HIE RECORDER IS PUBLIBHBP TUáJRSDAY .... »I .... « »AVI» n. »Tiff, ÏOIT'IH ASP PBOPBIEToB. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. pne Year........ Bis Months.. Thru» Month* « |.«l«.W lUlualUUl • • — This disease bffj lost Ks tertrtffs »luce ^Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera m-d Diarrhoea Keutedy came into igeuersl use. The uniform sue. which attends the use of ibis remedy it\ all cases of bowel Complaints 10 children has made it a favorite wher­ ever its valtp- ha- becoi«e known. For Sale by C. Y Lowe Tlii» queer World. «2 on . 1 oo so By A lfkzp J. M ATEBIIOUSi. and their ea-es are nut few. V ould • • • GA^BE^CÊ ï. L f i ••c it be a serene satisfaction to Bishop Upurjj C. Potter to feel tbuBsiiirU men Bandon, Oreguu, began their pitifM careers iu dediea- ' ted MHioooaf “T ¿on” *” e-’iV >e*p F ko • w d'. »rj ■' BD' -c- Ej It is bard to write of ibis subject I- . hr Wu huv w..; »1 '■» t • L f&uiilir f.»r<'V“r t vu ’ -irs v *b tii# K with the patience that might he fieri beet i f ri«’i.ts. I hare not had a i . Mo have put up an Up To-Date LAUNDRY and are prepared to dq doctor in ■ s : r that le iy ii E and wi-est. Here is a man on whom la jsM 111 receipt of n new aud ©f tune. 11 «Tii«» tor in i-,vif^i.4 K First-Class W ork. Lesli htuvk of r -a-’ / ’ s' • t p.t«.*u v.i 4 i’ I u» t een pieced the anoint*! robe of aud appt •—JAMES HALL, Jack- J sanctilyt a grest church has chosen •wevilla, Ill.________ Drugs and Chemicals, him for high honor; he represents Because this great medicine relieves atomach naina.frees the L Patent and Proprietary Preparations Our Specialties are Shirts. Collars, Finery, Blankets, Curtains, and Wwl Christ on ihi» earth, or, if lie does constipated bowels and inviffnr- Toilet Articles, not, be is a false shepherd, and a blind ens of all kiads. ate« the torpid liver and weak* Drugglata Nimdriea. leader of the blind. Yet he drags 'he •ned kidney« k GIVE US TRIAL. pEitriMrs, Par.-iHEs, S ponges , S oaps robe in the filth of a dedicated grog N uts and C andies . shop, chants the doxologv to the clink NOSLER & LYONS, Proprietor«. Clg.tr«, Tobacco» and Cigarettes. ing of wine or beer glasses, and would Paints. Oils. Gli »si’s, and Painter’s Supplied m ke of bis Master the leader in a nnee«»ary in the home where • most modern saloon business! Why, Thedford's Black-Draught it kept. Families living in the i even the men whom Bishop Hotter country, miles from any physi- I £ 5< M has indirectly joined imtbeir work of cian, have been kept in health I quenching the thirst of an alcohol- for years with this medicine as i their only doctor. Thedford's •; cursed humanity, must look on such Black-Draught cures bilious- || a man with contempt. They may, or neis, dyspepsia, colds, chills and E fever, bad blood, headaches, |j may not. give biro verbal welcome in diarrhoea, constipation, colic E bis left-handed assistance, but in their and almost every other ailment H hearts they will desnise him. He bwause the stomach, bowels R liver and kidneys so nearly con- ! might have been so high, and be is Ibis Steamer is New. is Strongly built, and fitted with the latest improvements, and will trol the health. give a regular 8 day service, for passriigera and freight. between the so otherwise. Coquille River, Oregon, and San Francisco, Calif. SV a, who have watched Bishop Fot ! ELBEliT DYER, Agent, Bandon, Oregon. ler’s smooth and successful worldly E. T. KRl'Z, Managing Agent, 207 Front Street, tiau Francisco, California. I career with interest, do not expect a Í great deal of him in the way of np- l'fting humanity, for bis blossom- j