Bandon recorder. (Bandon, Or.) 188?-1910, April 14, 1904, Image 1

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."a 'WW
52 Times a year for $2,
I 52 Times a year for $2.
Vdume XX.
Number 15.
3 a?lravAsfe.
T3 H8
CWj.7. WisaVJ-r.tV rZr&iOOX V
Ilay. graitiwmd food at X. Lrotr.
Tho Khznbeth is due again to
morrow. Seed potatoes at one cent a pound
of J. H. Tucker.
"Photo" ButUm?. 10 to locLs. at
Wronshairs Gidituy.
Y. J. Hughes, of Port Or ford, was
a Bnndon culler Tno-dny.
K. M. Calher. Deputy Sheriff, was
a call or in Bandon Tuesday night.
V. il Lgnn Ita-s taken a contract registered a, t he Tupper House last
to log for Col. R If. Rosa this year. evening.
Bokn At Bnndon. April Oth. 11)04. : C. 11. Bowis. of Parkorsbnrg. has
to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Topping, a ! again moved to town ami heeoino a
son. j Bandonian.
Miss Maggie Lntnout rot union1 Ik m" ' S. J. Culvor started for Portland.
Saturday from North Bond, and will this morning, to attend tisu Democrat
remain at homo for tho pre.-ont. ; jc Convention.
Dolioion-! yes. yon will tiud delio-' -.. iu,s grades of Ladies
ions hums ami lwon. lino iUmr. and shirt Vni-.N and Vndorweur. cull on
tho be.-t candies at Cox's inicry. ! ndM-on
Charios Bntun, who pitched for thoj v. H. Tiu)i. of .Marslitield. owe
Budo latl team last yer. is pifeh a !;,;d..i.i;tu. rpent a day or two in
i for the Lts Aniioles toimi thi .-ea- tovvl, jj.j week.
A socoiul hand Do Lava! Separator
for sle at Snd.r.-on Brn. Cheap, j
Goal as mw. Upncitv GOO pound-
t . t-
.klCulVoro.l C I-lwwoo.l irnvo
CowiJie i.'siy n vi-it ! i-t lTinrsdjy.
iiftivtnsr lfiaSi. which oaHoJ ihem to
IVn Sam? A span ;f Bnll: G feet ;
S weUe- and 0 f-ot 10 inches, res pec-
it4y. Kn-.U!re vf J. H
l ncKer.
Baid. a. Oie;v:i.
MeCl. vfcey a;d uifo of Nor
w$tr. -i e vigors in limuttm. Satur
4v to r,ln,2"?'. lif' ;r"es;s of their
illait-r. F Morgan.
12 A Ot will lenw tins wMk
i I . 1 . . T 4
(Rut for cai-i'er. Hi- :ttr. Aim. A.
M' I k U'lfll fllftl
Xrt H,'in i I ' Imve I ho larp.-t
. .i 1.. .1... ..
-' L 11 : i'.iiIic
Inmlvi r:vr le.itlpe a
fUt. -.-ir.lin-: nittl fruit are to he
HUMi :lwre.
SJSftx-.a.S . ... . t I .. . . . I - .vr 1 . ,1
ea.;iK of "0si spring weather, atul
a clititte in et jriitdeitiu fioac. aa'. ,
itutnv KanJ u.ins took :vht:tg- t
tbaj.' 'itnuiiy.
culv Ixm'H iz! not tin! t!-o alwiti; three
im'juIj.-: is i jrfect eiiJ;;k.n, j - .n -
WMrotM J. i ilum. mx nmoo aouth
... . ., i:
of ifeimicu. t r Mt his lllee.
. ,
riCKh tbo inuu-uf-iJ ."-uJttM
liif4)n v-o Usiv.. received a N4 f , , . . , . 1 Democrats o: Co"r Conniv tnon d;;notius to vi-it jjamblin;..'
