I 52 Jii»2S a y *) Volume XX. F.-A’ICN, OREGON: THURSDAY, • Woolsack« and Sanderson Bros'. LOCAL NEWS, Butter kegs at | Hay. grain m.d feed at N. Lorenz’»» Early Rose Seed Potatoes for sale Store. ' by J It Stillwell, linndon •See«! BotsiOM «• on«» c.-lit a p.nilid E D G ind-uan. of Langlois, wu* of J. H flicker. attracted to this place Saturday. “Fboh>” Buttons. 10 to 15. ts. M renshall’« Gallery. at APRIL Isntu Walker and II« «ry Ifhoner arrived here ye-terilay' from Hum For !ir*t clasK ran! i-*ta'«>, corr-s- tioldt Coi.nty. Calihiwia. _W illi nn ii ice, of Pyir> ¡¡ h , Cnlifor [><>nl alxint 10 inclips, anil in putting in now p i.l Hi».-». Bonml Over i t Appear liafoi-e Grati'* Jyry. Go to Denholm's Tor tin» lntost stylo« ■, - SauiierHou Br<,.4.s:u was ar- ' rested. fixed at »íó.lti.-O. and riot being able to A fire at McKinley, Texas, destroyed prop­ g.-t lijmlsiuon, he was t.y.«--i to j ill. erty valued nt $2iK),00U; insurance . 10<>,000. A tag sank at k*>int Sabie, Lake Michigan A innt of ThaYika. and three men w*Me drowned. Fish cau2.it b.v the Indians off Vancouver Editor R ecouder ; Permit IUP Crescent City Record; Ismu Delicious! yes, you will timl delic­ a speciulty. | Island contain wheat, ami are supposed to through your paper to thank the ious liams and bacon, fine flour, and Fresh Groceries and Provision« at ' M fflker. th« well known «ml popular friends forlueir kind consid-iatioD in 1 have been feeding on the cargo of the La- I in<>rua. cattleman, passed through our city the be*t candie« at Cox's g»»ocny. : Cox’s Grocery. Flour, Hams, Bacon, placing my name before th» roters of A heavy snowslide wrecked r. street carat The steatu«r Elizabeth made a good Fruit*, Nuts, Caudiiw, etc., of th- on th» 4th inst., on the way to his ■ Livingston. Montana. Coos County, f r tl,anilice of County rp- home in Hmabolt county. H<» run np last trip, being only 38 hours best quality. W ednesday . April 13. port--«l h' <”y los*m of cattle along School Superintendent. T»« honor The Russian flagship wits blown up by a out. .She is due iigain h<‘xt Sun lay. R. I). H nuc, of We I lerbnrn, wrote was entirely unsought thq position ill'» coast, ow n ’ to the llliprece h»nt- i mine and sunk while h-avin ‘ rt Art r A second band De Laval Separator J. S Coke,congratulating him on his wh- ly i::i.in .me t of. My rpponent harbor to engage the jr.pane e fl t. Com­ e »..;i si-ow­ Presidt nt li'»osevclt signed the Lewis aud hearty support. tin hour. in the County but a short time, and Clark Exposition bill. Mrs. N. R. Smith, and daughter ing satiil to Libby, tie 1 np at the am unknown to many, it scoria proper Col. R. H. Rosa took passage f r Chinese waiters in a Chinese cafe in Chi San Francisco on the Elizabeth. Sun Frances, of Northern Curry, were in' wharf at th« r ar enii of Wolcof's to state for the information of such, c.tgo rtius»d to wait up on nvgrot.; who un- »tor« Tu-'.