bordered path does not lie in tli | Benler In Boot» and Mine* fields where walk or creep most of Repairing neatly and promptly done at those who need such assistance, bnt 1 lowest living price». surely we bad a right to expect tliat j . It t" ili»1 hug him. is. that he is an unsafe aud un p'ipe publislu din < )r ali th news of Ihr - worthy moral gl ide. na'ioi Try it a l It is a pity, too. We need onr best c py w Ibuuifiilrd to j men in onr highest plnces. and espec­ Best ially does the clinrch need them, for H- the question. Why are fbe p«ws emp­ Hsh" Brother of Stamboul—Time 2:07 1-2 CONTEST NOTICI ty? presses. Does the dedication of any saloon, whatsoever, by a bishop, Detta- ni -nt of tbe Infer? r. tend Io properly fill them, think yon? U. tieu S tates L i xi> Ornez, 1— î ' buuûc . And, if you think these strictures O bkgon . Angost 17« iu , lito!. At PORT ORFORD the 1st, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 29th, 30th and 31st. upon the right reverend gentleman A «8ii*fic:»*nt c; titfit h H ì »»ivi 1 avi' ., been in this • I!:«" I'V 1:«‘V (’• Ici.vau. <•■»»- are unjustifiable, suppose that you filed i At LANGLOIS the 17th, 18th, 19th 20th, 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th. t ( stani, n iiiiiHl b- < ■ s'e-ut i n'rt ,\.' 13''- answer this question: íx. Dv.IiüO-i. mad- October r 1st, i >., 19 i..■•>, b, fui i• .t !■ i. 1 •, Ke<• : i.»1 ■ 2 '. Can yon imagine Christ dedicating . ow.i nip 29 tf S., ttiuiue 1 I W.. I v Bobul s At BANDON the 21st, 22nd, 2.3rd and 24th of each month. a saloon, with beer glasses to rattle an Dunk oon'e^ieu , i i wbi- lijit i. ullc'jed lltHt ) ICE FOR PUBMCA I ION. the enti)man bus wb.'llv i-bnndoi'ed tlie -------- o iiccom pan intent totliedoxology ?—San said At HUME’S RANCH the 3, 4,5, 6,7, 8 and 9 of each month. triiHl timi he bi.« chnrm.d Lis resi- 1 iinbei* Land Act J. un«3.1B7S. Francisco Bulletin. lent e ih-i“‘i . on» f< r more I bun aix months HEALTH . Druggist and STEAM Apothecary, LAUNDRY All Work Guaranteed. If the devil and al1 of his little chuckling imps do not mm * to it tbut h fhi» pepar 11 entered at the Bandon poet vote of thanks m passed and is ten oftioe a» Socond-oliiH» Matter. dered to Bishop Hettry C. Potter for bis servicea iu dedicating that New THURSDAY. AUQ.M, IW- York saloon, then I, for one, shall feel that Satan is without appreciation of editorial . a friendly act, and that there is no The article tty Alfred J- Waterlion«. grntitnde in the land of brimstone )a quite long, but i* decidedly to the shoals aud ceaseless pyrotechnic dis point, and we feel certain that onr ---- play. Openiug a SALOON to the renders will feel well repaid for the drone of a Kight Reverend's blessing time spent in reading it. and totbe majestic rhythm and sweep Within th« past two months the of the grand old doxolugy 1—Wb),if main street of town has been made to Beelzebub did not breathe a sulphur­ lpok decidedly better. For some time ous umen lo lhe blessing, and if his jt b$s Iteen apparent that new walks horned Hitd tailed attendants did not ahould take the place of the old, rot- chortle a wheezy accompaniment to ten boards, and now that so much has the doxology, then has hell ceased to been done, it would be in the lino of recognize when it receives a princely improvement aud cleanliness, if our benefit. citizens, and visitors, also, would re­ A saloon, under whatsoever condi­ frain from expectorating ou the walks. tions, as a thing of helpfulness io th ? Reference is not made merely to the world! A stiluon, with a vicegerent users of tobacco, but more particu ot Christ as its sponsor! Great God larly to those afflicted with colds and of all the moralities! Now let us bit catarrh. It is not only very unhealthy deck aud begild Vice aud worship her for every one, but to the majority of as Virtue, au 1 let ips tjot forget to people extremely nauseating. apotheosize Iniquity. 