o 0 O O o ® 0 o 0 % © •• 0 o e 0 • 0 o o o • o o o * o oo » o o o o O o O o o v ~~ o ’--------------- of nffilie. have y. n ®>< ii tb* maid of ' WOMAN AND A ASHION The^iother Aid thi%ali^ asked in And the mill said, "Yea; she ls®|eep- SHORT WINDED. • T*HE BODY UF.THE SUN. mine. ® Ith iq® ti0 with myffiig, with would ^ie have half the bannock wIU Bk behind the dour.” M I. "th- r h. f .ii, M :i II t' ♦ • •• • Wh> Some Persona Heeoluv* Brestll- 1^ Its Density It Krucmblr« Sum»* She weu^ in i^l struck her with a ffi-i bitting or t1^ whole ba mink Smart Summer Wrap. o and silver £ have qyrm-d since I »a- le«« With Severe k^erelee. what a Globe of Tar. ♦ white i4h and turned her into a stoul. without. o Dundee coats in a varh-y of designs 9 luu hi ?’’ » o Breathing consists of two rhythmical will 10 . it.■< t stgle thr*ighout the It Is geueraSy ngtJed that the malr She tlieu took the bag of gold and sil­ She said, '• will have half *t the 'Ine cow Hald:*"lh> y^m I ver on her back and went away biyrk binnock with your blessing, mother." nothing to do offiy to think • have nltei«Htlng processes Inbreathing, in summer. This fashionable model shows bWy 8f the sun the nucleus withy ♦ wntvh your wlA-h the muscles*of the cbeJ* play, the photosphere- must lie purely gase­ Tlie mother gave her a blessing and * o home* mu Ids for you? You ¿nay go some- « their part, and otabreagfiing. In which the very newest collar design. ous. This seeigp to be an unavoidable A year and a day had gone ty after tialf a bannock and she set offi. i where els*«and look for Information." the elasticity of the lungs.and the conclusion from the sun s low mean Ate eldest du ugh ter left home, and She traveled away and away on tie By SELI® AS 0» AOM00LS Then she got t» the mill. "Oh. mill, weight of the chest force out air. The density and its tremendous InL'inaJ Q whe® they found she had not returned fore lier, far further than I could tell mill of mine, did you see this maid of ♦ 1 fopvrijIU, IS«*, by Srumat MucMunu« number of breaths, which vifrles with temperature, which must Almost cer the second daughter got up. and she 0ou, and twice as far as you could tell mine, wit(j my tig, with niy tag, with the age. is one to every three or four talnly be far higher ' an that of lta > Ci 0 O 0 O 0 O ♦> ♦> said: “My sister must be doing well me, until she came Into a strange my long leather bag and all the gold pulse beats. In ordinary breathing on­ outer surface^ so high that even th« country, a and going up to a little bouse NCE on a time, long, long ago, and making her fortune, and Isn't it a she found an old ha’g living In it. and silver I have earned since I was ly aliout one-sixth of the air in the enormous force of solar gravity is abl< shame fpr me to be sitting here doing there was a widow woman a maid? ” The hag asked her where she win lungs is renewed, bull in exercise the to compress the va|M>rs to a density on who hud three daughter«. nothing, either to help you, mother, or The mill said, “ Come nearer and amount is considerably increased and going. ly one and four-tenths that of water When their father died their myself? Bake me a bannock," said whisper to me.” tlie number of breuths multiplied. although au>oug the constituent el» her She said she, "and cut me a callop, till I go «lie was going to push mother thought they never would want She goes nearer to whisper to the in disease such as reduction of lung meats are many of the metals tlron be fortune. for he hud left them a long leather bug away to push my fortune." mill, and the mill drags her under the area the blood is in danger of becom­ Ing the most conspicuous) which it Said the hag, “How would you like wheels and grinds her up. The mother did this and asked her filled with gold und silver. the solid or liquid state are from thres ing overcharged with carbonic acid, But he was not long dead when an would she have half the bannock with to stay here with me, for I want a The old hag had dropped the white and the lungs struggle to get rid of this to eight times as dense. The readet girl?" rod out of her hand, and the mill told and to tiring in more oxygen. Exercise old hug came begging to the bouse one her blessing or the whole bannock with must not imagine, however, that thi» "What will I have to do?” said she. out. the young girl to take tills white rod day and stole the long leather bag flll- gaseous nucleus is like air or othei causes a similar change, and if of the “You'll have to wash me a ml dress 8he said the whole bannock without, ed with gold and silver und went