Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, July 07, 1904, Image 1

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    52 Ti,T,eS a year for $2. ( t(t4l ggSgg5 tilM JV IU 52 Times a year for $2.
A v.
Number 27.
-Photo" Button?, 10 to locts. at
"Wroushall's Gallery.
The Brootuhandlo mill started up
again Tuesday morning.
S. J. Culver returned home Tnes
lny evening from a visit to North
C. Timtnins, of Astoria, the can
nery man, is here looking after his
'pi i i.i i.-.ii. ...:u t j..
X 111" SlCililU'l ijll.aueill Uill WU UNUJ
to sail this oveniug and should be
back in a week.
The schooner Advance will run to
Gray's Harbor after this trip instead
of coming to the Coquille.
I. Hneker and J. J. Lamb of Co
quille were among the visitors from from Philomath, and brought his wite
that place on the Fourth. J with him from Gravel Ford, to visit
J. F. ?feKe. J. V. Proctor, and Iv I his mother and faintly. They ro
Francisco, were in towu'last night
The Parkersburg mill will start up
next Monday again.
Sam Stout, of Bridge, was a visitor
in Bandon yesterday.
Bnbert Walker gave Marsh field a
visit returning home yesterday.
Wp made mention last week of J.
L. Futrell being here, but were mis
taken in the name. The gentleman's
name is Gouchy.
Frank Blaokerby and wife have
opened up their restaurant in the
Gardner building. They had a good
run of customers on the Fourth.
John X. Luke, of Bandon, solicits
your trade in Bricklaying ami Car
penlerwork. All kinds of brick work,
plaptering, and cement work done,
Robert Goety. returned hist week
1 iiud nothing bettor for liver do-J The Obstacle Race was won by
rangement and constipation than j Terry MrKuno,with Arthur MeDnfTeo
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver i second. Prizes, 3 and ?2.
Tablets,- L. F. Andrews, Des .Moines, ; The race for boys under 12 years
Iowa. Fur sale by C. Y. Lowe. i was won by Thomas Devereux, "5. and
McCormick Mowers, Bakes and j f'redt-riek. '2 The next was the
Tedders at A. XcNnir s hardware. j rac for ir,s li:"h'r 1-. and was won
Mis. John Luke and children vis- l)-v Alwm MiII,r atuI M.v Crumm.
ited relatives at Coquille City last j '"'zcs, and 2.
Sunday returning home on Tuesday.' riin' for mon fron to all, was
! vi in Kv rliii ifi'k linn MnJ (
I he New management took posses-, ... , .
f ,, , ,, , ahlvogel, Jerry getting ?;; and Os-
Important News Notes
slMIl ff t ll 'FllMfur 1-Lm.jQ vncliirliin
" -..v " I I' ' 14.1. I H ) ,
. -r ., . . ! car CO
morning, ;ur. iM'dimon stepping
down and out.
There was a dearth of runners in
the ladies' race, free ft.r all. and
daci; J upper, ot Coquille, was in . tho raco was .l.-Hnred off. The sack
town yesterday on his way to the ' raPl, wus then called, being won bv
-Reservation" to gather blackberries. Hay McNair and Thomas Devereux
Jack was traveling in strange com-; pnz, ;. anr o.
pany all the same as Roosevelt was; Tim Pick- n,..l ,-.,. ,v,.c ..
censured for dicing with a "coon." i,v Gourirn Martin and Irvine TTmn-
Benton Koyt ami wife left this , har, who took first prize and Dale
morning for Ptrtland when- Mrs. .' Barrows and Arthur McDulleo who
ii .. . -ii i .. . . .
Baldeman. commercial men from San ; mainedovert he-itb, aud then returned il'y 1 UI" ""1o a surgical opera-; took second "money, tho prize bemJ
to Gravel Ford. ,,on ilt'i does not expect to re- jandS'i.
Terrv McKune, who has been T'X ol ' ;r six wook., and during Tho Hose contt took place on
in? anseiice . r. llarns wm hold! first street and was won by the
down his barber business for him. J Bandon fire laddies tho time being
GOO - i twenty t'iglit and threo fifth seconds.
siu i.'.ti.t.-ii.-. j ''he Coquille boys failed to get, the
For spvernl yeniy my v.i.'e was trou-: nozzll ''it''hed to the hose before
!i.t...: ,..m. ...i.... ...... ii i -i. tlu w.'i'or made its ;n n.:ir:i..e..'v ntlmr
J. J. Stunlev has sold his into.vM J'" crau.ui - -
. . .. ! leaiiac of :i f(v..r, .:.r:i,.t or ' uiu wuuwi lliivu ijhgu
to v. l-.i .. .
