Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, August 04, 1904, Image 4

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is runi.isnKD
One at F- 00
ATnnthn 1 00
Throe Mouths
This pppor is entered at the. Bnndon post
oJuco ns Second-olass Matter.
THURSDAY. AUG. 4, 1904.
Seattle civil service employees nro
up HK'imt tUe drink proportion to
the extent tbat they must qmt-beavy
tippling or lose tbeir positions. It
would be better to limit tbe proposi
tion still further nnd make it ''quit
drinking intoxicating liquors," aud
then there would not be tbe danger of
employe s going to excess.
Gen. Kuropatkiu must supply tbe
home government at St. Petersburg
with something iu the ay of war
news, ami being bard pressed for any
thing bolter witb which to console
those anxious to hear encouraging
news from the front, he has settled
down to the stereotyped phrase, "The
Ku-sian forces retired in good order
having li-c'vi'i1 that 'he Japanese
wii up.-ii.-r in numbers.' His re
port i- te---?im tmmotutiO'is.
32 .-iking ISi'icks.
Jdge .S lnetler was down from
rg-.'. u:i Saturday. and reports uper
liii - f ! !. i t-u brickyard progress
log ttc:y. J't.e have one buudred
tiioUfhu.i S rick- n the yard. Owing
to iiarvp;. .-s A tbe weather tbe
jryiflg puei-s l- Sfiuewbht sKiwer
Ibjtu was anticipated, but the work of
placing them iu tbe kilu will bebeguu
soon. W bib the machinery is not all
that ir. desired, a good lot of fairly
DrfSfiiiabb 1 ticks will be turned out
Urn- smumt-r, an.i iu care tbe material
tun.out to be us good as anticipated,
other machinery of iho latest pattern
will be added next St aron, and the
veiy finest articles of brick and tiles
will be turned out that yard to
u.e't any demand (q. Herald.
15ig Untile I'rogresxinjj.
St. Petersburg, Aug 1. A big bat
tle in in progress at Haicbeng. Gen
eral Count Keller, commanding the
forces in action, was killed by u burst
ing shell.
Loudon. Aug 1 Renters has a dis-i
patch ab.sertiug that Ktiropatkius east
front or tight dauk bas be;u turned
by tbe Japanese.
St. Petersburg, Aug. 1 Kuropatkiu
reports: "The Japanese armies simul
taneouly renewed tbeir advance ou
our southern front. Our rear guard
offered a stubborn resistance uniil tbe
attacks of the enemy tevealed that
ihey were of a grea'ly superior force.
The rear guards slooly retired in tbe
direction of Haicbeug.
'The Russian divtsion near Simnn
cbeng successfully checked a forco of
tbe enemy which pressed toward our
right flank.
"Tbe Japanese: main blow was de
livered by tbe Taku Shan army, Oku
commanding, between Sim.uncbeng
and Haicbeug."
Yinkow, Aug.l-Considerable forces
of Japanese have been landed uuder
tbe cover of warships.
Cholera Infantum.
This disease bas losr its terrors
siuce Chamberlain's Colic. Cbolera
and Diarrhoea Remedy came into
treoeral use. Tho uniform success
which attends tho use of this remed
in all cases of bowel complaints in
children bas mudo it a favorite wber
over its value has become known. For
sale by C. Y. Lowe.
Coauty (.curt Proceeding.
O rdered that the bond of J R Dalley. coan
ty trouRurpr elect, with R E Shine, John
Morgan, J W BerJnctt, Jrwos li Flanagan.
C Rogers, L H Hazard, A J Sherwood, R
C Dement ut.d Isuiah Hacker as sureties, be
Roacs and Rridgen. (con)
Ord-rcd that the following hills be paid
out of the General Road Fund for r d 3.
Southern Oregon Co, tools, ttc $ 18 2T,
Pete Ihockitinn. Iahor 13 00
r.'at T.lhot. same 10 00
W ElPott. 6rtuie 20 00
G NicholR, same 14 00
John Lumen, same 2000
A Sudeistiom, Hnio -'2 00
John Furlev, same 37 Q
$170 7;
J ItaKSf :.d'.tf. lahor
'Alln-ri Nyuiim, name
Gus Johnson, faice
R3- Rr.zll.'KHine
H Reck, same
Lyle Ihown. fiauie
lili Mete df, lame
Ira lhee, same ..
N Dafiene, same
C'hailea Decker, sntiie
Wni Mcjlnlh-n. same
N Hiifiene. 'iii
TSEvetden, rd 13. n jM.rt
mid niiioniit allovvcd
L D MeRee. r d IS. lahor
J R McRee. Khtue
'I !"!ifcd ii'
w . . iri-t.. , :m . . .
k y 't. t.iCtc . . .
