Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, July 21, 1904, Image 1

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    52 Times a'ysar for 2. MS! ff. . i 52 Times a year for $
Volume XX.
Number 23.
1 w
"Photo" Bullous. 10 to 15cts.
"Wrensbairs Gallery.
Myrtle Point has organized a lire
compaDy since tbo biazo of two weeks
H. H. Rosa went to San Francisco
this trip of tbe Elizabeth, having bus
iness which called him to that tdace.
The steamer Elizabeth sailed Men
dnj with a cargo of mat eh wood and
lumber, having takeu 103 cords of
the former.
R. D. Hume and wife arrived Sat
urday, on the Breakwater, from San
Francisco. They aro to visit on the
Bay foroveral days.
The rain during the latter part of
last week was verv refreshing to
growing crops, but destructive to bay
that was cut and not housed.
Jack C. Yale and his apprentice, J
A. Murphj-, arrived here Monday to,
interview Baudon merchants with a
view to commercK! extension,
Mrs. Elbert Dyer and daughter
Ethel arrived home Mondav fiomCaH
iforuia wbero they have Ujrn visiting ! bt-tli, le;svit.g M.ondMy. Mrs. Poid
duriog the last couple of mouths. j will go uito a hospital for treat m nt.
I. find notbiug better for liver de-j The steamer E!i. ibet h came in S 11
rangemeut and constipation 1 t-an nrdav bringing 125 tns of freight and
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver liw pasr-ners The li-t fe!ov: )
Tablets. L. F. Andrews. Des Moines,
Iowa. F-r sale by V. Y. Lowe.
"For Mowers, Ray rakes and any
thing iu the hardware line chil on
William Oiaiiier. Also persons in
want of fruit jars will iind him well
supplied in ali that the need
Siill to be found at the old stand ir
H. A. Cox, the grocer, and of grocer
ies aud pr jvi-ions he keeps t hi be.-J
Iu frui, uuts, candies, etc., he keep
in the front, having always a fre.-h
stock comiug in.
Tbe schooner Kuby sailed for Sun
Pedro, last Thursday, lndi n witti 4'2o
M feet if lumber valtieO nt alM.n;
$15.00(1, being one of. or perhaps, the
mst valuable lumber cjrgo ev r taken
out of the C qiiile river.
Rev. MeViifih uill el. . his se:i .
of services here n-xt S;nida fniag
preaching that morning and nvniug
in ttu- M. E. CJI-nrch. A free will .tf
fr;ng fortheKvuige!i-t wi-1 betaken 1
?Suuday mr:nng. Sei vivs are in ;h.
Prestv.terian Cltiircii ihi- v;eK.
L. G. Wheeler, representing II. L.
Pulk t'c C. the dii-cti'iy puHi-bers-whs
in town thi week gr.tie-ring data
fr a cotupMe directory of Co'g Co.
The work v.i'l itic.Ind- a city directory
of each town, an ! ci'tnpie'e list of the
farmer- and tax-payers of the county-
The steamer Chico sailed from .San
Francisco for Portland last Monday, j
....a rrin ;f, ..t i.tu ,,':.,..,.. 1 b.n-!
way up aud ttike a hundred cords of
matchwood to Portland. She arriveed
here this morning and. wi.! leav- to
morrow. She had 14 passentrs from
Sao Fraocisco to Porbfid.
The steamer Elizabeth had the fol
lowing list of passengers to San Fran
cisco when she sailed last Monday:
W S Boyd, Mts V S Boyd, Mrs V
Culin and daughter-; Erma aud Alice.
Mrs W Crumm. May Crnuim. Jess
Crntnm aud B Ii llosa. The steamer
will be due here again next Monday.
A Convpntion for tho purpose of
organizing an Oregon Development
League will be called to order prompt
ly at 10 o'clock A. M., Tnesdav. Aug. 1
2nd, for two days' session, at the Mar
quam Grand Theare, Portland. Ore
gon, under the auspices of the Port
land Commercial Club, which v.ili
have for its purpose the development
and upbuilding of the State of Oreg.
