Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, September 29, 1904, Image 1

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52 Times a year for $2.
I 52 Times a year for $2.
- - -
Volume XX.
Number 38.
Cnll on H, A. Cox for Snowdrift
"Photo" Buttons, 10 to locls. at
Wrenslmll's Gallery.
A house and lot for sale. Cheap.
Enquire at this office.
V. S. Marshall, of Now Lake, was
a Baudon calJor last Monday.
The steamer Elizabeth sailed Mon
day night and is due here at high tide
to day.
Mrs. A. J. Hurtqaan returned home
Thursday from visitiug friends at
The first kiln of bricks have been
burned at the Arago yard, and will
soon be ready for the market.
Miss Bertha Wilkins left last Tues
day morning for Albany, Oregon,
where sue will attend college.
H. A. Cox keeps wheat and shorts
r r aalo,
J. Uenholm is having a new roof
put upon his house.
Public school opened here Monday
with a largo attendance.
J. A. Doak, of Bear Creek, was do
ing businass in town yesterday.
Capt. White has laid off the steam
er Dispatch, to overhaul, to overhaul,
repair and repaint, and fix her up for
the winter season.
Mrs. G. M. Dyer, and her grand
daughter, Miss Maud Garfield, loft to
day for Coquille aud Marshfield, on a to frieuds.
Capt. C. K. Edwards, of Coos River,
was in town the latter part of lust
week greeting old acquaintances, be
ing on a visit to friends hero
Marhieo At Bandon. Sept. 2Sth,
A. D. Morse, J. P, officiating, 13. f.
Dave Perkins is on tho sick list
this week.
Joseph Cor and A. B. Sabin, of ' Holcomb. of Marshfield. and Miss
Dairyville, were in town Tuehu Frances CofTman, of Parkershnrg.
liHving had bnsiuesij which eal!;l Ti.nt. i,;.. 1.1 i.. n..,.
them this way. uvn.nifi.i i- n- ,,.i r-- i..t,......
- -y (lll'l .III."'. IIIMM'I t"tj
M'rs. Ralph Cope, of Floras Creek,
spent a few days visiting her parents.
Mr. ami Mrs.'lioiee. of thi place, n
at Hotel Tupi.r. rdmnld call before
Oct 2nd. as tliejr time here is limited.
.1 . xx. ! niiniun, ui 1? oresi Li rove,
was a caller hero this week.
T. J. Still well and wife returner
homo Monday from North Bend.
F. H. Row. of Oakland, Oregon.
registered at the Tupper House Snn-
Charles A. Guerno, of Salem. Ore
gon. waB a visitor in Bandon last
C. B. Leep, the harness maker, of
Coquille, was doing business in town
last Thursday.
Wo will sell our black Jersev milk
cow, known as Sam Barrows' cow.
Sanheusox Bkos.
Mrs. Y. L. Davidson has been crit
ically ill during the past four days.
mt is improving.
Attorney U Sinclair, of Coquille.
was a victor in town Saturday, re
maining ovr night.
Dick Sorensen, of Langlois. was in
town the latter part of hiM week, on
his way to visit Coquille.
I 'i. ji. .Mieei w ims place gavi
Tho shades of uiuht were falling fust
When thronyh .Manchuria there passed
A ucnernl with flushine; eye
Who bore this banner proudly high:
"L'nt umuiki.?'
