakam, of Cal-;
ifornia, for sometime past, inspected !tlon ou romi m r-cowry. Jtr.
to be home on the next steamer from ; Hartman went to the Bay to accom
Sau Francisco. Pn-V 1,,r borne.
M&bried. At the home of Heurvi Tho Sei-le Orchestra will enter
Lorenz, at Coquille Citv. Wodnesdav ! " Salnrd iy evening in Long's
evening, January 11th, Rev. A. Hab-jHaI,
erly, otiiciaiiug, Mr. Frnnk Y. Pome-'
roy and Miss Grace A. Friend, both '
of Bandon. The Rkcokueh joins in1
extending congratulations. J. It. Mitohell. we have been the re-
Mrs. J. B. Dulley. of C quilie, died cipient of a Mipply of garden eeds.
at her home m ibat city, !a-l -Fiidav nr ! rous can have .-i piwknge b
evening, aged 42 years. Mrs. Dulley wiling t the Ri:ev.uii:it oflice auti
was the wife of the present County . 'king for same.
Treasurer, and besides her husband. Captain Levi Snyder, of Coquille.
leaves ten children ami other relatives went to San Fronci.-co on the steamer
to mouru their bereavement. ' Elizabeth, last trip, ami we under-
Coquille Herald: There was a little ,and that he will take a course in
excitement at the dock yesterday as : navigation preparatory to taking
the steamer Dispatch pulled off foi ! of an ocean-going vessel.
Bandon. It seems that one of herj The first and second numbers of
passengers ;w ho was pretty well loaded 1 the Coos Bay Harbor, a new publica
up with bug juice, but not being fnl tiou just started at Noi th Bend, made
ly sati.fsed, concluded to come bark their appearance on our table this
to town, and the boat being out too week. The Harbor is a neat, newsy
far for him to make it at "two yumps,"" paper, and the RKt oi:nKH welcomes it
he took a wim It came near proving and wishes its management success in
too far fur him to swim, others having his undertaking.
to render as.-itauce in his getting Dr. lb. iiston was railed to Piosper
ashore. 'yesterday to attend Captain Ewart.of
For a limited time only we will the silitn r () iklaml. who had his
nnd flee I i evt ry subscriber of the light l-ir ami foot severely hurt by
Rtcoltnr.itJ w ho, besides lemitting all .oiie lumber falling upon him. Word
arrears, pay for a year s subscription earne that the limb was broken, but
iu advance, a handsome souvenir of the thft-r found upon arrival at Pros
Washington City, containing SS re per that the limb was only bruised
productions of tho celebrated arti-t, and the foot somewhat crushed. The
Thomas Fleming. Reside-ti.i spleii Captain will soon be all light again.
did houveuir we will furnish each sub
scriber with a 1.00 conpi-n which wili
be honored by the Nutshell Pub. Co.
of New York, as part payment , for the
illustrated book. ''Around the Capi
tol," a volu-ne highly commended by
the public men of America and Eu
rope as one of tho most humorous,
interesting and instructive efforts of
our time. It is a book that will be
appreciated in every American homo
If you cannot find what yon want
anywhere else iu town, como to the
Maybe wo have one left, if so, the
price will please you.
Our stock is small, but the goods
are of a good quality, and tho prices
are ri"bt. V
Wnluake "Cash Buying" an object
o tho purchaser, nt ;
Herb Mnncint hud business which
! calliul him to Mnrshfield this week.
Fred N. Perkins, of Two-mile, was
a tftiflst at tho Tuppor House last
Q y WoodrnfT, of Port Orford-
was ;n owu iaat ujKjlt on jns wnv np
tu rvor.
E yL Krman, the piano man of
Marsidu-Id, was in town tho latter
part of last week.
KHu.rt Dyer bas gone on b business
: , g " i,rJim.jaco. u0 WOut bv
way of Coos Bay.
Judge Lowe, who has been on the
sick list for some ten days past, is
jtly improved
R. W. Lnndy and Ed Lewellen, of
Mvrtle Point, aro in town having a"
uuk Broumi today.
y Ford, of Astoria, was in town
qq hmw from n
w c couuy
lu'v. Horsfall will hold service in
St. John's Episcopal Church on Sun
I dav morning, at 11 o'clock.
Capt. K. Frederick gave Coquille
City a visit yesterday, having business
which called him np the river.
W. P. llolman has I pen suffering
sev, ,-ely. for some days past, from an '
old injury received long ago, by fall- i
ing from a bridge. j
F. . Eiimiy ;md family wh came i
luire bet fall from Kansas, left lu-t
week f..,L.wa. where Mr. Eighmvwiil;
, go into business with his brother. j
Au airreeable movement of the.