Wool Wanted. The Bandon Com
mercial Co. will pay the highest price
for wool.
Fon Sale. A Buggy Top Cart, in
first-class condition: cheap. Enquire
of P. Nelson, Bar don.
If you cannot find what you want
anywhere else in town, come to the
Maybe wo have one left, if so. the
price will please yon.
Our stock is stuall. but the goods
are of a good quality, and the prices
are right.
We make ''Cash Buying" an object
0 the purchaser, at the
II. A. Cos keeps wheat and shorts
f( i sale,
Mrs. VY. A. Bingaman has been on
the sick list for a few days, but is con.
valescing. Frank Low is home, having come
over from Marsh field to enjoy a few
days' recreation.
Mrs. T. J. Thrift and children were
in town Tnesdav night on their wav
to visit relatives in Curry Co.
Mis. S. Charleson was taken sud
denly ill last Friday, but is bet
ing able to be up and around again.
A. G. Hoyt will go to Myrtle Point
to install the officers of the I. 0. O.F.
Lodge, at that place, next Saturday
Elbnrt Dyer gave up his intended
visit to Portland, and A. J. Kartman
went as J he delegate to the Grand
Ludge, A. O. 1 . W.
M. Ureuerin having the lumber put
on the ground to build his new house.
j but he will let it season for a matter
! of six weeks before building.
j Jr. n:td Mrs. Yntsou.B.yd wontto
San Frauei.-o on the steamer Kli.a
j S, TLo Hrrdley. Mrs A. H.J-
den. iiuby Ijodn and Pan lit. hie::.
D:. Hou-um wa ialled to Pi-rt Or
foril. tiii- Aek. tu attend J. P M'ts
Jt'i-eii. .Mi. MH-tei.: v.a- adju ige5
iii-ane and v.-a- t;sk'n tiie a-vl t .
I'.'.v.iiijr P. rt l)rf.' 1. T e- lav. auo
going by way of Myrtle Poti.t.
Mir-lrtb and A 0. Er k
-m hav- ! in: j iiAjj; Auati
Street uoiieg Uf pu-t wi- I; by iayini;
r.lnnk t of ib !d 4v.r;?jr. Th-
U W eoWl ilig Jr. l.t 1: Ili lWl-t ttl'i
M - ?trci. jtnfi ui:rs a vtry i:'t;
i ' v- .'. 't v
V.i -r J. VY. V it.k'Huir. "f Xi -M?-.
il!-. Or-gin. i- espef: in l,uidou.
Aucu-t to cntit'ti w rvf. ;ii4i
i:is t? be held in '? A K. hll. v.hicb
viSl le CiMiifnrtably d f : t'n
ea-ion Thr4 are rd-!i; 'i.l Mu'adM'r
f the chntvh in :n.l n.'ar ls:id n.
Herald: Kn:l ?:nmM, : b lf)-ye;r
id son of Mr and Mr-. L. O. Sim
tm n. rf this city, v.ju'.' i!:iyiii; ii,
ih.' l-av u:iw of Mr P.-'mi.g? r':er.
f runt.dghfim. on Friday, fell ;:id
broke hisn.-ht for-am. narthe oiit
at which it was broken .-ome time
-mce. JI- is gettjing ;ditig nicdy.
David Yeish-y, of ?Jaryit!e. 5io.. j
acconiiianied by his son, David, froti.
P llinuham. Wasii.. arr ed iierr
Tnesday on a visit to his datiI:i.r.
-Irs. C. U. I'altersen. whom le Imd
not seen lor twentv-tv.-o ye
i eisley will visit his daughter and
family for some weeks, while the s,.u,
wid only stop for a wee; ,r so.