A fev d.ivs n'd. ayriin iw strod j
WithTiero' tlfini amir np the road;
Another banner now he bore,
I'inixiKed aotneivhnt from the ono before
"Waitabitski.'' Mrs.-Uo.ce, of tl.i plare, re ; J j. Gro returned Imme vester- Ur " . , . ' , " '. w,m
tutount. !.h!yfrmav,!M,;,ItTeG,ve. 1::
Air. . v. Cope, uf I'lnne; (nek. -a-;;anifd by Iih daughter,
was :i Fridy night on her u.ty ! Mr-. A. V Kime. who will here' , , K Hn(k" f Cnflni,K (!IJ1,
home from a mo,,,, , viit ;o fri-a ; a f.-w week,. Mr-. .. B. Gro w ill i " """"".v on visit lo her dng,i
II? Rnml.oU: Cu,:i. C.ilifo, j -pe:. i the uir.ler a: Citing- ( j '"r S 'llUU'"S V" U :,!'!0,,)
ne iVJmun ,.f tli.. U...M nr.. ?.,..,,.,. ,,,,.1 hl i.i "WtT Fair-ep :,nd family movejl
tepario- a fe.stal oeeasmn or, ! met i:, c!I,h. ;., lim-rton. Tin's lav. ! bl J,'1'"'"' '" u"k- , nvay.
j ami us,, sperm ,,ie wint.-r here.
C. F. Alie'i. .f S:m Frasir;ri.
The weeks rolled on, annin ho cnnie
And bore a banner much the same,
On which wan written thin dtKin,
Uefore hid nwesonn. buttle line:
More weeks elapsed, and on the track
He rode, now forunrd and now back;
A wait,n: world watched enyerly,
Hut this was all that they could m-o:
More months elapsed, but htill no sijn
Uf battle from that dreadful lino:
And now before his army vast
This banner he nailed proudly fust;
A year had trone, no battloyet.
The world came almost to forget
The doiu'htv j-eneral. but he
Changed sius with regularity:
Hut every dav before his lino
Aud awe-inspiring battle line
He rodo with saber in his hand,
And valiantly ave this command:
At last this crim and dreadful man
(irew bu-y, and a niessaye ran
To tlie In. me folks, who freely shed
'1 ueir bilter ti-ars, the while they read:
J. W. Kolev, in New V -rk l'imes.
Important Mews Notes
School BSeporr.
()i'i l..r 8h. at w,ii-, :un-!2'0 ean ii jw:tJi:h- result that the t-ide of
tat Hi.'ie i;ti:iite in.. lh- j ieek !- vvh- -to-.e i at;.l -:t!i;ittri d
lne-of w!dcr:.J. Ion th.' Di-p ..: . r-i.d the rim 1 hut ; 'iUv'-J:,v-' J we p, .-siime U i Hie following i, a i. port of New J,ake
The Biui.ioti Cornel Rami I. a- been j Pwt--ts ami ti-nt!,ei,s the paddles
eni;ged to be in attendance at the j 0,1 tl' iherty was broken.
NV. O. W. n.lly at t'i qr.ille. Oelobrj
iS:li. Mi;;).-n frojii alt iart. if
. j
-'it- si ft-: t ! present.
A:y on" neiing work i!on in car
eh'o! which e!oid a lour months' husmom.
.rt-pi. 5id.
. No. i pupil!, enrolled I J
jo-, r-eeivo.i a full ". e, uav at i-uilance 7iM".
ni.d ric-e r's,f 1 N" ' "I'M-iice r,
is loouinu afl.'f l:m interest in tin
1.1 1 1 7.1 1 . , . .
;iiri-funi, of ,ne liaiujoiph teach. I
D'nliobii ha
line of Lmlt'e-
and Capes in !atM v f,,r
' No. of tni marks . .
No. ! visitor. reeorded. . . .
Mr- P (' 11. ,(! ?!! .... ! ioiiI "it.if .... ..1 . 1: r
, 1 i"' 11 ai m- I i,ri ,iU vn' l''r,l!t " attendance
peuteriu-, brick maourv. plastering , , T. - J ' -"";'V- AnuU the entire term, were Winnre Uhv.
cementing. Counvte wJrk, paintin- ' t , X n'"r ' u r- "" On. I Last w,,k's shaver of ,f,in rleared " ,m,c,;U!d lUuiy aud
and paper hanging, will do we , ' ;l , the sn.oke. pm-im-d ,h, nir, Bntl ;
...... it 1 ... . . . - ..v..v., rniH'llli,t U lit
u ,,, ot iteru-ise lunette,,., ;,,! .,ur.. i he llbwlll , . JlU , ,,ltlJts ,, af ter lhv
rain we have had th- mu-t delightful j rumlereil by tho pupils and friends of the
call on J X Luke. Baudon.
