r! 52 Times a year far $2- "w a 1 SuiOO VUCli lOi L Volume XX. BAN DON, OREGON: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 0; 904 i - u it? t uu JeL LOCAL NEWS. Call on If. A. Cos for Suowilrift flour, Photo" Buttons, 10 to lads, ni Wrenshal l's G al.lery . Jonathan E. Quick, of Lampa Creek was a. visitor in Bandon Friday niht. William Uo.dey. of Ghetco, Curry County, was a visitor in Bandon lat Sunday. Remember I guarantor all of my .photo worl call anil Stewart. An item in tlio Coquille Herald slates that Ben Yandeenr lias gone to I tie eastern pt t of the state anl will j probably locate at Elgin. Snow JJiift Flour at Denholtn's. JI. A. Cox keeps wheat and shorts or sale. New wall papor at Bandon Furni ture Co s Store. . C. Gnerin,of Myrtle Point, was doing business in Bandon hist Tues day. II. E. L. Bedilliond ha business up the river Monday remaining until yesterday. Bonx. In Coquille City, S'pt. 2. aw, If. Wilson of Denmark vi.-ited Dan don this week. Dctil.olni has. just receive;! a full line of Ladies' and Misses' Coats H A. 13. Hardwiek of Marshfield wns "J Cp'a in kiU'tl styles for Fall rlc. If you are not satisfied ' n ; ' , ' to Air. nntt Mrs. Chas Mooma get vonr monev back. u. I . , , , n - a da light el. IS1 r. and Mrs. ". W. Hayes returned home last Satr.nl. y from a visit at Marshlield and Coquille Cities. N. R. Smith, of northern Cnrrv, is . . . I . . itn i.ntil . I . I. il I. ...... I. m. l J T- , 1 It 1 I'M II l .llllllMII fll MM- lieilCII, 1 ho bandon l urntture Co now j 1 . .,,,,, ,i i cm i I "d s stopping with Ah. John Uer- liave the sole agencv for C hmamol. 11 n . . J I d- the only wood linisli nmde from the! famous Jpanso wood oil. j K,,,a P' kins left Monday I - Z f Ml I I 1 iihu.iui jor iirnwibvuic, wuere sue juill bo the gue.-t of Mis- Mtna ve.-ill. in town yesterday. There are. a few salmon in tho riv er, ttie result of ti light run. T. A. Hobison of Fishtrap was do ing business in town this week. J. li. Fi.h n:i A. W. Jtjlmson, of i Coquille were in town Tuesday. Doiee has been putting a new fence around his residence this week. V. F.Howell and Miss Mu :d Uaich were marrieci at Cuquillo last Friday I evoninjr. and Winter. Also an uiegant line of Fall Milliner'.. trrinnrhi'w rif FJnfnf Ti:i:.uv. August '.U). The Japaaciif JtiHick luiropatkin at L:it. j Viiiiy. Ib-avy I;ulitiii betiaa ! enrly (lawn ! Ill.ll I:i'llll ll:iv V f.i rwirmc I. .....I .. l oiimilo Jleiaio: j.. j. raii.loe!:, ii;imi e.,i,ct tc.k t.-lnw. Haif mil;,,!, I WHO came up from tli city with H. J). n:i-:i :re ; -rw il m d-:u!!y coitiimt, ::tiu ttu Jones, inn b-n dickering for a big lot. of property at this city, including the P. F. iv L. Company's mill, and a lot oT ci-al land noitnw(st of town, which includes .lhn i'eail's mine. I The terms scorn to bo sat i.-fact orv to Air. Draddock, and have been Ketti"d in every detail, and in cast? the other members of lh jirm are agreeable. A . IIU i Ar bur Dice has greatly improved the looks of his place of hu.-incs by adding a new j-Low cae tilio I new guods. ChII aud see th.-m j -I "li ii Pjlickh.