I'HE RECORDER IB PUBLISHED gVKKft THlllWAY AFTKÜMOON ... BT . »*»!• W. STITT, •DITOR AND PROPOXETOB. SUBSCRIPTION IUTE*. »2 00 1 00 60 CMS tear....... ■ « Month*.. ’Fk««aMoutiu o that ou tt.B olltagde are peaceful wiirance ot June, are Jar.u , ary within. Perhaps only Lera and Crude Thought. A. They Fell From The Fdltorml Feu Fleumut Kv.nlag Kev tb*e ia a conjugal outbreak of iooour erle., A Columa l»edle»«e«ador at tbe Coart of St. J a urea, wa net npon by a ipob last night, iu Londou, aud narrowly rHU USD AY. NOV. a, WH. escaped HgHaalt. T. 0. Baldwin, of Loa Angeles, Cal., hdc - Tbe ye hrs have sped since first I led ceaafully navigates bia airship above the Ex- You to the table, dear, EDITORIAL, poHitiou Ground« at St. Louis. Aud you looked queenly at the foot Owing to the denae fog in Seattle, Wash., Aud 1 felt kingly here. When you go to the polls next car« on the Seattle «ft Renton Electric Rail­ Today, as I look down at you, Tuosday, remember that your stum- road collide,»injuring about thirty person h , On either side I see •ch it not manufactured from copper two of whom iuay dje. A row of hungry little ones No explanation yet of the action of tbe plate, aud hence cannot stand the de- All gazing up at uie. Baltic Fleet in tiring upon and ainkiug Brit­ atructive influence of alcohol t-aken in We’ve added leaves one after one, ish ffsbing sinackH in North Sea. large or small draughts, ao cast your And you are far away— Czar of Russia wires personal regret to vote for the Belfareof self aud future Aye, thrice as far. my .dear, as on King Edward for North Sea incident | generations. That happy, happy day. Russia is said to have purchased the Chil­ ean nav. • But though we sit so far apart — The welfare of posterity depends Fraternuj Temple for Lewis aud Clark You there, aud I up here?— largely upon the efforts of tbe present Two rows of heurts from my foud heart. Fair i>- now assured. Russian and Japanese armies areagain (feneration. IP we do not want our Stretch down to you, uiy dear. fuce to face. children and future generations led Thank God for every extra leaf W mdnbsday , Oct. 26 into toils of drunkenness, let ns aid The table holds today. Baltic ships arrive at Vigo, Spain, and Ad them by voting for tbe Local Option And may we never know the grief rniral makes his report to tbe Czar. Of puttiog oue away. movement, and shield them from tbe Great Britiau dissatisfied with Russia's answer to protest, and demands punishment pllurement of tbe alcohol demon. “Better late tbun never” ia not half of officers iu fault. Tbe proposition of Local Option ao good a maxim aa “Belter never Au electric car on the line between El comes lip next Tuesday for consider­ late.” Paso and Towtie, Texas, containing 75 pas­ sengers, jumped the track today, plunging ation of voters, aud each one should How we appreciute a boy wbo >8 al­ into 1(4 feet of water. Several persons were give tbe question earnest, conscien­ ways on time. How quickly we learn injured. tious consideration. Tbe decree has Presiding Judge George of the State Cir­ to depend on Lini, ami bow soon you gone forth, ages ago, that right shall bud yourself lutru tin/ him with cuit Court, declares Local Option holds>oud j and rdf uses to enjoiu officials from cariy iug and will prevail at some future tifue, weightier matters. The boy who has it out. hence, tbe way that leads to happiness acquired a reputation for punctuality OrdetA have been issued from Washington slid prosperity must he one which is has made the first contribution to the that a searching investigation of the steum- free from wrong doing Hud dishonor. capital that in after years makes bis ship service on th» Pacific Coast is tu be in. There can tie no general advancement success a certainty. stitutvd. to