,ii iiryaift, fl.icio
. . -
. 2G 0J
. 8 00
. 31 IS
. 20 00
315 2;
22 4
. 3f, 2u
Tki 150
. 24 00
. 10 00
. IKtiO
. 24 00
83 00
3 00
41 fio
2 00
:: ;VJ
! ''
ii Knight, same .23 CO
U A Cribbius. snmo f 00
A L Nosier, fame. 5 40
S U Lasbbaauh: Inmher 97 00
J G Fish it Suns. "timber bridge Mvr
tie Creek. 1903 10 00
W M Kny, eapvr r d 21 npp nmt dne.. lf8 48
Jeff Ouriibv, r d 21. Itibo C2 SO
Geo Sell, same f2 00
Jeff Owtibv, simo 45 00
Gt-oSell. same 47 00
las Vowell, HRtut 19 00
Win Kobm, same 44 2;
TT Smith, game 86 50
T H Mehl it Co, r d 21. material 25 55
A Davis, soovr r d 24. rept npp. all'd. 26 80
A J Hadnbangl), supvr i d 27. rept npp
and allowed 126 65
Bert McCloakey. r d 27, labor 26 60
L Lnfferty. snmo 24 00
Percy Schroeder, snino 45 00
"W Connts. name 26 60
Henry ltndabnnch. snmo ' 24 61
Clay DiMiient. r d 23. labor 105,00
Geo Lninuor. same 72 00
.Tnmea Cownn. r d 23. labor viewing r 6 00
Ordered that the following supervisors
pay thempelves out of r d funds ns follows
B li Hums supvr r d 16. report npp..$ 15 45
1 M PerkinH, enpvr r d 19, report apt 80oU
V A Prewett, supvr r d 20. rept npp.. 100 00
W I ilnhuati, suprr rd 19. (con.) for
190 J
G W Winter, supvr r d 22. r-pt app...
10 K)
C M Herman, supvr r d 23. rept app.. 166 00
A Dav.a supvr r d 23. rept npp 9 30
E A Howey, supvr r d 28, rept npp...
E 1 Mast, sti vr r d 3U, rept app
'1 uo
In ro locn 1 1-:i uf DameI- cruel:.
Catchiiii hl'Uuh road continued.
Petition dr lelouulioii of slouch
county road djsu.i-.sed.
Petition lr co no ( y road in town of North
Hend. continued.
Ordered that C S McColloch be tpp.i::trd
one of the Board of County Bond viewe.s.
In ro ilyttb- Point Cooper Mndje r- nd.
The same was continued foi the term.
In re Iciti.m of c unity nnd beginnm.'
near corner f -ectious 31 32. 2; and '7 tp
20 , B 14 We-t.
Petition grantt-d no 1 same ordered sur
veyed, the B.mrd of U aJ Viewers to ni.-i-t
July 27. liVJI.
In re 'Lett Hill Cl.nntre' on Middle I'.ok
road: Kprt of viewers and urve r ap
proved nnd road ordered opened
In re Koy-Coquille City road: llepoit of
road viewers nnd sutvevors npprow d. and
the following prrnoiiR allowed the uu s st-t
opposite their names I. r dMimiuvs -mi ni I
road, as follow- :
Ed Johnson . . . $ 0078
J L Km 174 '.1
Frank Collier 21U 26
Selfs, et a, claim for $."00 reduced in 223 90
James Must 82 50
Gilmau heir 117 40
G W Wheeler 418 P0
In re survey for grade up "Shuck Hill" on
North Fork iu rd 31. Ordered that the
following hills be paid out of rond ln .il:
A N Gould. 2 day and mileage. . $ 1 1 .VI
J E Clinton, Todays, axman 3 (X)
J V Shuck, 2 days axman 4 09
Iu re wrongful nnd douhle nssesment of
Ordered that S. GHllier. tar collector, take
credit for 92.98 nptm the delu.qutnt tax
roll for the ear litUl.
In re micellnneoiif liills of expense for the
conrt houe and jail nnd the various utHes.
same ordered paid as follows:
Dr E E Straw, tml due on antopiy
. . . s ir.m
II Millner, ?n!w wt for por faun.. 411
T Nosier, team tor use of court o 00
S H Cat heart. etahlisbmg corners ... IS IK)
'J bitfle. team for ne of conit 11 IX)
Dr Geo Rus-ell, attending Mr-?. Hat
20 00
21 2;"
G 2:
2 ."()
1 00
2 00
12 00
i a.
7 20
Chadwtck L"dge N 6 A F & A M,
rent for elect iou and lights
K S KnouUon, hiindiies fr court
A C Lnkens. carpentering in ct room
W M Fraker, cuttint- grasB in ct yard
J R Dnlley, RtnmpR for Trens ollice.. .