-ck returned home la-i J J. Stanley and family c:,m- d..wc. t Tnet-iay from a viit to Sun Frm.cieo ftom Coquille last Siturliy and re- inhere he -pent a week or ten das in mined over until Mui lay ;ion for .' HMI'ujr around. the purp so of brcitliing the pure ozone of Iiandon. F A. H uey arul family of C-K'i He left for I.iiiih1 ilou i-iy murniiit; liav- lot;! sunn) .' A. J. Hartman is having his hou.-e j the deal will bo settled by the lath, in on I'acilif Street, near the foot of the j which case these ;roperties will bi stairs, improved. We will sell uur black Jer.-ev milk- cow, known as Sam D:trrwa' cow. Sani'i:::so:, Ditos. E A. Thorhaven, of New Lake, wa- in town yo-terday. having brought up a lot tf butter for shipment. (. A Sdnian. of Demeaik. was a IJa:: Ion vi-itor Tuet-d'ty, having hud t'U-iue v. hich calle.l !iim here. Mr.-. .Manciet and .1. T. Mar- have U it improving their hn. on Third Sti'eel i y new fencing and idewal.k.-. lr. -J. ('. Snooks ivi'irne l from hi- worked iu good. shtp. Dr. D. C. IClgin. at one me a resi I n -X -pen; -ome dny i u-i n-ntiiig oti!,j.. it.. Cshtv !ih hir nurt of l.i.., ! W-i-k UU.t pfv;;... . !::Jne ii) I ,..(IS1 1" ?:s. A 'a Simr on airivtd h.-uu b.'-t eek fn iu Portland on a visit t. cr phivi.ts. ?.:r and .Mrs. tS antes Cos- j dent of !i;.i.d(iti !Ml of bile vljiiS n ' U- toa. hfie. resident tf Sixes Kivi r. t s gne .Mi--, J-'lt ra a!ei. v. ho U:t ntu lia-t to vi-ii hi.- i !ti Lotuv after a it-nu vir-i;;.g her i-ter. Mr-. Sophm Hmp :ilsence from ttmt jdaee. -on of :an I'umci.-f,.. f.r some week-. Mis. Emily FitzLugb, widow of the j ru" tM ,l ,,0,n'- '"y late Join, Fitzhugh. arrived h-ro last j Now line uf paiuis jnsf iu. Tr Friday, ivgi-tering fivm Truckee. Chinanie! for your il rs. in or oii California She is veiling relatives f dtxns. and for any line finishing ;n C-K)- and Curry Counties. Any one ::eding work done in car Mo Win. Oaylon. a logger, while wink ing in the Stimmerman camp about 8 miles above A Megan, v, received, jnjn rit's yetrday that rsulte.l in his death bout a haif an hour after th afeid'-nt. T!:e unforiunate man. in company with two. others, was standing on a log neat the landing when another log came Hying down t!e chute towards 'hem. They saw their danger and started to run. Dayton, in .-otne man iur, m i.e 1 his fading and fell be tween ill" log on which he had been -landing and the other, and wiw car ried the full ler.gfh of the stationary log. having !h legs and arms broken. land being o'herwiso badly ititmglod. Tucker :.nd ,Yiil Tennot, havi.J IW. i.e.Mi at w.M'k f.-r a few day jmMing.a T,.Iegram: Genera! Kuropalkin be neu-roof upon the Catholic Chmch at j jw in pnti;nfr , !..f face on a I mis piTct. pentei ing, biick tr.a-nry. plstsi-ritlg enientiug, concieio wrk. p-tiuting nui t'?'ir hngirj. will do upll ttn hmg.- u. urdt'r for Ji.-!d.ig opei;;u,m. work Banditti Fnrtiilnre Co. Eugene lTihii:-on, of C- q nile. h;s- i ..... , . - agieeo i ;.ti,o cu::i..e o, i .. m'Iiu i-r . i.,nj,ers ;u S'o.-k. the 'i-t in-(.jif it was exact Iv what be iJantied. i immoii-. ami i- i -re gTi:ig liyiu gniHs in mt;-:.riii Thf I'tsssincH It-ft their cimi;fircs hnrniae dud iv'rintMl to '. Vm.i:. 