; bowels without anv unpleasant effect
is Induced ly Chamberlain'- Stoui
ach and Liver Tablets
C. Y. Lowe.
For sale bv
r oiiowing is me iisi oi passeugprs
ii it. . 1? r
w" won 10 u vncwo on me
rJizabetli la-t weeu: 1. . higumy.
wife and daughter, M. K
Levi Snvder.
Mrs. A. J. Hartman returned home j
-v na-v fin Mar.-i.iield, being well j
hi" Kv: social dance, to U
which a general invitation is extend-
lieket to tho dance, 50 cents.
Throngh the influence of Senator
Fun Sai.k. Alfred Machado will
sell his valuable seining ground which
lies on the north side of the Coquille.
adjoining R
W. iUnllard's property
on the west below Dullard's
This is a valuable piece of fishing
property, tho largest haul of the sea
son being reported from it.
The Basket Ball game, Saturday
evening, drew quite a good attendance
and the young ladies put up a very
interesting game, aud gave their audi
ence a cuuplc of hours of good enter
tainment. The division of tho club
was very clever, and in the end each
team won one game. F. J. Blackerby
was umpire, nnd we judge that his
decisions w re generally very fair, as
we nuly heard one "Gee-whiz" of dis
content ripple over tho sceno during
tho evening.
B. N Harrington moved back from
North Bend last Saturday, and will
take employment in the Woolen Mills
here. The halanco of the machinery
is expected to arrive when tho steam
er Elizabeth returns which will bo by
Friday or Saturday, and then the
placing of tho looms and other appar
atns will be begun and go steadily
ahead. Tho Levar brothers have
been at work for a couple of weeks
gating things in order, arranging and
P"tting together, ar,d making general
preparation, but the work will move
moro rRpiJiy aftor u,e ai-rival of the
rest of the apparatus.
Hats at Cot.
Ladies in need of Hats will do well
to call and examine my stock, as Spring
will soon bo hero and I wish to make
room for a new stock.
Mas. E. J. Hite.
Paper and I'uJp 35 ill.
The editor of tho Paper Mill and
Wood Pulp News, who did tho ad
vertising of Bandon's offer has writ
ten tho Chamber of Commerce bore
making thorn a most liberal olTer for
advertising in a special edition that
tho company is getting out, and which
will bo circulated very extensively.
The offer gives a pago adverlismeut
for $50, but will include tho narrative
lof the Pacific Coast Paper and Pulp
resources, tbo matter horetoforo set
forth, so that the whole will cover
nearly three pages of iho Journal.
Tho Directors of the Chamber of
Commerce aro considering tho propo
sition, and in connection therewith wo
have been banded tho following:
It i tho desire of the Chamber of
Commerce to take advantage of this
liberal offer to 'iirtber .'dverli-e the
resources of this place, and to obtain
the necessarv funds the Secntarv an-
non-sees that the dues for memheis
hr the last half of yt aro due and
payable after Jan. l.-t.
Local Cption Convention.
There will bean important ad-
junrned meeting of the Local Option j vm 0wing to a miMiniierstand
Conventionon Friday. January 20th, ,:ni, ,, hmin pviOIlfi,1(1 in
at 10 a.m., or on arrival of tho boats,
at the court house. The secretary has
received word from Judge Hamilton
that a hearing on a motion to have
tho temporary injunction dissolved
can be had at any time. The attor
ney for the league. Judge Bronaugh.
is now looking iuto the case, and ac
tiou will be brought in a few days to
have tho im'unction dissolved. The
ititut ioual committee has drafted
a constitution, and will report to the
convention so that this will be an
all-important meeting. Let the
friends of the law bestir themselves
to raiieiho necessary funds to carry
tho case through the courts. The
boliticn of saloons everywhere has
greatly increased the value of prop
erty, reduced taxes and criminal ex
pynses, aud improved the moral con-
Tit ion of Ihp communis from which
alon are excluded. It will do tin
ami f r Coo fount v
Sh-iil we n'g 1
ect to leap thee great benefit.-, of our
I :
victory at the pulls for the lack of a
few hundred dollar Don't wait for
some ouo to come and ask you to con
tribute; send your dollar or live dol
lars to the treasurer, A. H. Mulkey.
Coquille. Several ladies have inquired
if we are going to let them help us.
Yes, of course. Ladies in teie.sted may
go ahead aud organize clubs or take
up subscriptions to press our suit.