1 have not bad the privilege of look Celllo Portrigu It ».»'.I ing within the covers of Bishop Henry \yhereae, The Legislature of the C. Potter » Bil'ie and seeing what State of Oregon, for the purpose of manner of spiritual (note that I do furnishiug immediate relief to the not say spirituous) message il is with producers and shippers of ilie In­ which that smug follower of God and land Empire, in the month of Janu­ Mammon edifies both himself and his ary, 1903, appropriated §165,000 for flock. But it is not necessary, for it the purpose of building, operating is easy enough lo imagine bow its and maintaining a temporary portage text must rend. Here, for instance railway around the Celilo Rapids, most be some quotations from it: ‘'Blessed is the good article in Lot and further iu ide it man I »lory that the board appointed thereunder ties or jugs, for the resulting jag shall should promptly carry out the pro­ not bo unpleasant iu tho review. "Blessed are they that mourn for visions of the act imine liately upon the fun Is being available, so ns, if the pure stuff, for they shall be com­ possible, to afford the relief due the forted at Budge A Fudge's New Jem tavern. producer and shipper for tho grow- salem “Blessed aie they that drink conse­ ipgcropof 1903; and. crated goods, for they shall inherit Whereas, An ad I tional act was the earth till they recover from3 the IDcaoription.. passed by the Legislature in special effect. at R » re U xitkd bTATs-i L as .) • since luskini? -.•‘id entry; thnt said tract in "Blessed are they which do hunger »u t nor i ♦ v< r aeltled upon mid culti­ BURG O i »N, June 19CÍ. session of January, 1S04, nppropriat Dexter i« n beautiful steel gray, 1G 1-2 hands high, foaled 1898, is of vated byati d partv hr requind bv law at do an l thirst—particularly the latier— Notice in berrbv given that in compii ire« gentle disposition, and unn-util intelligence He is the best for breeding tQ ing §100,01X1 for the purpose of pur­ for the pure quill, for they shall be tune t-itme be inode l:is first tiling, mid b< with the pr • ivisLHAof th:1 act Crinal t ¡4-4 oi for getting of horses for general service, that baa ever stood iu this section, h »4 removed with b»n family out-uk’ of thia J une B, 1¿7< 4. entiUe.l G tit kJ ' ’’ ‘ Au All rt< «< 1 t f*>r th»- s»»le <»t chasing a right of way for the United tilled as long as they have the price. ¡■Hate to |.art«4 unknown, finid ptnf?« a»e inda in the titi*t Statu* 0-4 of CaliA rnin, being possessed of botti stiength and speed. His colls are large anti of fine hit. "Blessed is lhe merciful burteuder, Crude Thoughts As They Fall From The herrhv botiti?-.} to a, p ar. respond and oh r tiigbor States Government in th« construe tía. nn nr. i V\ ,•t nil «11 the Fnb'.i«» Pnbihi Lumi liou of lock» mid ennuis for h per­ liis ilmn. owned for years by Mr. Hume, iu C'titry Cvi't'ty. whs the cele­ k.m., on Nov'-u lier 1(’, 19k4, t'ofoii .Stitt, r by ii Cf of "Hlessed mm the sound of stomach, eriea. A Column Dedicated to Tired ( o ’ ’clock, \n.;;;vt t. p At; (if AlU'.w'-t ?. U A li »< !.. T. Hluw»v«t«other, U. H C'ounui'«- hhi - r, h ' brated blue 1 if. nt bi I ’ uit«re, noted even ti|,eti ^9 '.r-ar- of aga for her manent improvement at the Celilo for I hey «ball l>e able to hold the iRitur.r. C .idi.ty of Mothers as They Join The Home Circle hifl f N '•'4 -N'lj'd TWO LITTLE FEET. Beecivt r ?? tii • Uniuii^jintus Li.i-d Ci'lcu in of s; ■4 »if '»ion No. 1, ;n lo.vnHhip 29 S. flint, aud the power under both acts they shall be called the childieu of Ros *bui ; < n,. IH'.ngn N'». 