1'ielitiny at l'et Arthur i-; of titc lk-icc-st iinturt. Jnpa lunf lire tnmvtrd .vii hy ;h:ik of tho fortress Mx-Si:it::n .Murud is uad. He dieit in Malta ldt.sk prison. Many think ho vvn the virliat uf im tiue. A iiettr.j imiiied John ihinspnso v:n lytmhcd at t!i :!;mnt). My , fur cifnsuiittirty an .-.ssaul! on a while jjirl. 'I'hc hn.veiH uf f?bin aro r-jnrtd to he ihn aifiini" anutlin- eiithnak. I hifcs rohhid a te!i.' litnic lnx in Port land. ! us Kl'iiilir.r.!iii( r. a ieeu:? rivor fanm-r' was HfMcl;. d by a Lull of light it:::g daiinj: a thaudor bfonn. Wkuniniuy. AnguHl r.l. F:nh:iii: at Iii Vaii re.su uinil at. dnj--Im-.iK, niid !tn-?ii:.ns ftt-l lu.n'ident that K -ropatl.in v. dJ hi- a!h' to t-aiu a complete vic tory. 1 hen are I'M! ymw fiingr-d un holh MUrS. I . t : s -i it : i s cnptarcil 41! "ims and a number of ri. mu ifi. The I.i,niifse force !:;ti:n k rutin:! tho Itnssinn U-'l liaalc. loihheis held up the Oregon express at Keiuuieti r. Wyo., this inorniie.'. A pacl:a:i euiitait.h.t: i:'.n (.' tu p.y oif the JCetii merer eoal miiie: wits drii::i!idr.'t! and jriven up and i he rubbers disappeared. Another packai cntauiiic: ::.M0 w k; nut disimbed. in n rariruail ct;li-it.n in (.'uehie province. t'.!iiad . ! persons were killed ctiilieht, '' havt sine.- dn d. and ;".0 otheis aie injured. Ait at tempt was n.iuie to wreck a train r.l the bridge mciuss tin- i'bilte river iu Kthrr.s kn. '1 liir- is the reeend attempt at. theKau.e pIkoo in .'i uhs. The I'jete btoro at Kjiene was da mailed by lire to the amount of n7.Ii0. TltlllWHV. Sept I. ; The tide cf battle is tinned and the !us-, sians letieat to the north. 3 r tt " a M Hie Uitv Meat Market. 0 Yes! 0 Yes! We Have the Variety of Stock Hf. Pork. Veal. Mutton, ham'.. l?ohxMii ami I rk ans:if', Presseil i?of, l&adi Chute, (J-Mit.d Uf f, I'ukiitl I'ak, Mti.-. V.yr I able- and liutler. Call on us and e; our prift s ! fore bnyinu e!s-'iiere. Ws are not like the Hind Wheels of a waon. a" way follow tn in tl..- sanio rut. We aro pushers, striving fr a larger? IttHiness, and we tet tli re by kee; mae Best Msat in tlie T-tStiici and se'Hne at the very lowest pric- . We aro hre to plsase and here to stay. "STouirs to serve, J. Walciycgel & Son, Props. Bandon Meat Market, rJ?. J-iadereoxi Prop. Yi!l Keep on Hand at all Times Fresh Beef, Pork, Sutton, Smoked Keats, Lard,, Sausages, Etc., also Fresb Vegetable, Poultry, 3w. Butter and all Farm Produce. I will pay highest uiHricoi prifo for lict'f, pork, mutton,wool, bides, etc. C; J Dry Goods of iiivery: Description. I j Art li olm ! ,1 r-3 Vffi.'eit a:v Oilier. i:lvjuiiirii I'efure prrrrbnsiiJir i '!' ulu-n hi- so!ii-rs aro furcod tt ; retreat, lit1 iln-i:i coiiMnander ealnt- call on J X Lr.kf. J3aii.Jt.ti. Mi- .hn 'I'l.p.-r. -l.-t .lftn!i- j .j.,f(1 s..,Jlmr sail- 1 trslay ! ' Xflnins thai in-it-fsiTi-isip.-j diplo J. Hp.'iry .Schro-i-r ln ;: kiin t; j !' or Mr. him Mv-, V V. Tupper. i; jOH u.:tj, n,ni.t.n mjUehwoivl ainl :p.v- If 1 15- i-!i'-y continue?. Clon 100,000 brieks un tht way now. an.i I Coqtiiile. Uut- .;ot:. it. Prtlund for !:,.t...;j.,mv-,, f,,;-.?,t. .Sl.o will b : pjii Kin wi'l uain tbo ropnta report says that bo wili bave ati.it her i P::p f i:nti!eti:! ta-r etlueatti.ii . ?JJ41 ,irl. , ()ixj ;irr(j.r.. Mom. V. A. Siowar- and ,, of Cur- j Hrivinir inh:' f.ir lb tv.,..!