Tho James Iveane company gave
iin exoelleut entertainmeut here lart
Friday uight to a ntflF filled house.
The steamer jBilizsbeth got into
harbor on tho morning of July -1th.
bringing in about GO tons of freight
aud one passenger, a Miss Ryons, of
Dr. Cnlin. of Coquille, was called
down yeier.!'ty, and he and Dr.
Houston were together called to at
tend Mrs. Kerney Perkins, who need
ed medical care.
Mrs. Thomas Anderson went to
Kiverton. ye.sjerday. to visit her sister
Mrs. Daniidson. who is st-riously ill.
Mr. T. Anderson gave Coquille a visit
on the s:'.u:e oeear-iou.
Henry Averill. who has been stay
ing herti for the last two years, left
y-sierdav morning for his home, at
Brownaviilo. where he will stop under
The paivntnl roof-tree.
For Mower-. Hay rakes and any
thing iu ttie liardware line call on
M'iiham tJallKr. A!o persons in
wm:t of fruit jers witl iinf lu'm well
supplied in ail that they tied.
Sili to !e K'tind at the li4tarjl i
11. A. Cix. the grocer, and of grocer
ie ;:nd provisions he keps the be-i
In :rii. tut, cnndies. -tc, be keep
in t:.? front, having ;:lwa a fresh
stuck c ming in.
Mr. R. A. Crwnter. who ha
if..n v'.s-iting her for tbe past six
wetks. .av tins evening on the
&.ucale:h fr San Fn:nc:sc, from
whence he will iu-ke ier way to her
liome at Clf. California
Our old f.-::d Wdliam Gallier
lind the ple-srire f greeting his sis
ter. Mr. Linogar. of Cdorado. July
4th. Mrs. Lin'-gar eanTe out to visit
her sou Fred, and other relatives, at
Con:lle reaching that place before
they were aware that she was coming.
Anting th" number of Bandonians
at North Bnd were Mr and rs.
Bobert Walker. Jr.. B.N. Harrington,
wife and win, H. M. Tucker and two
sons, ('uarles Hunt. Alous and Otto
Wal-pr. who came over to spend the
Fourth at Bnnd m. Mo-t of the par
ties ret urnel to the Bay on Tuesday,
B. Walker and wife, aud Beit Har
rington and family remaining until
playing ball at Kngene. arrived here
Thursday evening for a short visit.
He will take passage this evening on
the FJizabeth on his way home to
Bei kelev, California.
in the Coquille Bul'ftiu
Dean who will combine the Bulletin;
She il.K-tore.l with several eminent V('rv "Parly a tie.
j phy.-icians am! at a great expenes,
Next came the Dark! own fire
Anym e'i aud is-i:e a semi- - ; 1 i i ; , r . n i.;. i r
ur ,,.. s,u,-..., ,., KrMJ"y-"-n-:"' "
'1 ; i i ., Mi:i i- u-itli n hone enrt with ciinw.
Dean. Ii iitor Stanley stejiped out
of the harness '.villi iat week's is-ue.
Howard M. Brown-1! of M.rili -1.1.
and Karl Good::. an of Dairy vdle.j
gave us a call this mornirg. Mr.
Rrownell was in town on his way
home from Dairy ville. where he had
been to deliver the oraliou ;.t t!ie
Fourth of July ceiehraiiun.
C. T. Riumenrotiier, C S Ctm::;i
-inner i- in town todav having busi-
tde to do anv kind of work. About .-. ''iKe-up. wiui a nose cart witli some
year ago she beg.-ui taking Chamber , tw l,,1dlv, of i'H ,,,'I;v hose,
P i .... t. . i 11
! .nin s Stomach and Liv.-r Tableis. ami a ,,MV "imhui a (wiwii nr iwo,
:oday weighs more :hnn she ever did lo lMlt t!lt' ,,,n- Tl, ,wl f';uno
bef,,tv, and is i;:: w-11," siys ?dr. G. ' tY r :iUi hiu to h" rol!titl OV0!'
i' u , ;..! ,.r v..... i ..,..).,. v an. 1 over on tlie street to get the hose
Thi' '.::; th rA Eiuii.'.on.
