ft ft rmcftfc of the braim A MILITANT PARSON. •’Here, sir.” answered Be man in 0»a«ü»4«0s0s00a0»0»0s0»0»0 M him out Your men Itady? 11b go rAvTS IN FEW LINES too.” white bat o ing Tbe 0 «S»Or Which <'h»*lol.«t.0a |Lp I t «„< Y*«a ■« Theóutfew writhed again. dispatcher Jumped ffvtfi bls chair ThAiirlc« Fail 1« Tlfi* pooulatiati of Russia Is increa» ■»*<* • «*«. o o •nd strode down the room "Where’s “Ah! Let n»e go. won't you? I’ll ing ¿..VW).«»«) anuually. One of I he W-asou's Buiartfit nov*l An uncle of mim- with wbatu I Whan the settlements on tbe Forkec o that idiot I’iercy?" be dPmand«d male» it wutb while. There's a lot put Deer river were new ami western Ten­ ties is the military coat. Ot iWuren walking lu a part of Yorkshire I The avegipe yield of wheat in Rus- by. Won't yqn ?” 11 “Ain’t be r»-ady yet?” “He’» coming, sir.” was the agswer. “What!" roared Flanders. “Ret you nessee was still Chickasaw country al any shade may be used, but the most Skipton. where neither of us hud ever •u Is less than half that of tbe United 11 “Coming. Is *»•?" growled tbe dis­ go to be writ«' things to the papers? attempts to start religious service» chic combination Is dai« blue cloth, been before. Ktopyad suddenly to say, States. By MAXIMILIAN FOSTER b patcher testily. "He' always coming, Not much, Doc You come neur to mat­ were for a long time broken up by a with a dash of red for collar, cuffs, •'When we turn that corner you wilt The export of sole leather from the o see on the right mi Elizabethan house United States averages about $5m).l»W < i ft gang of young outlaws who drove th* o but be doesn't ever M-em to get any­ in’ me lose the Job wunst. ole man. an' «misters away. At last the Rev. Ar partly surrounded by trees, w ifti a lake a month. ? where. Ob. here you ar»» are you. I'll not take etui lies» ag’ln. Lay easy, or large lamd showing through them, o»o»o»o»o»o»oo»o»o»o*o»o»o Piercy ?" tliur Davis, a muscular Christian, came Sugar beets thrive In different kind» now.” and lu the middle of the water a little of soli in divers climates and over a Six weeks had passed since Plunders' A half dozen lanterns came flickering They had given him notice that nc The road detective bustled In. a artificial Island.” large area. departure without word or sign from crowd of deputies at bis shoulder. on a run toward him. “Hello, chief!" Methodist parson should ever preach When we turni*d the corner we saw film. Tbe chief, uneasy at bis long "What’s tbe orders?” be usked. The said Flanders. “I’ve tilled that band; on Iaiwer Forked Deer. Mr. Davit Exclusive of locomotives we manu­ precisely what lie had described, uud absence, was wondering whether be dispatcher thrust the message Into Ills got a full bouse too. Make you ac­ went to the forbidden ground and facture 30,(100 engines of 2,000,000 yet he bud never seen or beard or rend bad not been too ba rah, too ready to band and then pushed him toward the quainted with Chief Tower, Doc Hurdle preached to a large audience. When of the place. The dual brain theory horsepower every year. send him upon thia mlssiou, where door. “Read that and git!” he cried. —Doc—chief; chief—Doc." Then, as the service was over be stepjied out in An admiral flies his flag at the main­ falls here, since neither lobe of tbe death, in a sense, was wagered as the "The old Ilian and Tower's going too they clamped the handcuffs on the out­ to tbe grove which surrounded tbe log mast, a vice admiral at the fore and a brain had received an linpresalou of church and, taking off bis coat und stakes. Now, tbe best that Tower They'll tell you what to do.” law’s wrists Flanders arose and wiped the place before we turned the coruer. rear admiral at the mizzen. could do wus to promise himself thut The armed men at Piercy's back turn­ his brow. "Guess I squared myself.” be collar, placed them on a stump. Tbe Jean Jac ¡ ui - b lloiuaSU in Ills “Con­ The Russian ot'h-inl organ in St. Pe- outlaws had gathered on one side, the on the following day be would send out ed right about, and the company tns>p- muttered fessions" says he foresaw in a reverie ti rsbnrg has i> tine name for the news­ church people on t!