- mill ry County bine pii.eba:-:.-.! ami tak..ilfrnrt, ,!M.rpiN. i t ,t,.. Inh ; one that will contain 250.11)0. n aim factured aad burned tbisf.iil yet. Sir. Jo Cox, of Flonis Cnek. v. a in town last iJauirday to utteiel ; nie'ti:i"; cf tbe Eats:i .Sar Ltnlir. eliare of tbe Port Orfur.J 'S'ritMiin ;t I ahi r .Stittuii i. t- t;i.t:jai:etitfi t. litiivd f:.:n jbatl pr.-ito.-iiion. Wbeu hi trmp:- Kur-imtkit. uHr;.-,ihuaiend hyKuroki'i. A M'Xa;r llH ll:o Kelinl-lo bai'ti 1 r.eivc a Ol T. -I.il-JT flHN'.at iu assorts : a.lvaace. id Jaean eiptets that Iho Itas- -ians will iteea.- a e.-iirhin defeat. A .Japane.;e forcv of lu.aO) is repiirteti to l.e advant'oi; r.enr iir.l.UtJi. Kurfk: cnwfctw tlie Tail z tivor. 1'iiitee.sM I.oui.e bfi nniu el.'p-d. It ic u(ip.)sp: that shf leis none v.;th Lieutenant l'-..tnt it.ti ta-i-sh-K rl Vicht with whom sin fit ptt! in '"WI. The Itt'publici.u crinipaiKii Un indued p in K-insa--, in which flnte .Senator Fnirbank.o hti-J bi-fti nittkin -h. ehes. Two um-sked tuett held up a tn!ocn tit Hak er Citv. and ul away wi.h i S. (!.! r;ii:e in ."! .:: : a, p. kota and 'jbirjrp o:!1 it uill rfrtuire liv- r six ' wet-is t run.; ieto tijat I Kuril. tin lien of ! t'inr tbo world's rer.!ost op iimiht, for uotbiro worries !iim ami lie n vor ackiiow!e.!o(..; :i doftat. Por haps w lion (tin .lapaip'so evontnally fore. him !o snri ..poor. ?!e (ieneral wiil dt'fiare that i! w.:s ;:!.- a :art of 8be letinned hmjie tie tifi day. be-j .Mi- E.lna Luviii:, of OKj'frilie, mut I T, (, Hipheiinn :iml',J. K. rjtiirt (loot 'Tt? and Charles 1. rvuz and fa:- lll-S. uiir aecoini-attied bv my- t . h. j.v-r. ! :.-r sit-tt-r. A2r. .3 ... VVi.-n li-..n!d.-l with r. nt i t .-.t t inu I i-. vain.iri.ia. airiv. k try Cbamberlaiu .Stomach a:el Livei Tublets. They aro easy to take anil produce no rrii ji nr or other un pleas ant eiTect. J'or .ale by C. Y. Lowe, prujriit. Still to be found at ibo old -tatid i. II. A. Cox, the grocer, and of j-roeer ie? and provisions h keeps tbe bet In fruit, nuts. canlies. etc.. he keeps in the front, having always a fresh stock ooiijiti in. Port Orford Tribune: Prof. J. C. Tjo;au was a pas.'ni'r for the city by Sundav'tH stoamor. and will direct ft" it. ft ilV'l- ;rt bti-iiv er-iiatM-d in re;-airiiiji tit a:; 'at i i . ... . rbur-dav on a -Lit to their iwlw 5 Psa::i.!ml. r: ww k a e,-np!o of Jh.usdia on a .1 ittoihea br .ne,,. I ,-r Jo rntuuu, fchtuA ilim. . , j , HI 1 n et to bit vo ;t ni lny, Sept'-rnln r If) !i. pfuait ln-.vs ?dvnle Creek. r:ei! Ladies Goats, Gapes and Collarettes. o5 Fresh Groceries of all Kinds. Suits IVIade to Measure. AGENT FOR WARNER'S RUST PROOF CORSET. & Man: to! are ii:j:n lit- wheat er..p. ,y ATT .Ta""" A f A A-rrfx i:;. t the b,!ail . f I'rtU unI that .-he i i ::i a:;nesi:i; i. Ys :k. pt Knr'irtin ttf.ud iit.ni Liao Ya:it and !tnsii.ii trat tfistF ilerfnie it wa-s a triovcr i wtiii a 11 ca!it i-: ;:t:ffi:::::ee.i t.) inet IMM Ul ..ftra(e ,iJt. .:S!.ai..ve fc.rres. I i 1 ( .nl'4 left ?i:n2.dv p"r:iii,' .....i 'I'..