When troubled wi'h coitipation
try ChHml'erlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets. Thev are easv to take nuti
Mrs. E. J. Hite A; Co. will open ,jp
n fine uiVf.-Iay of Fall and Winter '
weather of the season.
WiPinm rf. T. on
a-)d L. H.
produre no griping or other unplea.,-; Milliii.-rv in the Marshall Ilmldir.- 'hns' ert-e 1 i.-,t:i- oF, Saturday from
j-or sale tiy L, 1. Lo we, . three doors from the Pot Otlice Oe-
toberlth, and requests the ladies of
Baudon to call and examine their
aut effect
Still to be found at the old stand is
H. A. Cox, the grocer, and of grocer
ies and proviions he keeps the be.-;
la fruit, nuts, candies, etc., he keeps
in the front, having always a fresh
stock coming in,
The schooner C. A. Klose. Captain
Mercer in charge, came into the Co
atiille, Tuesday, and will load at Riv
erton. She is a three-masted. Hat
bottomed vessel, and will carry out
50ij M feet of lumber.
Mr. and. Mrs F. C. Eighmy, of
Ctnii'okee, Kansas, arrived here Sun
day to make Baudon their home if
conditions and business opportunities
are such as to warrant their stay.
They have concluded to remain until
Spring, at least
J. P. Topper, mine host of Hotel
Cquille, was in town Monday, hav
ing run down from the county scat to i
all tntertd hettrtily into a "box
K. CfLAnvs Nkwkli., Teacher.
Vii.- Ad varies Uidinsen.
Dr. V. Culiu, of Coquille, was in j 1
tiie oilwed .-it Lan-h'is. having other
business to look after for a few .lavs,' Kent
Mr. Chn.sreii-en 'ive Marshlio'cl a ' tlrtvs v- " A l- '-
busini'ss vi-it yestenlay. Drilling on
th" well will be re-timed in a few
lavs again.
Toes day. Sent 20.
Russia claims that Great Hritian hns been
anilty of breach of faith in her treaty with
Thibet, and entered a protest.
The Japanese betiun n neneral land and
nnval attack upon Port Arthur.
A child was swallowed by bench quick
sands at New York. The body was recov
Orthodox Jews surrounded a clnb houso of
Socialist Jews, in London, and stoned the
hoae. Those inside threw bottles at the
crowd. The police mielled the disturbance;.
Soventy-foor business men of Hrooklyn,
N. Y.. have formed a vigilance committee
for the purpose of puttiti" a 6top to street
The summer hotel at Condon burned down
The loss was $ 000.
Wkd.nksoay. Sept L'l.
Peter Karageoruovitch is crowned Iudr of
Kussian shippers are tryiuc to rush sap-
plies into Siberian towu.s.
Japnu is to renew the attack on Port Ar
thur in more nnressive lines, and the fall of
tlmt place is predicted to take place in ten
days or two weeks.
Oakley, a small town in Kansas, wna en
tirely destroyed by lire. Tho damae was
about $7o,000.
Mhe corn oiop i n many of the Eastern
States is threatened by damace from frost.
Henry Weinhard, a pioneer aud prominent
business man of Portland, died last nij-ht.
Ihe lius-ians lost 80 officers killed, 'M'J
wounded, and III missinjj, at the battle of I
Lino Van.
TiitmsDAT, Sept 'S2.
A brim!) was placed on the front steps of
the home of J. 0. .M alien, President of the
Sloss-Shellield Iron Co,, at Htrniine.barii.
Alabama. The explosive was discovered m
time to prevent an explosion.
One fireman is dead, four more will die.
and thirteen others are in a critical condi
tion from inhaling the fumes of nitric acid.'
at a small lire at Denver, Col. The lire was
in the etcbin department of tho Denver
A crowded car struck a box of dynamite
at Melr ise, Mas.!., with the result that nine
persons were killed and fortv more were in
jured. Several more of the injured may die. j
Four brothers found rat biscuit left in a j
room vacated bv a junk dealer, at Spokane,
anil ate of them, supposing they were cook
ies One boy. S u-nrs old. died two hours
later; the rest are out of dancer.