Voi k. For saie by CJ. Y. Lowe. ; ,,,'"tr :t,ul wl,,M1 tM' w',r 'r was t,!rns,,J
, on a straw-iike stream was emitted
from t iu nozzle This was one of
i me amusing leaiures ami tie iJarK-
July l!h. w is ushered in by id town lire company w as a succe-s.
)r of tli" l:;d m ml bed e-irmou of The Lite uvmg ciew then gave an
nss in his lino to itl"n I to. H- visiting gunhof.t-O-U (in mild bark ' exhibition in the life beat which was
brought word of an excellent time at
Dairy villo on July -l;h, and speaks
very highly of the Ad-livs made In
Howard M. Rrnwtiell. al-o of the
preliminary remark- of Col. it. H.
.Seat 5'onto.;fi.
Wool. Wanti:i.- The Bandon Com
mercial Co. w ill pay the highest price
fur wool.
Foil Sale. A Buggy Top Cart, m
iir5t-cinss condition; cheap. Enquire
of P. Nelson. Bnr.don.
Foit S
0 inches
lively. require
Bandon. Oregon.
We understand tiial Taylor Sigiin
ls:ts serv-tt notice upon Stephen C ai
der, S'm-riT-elecl. of n (.ire-;; to lw
made in the late election. Ju-t what
the c .arge is we havu:;-t learn.-!, but
'.here is considerable rumor nihat o'
irregularities in the Nrtl. Bend piv
cine; .
Wheltier tltey are trn. v fal.K- we
lo not know, but there is on1 thing
that all persons are inlere-te J in. a:.d
of Nelson's anvil auiioinuvd the watched with interest, e.-jiecialiy by
time f Snc.ris", and the populace ti:o-e win were not frequent observ
a:os( tt purii.'ip.'iie in ihe exercise1-" ers of the-e maneuver.,
ti.rit. nmrk;; this dv. and mnr!;-; it The closing contest was the Duck
metuoratde a-a n ti u:d a:ii.vraary race it: which H"iiry and .Moss Ave
a::d n u":ue of rj icj.- g. t nii an I D maid Charh'son figured as
early morning showed up ' principals. This race consisted in t he
Tuesday, Juno 18.
Kntoki, the Japanese commander, turiiec
tiie Ku.ssiati Hank ami the Knssians had to
'Ihe bureau of Inl.or N inakiue invcKti;n-
tion into the causes of tn-tihie in Coli. ratio
Michael Uoach. of New York, a idMed yio-
lin'st, dii-d fn m xevsive d votion to musiu
His lovu f(ir musiu and constant I'layin
hronglit on weakness nf the lienrt.
Snnieeleil pro!. were seize d at New York
lo the amount of SlO.tfO. The Rei.ure con
sisted .f silks rind jeweled anti(u:tie4 from
riiicd Pudiiist teirphs.
The Japs completely defeated (ho RcB
f iatiK at Feng tihni Jjing.
Ii. I'. Kaipht and II. J. Middletou, Associ
ated I'ress c)rTspi)hdent.s with tliO Russian
army in Manchuria, died from enteric dys
"Whunkriuy. June LJ.
The Jacanege capttuud throe of the outer
forts at 1'ort Arthur.
The Russians vtre defeated east of Hai
Chen" and are retreating hn. riedly north
lor fear of Ijein" cut off.
Tvti nty-t wo l:u?.:ans were drowned by the
sinking of a submarine boat at '. Peters
burg. 'Ihe manhole was not properly fas
tened. Mr-'. Vrhit!ach, of King's Valley, was fu
veiely burned at Newport, her dress having
caught lire fr m a camp fire.
Tlie Urenning coal mine, near Sheridan.
.Montana, is on i re.
A cloudburst near Pittsburg deluged over
r.'.n In. mc--, (Irouaeil much stuck aud did
great damage.
H-ibert Allen, a patient- at the City aud
County Ho-piiii!. at San Francisco, was
beaten and trampled to death by an insauo
The stcHmer Ulive May was wrecked iu
the Vukou Uiver.
TurasDAY. June :!0.