-..) !!n' i "...I ...! -n. i .....l- u t.; ;.. .tr Uobert Dullard, the mere:rt:d an.! rir ,( Viilaaiiir. vrdlev- vr...l.l ;s. :;...m- t,m..r.J..,-ir. ! w M-siiun. 'It.ki.i di.-eniehtH suie that terrvuiatl flOllI Utlliards. was 111 to'-Wl i-.. .. :t i... - n... , . . . ' . , . , . ? ? ' i.i.... Vmi.t i- l.tiin':. l!i- uliii-iitl rituirt ... . ,il i:l ui.if4 :r'P ait.t I i.e 1VS )ri'C". i:p1 lo .-joitl Holes j - lUfstlav makltljr IlVl)aratln to .; I , i . -n t...t.t.. i r.... , , ...... .. Uitie- that the japan e h.ssts nro 30.10 ,,... , : ' ' ! ; i"mom oe j,'..i- tut i n:oiirsi its oar.- a:u: pie lies oh its ..... , . b i.ct.s mill iisbiii'' ut-ar ifatlv fori ,. . , ,,...... , , ... t . 1 ... ,k"l,,,!lll,!","iu"11 . . , , " a m'..tli oi six bacK v.ith tl.i-ir l.-.r-'i I un. I'snallyi (jl.sr( s . Walt.m. ..f Portland, is under operation by tbe time tbe .-alnifii run begins in tbe river. If you have not already done so, j SeoM Mp!o. of v.h(. inefditn v:w tse bul'.'t v.t t;t so e! sp that it killed : a:i:t fin ininy tul:-l.l up a ear and ihtiot- ma.le. la-t we-k. a having rreeived tlb' sii r oiiiril.t. The i:iret.ts of i the boys f.irthv.itb put up 2U for J virv sovoro iei'iries in Me( lee's lpr now is the time to join tne l,and..n ...., w-.-.u.. ..n,,,.. ;(l.,,f ,, h.ivs went on their wav r i - - -... - fc noon fit, m tb" etTeets of in- iijuries. rejoicing after having received a vi Mr. C.W. DyH. wife and ebild w!,,ns IH-H-al in of birch oil. ! moved to Bamlon this week and will Cham! or of Commerce. Lt pver citi.en et behiml the institution ami work for tho up-building of lJandonJ .!.:..,:.:.. t r .... l !i ? and t lii divhitittutil ef" tin. ( ui-.iiiL. i lUu.u.urilll.,m.....-.u tmake it their home for a while at return to Port Orfor 1 a. s-.on as po- valley. I y sible. M. L it-:::, ba, be.Mi very si.-ki The steamer Elizabeth came in I f,,.nt ,,, ,.,, l,,e m Idaho for sev- sinco her visit in the ha-t. ; 1 uesdav morning from San Francisco i ......i ..,.,., The st-amer Heho ma h- an pxcui- briti,, one hnmlied ,,,. of freih. MiiM his bppn PionfromMyrtlpP.,n.bPtS..tu,day.h"d oiuht i.a.seni-. rs. J be list fob f,.,v , m;ik;n;, 0;itt !f, f(,n(:(.. fi;r tho romainin- until Sunday afternoon : Ut.s J--;;.l;i Sudivin. .irs K j t(,;lt!1(., nii,.0 Sh wlU tilUo Io Anion- the visitors who c.ti on tbo; V -A xUoh 1 Mil ........ Mrs Culm nf caj( u n Fl,,n,5(.n ft,r Knl Echo were Chari- M.Crackoa, Ue-s land t - r,l !ru.. .h, hi, hi,mi M( 1) MuMjt wjl (( ,i(M.( 'UiPd Puell Mi-s Sartdi Va"ner () tdi-r r r-nrin. :, it Ij.at i.j..ck and I . .. , , f ..iii.ti .iis o.i mi ii ' .... , , tomomiw i:iorii!iir with a band for 1). Pientj-e, l:ck Buell an 1 Harry , u A :.ui be: i ;:i l. iti.,iin f'tine ti;naeti. Whet! the quantity of food taken is. t.io iare or the quality too rich, sour stomach is likely to follow, and os-j is the 3enK. pecially so if the digestion lias been weakened by constipation. Mat slow- I ! ..... I i . .1 . . f ... .. .1 . . .f . ... I I I i. root . . 1 I '1 he n.t.