«e other, Turning a trailer to tiud wbat bad become of ed down tbe stairs. "Tbere'll be a hot “And now.” said the chief when be while taking a solitary walk all the boys. it Is tne 1’raultelstvlni Vlestnlk. the missing man. time In Guamo tonight all right.” ai us- confronted Flanders In the baggage to one of the church people, Mr. Da­ in the province of Samara, Russia, Incident» of the happiest day of his life vis gave him a message for his wife Down tbe main line at this moment ed the dispatcher. “Wisb I was witii car, “perhaps you'll explain all this.” lofi.OOO persons get tlielr subsistence as they occurred eight years later: tbe operator ut Guamo Hiding, in soli­ 'em.” “Ain’t much to explain, chief,” Pian­ and then, facing the outlaws, demand­ “I saw myself, as in au ecstasy, from less than three acres of land per ed that they select their champion. tary possession of tbe place, was deep­ Night had fallen, and the yurd ders answered. “I Jus’ got next to tile transporteil into that happy time and capita. "You said I should not preach," he ly lamenting tbe chance thut bad set gleamed with switch lights like a Held Doc, an' when tbe shootin’ played up occasion, where my heart, possessing This is how a Welsh puper wished him ilowu as tbe surveying menu reb of of fireflies when tbe western mull lively I give him a clip on. tbe ear an’ said, “but I have preached. . You say all the happiness jiosslble. enjoyeil It its renders a happy new year: “Diolch I shall not preach again. Well. I say all its loneliness. Outside, tbe face of drove out into the open, Tower uud sat on bls chest when be come to.” with Inexpressible raptures, without yn fawr I ch’l; yr uu ¡>eth I chwltbau, tbe landscape glimmered in tbe tortur­ the superintendent, armed with short “But bow in thunder did you get I shall unless you kill me now. Come thinking of anything sensual. 1 do not a Rawer o iionyn* nhw.” on, one at a time, fair play, and we ll ing beat; the air droned with the shrill barreled riot guns, Bat in the cab with next to him?” demanded the chief. remember Iwlng ever thrown Into the An orange measuring twelve inches voices of a myriad of insects, anil tbe tbe engineer. “Don't keep ’em wait­ “Real easy, chief. Evenin’. Mr. Pier­ see who Is right.” future with more force or an illusion In diameter and weighing nine pounds The outlaws looked at him in amaze­ breeze, a veritable furnace breath, add­ ing,” the superintendent cautioned tbe cy.” so complete as that which 1 then ex­ has liwn grown by F. Gerber of Braarn ed to the inferno with tbe dust It drew oily man at tbe levers. "I wouldn’t For an instant the detective stared ment. Then the leader stepped for­ perienced. What struck me most in River, Kouga, South Africa. up in Its train. In desperation the op­ disappoint them for the world.” The at Flanders, then, with a menacing ward, holding out bis hand. the recollection of that reverie, uow "I’m with you, Mr. Davis,” he de­ A sealed bottle containing four pinta erator set to tiling poiuts on his sound­ engineer nodded, and the locomotive, gesture, leaped to bls feet. The super­ that it lias been realized, is to have of liquid air was sent from Berlin to ers and keys, but tills only Increased toiling with harsh breath up the long intendent clutched him by the collar. clared. “Any man who has got your found objects so exactly as 1 had pic­ Geneva, but on arrival it was found courage can be parson here as long as his torment The rasp of the tool add ascent, cleared the summit with a “What’s this mean?-” he growled. tured them. If ever the dream of u tiiat three and a half pinta liad evapo­ ed to tbe manifold sounds from tbe bound and ran rolling and swaying on “Mean!” roared Piercy. “Why, ft was he likes. Boys, step up and shake man awake hud the air of a prophetic rated. superheated world outside, driving him the long down grade. “Guamo's the this blanked outlaw bere that bit me hands with the minister.” vision that was assuredly such.” Thenceforward the "fighting parson” With a population of about 2,500,000 to tbe brink of desperation, in dis first stop,” laughed the superintendent. in the face at Seed City an’ wrecked It is, I think, noteworthy that in all Paris has fewer than 100 negroes with­ gust be threw down bis file, shook th “We go by there kiting usually, but all the windows in the car. Whv, I’d held forth regularly In the Forked clairvoyant cases of this kind the body in its limits. It is claimed that the beads of hot sweat from bis brow uiii tonight we’ll tackle tbe stretch sort of 'a' given my Job to ’a’ met him wunst Deer country. Is through overwork or ill health or colored population of all France Is less was tapping a glass of tepid water slow. I guess you'd better cut her out there In the bush. I reckon, then, fasting or congenitally in the subdued than 550. . from the barrel In the corner