-day night nn-i «luring the dnv, Laving gone down to make ar­ lown the latter part of last week, litiv- that prior to my coming to Oregon, I . tercd tiu* cafe. The thermometer crawled up to 05 degrees i lug com«» in to see M. F. Shoemaker night th«» se-ov sprang a leak and bud taught eight years, mt! was a rangement - of a business nature. sunk. About 3' tons of s.ati-1 was member of the Comity Edicational I nt, (irant.s L’ass ve-sterd-iy, Mrs. Alice Fagan gave Marshfield ami family i ff to San Francisco. Mr*, A farmer at Dayton, Oregon, hung himself !o*t by th« misfortune mi l the scow Board where I re ¡ded. In this Slate | because of hot weather. a visit last Sitndny, taking advantage j Sii «-maker being a daughter of Mr.», will have to lie fl -ate.l, which will 1 la iclii two years at l*< rryjtd,, two ! The bubonic plague is s. reading in an of the opportunity offered by the j Smith. cost quite a little.—Coast Mail. years in State N ruia! at Drtin, over | alarming degree along the west side of steamer Chico, She returned Moudaj There is ti trade on, looking toward The railroii 1 surveyors r«-n:.-h< <1 two ye n* in Elkton, hu J nearly two i South America. by wuy of Coquille City. u change tu the stenm--r transporta­ T hubsday . April 14. Ban-h n last w«.»k, au I are no«v sur­ years at Coos County Acade.ny. My tion on the Coquille. D. L. Perkins J. H. Timon, tin- Lamp» Creek coal The Japanese sank the Russian torpedo veying two or tlir-i inii-'s south of record as an educator is within easy boat Bezst ra-Lni. and declare that they s ¡ok operator was in Bandon Sunday. Mr. will dispose of bis iiit.-re.-t to other ♦ own. Th« snrvey «ro**es Ferry Creek reach. another battleship also in ye-tt-rday’a fight. Timon is very hopeful for the future parties intere.*te«i iu the Rt»-arai»r Di: ■ dose to the County r > i I, p'i-s-’s m-rir It is now believed that a Japanese torpedo It would be pleasing to me to meet welfare < f Coos iCimnty, »mil espe­ patch. Just what tl.e di-.pos|li< u i* the *-.<>ntboast corner of St. .John’s the friends of education ia every pro­ s ink the Russian flagship Petropavlovsk. does not appear yet cially the ('«rqnille A’alley. An explosion in a gun turret on board the Church, and eros os tin» comity roa I duct of the County, during the cam Marshfield Sun: J. J. Stanley, di battleship Missouri daring practic , to-day, Any one wishing to improve their a h i!» inilesontli of t> e*t. anier land­ p.iifcn, but this is out of the que-tiou. off the Florida coast, kille I 31 men. Cause stock of chickens for winter layers.! it.ir and proprietor of the ( -qiiiih ing, at which place depot stuk.-s have I am teaching school on a small sala­ of accident not determined yet. should got a c«»-k from J. R. Stillwell, 1 i City Bulletin, was in M-.r hlielii, ye* been driven; it t!i«n makes a turn The Hotel Nord, a’-St. Petersburg. Russia ! ry io support a large family,and have He lias the fines' stock in the county, ' it-rday. Reports *sy that parties are through the Lothian property, ami neither tho time nor the money to was destroyed with dynamite. Death list mid has mad«- a specialty of breeding negotiating for Hie purchase of hi.* then takes a southerly course. and source of explosion not made known. make tho canvass. 