away and strike two stones behind the mill right sort and not too long continued gases as we encounter them upon th« me and to «weep the house clean, and out of the country with it, no one knew and she set off. Then she said. "If I on the peril of your life never look up door. She did thut, anil her two sis­ the circulation and breathing arc earth. Denser Ilian water anil strong not l>ack here in a year and a day am ters Stood up. She hoisted the leather quickened, and the result is good. where. ly viscous from the beat, it more re the chimney,” said the hag. bug on her back, and the three of them Ho from that day the widow woman you may be sure that I um doing well sembles a glolie of tar except near th« In severe exercise, such us long con­ “All right,” she agreed to this. anil making my fortune. ” And then set out and traveled away and away and her three daughter« were poor, and outside. There the vapors relieved The next day when the hug arose till they reached home. tinued speed trials, the quickened she hud a hurd struggle to live and to she went away. from pressure* ure free to expand and •he washed her and dreswil her, and breathing can no longer cope with its She traveled away and away on be ­ The mother had been crying all the bring up her daughters. to cool both by the expansion nn« b, when the hag went out she swept the task, so carbonic acid accumulates fore her, far farther than I could tell time while they were away, and was But when they were grown up the radiating heat to outer space in a re hearth, and she thought it would be no faster than the heart and the lungs eldest said one duy: "Mother, I'm a you, and twice as far as you could tell harm to have one look up the chimney, now ever so glnd to sec them, and rich can deal with it. and breathlessness re­ gioii of iiowerful currents, ascending young woman now, and It's a shame me, until she came into a strange coun and there what did she see but her and happy they lived ever after. descending and cyclonic. sults. try, and, going up to a little bouse, she for me to be here doing nothing to help The photosphere or luminous surfac« own mother's long leather bag of »dd A VERSATILE PRODUCT. you or myself. Bake me a bannock found an old bag living In it. is generally believed to be what it and silver! So she took It down nt once HABERDASHER. Tbe old hag asked her where she wns NEWEST PORGE« COAT. and cut me u callop, till I go away to looks like- a sheet of clouds euveloplni and, getting it on her back, started Few Thin*« That Grow Cavable J going. push my fortune.” the nucleus and consisting of nilnut« The Word 1« Supposed to Mean coat Is pongee In the natural color. away for home as fast ns she could She said she was going to push her So Many l’«e« a« lor«. The mother baked her a whole ban- Thin*« of Little Value. drops and crystals formed from thoM run. trimmed with dark brown silk and fortune. Probably few things that grow are nock and asketl her if she would have When she got to the horse, the horse capable of so many uses or are as com­ The word haberdasher first appears cream color silk rings. The body of vapors which coiidense at the hlghesl Said the hag, "How would you like half of It w ith her blessing or the whole said: "Rub me! Rub me! For I In the language as coming from haper- the garment Is loose and full and ac­ temperatures. Tb«*se clouds float in ar to stay here with me, for I want a pletely used as corn. The grain is of it without. She said to give her the atmosphere composed of the penna haven’t been rubbed these seven girl?” used for food both for human beings tas. the name of a fabric mentloued in cordion plaited. The deep cape collar nent gases like hydrogen nnd belluir whole bannock without. years.” the Liber Albus along with wool, can­ comes to a decided shawl point In the "Wbat will I have to do? ” says she. and cattle, while the stalks are used as So she took it and went away. She mixed with tlie more numerous vnpore “Oh, poor horse! Ob, poor horse!” she “You'll have to wash me and dress cattle feed. The pith of the cornstalks vas and felt, as subject to customs back, which is one of fashion's latest which condense only at far lower tern told them if she wa« not back In a year said. “ I ’ ll surely do that. ” And she duty, about 1419. A parallel und al ­ fancies. and a day from that, then they would me and to sweep the bouse clean, and laid down her bag and rubbed the Is used In the manufacture of smoke­ most contemporary list has liaber- perutures than those that form th« know she wns doing well and making on tbe peril of your life never look up horse. Then she went on, and it wasn’t less powder, in the manufacture of tassherle. clouds. As to the substances which Summer Shoe«. the chimney," said the hag. high grade varnish and in the manu ­ her fortune. long before she met the sheep, who Pongee colored kid is making a compose the cloud particles, opinion« The word Is supposed to mean things "All right," she agreed to this. She traveled away and away on be­ said: “Oh. shear me! Shear me! For facture of paper. The woody portions of little value—small wares such as strong bid for a favorite leather this are unsettled.