Fiii dat, Sept 111.
N'ino litth) girls lost their lives in a cess
pool at Pleasant Hide. Ohio, at.d 'J?, more
were injured by the tloorof an outhouse niv-
The City Meat Market,
0 Yes! 0 Yes!
We Have the Variety of Stock
Poef. Pork. Veal. Mutton. Lamb, Holocaa and P..rk Nh u , . r. ... r.f
Cheese, Corned Heef, i'ickled Pork, Kus. VeCer,il,.u aid - V
Call on us and et our prires before l)uym. el.
We are not like the Hind Vvnei:
of a wftRon, always followine in the same rut. We are .-ash . - t t
business, and we cet th ro by keeping
Tlie Best Meat in ttte Laiici
and selling nt the very lowest prices. " ,
Wo are here to please and here to stay.
Yours to serve,
J. Waldvogel & Son, Prop,
Bandon Meat Market,
T. Anderson Prop.
Will Keep on Hand nt nil Times
Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Smoked Meats, Lard,
Sausages, Etc., also
Fresh Vegetables Poultry, Eff, Butter and all Farm Produce.
I will pay highest market price for beef, pork, mutton,wool, hides, etc.
Dry Goods of Every Description.
Ladies Coats, Capos and Collarettes.
Boots ck; StLoe
Fresh Groceries of all Kinds.
liiht urore are not expected to
town MootUy evening o; his way tu
Langlois, having had which
called him there. He returned home
.Mrs. Ward and mother, of Hum
boldt Co., California, who have boon
Uisiting K. E. L. Bedillion and rela
tives down tho coast, left for home
yesterday, being accom panics as far
as Marshfield by Mrs. Bedillion.
Hon. J. M. Glass, of Southern Cal
ifornia, visited this place, Thursday,
of last week, and lectured that even
ing on Local Option and Prohibition,
to a fair sized audience. Mr. Glac
is a pleasing speaker, and although
he strikes sledge-hammer blows at
the etils he decries against, yet he
hulds his audience and keeps them in
Coast, Mail: It is acnin jvp :t
that tho O. (.'. :m.l V .;n ., H.
. ...... ..a v.-.. " I J 1 ' ' 'J Kl j
place another steamer or, the run be- j 5s'l,,,t" -l--Hd,r H!,.v K' '" toS. F,
inu way,
The hlame in the General Slocnru disaster
has heeu phiccd ii.on the otlicerd of the
I Sunt ? ' i U"i t i.i .i. . I memi'linuf . nti.l tin. liiuntu f il, ...,,..
f mm San i-' to ICivcrton Mill. pilot, and chief ennmeer. hns been revoked
Sept. -27 richr (.quiile, Sprin, 7 dayti The Archbishop of Canterbury, the liiirht
Ileverend ItHjidall Thomas Davidson, aud J,
v. - .r I..z.ic 1 r:en. hansen. t. Eiwt Uluktield. Ma, but e.scaped without
njury. No one received severe injury in the i
Suits Made to Measure.
f I uir.HOor I
' "SOMCNA" j
:"mm San I'lanci-cu in Prosuer.
Also, all Leading Brands of Case Goods.
tween .Shu Francisco ami this port,
and that a boat has been purchased
for that purpose, tfhe has good accom-
Vvwvt .72 me. Sold.
A masked rnnn held np two clerks in San
Francisco and relieved them of H.WO be-
On Saturday a cheek for S'i.000 ar- louiii to the Central Oram A Stock Co.
