Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, June 09, 1904, Image 1

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52 Times a year for $2.
,.2 yea i t-r S.
Volume XX.
Number 23.
"Photo" Buttons, 10 to 15cts
Wrensbairs Gallery.
Mra. H. M. Tucker wont to North
Bend, last week, and will visit there
with her husbaud for a few weeks.
Inspector Roberts, of Portland, was
hero yesterday inspecting tho life sav
ing service. He has started on his
retnrc North again.
W. M. Vandecar, of Myrtle Point,
spent a day in Bandon the latter part
of last week renewing acquaintance
with former associates.
For sick headache take Chamber
lam's Stomach and Liver Tablets,
nnd a quick cure is certain. For sale
by C. Y. Lowe, DrtiggiHt.
John N. Luke, of Bandon, solicits
your trade in Bricklaying and Car
penter work. All kinds of brick work,
plastering, and cement work done.
The rally at Coquille, last Thnrs
, day evening, was the largest ever held
in Coos Co., so say those attending,
and the Democrats did themselves
By an oversight a tjrievous error j
crept into the 4Noticeto Water Rent
ers," last woek, which we have cor
rected, and which was altogether the
fault of the office. See notice for
Still to be found at the old stand is
H. A. Cox, the grocer, and of grocer
ies and provisious he keeps the bo.jt
In fruit, nuts, candies, etc., he keeps
in the front, having always a fresh
stock coming in.
, Joe Nay, of Elk River, Curry Co.,
came uear losing his residence by fire
a few days ago. The roof caught on
fire fnm a chimney burning, the soot
Jailing on the roof. Mr. Nay and his
neighbors succeeded in extinguishing
the fire.
T. T. Smith, of Parkersbnrg, was in
town Thursday, having business to
look after. He had received word, a
few days prior to that time, from bis
daughter, Mrs. Livesaj-, of Hnmboldr,
Calif., stating that she had been sick,
and that her hearing had become im
paired. On Friday wo paid a visit to the
utaTn head of the Bundon water
works. It is situated about a mile
nnd a half east of town in the head of
a small gulch. A bountiful spring
bubbles forth at that point nud forms
the supply. The Bnndou Light and
Water Company have a small reser
voir in the gulch which holds about
250 thouaud gallons of wter. from
wheuce the water main is laid to town.
The company has constructed a second
reservoir below, which will hold about
eight tims as much water as the up
per one, the two being separated by a
bank cf earth, a few feet in thickness,
and from which a second main will be
laid, aud which will make the supply
vastly greater. The supply is not on
ly pure, but the surroundings are
ilean, and the compnny is improving
the conditions in order to keep the
supply pure.
For Sale A span of Bulls; G feet
9 inches and 6 feet 10 inches, respec
tively. Enquire of J. H. Tucker.
Baudon, Oregon.
Fon Sale: A Studebaker wagon;
Wily been in actual use about three
months; is in perfect condition. En
quire of J. S. Tilton, six miles south
of Bandon, or at this office.
Majiried. At Bandon, Wednesday
evening, June 8tb, Miss Laura Shan
non to George Henry, Rev. W. H.
Myers, officiating. The Recorder
joins their friends in congratulations.
Mowers. Now that the Haying
Season is coming on yon will need a
mowing machine, and William Gallier
the Hardware Dealer can give you a
bargain in that line, also in other lines
of hardware.
If you cannot find what you want
anywhere else in town, come to the
Maybe we have one left, if so, the
price will pleaee you.
Our stock is small, but the goods
nre of a good qnality. and the prices
are right.
We make ''Cash Buying" an object
o the purchaser, at the
The steamer Elizabeth is duo here
again next Tuosday.
George W. King and Cbarlpa W il
rod, of Roseburg, were in Bandon
this week.
Robert Burns, the Democratic Rep
resentative elect from Curry, was in
town Tuesday.
Mrs. Charles Lorenz went to Co-
qnillo yesterday on a visit to ber par
ents and friends.
Mrs. R. H. Mast, of Coquille, gave
friends here a visit during the latter
part of last week.
Ben F. Crow and boo, of Coanille,
were in town Monday night on their
way down the coast.
Willis and Lee Neely of Fairview,
Oregon, are looking around this local
ity with a view toward locating.
W- H- Logan had a logging donkey
brought down from Coquille, last
Saturday, to use in logging opera
tions for R. H. Rosa.
Mrs. C. T. Farriaa, of North Bend,
came over during the latter part of
last week, to visit friends at Bandon,
aud remained over Sunday.