—Professor C. A. Young The next day when the hag arose fore her, fur farther than I could tell I haven’t been sheared these seven ure used in the manufacture of a cheap buttons and tapes. Skeat derives It season, and in some cities it will take In Harper's Weekly. quality of paper. you, and twice as far as you could tell she washed her and dressed her, and years.” its place with the russets, browns and As a food corn Is supplied in many from the Icelandic haperbask—trum­ me, until she came Into a strange coun­ when the hag went out she swept the “ Oh, floor sheep! Oh, poor sheep! ” she THE YOLKS OF EGGS. pery, pedlars’ wares. In a register of tans. hearth, and she thought it would be forms. The most familiar are as meal, try, and, going up to a little house, she said. "1’11 surely do that.” And she White shoes are going to have a good burials of Wnre in 1055 we have one no harm to have one look up the chim ­ hominy and grits. Practically all the found an old hag living in it. laid down the’ bag nnd sheared the sale with fabric shoes, while buckskin Those of u Reddish Hur Better Than starch that is used in the United State« entry: "Michael Watkins, London, the l*nle Yellow. The hag asked her where she was ney, and there what did she Bee but sheep. oxfords, red, gray and even blue slip­ haberdasher of hatts, ” probably this her own mother's long leather bag of Is made from corn. Immense quanti­ There Is most probably an Important going. On she went till she met the goat, pers are Included in the smart class. being the first material of which hats gold and silver! So she took it down ties are also used In the manufacture She said she was going to push her The rule of the woman who knows dietetic difference between two eggs at once and, getting It on her back, who said: “Oh, change my tether! of glucose, which, among other things, were made. fortune. this summer Is to match the shoe and the yolk of one of which Is a. very pale Change my tether! For it hasn ’ t been Chambers gives another meaning to enters largely Into the manufacture of Said the hag, “How would you like starti*d away for home as fast as she changed these seven years.” stocking, Irrespective of whatever the yellow color and that of tl®* other a the word. He says it Is derived from rich, almost reddish color. It is a no­ to stay here with me, for I want u could run. “Oh, poor goat! Oh, poor goat!” she beer as a substitute for malt. color of the dress may be. the ancient name for a neck cloth, But she had not gone fur when she A large quantity of corn Is used an girl?" "1’11 surelj- do that.” And she The girls with small feet are taking torious fact that the country produced berdash, which Is derived from beard, met a horse grazing in a field, and nually in the manufacture of w-hlsky, “Whnt will I have to do?” said she. to the light colors, no matter liow egg may usually be pluced under the when hi* saw her be said: "Rub me! and nearly 15,900,000 bushels are used and taclie, a covering. “You’ll have to wash me and dress bright, while the others are rushing latter description, while tho egg pro­ Ilapertas was originally a cloth of Rub me! For I haven’t been rubbed every year in the manufacture of co duced tty the hen that is under an un- me and sweep tlie hearth clean, but on these seven years.” for the darker shades. a particular kind, the width of which logue spirits and alcohol. Even In the liealthy nnd limited environment shows the peril of your life never look up tbe was settled by Magna Charta. Hence But she only struck him with a stick manufacture of these products nothing an anaemic color, generally a very pale chimney,” snld the hag. a haberdasher was the seller of haper- Mourning Gowns. she had In her hand and drove him out Is lost, Tlie glutinous and other resi­ -yellow. The eggs of wild birds—as, “All right,” she agreed to this. of her way. Severe lines and effects are always for example, the plover—show a yolk of dues In the manufacture of starch, tasserie.