L Harlocker, stamp's for judge's oflice
T A Walker, insurance of poor farm
building, $t."00
Coq water works, water to Jnlv 31 ...
N Lorenz, cloth foi table in nsessor's
J G Fish fc Sons, bulletin board for
clerk's office
George T .Moulton. agent, freight on
S G.illler. supplied for prisoners, etc.
$l.2-V, board for prisoners toJnue
W. SlOri.fw
lft'5 SO
8 00
Mrs. Whetstone, wash for prisoners..
Coq Elect iio Light C , lights for ct h 12 U)
Geo Martin, wood for conrt hone 4 .0
J A S.-ed coal. wood, trio to uoor frm 10 ."0
W H Mansoll, conl and freight for ct
iimisn HJ
S R Cathcart, ink sl-uid, $1. not alld.
In ro painting p-ior farm: L Ijarlocker or
dered to paj for wnid pointing when the
sarne shall hivo been completed, out of the
general fund of Coos County.
Oidered that tho following hill of expeusv
for officers' salaries and clerical help iu the
various offices be paid ns follows:
Florence Rosa, 10 days iu dark'
Hi e S -3 00
T J Thrift, collectinc n.dl tax 20 10
Rav Collier. 78 dav- in asr' Slice. . . l'J." W
J S Lawrence. G7 dy dep in ih-o-ih r's
ion r.o
G G Rrown. land lists for assessor
A D Wolcott, serviccH sheriff's office.
47 SO
S Gallier, deputy hire, cir court
A N Gould, work in assessor's office..
R C Dement, exam roads aud mil
W H Hunch, sal as supt and postage.
L H II zird. Hnlary a clerk and help
10 SO
in circuit court
R H Mast, deputy clerk
J R Dulley, tieas
S Gallier. sheriff
E M Grd ivr, deputy sheriff
L Harlocker. judge, for quarter bud
149 00
10(5 G7
wr June 30 2.10 00
E A Anderson, commissioner and mil .r3 80
Lloyd Soires. com nnd milence 61 80
E N Smith, h-lp in assessor's oflice,
$16.00, not fllowek
Violent Attack of Diarrhoea Cured
Chumbnlaln Collo. Cholerj and
DlHirhoea Remedy, and Per
liHim m Life Saved.
''-V short time ago I was taken with
a violent attack of diarrhoea, and be
lieve I would have died if I had not
gotten relief,' says John J. PnWon, a
leading etiizn of Patton. Alabama
,A friend recommended Chamber
bun's Colic. Cholera and Diarrboe;
ltmedy. I bought a twenty live cent
bottle and after taking three doses of
it wus entirelv cured. I consider it
ttiM best remedy in tho world for bo we
' complaint-. For -n! 5-v U. Y. Lov.
6. Drugisl.
Home Circle Column
Crude Thoughts An They Full Prom The
hilitorial Fen. fMonmtnt Kvenlii Kev
erlen. A Column Dedicated to Tired
Mothein as The Join The Home Circle
at Kveiilujj Tido. .
We hopQ tbe Home Circle Column
will spur tbe perplexed youth to act
t be Columbus t bis own undiscovered
possibilities; we urge bim not to
brood over tbe past, or droam of the
future, but to get bis lesson from the
hour; we would eucourage bim to
make every occasioq a great occasion,
fur be can Dot tell when fate may
take bis measure for a higher place;
to bbow bim tbat be must not
wait for his opportunity but make it.
This column tells the round boy bow
be must get out of a square hole into
which be had been wedged by cir
cumstances or mistake; to holp bim
bud bis right place iu life; to teach
the hesitating youth tbat in a land
where shoemakers aud farmers sit in
congress uo limit can be placed to
the career of a determined youth
who has once learned tho alphabet.
The btandpoiut of tbe Homo Circle
Column cannot be measured in gold
but iu character. If it should opeu
wide the door of some narrow life
ami awakou powers before nukuoivn
we shall feel repaid for our labors.
The Home Circle is, iu its essen
tials, a God giving iustiuct or a mat
ter of growth and education, it is at
the foundation of all our civil polity,
aud the family is at tho bane uf the
town, as the luvn is at the base of
i be hi ate anil so long as the family
relatiou is kopt pure and uudciib d
auKMig tiny peoplo, so long as child
ren holier their parents, as parents
bear iu mind their responsibility con-
ceruiug muse whom iney nave
brought into the world, as the hearts
of brothers aud sisters beat as oue.
o long win mat people possess
shields and safeguards against ene
mies in having homes and altar Urea
worth lighting for. There are few
limits more beautiful to see than
this family affection, tho holieitude
of the old for tho young, tbe rovt-r-euee
of the juung for the old. the
gentle ties of afiilliatioti between .-.i.-ter
and sifter, the noble loyalty of broth
er for mother, the at trillion to trilles
tbat makes nappine.-s for oue anoi her
the deadening of si life ami de.-t ruc
tion of envy, the mutual aiding and
uplifting. There tiitir-t be ties, equal
to those of l-lood, iu hie from tb-
earliest remembrance about the same
hearth and at the same mother's unee.