1. fU-d I; 'dMt roa-Jv to tako nor ,, , , , :, , , 1
fwdti .o'ts fir dr-;r!li:tauu. ami will ; Jt"i:n . nol at Ctapullo City J tio.-'.ny. April den bcuatiMO of tho Iianility to lo.'e
bi; pis?d t sojijrfy 1! these who; ' : 1 :!. and after eh'c.inr J. Vs. Tpton to pos.-o-ion of that which you took
4f.-ii" fx $i:iHv ujk'H pjlteatkn for; rollows of tnis :lao. to- fhair atul -J. W. .Ma-t as secrotary . with you. especially money and mo
xtM&. jMMjjerwith a iar-ioituudwof iitir-. p,.,.,.,,,.,:) lo n,ai:,. siotiiinaiiuns n , rality, providing any of tho last com-
Afcvoao wisiii:.? ;o improvo tUoir,from C-hj illo City an I th-- npp- r f!u: ! moJity was available.
k f oiiicfiis fur wini-T Invors. i
u.t,t ...... .1 ; i;ii.rtil 1
M ms tbo Sm: eUal: ia tU count v. ;
h Mifc & cikliv ofbrtn.HiinY'l
r ' " i
mi.i''. i .
ttirAi fr (iazio: T. V. Clark. ;
Giariut(itttu' of th w(en mills
at XorOi I'eK pt-!-od hronh
tiitttllfU'l U MS wn Ui lOillfmi iu
5y. J'tV nTi-s j'Jst nmvero(l irotn
liiH1" tt otitlj fiee of rhetimal !?U1.
lhaw. ul CharoUMlainV .Som
,-eh ttd Ltver Tablets with mo.-t sat-
isfmoturv rotiiilt'
-I -"- ".IT
PliohiF. Mmston. Texas, lor iudi-
"Ptioa. billiousnots and cr.ns;tjjsti!u; '
tboeo tablet-are mo?t .-vceMent 1
liy C. Y. Low. Druggi.-t.
Tho K!u:.Ihm1i left here ln-t Friday
o,voniig for Sail Franci-co with the
fvlkv!ng pns-onger-: ! A ionise.
flU . I.?- !. .,.!.. . .t.,..
,1 inliuna iiitmm. .i;ir. vnu iv.t .hhuh-
aiut MV-. . :t iMiuen a:ii .no
cUiklron. Miss Dora Yet million. -M iv. :
K. 13. Khv and Mirs Ulie Hay.
'Hie sclofoner Berwick pui in an '
appoarance here la-t Tuesilav morn
r !. ..
in" coiuinir from Koirne river. -
1 ,
iibe hs had gasolm.' engmert plaei 1
in Lor ami is now propelled by
1 : 11 ... 1
OI1UO JHJWei m.hiii lv.ij jiiojn-iI'M.-.
The traif.irmationco-t,. ,,ue S.0(HI.
She is 11 inter coin matin of Captain'
i.,k,,. ,.,..1 ;n t..i bi.i ,.r
j it.ii'.-".i .' ...... . vw,..
to Wodderburn.
I'c-t Coileli "iliMlcciiH.lor ( liililr.'ti.
When yon buy a cough medoeinoi
for small children, you want one in '
1 1 : i:..: r.
WIIICIJ ou I'ltii place iiii;ni-i uoiin
rlonee You v.arit on that not onlv ' '
. "
ruliov.-s but cures. on want one that J . . . j),-. a. W . Kime was called and,
.-ii 1 v ' taiii airl .li-cotiihirl. At v joint s would : ... 1
if unquestionably harmless, ion waul,' i .dressed the wound and the patient I
.. ..! it'l I 1 r. I r li t ..noil llli I imi'll I I
one that is pleasant to take, (diatn-.
, , . ii
beil'illi s ( ougb Itemedy meets all of
... .... ...
those conditions. 1 honis no? hmg t
, , , , , , ,
good for tho coughs and colds nici-
, , i m j i, - i .
dent, to childhood. It is also a certain ,
r . i
iirevontive and euro for croup, ami '
, , . fi
thoro is no danger whatever lrmn ,
Whooping cough When it is given. It ; FUK S l.K. .V six acre trad, adjoinii.e
" . . ' eoiporation boundiy: -In-le d ami biirue,
has bi-on u-od in many epidemic- ofMnd os mo-ty uon-: lies east of nm-n.