The Bandon . C. T. U. has already
volunteered to raise funds for the
league. Go and do likewise. Ladies
will bo welcome to the convention.
AnoLHi TIadeulv,
In .llemoriam .
Hattie E, eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. S. L. Stnncblf. died at the
home of her ptiroiits, nt (55S N. Grand
Avenue. Los Angeles, California, after
live weeks of intense .suffering from
Hright's disease aud bronchial pneu
monia, on tho fifth day of January,
and was buried on tho seventh. Fi
llers illiams and Earl preached tho
funeral sermon, aud Mrs. C. E. Crum
ley. Mrs. Slanghterback and Mrs.
Uadham furnished the music.
She was laid away in a lovely white
casket, and had four little girls,
school mates of hers, all dressed in
white, as pallbearers. 1
Tho tribute of flowers, contributed
by her schoolmates and friends of
tho family, was sufficient to cover
tho entire grave, which is in a lovely
spot in the Evergreen Cemetery.
Hattie whs a native of Oregon, hav
ing boon born at Langlois, Curry Co.,
ou the 12th day of March, 18.
Stoiiuit'li Troubles unit Constipation.
"Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets aro the best thing for stomach
troubles and constipatiou I have ever
sold,'' says J. R. Cullman, a druggist
of Potterville, Mich. "Thoy aro easy
to tako and always givo satisfaction.
I toll my customers to try them and
if not satisfactory to come back and
get their money, but havo never had
a complaint." For salo by C. Y.
-MA It I.N K.
Jan. 1.1 Sehr Lizzie 1'ricii, irutiFfti, T
days from Snu Frnncihtsu.
Jan. 17. Scbr (Jnwanl, Anderson, dys
from Sun FrnnciHCo to C. M. & T. Co.
Jnn. U Stmr Kliznticth. Jensen, to H. K.
Jan. I.".. Hear Unb HoRHn. Brown, to
Hun Francisco.
Kugeiie Woolen .13 ill riant to
Heopeii .
Eugene, Oregon, Jan. 11. John P.
Wilbur and William Wright, of
Union. Or., have secured an option ou
the Willamette Valley Woolen Manu
facturing Company's mil) in this city,
which has been closed for almost a
year on account of the compaey going
iuto bankruptcy. They are now ex
amining the title to tho property and
lookiug into a few minor details, and
it is given out by .Receiver A. C.
Woodcock that the sale of the proper
ty to these gentlemen is certain.
Messrs. Wilbur and Wright havo
announced that they will overhaul tho
mill, add now machinery aiHioperate
iho plant to its full capacity, begin
ning about May 1st, when tho now
wool crop bogins to como in. Tboy
will employ about 100 persons which
means added prosperity to tho city.
Tbo Sperry Flour Co. will paj $5
to the boy or girl between tho ages of
S and 1G years who will give us the
best reason why their folks liko Sper
ry's Flour. If your folks don't use
Sperry "s Flour, get them to buy a
sack and fell us what they think of it.
Each of the contestants must write
their reasons and have them in tho
oflieo at Marshtield before January
February 1st.
Marsh Held, North Beud, Myrtle
Point, Coquillo and Bandon will be
kept separate, and $5.00 paid for the
best answer in each district, aud an
additional $5.00 paid to the best an
swer out of the wholo. For the young
er children wo havo a line Mother
Goose book that will be mailed to any
child under S w hose parents will tell
us what biand of Hour they are using.
Address all letters to
F. S. Dow, Agent, Marshtield, Or.
Exhibit lor Lewis and Clark
Kxpn.-'tiois Coming by
Portland, Jan. 1G. With more than
four mouths still remaining before
the opening day. Jnn 1. e.vl ibits and
displays for the Lewis anil Clark
Centennial are beginning to arrive in
Portland by the carload, and aro be-
ing stored in finished b.uldings ou the
Exposition grouu Is. Fro n this time
on, the cars of exhibits will continue
to arrive iu large numbers until till
tho displays are ready for tho opening
of the great Coast Fair.
California has sent one car. contain
ing a part of her display in education
and social economy, and moro aro ex
pected in a few days. Ono car of tho
Idaho exhibit has also beon received,
unloaded and stored in the European
Exhibits Buildings, whilo two cars
containing part of the Massachusetts
exhibits aro expected in a few days.
Tbo Massachusetts exhibits will be
storeJ in tho European Exhibits
buildings until tho Massachusetts
building, work on which will bo begun
soon, is ready to receive them. A
cargo of exhibits for tho Mines and
Metallurgy department is cn its way
from St. Louis, ami ears containing
various manufacturing exhibits are
reported on their way to tho Fair
All bnt ono of the Exhibition Pal
aces are now completed, and tho nrri
val of exhibits at. this oarly dato makes
certain the readiness of tho Fair ou
the opening day.