Myrtle Point Enterprise: -IT. S
Bn-hnell, of Catching Cre.dc. with
a painful accident Monday. c
was hauling hay. and going 1 'trough '
some I rus and timber an overhang
ing limb struck him on the lead atd
a sliver eiitere.! ne .r the n.r,lS ev.- i
Muslim- a nainfni and uhat ms-i; t
n l - -
have proven scii.-ie- m.iiiul, ii was
brought to town, and 3)r Lp dressed
the. wound and he is doing v. ell.
Mrs. S. S. Evetson. arrived here
last Thursday evening from Dufer.
Oregon, on a visit to Bandon. having
combined business with pleasure in
coming down to look after In-,- prop
erty inter-'-ts here. She 0 mchided a
sale, this wed:, by winch she dispose
of her B iud-jii property to J. D. Stew
art, for a consideration of sSiH). Mrs
Everson retains a kiudly feeling for
Bandon and its citizens, and should
she dispose of In r property interests
elsewhere, would not be indisposed to
take up her residence' at Bandon
again, were the condition of travel to
the interior improved u that I lie pres
ent, rough road or the sea vovage
could bo avoided.
Bogne Biver Cornier: The city
council, at its lasi meeting: refused to
renew the saloon license of Hcnty
Walter of the. Oregon saloon. Here
tofore, when a saloon man gave a sai-
isfactory bond and presented his
money the license has l e.-n is.-u.-d.
Tho present council requires a stricter
observance rf the 1 e-t net ions ami de
man Is ol llie ci: law in regmd to 1 1 e i , , , . , ,, , .
.,, ,.,,: : , , f . ; . - ri, jb'Ollg lov.aid 1. adopllon of By-.
saeion! tl-isactn u or He L:xX
council is an cxamph' bv which thel - . i
otht-r saloon mn of the city have not ( ':oui..-ti.li1, s u,; t,oi..r.i ;,.! i)i.,r-
been slow to prolit. The council arc
endeavoring to keep the saloon biisi
ness of Grant's Bass up to the stand
aid of decency which the Jaw re
quires. Dental Eotice.
Dr. J. Curtis Snook, dentist, v. ill
begin his professional visit to liandun.
.Monday, Aug. 1st.
Snow Drift Flour at Denholui's. j Portland Telegram: Bobby Eigar
Charles Redmond ..f Portland, and : caught his first game in Portland,
C. S. Evans of Eugene, registered at ' yeaterduy, "nd " " 'lle:.! im
tlie Topper House last eveni :. I Passion. Kagar is a youngster, and
MM , , . i like his team mates. Hal Chase and
llie members of the Langlois . , . . . ,, .
T , ... ... . Charlie Banm. is deserving of all tno
Lodge, W.U. ., tire hgnring upon . , .
i, . , , ,i 4. o-., credit he get-. A letter or more
a rallv to take place there m. tne 2ith M .
... j promising trio of voungsters cannot
of August. j 1 " .
j be found on any team in the country.
Mrs. Thos. Anderson h closing out ! - -
r i- - . 1 i i Cnri'U r Chronic Dlun-iim:: Artcr Tu
a line line o Sni-t Waists t reduced ,
' Year- of Mil lerliiir.
prices. Call before till th b. st b r
gains art' taken. "I w'1 to sny a few winds in praise
Kobert Turns, , f Coquille, Joint 'of Chiimlu-rlnirrs Colic. Cholera and
Representative nos and Cnrrv ! 'frahoea Remedy, 'says Mrs. .Mat tie
t!A.i,.ii u,,. ; u,..i ..;
on his wav do-wi the oo st
. T . ,,. ,
lms a mvv of mrn nt work in his
Jie will construct a new bun
ker and expects, to be ready in a short
time to :-hip coal.