The Yladnoitoi: squadron bombarded
Cm n San. but tailed to do much damage, ex
cept to sink a small steamer and a sloop.
A torp. do boat d st royer ecap-d
from Port Atfhnr to Niu Chwang. carrying
out dispatches.
Ah xunder I,Mwio arrived in Chicago today
teturniag from h:s trip to the Kasteru con
tnieiu. .'v fe crncl:et blew open a I. s Angeles
hotel safe and secured a thousand dollars.
Mhis C. Swallow, of Harrisburg, Pa., wa
) it, it ion it i iii !t tii.. i it in ti .i,...! ?jk,r.......
to liad the I rohil.iiiei: ticket as candidate
for Pri'sulont. (iiii. Miles requested that
h:s name be not propo-ed.
Tin) liusitins were rented at Fen Chung
j from a very .strong iH.titiou. with heavy
The Cit
1YI Cll J
J. Waldyoge! & Son, Props.
All Kinds of Fresh Meats Kept on
Hand Always.
Meats delivered to persons Jiving on the Uiver or along the Staqe Route.
Bandon Meat Market,.
1 if 8
Fresh Beef,
Will Keep on Hand at all Times
in, Smoked
rork, m
ft? eats, Lard.
Etc.. a!so
Fresb VpgnfabltPoiillry, Eis Ruttor anil all Farm Prodnnp.
I will pay highpst market price for hoof. pork, mil! ton, wool, hulp.s pfe.
2 Q ft H
Dry Goods of Every
Ladies Coats, Capes and Co-arettci
Fresh Groceries of all Kinds.
Suits Made to Measure.
1 1
8S U
' 1 1 3
A li'Tcc fiat.d stcrtu m-riM tru orancp trens. I
s K'ticnuat fogry. !t s o:i :iv.- sii;us iwo i'lirtur nmiortu in'" to patch ih ! "w' fences. a:;d dt-s; roved btnldinus , J ) 3 i ; j J A J i j ri, V - v-A I 3 8 3 f -
or (i!Mtr:n: nti.i 'u ! ; as a v.-Jinlc latter wno hail a small boat whilo thov j ,l-" -l-u i.onay, i ai.. yesterday.
;i !.tr;;i,r iuu. Tin1- olij.'d was lo
1 m:jm. it:iv 1
A navtl cnca'iint-!t ocivirrpd nfi" P!nfiKi.
i . ! . .......:... ii!.... i
iinr.M'i it iv tur uiu uior cji;m u; c i nt u:t- sinaii ikii ami uni ty, hut there arc t:o particular
tran.siK' Iimi to lln larfr ono
1 ouaT.pnocr
A T 1?
v:a wrv ?il as tnl nn i w:il im
lt:i.i a a
Ii w:t nrr ttn o'clork Ity jIip li:n' Ti; r-fi va vrry interesting, and
H;f ln; a iriv.'.l , t '.o j an-1 ftpr fht small I .m wan e.iptninil.
!- tinir iar- c r.fircaiiittt Jo ' C!arlion look to tho v.;i:or. ami then.
uuucror.,:,ij. ii4at hs.J nlreaoy when oanht, ovcrttinied the other
nsemhie!. TJi'Mt tuo C.'ln:nn fonnl l'!t. v, inning out in the race,
ftir iar:: l' accoi'lin;; Jo p;-. t;riti:i with X n 1 he nvening ihe haul avuacon-
t wo a-Miiin w'ni-h wen- co:;s;,jcn- eert, then ave ;i hall, which was
that i that the law shaii ho npbel.l- j .,, a...j tl,t ;o thi! plea-ire uf the hntH.v atten.h 1. an.5, a wry ii:joyahlo
If we wink at lt jii-tic,. ;ii:;I .-".In ; cca-iott. affair. lastin; i)!:til inornini:.
On of tii-e exooji:i.::s v,:is the Th-i wa-a small hoy who received
preseuec of a cHllithiimjuait haml ome injury lo one of hi.s hantls hy
m u-rotescjne app-ind and make np letting a fire cracker explode while in
which shov.e 1 up lo . ..)! advantage. hi- hand, but the ii-jnry was not great
i v oilier was a eonple of masiiner- asthesliii ua-not trn.