-.t sliikt- leon! is 4G assaults. J minders and fJ aeeitli i.ts. Ptesidt-nl Din r.t ily will tiy to euate a tie. al fnnmo in Chieaau by btiycnit. A Initio vo v.ay itnd lt seven ears, hmdetl with L'iiivil. fall inttia lake m hhilio .M;nnt Ve.-'tivnis is in aciion. l-'kttm. ahes mid sttm s are iM-int; emit ted. IiiTiinu tmins ettliided near Astori'i and ;me niati dead and aevt-ral ut.ht-: Meinultd W id. LtsKSH i T, Also, call Leading Brands of Case Goods. r T 5 M u A I if P - - Fropa J Cj'JG u vi W v O H Q B a tH ' aj r trv L2 t- . M M tZ w a h ra ti t u a t 9 h h a ca ! Household Fiirnishings and Deco- Satckpay. .Sept .'5. Kn.ssinns snftVred n entKhint; defeat. It is ollifiallv sin.etl at St. 1 Vtershni" limit. (Jen- ICr.mttaikin is ivt tent lit::: that l.iao Ynn" ft.od. .Ma.-licate tbe fooil t horou-bly. i Un;i ln.,. ,.,iaf;ti ,j and General Stakel- Let liv hours elapM' between meals, ! la-tfj's enrps hnr. ! hi cut i:7. 'I ho .Ittimmst- ami wbt-n jmi feel a fullness ami , haw ..entp; d Vmw:, rations gi ail iiinas H. d Ut ni i-.-.itts Cr.-fain 1V.-; ar.d line Wall Paper and and I'ifi. i-;div.v 'l"rm::iti:tr-. Ibnte ijiniti. bill WING JIA(":!IN:-.S A Mi J'AS Y CAUKIAGHS Cabinet Shop in Connection. Mattresses and Springs, F-.truitare lU-pairiuti aud Shw :ili:i a Specialty. Glass, Paints, Oils, BruGhes, v;:tz UMDERTAKING A Fall Line :f Hnr:a! (ik-is. r.iiriaS K.-bps and .'.vkI. and Undertakm;: Sr.pplies ('otistar.tty Kt pi on ri:md. 3ui kbiiV. Myrtle I'ttint iviterpri -e: Wtiih in weirht in the region of the stomach i I llert O.d man u a i rested at Warrendnle after eatinr. take Chamberlain's for the luuiih r ef hi.: eltttni. Frank lienm It. J L Tl ortiteii of iVkland OiMtpp San Fram-i-e". lie. r- Hall pi. teed an , , .j. u. i i.oi nun, oi ..hi.tiio, un i.. - 1 'Coos Countv, who are stopping l acuomoanied bv his fsiinilv an.' iithfis ri!er f. r .h.(MM) v.oi 'b f mafhiie-rv ' , ,. ..n.uoniii.iiin.'i ins ouniiy .net o ipi. t . i . m I 'own at :hf present, went to Port Ian io the number of eleven tier-on- ar- i ''' ''J' iuiup on I ovei'ty .le'lt lip';., .. . . , . , , ,in l,umt" r oi i li m ii I'o un . ..i - ,!be lllst o; the Week, with a view t rived here last week an-l vM -lav for mhi:p-ry is tioe. hiMiir manufaei m t l ; .. Jixuut.it i.tsi u n. an i w ..i . un , . iot-rti i tir llp're. Jit is olP'rin;; hi eof u.ek- ci.iov ti-' -m .nili'it' ' i l.Ull oe vauv IO snip o I'M : , . . ... . t oi . en-, i njn in,, .in ituu.if,. . i . i wt:f.n. tenm anl ('imjiintj; ontht at tie alu.Vf was m tvoe M- -am'-r e are uii.trup-d !i:a th.j ii. i. .i..t.. .ns in bar-out!.- Lebanon A'ivet tis-r. I W. 11. Sehro lor and family, of Sto.naeb ami Live,- Tablet.-, and the 10 vwiiir ul i mitieli m.-iv lm n v. iii I ... 1 h'lir stile bv C. Y. Lowe. a con pi Since Thornton an 1 paitv hnv.. left for .Minp n.i:l v. ill I iil-,rP.i .mm, mat- home. to us a Wool Waxtuh.- Th Patplon C -rn niercial C will pay i utif.s pr.ee for wool. , Fou Sale. A Bntr-y To,) Cart, m first-class c tidn to. i : he;ip. Enquire of P. Nelson, M ndon. SAY If you cannot find what yon want anywhere else in town, como to the iefs. at'- to he pl-tp!:l entrt'Sieii! fi t'ii n w on Ih . l2stet Ii.m ti i- now !: t jf K t-t, an i Mr. H-tll l.a iii- J I !.e ..! k. .M lilard ShiM'tnaker. aecompani".! l.y h't ank S. verm and William Chase w.'i- heif last ttp.