11. V7., ,i..J v’iil oner ;to»’f to the Bishop. Two little feet in mother’s lap— the said cuntePt nt having, In 11 proper show that tlie land «ougLh 14 more vaiiiHbit* í M<»nr F70, K e. 2 .:i/ was placed in the bands oi a state affi !»t \ , fi!« J A 1 '.u:'t 11 l; L 1 s» t f.»»: h fa via f »r ita tiaibi r »»r stone than f *i Rgiiealiur.il "Blessed are they wbo tire p >rse Uosv tb<* R<»ft warm negt *. ÍCHy P I t. 93 hire ot 5 in 2 ;3Ü which show tb t r.ftt r due diligence p^r-on- purp Kt «, mui to tut ilt' 'I.sli b’S vi.liul to •'Rid commission, consisting of the Gov outed by a great thirst, for they shall Re in no hnrrv to toddle a wav. | tiiic <>í 3 in 2:30 nl service of this notice «•an not bv mede, it l«i:d bi foie James h .i»'i n, Cuuiiiv Clerk of C« pp« rbof Run. prnor, the Secretary of State and the be filled at Budge A Fudge’s New Coddle there dear little feet while you may ; D lu’K-bv o;-.b r - ! ¡n d Giitciid that suc h no­ | Bolle oí Wabndi ’ N. & H. da in of LT a N tr.ttj, ... (’uos O.nnty, Ore* on at the ofllce of th* tice be given by due and proper publication. County li-rk of € ’ .on Co., O k g 'D. Ht Co Cuddle op the*re and rest State Treasurer, in order that there Jerusalem tavern. Bhickhawk, 5. I R(*coru 2:24 l < •J. 11. Boom, Receiver, "Blessed are ye when men shall ask StHiuboul, 2:C7l4 Sultana, d/irn of quihe. ()r?gt»n, ou .'uoi d..v, tbs' l:ttb dny of r should be no conflict, and to expedite Two little feet in mother’* lap— a ng2.5 I D Imo- ico, 1 :ü. . > Gn.v Milh-r, dan» <»f He lui men as witnesses;; Lucy ii ......... 2:1HL Suliuu ... .. .i/ >24 • epttinbur, 1904. you in, aud persuade you, and shall Sire <>f ( ilambiltuiiiaii 19 the relief required; and, Never life’s stubble pressed ; N. E. Barkk»*, of Bandon , W. A. Ih-ak, of ■i Ruby.......... .2 il*.-1'! say, '\\ hat'll you have in yours?' ¿ Darby........2:K.Jí Alcnzar ... .2:2(>>i 1*1111 t r-L •: é’- ( B h :.’ >■ .n.ni. of Parker« L'2 Whereas, Said state boar ! has con­ "Rejoice, and be exceeding glad, Haute not to open the Gate Unknown. | Membrillo Chitf 1| bun», Hii'i T. B. Ptewt'U, c. 1 ax st laLiag, ill.' rs Bay Rose., Where mother can’t go—where you go al die . *2 ;*’ > | Celeste................. ■< of (' oom Courty. Oiegon. i’outrnctor. structed the later act as the later for Budge A Fudge are now open to Cuddle up there and rest. ( Big Nora. Any and all r«rxortR cbiii Diing adversely X Swt c heart . .2:2: /I mandate of the people and the more all of the thirsty who have the price, nnd 2n otheis Hi tlie Hbovt’-d.Hcribfd lai.da a r - l'.cpusted to Z for so winked .they at the dry which Two little feet in mother’s lap— Of ;ee ou or before list. Also sire file t huir claiiiiR in thia oili important one in enforcement; now were before yon." f Ifanibiltt'T‘ifln, 10 And the mother’« love is best: PARLORS said Hhli day of September, 1904. dams of X. I Sire of th« dami therefore, be it I. B ridges . R( I Wi’.’u'S 4 Sacrilege? Not a bit of it, for if Over the hill lies Sorrow’s field, I st inn bool.. .2:O75£ Ji< »Hater. jnnSO 2:11 ■ . Resolved, That it is the sense of Bishop Potter's Bible does nut read And the pathway back is by tears concealed J Trinke»......... 