when a down to half speed. Bill”—tills to the you’d never taken him alive.” CANARY BIRDS. state to which the Indian mystic and low voice broke in on his reflections: Tlie new cathedral at Liverpool will Flanders turned to bls chief, bls face engineer—"when we leave tbe mill. I miracle monger reduces bls own by be remarkable for its high vaulting of “Say, you there!” shouldn’t wonder but they've arranged transfigured with merriment, but Tow They Are, Barring Men nnd . Pea­ maceration. It was so with Scott and tbe nave and choir—110 feet, measured cocks, the Vainest of Creatures. At the window beside tbe keyboard a to chuck us off the iron.” er startl'd In astonishment. "Outlaw! Rousseau, and with William Hiaie in the barrel vaulting, and in the high “Do you know,” said an observant band was bolding up tbe curtain, and In the baggage car behind, Piercy, What d’you mean, Piercy? This is no when he had the following experience transepts 140 feet. underneath appeared a face, dust stain all excitement, bustled about with bis outlaw. It’s Flanders, one of my men.” gentleman, “that, barring a man and a recorded in his memoir. When worn ed, burned to a copper red and set with orders. Long before they reached Ha­ Piercy's face fell, and Flanders peacock, I believe a canary bird is the A monumental work of reference, an miner straps, the coat out with overwork he was shown into two marvelously gleaming eyes. Star ney's Mill lie bad the lights out and the laughed, aloud. “You see. chief.” he vainest of all creatures? Both my wife pocket : encyclopedia of sixteen large volume* being fastened with big bullet shaped a certain room in a certain part of tied, the operator drop|>ed the tin cup doors opened. Little heaps of buck­ explained, “I needed a good excuse to and myself are very fond of pets, and is Just being published in New York clattering to tbe floor and leuped to one shot cartridges lay within easy reach, get off at Seed City. If I'd Jus' drop­ we keep several of these little song­ brass buttons. Gray, tan. brown ami London where he had never been be­ city. Whether by design or accident, •ide. Tbe next Instant be was with bls and on the car platforms aft other dep­ ped In there without a good reason, sters always In the bouse. One ef the black coats in this style are seen,- but fore. not a page is numbered. “On looking around everything ap­ back to tbe wall, a pistol gleaming in uties guarded the weakest flanks of the why, some er them guns might 'a' rat­ cages was an old affair, which had blue is tlie most fetching. Such a The United States Is not the only peared perfectly familiar to me. 1 tbe dull light of the shaded station. train. Then the locomotive whistled tled a charge er buckshot ag’ln my been in the .family for years and was coat is shown in the accompanying II- government that Is feeling a little nerv­ seemed to recognize every object. J "What do you want?” be demanded first the long yard signal, then two ribs. So I sorter got Piercy, here, to used as much for tradition's as for lustration, which is reproduced from ous about the big guns on its war­ said to myself: ‘What is this? I was shrilly. short boots. “That's Guamo!" cried throw me off. He did his best. too. but economy’s sake. I had frequently re- the New York Mail. ships. The new British 0.2 inch gun never here before, and yet I have seen "Well, I swan!” laughed tbe man Piercy. "Get to your places, meu! I bad it in for him. you know, an’ made marked to my wife that I believed the Is not coming up to expectations. all this, and if so there Is a very pe­ "The hot has got on yer nerves, sou An’ mind—don’t shoot tbe mini in tbe time fly. Then, you see. when I was occupant of this cage was somewhat Adult suffrage was tried for the first Angel Sleeve« In Evening Gown«, culiar knot In the shutter. ’ I opened ashamed of his shabby dwelling place ny, ain't it? I’ut down that gun. you white bat!” shook off at the station, why. the Doc time in the commonwealth of Australia I the shutter and found the knot. Now, Angel shaves adorn many of the chuckle beaded brass pounder! I ain't Ahead, in the locomotive. Tower peer an’ his gang took right natclierally to and observed with envious eyes the in the federal elections held on Dec. goln’ to hurt you.” ed across the engineer’s shoulder into me—see? They let me in on the hull fact that the other songsters were evening gowns, and very beautiful they then, I thought, here Is something I 1G, 1903. The total number of voters cannot explain on my