Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, September 01, 1904, Image 1

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Pis J'-zTS
g. $gH
w w itr i ts irs hi vj. trv i?
52 Times a year for $2.
I 52 Times a year far $
Rrf lu u:
Volume XX.
Number 34.
i kf sfc bp m
w sr. m
Call n II. A. Cox for Snowdrift
Pliolo" Buttons. 10 to lfet
Wrens-hairs Gallery.
Mr. and Mrs. W. .S. Bovd returned
.Snow Drift Flour at Denholm's.
J I. A. Cox keeps wheat and shorts
f! Sale,
Jesse In-kin, of Lee. is a visitor to
Bundon having come down to have a
look around.
I ll 1Jb l-lll .1l..l' ViO II ft.... ( Mfltlio
last L' nday nt;ht from ban r raneiM'o.r . , , . ,
......... ; lueMiny irom roriland where ."lie
Mrs. Bovd is well on the wav to re-1, , ' . , . x ,.
; has lu"M! visiting her sister Mae for
coven, i
; t-ome tune.
Keinemtier I ijnaranteo all of inv i ,. , , , 4 .
, Tr . .. , C. Jimuions and ton, of A-tonn,
puoio worn, n you are not sausneu
call and get your nioney tack
Stewart .
i arrivetl here Tuesday with a lot of
1 Chinaman, and i? uiakinji preparation j
Wo will sell our black Jersey milk
... i - i ...
rim, uiiuwu us o.iin jj.iiiows row. 'I'oisors!" ' Ars !" "Suiuide'"'
.Sanii:i:so. I3kos. j "A 'i'!iuns:ni.l Kided in a Ui Lun Slider'
! 'MttjM Takf lr: of Or iaicr.ft
'i).nrio 1 1 lilt -; 111 an f)r;fHi li.ift!''
j -sSivimUf:' "li-mlli'!" 'fl.ilns.uu.;!
CJrass and Clover Jlnv Ualed and ! "i;i!r.i .l Sunlmp, NMr.fci v lal"
Delivered at Coqnille or Bamloti, Or.,
for ll per ton hy Steamers Dispatch,
F avorite or Libert v.
important ftsws fctes
Dentist Ooininjs:.
store and dw.-llunr house. Tito framo;
is up ami ready for ru-tie.
... . o.-. isonopeu.
son are at work on M. Breier: new j , ,, . , ,
l lie camion vn v-u. iereieu u km
j of easinir, for tten well at Jairvville,
! tin- week V. II. Button as un ves
Mr. and Mrs. J Mk a i,.r.iS,v ami returne I tiulayto iho well
vacation this w -elc, Ijavin; taken a to pioi-ecute operations.
1 .1. . . . . m'i ii - t
.rip uo,w, -no eoa . i mu u, reuu n u uarn tha, ,.v w L
hojue the latter part or the week. i ui fro ,,H, MilIsry al u,
Freil Sandern, wif and ehildtvn end of the pres. nt conference year.
left lat Mondnv fr a fuiniunc :i(l !.-. health bei
Dr. Prentis, the deutit. will visit
, , , r ,i i- s ,i .i i Biiulou about Sept. HDth, for a short
to take care of the hsh when the ten- 1 '
Veteran EncamBmeiit, ;ij jlaadii; iji!"
'Penile in a Lulv's bt;)!'1
"Mimi.-rr -rvpliasr "KLiok Small no!"
"Fumlcr C on (o'ojmo i. inixl""
Sliik.'i.- .Must Work m (hi ., .1m"
".MhcIh-ii Unt oil f HI.UX) Unit!''
Cvelono!" "Hypnotic
'!5izlllti: Tore the b iwr's J'ant-r'
"Ditd ta lioti.u Whiio 'Ihcv Hiuitrd Ifis
W iff!"
Ini :r..H un ' A Chriirtji Life;"
, '!):., ::' '.Mailn.-nr:' 1'tnv f.r Ithin!"
i Fiht on a Panhandle Tiain!"
I -
The Eneatuuniont has como and i "''V .irnni!e Sroi.-i :-arlv a War!"