Happy rhould be tho Home Circle
... !. ) link or vacant
LMTtTStj .w ........ r ..
hair. This is the seaM.n of tho year
that we more freqneutK v"tit our Si-
etit City, and drop a Mower, if not a
tear, upon tho lat ro.Mit.g place of
utue loved one. The Miu of winter
ha lengthened into spring, atul sj'rif.g
into summer, smd tho buds aud How
ets have awakened from their peaco
fill slumbers. Nature now is here in
all her glory. Gei.tle hhowers ami
warm Minbiue have come to force the
buds iuto charming life and to beau
tify the woodlauds. It has beeu aid
that there is les of worth in the cotu-
pauiouhhip of tho living than in tbe
memories of the dead. Iheir memo
ries wo would treasure in our hearts
aud from their lives learn ksous of
goodness and of wisdom the better to
lit us for the performance of the du
ties yet remaining. Life is not whol
ly a count of losses, for in the balance
sheet of tune there are gains, immor
tal gains. Death is not the ending
but tbe beginning of life. It is the
nun rise, not the sunset of our exist
ence. "It is not all of life to livo nor
all of death to die." As tbe glories of
tho setting sun are reilet-led in li e
western sky, so tho influence of the
upright lives long after then eyes are
closed to mortal vision.
Takt-n UU Crnuin.
Wni. Kirmse.a member of the bs idgo
gang wurkitig near Littleport wa
takeu suddenly ill Thursday night
witb cramps and a kind of cholera.
His case whb so severe that he had to
have the mend ers of the crew wait
upon bim and air. Gifford was called
and consulted. Ho told them ho bad
a medicine in tbe form of Chntnber
Iain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Ruuedytbat he thought would help
him out. and accordingly several doses
were administered with the result that
tbe fellow was able to bo around next
day. Tbe incideut speaks quito high
ly of Mr. Gilford's medicines. Elka
der, Iowa, Argus.
This remedy never fails. Keep it
in vonr home, it may save life. For
sale bv C. Y Lowe.
Church Directory
M. E. Cuunca.
PreaehinK norvico nverv 'Jnd nnd 4th Sun
day nt, 11 A.M. nndH:P. M.
Snndiy every Snndity ut 10. A. M.
itpworth Leaune . 7:P. M.
Prayer iiibetiiiK Wednesday at H: P. M.
W. H. Mkyeui, Pastor.
PncsuriKniAS Skkvicu.
Prennhinc lt und 3rd Sundays, morning
and eveninc;.
Sundny School each Suiubiy at 10 n. m.
Endeavor meetings at the usual hours.
Prayer moetiti", 7 :'M Thnrsday oveiiinRS
All are welcome.
Ahqlpu IlAnguiiY. Pastor.
The Weekly OreRon:an and this paper
iflvr you all the news; of home, state, the
Northwest and the nation.
to.'... a
55 d u
2S2.r Kr lcy St.,
CutCAoo. I li... Oct., 2, 1902.
I suffered with falling ami con
gestion of the womb, with severe
pains through the groins. I suf
fered terribly at the time of men
struation, had blinding headaches
and rushing of blood to the brain.
What to try 1 knew not, for it
seemed that I had tried all and
failed, but I had never tried Wine
of Cardui, that blessed remedy for
sick women. I found it pleasant
to take and soon knew that I had
the right medicine. New blood
seemed to course through my veins
and after using eleven bottles I
was a well woman.
Mrs. Bush is now in perfect
health because she took Wine of
Cardui for menstrual disorders,
bearing down pains and blinding
headaches when all other remedies
failed to bring her relief. Any
sufferer may secure health by tak
ing Wine of Cardui in her home.
The first bottle convinces the pa
tient she is on the road to health.
For advice in cases requiring
special directions, address, giving
symptoms, "The Ladies Auvisory j
Department," The Chattanooga fe NOTIK.
Notice i- herehy given to all jwrflons not
totre-piiHs upon the pr.-misesof Dr.Ketiyon.
i!tiat. :1 hrtween Floras Luke and the comi
tv road, ill Northern G-iiry. hv i moving.
cat tun.', or (lcslro:ng limber up hi said
litul. $-'.- reward v.ili he pud fr iofonaa- 1
tion leading to conviction of trespa.-t. as i
staled nbuve.
Dated at R.mdo'i. ( -vg n. .M'ireli i. mi.
1TJ Ni:bStN. Actnt.