principles; there But tbe operator wus too old a bird tbe distance, scanning every foot of the thing, an’ wbat I got on to will give more artistically lodged. Well, the old nre. because the soft drapery is in the registered was 1,700,000, of whom In to be trappi'd. Tbe mau that bad left Iron bamls glittering In the shine of the us the right to go down there an’ run cage finally collapsed, and It became silken tissues liberty silk, chiffon or must be some power beyond matter.” round numbers 700,000 were women. And from being a pronounced mate ­ mousseline de sole or some such cling necessary to purchase a new one. In the place before him had been trappi'd headlight “There’s a curve ahead, Say. a!»“'"1 1 ” in the whole outfit from A to Z. If one could save a cent tbe first day rialist he became a believer in spirits, in Just such a way and tied down to the engineer explained. “It won’t chief, guess my Job’s good yet. ain’t order to test my belief In the Intelli­ Ing luaterinl. of the month, 2 cents the next day, 4 and, Indeed, eventually a profoundly gence of my feathered friend. I made A charming toilet has a trained skirt bls desk, the western mail had been •how till we’ve rounded the- By itr cents the next nnd so on. doubling tbe flagged almost in front of tbe siding, tbunder, there they are now!” “Good? Why!" And the chief fell to It a point to get him the prettiest little of heliotrope satin with three scant religious soul.—T. I’.’s London Weekly amount each day, be would have near­ brass house I could find. The effect flounces, eueb supporting a flounce of and tbe express and |>ostal cars had A black monument of railroad ties laughing uproariously. ly $3,000,000 at the end of the month, was magical. No sooner was he turn Valenciennes lace. A lace Jacket is Dlavncll and Bismarck. been dynamited first and then rifled of crested by a red lantern stood in the provided the month had thirty-one ed into his new home than he began worn with this white Valenciennes At a dinner given in London In 1801 tbelr valuables. "Make a move if you middle of tbe track. In tbe broad angle THE COSSACKS. days and bls salary could stand the made up over a heliotrope satin lining. to sing as he had never sung before, dare!” shrilled the operator, drawing a by Baron Brunnow to the Grand Duke pressure. f light they saw for an instant a fig bead on the head In the window. “Don’t •e. ghostlike in the pule glow, stand A Favorite tamp Story Throack completely drowning out the music of But the lace sleeves barely reach the ot Saxe-Weimar Herr von Bismarck, The characteristic feature of the au- Which Generals Are Criticised. the other birds and behaving otherwise elbow, and from them descend long who was one of the guests, had a long you dare!” ; staring upon the approaching train, L’nlIke other Russian soldiers, the In a manner altogether becoming his "angel" drapery of violet tinted liberty conversation w’lth Mr. Disraeli, then tomobile train Invented In France la In answer the man tossed a scrap of hen It was gone. Tbe brake shoes bit tlie principle that each car propels paper through the window. "Quick, with loud complaining upon tbe wheels; Cossacks are very intelligent in mili­ sudden rise In life. No proud pauper silk, tbe gauxiest of fabrics. The drap­ leader of the opposition, He then said itself. The propelling force only Is ery Is caught up again and held In to tary matters and do not hesitate to coming unexpectedly into an Inherit ­ be obliged tc that lie should shortly you! Hush that to the main ottice. Tell the cars shocked together, their buffers undertake the direction of the Prue furnished by the locomotive. The lat­ ’em to dupe It to the chief—Tower, I clanking, and with a heave on her criticise their generals freely among ance of great riches could more grace­ tbe undersleeve at the wrist. themselves. They have bitter tongues fully have assumed a greater degree of slan government; that his first duty ter, therefore, ns It has no pulling to mean. Get a hustle on an’ then ske­ springs the engine came to a halt. would be to reorganize the army; that perform, but only to supply power, daddle out er this! You hear me? Ske­ "Hands upi” roared a voice out of and a genius for satire. There is a fa­ vanity.” Favorite Collar«. can be built proportionately very light. daddle! Vamoose lively, ’cause it’ll be thedarkness beside the truck. “Hands vorite story which has been told In Green Is being nearly as much worn he would then take the first best pre­ The coal