Carrie .ntion Drunk on Hcet!"
liriber!" -Fakii!" ".Man AN- S-i'!M
'.Senator Di.-k in Waliins;toi.! '
eone and was another of Bnndou'.s
sncces.-es. and the pro'ruin, though
lengthy, was earned out to I he tetter. "Work is Uih.-d on .Men-of Was!"
ami where ail did so Well, it WOtlld be "f'nt m Two by a Whirling Sa-.v!"
dillicuh to sav who did best, or what
hVhin"; oxpeditmn to Brow-ter Valley. ; mak. a change .!uab!e.
iior " lmoairecl i i i . .1 .1 , 1 . 1 t"-s'"1i to Dcnth lv
1 1,1 wiipaiuo i.; i,nt ,.,s .j.jjj be said, hat I ... . . .,
1 1 1 ' j l. -Convicts ;di:.; lit-
jthe Jhmdon Fire Depaitmeut Baml
11to Kan into a 15ar!'
'I'rnsl.etl to Dcnlli lv an lil.ctric far!'
vc tin Town"
ivansas IIkiiIu.- Can't lie Fuiuul!"'
I'lltf. M. fj I'. Imlllllis liTiS IlOdll ! :. i. i... I tri.n.tit- hv tit. 1 ... lii.O -mil ii. .11
- - . - - ...... ..... .. -y k .'' iiii 11 III ' 'if .. 1 1 r .
I , , , ,. ., , : , . T ,. , I nat s he kind or stuff we lend
;en;Hel as principal of hie b.mdon u -ndeu-il .-electtons which they pro- j .; ,ilJfnl j.Mue." "Awful Diud''
Ve understand that they will return
in a couple of works.
Any on needing w..rk ! Me in c:.r . bciithd. a:i.l Ml ('at'r.anne Mad.iocks duced for the ccar-ion. and there is a Let us sou ctliint; lienor than
penterinir, brick ma-onry. pUsterino us a.--i-tnni. .Mi-s Fearl W'alkt r takes ; wai :n spot in tiej heatts of the olS f "tryclur.iu Put in a jJt:kui I'ai.P
cetnentiue;, concrete work. pHintiuir j t he pi in.nry roo-n. and I he intermedi-: bo; s ?owhi1 each atol every member j S. I Wasp
and paper Imnino. will do well to i ate room i oi to Ih -upplicd. ! of the b".n. al-o towards Prof, jiur-; lUl "M a ' ci.t.t uUi' Con-ii
call on J X. Luke. Bimdon. j, j..,,,,,,., chicn came iu Tues !risn.l wife for their kind .-ei vices. I I:''""'ly-
For Mower. I'mv rki- aal any la lum San Ftanci'-co, an.: loaded1 "i li-'NC p:iM-ed awj.y plellautly i I have sold Chamberlain's Con'h !
tlnn in the hai Iware line call on ' 101 cord- of n-Mel.wood an. I K-ft next ! ,u5 tt.ore wa no lime to become tired , Iiemedy for more than t went v years
Tuipay. August '-tl.
Addi esses by sjieakeis of pronuiioncc one
of the featnre- at the uiorniu; ne.-sion of the
.tluiinii Cttiitfrosnt I'orllantl. .Senator Mit
ohell M-oies tin puhliu lor their lack of :n
letent. One of tho in st inijirtiiit of Port Ar
tlnn'.s defences capttneil. li.ioati d in center
of inner ehain of s.
D iiamiivrs wivck uhIux of Great Arlili
cinl at .St Mary".--, Ohio. Iftheexplo-h.-td
blown otil the entire bulkliead and
o;niied the Hood fcnteS, hundredth of ltvus
wtiiild hfivo la-en lost.
Mr. Florence .Mayhriek. wliu has been in
aarceratetl f.r o many years in an iiujjlisli
prison. (.Hcle-d Nw York today.
'lltjfl.Ki.l 7 m :-trl-.v. in Ar-onn. caused
the ureal e-t wadiout iivr e.'ijtfisencvd liy
the Santa He Uailroad. In places the iond-Ik-iI
Im tiiHNled t a dejth of 7 feel.
'1 !: Piictsii: Coast liidian Inritiiute in ses
sion al Neu, CiVfjon, many prominent
ediicatotM beinj; pie.-ent.
Vki.nk.-ia, Auuust 21.
Astoiia Kfontta isopi-md with auspicious
event ot eiowuine. Mis. Charles L. Houston,
as fnti-n. Masvni oSttci-t'i piesa-r.t. albo Gov.
(Jeoi-t Chamberlain and staff.
'1 he hen of al! the Kiii-i.:ns is cln iKtcncd
with iniposiite. ceienionies. (",;.sr isuea nsan-
ifeKto Krantnit; numerous bi it:s to his st.b
.jeut:. a 11.011.' th.-m bcsnn the abolition of
oriioral i.uiiisliuienl.