2:11 Muta \\ ilaes P. ß. HOYT, Prep. as above, how do you suppose it does Cuddle up there and rest. \ Silvi r Belle. .2:17 this meeting that the people, through 2:11’4 ■too .V NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I ilomit tta. ..2:li I Burr’s Washing o ’ And, again, if my paraphrase Bed H« .rt their Representatives in the Legis­ read Located in EL DORADO BUILDING, Two little feet in mother ’ s lap — X I nini JI otilar», | ton '1 imber Lan I Act, June 3, 1878. ( « lendine.. ... 2:2Ü be sacrilegious, it is sacrilege that I f'oni2 :l fcí, .t<> I Sire of fii«t Street. I.AMHLN, OSU.«.ON .. .2:23*4 f Spegni ti ion Emîu B< y, lature, enact the portage toad law. shines with a pure, white light when Stay lontz in the soft, warm neet; * I’ nitko S iat :; h L'. nd e , Ro4i.hurg, I tidy Wo< dr’ff Jo.in xViik.F, M'fsi'.vn F .mt....... 2 ’24 deeming it, with its promised speedy compared with that emitted by »ueb Ah, the day will come, when bruised and SHAVING. SHkMFOOINO AND HAH Orugou. June 2 ;, 13 )1. 2 :29 I Grncii- S.............. 2:21-4 I sore Notice is hereby piven tbf.t in compliance Sir Wilkes.. ..2 *r.4' I Guy Hpm-kltM.. .2.:'0 relief, the more important measure of a deed as that of the right reverend You’ve passed the threshold of mother’s CUTTING AT STANDARD PKK FS. with the pr.'Visionsof the hc ’ or Congress <>f I lty Abdelleh 2:3 ‘ )¿ Oakland Mnid..2;23 Neblí Is .. Site of ! L hi I v I th v ... 2:3^z1^ the two, a«.d fully realized that the gentleman. Bathroom newly fi:t< d vp with Porcelain .lune », 1S78 entitled • An ec! for the sale of I LABI [ . LI - door; timber lands in th« St iti-s of Catfornia. PUKE alcoholic goods, forsooth! (Sir Waller.......... 2:2f I AUo grami «Ian» of '1 lib. Hot or (old lliitht* *4.*» er*nt« I Jr. General Government stood commit­ And what of il 1 I could name you Cuddle now there and rest. Oregon, N-vail'. and i.’ashiiH’ton Terri­ I WesU ru Girl..2:29*.I tory.” ns ext- i..h a to i’ll the i’uh’ic Land tal finally to grant the people of the some hundreds of royal good fellows NV 35 71 ON "4. Silicle Geœvioe States by ac‘ of Aug 4, lb*J2. Nathan E. ^s.oo Home is a place of refuge. Tossed wbo once would drink nothing bu Inlaud Empire future permanent IN TEE CIRCUIT totinr OF th : B a -Mow, of Kind mu, County of (’ ooh , State $10.00 day by day upon the rough nnd of Oreg-»D, ha.* this d iv fil. d in this ofli«« the purest and best of liquors; who relief; and te it further IN AND Itti his HA'?rn Htatemunt N ». ßJW. for the pur now would drink any foul broth of stormy ocean of life, harrassed by Sl’Al'E OF OREGON, $15 00 si of i he Lot . 4, a. H and 7 of Sect ion THE COUNTY OF COO^. Res died. That if compatible with bell that is obtainable, aud would worldly cares and perplexed by No. (*>. in Townsliip No 2.) > o i.h. Rauao No. F i fm'.ti' i ¡ufornuitiim a hires» al nnv of the places int'ltlioned above. MnryE Hint, ] public interest, said board ba roquest- pawn their very souls for more. And 13, W» -;t. ri.d «ill ot'. T proof io show that worldly inquietudes, the weary spirit Flaiatiff, i Si.il in equity 11.6 bud rtt¡'.«-hi is, luo't voiunble for its O I-T. xTU ’ K.LEY, to announce, thiough the preSs, yon could name as many of siiDtlur f r timber or si •»»»• llitH i »r nur ¡cultural pm- yearns nfter repose. It seeks and W. H. Hunt. ( div uree. Manager < f limber»'- Crii. D. HUME. the present condition and status of kind for me p r . -.4 and to u-oabii.sh iii3 aìaim to «aid land finds it iti tho refng ■ which home Inler.thnl J Pure goods, forsooth! The arch I i ‘ ■»’ J .1 n s V-. hi s< n. ( -H \ Clerk of Coo ■ the right of way for tho portage rail­ ■•uiitv. O c-'o.'i. at I be "’dec of County fiend wbo has in charge the alcoholic supplies Hue the mind is at rest; V. . II. ’{imt. the nan ud deft i d.tn!. . f Coon U'HintY. * b« con at Coquille, I way, and what steps, if any, have destinies of Immunity, has invented the heart's turmoil becomes quiet, an d IN THE NX X» E () F 7’ H S I’ A T! I () 1 < >r»*g •’I. on Mni’J.n. lit? l!)'h day of —THE STEAMER been takeu to construct said railway no more specious lie for the delusion ()li }•'( h >5i • Xt.ii :. r fit r» l.v ». qnin d : i. ;• . lit I jh> nn t en a- u *1 iD-sst’S : A hk - s E. Hnd- . of meu who desire to be deluded than the spirit basks in the peaceful de p. ar ;.nd PiHwer th»- <*••?