Mr. Denholra is having his house
treated to a coat of paint, and Asel
Eriekson is wielding the paint brush
in a very artistic mauner ou Long's
Miss E. Gladys Newell, of Eugene
and a graduate of Eugene College
arrived here Tuesday on her way to
New Lake to take charge of the New
Liko school.
James Costello is at work on his
sailing sloop, transforming it into a
gasolene lanncb. He is building a
house upon it preparatory to putting
in the engine.
Mrs Fred Mehl loft last week to
attend the Grand Chapter, O. E S..
which meets at Portland on the lCih.
She will probably not. return until
the end of the mouth.
Cox, the grocer, is having his busi
ness quarters re-arranged and en
larged. Just keep 30iir eye on Cox
and you will profit iu the choice
goods to be found there.
The steamer Llizabeth's passenger
list to San Francisco, yesierday, was
ms follows: J B Nelfon. G J Strong.
J C Rouse, W J Jefferson, Miss Mae
Jefferson and W H Buttou.
C. T. Blnmenrother. of Fmir-milo,
gave the county seat a visit Tnhday,
carrying the poll books of Lis precinct
with him. B. T. Davidson carried
the poll books in from the Bandon
William A. Bingaman and Gurley
Boak are down the coast this week, iu
the neighborhood of Port Orford,
with the little gasolene boat, Nellie
aud Cressy, engaged iu hunting eggs,
fishing, etc.
George Sypher, ef Myrtle Poim,
was here last week on his way to visit
relatives in Northern Curry. He has
sold his interests at Myrtle Point, and
iuteuds going to Arizona in quest of
better health.
W. H. Button and Hans Christeusen
were in town Monday, bavincr come
up from the oil well uear Dairyville.
They went buck to Dairyville Monday
afternoon. Work is moving along
nicely at the well.
J. W. Feller and L. C. Gibson have
been moving partitions and changing
the arrangement of A. J. Hartman's
building on the corner of First and
Pacific Streets, to accommodate H. A.
Cox's grocery business.
A. G. Hoyt lost a fine horse last
Satnrda. He bad let the animal out
to B. T. Davidson, who had driven
down the coast a ways. Tho horse
dropped on the road near Two-mile
and died without a struggle.
Elders H. L. Holt and E. Keelor
have taken a tent and gono to North
Beud to do missionary work. They
held services at Bridge, Oregon, for
several days, closing last Friday.
They baptized one convert at Bridge.
The Broombandle Mill shut down
this woek, and will remuin idlo for a
couple of weeks, perhaps until after
July 4th. The company is short on
squares, and has a large surplus of
bandies on band which they wish to
dispose of before resuming work.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson Boyd, Arthur
Rice and M. Breuer, of this place, and
ChbU Goodman of Prosper, and other
representatives of the Baudon Lodge,
W. O. W.. attended tho uuveiling of
tho monument to , the memory of W.
H. firdice, at Myrtle Point, last Sun
day. The steamer Elizabeth camo in Sat
urday from San FranctVco, bringing
about 80 tons of freight and li pas
sengers. Following is the passenger
list: Mrs Carmen, Mies Carmen, W B
Simonds, Lucia Sperry, S J Strong,
J C Rouse, Mae E Jefferson, G W
Shelly, Geo Rackleff, J L Fox. E A
Payson, W J Jefferson, C B Buuch,
and Mrs W H Bunch.,
The Election.
Bandon Precinct.
Monday was an ideal day for elec
tion, but being also an ideal day to
pursue the various occupations gt
labor, it was not an occasion calcula
ted to call out tho full voting strength,
although there was interest enough
taken to call out a strong vote.
At Bandon the day passed off qui
etly, aud although there was consid
orable interest taken in making choice
of candidates, the work seems to have
been done in advance, aud the voters
quietly weut to the polls aud did their
The number of votes cast was 240,
which was 112 below the number reg
istered, and of these 10 were sworn iu,
so that it is evident a considerable
per cent stayed at homo. Below is
the Precinct vote:
STATE Fob CoNaasss.
H Gon Id. Pro 9
lJinuer Herman, Kep 121
ii F Itarop, Sou 30
It M Veatch, Dem 71
Fon Justice op Supbkmk Court.
C J Hricht. Pro 10
C C Mikkelsen, Soc 37
FrHiik G Moore, Hep 1111
Thomas O'Day, Dem CM
Fob (Ji.eckjn Dairy and Food Ccjimissiokbbs
J W Hailey. Hep 102
Ira V Berry. Pro 8
S M Douglas, Dem fi3
N Kasmussen, Soc 39
DISTH ICT Fon Circuit Judok.