Shaving Parlors
and Bathrooms
o- -ISnths
2.1 Cents.
Vorkrnae.sbip up to dale in any
thing in my line.
El Dorado
P. B. HOYT, Prop.
l.ocati-.l In i:L l)()l;D) Rl'lLDlNG.
' x ,;-,,f i
t . . . -,
Uiitluv.KiM iM-uly litc! witli I'rc-tiiin
Til'.t. Mot nrfttlil ll::lli- efiil-
ix Tin: r.i;:cc:ir
k 1
'1 (IK
ST ATK Or t)!ivRK. I."
Tin-: cou.N'iv i.f ioos
AN t)
MnryE Kni-t.
Iv.'.it in family
f r
W. H. limit.
Uilei.daisl J
To W. II. Hunt, tho i.!:ve named defi-ad.-.nt.
iii;i.7:(IK! Vim r.r.- herhv reinired to
p.-iir''t:iil tiniwiT the romj::iii t tiled nuaiiHt
v..n in :lu. iilmvi ei:titl i ('i art :md enue on
or hefore the M:i day f Septnnher. I'.Mt, t:.e
last (Say of the Mine preciiifU in u:e oru-r
f.,r ill.." mili'ic.-.t ton of tliiti S ii:u:oii. and
that if u fail to s piear and .itiswer s;iul
that It XOH Hill 1" "ppriir lii.w liiin n.iio
Comn'.aitit. for want theinW. plaintiir will
r,p,.l' to the Conn for the r l;et d.-mamlod
in said c ditu.t. a snrru.ri k? att-mout ut
which rt'ii.'f, lei:inti'le.i. is a Mllow-:
For a deoiec of Hie ('urt. t tint th- -
riae relmitiiH now xi.-.tieii "eiwc n plain-
tiff and defendant he for-v,-r
That the eare mid ot lUe n, .
hild. Loxd I'.H'."'. heav.a.d.d I- p a.ntil
, lhi--nit. and that p'.au.l m h .v,. jii.t-m. nt.
in ihinit.amlthat p!i:inn:i i.-iv,. j.i,
aC lHt"tl III U4'!1 Jil.'OO t.F. .... W'Ml-l .1.1V1
hnr t'iiient. i'i thin suit.
This summon ; is piihlished hy order of
the Hon. Ij Harluitker, Coipity .)n-lc of
C.oo Co-mtv. O e.'iin. ni'ide on the -2 I da
.-I 1 r,...I....( I... ,1., , .n,, .11,.
of July. KK-1. nqanint.' XUvt snmnM.i.s lo i.-
pul.hshed u. the Hand .N- ..;...;u f..i y.x
,.,. Jt'.-ntive u-,-1: ?r- in 'he ' ti. -lav ;.t ,'
I1WI. ihi-ihite..f.lh.;lij ihlie.,t:.,i,
GI'.O. 1 yi i'iii.
A:i...-r.ev tor I'la.ninT.
' " " " ".'. . . . . .......
xirnci-: i'ou !'i:i:bLCA Ti; :; J ii.:iiATi.n
ru' f .ami :ile.
Notice i herein1 yiveii lh;.t. in ptnsniinca
of m-iriii'tionx tio:n the Coniniiouei ot
the Ci!'.eral ban I Mlh-e. nnd -r authfiity
vi-Kted in him hv stvlnm 2i.Vi. I". S. Kt-v.
Stat., as ai::en.'.i"i hy h" act ot C ryre. hi
i rowd I'Voniarx L'tJtli . :MI.". wu will urnix-i-d
to ofTt-r at j.nhiii: sale on the
17th d'-.y of September,
tuowt, nt. thi.-s oHi.. the fnilowiny t-ncl f
land, to wif N' :i of S'-Vt,. Stolioii 1-5,
ToutiHhip :iu s., i:. ir. w.. w. m
Any and all ihtsoiis claimini: adverfiidy the
ahovu-drscrihed hinds nro advised to lile
their claiini in this oflice on or hefore the
dnv de-oiunutt'd for the coiuinenceinent of
said sale, otherwise their rihts will bu
forfeited. .
J. T. Hr.iniiKS. Hcnister,
.1. H. Hooth, Hoceiver.
Hosiihurn. Oieuon. July 'ithh, 1K)4.
Do You O
Know the News
JJJfYou can have it till for
10 r
in o nth
In tho Evenitni; Telcernrn, of Portland.
Orecon. It is the largest evening news
pnpe published in Orecon; it contains
all th news of tho state and of tlio
niuioi Try it for a month. A sample
o -py w Ihe'niaili'd to you free. Address
The Telegram,
Leaves Handon every niorninc except
Sunday, at 7 ::S0 o'clock and makes connec
tions with the train and fitcaiuer Myrl at
10::$0 a. hi. at. Coqnille f'ity.