for Japan's navy comes The Grls.l? In the Old Days. Cossack camps for generations. It Is text to declare war against Austria, tc hotter here afore long than the hottest op!” ns white in the Riviera, again in the from Hakodate and Otaru, on the is­ In the old days, before the deadly dog days that Gehenna ever saw. But A dim shape disclosed Itself, a men handed down from fatl/r to son, the entire gamut of shades, from palest dissolve the Germanic diet, to over­ land of Yesso, which lies directly north magazine rifle was invented, hunting power the middle and smaller state« don’t you forglt to send that dispatch, actng figure with a Winchester pointed names being changed to fit the mill egg to spinach, the latter a duck's tary commanders of the day. Freely the grizzly was a very different affair, somewhat trying shade for any com­ and to give a national unity to Ger­ of Nippon, upon which Tokyo Is sit­ or l>y Sum Houston you won’t tie wutb translated, It runs something like this: and no animal on the American conti­ plexion which cannot show “milk and many under the leadership of l’nissia. uated. They are two of the greatest the fat to fry a doughnut nex’ time we The war god of Russia was asleep nent was more dreaded, his fierceness roses” enough to counteract its some­ mu ageiber. Adlos. sonny, an’ look out "I am come here,” he said, "to say coal shipping ports in the world. The In heaven one day when he was awak­ and vital force when wounded tilling what sallowing effect. It is smart in this to the queen’s ministers.” Mr Island Is about 500 miles, or two days’ for yourself.” ened by the confused clamor of two the most reckless hunters with a itself, however. If somewhat crude and Disraeli's remark on this extraordinary steaming for a man-of-war, from Vlad­ The face vnnlsli-'d from tbe window, hosts In battle on the earth beneath. wholesome dread. It was not at all voyant. Just now these strong, bright programme, which was luter literally ivostok. and the operator. .< palsy upon him. A Boston professor takes a whack unusual for a grizzly with a bullet Bluides are in the ascendant. Violet is fulfilled, was: “l^ke care of that man He shouted to the Angel Gabriel; still stooil shaking against the wall “Look out and see what my Cos­ through his heart to pursue and tear n good deal worn and a certain shade He means wbat he says,”—"Remi­ at history by declaring that Columbus Outside, tlie sounds of the day resumed was a highly respectable and fairly to pieces the hunter, whose long, single of orange, but the latter is chiefly niscences of Lord Augustus Loftus.” sacks are doing.” their droning Intonation, the breeze weulthy gentleman, who pnhl a large “They are fighting tbe Turks, ami barreled, muzzle loading rifle, with its used to give a note of color. Just a ■Igln-d fitfully, nnd. though he cracked part of the cost of his voyage, that be one round lead bullet, was altogether Prince Potemkin Is leading them.” bls ears listening for some sign of The Name« of Tea. touch in tie, hat and belt.—Paris Fash- “Oh, that’s all right,” said the war Inadequate for such a contest. It is a ions. stealthy attack, he became nt Inst con Wo talk glibly about Pekoe, Bobos. was tall and red haired, utterly unlike strange thing, too, that, while the griz­ god. “He's a good man.” vfneed that he was nlone. With his re­ etc, but few people have any Idea of his portraits, and that Isabella had no Jewels to pawn, having hypothecated So the deity went asleep again, only zly bear is an omnivorous feeder, liv­ volver still ready lie tiptoed across the what these names signify. A Modi«h BI oumc . them several years before 1492. ing on anything, from roots and nuts to be awakened by another turmoil. floor and snatched up tlie scrap of pa­ Canton “ Pekoe ” in the dialect of Very modish biouse of fine white lin­ to steer and buffalo meat, he has never "What’s that?” he asked sleepily. A recent bulletin of the department per. Then, with a sharp glance about, means "white hair," for the tea which en. having broad box plait down the "They are fighting the Turks again been known to devour human flesh.