., . i- ;,i ..r . .. i Al.-o three nice rc-nleiiec lots-, lenced and
MMI (Iise.iyeu,,,, ,.e, ivu o.. , ...
3lle 13' C. Y. JaW0. '
Robert Ahr. the tin tinlcennan, is in
town again.
j Wools-aefcs anil Gutter kogsat
Sanderson Bros".
Karly Rose Seed Potatoes for sale
by J. K. Stillwell, Bandon.
Tho steamer Chie.o sailed yesterday
for tho Coquillo Uivor and Portland.
W". limit, photographer, from Myr
tle Point, was a victor here vest onlay.
Early Rose and Bounty of Hebron
j seed potatoos at Sanderson Bros'
; store.
W. M. Anderson, of Chicago, 111..
i Mi linerv hu shirt waists at Den
jloj, The ht assortment over
.,((1:;lt Jo j-jHndou.
. . ..... . .
v ,j Wilson oi Northern Lurry
ditig husiiio-s in town Tuos.iau
,,m,.jinir v.r :iyht.
Dr. Geortv D. Kbitl. of Sixes, was ;
... , . . .
in ton 1 e dv incut on hi- return j
Per-ons wi-hiiiL" to have csirp"!-' or
, , . '
;:.- W'HI'U 1! I' I H;l .'II.-. 11,1
r :... .' . i? '
i specialty.
Fresh Groceries anil l-'roG-in at
xs Grocory. Flor.r. Hams Bacon.
. Fruit-, Nms. Can lies. etc.
! best quality. .
of I he
, . .,, , , I
t new oM arcintHM:. j
, , j ?i0.i;(lt. r
,.tmri MiwhIjiv iiiorninir. ati-.i took in
-H) fntn you ;neu .u a jfnar-;
jit:t;jo of iifR con ue; 1
Dr H H IJovl vclep'mrv snifonij '
was in town ilitvur tv.o thtH week ::i
. 4 . , . . ,
tho inl".v-t of his urotcsJon. anil i:;d
cia-iiet ahic work in his linn.
The railroiitl surwyoiv I. jve roach. -d
ttas lmu!i:y with it o prolisninary :r-
jvoy. 1 heiv an twenty 01 tt.o;n-
. ". . . . ,, .
, aiM tbov aro doinj; cow-itlonthlo wort;.
; ' , , ,
; 1'nvon c on tho Uach Jo rocoiw a
new prop-dor vottorl:iv. Iio has
, , , ,.
1 ' " 11 ' :
uiifht. on which
" "-'. --".,
i,,r ,!l' ,,"a, J lu'
"ill oarly mornuit:. ami the inemh'!-.-
took 'ohantae of the .oca:-ion for an
early vir-;t to the h.-acb.
w it ,.r KSv.....,. i
town Sho ltni.-r :riri of la-t uoi k,
. m .. . 1
turning i:.::s a vim. uiny vc-.muy.j
v.-hei- he Lad t.-urcha-ed a l.!.r;d c.f !
1 . . . ... 1
ton viit,n ci.v.v an.t tioiior-. tr.-jr .
jrf .jj u Sit.h hl. lVJls ..j,, t '
ill- 1 M in ij. lie k im .11 1 iini j hi I'M 1 m
.HI . iiiflj naii, v. 110 rei 01 ueu oauiruay.
M .. I ll ..!.... 1 1
' , ,
j;, 1., UjV homo, having j ;itctia-od a
.. ... 1 n 1, .
'h:en yeaning steers from .J. r Clan
I . . .... , I
-,ei. 01 iiivi-r:oi!. union no urovo 101
hi- Xew Lake ranch.
Tertwrancc i,ecai'i's
c i 1. 1 j.c u,((ai.s
Soe'ilrer 1? W Kel-ov lepotnna-
."ipe.iher u. .. i(i-o, "f,f)iP'1
; ... 1 1... lr r i;4i,.l-,.tf " rn.rctu.
ieo in Jt. 1.. 1 101 Ken. .. 1 .ugct o
K. A. Nov. ly will vj.-it the
(bfi,.,,.nt pmits in Cos County in
,. ,t,.jv.t f I'rohihit ion as follows:
.Myrtle I'mnl on the 8lh. ;tt Kivorton
01. the J'J:h. at Bandon on the !i(lth. at
i'ar or-burir "u the '21-t. ;it (.'oiuill
'" , 1 .At . 1 1
Cit on the l:Jn.l, ami tit Marsbhold on
.,,1 f , nl.