1 must trust to | newspaper, and that its political cum- The members of the ilackmeu’s Union for winter layer.». the friends who so kindly pieced me struck for shorter hours and higher wages. The steamer Elizabeth cni-je in Fri­ I plexion is to becliauged in nomination tn pl. ad my chm > dur at Han Francisco, this morning. * Elbert Dyer has bail the rubbish day morning bringing about 70 tons Ebb’r H<>!t will cointnpnpe n snrins iug the campaign, and to speak for The rapid melting of snow in the moun- tains is aising Eastern Oregon rivers. Port of freight and nin« passenger«. Tim cleared from the lot tdotigsi«le Sutidei - of ¿¡vino sprvjfPH in Kecttnior ii HI, me at the polls. land is getting a benefit by lb - back water, list follows: Mi*s Emma Hagle, Mis* sou’s store, mid ba<) the groun-l lev Siindny April 21. at 11 a\ k»?k in th»* j’ljunking them in advance for any from the Columbia. eled preparatory to making ready to iDorniti^. Frost. Mrs Avin*, T. Fiskoo, T. Brsd- f•ivo',s liiey may tinn show me, F riday , April 15. His evoninp. siH j ct ¡will be: "Pr«» l*y,C. D Miner, Mrs lleampli-, B L pile match wood upon it. The indi­ Russia has given warning that newspaper 1 uni, most siuei rely years, cation« are that a consi l.-ra'ole qm;n I bation always” Heiirsh, E. Bei-ring. correspondents using wireless telegraphy A. H. M ulkey . wi'liin the zone of war operations, will be Tbf» public is c »r linlly invited to •■1 have ns»««l Chamberlain's Stom tity will lie cut in tin» section this Deci Notice, shot hr spies if caught. year. üH»*n3. Yon ar« not n-k lo beli, ve ach an«l Liver Tablets witli nnist sat­ In the Missouri disaster all were killed There will lie service; nt the M ■:!i only that which appeals to your mi N .-‘ice is hereby given the public who were in fault, and the real cause may isfactory result*,” says Mrs. I’. L- son, but to tnako H l iav.ftig-itioll. ti. i; Í h i»- «■ I «-■» I my nra -i ¡■•i* i:i Coos »«ot be known. Phelps, Houston, Texas. For indi­ odist E: iscopiil Clinrch, SitiKlay, April The Imperial palace nt Seoul, Corea, was The Evuuiug bprvices at ï 10. u « I Curry >'-.muties, mi ! am settling gestion, billionsn»-** mi l constipation, 24ih. morning and evening. up pro; :r;;l<-ry to leaving. Cull some burned. L ops at out $3,030,000. these tablets ur« most excellent. S I I morning subject, ‘'011« ami Only Fro- Ets.U-tn dimtcat 7->r Sheriff Thomas Cody prevented a lynching bntion, A Benevolent Arrangement.'' ollar pLysizmu. by C. Y. Lowe. Druggist. in Central City. Col. lie declared to llie N.-caJawt-a Fami. The evening subject, “ The Gr at A. W. ÍÚ31E, M. D. mob that lie would die fighting to keep them Tim steamer Elizabeth left Sunday out of the jail. The Woman’s Study Club, of Co Urdu* Into Ilin H ouho . for San Francisco with a full cargo, Things of God’s Law.” A-.-rind in­ Serious demonntrationu ngainst war are am) tin- following named passengers: vitation is given to the general pubhe. quill«- City, will give an elaborate In­ S. Ln Qniun of Cavendish, Vt., reported from Kharkof. Russia. W. H. Myers, Pastor. dian Entertainment in the Masonic David Johnson. M II Hervey. David S aturday , April, 16. was robbed of bis cantoni ary health l h« passenger list from San Fran­ Hall Fiid-iy i-vi-tiing, A; til Sibil, for The Japanese fleet made the eighth attack L l’erkins. M F Shumaker, wife and by invasion of Chronic Constipation. son, George A Robison and wife, Mrs cisco here, on th« steamer Chico, ir the b -neiit of th" S.o-tij i .ea Stutiie \\ hen Dr. King's New Life Pills on Port Arthur. One Japanese cruiser dam­ Fund. aged by a Russian shot. Russians claim S E Robison, R D Jones and R II riving Saturday, was as follows; D