<.t tied i. W. A. U"r-.k, P C. Kaitdhonnn and I under said act; ami l>e it further y<»ti in »be aliv ve enfi»!f d i :■ un .-nd oa».s> mJ D. I’r a it all of Piirkcisburg, County of Two Paper» for the Price of On«*. You lights of domestic love. Resolved, That it is the sense of Ibis concerning pure alcoholic drinks orb fol* !!.• Hto d.-'V t-f F.i'i.'t n.bur. ID-/the Ct Oiefjotl. What matter if they are pure; shall Inst day of the time prnscid.ed iu the order Am and ail p-ra ds c!aii‘.:iii<' adver-»«*!' Gel the News* of the World hu <1 In trout of every young man and ; for this meeting that a failure to con­ we therefore close onr eyes lo any Ih»* publication of this Suiiuuun* and ‘ <• ah »V» -de crib 1 i.-ruL’ are ipq’ìeste I to the Local New» Thrown struct the said portago railroad will B ern fact? And bore is the sternest maiden thuro nre always two path«, that :• vou ihi I to »«» appear and fiiiswer flrtid file tir claims in th:« • td »■ on vr before THOMAS WHITE, Master I’r wm t th- r»of, pboutijf w»|l s;.¡J l‘Jtb day of uu.be’. 1.>'4 in u« h BargHln. indefinitely post|K>ne the necessary of them all; Alcoholic liquor»,'bough and if the yonug people who read Comi'aiLh Leaven Bandon every morning, except applv to fit« Court for th» reii«f demanded J. T, B ridges , Sunday, at 7:30 o'clock and mnkea connrc* Rt gi-ter. relief aud expansion and develop of the purest, are in themselves a this column, whose feet are linger in sai.l complaint, a Euccinct siatemeat uf j.inJIO To th«.who pay up arrenr«peR and a tiona with the train anti ateainrr Alyrl at and damning poison to a mul­ ing iu soft green meadows arid which relief, s > ueiuandml. ia a-« folluWR: year in p . üvrucp . and to all n«w Hubnuri- ment of tho great Inland Empire; deadly lOtTU) a. in. at. (’oqajlle City. F» ’ k a »iumye of »he (xuirt. 1 bat ine mHr- titude of men; they course in fire l»f ! ( who pay iu afivance. we make the Leaves Coquille Citv nt 12130 p m., arriv­ r»Hg« re ’ atbuiR now existing botwwn piain- N.'vi'K'j. ’ FOR Pl ’ hljr and be it further ■ f t:!-- A 'jti-Oi' •’'¡' ••»ti ?' •*,VerHl through their blood; they madden flowery paths, will pauso an i con­ t ** • nJ »’,7 ft MMIH hr«'- ioK'V.-, H ing at Bandon at 4:3d p. uj . Dr |» t ri ìli.’nt of the I»it. rf«»f. dm- r» nt couplets to »elect from: Resolved, that v.o request the state their braitta; they pervert or destroy aid-r most earnestly ili« two roads That the car«- Fil'd cnatodv of the mitior L an » O ffice a : R ihi b iko , Oregon. Aug. i bihi, Loxu I ■ Hunt, b»1 nuniu d t<» pl.4intid I't.LUE « f F ublicationb pkb Y kaii . board to take such action as will their moral sense. Give such men a before moving onwar I nnd choose • in thisMuit. and ’ba! plaintiff have juduniont 4, $2 00 I’ and ’N R kcobdfr give the people of the Jitl.iu 1 Em start, though, on the consecrated the one that truth and reason toils against the d> fi ndant for her c<»6ts and dis Notice in hrip’ir given tlvit th- following B Ht) ground of a Bishop dedicated saloon. bnr-f incnt.H i- tins Hint. .T.'.no d 'i" ’ tjl ’ r , ‘ J T!. tj.'.I'l t J.