Lenvea Coquille City ut l'J.otl p in., ntriv
iny ut !!:::!do:: v.t i-"0 p. sr.
Humlnii. Oregon,
Druggist and
Is just in receipt of n new and
fresh stuck of
Drugs nnd Chemicals,
Patent aud Proprietary Preparations
Toilet Articles,
SDi'iigo'i.HtM Sundries.
Peutujies, Bhusiies, Si'onoes, Soaps
Nuts aud Candies.
'lai, T.ili.irnis unit Clirurettea.
I'aintsi. Uils. Glauses, and l'ainter Supplied
Vou Can't Expect to Get
$2 worth fcr $1, but you
can get your money's
worth at
Dealer in Hoots and SIioch
Repairing neatly nnd promptty done at
lowest living prices.
Nonci: i or ri:n:,!CA vws.
IliiiUcr! Acl .IiiiK'
1MIK1) StvTV.-: ltSi )e.lC.U
.vr ilos::-
X'lti-f is hi rehv :;!r;. ii efiinjil: nci
with t'ie ifivi..ii .f ii.f:t.-t '. t 'nurt-.-s f
Jtiii- ., IT;. :il::U -1 "An i i f r tli- n!f uf
limhcr l.:::il5 t:t the Sfte f ('.ui:i-riia.
Hiifiii, .Ni:u'i. .-:.! Vi';:-I.i...
Te ri
... i
Slu'.i s
1 1;t.,' c
Sift,: I
y m:' -T .'.nan-t- 1. 1 A.;
. ! !.?::.. C.n; v V.
tien. h till-; l.-i tiif.l in lis-
iiict- u!.-. . ' tr. f!te;e-!i .N li ii nr j
iHin-lmS' f it t 1 Sit,'-. f NK.'.i -M'i
.... .r ... . . 'r'.... i ,niv: i
or . i .vt'iioii -. :. in u."ii -'
i hiiiij:.- N.'. N. V.. . ill o!T r : r..of to,
'lu i!s:it t.. laiul soii-.'hi viSn thle ! T L. tin.ti.M or stone ti.;:i tT ncri'ir.i' iini !
l-i:r,M -.- ai..l to ist !'; el.iitn toMiiil
I !. f. v -.' iV:v:', Cmaiv Ch ik of
C.hz (:ii:;:v. ie i: at ihe oi:n-e o; tin
( 'oi:nt v h rlc of C-m-qnilie.
Or.-j; n. : M"
..i. !...,.!., - 1.M til'
( .. t : at Co J
id v. :h- litrii :!av t
v.:u.i- a- vi! iiee :
X. i:. RarkloA'. !'::::d . A. l ak. ot
Pail;cr-.l) .i'. D. Ri '.uMeiirii:. of l'aik.-ri
nrij, anil T. R. l'reett. uf '. a::;-rdharj;. sl
of Coo-i ( niit y Oit ctn.
Anv and all per-ous cluiniini: adversely
:h' aliivi'-ilctitel Ifiid- r.- rqtu.-iel t i
tilf their e!iti:n-s in thi-J ur hi fore l'.lth day of e; teialKT. lWt.
.1. T. liMDll&i.
j'tn'.in Register.
Timber l.anil .et. .June ".. 1K7S.
('SITKU ) lATr.S lji;u, ..wrvtu.,
J Qn on. Jim- I'.Wi
j ?; tj j .vtvtV .-ivra tS. t in f .iiipli.'i
wjh 1U r.,u,t )I (lf n,,.,,,.. . C. .-le of
. .s . .,:itk.,j A sl,. ,.,r ;ilt. salt, ot
' . . . c.if.,, -.,..
I'sitku Sr.vTKS IjNii Oiv:t k, t:ui.'hiiro.
..V!X... u-.u V.fSit;ii"t-n T.-rn-
.," ..v,,..,,,.,! i j.U the lV.!u- L-uid
; nt A, , u N:lllnil
, ,; kJ .J f iUttthllK f:.-!i.lx ..i Co., Sratt-
. 1 ' d(tv -w , ilW , ,Vilv j
!"' v ' ' " ..,ni fit.-mit!it N'-. UJH f ir the par
ehati- ot the bts 1, .". U and 7 of Sec: Mil
;.,. t;. in T'ihip No IM South. Itaime No.
!,. Wfst.and mil offer -.roof to sho'.v that
1 1... i t 1 ;n!i-.lii im nioit- vahiaiile for it-
, ur ,. r r fc.jrit:iiiii.r l ir-
, , ,,..,,,,:..;, ...M .and
,.... t,; v(it;;. n. fui.n Cieik o: Ch.
.))!J5V ,,.,..,... :il ,,e . ilu-e of .:-tintv
(1, , f (:,,!tv. Ore.ot.. at t'nq-'.ilic.