A A beautiful I rons« statue in honor Broke into bis house, his trouble was small damage. Rouse and it Mr Cox «Sit«» had 21 of tie» Shoshone pritiet-ss. the only Rosa. Admiral Skrydloff has succeeded to the arreste-l nml now he's entirely cured passengers from San l'Tmietsco f i woimii. who lu-compat.'ed Le .is and II. A Gross was a passenger last l’he',’i" g-iaranteed to cure. 25cts at command of the R issian navy. Portland. Those who took pass- o Clark to the Cov*t, slid wl.ose guid­ The Adorondaek country in New York was Sunday, to Portland, on tho st»‘am«r ance are) skill repeatv Hv saved the Lowe's Drug Store. visited by a severe snow storm. T he Coun­ from hero Sunday w-«r« !1 A Gross Chico, where be went for nu-diral expedilion from tlismier, is to be try roads are blocked with snow. treatment. Mr«. A \V Kime, hi« sis nn-1 Mrs A \\ Kime nml cl.il I for er«ct«'.l bv ti e w,.m«-n <>t tin- North­ The freight war between New York and St ter, was also a passenger, being on Portland, and J K Seott an.I Mi* west, nt the Lewis and Clark Fair, A t", vernimi is on foot to organize Louis is settled. Alice Fagan to Mar-li!:e!«L nn-1 II i* to remain a p«riu.’i:iei;t fea Mrs. A ary K. Hansen, an need woman, li»-r way to Cottag« Grove. Dr. Kime a baso., ill !■■ iguo of local talent, tlmt tiir«.-«f rtltn- ;'* Park Among the pussetigers to leave on . a- - i ni , r prop >rU i:is which vouch was burned to death in Washington. Her expects to leave for there in about a The Stmty Club ha* nmb-rtaken to clothes are suppo-ed to have caught file month. He shipped th»» most of his the steamer Eliz. ilietb, last Snndav. rai-e t he o.cney r> .¡nes'e.l of (toquille s.tfes a successful bn]I season. It is while lighting the fire in her kitchen. prop, * • 1 to enli-t all the available effects there on the Chico, by way of were Millard I’. Sbot'inaker. wife ai«d C-ty by the statue association, nml town* in 'Icircuit and each team The hostile armies are fortified in close chilli. They I five gone to Stee.ts will do so by giving an « utert ,i;m nt will t.e ¡¡tutted to three imported proximity on th • Y’alu river. Portland. which v.til I Indian in every ’ d<-t:-.il • M onday , April 18. Station, some 1G miles out of Sai. Robert A hr, tbo well known travel­ of seem ry, c-istumo , music . n i other playr-, which would allow a battery The British troops have worsted the Alad • o- I an „un m i ) for general 'utility Francisco, where Mr. S. lias found features. The la.lies have secund ing tinner is tn town, ami will call nt Mullah of Somailand, and quiet will soon employment witli the Metropolitan three g< miim- squaw*. Mary, last of '¡uty. l'i i-, it is argued, the towns your bon os to solicit work. IL- ha* could support with >nt cramping reign there. tin- Coquille trit«-. nml Mr*. Winckler A Tapane«e squadron of war ships has ar­ been here several times, and ns his Match Company, Tlio rotupany will amt !’o :v of the Coos Bav tribe, to their finance* a* last y-ar's wholesale rived near Vladivostok, and tin Russian put in a broom handle plant at that imp,,|t;J on of players did. Chas. work spenks for itself. In- nei-ds no sing an I dunce. Them will In- some place, an I Mr. S. is to have charge of ll.iMcr, Coquille City's magnate, is commandant is rushing work on the de- recommendation to tl os« whom ho delightful lai b-nns ami very interest­ her.i tilr in favor of the proposition ; fences. the plant as superintendent. He ex ing original features, a mn-icnl mono­ bns met. but for the benefit of strang­ A rancher and a fl >ck of 500 sheep were North Betid ha.