:dors urotes.j'.'.ely . Irs-f). who fell One incident, peihap, should he
into line atid Kiarclied with the col-: mentioned, wherein a doj picked up
m:m n;.d:in much moriment for ihe. a fire cracker and it exploded in his
onloo kers. ; mouth with direful effect, cuttinfroir
it. our llherties will soon have iletl.
Dental Notice.
Aj. C. Snooks, dentist, who had ad
vertised to he at Bandon. July II th.
cannot come until Ihe end of July.
Watch for his notice.
A New York I d, 1.'! veurs u!d. committed
-titcide Ixeansc he was Cwisij.elled to uo to
bed liiriv.
A mi-ereant on( tho Inflows of yreat
o.-r.n in the l'V-t:vn! Unit at tho World'
K.iir nt St. I.nis.
Two men were fninlly injured at .Minneap
olis by the explosion uf i sa)ientt lautieh.
A man in t'hioa.'o tne.idered n landlady
hecar..-e he evicted him front her hoarihn
hiMie. Trmihle is brewing in Xiearacoa. aud all
foreiiriiets are hkeh ti be diiven out.
Sam Iloairlaud. whoe parents live al
Moshti'ld, Oteyon, was hilled by a freight
train :it Hak r C;'y.
Satcrdat, July L'.
An eight-year-old boy was struck bv a
iraitt at Wtlliani-l urg. l'a.. and thrown J
iHiniiui tii. i.i..Mi... !;!. I r. ...... I
knouA her from the track, thus saving her
life. The boy was killed instantly.
Two women may die aud a man is serious-
Also, all Leading Brands of Case Goods,-
iJ kJ lt U kJ
- - Ti-r
-i v J ' - .
On arrival at the grounds the Hit? In-ue. and twisting the jaws out . -v i"wd 'v being struck by
T , , . , ; . i . . : it tr in t Ocean I'.irk Wav, Xew York.
i'OMi fiHTiirl up the exr'M- s v one plat.-". I no do; was shot lo put! ... . ,. . . ... . ,
' ' 1 " 1 It is rumored that a battle has taken place
Lcdgirg House.
Pers n- desir n lod;:ns v. ill find
good, comforiatuo reams ami tie.Js h j -ml h I.y tin- ci.cir, and tin n .Miss were ihe only incidonts that marred
Mrs. Kmma Knck-on lodging h..ti-ei ijOI, .J,.,iki;is r.-aii the D.-clamlion of' the occasion.
near the o,,eu Mill. .Jaudon Up- i ,m( iMw,( ,,.( n h. ,. ,( miiI1IK.1, :
Jj dgers will hud tnis a peasi.t . , . it-
!ml .puet retreat. Terms reasonable. .i mmi i-u-i-.-.
- Heiecnon iy tt.e c:i.. ir. ami th.Ti u . 11. 3 hero will he services at the M. lv
eil if ChronJe Dlarrnuea Alter i e:i , ... , ,
y, r ntivrUxV. bnnch .vas i.-itroduee.! as the Orator Church, .Sunday, July K)th, morning
" fr the oeca-ion, who sel forth Ihe a, pvening. The Kev. McVav, the
I wish tosaya few words in pvai-e ! mval (if a,,.,,,.;,..,,, iN.mihlic. n..?,.rM i.'e,,.r,d;.. w;n u...r;
3'ears, and during thai time ttied va
rious medicines without ohtaininir anv
For Sale:-A Studebaker wagon: j pprmsui,n, u.u j,ast summer one
onlybeou in actual use about tre of mv cbillrt.n was taken ith cholera
month-: is in perfect condition. En- morlms aui i pr0cured a bottlo of
qnire .1. o. xinoti. six tunes soiuu - this ,v,nP(v Only two doses were re-
01 i,s son ! sl ! rri a g se:.-c,i..ns v.lnch turn or.i Oi misery, mi! lie woiiw nave i.lWl.PII K.inmnura Mnnulrou and the
'was fcdlewod hy an e.M.l!.,: nal'-onal dwu iu a short time nyway. These Vladivostok pndron.
Nearly l.ittil mini hae been laid oft" at the
car shejis al Pullman. too slack to
employ t cm.
At Hillings. .Montana, two men held up n
saloon, and one ot them killed .Sergeant
ilanna wh i tried to arrot hi. it. The two
men escaped hy jumping from a
story window.