— bears this name Is made from the of agriculture says, "It appears that be read and ut tbe next Instuut had front, with design done In cross stitch St. Nicholas. under Suwarow.” youngest of leaves, so young that the practically nil soils contain sufficient Jumped to Ills Instrument. “G—x,” "He’s a line fellow. They'll do all plant food for good crop yield, that white down Is still on them. “G—x,” “G—X,” be called, bls hand Qaalnt Custom In I.and Tenure. right.” "Soochong" in tlie same dialect Is a this supply will be Indefinitely main­ banging the key at frantic speed— And so the story goes on intermina­ At Chlngford, In Essex, England, an quite unpoetlc name; it merely signifies tained and that this actual yield of “G—X,” “G—x,” "G—x.” Somewhere plants adapted to the soil depends bly around the campfire, each man estate Is held by a very curious condi­ "small kind.” down the line another station, noting adding the name of his favorite com tion. Whenever it passes into new • "Flourishing spring" is the meaning mainly under favorable conditions up­ the extreme haste of an operator no- mamler until at last one of them hands the owner, with bis wife, man­ on the cultural methods nnd suitable of “Hyson.” toriously slow, cut in wltb the query, makes the Angel Gabriel mention tin servant and maidservant, comes on “Congo" signifies “labor." Much crop rotation.” “What's up?" Letter by letter Guaino name of some general who happens to horseback to the parsonage and pays Tlie navy department has been mak­ trouble nnd toll are expended in its Biding cursed Idin for his interference, be regarded by the Cossacks as a duf Ills homage by blowing three blasts preparation at Amoy, and these are ing experiments as to the possibility the key rattled nnd shook with reiterat­ for. Then the next man makes the upon a horn. He carries a hawk upon of a crew escaping from a submarine commemorated In Its name. ed appeal. "G—X,” “G—x.” "G—X.” and war god reply In accents of grent bls wrist. Ills servant has a grey­ “Bohea” is called after a range of In case of nn accident while the boat then the main office answered. hound in a Blip, both for the use of the alarm: is submerged. Two dogs were expelled bills. Flattening tlie paper before him. tbe “Oh, my beloved Cossacks! They rector for that day. He receives a successfully from the torpedo tubes by operator lai 1 his pistol upon it and Be What Yon Are. must be perishing under that man! It chicken for the hawk, a peck of oats means of compressed air, with a wood­ bent with vigor to Ids key. With eager Associate reverently and as much an en plug behind them, Just ns the tor­ is time I Interfered. Hasten. Gabriel, for his horse and a loaf of bread for hand be hammered the brass till the you can with your loftiest thoughts. pedoes are fired. The tests show that nnd bring me my long boots, for I bls greyhound. After dinner the owner room rang with the staccato clicking, Man's noblest gift to man Is his sin­ men could escape in the same way. must go down nt once nnd save them." blows three more blasts and then, but at every other letter be glanced “// vou at much at wink." with his party, Withdraws from the cerity, for it embraces bis Integrity Newspaper work In Russia is not fearfully over his shoulder. Tbe dis i Link range Into the cab. For a mo rectory. also. The finest uses of things are pleasant. Tlie government spends mors patch said: ' TURTLE FLESH. n nt there was no answer, no noise the accidental. Routine Is a ground money on its press censors than on Its Kush supt. and dupe to Tower, chief ot to stand on, a wall to retreat to. Be schools. Last year eighty-three papers Secret service. Doc burdl<*^i gang will save tbe shuttling gurgle of tbe air The HandwomcMt of the Animal« One day while on a hunting expedl hold up western mail 9:45 ,11st side Ion« pump. Then a voice rang down the resolutely and faithfully what you were suspended for various periods, Give« the Worst Meat. tlon in tbe Alps Victor Emmanuel met trestle beyond Guamo Siding. Six In the line. "It’s a brown bat he wears, boys!” are, be humbly what you aspire to be. and twenty-six were forbidden to ac­ No one really knows how large a tur­ an old woman gathering brambles. She gang I make seven. Do not shoot man A. stream of fire spurted from the tle may grow, but certainly there does Disappointment will make us conver cept all advertisements, while 259 «Mil- in white hat. That's me. FLANDERS. cab. nnd tlie silence explode»! with a not appear to be much if any exagger­ inquired of the stranger whether it sent with the noblest part of our nn tors were tolil they could have a short P. S.