« heretof, re expressed er«. we will say ti nt be is nn adept in pects to tuake several trips here dur logue ami Saenjiwen lullaby com- a willingness totem the fray, ami kill'd by a hailst.-ru in Webb County, ing llie summer, in the interest of the p<-i-l l«y Mrs. Snbok and Mr*. Sperry, .Marshfield i* awakening np in th« Texas. Much other damage was done. his profeesK-n, mid mends all kinds of tin- latter having entire charge of the company. 11th hour. While the quality of granite, ngate an.I tinware, and um­ musical features. MA KINK. ball will n i I >• h ], to ili- stn-ulard of Indian relics and enrms will he dis­ Ar.BITED. brella«. Give him a trial Try a Wawlier. played, some fill« collections from last season's gam-a, it will never-th«- April 14—Schr Coqndie. Pederson. 3 days les* excite the f m* to a pitch that ftom Han Francisco. F or S ale A spun of Bull*: G feet < We called ii> at J. W. Fairbank's Bandon am) M irslifield bsving be- n will draw an equally large patronage April l.*>—Stnir El»z . dian refreshments served. Ban«Ion. Oregon. pu h along the movement. The nu machines, having about twenty on SAILED. All who will kindly loan curios, will ti mal game is the popular outdoor April 17—Schr (inwmd. Thon’as. to S. F. Foti S ale A good second linn«! hand. Mr. Fairbank makes an excel­ please notify Mrs. ,J. C.'Snook. Presi­ sport of Coos county and i»s adtni Anril 17—■YCiir Western Home. Ueider, to organ on monthly pnyments'of §1.50. lent washer as those who have pur dent of the Club. rets are anxious for n continued etijoy- 8. F. Articles will In- so exhibited ns to April 17-8tmr Ciiict). Martin, to P. r Jand .•mu t iii'i.i* line.—M’l-shfiebJ Si'm. \\ rite the undersigned, care of this vmvueJ Wo, testify to, and Wuat is bo tn-! fi-.-tly secJir - tr.-m injury. via 'i ti*; iD-’.u. more, he i* eminently fair in his prop­ office. E, M. F i rman . April 17—Sinir E'izab th. Jen en. 8. I'. ■ • ’««.»». 1. ,1 Will all from Ban-’oti an I ab-ng the osition to let persons desiring to pm river who wish to attend, kindly send Dealer in pianos and organ«. l ili.M’ VOI I« L. chase, take them on trial, as rmtbfng th: ir num. * to A’npt At maw o' tin- ------------------------- - I was troiiblel witli ndistrsss in my F’-s-S ale : A Studebnliar wagon- but a machine having merit can stand ■•; « Notice i< li'-r.tiv given tonti r*-r*--is u >t . or. leave I Genu nt .the B '. li, -oor stonine!) and vomitino r.;z- :> only been in nctual use about three that ’est. pry one; they save labor; don P.O, that we u.itv seewhithi-r speli*, ami can trnthfnlly my flint i.. 1 ■ W.by make vonr work toilsone wh«n it an excursion civil arranged. He Ciiamls-rlain's Stornarli months; is in perfect condition. En-J and Liver , ;■ --id. in Northern Cigry, by ret ■ can be done better with less labor. »ervt-d sen's on sub- next week nt quire of J. S. Tilton, six miles south Ixno.iboti s Drug IStor«.ducts; a-iuns- Tabl> tu cored me —Mrs. ’1' V. Wil- Inn I. ÿ ' - r- -ml *'i!