1 , v:, i ,
i ireful!, mi .:o,.ia. . . :.e i.i.n ! iin..
i i 1 1 i .. w .! I it. ' A mil. I!. H:n!'
' ISMh He nan e- wil lit sse: Anion K. Had-
... i w a li, ml;. I) (;. e.nan i;'..u i.
I. 'rt -.U. all of i'aiki.Ti.'.i :r. Ccinty of j
('.jo-, 5 n :.'on.
A:.v an.l all piTS'ins niui'iiiiiy advi r-eh
J';,. ;ih land- ire tcq:used
t':!e their claiu.s in :1ns .'Ui-e on or hefore
m.1.1 I'.lth u.i of St-pteniher. I'.itll
J. T, ii;n(iiis.
jnnllO lu-m-itr.
I'nl.Iic I. ami Sale,
v.ition w lii-reliv oiviiii that in nnrs'innee
or instructions frnn the Cinimissioner of
tho (Jenerrtl Ijund Oilico. under authority
vi .sled in linn hv section 'l:; i.. uev
Stat . asMiiended hv the act of Conres ap
proved I-Vhinarv '-'llth, 1M. we will proceed
to offer at public Mil" on the Ktih d iv of An
....i ii..vt mi llii. olliee .Mie followini' traet
of hir.d. ti'.-wit : Nl'l4 of SK4. Stciion M.
Township U-S You'll. Kaiiu'" i vesi.
Anv and all persons claiinum adversp'v
the alnive described binds are advised to tile
their claims in this oflico on or before ih-dH-
ahove desiunated fori he commencement
of naid nle. otherwise their lights wid b
foi felted.
.1. T. nitin'irs. Uej:iter.
.1. H. Kootii. Iteceivcr.
Il'ip-el.iiii;, O-eyon. June -D. IUJI.
CnavniQUTS &C
AnrononondliiE n iketrh end description mor
quickly unccrtnln our opinion free wneiner an
mvpatlo.i ts rn.lbly patcntablo. Communlca.
ll.insKirlctlycoiiiUloiitlal. Ilandbopkon Patcnta
eat fro. Oldest ccncy for ecurlnff patent.
Piitcats takon throuch Muim & Co. recelye
ipeeial notice, without chnreo. In tlio
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly, freest clr-
MUNN & Cof36,8roadway- New York
We have put up an Up To-Dato LAUNDRY aud ore prepared to do
First-Class Work.
All Work Guaranteed.
Our Specialties are Shirts. Collars, Finery. Blankets, Curtains, and Wool
ens of all kinds.
NOSLER & LYONS, Proprietors.
The New, Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer
0. P. JENSEN, Master.
fhN Steamer is New. is Si rmijlv built, and fitted with the latest improvements, and will
give n reiMihtr S iluv service, fur j.iism t pers and freight. I tween the
Goquille River Oreoti. and San Franciscu. Calif.
KLHKRT DYER, Atient, Randon, Oregon.
K. T. KRHZ, Miuiiigiiii Acent, L'07 Front Street, Sun Francisco, California.
Hotel Coquille
J. V. TVWr.n. Irprotor.
This well known hotel is now uuder new and com
petent mauaemeut and has been thoroughly ren
ovated throughout. The table service is equal to
any in Southern Oregon. S mplo rooms for com
mercial men. Baggage transported to and fiom
boats and trains free of charge.
Fine uew bar iu couueciiou with tbe hotel.
Phoenix Family Flour
Tiie DPerrect Product of
Selected California. "Wliea.t.
Your Money Back if it Don't Suit
For S!o Exclusively by
est Son of
Half Brother of Staniboa! Time 2:07 i-2
Wal make the Season, Standing as follows:
At PORT ORcOKD the 1st, 12th, 13th, 14th, loth, 29bh, 30th and 31st
At LAN6L0I3 tho 17th, ISth, 19th, 2Cth, 25th, 26th, 27th and 2Sth.
Au BANDON ths 2ist, 2-2l 2:3-d and 4th of each month.
At HUMPS RANCH Ihs 3, 1, 5, C, 7, S and 9 of each month.
ID ss oiiption.
Dexter is a bonnliftil stool Kray, 1G 1-2 hnntfe lnj:l; fonleil 1S9S. is of
MMitlo flisspnsiti.iii. ami ntinsual inti'lliopnci'. He i- th for breeding
For tiotriii. of horso- for KHiipral sorvici, that ovpr stoutl in tins action,
:lmir H.i-W.-fl of litli stnMith and spved. Jlis colts nro laroe and of line
.ctiun. In-pei-tii n of bin get will nmviuco tlu most doubting.