— Tower will explain sig crash. Tbe night roared with the ation attached to the statements of was true, as she had heard, that tbe ture. We render men the best assist­ vacation in Siberia If they continued The operator addl'd to this a message echo, and a scream of anguish pierced Pliny nnd Strabo, who, describing tbe king was In the neighborhood. If so. ance by letting them see how rare a their methods of reviving various pub­ of Ids own. "This lets me out. I'm go­ was there any chance of seeing him? the thunder» of the detonation. Then thing it is to need any assistance. ing to scoot.” Five minutes later, when the stillness fell again for an Instant, chelonophagl of the Red sea, say that lic questions. "Yes," said his majesty, “he is about. the uproar in the train dispatcher's of- broken only by the sobbing measure they utilized the shells of the turtles Would you like to see him?” The Irish potato crop last year sold Weeds. they bad enten as roofs to their huts Tice had ealined a bit, the wire was al­ for $151,(138,094 and vies with the to­ The old woman declared that few of the pump. The cry of anguish had and boats for their feeble voyages. MADE OF FINE WHITE LINEN, A weed Is a plant that grows In most blistered by a call for Guamo Sid­ (til'd with Its giver and peace seemed bacco crop with returning the greatest eights would give her more pleasure. Strange to say, the handsomest tur­ embroidery and Intucks on either side abundance out of desired limits. Any amount per acre of any of the princi­ ing. but there was no answer. The assured when there was a sudden mali "Well, mother. I am the king.” plant mny become a weed by escaping pal crops. Although there were less tle, the hawk's bill variety (Chelorie jtn- key In the siding station clicked lu of footsteps. She stared at him fot a moment aneep from cultivation. Many plants that than 3.000.000 ncres devoted to It, the solitude, and far down tbe track a "Fire!” cried a voice. with us are highly esteemed In other yield of 84.7 bushels an acre, at an ing so strongly flavored with musk ns handcar clattered over the fishplates, a "Get out with you, Jester! Do you cuffs fastened with pearl buttons. A volley rattled from tbe cars, The countries grow as weeds, while, on the average price of 01.4 cents, is equiv­ sweating man pumping at-the levers, air whistled with tbe questlug lead. to be almost uneatable. This peculiar- think a nice woman like the queen other hand, our weeds are In other alent to an average net realization of Ity would seem to point to a diet' of would marry a chap like you. with with Ills eyes turned fearfully over Ids Decorative Bolero Ti tnimlnan. countries sometimes b’gb’y shoulder. “Guamo Siding's dead!'' cull and cry upon cry followed Shot. too. sqtj'd .’Ince t!,isv> m&llusca ate izct.cd that hideous mug?'r Many of the exquisite trimmings The correct use of the word depemlH $.*x an gcie.'“Tobacco yic-lds, according «81 the dispatcher's operator from Ids ata*#eri'd across the gloom: n rohe lngly musky. But it may not be out of to the figures given, $53.46 an acre. Tbe king waa not offended. Per- this year are converted Into b I : >s desk. "1 can't raise him at ail. He's ■creamed a warning to flight; the place to remark here tlint turtle flesh, haps the compliment to his wife mol­ A dark cloth gown will show a ! ilero altogether on circumstances. At nearly all the larger railroad sta­ coaches In the rear resounded with a even of the beat sorts, is not nice. As lit out or they've got him, one or the lified him. He gave the woman a of oriental embroidery. The embroid tions In Manchuria Russlsn settle­ frightened uptoar, nnd a man in a S hih Weller's pletnnn hoarsely whis­ piece of money, with which he was al­ Sorry lie Asked. other. What's the orders for II M? ments liavs made th«!» appearance. cry may be of a Japanese or Egyptian An eminent bishop was the speaker Besides railroad offices nnd houses for He’s cut In on the board nnd got the white hat beside the r‘aht of way sat pered, “It's tlie seasoning as does it.” ways free, and passed along. design in warm blues and greens and waiting Indifferently (or the noise to A diet of turtle steaks or of hashed st a meeting In the Interest of an or news hot off the win-. Guess lie's rat pale reds, worked on a foundation of ganlzation of which a woman is the employees there are nlso many private eml. turtle or of turtle soup, au natural, I.lghtnlna Hosatert llurk. tied some.” buildings. There Is one Inqa'dlment dis'p ecru canvas or peau de sole, “If you as much as wink. Doc Bur- would soon sicken any one but a sav­ ‘•II —M" was Haney's Mill, tlie next An extraordinary effect of lightning while n chiffon gown mny have a president and tells of a Joke which to the expansion of these