¡ b'- pu I L.r inform, Sciatic IUieinn.it i «m Cuntí. lion lend.n.- to a convieiion of tr.apa » of Bandon, or at this office. liatii«, Liiii.g*!mrg. Mieli. These lab- staled sivn*2.*i. is ul.oie. I.-I h ire giutiaiit.ed tu curi1 every case tilled at Bandon. I're - • . Mnridi II !:• ) "I have been subject tusciatic rhen M arried At Bandon, April YStb. A I ove I ctt< r. Pr. I 'N; X i.l. -I IN. \ . ut of stoniseli tronl l» of ILis characler Rev. W. H. Myer« officiating, Mr* matiom for years,” says E. 11. Wal­ Would f.ct interest Von if you’re l’or ->']<• !" C. Y. tiOWP. None.' FOB PVHUCVUON. • dron,of WiboD Junction, !>>wa- *My Allea Fagan, to Dr. Biggs. Tho bride Ir>in,'1.1 «, r 11,«* Int.rior. looking f, r a guarantee 1 Salve for joints w«-te stiff and gave me much and groom left n«xt morning for their I on. l ino: .1 la tin ;.«. Oe; >u, \p,ii Sores, Burns or 1’iles, Otto Dodd, of future homo at Now Whatcom, carry­ pain and discomfort. My joints would I. 1 NÍ. ■t Ponder, Mo., write»: "1 suffered with N-t < <■ 11 reto i ii en that t’ie *.>11, hi in;, ing t ho good wishes of tlieir friends crack when I straightened up. I u-ed an ngly s, re f. r a year, but a box of M. E. C hotich . nai.'cd -ett > t Io,* t-., d r< nee ■ t li.* ne, li­ Chamberlain's Pain Balm and nave with them. li. n to in-ike tin: I proof in of I. Pr, aching • .-vic- ever 2'i.) ,.n ('■i||ll!l ,'M‘ 37. Ltm>r most wonderful liniment.” For sale y V ’ X ! I ¡ >. s V V < f \ -t , . I X . Woolen Mill bud ling. M -»lay night, file l>y C. i. Lowe. l'RrsnrlERlAN Svi«-. ICE. b»cfl'»u 17. T< unal.ip 29 Snutli. Ra tfr II to rrpretent and sdv iti- an old-st ibti-lud and limit* his right leg al-ovo the knoo. t»u*ine** honse ,»t * a .1 financial »inndmg Pn-iu-l i- g l*t «ad Ikd Sunday*. ninrning Went. He nntueR tb** fnll<>wir.tf witne«**-«»» . H1K S'I.E.—A *11 acre Irnct, ndj. i« ine Sllarv t.’l weckt», with exp.-- *.< advanced' nini ev-piiing. prove hi** c uitiiiuoEH residence n on and lit« layabout a half hour before being c.rporsiioti bonrdry: *|:«*hvd hiiu biirn«-d. each Monday bv .-teck direct fr.-m lien I- '• i ’ • 1. X . Z ' • • <»x. Si-heol «irli «nnd -v M 10 a ni .11 ’ A ' dfl fo-'ii.l. Dr Kime«of th* injnmd limb ■in«l log* m«*tly g.«.««•; li«-* e.a*r of t«,«n qnarteta H.,r-i- and Im pv fnrni.lied - t,,-n F.-- Santlsv \l X Kenedy. F. M ^smterlin and Andrew ‘ skv «r ti c» Hnc* nt ts>- n-n»t h-«nr. V*o ihr, ,* hie- re-idence feticed >nd C neC'-«*ary; |,o*:tioii la-, ich :,, it Addr-as ! ’ ■ ii . * ij 7 .MI tì i - la; < v i in : Johnson, nil »»f B-uJm, (-.•<»« and the patient is doing a« well as cl. irt-.l. ,»n Blnlf Sinei F,»r t,rl parle n- Blew Br * A I',», Monon tL-ig, i hieae,,, All are welcnme. i. T BatDOF^, fottld be expected la g. Illin.'i* Apr7 lieg later. ItajlX .\:>*Lrn II vuxrlt . P.istjr. ® ♦ W. E. Dungan and wife, of Marsh­ field, were Bsudoii visitor« last Thurs­ l day. | John K Scott went to Marshfield. Sunday, on a visit, going aronud on the steamer Chico, jl Robert liuut, of Four mile, was do­ ing I iisioesn in town last M< uduy. __________ i Y.ur Mone :y Back if it Don't Suit. Early Rose and Beauty of Hebron seed potatoes at Saudersou Brus; nml tbo lowest pric«s in Millinery, stom. i Also h large line of white shirt «ai.