SSarbor' IVotico.
,J. Thompson hereby gives notice
. . , . 1 1 11 1 '
',sd during 1 wool nis shop will ho .
open in Bandon onlv after the steam
jor Dispatch arrives in ihe ev.-ning.
i. int.. ukim f.tifi" si 1 1 I onve 1110 Illllch i
Chamberlain f rain balm ami nave
neeit thoroughly cured, llavenot had
a pain or ache from the old trouole
1 .
for mam months. It is ceruunlv a
.,,, ., ,
most wonderful liniment. r or sale
hv C. i . Lowe,
j . .
iihlff J.-r , ,,rlie.i-
litis emjoire of J. V. Filter, Itatidou, Urej:. '
svh.ih Kiieumuii-iii ( nnd. ! cat i n ol one arm. at Mi. -i elhow, lint I hie, stomacii disorder or general do-, 1(, , ,llmt. ' v a ?' m rt. .-. o. i. i. .' i" . .
n , -"7: 1 , iout.ide ..r that, was not very mate- ' bili.y, get Electric Bitters. Ifs guar- Wu-d at Uandon. ( )ree. . March 1 1. iwi. . '; XZ m'S -InmiK X snSS'SIS
I havoboetiMll Jed tosciattc rheti ,, . . , , . ,..,,.,! , , , . I'Ml'I'l.' NF.bSON. Aent. i-i'in ..r r.- in uj.oi M.nnt. stip,n.d .s, ,ikr j.oci.1 ( ohm.n.
,, u- i riallv iniiirotl. being sllghtlv bruised anteed by C. . Lowe. Druggl.-t. - , ..ordial!y invited. S, . .
!.-: lor ear-. .-a i. ji. ai- ... v....... .s. I'- i.iiMiW. i.n. i t
. , , , 7 .., ,. i ,, ' and cratetJoit up and he received a uuiy owcis. j ' ' 'k rui.i,n, i hm. : .; kK,k,.,,.k. Jr. . Sue. i'- f-'g-y-t- &&ti
..o, U.oir .Itll.Cl.OU.loU.l. ' ,, , !, f,;, l l i - " " Ilepartm.,,1 of the Interior. ' . r. ! t V,mrt II.. f .1... l-..r..f X.. 1 1$.
N. Loronz, cf dquillo City, is so-
journing for a fow days in Bandon.
Go to Denholm's for tho latost stylos
and tho lowost prions in Millinery.
Al.-o a large line ot white shirt waists;
and Ladies sntunior suits.
Assessor T. J. Thrift was in this
part of tho county 1 lit hit tor part of'
last week iclerviewin our citizens as
to how much property they own. j made the following nominations: Kor
Fok Sau:. A good second-hand Jomt lP".henti.tivo S V Pierce, for
.r-an on monthly payments of Si.f.0. Uanztiy Judo, K A Bailey; for Coin
Write, the undersigned, care of this n,iitUH,r W H Crook; for henfl, W
oliice. E. M. Fukmax.
Dealer in pianos and organs.
SOGialiSLS llOmiliate.
Tho Socialists meet in Mas Cou -
vontion, at CVquillo Cit'
MHtnrsSijy, April iGSls, 55M-,
. .
to place m nomination a full county)
ticket. All .-ocial is: s are expected to
turn on; and help make tho nomiua-i
i:'il:i Inln 111-, IIiiiiM'
S. Le Qoiiin of Cavendish, Yt.,
was rubbed of his customary health
by ii.vasi..'i of Chronic Con-tipation.
When r. Kind's New l.jife Fill
t roice inti) his hour.o. his trouble wa
artv-teil and now he's entirely cured.
i he ro guar.iuteed to cure. 25cts at
L eAeV Drug Store.
x,,t Mn K" l"ul-rl:iiii 'lir.
i. I-ra ami Ii:.rrliiea lieim-dy lur
.... ,
...v.. t i .iii;...uih v. n.iwi. ii.
