Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, June 30, 1904, Image 4

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is nim.iaar.n
a 3
One 00
mi: MtMifUc 1 w
lbT"Snh v
l'iht Will Ite !tlcr,
::ttb t- J1-1'"
i le prepMtt- ? -r JVrih of
TutiV is uotuuig st h about the
focacnst- nf the Jafmwse-Russian
Var erniHiubirs. F. :ch predie-
o n:i
the ifgabir edition of any uew.-p.ip.-r
or any other publication printed out
side of tho i of Oregon, to ho com
i ,' ....:,,. pded only bv persons re:,idinr in
tt..'."!.-I. a'lt. III. UfMI.H f. t.- UU.Vj- - -
. . ,.,,,,,1 ,r Ur-gon and lu;ng in thecdvoi
:... ft imi' 1 1 ,M inu. oi u i;oi t mooni or
l "I t ...llOI J
itwM is uii.t.;. f l a 1 by list
Those who an porsi.-dont in closing
l Itfir cars against tho continual rec
ommendation of Dr. Kind's Xew Discover;,-
for Consumption, will have a
long ami hitter light wilh llieir trouble-,
if not ended earlier by fatal ter
mination. lea I what T. II Ueall ef
lJ.-all. .Mi.-s., lias to .-ay: "Last fall
my wife had very symptom of run
sumption. .She took Dr King's Xew
Di-eovei v after evr thing else had
tailed. Improvement came at once,
ami four bottles entirely cured her.'
Crnnriinteed In C. V. J4mvi'. I rnjt:i-"t
i'rieo fU cet.l- and $1 H. Trial hot
ties !:.-.
5:. .tile for Jri'go:!
'Ji tile Kopicuf Oregon. GhkktiXO:
The Portland Commercial Cluo
offers. tw"o"gohl medals and SlkiU in
cash pii;;- for articles on Oregon,
under the fallowing condition-:
Thrown I'lttin :i W:ini.
Mr. George K. Uahrock was thrown !
from his wagon ami severe! v bruised. $
I (i imt.hod ( 'Icuiilii.i'c T r. I ti P., .In.
Iteelv. atl(! S.'lVSIt l' llui lumt liiiiiminl iN
lie ever used. Mr. Jiahcock is a well
known citizen of North Plain, Conn
There is nothinjr equal to I'ain lj'ilm
for sprains and hrni-es. It will effect j
...... . . . . I
a cure in one-tiiird tiie linn required
hy any tulur treatment. Tor sale 1
V... i. LoWe, Uril'Tlsl.
Home Circle Column
'iule 'I'luciMrt As They Full From The K?J
l:litari;il Ten. IMfn;!il I. v.-iiiulf Kcv j3
erie. A Citliiliin llettn-nteil In 'loeii jTfl
.Holhci- :i "I liev .loin 'I he Wouie Ciiele trj
at livenliij; Thle. j ?g
We are soon !o celeUrate the ir at ' t$ of 'itr national holidays, ibe hirtli-1 j?3
day of our nation. Ariayed in all
"I ilon'i ihv.V ri ori.'l top
homv. uji;. .s 1 Leu:i..-.r l.taci
VrAi. ,t.. v i iin- u-i.;l :t i i tju
fiin..Iy t.)v .e r i.-.o tl.j
best of t"." I ' -i-3 ne t hail r
dtctor:. t.. 'j' :.f tht l;
ortim. !t , ,ror hi i '.!'
ul'.vnya ru.. to r.uVc : porson well
anil liojipy." JAMES HALL, Juck
Bonvilto, 111,
Ik'oaasc this aioriicino
reli.'Vf-s ytomnch paias. frees Iha
ceasttpa' d ho-,n;ls- and invigor
ates tho torpid liver ami weak
ened kidueys
i r ; ? rr
Fornrti or Jfl.Y.
For the be.-t aruele appearin- jl J I"' he-iuties of th,. year, tho Fourth
'of J ii i v will soon i-it us. Cirecn r
titdds and a rip':iin harvest proclaim
ii. . -. ... R
o. a orient sun ci.eers n, ami me
fie.::- H.i awa.v fr-nu
no! !r out th- .-Jntement that
lhnl fartivs;-. is impremiaole.
Mar-UiKdd Suu: Capsain 11. K.
it..l wh.- Hf-i'iitr theiireak
waier io San Fianeispo. whither lie
lOt';- to rrati;e for the coinple'iou ',4t
ilio vflsft-! in Ids vnrd. .-;it:'.et! some! i' '.:t h pn.e will be Slfi. tl.? iif;h
time aj:o, aud with fai:!y t'tK.:i ehau ' I ''' Tt-
Q.-s of aQccr-. ,) ivMiletiis of F-itlaud a u! A
CvlmuU Herald: Aooruey-Gen- 'alnnd itii) will Jr d.Mnbiited
r;t) in cash.
For tin set-end best article, either
tho j,ld medr'.l or i) in cah. do:
pending upon the .select in made by
thv winin-r of liist prize.
Article uinniiii,' third pr:.e v. ill ,
110 po
is nrrps.sarv in tho home where
Th.'dfor.l's lUaek-Draught is
koj)t. FamiluM living in tho
country, niiiea from any physi
cian, have been kept in health
for years with tins medicine as
their only doctor. Thedfonl's
l'luck- Prsiifrht cures bilious
nessdvspepni;i, colds, chills ami
fever, bad blued, headachra,
diarrluca, constipation, colic
and almost every other ailment
because the stomach, bowels
liver and kidaevs so nearly con
trol tho health.
hearts of freemen bid it welcome. iTPj?