—London Answers. The next day when the ting arose She did not go much farther when fashionable for deep mourning, nnd a rich reddish color. glucose, whisky and alcohol are used she washed her nnd dressed her, and almost classical lines are carried out THE LUDDITES. as cattle feed. The substance which contributes col­ when the hug went out she swept tlie she met the sheep, who said: “Oh, In some of the gowns made of crape, or to tlie yolk of the egg is Iron, just as hearth clean und she thought it would shear me! Shear me! For I haven't Authors ot the Famous Stockin* cloth and silk and crape combined. But it is iron which gives color to the be no harm to have one look up the been sheared these seven years." THE GLUTEUS MAXIMUS. Frame Hlots In England. But she struck the sheep und sent it at the same time the latest models In­ blood. and there nwms to be little chimney, nnd there whnt did she see Early in 1811 bands of distressed scurrying awuy out of her way. tended for other materials are made It Is the Stronvent Muscle In the Hu­ doubt that the iron compound in the but her own mother's long leather ling stocking knitters in Nottinghamshire up in dull veiling, dull cloth nnd dull yolk of the egg is of a similar nature She hud not gone much farther when man Body. of gold und sliver! So she took it down The strongest muscle in the human began a long aeries of riots, marked by crape, with plaitings, gathers and to that of the blood. It is easily as­ at once and, getting It on her back, she met tbe goat tethered, and he said: body is the gluteus maxlmuB. Hardly most wanton mischief. Assembling in flounces, so that there is just us wide a similated, and eggs are regarded as a started nway for home as fast ns she “Oh, change my tether! Change my tether! For it hasn't been changed a movement of the lower extremities parties of from six to sixty under a field of choice for women in mourning suitable food for the anaemic person, could run. . can be made without bringing it into leader styled general or Ned Ludd, dis­ as for women who are simply getting ns they present a concentrated and But she had not gone far when she these seven years.” But she flung a stone at him play, but its chief duty is to balance guised and armed with swords, pistols, together their ordinary wardrobes. generally easily digested form of nu­ met n horse grazing In a field, and went on. the pelvis on the head of the tldgb hammers and axes and bound together triment rich in iron. The iron com­ when he saw her lie said: "Rub me! Next she came to a limekiln, Straw I'nibrella Ilandlrn. bone. It assists In carrying the leg for­ by illegal oaths, they succeeded In pound of the egg has, in fact, been Rub me! For I haven't been rubbed that said:."Oh, clean me! Clean The strnw handle Is the thing for sun termed a “haematogen,” because it is ward and outward in walking, and smashing stocking frames in all parts these seven years.” For I haven ’ t been cleaned these seven of England, and their daring outrages umbrellas and even for frilly para ­ without its aid any movement of the probable that from it the blood of the But she ouly struck him with a stick body from the ldps would be impossi continued even when a large military sols. The handle is planted straw In chick is derived. The amount of iron she hail in her hand and drove him out years." But she only scowled at It and hurried on. • force was brought into the neighbor­ different colors, green and red, yellow in the yolk of an egg would appear tc of her way. ble. Then she came to tbe cow nnd it As it is the strongest, so Is it also the hood and two London police magis­ and green, mauve and pink, etc., to increase with the intensity of its color, She did not go touch farther when she met u sheep, who said: “Ob, shear said: "Oh, milk me! Milk me! For I largest muscle we possess. In the full trates came down to assist the civil match tlie sunshade. The effect Is cu­ ami there can be little doubt that the rious and suggestive of the little maximum is reaoiied in the richly col­ me! Shear me! For I haven't been haven’t been milked these seven grown man it can dXert a force of 110 power. years.” Site struck the cow out of her To such a pitch had this dangerous wicker covered flasks that are so con­ ored yolk of the egg produced by p sheared these seven years.” pounds to the stjuare inch of its section disturbance grown that a royal procla­ venient to slip Into one’s traveling bag. fowl existing In healthy suroundings, But she struck the sheep, nnd sent way und went