... , , ,,. i t i
"V. e h:;ve n-ed C i e.:ebei!am s (.-)!-
i ...;..,.,. .... i ti,.,.i vt1u.,u :,,
iiir :i?- vwiis." siiv; .1. Is
h'ive given il so all of our children.
W e have :i-ed ot h-r medecine.-. for the
same pnrpM. but noer fouiul any
h';; etjnal I utitnl r im s. Ji von
I ... . , , 11 1
..... . j.T i.. .1.. I. '
I . t - ! I'Yl. 1 . jve.
" ' ' 11 ' I
t i'.d. 1 'fine.Sy. r.ti of ,owis k.'!N
,,... r.-m.e near tirtiv. uiutr hi.-t Satur
ly. atwl v.a? .t;ly -ave.l by (pitch
... ...
wojh vn li t pari f mvper i.. .uhn-,
tn who happuci to l;e ,
-ue-.-.'S m .Sa:eiion, Iveeper
John-on :h'1 v. v:. r.ricK-'-u wore on vt.u tutor. It tnto the elenu'tits
; 'hMcUm :tni .MMs Sauiiorr-nV; t, jrpt atioa.l of a railroad.
jm.d lv i.ue(iy'slys were aUm and ojaui.
.vet,' adin:. when Mr. Ket,nedV, i js tliat a recent enactsnont
i-vy j;.t Itfxoml letd!i. jj, Xev York, has made it dangerous
lie had .-u:j!; tho third tiiuo v. hen fr lwl0i.s to viit places of "am
Tdr. .lotinson ;;.'t hoi l of hitn and it UJin". l.ecnu of tho. law compelling
' t k peit.-tni c.'u.rt to r&r..-ci:alo, ; 5,0111 to lotify in ta-e they aro stun
5) ;: o4;i.- ?iv-i
r.r.Jotat .onator, ,. .1. r,t,erwool5:
j. (- romo-.-.Jativo: K. W.
i-Bny. 01 j.uuaios. comiM-.-iotsor tor
four y..-,rs. ;tn i Jolm iiear of Mar. -h
field for two vears: J. S. Lawrence,
clerk: 'A. T. Stalin, h ho riff: T. J .
.Thrift as-ossor: l':if. Mulk"V, sot.ool
n " '
. -!inerijitMi lent : 11.1 Ha!.-ai!. r.ui vev-
n-ior: Dr. K. A. L op. eor.'iier
v ; J.. f... . l,, !
- i.w.........,.s .
Bandon .Jusli;:o
Vi 1 1 1 .1 L.".. ... T ,
J no ooie.-.u m uie oiaio unm-ii
t;on ;tIt. n.ris Ka-mtiSMMi. .S. i. C'ul-1
... ... ? R !,,r.fllM 1 .;
'-i. k. 1.. 1 . .
.Stanlov atid .J.J. Lamb.
A CIoso Silutvti.
Mr 1 - t. hwo ut
1 , " ' , , , ., , . 1
, . . , , . . !
which, although not vory scero-;
... ir.i. i
uiigh! have prove.J ratal to the prm ,
. 1 t . 1 '
L - i pal actor, .lam.s Lavin was in the
, 1 r n '
(Jr 0in,g a e:iUplo of pulloys, !
whi.-h were situated near tho coiling
ot the mill, ami wnicu worsen cio-e
, , , ,
together, whin hi.- clothing w;ir,
caught in tho seb-crow of a shaft
! which commenced to wind them a-
round tho tdiaft with tho result that
in ;i vo re cli.irt lierinil Mr l.avin ivas
leii(ven 01 ins npparoi e.xcept a tjtnaii
portion of one drawer leg ami his '
I 1 ri.: . 11
hoes and r-ocks, and lo tni.-,h tholand fool that 1 am now cured of a
... .
Work ho was uiicho:! out through a disease that had mo in its grasp for
small window about two fo.-t sijuaro.
Air. Lavin sustained the di.-lo-
will soon bo all right again
A I.ov l.elter.