His dam. ..Aiipd f..r yars by Mr. Hume, in Curry Comity, was the cole
bnited bine Hainbiltoniaii man-, tnted even when '60 years of iiz for hf r
spend. oaniptiMS and ':idurntu-e. It is unnecessary to add anything to de.
KL-tiptiou wht-n ttit' pediKive uf tho hiro of Doxter fl!ows:
?.t..rr FTil. 1 :. '2:.j7
isire of . iu :3U
I I A i S
lleeoni JIL'l
i ii, J:n7J
! bucv U 'Jit.-M
ijii'taiwi. d;in: of
Itnl.v ..':il-i
Ale:-.:v.r ".l'ti.;
Hay ll..:u;... L'rJl'K
I CtintrHclor
! Sweet hii it ..':'.'l-fc
j and 11! ot hets in
I list. ANo sriie of
dams of
! Iteual Wilkes,
2:1 11
j Alut a Wslkes
I 2:1-1 "-i
Ked Ile-irt 'J:!'.!
. Cleiuhne 2:2y
Mmiu IJev,...2:at,4 f Speculation
.Joan Wdki-8, Crown Point.
I..M.-..- i r: i.. s
Pir XVilkes....!':'-!)- Cntv SpiecKies..':::U
Whushla -::l Oakland Ai.tid. .V:22
i b l)Y UTLKY liady t'lh v... .2::K
j: N tira:td liam of
V ! ... r.r ....mi's
I wi stern viiu..
TElvCS: Sixigl Service - - $5-
jBy tlao Season -
To Insure - -
For fuitber information aJdress
r:;n er of the horse for Yl. D.
Timber I.nnd Act, .June. :i. 187K.
I'niteh States Land Oitick. Ho.sehur",
Uiei:on. May 12. 1W4
Nolityj is hereby uiven that in compliance
with t'-.e provisions of the act of Cmuress
of June :i. 1878, entitled "An act for the sale
of timher lands in the States of California.
O-euoti. Nevada, and Wushinaton Terri
tory .M as extended to nil the I'utilic Land
States hy act of Anuust 4, IK2. Charles
T. Kieef, of Handon, County of Coos, State
of Oreuon. has this day tiled in this oflio
his sworn stn'ement No MH)1, for the pur
chase of the Sb; of SVj' of S. ction No. 'X,
in Township No. 2S Souih, of ltanuc No. 14
West, and will offer proof to show thst the
IhihI tumult t is more valuable for Hh timh-r
or stone than f -r auriculturnl purpimea. and
to establish his claim to said land before C.
T. Hlumenrother, U. S. Coniniis.sioiier. at his
ollice nt Handon, Coos County, Oregon, on
Satuidav. the 5th day of Anunst. liHU. He
nann-B as witnesses: A. E. HniNnll, of Pnrk
eivhnru. Ualih II. Kola, of Hand Ml. John
Ai'ib rson, f Mand'in, and Kohert E. L. He
diilion, ot Handon, all of Coos County, Ore
uti. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the
i.hove-de.-criied Inuds are requested to lile
their claim in this ollice on or hefore said
(5tli day of August, 11)01.
J. T. KnirmKs,
mi!.V Ueister.
A rccczv.'.zcil auttiorlty-Thc Wcckl;
f f'lav P h.t, ;:?
l ..r .t. -;,Jl
i C'opp4 rhottom. -
belle of Vabaf.U! S. li. U. dam of
I ( HJackhawk, a.
1 f Debnoiiico, 110.. j Guy Miller, dam of
Sire of ( Ilambiltoiiian !0
- Dnrhy -':. CM . , ,
j j Membrino Chief 11
j Ce!?5l e -,
( lti Nora.
f U'
ntbiituniau, 10
int of the dams
I ..-':73
j Trinket i:ll
Silver Pelle. .'.':17
Hem;. tti....2:l7,i f Hurr s WasUiiiR-
nnd 1 1 otht-r.,
AliirMiii Vashii:i:
ton toll
Sire of
I ndy Woodt'ff
2 :21
I I'.v Abdullah
j ' Sire of
(Sir Walter ..
" " " " -hta.
at any of tho places mentioned above.
O. 13. LEEP,
M aker ,
Coquille, Oregon.
Dealer in Harness & Saddles and all
kinds of leather wars kept in a harness
.Repairing a Specialty.
Willinni Gallier will net ns my neent nk
Handon and nil orders left with hita for
uoods or repairs will receive prompt fttteu
tinn 170 U SALE 160 ncres of Innd; 130 acres
creek bottom, covered with alder and
salmon bruh; 7 acres plew land and 12
acres iu pasture; house and outhnildinca;
10 miles South of Handon. on Four-mile
Creek; price $l."00. For partienlnra nddrens
:. Trj.u!iD.'Wi Shnn-ir St., Portlnud, Or.