ascertain whether steamship regulations are complied wiih. tn Wealth and happiness while one- As the future oak lies, folded in the Corporal punishment is pr ibibited in pub half, or much less than one-half, of lie schools in New York, and moral suasion tbe hitman family live at the expense acorn, so iff tbe present lies our fu­ only to be resorted to to enforce obedience. ture Our success will be, can be, but of the rest of the race. The wrong Indication^ all point to au early resump­ ‘road own ■ leads to tbo desired goal, a natural tree, developed from tbe tion of fighting in the Far East. an I wrong business methods never »“•-I of our own sowing; tbe fra. Safe blowers pour nitr >glyceriiie into the offic« safe "f the Golden Writ Hotel, at Spo- secure tl:e results sought. Business grance f tbe blossoms and tbe rich kan , Washington, an I carried off 8ii20 in pr .pos;t. t will flourish best when ness of tbe fruitage will depend upon cash, 2 watebea and a cliain. the nourishment absorbed from oor Albany Alethodists get the miuister th« y • ed npon . princi| ' t. >o l.r.nring equity to the past liuti present. The earth we trua l a-ked for. ¡'residing Elder Kockweli tiau'-g a: . - and b ■ > > >•> operated upon, beneath our feet is Composed of day revised the awtignmeut made by liaoep Spelimeyer. TXi. paper HI entered at the Bandon post offioe as Second-class Matter. I. llie of alcohol, where ) hose tie<-ee»arv to it ii In :i;.s> prospoeition, must e.i iti a L'W years sacrifice ■ - t.o it. in order that other -i> gHit. a competency, thpre ciiii in. no stir« way to prosperity. bt . it ’i the Ke as ’• litri. Of 22.152 perwunu arfeHted io N hw T<»b City fo» disordtffly conduct, 18,- 3W xikoittvd being intoiicuted. Tba ’aaluons -of Snn Francisco cost tba taa-paywH of (but city #18,500,000 per year, Tbe city receives from the aaluoua iu license,. ?200,000; or, if yon pleaae, tbe aa)o<>ns of San Fran- eiaeo coat tbe people *18,210,000 a year more than they get out of them. And yak people aay that prohibition Villa • town. Tba beautiful little eity of MeMinn- yilK Teiaa, ia aliva with prosperity. A atoah company baa been formed for tbe erection of a wagon factory ; work baa commenced on a furniture factory ; the foundry and machine ebopK arc to |ja enlarged; and everything, except cabbage, commands a good price, Il vill ba remembered that McMinnville voted saloons out a y»-ar or two ago. Fut thia fact alongside of its present prosperity. That they are cause and *®e<‘t is shown by the further fact that every town in tbe state which has recently abolished saloons baa bad •imilar prosperity. In an addreaa at 8 great banqnet reoantly held iu Chicago Oily, Prose­ cutor Dr. Howard S Taylor placed the responsibility for Chicago’s pres­ ent conditions as regards crime upon the rightful shoulders. He said: “Wo baye T, ,000 licensed saloons in Chica­ go. and in my judgment it is immate­ rial whether they are closed on any Equatorial time-line at uight. The saloon keeper is aa good as bis li­ cense; tbe license as good ns the offi Cull who signed it; the signeras good as tbe legistatnre Which made it pos­ sible; tbo members of tbe legislature as good as those wbo elected them. If bl ame there be, it fallu ou tbe qilal ity of our citizenship.’’ Ì Roofing Done. All kinds of roofs painted and n- paired. Shingling a specialty. C. W. D yoert , B indon, Ore. HAY! - t i r\ and sand aud soot aud waler, and if T kumsdxt . (kt 27. na'iire has her perfect work iu these Russia insinuate* that Japanese torpedo substances, the clay will become por boats were harbored at Hull. celalo, ami may be painted upon and Ru-sia dec’ oes to promise pniii-Liaent or placed in tbe king’s palace; then North Sea outrage; says suggestion is au in­ again it may become clear and hard fringement of Her Sovereignty. and white, and have the power of New York’s new Subway opened today simple ceremonies. System will be drawing to itself the blue ami tbe red, ■ with wned by city, and cost of building will be the greeu and the purple rays of the repaid. sunlight, aud become an opal. Tbe 1. B Wilcoj. of Portland, Oregon, « k>ct« d sand will become very bard aud white, President of the Trans-Mi&bi aippi Congress anti bave the power of drawing to in session at St Louis. President Roosevelt is 46 years old today. itself tbe blue rays of the sunlight Earliest snowstorm in 2«) years at Duluth and become a sapphire. Tbe soot Snow fell to tbo depth of 2 inches: • F riday , Get. 28. will become the hardest and whitest A joint Court of ’Inquiry will settle the substance known, and be changed in to a diamond. Tbe water in tbe sum- È uiglisli-Russian trouble.. The Japanese ate clo«ipg in on Porf.Ar- met is a dewdrop, and in thè winter tbar. Stoesnei wired the tb it Port Ar crytallizee into a star. Even s<, the thur will be his grave. S atubday , Oct. 29. bomliest lives, by drawing to them­ selves tbe Coloring of truth, sincerity, Two persons were dangerously injured in a train wreck in Wash. charity aud faith, may become crystals Forty gold miners were buried by « eave in and gems ot "purest ray serene.” near Nagyhans, Hungary. Seven arv dead, bond of continuum . Aa individuals, ss families, n, corn- munitiea, and even as nations, we seam to 1« coming more fond of con­ tention. It is contention-moré than any other one .thing that takes from the Home Circle its every charm, liussia snd Jopan at tbe present lime ■re only samples of tbe contention that can be found in too many homes. In this country where our blue skies are full of robios and doves and meadow larks, weeelect as our nation­ al symbol, the tierce and filthy eagle. In Great Hritian, where they have lambs and deer, their symbol is the merciless lion. Iu Russia, where, from between her frozen north and blooming south, all kilids of beasts abide, they choose as their symbol tbe growling bear. So foud are we of contention, that we climb out through tbe heavens aud baptise one of tbe other planets with tbe spirit of battle, and c.l) it Mars, after the god of war. ’n>i«ler being roasted cries out against it, tbe men wbo are turning him say ¡ “Hush, brother; we are turning thia spil for the glory of God and tbe good of jour soni, miti yon must be quiet while wu close the service with 11 • •*» that WH* henrii nt the I laying of tbe world’s cornej stone, il s OHinry ai d when >be morning star-, sang togeth­ re ore-ent and ad We prefer th- d b Si o<*r f er, is not he .rd now. salary $¿1 weekly roar of tile lion, the scream of the • at tvRtje 1 a< h M >ndav bv \\ » F'S II r-e • d e gl , (g e growl of the hear ,»• <’ rv; II H>w Br a n position of the force« are unchanged. The IltantloB. Druggist and "I And BLck-Dnuight S teady , C omuades ! S teady , C omrades . The fateful hour is drawing nigh, ami all we have and all we hope for, and all that we hold dear ami sacred, ami are pledged to with onijvery lives, I- in th« tialaiiee. Not a day, an hour, uof even u minute must go by uuim prov -d. 1*O< >rl> K1IOIO4 Sdtntilk Hmtrkan. ▲ handsomely illnstrated weekly. J.argest cir­ culation of any acientifle journal. Term». *■! a year: four month», fl. Sold by ail newsdealer». New Tort MUNN & 0Q(8C1Brtaivay, Fnrancb OfV.ce. ««5 >’ 8L. Washington. D. C. TllEsPASS NOTU'k. Notice is hereby given to all persons not 1<> trespass npo:t tin« premises of Dr.Kenyon, situated between Floras Lake and the coun­ ty road, in Norf hern Curry, by removing, cutting, or dost roving timber upon said land. 4-~* rev V-1 will be paid for informa­ tion leading a conviction of trespass as stated