Á pire the portage road, with its speedy * vav.ujuz b’’U thex. ahaU them leads to honor. sii;,i’e?s uibl_l).ai>-_ . :-?n -t’l • pib; "i I a Vote 1 oi* tion to our U h final proof m s ipp rt of lii- r» oo Pi I'tlnud Evening 'I’t-lHgram the Hon. L liarlncker. County Judge of i and »uro relief; and that copies here that must I m » fat. lint may nut le pines«, then they have wisely chosen. el tini, arid that said pro f will b - pir.t- be 1 fio W. t klv Oregonian <' »os Coantv. Oregon. n»ad« on the 22 1 dav C-c C. T. Binn-ei.rot her. U. S. C«>mtuiv-don fio pf be sent to the member.» of th • quenched, witli drink, and drink, and Tiie other road is too well known to "f J i .’ iv , 19(4. r< qnirir.e tin« minimcm* to be er »J bi.< ottime in l‘ar.dnn. Or» u« n. • n ì ' uom A;'i’( al to Reason ’>-ii. (1 m th« H andos R ix ’» rdmi for «’x daV, Sept. 2)tb. 11H4, viz. : H. E. No '.K)JK). Our Offer. state board, to the members of the more drink. You know that this in need description At t e end of this e- p.nH >n, of Baudot». Orcioli, foi so; I know it; aye, even Bishop Pot­ The Bulletin is one of the leading pnpe Legislature of tlie State of Oregon, ter, with the robe of Ins churcliinnity road you find only mined hopes. 1J04, th- dm» of the first j ’ibhcritK.n hereof. th- L»t 1, Hoc. 1‘), T 2P S., R. 14 W lie geo r. foPi’IN’: nantis the following wit Deanes to prove I.is uî the \V( t, and is a daily published in San and to all commercial bodies inter­ smoothly nttiug itself lo bis portly, Attorney fop Plaintiff. coni inn ou a r. 4id«,n«*e upon h ml cult iva t¡ »n Franciffoo. and cives all ihM news. Our off»-« Taken with Cramp». ested in the developement of this smug figure, knows it. of wa d land, viz : Th »in h ’IT.oniHv» . 'n» »a I includes the Sunday Bulletin. There is no chance to doubt the NOTICEFOU Pl llbl ATtON (ISOLATED llatchur, Joint BatuM an l Roheit P. ilt.i.i, state, with the request that they take Rec»»rder «nJ Bulletin, one year.. $7 00 Wm. Kirmse.a inomber of the bridge ad of Band »il, Coos Ouiititv. < Iregoti. fact, no matter bow much we may de TRACT). similar action. Recorder and Bulletin, one month 65 J. T. B ridges , sire to do eo. There is no luau or gang working near Littleport was Pn'.lle l.an.l selr. The Portland Evening Telegram is issued Regi»'er. woman of 30 or more years of Hge taken suddenly til Thursday night Notice is hereby given Hint in par.nsr.c, six times a week. It gives all the news that <>t in.irurltcn» from the Commissioner of yiolent Attack of Diarrhoea Cure«! by wbo reads this who has had uo friend with cratnpa and a kind of chulera. the Oencrnl fam I ‘>fiiee. nn,l r snthoriK is wot th reading nnd up to t ime of going tc Dealer in Hamess 4 Saddles and all or acqaintance who went downward His case whs so sev. ro that tie Lad to vested in him by -e timi 245T», V. S. KeV Chamberlain'» Colle Cliolern mid 60 YEARS’ pr» as. much of it being 24 h»»urs fie-her that kinds of leather wars kept in a harness by the alcoholic route. Aud these Mint.. »» itnmncled t v the n.-l of I ’ mgress 'im ­ EXPERIENCE l>|mrhoen IC«,medy and Per- when it reaches hero through any other shop. vitfluus of the stuff, went no lees sure­ have the member, of the er. w wait proved February 2tlth, 1HI>, we will proceed h»i»» n 140» Aaved. journal. ly downward, though their taste de­ niton him and Mr. Gifft rd was called to offer nt public »nleon tlie 17llt f f liquors in the beginning. I a medicine in the form of Chamber- land, to wi- NW', "f S" i, Sectt-m If. William Gallier will act «« my nerol nt gonisn leads iu the Northwest, nnd gives Banden »nd nil orders left «jib bun for think of a friend of mine, who. if