From the hv' babe in thecradle to - H " 3 Siiia VUb kJ J
ISuikIoii. ()rciiii,
Druggist and
Is In rccuipt of a new and
fruah .stuck of
Drugs and Chemicals,
i'titont timl Proprietary I'repuraiions
Toilet Articles,
L'ehi'umks, Uui'siiks, kSroxc;i;s, .Soaps
Nuts a:;i Candiks.
("lstr, Toluiei'os aie.l fJ:;ur ten.
faints. Oils. U'ns-cn.ami I'ainter's Supplied
You Can't Expect to Get
$2 worth fcr $1, but you
can get your money's
worth at
SJoaSiT in JSonts and SEioe.s
Wo bavo put tip an Up To-Dato LAUNDKY and aro prepared to do
First-Clttss Work.
All Work Guaranteed.
Our Spocialtios are Shirts. Collars, Finery. BIanket3, Curtains, and Wool
ens of ail kinds.
NOSLEP. & LYONS, Proprietors.
The New, E!egantiy Fitted, and Speedy Steamer
m prise.-; upon e.vactely the Mime . ::
!m-i. as the obd m-odal and 6iUd are, v"v
to he di-irihnsed t j residents o;:tide :'-v
of Portland.
end Kut'S. of Ium sev!;.s cabinet.
iti wan n ;m.-l attfiuey tu-fuiv he
was appointed to a cabinet pt-siiiun,
luc r,iM i.iMuiinit d .Senator from
l".i-vlvnia to vnrhiu-v ere.nted T" r fr bavin tl.e?e ar!i-
Ut-il...d..M1. of S.nnlnrOnav. '! ivs M P'ded OlltMtlo of the late i.-!
v m -------
iiiM-r!ivl!inu!dt!iiit.Sei.!iUa-Ona:I3At wo w;4!!t lhl! Pop!.. av.ay fiv-m
fct, or snothtr piomiueut IVnuryl lfnmv lu ,;
.....i,i j,. o..iwi.;. o..i T ivU"'" we tn
... , Or...-in irtiimc fi ... !i. ft,,... 'tei Hot I'i.-e lip o ((:::. 'lui Ultli :-Mri j
Qiiitp a Miriuise eneraSlv th.Vt lv:ux urt"on WW" Iv ielieed from , !
. ' , . , . ! ..v ..immt.. v.-.f....f,t t-. o ...;.r.f a tiatton ior mere ieiMwii. 1 bey twui-j
whs ppoi Jui :t lias leaue.: oni ; "'0 (
F -1 C
tin Wiiri iur u'linsc .niv h:iiis !in Y.s 4f 31 ?K Xi FT jfS r
I fttl w 1 1 1 t 1 r 1 1 tn I li.i n olnrn l.iivi'Mfi f i2 mt. fjA fJ -T M Li 1 lv'ttiriirftttr n..otle iftl ti. umtf N dionk f I vkmkw
life, every voice will on that day be l f; fA $ ft F ,"WVsl ,ivil,a prilVS
tnm'd to the ai'centri ot Liberty, tr, y stPS5 4 k '
Wabiol Country. The Ameri g p S U H? p N WM' !
th :t regard. U.e tod of hl v.,,, . 22!BZ ; K , .(J fCAII iOAB :
.v.-.rami blooti. The Cot.-t:;.nion is ' , ; , T f ..""i?. EM
the ereat! of tie deed- of fi i JmMcM
.mi amwors. On tlw mlUr and on j H 5 KM.-) fOr
ITU'" .11 Hf.- W I IT' ... ! II " I . - .V ' . - IJ-'.-J VI f .'Jl jrj-v -- "T" I
re wni. en an 1 uteir ;;e::ievenie.r.- ; . Y?.;. . 1
erded. U it u ut car U 0 (Ji i .1. J rtlKUiiw VOirC
do,n the to futu::a,., ME'm '
t rival uritam ii:,.: cani.M ;hei.ueoi, p. MUvlrOO. ' d! ilKMf , I
her aim-: far and u,d.. Imu j , , Uj ,.,., ,n fi!MS2? j
ieacl.e.1 n-r arms arre.-s P. e-le;-;. j Mr.. icmhin. oia.diiN 0jlhHlilt' !
.onliner.l: bad bnndbd riiiee am i . .... ...... ' ZV.73aiI ?JJ,'T iVr-- '-r
0. P. JENSEN, Master.
TIoh Steamer is New. is Strongly built, and fitted with the latest improvements, and wijl
civo a reeuliir n tiny service, for iHHse risers nn'd freitdit. betwecu the
C()iiii!le Uivur, Ureymi, and San Fruacisco, Calif.
KLHKHT DYB1, Acent, Ilamlnn. Ort-Rnn.
E. T. KlirZ, Ianainu Aucnt, '207 Front Street, San Francisco, California.
Hotel Coauill
jjzlo- CIiy. Oregon.