Mon'pav. July I.
The steaniship N'lrge, with 7lS piisseucors
almaid. struck a r-ef miles west of .Scot
land and Mink. Lts than 11.-0 passenger
wi re saved.
A train -trtick an open siding at Litch
field. 1.1. Twenty wete killed and 40 other
persons were injured.
A heavy Sturm at Pendleton Hooded streets
and eellars, cut up the roads and did much
S'elsoiK Uandon. wf hamhet Iain's Colic. C'h.dera and , ., it,ri,,ri;y .v,.r other nat ions, Val services on Monday night, July
Sale A spn of Bulls: G feet l!ir:il,"" say M is. Mn i,-. in an a e manner, ringing out many 1 1th, and continue through tho week.
'sandOfeet "HI inches rppe-' iiliru f M:n',,nsV,ll,, "! s,,f" god points, aud pointing out some of The genera! public is invited to attend
Knouiro of J. JTuckor j fw,fd fr"m 1c,J",n,U timrriwa f"1' 5"n Him lan-oi. that llnvaten our liber- thesn meetings. j-:verybody come.
of Bandon, or at this ollice.
quired to give, her entire relief. 1
then decided to trv the luedicinn mv
t ICS.
The exercises closed with tho Na
tional hymn "America." which is dear
to every true American, anil then the
W. 11. Mykks. Pastor
Yv t v r a n S 0 a c a :a p m out.
H.indon. June 'JSth. 11)1)1.
a i i : l .. t
assembly proceeded to partake of k,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,, ,,f the suth W. ,tem Or. gon
dinner, inailV havin ' brought their Veteran Asoco'lam. will convene at Hand.ot
, . . , . . .. . on Aiigu-l 'Jlth, L'."ith aid lVth. Oomrades,
lunch With them, while olners toed; ,.iaiie it a point to attend the Kucampmenl,
j men uecioeo 10 iry me meoicinn my- ;lVanta"e of the oiitiorlunit v offered u !l ,n," ,-i !'''d Hv order nf
!s,df, and did not nsu all of one bottle ,)V , BJjIllW Ai, So,j(,; ()f ,b(J " 'unnander.
1 beforo 1 was well, and 1 have never
; sinco ben troubled with that com
plaint. One cannot say too much in
; favor of that wonderful medicine."
! This remedy is for sale by C. V. Lowe,
! To Water Renters.
i:a.mon i, oner: S!
'a. i. o.o. r
Presbyterian Church, while, perhaps
a greater number made tln-ir way to
the holel aud restaurant.
J lie afternoon sp rlswere preceded . j ANDON L )D(;k. No. i :;:,. I. o. ( ). j'.
... ., , ,,' ... J meets every Satutdav evening. ..
oy a lew innings oi nasc-naii oeiween
a Bandon nine and a learn from lliv
geiitlemau t- manage lai-tness in thtsCuitn
ty ami adjoining terntor tir house of solid
financial -: : 1 1 u 1 . 1 1 u - S-Osttaight cash salarv
and expenses paid e ioti .Monday direct trom
heaihii-irier.. Expense money advioic-d:
j jcisitioii permanent. Addicts .dauager, (il).i
: Mo:i .n laiihiiug. Chicago.
I O- T-
; U. S. Commisioner and Notary Public
ousehold Furnishings and Deco
rations of all kinds
Hed Hoom Suites
and Pieces.
Cur'ain Pol. s nnd l'itie
I'ido-.v Trtcticicg-'
Vall Pn;xr nd
Ihtise Lining.
Cabinet Shop In Connection. rvlaUresces and Springs.
Furniture Itepatrittg and Hav-lilntg a Spictalty.
Glass. Paints, Oils, Brushes. ZZ!- UNDERTAKING
A Full Line of P.nrial Cnskeis Iirr. I !.' 1 and 'ro. !s. ard I ndertakin- Stipj.Iies
Co.i-.:; :i:lv K pt on Ilaiid.
C. Shi
ZEllaofesro-itix &z W agon
"Wagons of ail kinds made to order.
Joh wink attended to promptly and all work g t iranticd to givo atisf su:;t"::. TPrtuita
etton. Tho Kcore was six to four in
favnr of liandon. hut tin' Bandonians
Notice is herehv given to all person's to ha I one more inning than the Itiver-'
! U'huiii water is -utidted liv the Hat.-ltm LiL'ht i . ti ii iv .. -.i.