Stipt-rii.t: ntlai.t T. W. Pottt-r. of the Cho
mawa .SIiot.l, mariies o:m ot the pupils.
I ki r-lu In I'.ncoit; to Keenan A Morem,
The City Meat Market,
0 Yes! 0 Yes!
We Have the Variety of Stock
Hecf. Pork. Veal. .Mutton. I.tmb, Hohtm and Pork HHiisaoc, 1'resse.d Heef, Head!
Cheese, Corned Heef, Piekh-d I' rk. Kos. Wyi tables and Hutter.
Call on us and yet our pie- s brfore buying ei.-i-.vhere.
We are not like ihe Hind Wheels
of a wncon, always followinu in the same rut. We are pushers, strivinc for a larger,
biinineis, and we uvi th re by keeping
mio Best Meat tl tlie Land
and "I'SlinK at tho very lowest prices.
Wo arc hero to please and heie to stay.
ITouirs to serve,
J. Waldvogel & Son, Props.
William tialli. r A! per-ons in ilay for !i tl.iti i. .She is expected to j s" te.pidly did one fea.uro follow in j and it ha- -iven enl ire sati-faction. I
want of fruit jars will lite! him well retnin :..t M with the outiit j l-u' itke of iMi.dher. Tie only damp j have sold a pile of il a'n I can reeom
supplied in all that they need. t for ;H. i'r..j r I'i.ekiu Co. Sit.- will
Vh(n trublel with constipation brino- down ;h Chiuaun. tin. etc.
try Chittnbrlain - .Stomach anl Liver SJI N ., who riitii t.-nds arrauire-Xab'L-ts.
Thev are ea-v to take and ' ntei.t.-. artixed l.-je m;:;o two wefk
produce n. t:ri pi 11 ; or othr un pleas-, ?:o. Ci rre:e:i?k wt.; 10 Pt:t
ant effect. Per --ale by C. Y. Lowp. .lnd with the h aen-r I r H pleasure
Druoist jtnp.
The steamer Chien arrived hero
Tuesday brinirinir ab.tul
r 1 . , -
lreictit an.i tour
ttJTZ Woolen Mills Bulidlng.;
'I he !
list follows: Mi- Cmhe, inr. Maddocks. j Wi'rk 1,11 ,!ll "!'" yii Zt!'inX
MrKirbey. EB Price and Kev Prim- a,,.",u! tMtx as Jl w,y 11 ' 'j
cie Keanan. driven. The :te di ivt r has been in J
operation r-:nc tt.e middle of la.-t
j emu;.' eiTect was caused by b-: which , mend it highly. -Jo.-eph McElhir.ey.
apt en rod on the second day. w Inch . Linton, lw;i. Vou will liml tin
. . . ... ' i
cts Km ehiliiu t Hett uvoi iho scone. ' romedv ;t -n)d friend when troubled
j .
The Ball. ivu t:ti Ser ihe HU.-picpa i with a eunh or cold. It always af-
.f ihe nan 1. wa fairiy vvell attended. J fonK qiiick n lief and is pleasant to
she receipts bt-in; ample lo cover ex 'take. Por salo by C. V. Low
per.Ms, aiihouol, nuj laie, ;-.i.u id!
ooj jid lhetueh s. j Win Was Tr::ke. 'u' ,-sp tneetitt;,'. or re-nuion. of
Bandon Meat Market,
T. JLixdersoii Prop.
. Will Keep ou Hand nt all Times
Fresh Beef, Pork, button, Smoked Meats, Lard,
Sausages, Etc., aiso
Fresh Vegetables Poultry, Ego-s, Butter and ail Farm Produce.
I will pity highest maiket price for beef, pork, mutton,vool, hides, etc.
Still to be found at tji old -Stind i
H. A. Cox, the grocer. nu of mwor
ios and provisions he kees the host
Tn fi,,l fiti.ifli.i - 1.,. I . . .
, , , ' t J-Hle Of the W Oideti .', d: 'ot.
in the front, having alwavs n freh j .,i M, r . ..
j wharf in front of the buildiii";. Today
:- -t - . v.oi k wg-, 'i.e"un on iLp tt.uiidn'.ion
land, Ohio, i- here and will hold ser-1 proper and aiTmigctuonts are c m
vices in Recorder Hal', ouch oveninjrj pluud to expedite the e.n-.truetun ah
stock coming in.