.un,luMo8 r,r oil fct-dii-s m,.n. i riv"'1 s )'yfit nn ll.o i',.rt "''.' ""' fnt, value.1 .11 4.uu. ere
n. rv ,000 ,,; ,' ,,,;-' .hi. r rz'TJZZZ
on U foot of water. She will be a j U"iC'1 ma,,H 'tt,,,0, 'fjr'. an as- vor and killed bya train near Toledo, Ore. XJl OlllC il 1 5l0.
great acquisition to the Coos JJav '"""""c". o was oatiiiii'at. oept j-i
- i
good humor by his ready flow of wit
' it . , ,
ous otyiriii.s. Jvcrv person
have a look around his old home
town. Mr. Tupper is about to dispose j , hn
- ' - , , , ! should jo to hoar such speakers,
having a warm spot m his heart fori . , r ,, .. , t A.
H ,. , Iwhethor they agivn with what thev
Uandon, fcK'ps bis weather eve turned I ,. . ... . ;
' , , say or not. as it will give them broad-
this wav, and should the deal be fou-l ; , . . ,i . , .
I er ideas to DondtT upon the thoughts
f-ummated. tire chances are two to one (J- otju,r t '
of this place.
here a short time a:o from Los An- I'rince Frederick, of Schotnburi'. and hi
;.- .. i r . i. .? . I wife ll.:ve been rectincili-il jiff..r w..r.iirifn i
Pinf wi 'r-r i: -' ,a l ui .iih nrm, wuit-u ,: " "
. ,,.,.,. i ... .... r, , unurw.
tor of the Enterprise made. MoomawV!; Ul ' "", ,mu "-,'nrCt forCot the date ,et '
hop yard at Arago a visit this week ! V'.,,M),M 11 ,s " P"rf'Oso of -f-.r his umrnnt-,. and disappointed the ex-1
A rilimhnr nf tiifbnr nra ., , ,!.,.-.., I
""'!. '"" jt is iiri, ' I: ZZZZZ :rrVrrr;.:Household Furnishings and
v. V
was one of the foggiest days we evr
saw. or tried to see, at. Port Oriord.
aud it 'o liaiipen'il that the Area' a
and are bright and clean. In most
hop growing countries the first crop
1 1 i .i
in .-.fiiio.-i consult red worm saviii"-. ;
but in this yard they will go about
1,41)1 pounds to the acre which is
considerable more than that generally
grown in old yardr-. Mr. Moomaw
has proven that hops can be grown
successfully in this county, und much :
Mit her and then killed himself.
a road Prit inn's nnnuii tar
to Cedar Point, and a site for a u rge yields i'LTi.twu.o 0 a year.
have secured a right of wav fi
j bunker at that place from which ves
sels will be loaded. While. Mr. Peart
has done a great deal of good work
it.:. i
on nils property, it nas ueen in a
small way, but tho work, has been
, properly directed, ami a well arranged
ii'ine is the resiil. Jno. !(', nf
" ' 1.. ..! I
l....w.l. 1.. 1 .t . . i i i r I lllM othi'a til ll"e. II I I' land that is not so valuable fori ,, "
Jors. At liandon, Siptnmber 2i.
to Mr. and Mrs. Cat ha Snyder, a son.
Wool. Wanted.--Tho Baudon Com-j ot otr thn place in the nick of the
mercial Co. will navthe biirhesl urice ! w'orst tmi- e could hear herwhis-
for wool
BriiK At liandon. September 22.
to Mr. aud Mi. lialph llolumn, a
Foi: Sale. A Buggy Top Cart, m
firt-class conditiuii; cheap. Enquire
rif P Nelson, Ba don
f you cannot find what you want
anywhere else in town, come to the
Muybe we havo one left, if so, the
price will please you.
Our stock is small, but the goods
are of a good quality, and the; prices
ure right.
Wo muke ''Cash Buying" an object
q tho purchaser, at tho
tie, but she couldn't bind, and went on
to Coos Bay, whii-h she entered u.t
day. She lauded hero on her down
trip Sunday afternoon, landing -Us
tons of freight, aud taking on quite a
lot of miscellaneous freight and -KKI
head of Sheep f.r Mr. Millar, who
i will have a like number fjr rnxt trip.