Campers have become more numer-:qnirit(, ,o ;rjvo (inti,( n.i;(lf ,
ons this week. Monday having wit I decided to trv the medieine mv
nessed the arrival of five wagons. I (3j(! m) n q
Mo.t of the women,.,! children came ' lu.f(,iv X v,...s v,oII. an(1 X h;iVt. ,1(Vl.r
from Myitl,. Point on the Reamers. ,sin(If, )t,;s lrouUi.A with ha, t,,m
A report i cached I his seetion that
! Ij H . liecfrd, u ho was sent to the
asylum some time age, is deud. but
the report is not .-redded a.-.the Lodge
to which lie belongs has hud no notice
of his death.
The gasoline schooner Ki ' Del R v
arrived neiv 1 ne-dav from Astoria.- . -
. i e ,, t, i Diirber Tljomp.-o'.rs establisliment on
oru:gi:ig tiie iua-lmt-ry for I he Pro-;-i '
, ... . . the steamer Dispatch. Thov brolce
per u'.iiii"! v. lie management of. , '
, ... .,, . ., . open liit fastening to the opening be
tird lu.-Uiuuon will soon ha. e il reaiiv ' n
f . ' tv:.n the forward cabin and tho bar-
for opeianoii.
her room, and got av.av will about
ri4n linger ji.itann - ' be ;n ... r ,, , ,.
:?1.S worth of cigars. On the follow-
a:e,.d:,!HV Ht the O. A U Encamp- SutlftV ,5,. . WillM.v Jjis
m-: h.-re ,:ext month. Howard Al. Wis J(ml a (,!1?i:itll v of
!ir''.ue!l. oi Marsitheld. h is been iv- , , . 1. r. . . , 7.
!M-stel to make u addivss during
m. Br.-uer has bn elurin- the!
,naiuienl of Ids nle.t., rsiil..rr.
. - - r - '
e un.lerstj.n.i ;hat (Je.u-e Sunv;:n
il! ;!: pi.-snssion of i; muu time
su-xt -.v..,-!: v.-i;h a view to he-o::dng a : J;jceil ;;toafd, mi thai tiie loss to th.
(ermaneal lixtniv in !miiiI'ii. ; eon pany esefedml the amount re
i'r.'t! (idiri.'f Un f :i isfortia to eeived fr delivering ilie fr-dgiit to its
cu; l.i- left haw-J severely siers the ;i!ee i-f destiny.
th and rh'sft :0 i;;tuektes. Ia.-t Tiie-e d;ireiai i-nn are hocoming
i'h::rs.fay. while M'Ji::ii!;r vfMnl. The altogiler too fretpi-nt. ami mensures
iet.dw to hiJhir i linfrwji- severed. shuuh. In! tuken to pi;t a stoj) to it.
Dr. fioHstoii tif"i' the '.wntKl andjtifti-u) .s n proper retreat, for snol.
.t is hiag as v.t ll as eotlld l-e ex- ; characters, ui'd tliev sl-ould !e forct'.i
p. t!ed.
O-iiuille riril !: J. ;. rdwtinaw.
b Arago hop man. was in town
dtis-ia nd i:if.rie l n- thathfi
is still iici;r?u- o wi his pro-pects;
ii r n gov! cr p From jwesent imli
the skl uiii w tout J:U,
ljtt I.
pou. .In p. r at re. :td leiug 1 ho in
:tox w. signify thwJ Uey will be
jvaWv for picking in i .son. He
. .',. t. .. ... j 1
ills tivv bouse ueailv comoleteii.
.hict. wtil'be reelv for business i
due lime. This he expels (o make
serve a douide purjH'.-e. j0v has .ri
acu-s of fine corn, the product of
which heviiil pii; ihr.:r:gh I he dry-'
noose aud pni ur.i iu nicu bhape for
... 1
: I... ... t-.-f i
Sis li Kcu.ii:.:i!.
-"Veral years usv wife wat: iron-
,l"m5:;(5i ,jf a v.-ry sov -re ct,ar i -tef.
Siie iioriure I w:tli sevr d eminent
;..hv-:ria:. ..d at a great ..x,,..,,,.