on. in the thickest part. Then she came to the mill. The mill mation was issued offering a reward of it scurrying out of her way. Another strong muscle, which is sit for then Its processes of nutrition would £50 for the apprehension of any of the She had not gone much farther when said: "Oh, turn me! Turn me! For 1 uated in the calf of the leg, is capa ­ be working tinder very favorable con­ Check« In Favor. haven ’ t been turned these seven she met a gont tethered, nnd he said: ble of sustaining seven times the offenders. Not until October, 1810, did All of the checks and the smnller ditions. As an article of diet, there­ years. ” “Oh, change my tether! t'hnnge my weight of the body. The great tendon this wholesale destruction and vio­ plaids are enjoying a huge vogue in fore, the egg should be judged not by But she did not heed what It said, tether! For it hnsn't been changed w.hich is Inserted in the heel bone, call­ lence cease, by w’hlch time more than Paris, and the traveling gown illustrat­ tlie color of its shell, but of the yolk, only went in und laid down behind the these seven years.” "On the jmt U of your life never look up ed tendon achllles. Is also of singular a thousand frames and many lace ma­ ed is in a very smart broken plaid, which should be of a rich reddish rath But she flung a stone at him and mill door with the bag under her lieud, the chimney," taid the hay. strength. When removed from the chines had been broken up and the showing violet, ecru and a slight touch er than of a pale yellow color.—Lancet mischief liad spread into neighboring of a very faint green. This Is fash­ went on. Next she came to a lime for it was then night. laid down the bag. and she changed the body, it has sustained a weight of counties.—London Chronicle. When the ling cartie into her but kiln, nnd it said: “Oh, clean me! Clean 2,000 pounds, yet sometimes by the ioned with a double breasted blouse goat's tether. Then she went on till she THE ENGLISH TAILOR. me! For I haven’t been cleaned these again and found the girl gone, she ran met the limekiln. The limekiln sahl: sudden action of the muscles of the Eton, having n broad sailor collar and to the'chimney and looked up to see if seven years.” But she only «cowled A Pair of Them. belted snugly at the waist with the He Used to Be Humble, but Now He she hail carried off the bag. She got “Oh, clean me! Clean me! For I calf, to which it belongs, It has been at it nnd hurried on. la a Hanitbty Vampire. “One of the eonsolntiotis of advanc­ haven’t been cleaned these seven snapped across. into a great rage, and she started to After another bit she met a cow, nnd ing years," said a man well pnst mid­ Of late, be it noted, the tailor has be­ years.” run as fast as she could after her. it snld: "Oh, milk me! Milk me! l-or dle age, “Is the privilege we take unto come quite an unreasonable and gratui­ “Oh, poor limekiln! Oh. poor lime­ PERMANENT MAGNETS. She had not gone far when she met I haven't been milked these seven ourselves of Jesting on the subject tous drain on all men’s purses. kiln! ” she said. “ I ’ ll surely do that. ” years.” She struck the cow out of her the horse, nnd she said, "Oh, horse, And she laid down the bag and cleaned The Simplent Way or Mngnetlzln« a with people Just a few years older. Formerly you were bls patron. He horse of mine, did you see tills maid of way and went on. Bar of Steel. “For instance,” he continued, “Inst was very civil nnd gave you uninter- the llmekllD- mine, with my tig, with my tug, with Then she came to n mill. The mill The simplest way of magnetizing ■ night I took dinner with an uncle, aged mlttent opportunities for seeing the top The cow said: “Oh. milk me! Milk me! said: “Oh, turn me! Turn me! For I my long leather bug nnd nil the gold For I haven't been milked those seven bar of steel is that known .as “single ninety, and enjoyed It Immensely. I of his bend nnd tlie back of Ills neck. and silver I have earned since I wns a haven’t been turned these seven touch.” The bar to be magnetized is love to hear old men tnlk. nnd this Is He rubbed his hands and crawled be­ years.” maid?" years.” laid on the table and the pole of a pow­ my only great-uncle. Well, my Great- fore you for 5 guineas a suit. If you “ Oh, poor cow! Oh. poor cow! ” she “Aye," sold the horse, “it is not lo°ng But she did not heed what It said, erful magnet is rubbed from ten to uncle Ellas told a good many stories paid any time before the death of the said. ” 1 ’ 11 surely do that. ” And she since she pussed here. ” only went in and laid down