. . V 1 ;
wt-ek. and a sjhiCi one l nt wide hu
; .wen tiiiwn. cotint eting witii ltia
j v harf and extending ea.-i it tho east
soou as pos?ihle.
We le'-'eived a note thi- wek from
this week. Sundav at 11 o'clock and
also in tho evening, and perhaps lon
ger. Preaching commences tonight. ; m. , LPl, to at Km-he-lei, Minn..
All are invited. J anil we iearu that he atjd an ex per;
Following is the list of tho incom-l from .San FranciVco are at wuik there
ing pa-sengers on tho steamer P'liza-j getting the machinery for tho new
both arriving hero Friday night: Wjmill ready for shipment, which la-dc
Ft Unllard. Miss L Palmer, Mrs M will pi obably be finished in from four
Costa and two children. W A Kack to six weeks.
leff. J K Stevens. Mr and Mrs W S The Company intends making a
Boyd, Mi F M Murphy ;md two good job of tho foundation ami will
children. Mi- Haines and (1 X Hall, put in a concieto hod for the boilers
The paengor li.t to .San Francis- aI,1 iiu-d to it upon,
co on the steamer Elizabeth Monday I J"1" is charge ,f the work
when she sailed, was as follows: Miss ; ,,ow oitl forward, and i as.-isled by
H Kronquit. Lucinda Chester. , I C . H- J; L- l'dillion. A. CI. Frickson
iSydnam. Alfred Morris wife :Ul,j ; and Frto-t P,.ak.
Itoys. Chaih-s F. Bonvier and wife. Vj 'IVrrihlt Accideiit
T Lewis. Charles Mnii-U. ."Irs M f
yT ii hi r-. . 111 i (n 1-inlay aft-ruoin w hile wtukiim
Mnii-sll. H L LiUle. and a ladv whose i , . , ,T , , "
., . j in the ctimi) o! .J. It. Met ieo at the o!.l
nauio we could n it b-ain. I , . . . ,.
i.tewaltl plat . Ma; !e, a coni-
"Uncle S:,m- Hnitd,aker and wito. Jv .j,,,, JV.
of Eugene. Oregon, were gm-ts ; C),ivtri 1Itjli: w .. !jJ(!. notv,.,ri
Mr. and Mr,. C. Lr-,lgerwood, la-t ; )v .tV(. Ui;iL j,,, u, :.,
week, beiu- old acquaintances. Mr. , (. at( ;U f. tf ,J ( u(i
The v.'assip 5iit'!j.
! I.riit..- !).. iii-l -o I ('.1
,:... .-,1 . ! ... . . ...... ..iv. .-,.T...
j Minute- 1 1 tin t ri4-iMit!is oi Hie Njilth ;
1 i.i - . 1 . . - . . .
Auuiiul hi..aH.;.iuiiit .Vt.;iiej of the vyregon. e;o--eu rm noay uign i . ; uUri
mmuIi Wmtrrii iii.;iin an.' a -.)- Jit h. having been in ses.siott ten days.
eiati.01 item s.i itaiuion. i .-....- tii,,. There were i nnty four per.-ons in
attenda-iee irom Ban l n. and over
p.m.. 11HM. I
, , ... , ... . twice that number from Myrtle Point
(. vtemnnder J.W . j- i -i . t. hiunnan. ! ... , ,. . ' . ....
, .. . ... ,,. : an 1 other places, making bO to iKJ per
1-i. P:apr b Con. ratio Kev. . ' ,. , . . "e, .
s ., I nii;is 111 iiii:ip, ;:n iojij. jiip principal
: II. Meyers. , . , ....
, , A. . -pea:;ers were .1 jer- u 1. tirilhtli:-,
2nd. Motion bv Major A. t, , , , ,. ,- , ....
,r . , , , ". , -1 11. L. H'dt an 1 L. iveeler. Iheatieu-
ioWer to hoi! tt.o next .vonuii l- u- ! , , . , .
,. , . I utiiice was lair and tins luternst ami
campmciM . at -rn'itn j3?:o. Uooa Uo .
Oivgtin: sec. j'ded at.v! iinai. imutirl;
ear 1 m.l
... 1 i , " w , , hta't le im-t ting was had.
littl. ulovcd by comrade Dr. A . C. i .,
Tower that Ci.iMhd. . R. .S;mj-oi:. j
.r ... t. I . 1 1 ... I ... 1 r .. 1 '
ox .iiiitii ii!.o. 1:0 jei-;ej ior . um
r i
attTntiOn vr.'W' gout! "a.-? ?.a al.-o flt
j rder. and alt.;;, tin r a pleasant and
There were two b;tp;i-ms and one
n diiialioti.
inthl. s!f !lnm b JU men in Crook
Turns:) ay. Aa 2.'.