above. • 1 : .id i.t Baudot < ' < n. Mi rob 11: 1901. I E I EK NELSON, Agent. BOLOGNA SAUSAGE, HEAD-CHEESE, VEAL, CORNED BEEF, PICKLED PORK. BUTTER, EGGS, FRUI1 AND VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS. M. BREUER’S City Barber Shop in Hoot» mid SI iocm .A. 1ST ID What We Can Do For You Two Tapers for the Price of One. W F HARKIS, IN CHARGE, SuccvMor ló J. I.. THOMPSON. SHAVES, You SHAMPOO, Get the News of the AV<»rlf the West, and irf a daily published in San This Steamer is New. is Strongly bnilt, and fitted with the latest improvements, and vHi Francisco, and gives aji the news. Out offee give a regular 8 day service, for passengers and freight, between the Coquille River, Oregon, and S hu Francisco, Calif. includes the Sunday Bulletin. Recorder nnd Bulletin, one year., t-7 00 ELBERT DYER, Agent, Bandon, Oregon. Recorder and Bulletin, one rnoiitk 65 E. T. KRFZ, Managing Agent, 207 Front Street, S hu Francisco, California. The FoiUaud Evening Telegram is issued six times a week. It gives all the. news that is woith reading and up to time of going tc press, much of il being 21 hours fic.-her tkni when it reaches here through any other journal. Rec r and Telegram cr.e y nr. $5 50 For a weekly newsp.tp* r the Weekly Ore jouian lead? i»i the N »ithwest, and gives all the news ffiiualiy ouutained in a weekly pft»,»er. Recorder nnd Weekly Oregonian..$2 50 It is the duty of e r«li person to seek in­ formation along ail lines »hat tend toward bringing about better conditions nnd greater i prosperity for the human family, and for ¡•the purpose < f giving our readers a chance to inform themselves wo give them the best —Appeal to Reason. Any doctrine that does not appeal to tbe highest order of rea Honing is not safe. . Recorder and Appeal to Reason. -. $2 00 Hotel Coquille Sr , r: - I., .On MJM, a 1 K ose - bubo O beg » n . O t. .3, 1904 A MQfficient ci itflNt atli lavit having been filed in tb;s office by Margarut Lmno’it e«>n- test int, against iiomesteHd entry No. 10832, mad- .Litre 27th. l'.MH, f r Nbj of NE’4. NE1* 'ff N*VV ‘4 . Serliiiir .'•X>, T -wnship !.'W 8 , Range 14 W , bv John E. Tat barn, c<»nte«»ee, m which it is «lie e l that said John E. Latham has wholly abandoned said t act. that he has changed hi*» residence tin ref rum for more than one year since making said entf.y : that the said tract is not settled upon and cultivated bv said party an required try law. «aid parties are hereby notified to appear, ro-qioiid and offer • •vidence touching «aid al- >*ig?«t»on .•»» 10 »’rjock. « m .on. February 15 1905. b fore Col. C. T. Blumenrother. U. S. Commissi'ner, nt his office in Bandon. Ore­ gon, and that final bearing will be held at 10 o’clock, a.m., on March L 19H5, before the Register and Receiver at the United Stutes l and Office in Roseburg. < tregnn. J. H. Boom, Receiver. oefl.3 NOTB’E FOR PUBLIC VITON. Timber Land Act, June 3. 1078. UnrriD S tates L and O ffice , Roseburg, Oregon. Octol»er 14. 1904. S teady , C omrades ! Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of tbe act of Congress of Every comrade at his post, every June 1, 1*7H entitled “An act for the sale of comrade doing duty, every comrade timber lands in tbe States of (’nlfornia. true ami loyal, every comrade reso Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Terri­ tory,” as extended to all the Public Land lute, unconquerable! States by act of Aog 4« 1892. Caroline E Such an army cannot lose. Bedillion of Bandon. County of Coos, State of Oregon, has »his dav filed in this office S teady , C omrades ! her sworn statement No. H428. for the pur­ Together we are in the tronche«, chase of the 8WK4 of SE‘4, of Section No. comrades, ami together will we seule 31. in Township No. 29 8«»nth, of Range No. 14 West, and will offer