behind the twenty times along its length, always of old times, nnd they were good sto­ senior partner In ids business he So on she ran nnd it was not long un laid down Vho bag and milked the cow. mill door, with the bag under her head, in the same direction. If the north ries, too, but he repeated himself now bowed you to youp equipage nnd said At last she reached the mill. The til she met the sheep, and snid she, for it was then night. pole of the mngnet 1 b employed the end and then. in bls heart that you were a great gen­ mill said: "Oh, turn mo! Oh. turn me! When the ling came Into her hut "Sheep of mine, did you see this maid "My younger uncle, also Uncle Elins, of the bar first toueh«*d will also be­ tleman. ngaln nnd found the girl gone, she ran of mine, with my tig, with my tag, For I haven’t b»s*n turned these seven come a north pole, while the opposite who was present, got a trifle testy aft­ Today he Is a vampire, ho sucks your to the chimney and looked up to see if with my long leather bag and all the years.” end, at which the magnet Is lifted be­ er awhile, no doubt because he didn’t blood, he walks erbet, he chooses cloth "Oh, poor mill ’ Oh, poor mill! ” she gold and silver I have earned since I «lie had carried off her ling. She got get n chance to talk quite as much as fore returning, will be a south pole. for you, you must have what be tells said. “I’ll surely do that.” And she into a great rage, and she started to was n maid?” There are other and more complicated usual, and he muttered to me: you to have, his terms are cash on de­ "Aye, ” snld the sheep, "It Is not long turned the mill too. run as fast as she could after her. “ ‘Gracious goodness, that makes six methods, known as “divided touch” livery, bls credit will Inst you six As night wns on her, she went in and “double touch,” in which two and times Uncle Elias has told about how She hnd not gone far when she met since she passed here.” months, and as often as not he is a So she goes on, and it was not long nnd Inld down behind the mill door to the horse, nnd she said, "Oh. horse, he once got even with a schoolteacher even four magnets are employed. member of your friend's club. horse of mine, did you see this maid before she met the goat, and said she, sleep. A steel bar can also be magnetized who whipped him when he was a boy! He Is the person who makes you or AVlien the hag came into her hut by placing it within a coll of insulated Old men get awfully forgetful.’ of mine, with my tig, with my tag, “Gont, gout of mine, did you see this mnrs you. With bls bit of soapstone maid of mine, with my tig, with my again nnd found the girl gone, she ran with my long leather bag and all the “ ‘Thnt’s so,' I said. ’This makes wire, through wldch a galvanic current lie can turn you out just so or not just gold and silver I have earned since I tag. with my long leather bag aud all to the chimney to see if she had car­ Is circulating. The magnetism Induced three times you've said to me that so. Be civil to him, I adjure you. You the gold and silver I have earned since ried off her bag. She got into a great In this way, however, Is weak com­ Uncle Elias has told that tale six was a mnld?" are only a poor, soppy, brainless, driv­ and started to run as fast as she pared with that which can be procured times.' "—Indianapolis Journal. “Aye,” said the horse, "It Is not long I wns a maid?” eling rascal of a man. If you be not "Aye,” said the gont, "it is not long could after her. since she passed here.” if the same strength of current Is em« well dressed you will become a wreck, since she passed here. ” Monte-Chrlato In Real Life. She hail not gone fnr until she came So on she ran, nnd It wns not long ployed through the intervention of an a hulk, a derelict, a castaway on the So she goes on, nnd it was not long up to the horse and said, “Oh, horse, electro-magnet One of the most sensational cases of until she met the sheep, nnd said site, misty shores of business and society.