J V Hamilton. Dem 131
E O Pol tor, Hep J3
Fob Joint Senatob.
J S Coke. Hep 70
G M Dimmitt, Pro t
W H Hay. Soc 21
A J Sherwood, Dem 127
For District Attorsst.
Geo M Hrown, Hep 161
Fob Joint Hei'riskntativk.
Robert Hums, Dem 9.1
J A Dnvenport. Pro 13
S P Peirco. Hep 105
COUNTY Fob HkpbesentatIte.
M Hrener. Soc
S B Hermann, Hep Ill
Hubert C. Leo, Dem 79
For Sheriff.
Stephen Gntlicr. Hop 133
W A Goodman, Pro 10
Z T Silin, Dem 81
For Countt Clerk.
J S Lawrence, Dem 93
C B Leep. Soc 32
F M Stewart, Pro b
James Watson. Kep, 98
For Trkihurkr,
J B Dultey, lip 124
David Fultun, Dem 81
For Af-stsHou.
E S Dean, Hep
H James . Soc
J B Swoet. Pro
T J Thrift, Dem
For School Superintendent.
W H Bunch, Hop
A U ilulkey, Dem
For Surveyor.
A K Hadnll. Dem
CSMcCullocb, Hep
Fun Cobonkb.
Everett Minuua. Hjp
M M Murphy. Dem 72
For CoMMi-iHioNEB. 4 years.
W Fahj. Dem 87
2 A Howey. Pro, : 11
i F Smith, Soc 30
jloyd Spires. Hep 92
Fon Commissioner, 2 years.
A Anderson, Hep 110
John Bear, Deni 00
E J Coffeit, Soc 38
N Wilson, Pro 7
Disti iot No. 0 Fob Juhtick of the Peacb.
S J Culver, Dem fi-l
V D Morse. Hep 151
For Constable.
2 M Blackerby. Hep 171
Constitutional Amendments For (Jfftch
of Statu Printer Amendment.
No .
Fob Loch. Option Liquor Law.
MR Direct Primary Nominating Electionb
Yes l.r9
No 24
County Hesult.
The returns are incomplete, but
show i hat the Democrats have elected
Sherwood for Joint Senator by about
30 plurality, and Burns for Joint Rep
resentative. 1. J. Thrift succeeds
himself as Assessor. The vote is close
on Sheriff, the last report placing S.
Gallier, the Republican candidate,
ahead by 10 votes, with a chance of
osnitf. Tho rent of the county ticket
is Republican. J. W. Hamilton is re
elected Circuit Judge.
Dentist's Notice.
Dr Prentis is now here and will
i T-
remain out a snort lime, rersons
requiring bis services are requested
o call and mnko dates. Ho does all
iuds of dental work, and guaran
tees bis work. On Saturday, the 11th,
be will go to Marshliold, but will
return again on Monday.
Tli row From b Wagon.
Mr. George K. Babcock was thrown
rom bis wagon and severely bruised.
Ho applied Chamberlain's Pwiu Balm
reoly, and says it is the best liniment
le ever used. Mr. Babcock is a well-
nown citizen of North Plain, Conn.
There is nothing equal to Pain Balm
for sprains and bruises. It will effect
Hjcnro in one-third tho time required
y any other-treatment. For sale by
C. Y, Lowe, Druggist.
.A. T
ChRmliRrlnin'. Stomach nud Liver
Tablets llettcr than a Doctor's
Mr. J.'W. Turner, of Trubart, Va
says that Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets have done him more
good than anything boconld get from
the doctor. If any physician in this
country was able to compound a med
icino that would produce such grati
fying results in caseB of stomach trou
bles, biliousness or constipation, his
whole time would be used iu prepar
ing this one medicine. For sale by
C. Y. Lowe, Druggist.
Moving Pictures
Friday, June, 10th 1904
Reserved Seat-at the Drugstore.
A Good Show Coming.
This entertainment is not to be
classed with the ordinary "Cheap
John" shows. Double dissolving ap
paratus with two thousand caudle
power Ox-Hy light will bo used and
yon are assured of a clean hii,'h-clnss
entertainment, not only amusing and
entertaining but instructive as well.
Pictures of special interest will be
''Lessons iu Astronomy," UA Vo3age
to tho Moon," ''Life of an American
Fireman' aud ''Bronco Busting."
In the latter picture will be seeu T.
H. Minor of Shoshone, Idaho, win
ning second prise at tho Fall Carnival
at Denver.
The Oakdale Tidings says of Pel).