Ku.s-.Mn advc-.s from 'hefoo stale that
tin i;a:ie- lonhf-. at Port Arthur, Any. 21
ami -."J. wire litynH.).
I lie Kii-suin eniist-r Asktiht ami the tor
petln bMt dtsl:ntr ( in;.ivoi were ordered
to diMu.-iiiiie at Miauhiti.
I ho ilapaios loice at biao Vany is ru
ported to bo over HMKKl si ioiij;.
A d-tail f tbe c:t.-t.t!i;i iry was nmbusIiMi
at I.i te Island, in ihe i'liillppines. and
('ttptaiu ii. Harr.-tt as kiih-d in the tight.
P:of. V. II. l'tckeriui: has made the dis
o ry frum iwe (Jbsr'.aioiy. California,
of a spot on the sun ii is rttt)p si-! io tte
ian- ti by an active volcano ilu-re.
t'ioud hursts ate repotted fnm lietio.
.ev. ait having d"i:e damage, in the
I'onopo dislnet, and aliw; Hie Tuniipah ami
Carson A: Colorado SHilmad.
FtTiAr. Ant-' 26.
Indieat !oi:s an thai Jao.oi will rrdnee
j'ort a thur iv l Suits Madeto Measure,
The a p't -- ioic sin X.rthern iltnchu-j
r:a are n.i:i n Kurpil ktii' forces aain j
Denver (":iy. (', !". l.-a- bteu chosen !
"I "1
c t
Dry Goods of Every Description.
Ladies Coats, Gapes and Collarettos.
Fresh Groceries of all
;r's rust proof corset.
yeat : seconded and carried.
1th. :,r ed by ComnttleCol
ii i-a thai Comrade Dr. S . C. Tower
be el ct il lt i.ior ice Comuiaudoi
for the cn-nirg car:
rccoi.detl ami
! W... I ,1 . "1,1 1 t ,
.1 ti W ll I f t i II Li I
! lt!!!;.'5lH ii:l.dl llf I, l.iLm.r ';i;. -lit I
mamler of !i:e .t--tci::lio:t for eiisti ti" ! ,,. . , ,, , " ,, ', ...
n.'iiei ii iui.oi -..n!i:i. c rani; w .
I Dge;t,of Myrtle Puiiit. vas ordained
i to Ihe ofiieo of priest, lje.-i ies thobe
baptized there aro several tiiher per
sons very much interested :ad who
will very likely ubry the gosjHl and
unite vyiilt c-huicii in tiu near
The re-union was a success, ami all
in attendance on jo;, ed Ihe occaion.
find will carry pleasant recollection."
i for many a d.iv of kind and cordial
j treat mo-t and as.-ocia'i.jn with the
! citizens of Leo and vicinity.
Mi.nduy morning saw most of the
campers oh" for home, many leaving
as early as live o'clock, and by even
ca mod.
ot h. Moved ly Comrade Col. If.
II. Kosa thai Comrade Col. C. T.
Uluuienrot her bo elected Junior Vice
Commander for tho ensuing year:
seconded and carried.
Gth. Moved that a vote of I hank-,
be tendered to the otitiroing Com
mander. Comrade J. W. Felter: sec
onded and carried.
7th. Movetl that a vote of thank--
Itit t lirii I ii tllal 1 I 11 1 1 k 1 tt Vil if t I . . . I
,. , ,. , , i in the camp would be nearly or (inile
baieb:i t re iJepartmeut Hand fur" , . ,
Also, all Leading Brands of 'Case Goods,
AT T2E2:
a s
-fi -i A
- - Props.
j Fhler 11 L. ILitto k hi- departure
; for Loi;inr (Ila-s. and will go to
I heir srrvitvs j-u kindly retideretl to
this F.ucnmpmoni: secoiitleil and
ui!animM-i carneti. Portland Fhler Keehrwent to Mvr
Sth. Moved that a Vole of thanks' tie Point to preach ami its. up in
lie tendered to Prof, ilnrris and hi.s borne, ami Fhler Crilliih- came to
and Mr-. Hanksaker are pioneer- of " ... ... n,- ..t,.,,,. (, t,
an early date, having cume to Ov,u ' fj.ttJj ., , uhu.h ,.( ( , (v wife f..r their a-i.-lance and senice.-,
more than half a centun ago. He i- j( ,:llkl.v :tM, u,t.,.h j.,,, Ui li j rendered to thi- Fncampment: sec- iHli(,n w,j bt. at i;".,iutin. Augui
H.itidoii for a few dav- and will bo;in
' preae'ning lotuyht Xexl Annual lu-
a veteran of the Indian war of hS'w-IJ.
und attended the Veteran
' i i. - . i
: pulb-,1 ami the Miring of ihe ,Sie ,,,l J''-5 a,i" 'tnanimou--iy carne...