This well known hoiid is now under new and com
petent management and has been thoroughly ren
ovated throughout. The table servicu is equal to
any in Sunt hern Oregon. .S tuple rooms for com
mercial men. Baggaj-e trans-port 1 tl to and from
boats and trains free of charge.
l''ine new bar in connection with tbo hotel.
n..u-..r ..iv:,,,,,,,,, ., .,.i,u.,fj (,.,ri::ir , yzHWmM& r nccnx rami ?v r our
leciin mo 1 ortiami ami " lu-.ti-.i-Mt-.u n.-.;:;.' 1 ttie: !,, i.iin , -yt - v 1- - t
Hoi i.r .Oil ii:t:S
. I. .i.I.n- . .'..i.... it--.,: i- ii-i-ni! ..1 H... I ft - ii! . :
tbai the trut, and i:,e,evclt dictated svin to .lecime us neb- ; - s ' - f : jj .0;
ib nomination, and it was accom j Aiticle containing the expreion , tocy ...u-..m n ,.mrage.c.:,
pli.btH through Ftick. the ereat.teeljV-bfoof will not bo allowed !o ; amt union t at de.t,es to b.- ( G?LiEI6 cpristCi
1 - - r ... comnete celebrat tl. not only by every p. ad r! mna;e. ibis information is lom!it"" . , 1 i
- . ?, ,. .1! Tit,. (n.iMrmv r.f rl... uf... ,,;'! I, of the iiome Clieje (. t.hlJsil.. !l'.t l 51 ...1 1 A; rt .'!.! OT-
iuriiK-hi by a Peu:;s vama ropnbli i uu Lioernoi ot the hta.e wnl In.
Tj.e Perfect Product of
Jtrtti:'e ! I eiel't .;'-'-l t 'be' itwr
lte e:t:i:ii '-t'-'-k ef T!?: I1VM'"
V.'.J!.!.S y'J.-;. e-:S. r s:-.. t. ne.
4 T.
Ycur Pslop.oy L5ack if It Don't SaiL
iftilv '.r 'i.'. d i.a i-r the , : i!i
run. nml should be coa?ideied itdia w app.-tut a commii-e.. to o-cide ' '' ' h'-ic i-rtnv CiTt ai
Ikto Tl-trj nnl hi ' I,.) n;i,rii niies. ,.r' lxJ 'UO MI.!1"!.-- Ill I lit tiWl.i- ClMiM'.-l, " t T ...- '
11. J l.rfB IIC 'O lii'UitUt till, s ' . ... ,1 t U'l, !n h-.4i '.! 'hi'., itti-iti 1. I ..i.elti" I
, . . . . . . n.ii . fifii'.i iii.t' iiiiuiii . . t. ... i -
,L. s. e....K.l :vi-;t- v." title tile ..iavor ol I'orUail t w;Ii be - ' Hv.-mi l.-o . m.l vM It- .t5niti!v I ili- of I'iuS..,!. (muiy ot t'oo-.. ned
iag between he magnates
t? Hoosevvl: a imiiiiatration.
q d nc D Q0 P r? A C- Q -:
t'leimtirrlnin"- s"tuttali anil
lr.liK.: Ittftter tin. n a DuPliir
. r.o !.? .1 i.i ..mi tl.. ..........if.. ' l"d mothers should pivsj-nt lbs i: fir t-.t t-.U l.u.t.ur iU- wa; liw in iu.-..n. sl.. ii. .it
j that will 5loct the WltitlLM-s in ibis j v;!,ls :l u,,1'i, !'a,"1J1K 01 tl"j ' 4..x. i..r i.e $...;V.. .4 th
little ship ' yr. llov.e;.'" it va in the J :. re e l f ee o sTmrf:.- nt nuy t-llsc t.' I' .imi 1 f iKi- it-i- t t
, .. , . . . ... c-a;.in o! this utile craft tnal toe cbai- , ;:... !: !: h. Iia,
i.iver Ono oMbo chief naso:s for ofter- ... . , , . , -a. .! c.t. lu- Hi ;! sr.;-u. v ,v t
,. - , - .. ter wa- e.-5:t: .l-h.-.l a- tb" rule utiieh " -v r n t
:ng tneso priz..-. is to iive the young . . . r::rA-. ::. u. !.. ! -l.-dl.
, j wi.iii.i ,ei'i no1 1 iiie:;.-. iii'i.i. oifir; x. - . ..
generati ua an uppirUtaity totto .mo; ,
t!Vs M ? Its. I 5lS J !
iexn. 01
. i,-.i: .it-r
air. J. W. Turner, of Trr.hart. Va.. pleasant work ttunng vacatiunJ ' " 'V'' IU N,',!b i. Fui: i ,mb A HiiN. , - - ?
harMbm rulIai.. . Stomal.. dUhio.ia.Lus.oiud uu mticl,, i, ,t- .hu-e:m. u the g. rm . fv I:. s .. ..j, ,, ?-..... -'.e. .!-"5"- "- ... Hnra-nth-r rf Smbou! Timo 27 f 9
Liver Tablets Late dune him mote desired e-.-e.;i;:g live thoi:.-am: ...,u.u ,,,,',, ' r.tJ ' ;,, ,., vj-v ..,.; ' ! -b " ' i rt ' ! -! 1 -r :i ?.:.: .s. .i.t-ww.