14th says. "Last Saturday evening
those of our citizens who wero fortu
nate enough to be able to attend the
Steol & Freeland Moving Picture
Show given at tho Auditorium in
this city, enjoyod a treat such as is
rarely in a town tho size of -Oakdale.
While these gentlemen have given
similar entertainments at various
times in this city, never bufore did
they give such a splendid perfor
mance as on this night. For the
past week every body has been talk
iug about it and the scenes represent
ing "The Life of an American Fire
man" and "The Trip to tho Moon"
seemed to receive sppcial praise.
The Moving pictures wero excelent
inasmuch as the glimmering, hazy
appearance so common with many
similar shows, was entirely absent
and the pictures were reflected on
the canvass with a steady bright,
light. The illustrated songs by Mr.
Freeland wore also deserving of
much praise.
A Frli;ht?i)rd Huron
Running like mad down the strept
dumping tho occupants, or a hundred
other accidents, are evory day occur
rences. It behooves every body to
bave a reliable Salve bandy, aud
there's none as good as Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve. Burns, Cuts, Soros, Ec
zoma and Piles, disappear quickly
under its soothing offect, 25cts at
Lowe's Drug Store.
To Water Renters.
Notice in hereby Riven to all persona to
whom wnfur is supplied by tho Hni.rion Light
A Water (Jo., thnt all water rent from and
after thidato must bo paid in advance.
After the 10th day of each month the obli
gation will be considered delinquent, and
the water will bo phut off.
Payment can be made to C. Y. Lowe, nt
his drug Btore.
Bandon Linirr fc Water Co.
O- T- BlTj.mnrotlir
U. S. Commisioner and Notary Public
Filings nnd Final proofs made on Homo
steads, Timber Claims and other U. S. Lands
Mutiny Loans Negotiated on Approved
Office in room 10 Beyerlo Building, Ban
don. ltesidence on Butte Creek. Oregon.
All kinds of Ilea) KMate boucht mi
Important News Notes
Tuesday, May 31.
There are four American warships at Tan
gier insisting on tho release of Perdicaris
from the Morocco bandits. Morocco will
probably pay the ransom price naked by the
Dalny was evacuated by tho Ituesians on
From the highest ltnssian authority comes
tho admission that tho fall of Port Arthur
would be u very Hevere blow to Russia.
A young man was stoned to death at An
derson, Indiana. The cause is unknown and
his assailants are unknown also.
Two negroes held up the clerk of the Pull
man Car Co.'s office at Portland while he
was counting the monoy preparatory to put
ting it into the batik, aud got awny with
A San Francisco girl, 18 years old, .was
killed by an electric train, having failed, to
observe its approach.
An explosion nt the Keswiok smelter, Cal
ifornia, killed three ruon.
Wednesday, June 1.
In a fight at Vagenfuohn, the Japa lost 200
men yesterday. I'ussians are having diffi
culty in procuring food in Ham Heung pro
vince. The Japanese have attacked PortArlhnr.
Continuod Japanese victories have caused
tho Russians to become gloomy.
The Japanese have a special light machine
gun with which they fight tho ossacks. The
gun was invented in Japan soveral years
Miss Susan Fowler, of Vineland, New Jer
sey, is to be married, She is tho original
Ml oonior dress reformer, and is over 80 years
of age.
Four companies of militia have beeh called
out in Ohio to quell trouble between strikers
and operators at Hanging itock, near Irou
tou. Norman Williams, tho murderer of Alma
Nesbit aud her mother, is sentenced to be
hung July '2'J,
The Sperry Company and the Warehouse
& Elevator Company of Washington State,
have merged their flour interests.
Thuiisday, June 2.
The Lo Hoi, Center Stnr and Eagle Mines
of Kos8lHnd. II. C, have merged interests.
Their capitalization is over ten million dol
Six uersons were injured in an explosion at
the B. F. Goodrich plant at Akron, Ohio.
A sudden storm aroso at Ventura, Calif.,
causing two torpedo boats to put to sea
while a considerable number of visitors were j
aboard. There were a number of officers
and sailors ashore alno.
Nine years of penal life for 30 cents is
what John Crane and Arthur Nagle of New
York got for holding up a v.omnn.
From St. Petersburg comes the statement
thnt the l;oKninn lieet at Port Arthur will
light till the last ship sinks before they will
Tho famous Cougar mine of Eastern Ore
gon has been sold for $!X),00t) to W. H
Plnmmer of Spokane and Etistern astw
At a meeting of American and British en
gineers at Chicago, cremation is urged as
the only sanitary method of dispodiug of
Fuiday, June 3.
There are persistent rumors that the Jap
anese have attacked Port Arthur and that a
battle is going on.