Heuuion ; , , . ... ,. . . .i. ...;,i. ....... r -.1... 1)1'. a!ovi d tiiat a vote of thanks
II. 1. . lli.t i. ..!.-.. '.villi lieli r.. ..' 1 l..i
herein the hope ,,f me..ii:.g romeof,twj u!lJt.h :.,(, bvX w (.r j be lemieiel l,. ii, .ward M. Jjn.wneU.
his old comrade. !.i "... .,r .,r,.... 1 .. 1. . . i F-o.. aiol C inrade- v. llolcomb.
il'Ul H'!f IIO .!. . -.1111 UOM I l I ' I ,1 . .
1 i . 11 -i p .1 - t too iii'L'c or tho (iii:ililv too nn. -din
ami itev. i . ii nr ineiri " -'
olO- Mom. tell.
When the quantity of food taken is
IiJop.n. At llambiji. Angiisi 23rd. to j.-truek Mr. Maple?. Jt i-she doctoi V
n.s the In 11. e o! the V. mile.; vinir-s. ' """" '"' ' nn-... "r-nm.
2aovii .ti.g trri4l....i to hi. oil tin. in I T Ti T.V ATT "S?"7" flJTt Oi AT?" T ArTT
1 h.boken ; (iu.o.y. A .m,k f oi, expl.H.,,1 j JJ V LJj3li JL U OillL J JU l5
rt.nsi lir.s api.i...i Ik ti within lour n.iles
of P. rthn d.
A lire is rayiny in the b .ni-iajin oil ihtd,
and a io-s ot a million dellats in prujieity
lias alreatiy oerurnd.
I span yives fotmai ntioe to Cliit.a Utat
she will hold tin- bat? Itr-hip i. vi-shiu-lui.
Aitothor yokl dic'ver has lieen made in
Alaska. The newtlthi is Yak ntaya bench.
i5 i i:i:ia v, Au:ii.l 17.
Heavy liyhtini: wits ri-umet1. between the
.lapanest- fmces ami Kus-ians in Northern !
.Mani'huri-t : battle hiUd all day the ''.)th.!
The l.'n-sinus pl.ict their casualties at RKJD !
kill, il and wotimled. I
A iec;:iivf battle i- exp ct d and the Japs
tlrnk tlyaniR will outgeneral Kiiropatkiu.
Word conn-; from St. Peter-burj: that the
Czar will rai-e un cher larye at my and dis
atc':i it to the Ka-f to liht the Japs.
The lirsl lot of the Portland Kxposjtion
souvenir dollars, neioun'.iui: to ..'.".( nil, have
been coined al Philadelphia, ami will be ou
s de in a few days at Portland.
The full of Port Arthur is a4dn repotted.
Champion . I im . I ,.Tnes knocked nut .Mon
roe in the I ell'ms-. Mnroe Ittjht. in the -ec-ond
round, without receiving a scratch in
The new battle-hip. I.oui-iana. was
launched at the .shipyard at Newjairt NYws.
loNUAY. A at: 2i).
The .Mu-icoMte aimy i- in retroat with the
laps t lamping: on his heel-.
'I he Jajw have leueweti theaitnek on Port
Aithur ami Severe lighting is iu progress.
The latest news is that Kuropat kin's rc
tre t is cut oil
A cluiiii burst, in Nevada oansetl heavy
washoiits e-tfitlav. Cue and a half inches
of water fell at Hawthorn in .) minutes.
H 11 TT1 1 T
Household Furnishings and Deco
rations of all kinds
Ihd Ito'ini Sidles Cur' 1 ritu Poles and Pino Wall Paper nnd
and Piece. U imhiw Triiemities. House Lining.
Cabinet Shop in Connection. Mattresses and Springs
Kurniture la'jmiriti: and Saw filing n Specialty.
Glass, Painis, Oils, Brushes. UNDERTAKINQ
A Full bine of burial Ca.-kt t. burial H his and (ioints, and Undertaking Supplies
Constantly Kept on Hand.