— escape from Jail ever recorded took "Slieep, sheep of mine, did you see this before she met the limekiln, nnd said horse of mine, did you see this maid London Gentlewoman. p.ace at Lille, France, where a man maid of mine, with my tig. with my she, "Limekiln, limekiln of mine, did of mine, with my tig, with my tag, “Hamlet" at Elsinore. was shut up named Vandenwegaete tag, with my long leather bag and all you see this maid of mine, with my tig, with my long leather bag and all the Shakespearean commentators have LanffUHfre of Hairdreaalnic. TBAVELtNO GOWN. the gold and sliver I earned since I with my tag, with my long leather bag gold nnd silver I bare earned since I wondered why the poet placed the in the condemned cell underground Hairdressing is an elaborate study new gold belt. The skirt has the tab- and all the gold and silver I have enrn and approached from a subterranean was a maid?” wns n maid?” scenes of “Hamlet" nt Elsinore, in the in Japan, where the style of the coif­ The horse said: “Do you think I have island of Zealand, whereas the Danish passage. On a Monday evening at 8 Iler front and hip yoke cut in one, this fure generally Indicates the position "Aye,” snld the sheep, “It is not long cd since I was a maid?” extending to the hem, nnd at the sides “ Aye," said Vie limekiln, "it is not since she passed here.” nothing to do but only watch your prince lived and died In Jutland. But o l’ ’ clóck he was found to have vanished and age of the lady. Thus girls of So she goes on. and it wns not long long since she passed here.” maids for you? You rnny go sonic- the munlclpnl authorities at Elsinore from Ills cell, and not till Tuesday there Is n very full flounce sliirred on eight or nine wear their Lair in u Low So she goes on. and It was not lone where else .md look fcr information.” discovered in their arthives that an vuuld the secret of Lis escape be dis- 6 little !e !o . toe knee. Bunds of vio­ before she met the gont. nnd snld «lie at the back, wound round with rod “Goat, goat of mine, did you see tills before she met the cow, nnd says she, Then she came to the she<*p. "Oh. English company was acting tn their covered, Wlth the moistened bread let velvet piped with white silk sou­ crape, the front being left bare except tache outline the collar nnd cuffs on the “ Cow, cow of mine, did you see this served to him he had taken a print of maid of mine, with ui.v tig. with my shts-p. sheep of mine, have you seen town in 1587 or 1588. and among the for two locks dangling at the side, nnd tag, with my long leather bag and all maid of mine, with mjl tig, with my this maid of mine, with my tig, with names of the actors are several of those the lock and had also made a mold, blouse, the neck of which is filled In the marriageable damsels comb their with n dalnti lingerie chemisette, and the gold and silver I earned since 1 tag. with my long leather bag and all my tag. with my long leather bag and who were acting with Sly,kespeare in info which, to make a key. he he<1 i treAUM tiTgti in front a nil arrange them WAn.a ras.W?”. ------ tin gold ami sliver 1 have entiled'siuce uilTlie gold and stiver 1 nave earned London in 1589. Obviously these ac­ poured tlie metal of n tin drinking can, I these also serie to define the tablier either in the shape of n butterfly or a yoke nnd the iaunce upon the skirt. “Aye," said the gont, "It Is not long I was a maid?” since I wns a mnld?” half opened fan. A widow looking out tors must have talked about their ad­ melted down In another utensil of the since she pnssed here.” “Aye," said the cow, “it Is not long The slas-p said: “Do you think I have ventures in Denmark, and so Shake­ cell upon the little stove the cell con­ for a second spouse twists her locks Mednlllon Gloves. So she goes on, and it wns not long since sb«* passed here." nothing to do only to watch your maids speare became well acquainted with tained. His key properly made, he round a long shell lialrpln placed hori­ Medallion gloves are the latest out in before she met the limekiln, nnd salii So she goes on, and It was not long for you? You may go somewhere else Elsinore and when he wrote “Hamlet" had opened the cell door at night, tak­ zontally across the back of the head, the way of hand covering. These are she, "Limekiln, limekiln of mine, did before she met tbe mill, and said she, and look for information.” naturally placed the scene In a place en a second print of the lock of the in soft k'd. wldte or “mode," and are while she who vows to remain faith­ you see this timid of mine, with my "Mill, mill of mine, did you see this Then she went on till she met the which he knew by description rather subterranean passage door nnd. his ful to the dear departed cuts her hair tig, with my tag, with my long leather maid of mine, with my tig, with my goat. “Oh, gont, gont of mine, have than in a place of which lie knew noth- second key made, had chosen Ills mo­ fastened with a single clasp formed short and combs It plainly back with­ ling nnd all the gold nnd silver I earn tag. with my long leather bag nnd nil you seen this maid of mine, with my ment for escape, taking a long