From Bu6sian sources comes the news that
Kuropntkin is surprised at the strategy of
the little Hrown men.
Tho Japaneso Jobscs at Nan Shan Ililljwero
UOi as announced from Tokio. The Rus
sian lews is officially stated to bo 30 officers
and 700 men.
Wade Ilumptun, crazed by alcohol, at
tacked Fred Morris, at Chico, Cal., with a
knife, and was killed by the latter, who did
his best to avoid the trouble, but had to de
fend himself. The men wero strangers to
each other.
A tornado in Texas and Oklahoma un
roofed houses, blew dowu trees and didtnnch
Kansas State is suffeiing heavy damage
from high water again. Tho livers nre out
of their banks again. GOO persona nre home
less at Newton.
A tornado at Glencoo. Oklahoma, blew
down tivo residences and destroyed the
Methodist Church.
Satuudat, June 4.
Heavy rains cause further rise in the rivers
of Southern Kansas, causing immense loss.
Streams are five miles wide and hundreds
aro homeless.
Two passenger trains met. in collision m
Kansas, and nineteen persons wero injured
as a result. Ouo tuau was killed.
l'wo men nezed a woman in the suburbs
of Chicago, forced her into a carriage, and
succeeded in eluding the police, ono of whom
saw the men Htiuggling with the woman.
Five girls havo been kidnapped iu New
York within a fortnight.
A well dressed Norwegian jumped from a
bridge at Portland, and drowned. He ro
fusod nid.
An unknown man tried to bluff a saloon
keeper at Butte, Mont., and got killed for
his trouble.
Mrs. Martin Engwall, a Seattle woman,
committed suicide because of ill-health.
Monday. June (.
Three hundred pounds of dynamite wen-
exploded at the depot ut Florence aud Crip
ple Creek, Colo., instantly killing fifteen
non-union miners, aud .fatally injuring
eight. Two others wero sliuhtly injnrtd.
The person who placed and exploded the
mine is unknown.
The '1 rans-Siberinn Railroad has reached
its capacity in transporting supplies to the
Uussian army, so that Russia is now up
agamst a hard proposition.
The sinking of unother Russian gunboat
ie confirmed.
It is reported that tho Port Arthur fleet
made a sortie yesterday and sauk four Japa
nese war vessels.
Juno 4. Stmr Elizabeth. Jensen. 04 hours
from San Francisco.
Juno 8. Stmr Elizabeth, Jensen, to S. F.
A recognized
authority The Weekly
The City Meat Markc
J. Waldvogel
All Kinds of Fresh Meats Kept on
Hand Always,
Meats delivered to persons living ou tho River or along the Stage Route.
Bandon Meat Market,! ::
T. Anderson Prop.
Will Keep on Haud at all Times
Fresh Beef, Pork, Mutton, Smoked Meats, Larck
Sausages, Etc, also
Fresh Vegetables Poultry, EggR, Batter and all Farm Produce.
I will pay highest market price for beef, pork, mutton,wool, hides, etc.
Dry Goods of Every Description.
Ladies Coats, Capes and
Boots & Slioe
Fresh. Groceries of
Suits Made to Measure,
Also, all Leading Brands of Case Goods,
Household Furnishings and Deco
rations of all kinds'
Bed Koom Suites
and Pieces.
Cabinet Shop in Connection.
Furniture Repairing and
Glass, Paints, Oils, Brushes.
A Full Line of Burial Caskets. Burial Holies and Goods, and Undertaking Supplies
Constantly Kept on Hand.
. C. bh.ielcis bon,
Blecksxxiitla Ss Wagon
Wagons of ail kinds made to order.
Job work attended to promptly aud all work uuarantood to yive satisfaction.
Reasonable. ,
Horseshoeing a. Specialty
If You Do
and examine our
Stoves, Kanges and Farm Implements, Etc,
Now is tln tim' to purchase Hardware. The undersigned bus
in stock a large u.-.sorlnient of
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Glassware, Crockery and Miners' Supplies.
PaintH. Oi!w. Iloon and Windows.
i:o. r. ToiMMSd.
Fir Insurance.
Bandon. - - - - Oregon.
& Son, Props.
all Xinds.
3 - -
Poles and Fiuo
Wall Paper and
Trmmiines. House
Mattresses and Springs.
Saw-filing a Speoialty.
We are still doint: business at The Old
Stand and can please von. Give us a Call
The Bandon Hai-riwaru Marr.
Wrenshsil & Wreai .1
HOUND IlOUafc OALi.liiiy, i!:i.NJJ.V