Mr. and Mr.-.. F. H. Kud -v. a mu.
opinion thai one of Ihe ho-k-. caught
ervites so kindly remletetl to this
Mtomach is likely to follow, and es-
Wool. W'anteh. The JjRdo:i Com bim in the . e. l.-aiin- 1 tit a seciioti
mercial Co. will py Ihe hih.-.-t j,ric-e ! "f about li.4 inches, expos
mg ttic I't am. lh. tongue was- cut
half in two ami all hi- front teeth
we:t kn.iclod ou'.. and many
-calp wound.- i re made.
for wool.
Foa Saw.. A Unggy Lni Cart, in'
first-cla-is condition: cheap. F:. quire '
of P Nelson, lia d n
:ii. r.i i- .-
!F..;a.u.uue,d: secomietl and unani ')milll"VW' " ,n" ,1M,,,n "as m"'n
mouslv cariie.1. j w.'UKimiimI cnnst.paiion. .,low-
Phh. That a vote of thanks ho ' an1 ,,ot c' fr,,,''-v of digested
The unf-'iiunate man i.- I8 veais ;1
ti.., : .i... r i . !-- 1.1..
, 1 .. 1 , ii .1 1: . .1 1 town. .it itr-.i it iii o 1 1 e 1 uuti 1 1101 OilLMlJ V.
tendered lo all the I. tidies, t o'titlemen i . i-w,.
... o ;m ,1.1. . ,.1. .. ; i 1 .. 1 . 1. 1 'IV"' '',5t'' elapse between meals,
and l l.i itiieii v. j a-M.-aeii u.-. it, make . 1
,1 : i. , 11 and when yon feel a fullness .and
this, hiieampmenl a suece.-.-: seconded . ,
1 1 - 1 ' weight in tho region of tho stomach
and unnmmou.s v carried. " n
11-h. That a vote of thanks In afU'r i"M'iU"' UlU" ( ''"Tiaii.,.s .
letMredlothel.adieHoftho Woman's S,"'!"-'1' "vit Tablets, ami the,
i ... ... 1. t 1
sour siomacn may 00 avuttleil. Port
.-alo by C. Y. Lowe.
age. and all wo can learn of him i.
fiom a letter tent lo him from Okeene.
Oklahoma, from a la.U who addi e.--ed I Ji,!i,,f 'u1' Cu''U' f,,t ,,,,, va,u
l.m. . I 1 . .1 1. i ; ..1 I tdd.i M i vi.e.s remlered during this
...... 'wit'i, uji'J . I in M III I rrl I j ' 1
Fncnim.meni: .-econdetl ami unani-1 ChiU'Cll DirGCiOPV
moie-Iv carrieil.
io,,; '.M...f .. ,.r ,1 1,..! M- ,:- ('"
ytt- t Q B JUUXi-UJLOU UUlilIJJ.5. " ' " "'" IVeaehin-M-rvice everv L'ml iin.i !th Sun
1 zjr W B tendeied to I In; cil i.eiis of Bandon for : dayal II A. .M. and s: P. .M.
BKb. L-jt of .1 1 -n e 1 Suntlav School uverv Sunday at 10 A Al
lT I I J)r. I). L Steele. Ih-nli-l. b.rmeilv '!"" -nertms ami willing hnancial : Kp.Vo,th m . 7:P. M.
Trn mmU mZsL , .. , . , , ) , , r s.. " ! !t-sitance toward making this Fn-1 l'rayi-r meeting WVdnesdav at s: p. .m
! Prni.ei.-co. C;.l u ill" i,..,l;.. I!,.d.m I c-s f f 1 . -f . t siieii a cotiifdeie success:
if .,nAi fi,.,i ,vt. i-,.n ..,. 1 '.... r..-;....,,i v.o .... .1 tui 1 isecondotl ami nnaniinou.-l; y carried.' l' in Shitvicit.
j, 1 t UU UlUIil-'i iv 1 ou 'muji wi omii mcii ifi uriM, illlJ. illiw
Ho weird M. BrownelL
NOl'AICV I'l bldC,
31 A K.SII l'"I I.I.I), - - OUKCON.
I'.eal Kslate 11a:. tiled.
Ilti-im-- n:.itt r- piiiiiiptly ntlemleil lo,
:.:& y ,; :. : : '; : v v :
Court Oiteen o' tlte I'ortl No. 17,
Poi-e.-tci-.- iif Aim ie.-l.
j. C. Shields & Son,
,otes2XLitlx Ss Wagon,
Yagons of all kinds made to order.