, .. ,
only to grow v-oise onto she was una-
1. le to do any kind of work. About a
year ago she began taking Chamber
Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and
today weighs more than -he ever did
before. ' i t is rer.i v.h1. Unsays Tdr. (x.
E. Wright. f Xew London.
Vork. Eor sale bv C. V. Lowe.
:-. ChnEiihi ti' ("imi-
rpi. i . r i 1 ,n 1
I he members of the Bandon ( ham-
u .. re . -it ,. -
ber of i ommeree m't Mondav evening
and orgam'ved. Ci,,r.- P.'Toppmg
. , ,
was chosen as tomporarv chairman.
and Robert Frederick as temporary
After discus.sinir nreliminarv :ir-
. . 1 . 1 . i- 'down people always gain new life
rangement. it was agr.-ed thai live, ' ' n '
1-. , 1 ., 1 s 1 1 1 .1
directors sii till. i Ie ch -s n. ami the
following n-'uii'd per-ons w-re ciecii-fl,
viz.: Ceo. P. Topping, Robert Kre.i
erick. J. Denholm, Chris Rasmuseu.
and A. .McNair. The capital slock is
The Directors met Tu..-,dav evening
and cho-i. (',.,). R. Topping, I'l esident, -
and Koheit Predencl;. S-cretarv and !
I I't-asurer. and iie.l it ol ml in oc.i.iliiors I
rlnicii Ki-ninly. -
This remedy is certain to be needed
. . , , r ,
in .dmost every home Iw-fore the sum
met is over. It can alwavs be de
p.-n,led upon even m .he moM sev
and dangerous cases. R ,'s especially
valuable f r summer disorders in !
children. It is pleasant io take and.
never fails to give prompt relief. Why !
not buy it now? It may save life
For sale bv C. Y. Lowe.
, 13 urge, of Martin-ville. Va. "I suf
fered from chronic iliarrhoea for ten
vears, and during that time tried va
; "
mm-2 in ti 1 1 11 fiit o ti-irltitf tiiihitnirifr lit v
i , .... . , ....
iiiiMi.ii!fii: iimtim t -iii si i iii iii iimm :
' oi my ehihircn was taKen witn cholera
morbus, and 1 procured a bottle of
i this remedv. Onlv two doses were re-
plaint. One cannot say too much in
favor of thai wonderful medirii."
, This remedy is for sale by C. Y. Lowe,
Jruggist .
EVify ThuV!: Is '.uisnztvi..
.Some o;i laid in a sloe!: of cigars
h Fridav night bv breaking into
, n'liiiccu v.ii- i,-:ieu 1 i will .1 J'iK-lk.lge. li
is to be hoped thai she thief will 1!
w..ili!,; thp aSvv ,vo loarn
.... .1... ,1... i.i .1
111-11 v 1 in-- iuf ur;,i 1 lit' itnij un'ir
tta (,:,(,u-!i .stolen oil the steamer
D- atch, after the freight had l.een
to eaiigrate inert- and he properly at-
i tirel.
finiVjrsun'rt tl.e i I-.llilii'.i.
X'wilhstanding all that 5 tlom l-.y
j tmardt of health and chavitahlv in-
vii,til -'V'i J!e amongiW Uj.i:u! in Chemulpo iiarbor
mail ehddivn is very high during the j
hot weather of the summer months in
th" i '" P-"""" ! f bowel complaint iu a
'---d. however, that .,mM . ; l.ej
i'"v"A b' J!,t' n,luv ust ,,F (-hamber-
Iain's Colic. Cholera, and Diarrhoea
llemedy. For s:de hy C. V. Lowe.
25 civ Tiiii Z'nrt 5;:n:J Te!cgr::s
t'uis l.
uown m t'Hnam-t tli" pe.ipieare al
ready "viewing v.itli idarm" tiaid fear
that the L"iiiJ.-,l St ites wiH e-tah-
lish a cn-lom hnise at ColYm. l'f
i - our - . no-.v t hat t hev hnve b.-en savd
by l ac-le Sa-o and hav,. received mil-
l"us of American money, t he citi.eti-
',f '"d e-,untry imagine that no
lnrtht-r services can be obtame.i irom
Uliyi ., ,nv ,)1,j,.l.5 ,..
oiis'.v. to I he Cni'.ed Slates deriving
any especial bi-mdits. 1; may be just
me ranamans 10 unoei
stand that at some time in the future
the Cubed States will annex the isth
mns Mm 1.