-k mid took a trip itiiti Cuny County, fn in uhenef ih- it. .--d . T il f 1 1 -ml li m Liiniilt'i- I. .l! I'. !!.!. Mid tt. i 1 !!!!!).- lit Sao Fianeist'o by way of Itosebur.'. Mi. Severio is int. -rested in tlif Oivr. City Paper Mill, also in one at Truckee California, and was looking tit the re sourees in Coos and Curry. He is one of the members of tie Metropolitan Match Co . aii-l his vi-il here wa- in the interest of that company. School Girls Wanted. Hoard, loiltjin";, and a comfoi table home for school irls, at reasonable onto of Mr.-. "T A r T f "I s rY . home for school Is, at IV L t ys I ra,,,i!' r,n ,M' lu,l ,l ," I Emma Ericlcson, JJandon. t i Maybo we have one left, if so, the Beiltist COlTlillg. price will pletise ou. Our stock is small, but tbo goods Dr. D. L. Stt;ele will not be able to aro of a good q,la,ty. Und the prices j meet his appointment at Bandun on are right. V make ''Cash Buying" an object o the. purchaser, at tho RACKET- the Gth, on account of so much busi ness at Port Orford aud Langlois, but will be at Iiandon, Friday, Aug 9ih. Howard M. Brownell AT I'OHN'KY AT bAW AND Nul AhV l'l i'.blC. .11 A ICSI! n I- I. II. - OKKCON. liciil l-Xt:.te llaiitlled. i:ii-.iut iu:ittt-t jiriiinptly :itli-iiitt-ti lit, F.i ler G. T. ('.rilliibs left f..,- Mr tie Point today, but will return Sat urday and will preach in iteorder Hall Sun-lay morning at 11 o'clock, and again in the evening. There will be serviees also on Mou- t i i I . . l-.n-v.irth I t'njrtt.' . i:i ..i. .lay a. I I nes lay ev.-mn-s. Snbjeet ,Jyvf tltVttUti. w.-d.n-stho .,i s: p. M. Church Directory M. H. ('iici:en. Preaehiny erviee everv If ml and 1th Hun dav al 11 A Al. and S: P. .. Simd iv Seh'tel everv S-m.lav at HI. A. M. Kiev.irth I i'H'MP- . 7:!'. M. Moinlay evening. lhe vpostasy. Subj'-ct Tuesday evening. "Tho Kes-toratiiiti." W. II. .MKviais. Pastor. Fa reive I! Sermon. W. II. Myers will preach in the M. , Iv Church here next Sui-day morning , and evening at the usual hours. This' Pi;E-r.Yt i.i:i.N St.avieK. Preaehiiie Nt ami ."rd Sundays, nietniay attit evening. Sitintav School each Sunday at HI a. tn. Kiide.-tvor meet inns at the ti-iml hunt s. I'raer nie'-tine 7 :'!0 Thursdav ev tttne All are weltMine. AitM.i'ir lln. ui.Y. IV.rtttir. O- T- Blui-XLeiirotlaer I at 1 i illslKtrn. Cmon,:; week ami. A 1 1 ni ti .-.track tt car on a St. Lttuis oress ine, killing .sten pets., in8 and iitjurinj; many ttthetx. In a tStjht between Arntonian.s and Tnrki-h suidieis more than 'JO t rsoits were kilh-d. A bin l:oi fi-r at lv.tt:ene, L'r., st.-tbt.td Ateltie Ji!.t: who had In en drinking and be come a distill I'inu eleitii-nt. 