Job work aittiidid t-i pom pt!y and all work guarantied to give siiliBfaotian.
elioeiii. a. Specialty
; ji" "(H'StT J'T i:N tiK Till". I'OKIIS'I g
, ' No. 17. on el. Fii.lav night I each
1 :- . ek. in C.nmr. e Hall. Kitmlon. ( b r n
! cm-dial welcome is exti tntnl (o all v:s--
. 'itntc l.i.ul't is. .1. I!, i llll It.
XTj-ii-! "1" Wl stl11 4l'"!! hutinesB at The Old
O" L- stantl ami can please you. Give us n Call
and examine our
W. 11. -MaviiHs, Pastor.
anywhere else in town, come to the
Maybe w. have one left, if so. the
price will ploase yon.
Our stock is small, but the goods
will remain until Sept. Pith. Tho.-e
requiiing Ihe services of an experi
enced tlenti.-t will do well lo wait un
til Dr. Steele arrives.
MA It I.N Ii.
I'm. Secret. trv.
: y :. :,$r.i:''& :'.;.:
;; .?:; 5 .:':; ':.:: - :
i:a .n lai.N unit; n
i a:;, i. o.o. i--
from Sttn l-'rancisco.
xui. 'M Stun Chico. .Ma: tin, l!l hrt frum
are of a good quality, ami the prices j tJa" i rancisco.
Au. ..i. ciir iiquciie, hpimt;. 1-5 days
from San Fram-inco.
are right.
make "Cash Buying" an object
lo the. purchaser, at the
Any. -J Sluir Kb.'tbt'th. den-itju. lo S. F.
Any. :tl. Stmr Olnco, Martin, to Pculnd
L'hh. Thai a Vote of thanks bo 1 reachu.:; 1-t and :i:d Sundays, ui.m im)K
temb red to all others who aided US Sunday School ...), Sum! tv at 1(1 a m ' 3 AN-'5N b( M('i II. No l:W. 1. ). (). F.
...) . ,.,vin, , ,u!;:
this-. iMic.Miipmejit a suece-.,: secoiided All are welcome. " , :. I united. T,,,,,..vy
at.d uuaniu.ote.Iy carried. ! a.,......, n mKin.v. Fastor. , Kl!IIlKK;ri;, sc. ;
.: .v.. :ii 'y::.-:y'yi::i': j
- - - -i
again at tho next Annual Fncamp ' ..... , , : -'v.w,-v.v,v!!.,
ment a. Xor.h lietol. Cos Co., Oreg.: lu-lc! ! amn , ,,, A. r. a. m
Y ND()N i-Olni I-.. No. Us.A. r .A ..M.
i ) Slaletl eomuiunicatioiis first Sat (
v?urtlv after the full moon of each ::.
A- in. nth. All .Master .Masons cortlialU : '
invited. I'KTKU NFbSUN. W. .M. ;
l .1. 1C. Vmjti;i..m. Sec. ? '
1-1 1 h. Moved ihat w adjotirn at O- 'P- I31lim.rilotlier
An.L'i;.-stmr Khabuh, Jensen, it iJIh 1 ,1lM"1 ,,f ,h" ,la'ri p'Kntm i m-ut , U. S. Commisioner and Notary Public
c-h,eMo!nl;;r. 3 Stoves, Banges and Fanitirriplements, Etc,
i Xow is the time to purchaM Hardware..- The uudersigned has
i mi stock a l::ige ar-.-t i t ment t.f
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
j Glassware, Crockery and Miners' Supplies.
i: . R'ainlN. Oils. IJonrs :uid Windows.
The Bandon Hardware Mart,
C lit).
Turn sr..
seconded and carried.
Approved: J. W. Fklku,
i .'Money I.oiiii.h eot ia'.eil on A ppioveil
! SeetU it. V.
1 ..-it :.. ii . i i. ..
C.)miiiiii.?i.i ! w,"lt mi oiom m oevene isuiium", I5an
vOUlm.muei, j j,,,, icsiik'in-e on l'.utte fieek. Om-uoii
Col. C. T. Bi.UMi:.vnoTiiKH, j A51 of u,.tlI .Khlatij hitiiht am
Adjutant. !fctiii.
IPire Insvir a.rics.
ltumloit, - - - Oregon.
VVrenshall & Wrenshall,
; kuumi itousi: (;ai.i.i:hy, B.pp);