A Very flusr dill.
"I stuck to my engii.e. although ev
ery joint ached and every nerve was
racked with pain." wn'les C. W. Hel
la in v. a locomotive fireman, of Bur
. '
linglon. Iowa. "T was weak and pale,
' '
wi,,,,11, ,,n-v PPii!o. ' "
down. As I was about to give on. J
" '
goi a 001 ue ci i.iecme. Jiiiiers. ami
after taking it. felt as well a I ever
did in iiiv life." W eak
sick Iv. run
strength and vigor from their Use ;
In th-m. Sutisfactnui guaranteed !
bv C. Y. 1
f Aaittvan.
j Ja!v lCStinr lCli.HliclIi. Jensen. I!:; hours
f.'oin San raticj-co.
Inlv IS (;.is-!u:e scho-ne r, lt:'o Ucv,
f r- j n .f i ir I l
.lulv L'l Ssnir. t'hic... M iriin, XI hours
fr,,m Sa" FrM,,ui!,,,,
sam. an.
Julv 11 S-hr A-Iviiuu.. ( )mi1-mi4.u. In
S.-n 1-mnci -(.
.i,l!V n-.,!iiri:,;. KimI'.i. to .San lVdr.,
h)h K.A,hu Jmx. tn S. I-'
- .
.lll,.ll,n , , ,.,.... !,,ui,H-ss :a ilus (mn-
t ... Ml,, jj. nmni lerntorv for liniss- of olitl si.iiidiii.'. si i dflit c-k!i v
an i -xjM-n-cs pu'it cn-h Alon.lj:v diicut fiom
lit ;n!fi:i .r'.-rs. l'xiiciis- iii..iMv tiivanc d:
lt,..n ..-,. lt A.!d.c-s Alaoa.-.-r. Co.".
" liiiildine. ' hie
"DWto tr M Tmwnpll
-V.axli Id. JDlUWlitiij
NnruiV PUPIdC,
Kcal Usintij ITnadled.
liii-liu-vs mutters jiriiinytty atltjniji-i' to,
Important wews Notes
rLitcIiell. the Countv seat of Wheel-!
r County, Oregon, was devastated by '
a cloudburst, and some 28 houses car-'
ried away. Two lives were lost.
Tho Kussian and Japane.-e armies
aro closing in, and heavy iightir.g is
imminent. Sickness in the Jjear's ar
my in increasing.
Deportation at Cripple Creek in
creases. The military forces sent 11
Au-trians and Italians away.
A Texas firm has been approached
by the Japanese minister with a view
to securing a hundred thousand head
of horses of the type now used by the
Japanoso cnvalrv
Five Kus-ian cruisers made a sortie
1 at Port Arthur, but soon retreated
within the harb- r.
The employees of the great meat,
packing establishments have gone on
a strike. Manias City and St. Paul
ara al-o affected.
V.'kj.kmy. Jaiy
A Japanese defeat is I reported, at
Port Arhur, with a loss of 30,0UU
The Pnssians received a severe re
pulse at Mo Tien Pass.
Chicago is threatened with a meat
famine on account of the meat cutters'
The souvenir dollars for the Lewis
anil Chirk Fair aro to be coined from
Oregon gold .
A cloudburst over the hills norlh
eat of Manila caused a Hood which J
destroyed San Juan Del Monte. 200,
K.-,.--.... ! .... 1 o) il-liT niiii t. r
ii.v.i tu-- 1. .1-1 i.iu ..-.M;tr5iji .; v.illlll t)l
properly was destroyed. 17 inches of
! rain fell in ill hours.