Wonderful Nfrvti.
Is displayed by many a man endur
ing pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds.
Bruises, Burns. Scalds, Sore Feet or
Stiff Joints. Rut thero's no need for
it. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo will kill
tho pain and euro tho trouble. It's
the best Salvo on earth for Pilos, too.
25 cents at C. Y. Lowe's Drug Store.
JDr. S- I-i. Ferltins,
Office iu the Hoffman lSuildinp;, heinj; tbe
first house Knst of the old Central House.
TJr. H. T-j. Houston,
Office in Pacific Hotel. Hours, 11 to 12, n.m.
1 ::t0 to 4, p in.; 7 to S in the evening.
n.ANDON. - - OltKOON.
I, A W V K 15 ,
HANDON --- - (lUKftON.
Will practice in all Courts.
Notary in oflieo.
01lrt iiptnlr in Kl Dorado HuiltUng
Important News Notes
IToksday. Jan. 10.
Russia is preparing a new fleet to
send to tho Pacific, to fight tho Japs.
It is stated that tho Russian gen
erals in Manchuria aro losing faith in
The Japanese aro destroying mines
around Port Arthur. 09G have been
destroyed. Tho submarine mine had
a radius of 4i) miles outside that port.
Alva Adams, Democrat, was sworn
in as Governor ef Colorado. Pea
body will contest his Eeat.
Tho steamer Dalles City foundered
near Stevenson, in tho Columbia. No
one was injured.
Forest Grove is to have a saloon,
tho whiskey faction having wou in
tho town election there.
jYVkunksday, Jan. 11.
Richard Croker has had a set back
in English society because ho was a
bidder against Kiug Edward for some
race horses. Ho is debarred from
trainiug at New Msrket.
John Miller, a Chicago cook, killed
his wife and two children, then com
mitted suicide.
Atlargo plato glass establishment
near St. Lonis was destroyed by fire.
Loss $250,000.
Frank P. Flint, of Los Angeles,
was chosen U. S. Senator for Cal.
TiiuimDAV, Jnn. 12.
Men and women stood in line all
night at New York awaiting the open
ing of the State Bank during a run
ou it.
The Japanese gained rich spoils in
the capture of Port Arthur, in guns,
rifles, ammunition nnd war material.
The fort was defended by 50,000 men
when the siege began.
At Corvallis thodrinking population
boozed ou patent medeciuo until an
order was made permitting its sale
only on physician's prescription.
fire at Chelsea, .Mass,, did $200,-
j qqo (auJaiM
Two trains collide in a dense fog on
tho Santn Fo railroad, aud two men
were killed.
Fuiiiat, Jan. 13.
Russia declares in a note to the
powers that China has not observed
strict nentrnlify, and that she pur
poses to iguore China's neutrality.
Raiding bands of Cossacks are try
inn to cut Oyamti's communication,
and the Russians are being defeated
in frequent skirmishes.
Engineers say that the Brooklyn
bridge is growing weak and that the
entire .structure must be rebuilt.
Silveiton, Oregon, is to have a new
General Stoessel thanked his troops
before leaving them, and said he
would tako the blame for premature
surrender of tho fort.
Satchuvy, Jan. 1 1.
Senator Mitchell, Congressman
Hermann, J.N. Williamson anil State
Senator F. P. Mays, according to the
Portland Telegram, aro to be indicted
together for complicity in land frauds.
Russian papers admit that Japan
has tho best of the war.
Governor Douglass, of Mass., has
brought about a conference between
employers and employed, in the Fall
liiver Cotton strike, which may end
the strike.
Japan is disploased with tho way
Franco is harboring Russian ships.
Tho government of tho Nether
lauds has selected a placo near the
Bosch for Carnegie's Peaco Palace.
Monday. Jnn. 10.
Tho United States Groud Jury is
still investigating Biuger Hermann's
land record.
'XIUMIOX I.UII(;K, Xn. 1 15, A.I. A.. M
T ANDON LUDG K, Nn. U.".A. F.A .M.
rl) Stuteil comnianications Sat-
ardav nftvr the full moon of each
month. All .Master Masons y
invited. 1'ETEICV NELSON. W. M.