proof to spew that tbe heights, trinapbant iu the cause the land sought is more valnable for its tim­ of lalatr ami humanity. Forward, ber or stone than for agricultural purposes, all, with heatia erect and hearts at and to establish hyr claim to said land be­ fore C. T Blnmunrotber. U- 8 Commission* inned! Forward all to victory! er. at hi« office at Bandon. C«»os Conntv. on EUGENE V. DEBS Wednesday, the l«t day of February. I'.W- She names as witnes«e«: Fred M. Lockwood, W INI ED—Qnicklv. few persons to repre­ of Bandon. Robert E. L Bedtllion, of Ben sent Ioni? e-t’»bli«bed wbokaafe house among don. Spray Osborn, of near Bandon. J P. retail fnerch m»a ami agent« Local territo­ Hunt, of near Bandon. nM of Cous County. ry of few rtiintie«. ||S «alary, and expen«eN Oregon. ® pud weeklv Erpeuse mm« advanced . ....... Anv and „„ all persons claiming ndversalv I <> nn>HH|..ii eiira. I*> r4 «iirt.i..t>Mfo I —i ——' < as file • « theirj*laims « Bnwiti ’**« NiiccHSMfnl. 1 Previous ___ . experience _ ____ ,n this office on 1 «< before n »t tMM ntmi. En*p «elf addressed en ve I * - t said 2 ‘ l.t ‘ *em h»-ru 8..» ('bieago. I oct27 o RTPAN-S tabules J^"Yon can have it all for |,,r Clonili •• fiOn Vvr .noiitli In the Evenime Telegram, of Portland, Oregon. Il is the lai ueet ewrini» news- pnpe published in Orecun; it contains state and of “ *' the all th news of ‘ the ‘ Try it for a month. A sample nai iot 1 be mailed to you free. Address O pv w Doctors find A Good Ths Telegram, I’OIC'I I. I Sil, ORK. NOTICE lOft PUBLICATION. • Timber Land Act, June. 3. 1K7N. U nited S tates L knd O ffice . Roseburg, Oregon. August 2<>. 1904 Notice is hereby jjivpii that in compliance with the pr.ivisioi.s of thu act of U«»nyress ,<»f Jiint* 3. ¡878, • t>1 it It <1 “A h tut { -r t be ¿ale • >f tiiiiber I unis in the Stuth-s of (iHlifoinia, Oregon. Nevada, and VV'ashinuton Tcrri- tirvv” HHexttmhJ to all the Public Land States bv act *»f AucuM 4, 1892. Mrs Jllioda IJ. Marshall. <>f Bandon» ('••iintv of Coos. State of Oitjon, has this d iv filed in this . ftic“ her sworn statement No. G387. for the pnrebase of the Lot 4 of Seeti.iu No. 5. in Township No 31 South, of Ranue No. 14 Wot. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is m- ie valuable for its timber or stone than for aoricultni al pm poses, and to establish her claim to «aid land before C. T Blumenrother, United States Commis­ sioner at hi« office at Bandon, Coos County, Oregon, on Saturday, the 19' h dav of Novem­ ber, 1JMH. She narnesn« wifnes rs: -John M. Adon«, William D. Mat-ball, William Hite amt John IL I ncker, all of Bai.don, Coos (’canty. < ¡reyon. Ai.V »»t.d .ill ye: ns i l.vm.inii .nLvi-o iv toe Hbove-dtsfNibeil lands are requested to tile their claims hi lbw office on or before said 19th day of November. 1904. J. T. B kidokm . «epi Rettister. Prescription for mankind T.n for flrr rrota, at Dro.irl»*., Creerr., Rrat.ur.nt., Saloona, Nrwa.St.nda, General Store, and Harber. Chop. They hani.h pain, induce sleep, and prolong lilw One «ire, relief I No matter what*, the matter, oor will do you » n . August 17th, 1904. A «uflicient contest affidavit having been fl‘cd in this office by Kov C. McEwan, con­ testant, against homestead entry No. 13135, made October 1st. 1903, for NW‘4 Section 25, Township 29 8., Rang«* 15 W., bv Kobett A. Doak. contestée, in whicb£it is alleged that the entryman has wholly abandoned the said tract; that he has changed his resi­ dence th-refrom for more than six months since making said entry , that said tract is not. nor never wm , settled npon and culti­ vated bv wd partv as required by law nt no time since he made his first tiling, and he has removed with h’s family outside of tins P. B. HOYT, Prop State to parts unknown, said parties are o 7 hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching »aid allegation, at 10 o’clock, a.m., on November 16. 