'I he st hoi m-r .lames A. t'ailield narrowly eseaiu-d heiity wieeketl outside the (lolden i (rate. She diitttd all niht in a deie foy. The .lap'.tu-ne lt.s- in killed ami wotimhd since Ata:iisl iCth. mat l.iao Vtuiu. ha'.o bt v.n over I'.'i.UK!, Mosdav. Si pt f. Kt-port credits the annihilatiun of Stakel- BANDOG FURNITURE COMPANY. J. C Shields & Son, BlacksmitJi &o W"a,goxx Makezes. Wagons of all kinds mads to order. Jot work at tended t ptonottly and all work '.rant -e.l to ivu saiisfaotion. l?ricu army is iru!.Ronal!e. Horsesliosing a S vDeoia.lt.-y- here's unity of L,'.lhai men. 'fin. saitl to be onii'-leti -Iy wipt-d out. Kitrepat kin had two horses shot under ; him d nttiu tit-tvtieal from l.ia.. Vantx. !. l R! r if AfttV U A D H M A P ?T 9 'I om.-.i.s ei:alSi.iii.-a!H!!..in.t-dtht.: Uij i UU fhl U hfi V" HH l I bridges Uttind Ihm in tin ir retreat. .11 A Kl.N H. Aiimvnn. ieit. :". Stnir ICIizabeih. -lunseti, IK htnttK j If You Sent. :. Sttnr I'.Itzaijeili. -lunsen, ir utiiitK lilui oxamme our from San l-'iamisco j r,.;!,Au.ri?.,,"r i,Mr,!"' 4a k,,,,,,'j stoves, manges and Farm Implements, Etc, We aro still doiii" business at The Old Stand and can please you. Give ns a Call saii.i:i. Sc.pl H St tttr Kh.rtbeih. Jensen. So S. I, j : . v. v.y -.; : vr - v v. .- ("..lift Oltet'll of till' I-.---l I rtn-oter- of Ante iea. Vo. 11 will in till m-iili.-iliiiii v bi hit 1 ti t tot- viee he,,, as be will go to the Wiilam-. u s Commisionerand Notary Public ette Valley and does no! expect to re- I-'ilinjis ami l't ial pr-.- fs made on Home . " "'cids. 1 i.uberClaine; aad t.ihet I'. S. liiuid.s . j Mon-vl s M'ut.lialetl n App,-v,-.l t. -tH'l'i- l.U'l'I'N K TMK TOItUS'l j s-. ,..,.. ii ;. : V No. I. meet-. 1 udtiv n.ht . t em-h .. -t - 1 OiVi. e in loom dun. iCesid.Miw on (Jrass and Clover Hay Haled ami' ah Mmit of Delivered at. C'ouuillo or Hamlon, Or, '"'d. for.fll per ton bv Steamers Dusptiteh, Favorite or Liberty. f-wa:v-::.vi.; " ; : li.i.Mjn.N uiiidl!. So. nr., A. i.,i .11 Dentist Coming. iST AN DON l.OPO II. No. lir.. A. F.A .M. v I Stated co Now is the time to pin chase Hardware. The undersigned has iu stock a iarge a.-r rtiuent of rlarclware, Tinware, Graniteware, Gbssv.'aro, Crockery and rVsiners' Supplies, , ...... j -vMvk. in Concivieliall. Itaii.h.n. Om-;:- , , . . !? r.ful Wsr.lIuv.M. tl) M.-verle Pnihltni;. Pan- j e..nlia! welcome is eMi-ndid to all vis-; .si. UN. ..r-. ..". m Itttlte Ctei !;. Oree.tn. ' vjinie bretheis. ,. K. il-i!KH. ; TlNSHOP IN li iNMX I IO.n. il .Mate ,.,, m!!: i.rv "'" ' A. . ;; I :n. h-t-relary. " I : -.v -i c- : : : v v . , n , mmiinicatiotiK first Snt. '.. ; urd-iv after the full moon of each :, Df. Front in, tho dentist, will visit i: month. All Master Mas-ms cordialU f TJ t . ' , . . iUu. ' . , :-invite.!. I'K'I KU NKI.SDN, W. M. Hamlon about Sept. -Wth, For a short : j. .. Wai.stuom. See. : visit. v v v V v,iw v v.yv v . : : : : ; -i ' ' ' 'v- :'' ::aM)o. i. unci-: n... i:i::. i.o.o. r icNAIE, The Bandon Hardware FVIan, i;k. i. Tai'i'iNt:. I- .NDON liOUCK. No. I.O.O. V.y . TfOUNIiY and f'Ot'N.sKIiOK A f IiAW I nteetf evetv Satiiidav evening.;.: i !Visitin" brothers in uood staiidlnu X :.'cordi:tllv invited. CI I AS. I liDKKNZ. N. G. :" K. FiiKHKinric, Jit . See. " AND NO I'AHV PUItl.lC. IFire Insurance. Hand. mi. - - - - oregtm. Wrenshall & Wrensh II, j Photograpliers, UOUNIl HOUSL U.U.I.LS;!., AMfSS II