goo4 than aaytbing he could get fr.m those ef aU;ul onu thousand r" Z , ' " . .'.." -i ' ".".V ' i'S'i ! ' ' ' ":i';cT1 "; ": U'n S J' S .: - in rn-A: . 'vy''P v.-,rVo fh fP?Qn"n foilirO' C;Q fhllriTF
lii doctir. if any physu-iati m ujir , words pretered. . , . , . .. , , , . L-ovU : .t. ':. -. 14 !. t u 'V. " ..' .-.,. , v .. ..... f ,r t,; 7
irme ta,t -woald produce such gra.i-. pet, t, on except where the newspapers ' ;hj, ,OIiI nho,t, fniil rtr, f.i:!1..:! j NV:4l...; Se-;;; - ' V - -'f I 4- c. 17fh 1vb iqtb OfJth ?'H 27th ad 23ft
!viM,g re.-rfhsiuca-euf st.miach tror. oiLer pi.blicatioi: is .-ubmittod ..... r . .- t u.- .'rni - ! thk " " Aw w,!,!, ii j.uh..1!vij iU - IwuL, l. .Uull, u,.f l, -tJ. u-u. t-)p.l.f
..ver the uoHi that Vv mnv b J i-bu: -?dv ... o. a a r.u r tb, ,.r ) i--i ihi- A-i BiiNDO.N tdo iist, uia, rd and of each son!ib.
i ? - !';.,,.,, i r ) j a:c-' to.. .. fmon. sit, . (l"v tr
: iilatm-v! in id bt r mih!?. a,;-.1, b( nr f; u.t " ': MS s .i;,-.n's.i: e Hie.. outers- n. etmc .';-n,-:,';s-,:: .:,:vf. :"'r '-- ; u. X" At HUMS' S RANCH .che 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, S and 9 cf each mouth.
1(1 Oilli'l 1'IJ me.-. l-Oi U - lO.ijv W Ol ll ; ' , .... 1 n 1 I I ! r I - ...f t.. ..w t h. t I he mi j
With bappv aiiticioatiou to the dawn j 1 1.-.,::. M..mtav. tl,.- J.tth .!v of .hiiv, rt 't' i. n.o.e vatnstvle i..r i nr . , - , , " ,., , , .
..." - . . , I !if:.l. ill the li.ur .! 7:?ii !'.,!.. of i.l l.-v. ! ttwn f.r t.;r..-::n urst, p:r$.s,r.. and LVxieT is a beautlltll steel gra lb 1-2 bands hii.'!'. foaled 1S9S. Is of
Mlg of the morning td Juh 1 ..nrth, ! f ,.r .-. e-ta.ll-a t.i ei.-i... :,. t.ia.t r. T. . . . . ...i :....:i:: u . : . . i. . i . . t . i i:.... .,,
. i'.- ....., , . ( .1 i JJ .- I J' i.ll.l lilllisoi.i ill. ell I .v live. iie iiie ie. i.irfieu I
:..! i.iiii-Ii i.l.l !..i .. ..'.. ..,.r'i 1 fiir i in. ...-.-ii..ti ..I iii.-.r!. r. kin! in . 1( i .i;.ui .o . .i t , u. ... t .itaie. -. i:.t. :ti ..i. 5 , . r ..... . .i t .. ... .... i
...... .... .... i,-. r,:;,.,. t.r;.,it. 4., .;i ..f c..r1.;rittl.. j ,i l..,:. r.T r.., mv ,(...,m.B. :.rge:nne. no:;.- i.,r enerH, sir me, , ,.u i e er -mhm , ,U. see. .,,
e the dav. 1 ....... :-:eu:U.;v. the Cieili d.u t 4tv. lb- :.e;:if tni-se.-ed ..j tt Ii streiiirt n ami speed. 1 lis co':.? a iv Inriie anti of huti
OOO V;r. p'Vi.-ixo. !1?I!,.V' 'V w:,,VlT 'j. Cust-'- ,;;..iil.'eh. -at.: t, . I,,,,., ct.. n of bis get will ronvince I!:p mo-t doolding.
UKs. UihoUsuesji r ctn-.tipaiun. h1. , complete. The articles submitted
whole tuns ttots! I b used Ui pre par-; become the properly of the Portland
iui: liis oi- niHiiit ine. !. sale bv (Jotamurcial Cla'o, to be itsu.j as ue-
1 u". Ljr.e. Dnmuist.
T:i cont.-si close.- October 1, U)Ul.
V. e telieVt! that t nero will be a.'i
j Juter-?-tniiC c jinpotitiou for these priz ,
i ooi.r
K.iun. lAe, t'. uiin. : to nave a ,s. antl te-d sure liiat many neWa
.. . t.ti mill axel a b:onj-Uttiuio 1 isr.j.ighont Itie L'uited .State.-.
: r .' i. lett sy. ri! iiitatu 5ti- ( Cnaada, Mriuu htid u iht eountrte.-,
.iel:ujf l that p!C?e. vk" j 'Viii if lad to secure liifeivs.
.a 4 f i a f-W iUrK lisi ' :u utter t-li,liV? to tt, mil'.! fei t.le
!. ii:i!i .si U;.i..b ii.p ratted tue i'acifu' X.nti v-st. Ar
i iu an l!tmjje v.:i! in? uo
.. . i
' b i! t.ji eff iff ,vio
.! ii' - ;i t i Or- . 'A-.
' Hi
:,;".'( g tiJ ! 1 V .t talk
: ! : !... t U i ; i- iir.ti
...I ; . (.. ii. ... U
ti .'i !'i u ., a..i
. i riii.-J u ioeoi i'off taJoii
. ! - ttiih ui:i giveuii.oiaHt
i .5 j .100 hautifa. am: it .il! bo
i e. .i n" ai cnj'.dde mnuKgers.