Outgoing p'iseng-s wer.. (J. ;i!1i K
wale, aii'l Mr. Kieeber-;. wif,
jtW'i children Incornirig pa--
were thre(, names niikii-.n u .
Milliner Coming.
Mrs. A. Nielson, Milliner from Port
Oiford, will arrive in Bandon today,
and will display a select stock of ele
gant Fall ami Winter hats fur Ladies
aud Mi-ses
Shi will display her goods Friday
and Saturday, and ask the lariies of
, Bniel.jii to call, examine her stock,
and lenni prices.
School Girls "Wanted.
Board, Induing, and a com foi table
borne for school girls, at reasonable
rates, can be had at. the home of Mrs.
Emma Enckson. Bandon.
fOK SALE. -A lot on Horse Shoe Knv.
A near Ihe L.-okoiit. Small house arid
barn on lot- h..r particulars enquire of .1.
H. MarHhall. Ifandun, oi E.M. ilooie. Kose
bur;:, Oa-Kou.
;rass land can be made profitable by
growing Hops
oo'en Mill Notes.
V.'oik on the Woolen .Mills build
in ies merrily on. J. (tiles and his
At Geneva, a due after the third attcnie-.
stu- rtded in brini : a child out a burn
ing hu i '1 i.e child w 1 recover, but
e d.. l d to be killed to put it out of i,-
.niserv. Its hair was all burned off.
Gieat Ilmum is building a scout boat lo
h- a speed of ki am; with bunker
cap.uu -.illicit r .iel iJ.OtK) miles at 12
knots per hour.
Ten desperate, erini e. rcrpe from jcii
at Hillinys. .Montana.
rations of all kinds
fiO to 7." llils-ellir. . r- . I'm! :ii-l W'.l t.
Co.'jndle Herald : Whilo F. B. Tiell- ir,0 were injured in . a.' o,.d wreck, ic ten
ennr, the Woodman organizer was in neiwee.
town Friday, he informed us that lie Monday. Sept LU.
had just receive,) the sad news of Ihe ,liyJW have co.u.ed Ur,,,,.-;
. ... water supply at Port Ai unr.
iieain oi ins aunt. Airs. h. lien . -fi. . .
I pur.Mirm were Kiueu n nr. -mpteil
Mr-Graw. :l San Francisco. Mrs. hold uo at i:ii.nLf....r. til-.....
lew liuUhed driving jl, pilin-r fcr ! McGraw. formerly Tichet.or. enioved Several persons v - .,jred. . .e fatally.
the foundation la.-t Monday, ami by ; iodi-.tinction of being the first white in " train wnck " 0 Xo;v v,,rk Ceiiirul
to-morrow evenwig uill have tini-h,-,l ! m Coos County-wi fact, was the J'terd"-V' tbe p.iiug for the wharf lttly w for a considerable length of veiy iVh -
Ped Kooin Suites Cnrlain Poles and Fine WH Vii Ril
and Pieces. Window Trimniiiie-. ii....e Lu ii t .
Cabinet Shop in Connection. Waitresses c.i.d
Furniture Hepairinu and Saw-liling a Specialty.
Glass, Paints, Oils, Brushes. H;Sy U 1DERTAKING
A Full Line of Knrial Caskets. Hnrial Kubes and G.khK and Cndertaking M:pk Uv
Constantly Kept on Hand.
1,1 r . - . .
.if.,.,, ine ionmiation, and then the jmt. ,t.ixveeu Crescent City, Califor
work of cn-trnction on th,. building , ., ,, Sin-law. in Oregon. She
will be (vwrii'.i loiuarrl as raiu'iljv as was aboot lift v years of age. Her re-
fioii.!i.. ; mam, wii! he brought to Port Oiford
.j. ii . ....... ... , , 1 Co- hup d.
j'K ii-i.ver t' ii.-.Mi en, p,
tbi; w-..k oreoi i, rh..
arid a mn-idera'-le amount of lumherj
n now .. rj,e j.r.. iiis. f.-,,, ..r- !
men u.-iv 1(J , unH, I.. ,t n. , .I (;rilhS nu.l Clover Hay Baled and
wlheis will sonn Ii.. put o-i tu - j.o iJelivjed itt ('(Hpiille or Bandon, Or,
r.... i i ...... i.... i... v. 1 ......... i.
ii '.ii mil ui eiiiuiL.-! n J-zioiiiui;,
Favorite ur Liberty.