1 A violent hailstorm, Sundav afier-
; noon, south of Ashland. Oregon, datn-
j a-t,J iu applo and pear crop of that
; section, to me exiont ot W,UUU
Thci:-.uay. July I i.
A train carrying a .Sunday -School
excursion ooilide.l vih part of auoth-j
er train, that h ul broken loose some
miles out lof Chif.-tgo, killing IS per-
sons aud injuring 7t) others. 1
Thfie is no conlirma'iun yet of tie
disaster to the Japs at Port Arthur.:
Paul Kroner, ox-President of tho
J'r.m.-vaal, died at Chuvns, Switzer
land, j
Canadians do-ire a 1 iw enacted de
barring alien labor. ;
A god grade of petroleum has been :
discovered in an oiil well at Pratum. 1
ru:rA . .h:!y !.".
The Japanesf raised their llaj over-
pvom lr,sJum . ,lj:Uls !l0
!,v.,orl t,;it ,10 ,jn.,.s lm., l;.ul d f ,
at P.rt Arthur beiug driven back with
., ..r - iu ,,.,.
.1 jo.s-. 01 ,miu men
Foi!r pOI,so:.s 0I1 a h;in(1 car w,.rp :
jrmi lov:n nar j.:Iupuria? Kansas; on.
was kdled and the other three fatally j
hurl. j
STl"l!T. -I III V ht. j
Tiie ItUSsi'in story of the
defeat and los, of 3 ).o;),j ,en at 1'ort
Artuur is denied from Tukio. The
daps claim tiiat uot a gun was lired
upon the days in which tho dir-ao'er!
. . 1
Was said to have occurred.
Jt is rumored that Admiral Toga is !
1 I
. '
jeao. i
jV liussian .ship OVurhatlled and. Fnrniti:r bVpniriiig nud
stopped a (lennan mail vessel. Rus-1. . . . ,,
sia must disavow the act. i
.Vi.i-inu Julv IS.
The Japanese ileet have been a wav '
iioin l'orl i t bur for some ten days.
A Russian assault on jdutien Ling
was repulsed.
The meat packers strike is still on
with no prospect of settlement.
Wages are to be lowered, in the Co-
lunula river logging camps. j
C T- isiuwisiarotlier j
U. S. Coraniisionorand Kotarv Public '
''iiuigs :nid I'iiiiil ir. ..fs nnulc ..a Heine
steels. I imlierC!.i;ti: an! jtiier I". .S. L:.iulri
lo:i. y l.oiois NciiliattMl mi A ;ipr veil
si-cm liy.
Oll'-e in rtmm 50 Hcvcr!.' Hiifl.liuj:, Pmii
dmi. Itfsidt'iicv ii Jtns ( 'rc.-i,. .)ii t;.iii.
.Mi Kiwi ol' ::.-;t I Hr.tati- liou-hl iiml
si. 111.
I- : I-:::-??:.:- : :
Court One. -ii of tin. Fori-sf ?w. 17,
I'or-..tcr of A iiii'rira.
'fn)ViTQ- K KX f l F TI I K V 0 1 1 US'!". I
v ' No. 17. m.-cts Kiidnv niht t f cach'.j: '
.-week, m fic-rc! lhill. Iliiiuioii. Oregon. I
-' 'Mnhal wi'icomo is cxtmit-d to all vis--
':it:iu: i.rotli.-M. ,1. K. l lSlll-.i:. ;
.1 V l.ivotm: M.;..r i.-..,..... I
' Kitiorii'Mni IIH I JtOtlps t j
Kin. Soci'i'tiirv. j
lo.MIII.N I.OIlCI-Xn. i:t:i. I. O.O. V
A.vntiN unnm. No. i:wf I. o. o. K. :;
i ... .I,lL'l,!" every Satiudav evening..
. Vi.sjtiMy hrothers iu good standing .-.
; corduIlv invited.