' i jt .M5r..j't hta:i ?.!ateh Cuma-.'s-ita
i j.iiicisco is budding and
i-ii!li.g the ffceU rj lor the mttnu-UH-tuie
of mairut-.-3 ami bru-.;m-han
Tbe liaii'cr gi.v.tL xuu cl..-e con
liwttoi nub Suit J' raio-isco by :-ehoo:i
rs tvefa tin (,-is Ba; country a tie
phUh ;.t!v!itage a a maniifitelnriog
eentAr. Tie: are :l...nsi.r.ds of wn
of the fmo;:s I'.ni (Jn'or.i or v. iii;.-e-dr
in the Coo- Iiv CMniUy, and it
is jviag ttie most valuable export
frH that sefti'.n. Tiro vibite cedar,
wIrii manufactuieil into lumber.
b;itis a good pi See, sidling iu tbo
rough to local cou-imerr at the rate
if 6"5 and 10 per l hftisnnd foot. Tiie
planeil jmluct biingh sT-1 jt r thouti-
a:i in onzi r i ancisco, v. iit-i e ;i ianseti;and pu bacic, or t hey may be renov.d
as a finishing lumber in ihi linest ! 'mt:rdy : htm.- are spi"od: pipes tal;
dweJlsie-s nnd other buildm''-,. '1 bo i putce of diseased sex-l ions of vein1-
J:..-i!uii.:i I ii:in!ii-'!il.
i u m 1. . i.e Cj iirin ta Z.K
J -4 we Coin.
Poitn.N-; I'.istMSficiAt. l'i.; a
Scnday Wkinn: When it l'.-an,i
:ii-esary to -en-1 tnoj)- to the r-cem-
f the tpiitie in (J dor;:. , fe-ler.d
irips ho'i!.l have been sent, and ie.1
a lot of young and inexperienced
bo.-,. who lacked d:.creiion. Tb-
A sure sitn tF approaching n-v-dt
am! .-erious trouble in onr s-t(m i.-
riervou-nt'-s. sb-epb s-m-s.-. r ston.aeh
un-.'ts. K!.Miric 1 littery w ill qnitddy
dismember tie- t.onb!e.-ome canoes.
It never fails to tone the stomach.
r-.rnlaie the Kldi".v an I Ie.ue!.-,
I Miliar f. Mi,
i m.t H.'SHt --.ii.::.
ll. i'aKir,:;.-u, J.
NtritCK h'Jit .5b!A : ii;:: . !ft(H.A VUi
S'lill'.l.' :....:it ble.
X .'ine i- lieretiv j;iv.ti thrtt in inr-mitof
iu-tn:trlin-i f s,i t ti:uiiW.-.t.:.-r of
.lie il'ji-s tl boitl (".:i'e. aa.!.r "
v-;tetl m buu bv'ii 'J . ". S K.'.. . -on. mi-5. ' ! 5v ;iie .i t u' t.' ;.;-
i i i.i. i: .u. ; ..r.e rt:ui:,t. i.,. ..i ,, .- , t t... i i.i :.. f .1
r.,k n...r Hai .I .i:. Ku-.i If. C.v, f H-.n- li; 'lMU- "l""J l"1 " ;il wmu.v. .i.- in.- t..-, :.j:d J?it.-e! A. (ir.. s. . . b..!..:..j.. ail .f j bratfil Idue i iambihoir.r.n mare, noti'ti even uieu years ot a;. for her
t'..- Cnoitv. (!(itf"i:. .-p.-ed. trait: efies-. and enduramv. It is unneces.:rv to anything to ilii-
.m .ti.d-.ll i r-;..r.sni:,.i:n.s.d verity til- ( j , wbl.t ;ht. .-d;,;: of the sire of l)ex,.-r f.I!ov.t:
:o..te il. i'i '..o.tlr. .ir; l. .ja. -le.l u. life i 1 ' n
il.eir I'lnmi.-' in tins et'ucc oa wr Svfure sn.l ' TTTTt"."1 TTITH
(r !:.
1 ::irt ui .. m J.:;0 Tiny Pil.a. U
J. 'V. t'i:ur.a,
Kej'ISU r.
Nil Tie:; ko.: i i ittdi'vrio.v.
IhnliiT 1j:;..1 Art, sine a. l.STS.
I -fbTAN iri:b
Umul-,te the Liv-r, ami puriy ,,. i ,., ..s.r :,f ..,.i,!i-.. aI- i:,it ,:.iv f .:- 1 Or. .., ,f its. , i Stuxnli-nt. rs'.li f SnUaen. of
boo.. Ion imv:i sxlem. bi:ie!i :-. ie-x. o.i- . i.i- i.i-;..vot.i; Hr.t i v........ ;. ... . i,-. ,.,..,.,,1;.. ...... : " ! - J
srticuh.i iy. ami all tu- Usual an.'tid- i m.ioj. i ..;.. i.'-oiy II W..i. 7 " . , , . " 0. ..1 ,- - I -r --':
ties viimwii limit r searrhiuy ., ' ; ; , .,'. .. , , . . v , ; !'"!'' lio.ti-. m tn.t Mi i tit. .rnia. ; 1
s ii-..! .ve tl c; i.e. a 1 .1'.i :i ? i u :-K".i :.i ate t r ... -..... .... .. 1 iiii.h i'r r-
inu ac
ami itiorotiii 1'eetrn-1 wi.-tr ci-ri. " uawe m ir-!" m
i,H. ... - ... ... . . - Id u df .srioio.l ;..r I he u iuia imet t
hitters is oniv cents, and that is..,. .... -i.-.- ,. ,-.t. 1 .