-ts For the finest grades of Ladies ' an.I L uli«'*' summer suits. Shirt Waists aud Underwear, call on Th»» Knox Company were here last Mrs. Anderson. | niubt in the interest of the local op Assessor T. J. Thrift was in town Rev. W. Horsfall will hold services , tii-n law, ami proved tu I h » first c I íikh the latter part of last week, making a in St. Jehu's Church, next Sunday, at I entertainer«, besides advocating h finish of bis work here. the usual hours, morning and evening- good cause. To night they givo hu Miirsbiiel 1 was represented here Persons wishing to have carpets or 1 outertaiumeiit for which a charge of . ' W lent Frwiey liy O. J. «Seeley. XV. H. ' rngs woven should apply to Mrs. IL twenty tire cen’s almi, Thom«« and J. Condroti. M. Tuck-r, Bandon, Ore. Fancy rugs in aile. For Salo Exclusively by SAHDERSON BROS., Bandon rniture -''.-'i, Household Furnishings and Deco rations of all kinds* H.-d itooni Suites Curtain Poles and Fino Wall Paper «nd luai Pieces. Window TriinniingH. House Liuitig. ------ SEWING MAt illNES ANO BABY CAKHIAGES --------- Furniture liepn:r;::g and Saw flling a Specialty. A l ull Line of Buri. 1 Cio-k t * l’n. I l: -l.-■* and G ■ ds, and Undertaking Supplies Constantly Kept on Hund. bA'iDÛN FURNITURE COMPANY itted and Speedy Steamer* C. P. JENSON, Master. Tills St amor . N w. is Strongly I,Till, and fitted with the latest improvement«, and wit give a reenter s dnv servic.. for pn**t i ger* and freight, between the Coquille ltivur, Oregon, and Sail Franoiseo, Calif. ELBEKT DYEli, Agent, Bandon, Oregon. Kltl’Z. Managing Agent, 2>>7 Front Street, San Francisco, California. !•’. T 03 YOU N ED ANY HARD-WARE? We are still doing business at The Old Stand and can please you. Give us a Call examine our and Farm Implements, Etc, Now is the time to purchase Hardware. in stock a iarge assortment of The underaigned has Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Glassware, Crockery and Miners’ Supplies. PaìntN, O ì I n , Poom and WtitdowH. TIN'SHOP IN CONNECTION. A. McNAIR Tho Candon Hardware Man. Hotel Coquille < ocpiiHe V ity, Os'A'iiO» J. !» TCPS^EBr. rropraetiir. This well known hotel is uuw under new and com­ petent management and has been thoroughly ren­ ovated throughout. The table service is equal to any in Southern Oregon. S mple rooms for com- tj eicia! men. Baggage transported to and from boats and trainr free of charge. Fine new i ar in connection with the hotel. j. C. Shields &■ Son W¿gúü3 of all ki.tds made to order. .I li Reasonable. : U nd, d to pr.ni ptiy and all wurk guaranteed to give aatiafuoliou. Prices IZOL’seshoeiii™ a. Specialty . i*. TorriN«;, vt iu:; aku cut n .*E!, oh at AND NOTARY PUBLIC. □Tire Insurance, liatitlon, - - - - Oregon. Bau- J. W. STRANGE DENTIST .ÿ B \ V l> ’> LUI,4. I r \,> I I. 1 o.o I F AN DON, c IF'-::’ R V « 4 a »> OREGON. : :■ ■: > •> v •> •> <• v <■ <• •*< ( omt Olio i» <»t the For^mt No. 17, V <■ : :■ <■ : *• • Will -.1 II.,» <1 i r, al,-rlv on dates to l><> npp::. .1 in At.»- Local < <.iuii.il. \MK)\ LOUGI ,N •• 115.1 F I .V. St'itfd cufinni'-’Kioi.s i.rsí Sut «v Hit' r tin- full itDH.n of curb l’h f All M- Mier - sols c<»rd:;.l’ \ ...-.i t’ETER NIJ*.8UN. Av. M. ■I. E Vv .. I : . ' a > <• •> :• <• < •> •: Th» Weekly Or • you ill the ir V. ?' of hhrm, sìa I p , the \ ! A ' ' ' ! tf ■ •> Wrenshall &. Wrenshall, Photographers,