settlements, dle. ” he cautioned. "I ’ ll scatter yer age. For sixpence or Its equivalent In Is reported from Lake Grandlleu. In she perpetrated at bl» expense a few for no regular rales of lota are yet ar station east of Guamo Siding "Tell charming » added to It by a little him to keep his mouth shut!” reared brains from one end er the map to the most of the West India Island towns the Nantes region. A violent tempest bolero of silver gauze, with the trim­ moment» prior to the beginning of the ranged for. It la aatd, however, that other. ” one can get a heaped plate of turtle burst ov3r the lake, with vivid light­ meeting. “I Inquired of Mr». N., with there will lie a regular auction sale of tbe dispatcher, snatching up the mes­ A curse answered the warning, for steak with bread or Jams or sweet po­ ning and thunder. A number of boats ming of silk embroidered orchids as Its the Idea of being facetious, 'How many sage from Guaino and rushing to tlie lota organized. In the meantime pri­ decoration, each flower cut out and the man in the white hat sat upon the tatoes ad lib. But I never knew even were on the lake, and while they were long winded speakers will there be at vate persons are allowed to occupy lo’a rail to meet the superintendent, win» chest of the other, a pistol held to Ills appliqued upon the shimmering foun ­ a hungry sailor who wanted more than tbla meeting, madam?' ‘ You are the bad burst through the doorway. "Here, hurrying to bank there was a tremen­ temporarily. dation. ■ only one,’ »he replied charmingly.” read this, boss!" The dispatcher thrust head. “You bound!" the outlaw cried. one meal a week of It. for all its cheap­ dous peal of thunder. Almost Imme­ “ You ’ ve played it well, hain ’ t you? One Obstacle Onlr. ness. The fact Is that In the cult of diately there fell among the boats the the message Into the superintendent's Far Away. Scholar—Professor, your mnemonic | FosKloa Well Filled. hand nnd then was back nt the oper God help you. you dog. when I’m clear turtle soup we nre following (a long dead bodies of a large flock of wild The Brute—What are you thinking er this!" way off, it is true) the example set by ducks, some of them roasted to a nice­ system is wonderful, and I am sure j Auntie (to little niece, aged seven, »tor’s shoulder. Mamie? -. "But you won't be clear. l»oc." was the Chinese, who love gelatinous soups ty. and some charred to a cinder. that any one, after mastering the who has been left temporarily In of, Mamie Outside In the ynnl the western mall —I am dreaming of my youth. I charge of brother, aged three)—Well, tlie easy answer. “ It ’ a been a hot nnd pay fa bn feus price» for the nests rules, can learn to remember any- Itoast duck cooked by lightning rends lay at the platform, a fresh engine I The Rjute—I thought you had a far backing down through the switch. chase to land you. but It's did. olc man of the sea swallows, the liolothuri*,'’<>r like a novelty, even in the freaks of th*«. But I am handicapped by one Effie, dear. I hope you have been quite away look in your eye».—Princeton “Hold her five minutes.” tlie dispatcher Easy there, now. No nipnkey shines, «'a slug, and the sharks' fins because meteorology. If It could only be adapt­ difficulty. Professor - What Is It? a mother to him while mammy's been Tiger. ____ Scholar-1 c«n't remember the rult«— away. E«e—Oh, yea, auntie, dear, I ordered, “and tell those deputies to or”— He pressed the mid rim of the of their gelatinous qualities. — Frank ed to the “quick loach” system! T. Bullen In Ix'alle's. Revolver muzzle Into the other's ear and Town anti Country. , have. I ’ ve smacked him three times — hurry. Have you heard fro« Tower M0re Important. «•- “With four daughter as m7 wife, Physicians "re constantly discover on made e hla meaning clearer* The •M ► nt tee) la* o •e—My flrat wlig marffed me be © can’t wait all night." “(ftre me the fligt seven years of a air, I can conqtWr the world.” Are you sure flint mule Is blind?" Cause IQ neither smoked, drank nor ing some popular pastime or mode of But Tower himself nt this moment shots knd died away, but tbe uproar “Hut that Isn’t the question. Can uttlre «at Injurd» health. But the »V-1 child's life,' said a wise man, "ami Ye». «ih In hfs eyes he Is, but yen played cants. Sh0-How did your MC bustit'll Into the office. "It's all right!” cootlnfted. you pinke enough money to keep your­ ot human life remali« ahBut th« j-hu may bnve the r«t. These are th« ern«e i “ Flamler*! Oh. i'lanfl»»»'' • vol»«'