If YOU Cannot find what VOU Want v Water Co.. that all water tent- from and ' ",m i.ico.s iiieo i.uiii! uu Willi
anywhere elsu iu town, come to the After the nah dv..i eaeii iomth the..i,ii-
gxtioti will he Cotistdered dclmquetit. am!
..Visiting hrotliers iu good standing .j.
cordially invited. .".
It. Fiii:ii:t:icK. .In . Sec.
j tie following; results:
Maybe we have one left, if so, the
price will please yon.
Our stock is fin; all, but the ptoods
Juno 30 Sehr Advance, OgMinssfin. la
days from San Francisco, to 0. .M. tT. Co.
June i-'chr Kuhv. Korth. 1'J dtivs fioni
are of a good quality, and the prices jj,,, Francisco, Xo Prosper.
are right. .Jlv 1 Sttur Flt7.a!elh, Jensen, :A hours
Wr make 'Cash Buying" an object : from Snu I rane.jseo.
fo the pnrchager. at the
the water will he shut on".
Pa meat can he made to C. Y. Lowe, at
liin drug store.
ISanijo:; Lusiit V Watiiu Co.
("olilt Olleeo of the 1'oret No. 17,
I'oresters of America.
I'ilings and I' pro..fs made on Home
-reads. I iniher !Jl!iim and other lT. S Latal
.Money Loan.'. Neijot iatetl on Approvei!
Otliee in room 10 IVvorle Ihiilding. Pan
dojj. ltesideuee on Mutte Creek, ( Iregott.
.'.II Iclails of Uenl Mslate houlit an
Independent and reliable 3'he Oretron-mn.
Sali uoanl the Iiil.lien.
Not withstanding all that is done by
boards of health and charitably in
clined persons, the death rate among
small children is very high during the
hot weather of the summer months in
the largo cities. There is not proba
bly one case of bowel complaint, in a
hundred, however, that could not be
cured hy the timely use of Chamber
lain's Colic. Cholera, and Diarrhoea
Hemedy. For sale by C. V. Ltuve.
"lOrHTl.U'KKX (sF TllH 1'OKKST.":
y'O No. 17. ne-ets Friday night f eaeh;.
:.veeh. iu Concrete Kail. Man-Jon. Oregon.':-
cordial welcome is extended to idl vis-
it ing hrotliers. d. K. FISlIKit,
J. N. Lxu.oirt. Chief IJanger.
'S Fin. Seeretarv. '
IIAMtllN I.SlDCi:. No. I l.", A. I. A. M
J I ANMION LOIX; li.No. llo.A. F. .M . ''j
x Staled communications first Sat -
'.urd'tv after the full moon of eaeh '.
'A. month. All .Master Masons cordial 'y i1
v invited- PKTFlt NHLSUN, W.
.1. E. VAij.-n:oM. Sec.
Church Directory
.M. K. Cncitcii.
Preaehing service everv 'nd and Ith Sun
dav at II A. M. .and S: P. .M.
Sunday Seho.d everv Sunday tit 10, A. .M
F.pvvorth League. 7:1. M.
Prayer meeting Wednesday at S: P. .M.
W. II. .Mvt:as, Pastor.
PltKMlVll'.ItlAN Skuvicii.
Preaehing timl "rd Sundays, morninp
and evening.
Sunday School each Sunday at. 10 a. in.
Kndenvor meetings at the usual hours.
Praver meeting 7 :.'!() Thursday evening-;
All ate welcome.
Adolcii IIaubiii.y, Pustur.
you n:ib a y haf.o-ware?
If You Do
til! t't.'.vj lniie- nt TN- fWti
Sti-.Ju! ami e:'.:i p'.-:-e l-U. (ilVr CS Cll
i exauiiae1 -nr
btoves, K-anges and i-arrri impsemenes, tic,
Xow is the litre to pui chase Hard wave. The undersigned has
in stock a large assortment of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Glassware, Crockery and fvliners' Supplies.
PasBits. 3I.m, 3)oocs S:Kti yii:3iij.
The Bandon Hardware Man,
cko. r. Toi'i-iNt;.
Fir Insurance.
Ilaudoii, - - Oregon.
Wrenshall & Wrsnshcll,