G T- tlier
Two thousand men will resnmo work in
the l'nlluian car shops at reduced
mi. esuvius is still in eruption.
Three men were shot in a saloon lmldnp
in Seattee, one fatally, liobbers
won .iou ooorv.
J. C. Shields & Son,
ZBlaofeismittL &d "Wagon
Wagons of all kinds made to order.
Job work atteudt'd to promptly aud all work miaranteed to e.ivo patisfactiou.
JVotiee ttt C'liim Sig'is.
Xotic.. h h,.n l-.v giv.-u that I hav
rented theti.i,. :,n,l i.i. ..,;,.., t..i ...
to Wiibs liuov.-r, ui,,, u-7ii 0, , it ' U. S. Commisioner and Notary Public
.T.ie7 tV!" ChUUr f",,: Filing andTipro-.fs mnde on Home
in. ir own, hut not lor -ale Mea.l. I imber Claims ,id ..ther U. S. Lands
h. hi. h. Bkdimjo.v
i 3Iioey Loans Neiriil luted on Appro veil
i Seen ily.
O.Tice in room 10 Ueverle Ihiildina, Han-
'i t . i ... i.... i.
There are three hlaidj shoats. wej.r, . Uesalen.-e on lhitto Creek. Oregon
Hlg alioill til) iMlllnfls eaidl. at .lulm All l:lnt if Kent Kstuto bonslit and!
Lamout'.s ranch. The hogs are not "id.
.... ...... ,mv ,ur nut, iimiich.
I : II.IMIDN I.ODCH. So. 115, A. F. A. M J
Dentist Coming:.
: n- i vnnvronf'i,' nr; a V A M
I v.l.tww.i iiwinn.,!.".
Stnied nniiiinimiciitions tirst Sat-.':
T! . et .1.. r..n .. c , VV
. jy ii ruiiy liner ine inn luunu i cih-h
Dr Prenlic M,n ,!..,.; t ...:n -J-meiitli. All Master Miihoiib cordiallj
ent i?, bo denti.-t, will visit :nv;(r.,i PKTKll NKLSON. W. M. &
JLSandou about Sept. 2'Jth, for a short g
J. 10. Wauvtuom. Sec.
Hovard M. Brownell,
.mai:siifii:i.i, - . IIKKCO.V.
Ileal Estate Handled.
ItualnoiK matters promptly attended to,
Court Oueen nf tlie Forest No. 17. S
' ForoterK of A met let. '
.pyj No. 17. meets Friday ninht of each.":
iweek. in Concrete Hall. Bandon. Ur enon.i
cordial welcome is extended t all vis-
itino. brothers. J, K. FISHKK. 'a
J. N. Lanoloih. Chief Itanncr. $
i Fin. Secretary. y,
IIANDIIN LOllOK No. 133. 1. O.O. F Jj.
T ANDON LODGE. No. 133, 1. 0. O. F.
..'X.J meets evrv a
isitmji brothers in ood atandliiKS
y. cordia lv invitfiil 7.-
'cordially invited.
g Fkbdeuick, Jh.. Sec.
If You Do
and examine our
We are still doinc business at Tho Old
Stand and can please you. Give us a Call
Stoves, Hanges and Farm Implements, Etc,,
Now is the time to purchase Hardware,
in Mock a large assortment of
Tbe undersigned baa
Hardware., Tinware, Graniteware,
Glassware, Crockery and Miners' Supplies.
Paints, Oil, lioorM and Window.
The Bandon Hardware Man
K(. P. TOl'l'INO,
Fire Insurance.
UyiiHton,, - - Oijegow.
Wrenshall & WrenshaH,