: N. K. HMtKLOW. N. G. :
; It. KitimnncK, Jn. Set!. :'
'.- .-.
v . ':1V:-.i-.;.:'?. -;V?
: : ::. :-? ? y-r- -ivsv-:-
n v Minx i.onoi:. s. i ir,, a. f. a. m
: .
;i; ;ani)ON boi)(;i:.No.ur,.A.K.A.M.
- ' loo.nillL-lM iwil.l lIlHt. kill i 4
vj:urd iv after the full moon of each
: ic...titli. All Master Masons rnrdial.'v .
'2 9 S?iin innininfnMif itue tli-.W J '
mvitcii. I h NKLSUN. W. At.
J. E. Wai.sticom. h
The City. Meat Market,
0 Yes!
We Havs the
Href. Pork. W:il. Mutton. Immh, Hnliv
(Jbi'ese, Wn-d Keel, 1'ickli'd l'.rk kgus.
Lall on us mid z? our prii-es hefnre buym : v,v a I.
We are not like the Hind Wheels
of n w.-itron, always- fnlliuvipg in llie Panic rut. We arc pushers, striving for a lareepi
ImsiiiL-.s, anil ivu ! tli re ly keening ;
Tlie 33 est, Meat in tlie XjElzicI
nnd elliii ;il t!ie vi-ry lowest prices.
N u aro hcic to pit-as and here to stav.
"Y"ouirs to serve,
landon Meat Market,
Ji m
Will Keep on Hand at nil Times
Fresh Beef, Pork, Blutton, Smoked Treats, Lard,
Sausaces, Etc., a!so
Fresh Vegetable", Poultry, K;gs, Butter and all Farm Produce.
I will pay highest market price for beef, porlr, mutton,wool, bides, etc.
Dry Goods of Every Description.
Ladies Coats, Gapes and
Fresh. Groceries of
Suits fVade to f63SUre.
Also, all Leading Brands of Case Goods,
JL 1.1. L
; Household. Furnishings and DecG'
o -?i -T .
TS-biOllS 01 clii KlIKlS
... . . ....
Im1 I.ih-ii' s.ui-s v.r M- f'-t
aad I : , -. V, , I
hfc,,IM' 3;..t 1. r-
. 1 1 r -
(JaRir.PT mhr in i,nnno,:nn
ransib, '-tib, Di'uairub.
A Vwl Line of t.i:ri:il t'ish l:nM !!
( ou.s:auti
C bnieids
ISIaCillSXXlitll. &Tj WagOU
Wagons of all kinds made to order.
nttfiiddi t. ptoiniitly and all wttrk i;;: iraatt-cd tu uive saiisfaotiun. Prices
1r or3ssii02iii r? a- Specialty'
on no
anu Ov.unino our
Stoves, Banges and Farm Implements, Etc,
Xow is lhe time to purchase Hardware. The nndersigned has
m stock a large :si nniei.t of
arciware, Tinware, Graniteware,
GlaGGware, Crockery and Miners' Supplies..
Paints. (SilN, IJr ami 1V5j:c!wm.
A. McNAlB,
The Bandon Hardware Man
ia-.u. V. TOtTIMi,
Usimloii. - - - - Oregon.
0 Yes!
Variety of Siock
i -i'
1 n . t -t
V-yritu -s e.u r.
Waldvogel ex Son, Props.
ziclersoxi Prop.
r t
all iiinds.
1 1 1 -O
? U 3
r Lintuii.
M- . .i..x.,ut
e .T t . 1 r
var;;; ann .MPinn.c.
Sa tihr.t; a S cralty.
UvUtlv iltm. u Jucn 1 rtMivu
Ih-s mid (J..ul-. and I'nderiaking linpiilici
K. - .t en ll.uu!.
W'v are .still doinc business nt The Old
Si ami and can plenne yon. Give 03 a Cnll
Wrenshall & Wrenshcll,
i:ouni imusi-: gallkuy, iianq