-tuned if it't t;ive perfect salis-i 5" f!',u'd
fatition. C:'inra-teetl I .y V V. Lye,
f-k!:::i:i Cuti :'j;ct lsvt.
The Hoard of Direct rs of this
Sehooi District, ve-.ter.biv afternoos!
J T. itiiin ;: :;. It; s;e r.
I. I. i.vtiWI.
Nortcj-: !'o:t n N.
lle.:it-liueill ill tile
I.kt t)rrii t; .vr ll i-:.iii:!tn. lr.-,..a .'..lie
t:;. but.
t""l. ..i'v..i:i. :witl .i-'illllilioil 1 ffri- - k . 1 ,
, . . ... . . .: ........ 1 '.. ..
i..n. 1 e.. 1; 10 .-to u.e 1 1 inn 1.11.1 arit, ,,., rs ,
snees l,y H.1 .t Any !. . :tht. b. ,N, Alusht. f
! rf. tl :ti:!ititn. ( ouiirv ut I )., n.te - 5...... r
()..-; -a. :;e !u:s tl iv at. ti 1:1 tiiM.:lu'tt j ift..,,,i Willce.
ins i.iM.ra si .lenient . i Nr the pur-
eij j; t lie 1. t. :". ii uiUt 7 of Seciwi: j ;
.'v.. It. in Tot. i;-h:j No l.' S.uitli. ititm'.e Ni.
i t. West, aati util uiT. r pr..f tt sho-.t- t!i-.t I .
..... . ...1. ... . 1 l: .. iM
;i:e woiti :s v;i:i!.teio sur n- -
.Mm a V.'ilke?;
lied Heart -J:li
is le t-Iv t.'iven tlo:t tli-. f.I... ine
........ .1 a.......r t.'.; (O. I ....I .t,t .. t.t. i.......
slate militia is cotnpo-ed nf u l-.S ofjaliov. l th cm'.raci. for the construe-I i:-.n tu nm!..- li.ial pt.i .f tn sapp rl of Ids
dan lies v. tiu tlehtrht in parading about
in a uniform, f-ieneral M-di is a 'am
5b of a militia olh 'er. He is lacking
in every mmimj of ibe ..ord.aml itnie-'.
he is called io a ball, th-'re will be
inon- bl.j-idsiio.l Sjeforo tho trouble
Tl'iionpti-. uj ASdih'iu Surgery.
Wotideiriil things are l:n for the
human body by surgery. ( )i gaits are
taken out and scraped, and polished.
i-n of the new Public School liuild ''.. ai.d tli tt sai,i pr.,. f v. u: ,.. ,,,.,.1.. 1,,.
f..te' . 1. 1. her. b. S. t ,..:ii:iii m..n
itlg for X'.Jtth le'lni. to L'untractor I', i r. .ti Iih ..Ilti-e ui Itaadua. Uresjun, 'ii
iirtbiv. -1 11 1 :Wth. l'.?H. v.: li. K. N... S.ltll.
wooxl is varnished and. used in its
natural Colur.' Oreg n Dail Jour
i.eil Ily Slit, I),., ;r.
"A doctor hem har. sm-d mo for
.50, which I claimed was excessive,
for a case of cholera morbus, ' hays K.
White, of Coachella, Cal. "At the
trial he praised bis medical skill and
medirine. 1 asketl him if it was not
Chamberlain's ('.die, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Kemedy he ummI. as 1 had
good reason to believe it was, and he
would not say under oath that it waa
not." Xo doctor eon hi use a better
remedy than I hi?- in a cie-e of cholera
mort!i. t never fail-. .Si. hi by C.
X. Loy.e. Druggist.
tntiM'ptic dre.-ings are aiiplied to
wotimis. brui'-es, burns, and liko inju
ries l.ei..ri- itdlammation sets m, which
fHUM's them to heal without matura
tion, and in one-thin) the time re
in. ired by tho oh) treatment, (.'ham
bei Iain's I'ain Dalin acts on t his same
piineiplo. It is an antiseptic, and
wimmi at)phed to such injuries. caii'-e
them to heal very quickly. It also
allays the pain and -,oreness. Keep a
bottle of I'am Dal in in your borne,
and it will save yon time and money,
not Jo mention the inconvonienco ami
-uU'eiing wbieh -nch injuries entail.
For sale by C. Y. Lowe. Druggist.
WvNTKD- rttlNI'WOitrny iady ok
ceiiileiiitoi t iii.-oi.-if hiiiiiieKsin this dune
ty 1011I iitlj .inoie ferrit'.rv for tents" of S'.iiii
liii:oi':i:tl -.1 Jiiuliou. f'.M si niiclit rssIi Kiilurv
uiiil evpe... pai'l ea.-lt .Momlay direct fo.tii
ieielqu o'er-: i:xin-i:- ne.te-v .11! v.oie.-il :
p'eali.oi p -riioiii.Mit. lilies-j .Mie.nier, CO.'i buihlite', ("Ide.iC".
U. Fisit of this city, who is to cou
trnei the building and furnish the
material for $S,0tU). 'J'bis does not
include the heating apparatus which
is to be put in bv ceiitracl. am) which
will be let later.