J. E. Walstuum. See.
: :: : ' -Xfitg i-S !
y !
j Colli t (Juerii of the Forest No. 17, r '
h Forelr.1 oT America. ?? '
'V." hi i'i.r.. ijf tiir niiiiv.ii.;.
su. 1.. imetx rndav niyht f each... t
..-. !!,- in ('iiiiitn-lii T Trill itatiilim. ( Irt-irini .-. I
j? cordial welcome is extended to all vis-5- 1
ltiii-: lirothers. J. E. FlSllEU.
'f J. N. L.sui.oia, Chief l'aiier. ;
Fin. Secretary. v.
4 HANDON I.OIX'K No. ltttt.l.O.O. F i
I ) ANDON LODGE. No. i:W, I. O. O. F.
IJ meets uverv Satnrdav evenniL'.
v'Visitinu hrothera in uood Htaiulliie y,
'cordially invited. .
g T. W. HonisoN. Sec.
O- T- Bliiinerirotliei
U. S. Commisioner and Notary Public
Filint: and Final proofs made on Home J
Hteadd, I i nbor Chimin aud other IT. S. Lands j
Money Loans Negotiated on Approved'
Security. N j
Otlice in room 10 lle.ynrle lhiihlin;, Han
don. Hesidenco on Uutte. Creek, Oreuon.
RA1I kind of Ural Ktatc houtht and
-th). 1
The City Meat Market,
0 Yes!
We Have the Variety of Stock
Href. Pork. Venl. MnP on. Ijaml). H-Joim and Pmk Srhsusc. Pressed lleaf, Head
Ubet-he, Corned Heef, Pickled Pork. h'.s, Wc-tali-'e and Uutter.
Call ou us and yet onr prices l)eri buying clv-whcre.
We are not like the Hind Wheels
of a wneoti, always 'following iu tie- same rut. Wo aro pushers, strivini: for a larger,
business, nud we yet tii re by ket-iiii
Tlie Best Meat in. tiie
nnd polling nt tho very lowest prices.
Wo aro bere to and lure to stay.
Yours to serve.
JbancLon Meat Market,
T. Lzi(3.ersorL Prop.
Will Keep on
Fresh Beef, Pork, R3iitton, Smoked Meats, Lard,
Sausages, Etc., also
Fresh Vegetables, Poultry, 32ggs Butler and all Farm Produce.
I will pay highest market price for beef, pork, mutton.wool, hides, etc.
Dry Goods of Every Description.
Ladies Coats, Capes and
Boots &z StLoe
Fresh Groceries of
Suits Made to Measure,
The New, Elegantly uuu, u...u wpCouy oisaniep
0. P. JENSEN, Master-
Tbis Stenmer is Xew. is Sfnnaly l-r.ilt. iiml f.Mul with thf -t improvements, and wij?'
yive a rccnlnr inn wenier. i'r
nt.!ll-..- j..v r. v i, -
E. T. KHUZ, Mitnaiim Aut-ut. '7
Household Furnishings and Deco
rations of all kinds
Ih'd I room Suites Car'. -tin T.'l Fine Wall Vnyor and
and I'iftvs. V.u..lnv I rm Hna-e Lining.
Cabinet Shop in Connection. Mattresses and Springs.
Furniture Kipairin aiul Saw iiUm: a Sprcialiy.
Glass, Paints, Oils, Brushes. ,'i;::riiyIu:,tf UNDERTAKING
A Full Line of Caskets. Pnrial K ami CI.hkIs. and I ndcrtakini: Snnil:t;
(oistanil Keit m Hand.
J. C. Shields & Son,
BlaclssxriittL Ss "Wagon
Wagons of all ki.ids made to order.
Job work attended to promptly and all work ;: ;rantce.l to ;:ve Htisfucttwn. l?rfetWt
Koasouahle. .
Horseshoeing el Specialty'
K"Vnn To Wr
and examine onr
Stoves, Ranges and Farm Implements, Etc,
Now is t ho litno to Mire!i;.st' 1 wiiihvniv. Tho ri:uli'-inHl has
in .sti'i-K" ti I:ii.m iMTtiiiit.t of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Glassware, Crockery and Miners' Supplies.
I'aintH. Oil.. Door mid Vir.IMs.
The Bandon Hardware Man.
kku. r. TurriNc;,
Fire Insurance.
Hamlon. --- - Ora". I
0 Yes!
J. Waldvogel & Son, Props.
Hand at all Times
all Kinds.
W : .at
1A-V . ifcVlX
n-t ' r .ii.ii trtn.lK. M l wct-n ii.u
ii '
Trout Street, San Francisco. Cnllfornin.
:'r, 'ti!! i! ,,n':,i,,"c n T,Mf (
Wrenshall & VVrenshrJI,