he Township 81) X.. It. 15 W W. M lieve I would have died if I bad nut «till lives, is in an insane aaylnm to­ lain’» Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Any and nil persons claiming adversely the h !: the rewa usually contained in a weekly C' mh I. <>r repnirn will receive prompt mien-» T rade M arks lion gotten r-li-f,'* sat a John J Patton, a day—sent there oy alcohol. He wa« K 'tuotly that tie thought would help above-d.acrilted lamia are adviced to file paper. D esigns their claims in this o*fi •• on or hetore th> Renorhr and Weekly Oregonian. .$2 50 killing ctiizen of Patton. Alabama. a young man of brains aud refinement, liiiu out. and accordingly several doses day de-mnate-l f< r the con,niei,c»*tuent <>f C opyrights A c . *It h the duty of e«ch person to ««♦ k in­ Anvnne «ending a sketch and description may ‘.'A frieci'i rffonimendetl Cliatnber- and when he began bis nlieolward wer« administ. red wit It the result that ■ aid aaln, otherwise their rights will be quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an formation along all lines that tend townrff fi’OH SKLE—ICO acres of land ; 1.70 acre« carter, he wonld have nothing bnt the forfeited. , Invention 1« probably patentable. Commuiilra- the fellow was able to be around next |ain * Cal>*. Cholera and D>«rrb ><4i anre-tahd nio«t expensive «if bqnor*. J T R mdom . Register, • t ions strictly ronthlontlal. Handbook on Patents cre»> bottom, eovered with alder and ■ »ringing about tw?t ter conditions and greater 1 •ent free. Oldest agency for nerurtnir patents. salmon brn-li: 7 ncres pl< w land and 1*J J. f! B ooth . Keceiter. K-'ie-dy 1 b< uglit a twenty five cent Later, no sluff was too poor to quench day. l he incident speak« quite*high- Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive prosperity for the human family, nnd for arres in p?ist»ire: boose and ontbnildings; It Oebarg fflrerton, July tfll'h. It* 'I tprrial natkt, without charge, In the the purple rf giving our readers a chance 10 miles Sont^ of Bandon, on F<>nr-niile !*<>• - ,;nd after taking three dose« <4 bi« ceifeles« tliir«t i and then the mad Iv of Mr Giff>rd's medicines Elka­ Who nan thin» (’reek; ,r,(W) For particulars address house received him. 1'lie case was « jn inform themselvfe we give them the of some flimplff der. lowa/Argtta. ■ I » <« untimely cured. I ctn-ider it thing Shaner Nt., Portlnud, Or. —Appeal to Reason. Any doctrine th *t P. H. 'I rurnan. long wa.V from standi« alone; yon A handsomely lllnstrsfe< weekly. Largest cir­ may bring y a wealth. ft ■SV-TV Mw; '»»V culation of any scientific Journal. Terms. >3 g lh-l.es. tentedv in the world for bowel • y Bretbi:,king of -^h another Tt'is roirie.lv never fails. Keep it Writ. < CO.. Patent Actor ; V iAv. St JRN ’I ditp- fiutorW'P*Ml to tlm l.i.hest order of rea year: f-nr months, (L Sold by al! newsdealers. . for tbelr |1.800 prts* otUt ". t HUjil iin'«4. For F ,r -ale -al« by C. Y. Lowe' itS yeti reao«jtt fitft thoughtrul, culture^ ■_ l lut _r two soning iH A rcc.iglllXed aulbor^v—The ^Weekl» TW ore^or.^ Priitfgbt. • I with th»» ulc<^ lir npun tb^io. sale by C Y Ix’we. Pec : r nt ^ffpoeal CO ° r o • No D octor | The New. Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer r»:st< nos You Can't Expect to Get $2 worth fcr $1, but you can get your money's worth at M. BREUER’S Elizabeth, C. P. JENSEN, Master. Hotel Coquille Vy®3 J )EXTER, Son of ZJJkZSTO2STI Will make the Season, Standing as follows: Home Circle Column E l D orado Vi hat We Can De Fci You DISPATCH I Iarness maker, Coquille, Oregon. Repairing a Specialty. Wanted- An Idea ScRntific Ratrim,