The building is io ho a largo two
story, eiirht-room construction, with
a basement, and will cost, when liu
ir-hed, al.out lll,tK)l.
According to the contract, Mr. Fish
is to finish only tho lower four rooms
at the price for which he took the
contract, which is S.S'.OUl). Mr. Firdi
u ii! begin the work at once as the con
tract must bo complutod within three
We are glad to see the contract let
!o a North Demi eonlnictot. as by so
doing the money is kept at homo.
X. 13. Citizen.
A Irilitciieil llurc
I" 'i'teiiilll- ril.nli i.!. of !;:!!. . Ml, (!.. ., C 1,
(:;:! uHtlie Lit-and t. tietay the
..f SWv, , S e. :!U. 1,,. L-J ri , It It W. aa.l
tie- K; ..f SK!j. Sio. I'.'.. T. S.) S.. It. 1.". W.
lie ll.iiiie- tile toll Wine wit ne.e:; to prove
his .;.ti::inU'H!-; residencj tit.oit and ealttv.i-li'-a
of said Inn. I. viz. : Andiew .b.101-,011. Pules, l) t M. Clayton ami le.liTt I.
Hunt, all of H. union, Coo (I-.unt.v. I )ri'n:i.
J. T. biattiKS.
xoiicH rou I'tii'.bhjA riu.s'.
Ku lining like mail down tho. street
dumping the occupant1--, or a hundred
other accidents, sire every day occur
lences. It behooves everybody to
have a reliable Htlvo handy, and
there's none as good as Huckleit's Ar
uiea Salve. Burns. C'-its, Sores, Ec
zema and 1Mb'--, disappear quickly
under Ps soothing ellect. ficts at
Lowe's Drug Store.
Independent and reliable Tito OroKon-iun.
Timl.i'l- I.aml Art June It, 1S7S.
I'xitia) Sr.vTK-; bsi) Ohra-a, at Kosi:-
uuao OitKOo.s. Juno 'JO, '.'.Kit
Notice is hereliv civ. -n that in
with the iirov i.iniis of t!. act of (' of
Jane I-"is. t ntttled ' n a. I f : lh- -.aie ol
lindn-r lauds iu the .State- of Califorpiu.
(Iticon. Neviult. anl Washiaeloa Ttjirt
toiV." as t-xti-tidi-d Li all I lie- Public baud
Sums by act of Atitittst !, W2, Aiihh Iv
iladsall. of ParkcrHlittr-,', Coitniy of (loos,
State of Otenn. has tbis day tiled in this
o!ln-e his kwoiu stateni' tit Xo I'.J IU. tor the
pur.-has of (ti.. Ij.t 1 sK', of M-P., NrP4
of SK'4 -f Si ctton Xo. I. 111 To tisiiip S.
loe.o.. No. II. . ., and will olfer - n.of to
fluiu that the land son .-lit 1 utote valu dile
for lis iiiiiher or stone than b-r :t"ra:!i;tural
liiii'p'iKi-s. and to ist Ins -aid
iaiitl Iicf ne Jani-- vat n. (oniitv Lh rl; ot
C ns ('oiiuty. On- on at th. oilioe of the
t'.itntV Ltk of (J iim l'i., Oreyou. at ('o
(itlle. Or'.'ii. 011 Moml iv. the lilth dav of
.Sfptiinhi-r, HUM. He name : wttnes-e-:
N. E. klow, f t t ttol ot. V. A. H '.-o, of
I'lirlier-li-irt;. I). (' It indle-n 01. of l'.irk -r-
liarL', ami T. H. I'tew-ll. of I'arker.-Jinr-:. all
of Coos ('-ituitv. ( lie". 111.
Anv and all pcrso;i:t claiuibt a-lver.el.v
the i:hnvi-di crihed laiuU are r.'iin-sle I to
tile tlu-tr (datnis in this odi ut on or In-fore
s od l'.Mh day .f Sfpt.-uilier, I'.KH.
J. T. l'.iitnoss.
j-inlW lti-isti-r.
Ss r or st.nj.. th oi f-.r ::y: ivtitt nr ; pat
p .s.'.s a:.d !i)i-t i!i!i,!i tii-i eiaintt.i -i.l.l lautl
i.t f.-o-.!..u' n,i.u. ('..itii'v Cu-rl; ot "...-
t'.eitiiv. 1 )r.-.:on. at the lh--e of ('i.uit: C
I-.-:!, t 1 '.i.s Cm.u v. Oregon, at Capiille. j
(Sreoii. 0:1 .M. uj o . tta- r.Mh tl.-sy ot .pt..
1'hll. its v,:t u. ; : Anion E. I bub
-all. V. A. i) .ii;. I ('. l.'.tntbeuiati and T.
II. I ', a'.l of I'aikefri'j.ii. Cmni.v of
Ceo-', ( )r H"U.
Anv and all persons e!ni'iiiti'4 atlvt-s-lv
J e l!)..v-d :rib.-.l are rt-in--te.I tu
tile t!i.-iV c'uinis iu tins ..fli -n on or li-tort--oil
tilth dav of :j. ptcuiln-r. itl.U
J.I. I.iutnos.
S.te irf :t :n -JiZJ
( (Vpprrh.tGn!.