1904, fieforo lw.t«l In EL DORADO BUILDING. C. T. Blnmenrother, V. 8. Commissioner, at First MrMt. BANDON. O tKW bis office in Bandon. <)iegon, a d that final ® I bearing will I h * held at 10 o'clock, a.m., on Dealer in Harness 4 Saddle« and all* November 26. 1904. before tbe Register an I Receiver at »he United State# Land Office in kinds of leather wars kefit in a harness »HAVING. SHAMPOOING AND HAIll Ko«ebarg, Oregon. CUTTING AT STANDARD PUK E8. shop. . I he said contestant having, in a pfnper affidavit, filed Angnst 11.1904 set forth facts Biithmom newly fitted up with Porre |£fji which WhoW th>.t after due diligence person- Tub. Hot or Cold Matin» 3ft ernia al service of this notice ran not be made, it is berrbv ordered directed that «uch no­ William (i"lli?r will act aa mv agent at tice be given by, due due*« and nd proper pnblir public itio tion. Bandon and all order* left with him for . or repairs will receive prompt alien i Independent and reliable—The Orego>. i. H. B ooth . K'ctiver, E l D orado Harness maker, TONSORIAL PARLORS Coquille, Oregon. Repairing a Specialty. MB. 1 * o ♦ o o O Meats delivered to persona living on the River or along the Stage Houle. BATH ROOMS, o o All Kinds of Fresh Meats Always Kept on Hand. Repairing neatly and promptly done at lowest living prices. P bcsuvieiuss SkBVICk. Preselling 1st aud 3rd Sunday.-1, morning itmi evening, Sunday Scb<»ol each Sunday at 10 a.m. Endeavor meeting« at tbe usual hours. Braver meeting— 7 30 Thursday ev nings. All are welooine. A dolph H\ b h ». y . Faster. Anvnne rentfinf a «ketch and description may autckly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Comniunl«- tlons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent« »ent free. agency for »ecurkig patents. Patents taken throueh Munn A Co. receive tfrclal notice, without charge, in the TENBROOK & BURNS, Props. You Can't Expect to Get $2 worth fcr $1, but you can get your money s worth at Dealer ( HURCH. •The enemy have done their best ’All ! 1iCIL T:ICE, and worst to divide n-,’ but have ’ Watchmaker and Jeweler. failed, and all along ibe revolutiona­ ry line thore flashes from the eyes of Oregon. the advancing proletarian columns Bandon, the light of defiance hyd tl;etir< of victory. ’ CONTENT NO 1 ICE. . He are closing in for the final charge, ami each comrade nins't now feel that the outcome depends on him or her. ami summon all their latent fotce ami put forth their supreme power to wiu this day for the working class. Cigars, Tobacco« and Cigarette«. Preaching service every 2nd and 4th Sun­ il tv nt 11 A M. and 8: F. M. Sunday School every Sunday at 10, A. M. Epworth L diiuum . 7:P. Al. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8: P. M. T ram M amw D imghs C ofvwights Me. a call and examine our goods. Pailita. Oils, (ilaases, and Painter's Supplied Church Directory BO YEAWe* EXPERIENCE uh Ui'iiggiwlM KiiiidrifM. BLA(K- DRAUGHT E. Give P erfumes , B rushes , S ponueh , S oaps N uts and C andies . THEDFORD’S M. W® oarry a. fino line of Fall and Winter Hats, and Ladies' Furnishing Ocods. Chemicals, Fatent and Proprietary Preparations Toilet Articles, “I u»ed Thedford’« Black Draught for liver and kidney coin- filaint.M «nd found nothing to excel t’’—WILLIAM COFFMAN, Mar­ blehead, III. line will be (lone hi n newt and eatis factory id an her. at h reasonable price. Call and see my ne.w line of jewelry oon- sist’ing <»f Stick Pins, lint Pins, Hash Pins, Lady’s Waist Sets, Brooches, Bracelets. Cuff and Collar Buttons, Chain«, ( harms» and . ‘. Kings, which has just arrived. S teady , C omrades ! Drugs u«d _ If your liver does not act teg- ularly go 1 to your vour dniggnt drugi»i