rope, of an enameled miniature framed in out any parting. ’ tof. ed since 1 wns n mnld?” by means of which be had scaled tlie gilt. Tlie I itichcss of Devonshire and tbe gold and sliver I have earned since tig. wltKmy tag. with my long leather “Aye,” said the limekiln, “it Is not I was a maid?" wall, breaking into a bouse opposite other beauties of that picturesque pe­ Five Thousand lllatlnct Lnn*na*e«. An Odd Globe. bag, til hit with gold and silver I have Mr. J. Collier, writing on the subject, long since she passed here.” And the mil) said: "Yea. She is earned since I was a maid?” A great globe ornamented with the the jail, where he got away with a riod are favorite subjects for the me­ says that over 5,000 distinct languages dallions. London Express. So she goes on. and It was not long ah*eplng behind tlie door.” Tlie goat said: “Do you think I have map of the earth carved In stone dec­ suit of clothes. are spoken by mankind. The number She went In anil struck her with a nothing to do only to watch your orates the estate of an eccentric Eng­ before* she met the cow, and «nld she, of separate dialects is enormous. There Cariosity. “Cow, reiw of mine, did you «ee thia white rod and turned her into a stone. maids for you? You can go somewhere lishman at Swanage. It stands over­ The General t'llllty Conaal. "Professor," said Mrs. Noozey to the are more than sixty vocabularies Jn looking the sea and is visible for quite maid of mine, with my tig. with my She then took the bag of gold and sil­ else and look for information.” In those larger towns in Turkey cranky old professor of archaeology, Brazil, and In Mexico the Nahua lan­ Then«she went on till she enme to a distance. One may walk atsiut It and tag. with my long leather bag and all ver on her back and went back home. where England Is repre*sent«*d by a “what do you consider the. most curi­ guage has broken up Into 700 dialect». When tlie second daughter had been study it In detail. The plain surfaces, the limekiln. "Oh, limekiln of mine, the gold and stiver I have eanied since There are hundreds In Borneo. In consul that official Is looked upon as a ous thing you ever saw?” gone a year and n day and she lindn ’ t such as the oceans, lakes and deserts, did you see this mnld of mine, with my 1 waa a maid?” sort of court of appeal by Christians. "Woman unquestionably,” be replied. Australia there Is no classifying th» "Aye," said the cow. "It Is not long come back the yoirtigest daughter said: tig. with my tng. with my long leather are decorated with Scriptural texts, complexitlW, and generally the num­ “My two sisters must la* doii% very bag nnd ¿ill the gold and silver I have which are supposed to apply especially Armenians, Bulgarians. Macedonians —Philadelphia Ixilger. since she pnssisl here.” ber of dlal«eV» 1» In lnvet»e proportion and even Jews, who have probably well Indetsl nnd making great fo» to the locality they occupy. e®yned since I was a maid? ” long Ho she goi*s on, and It wns not to the lntalle«Tual culture << the popu- Mighty Qnter.i n'ever heard an English word Spoken, tunes when they are not coming back, she, Snld*the limekiln: “Do you tbifk I before she met tlie mill, and said c©»«e »ne «Weeereiceo*. "It's mighty queer about families. datloq. Aa»um* that only fifty dialect® will n0pi*nl to the British coltoul when "Mill, mill of mine, did yod see this nnd It's n shame for me to f>e sitting linve nothin® to*<|«> but only w«teh Cranky Husband (at a recept**)—I In «dliflcultles. and be rarely refuses There’® Mrs.«O'Sbaughnes^. Rhe has on *n average brlory to »very lan- • here doing nothing, either to help you, V..HT maids «... ’--'’niay go your for — you? ' You maid of mine, with my tig. With my wtsh^ou were* ns lively >• that woman bl» MJ»1 otfle««, In ordinary case» hl.4 no children, an' If I mvrnfrnlter corrlct- ®ua®e an® vh« coloaae» Antal tug. with my long leather bag’and all mother, or myself. Make me a ban somewhere else to look for lnforma- over there Wlfe-®imiq®! No worker unofficial baofelpffi of the "¿Jaours" Is ly it wa» the si'.me with her mother."— of S50.OD klacuWUe HMM - ffi»»0- the gold nnd silver I have earned since nock and cut me a cnllop.otlll 1 go tion." sSL's Jolly. 8li®'s n rich widgR®. Life. ( son« WaMlB. dActlve. • » away and push my fortune." • ’ Next she met the cow. “ Oh cow, cow 1 was a in Al?" 0 * 0 • O • O o • 0 • • o o o o 0 ° 0 O 0 O oo O ° O 0° cPo O ° ° °o Û O o o G • 0 o e 0 * GO O ° OO 0© • 0 • •• • o o i O»g»O0O0O»C»»O»O»C».»O»O» The Old Hag’s ♦ «f Long ! i Leath Leather Sag © i ■J o o o o Q