I Hulic of V,.'...ii- . t It. tbtia off
.2:'JI J Debiioi.itw. 119.. tin; ..iiUT, dniii nC
j Site of ) Jlnrouttiuirrnn 10
1 Darhv S:b
I f Meusbritto Ghfuf il
iTi-histc -
Isijf Nora.
f IIn:.l:lte:tiii. 10
) idre ..f tlieibons
I S,mtibeab..:is7JW
J Trmlox l':lt
Silv. r belle. .-':17
I iiett.ii tl...'J:tT,t
I anil 11 i.tlicr-.
I frutal':l.-sito,-'::,.f'.
'Iintn ltev ':?.'' 1. I Spei-nlntinn
Jeatt Wilkt-s. ICiown I'.nnt 'J:'J4 Martini W'.t.shmj:-
':-tj CiracieN :" ( ton
Sir Wilkes. ...L'-.l'llt-, I Gnv SpncKle;. .
X.-hushla -'::K-; Oakland MaiiU.,':rJ
b 1)V t;TbbV 1 Lady i tli v. .. .-JSV-'
Jr. I Also uratt.l dain of
I Western Girl.. L':-".!5
b'nrr's W:iib:i:
ton Sire of
I ndy Wuodr'fr
I ity Alnlfllnh
j Siienf
(sir Walter '2
Utyi-t r.
.oTici:i-'oi: iTUbicATioxdaobA rbP
I'titilii; I. .nut Sale.
IbiM-htirc, On-yon. May 10th. I0.I.
Notice l- lu-rebv eivea that III tlir-n,.iic-
f iti-irn.-liius lititti the Conuiosstoii.T ;
the (:-neral band -tiice. under itutlf.ri! t
v. -ii d iu linn by section lil.", P. S. li.-v
Slat., as oneii.ted bv the act of C.nyrcs- a-p-pr
.v-ii I'eotuary "t'.itt. 1M,.'. v.e ll! prtci- d
to olfer 1.1 jinlilic sak- on the
ISth dav of Jul v.
nex. at this othce, the f..Io.vtno trm-t of
lap. I I., wit: li-it Xo. :'. Sec. Is, Ttt.:M S..
K. II W.
Any and till persons cluiiniuc. adversely the
above di scribed hinds are advised to file
their claims in this nflic on or before the
dav tlesicnnted for the commencement of
aul sale, their rights will be
J. II. IIooth, IJti-Jer,
J T bKtlJlU-S. Uecell. r.
M iv lMih. I'.MI.
Tirr.H,MS: Singlo Service
By tiie Season -To
Insure -
For further information address at any of tho places mentioned above
O. SE. EEXJjLtE"",
Mam-igor of tho hore for li. D. HU.MK.
Timber Laud Act. .1 une. a. 1S7S.
r.N-iTKii Srvrns l,vM Okcick. Koseburn.
Oteeoti, May f-'. HM'l.
X.ilice is hereby civeti that in compliance
with the provisions of the act of Cnwress
of June :t. 1S7S. entitled "An act for the side
of timber lands in the States of California.
O-.-C'-ti. Nevada, and Washinclun Terri
tory."' as exti-ndcd to all the Public bund
States by act of Auiust t. 1XIJ. Charb s
T. Fictit-r, oT Handon, Contilvuf ('00s. Stat
of Oregon.-has tins day tiled in this olliise
his swum sfcaU-uietit No "itU, for the pur
chase of tho S1,; of SV4 of Section No. tW.
111 rownshit) X. South, of Itatiuf Xo. 1 1
West, and will offer proof to show that the
hud soucht is 111 re valuable for its titub-r
f -.r st uie than f.r .lyrictllural purposes, and
t. establish ins claim to said Inud Le frc ( .
I'. Mluiueitrother, I. S. Coiniiii-sioiier. at his
O. 35. JjISISI?,
Coquille, Oregon.
Dealer iu Harness & Saddles and ill
kinds of leather wars kept in a harness
T j I f() SO .ir,-e :.t i;..tido,..C...s County, Otecon, on i , .
rf . xi. LX.LKS.llk OVa, Sat.iidav. dav of At:L-ut. I'.KM. He T) fOrjniT,iri0 Q RdPI 9 I r7
QU,,., PonJ.-mo na..e vas vi.nes-e-: V. Ii. lb.d--.dbol l.rk-j & obldiUj .
OtklVitl J I vLlrJlO ei-imrc. Uilph II. Kosa. of Hand -n. John I . .
and Bathrooms
&liiiviur J25 Coiit.s.
ESalliM 25 Out.
Worlcinaosliip up to date in any
thing in my Hue.
i.-l rson.of It-itiil'.n. and Hubert Iv fj. !
diiiioti, ot'.duu, all of ('00s Cunty, Ore
..ii. Anv and all persons clainiinj adversely the
.bove-de-uribed lauds are rnpi.sted to tile
their claims in this llicc on tu before naid
litti day of August, liKM.
J. T. Hiannrs-,
tnn'Jd Keiiiter.
A roc.;t;til2ed auttionty The Weekly
William Gdlier will act as my acont at
Patidot; and all orders li ft with him for
tzoods or repairs will receive 1 roinpt' ntteix
tiou iOH SALE UW acres of land: 130 acres
creek bottom, covered with alder and
snonon brush: 7 acres ph w land nnd 12
acres in pasture: house and milbnildincs',.
10 itnle South of b.-.ndon. on Fuur-milo
Creek: pripe $I,.riOO. For particulars addn-RH.
V. S. Trtnunn.yj-l Shauer St., Pottland, Or?