Would not interest von if von're
looking for a guaranteed .Salvo for
.Sores, Burns or Files. Otto Dodd. of
Fonder, Afi., write-: "I suffered with!
an uglv sore for a vear, but a bo of
, . , ,.
Buekleiis Arni-a .Salv4. cured mo.
It's ihe bent Salve on earth 2octs a
, '
LoWii s IJl'Ug otoro. I
I ........... . . lion li!n!:tl'i to :l con Viet tun .if t if-imxti m . .' ... . . . .. .1 I
j Mrs. Ed GnUier. of Ouquillo City,
i is visiting in Bandon.
Hood Wheat, Cuts and Barley at
' Sanderson llroihers' Store.
to,,,, fi.. ,-lass roal out at. corres
pond with Go. P. Tripping.
Curry Coussfy tfomi nation.-.
j '1'"" Hi'P,l,ns of Curry County
II Lake; for County Clerk, George W
I Smith: for Asesor, A J Marsh; for
j Treasurer, James Cangholl; for School
s"Poriutomlont, Ames S Johnson; for
! Surveyor, Sandy Oweu?; for Coroner,
i Dr' ('n,t,M
Vmu Sa:n' six acii- ciuut -.a ti.
Worlil's l air is Made up 01' Sli) His-
timt spe,-ie ,,r ri.o.t uu,.
I'lvery one of tho o.tOO diiTeront
I (itl IuhIwimu tiF tl-if( fotiinVK-niir fli.i
six aero map of tho Uuitod States
in growing crops at the World's Fair
is plainly labeled. The visitor will
have no ditliculty in determining tho
uaino of a certain plant and at a
. gianco may learn something of its
origin, hi-tory a:rl habits.
In tho great mar), the first of tho
kind ever made, aro 811) distinct
j species of plant life, and each specie
' - i . i . t : .. . i i i.. i. -i . i" 'Mi.: .
is piainiy oiiuiimhi aim laoeieo. j.ois
includes UOt OJllv a SIH'CiniOn of OVerV
. .'.,...,,,.
plant grown in the l nite.i asates, nut
in the plots bordering tho map are
' " 1
luany plants ot at. land:
The map is an exhibit of the U. S.
, reau of Plant Iminstry. David A.
Brodio is the superintendent in
' charge and m 11113 of the plants were i
....... 11. ..1 .. , .!.. ..V .1K1,.. ll.lT. r ll...
"tati of thi! opening of tho urhl .s
I 'air. while many of the. plants that
cuiiitl uut Mi:vtv. tht winter wero
1 koj)t :u hot hutl-e?:, or ia see. I wer
not put into tho irontiil until the
pte.-etit p:in. The exhthit is maue
Jit the cost of tflO.'J'JO.
Tito Xevv York LVntral Kiiilroad
.-petit a :ni!liin lo!inr,i in removing
snow from liu4 t vac irs (1 urintf thu re-
n:ot:e.l witttohos. 'lhis may lo
very hut wo havn always heen
tindor the injue--ioti thai it wu.-
Tho Iki'puhiioitii XoiiiiiMtcs.
..... ,
on vent ion met at (.'oipulle last
Thutday, and after .-electing W . II
runch a-. ch;iinnan. and hnc ohl
as set rotary, tnado t ho following
nominations: Joint Nnilor.
I l ,
Coke; Count v eommis-ioner for two
v..:,rs !' A An,,ii? en.nini-ooner
tor lour years, jjoyt apirus; stioi ui.
I :..lli...'. .I..T-!- .I.ii! W" !l t . ill .
ji.-h- ..m..-.,
assessor. K. S. Dean; Miporintendeut.
W . H.lbinch : treasurer. ,J. IJ. Dullv :
- 7 - -
j surveyor. C. H. .MctJnlloch ; coroner,
j I). Mingii;-; justice of peace, this lir
jirict. A. J). .Morso; couiabiu K. AL.
; Blackorby. Tho following persons
i lire delegates to tho htato convention:
. 1. Dement, S. B. liormau, W . 11.
" ' r u ' 1 1
Ibinch, W. C. Chase, L. liarlockor:
' .
'- ! C. I'niTin, h. AltUgtlS, J.
1 , 1
betinett, it. D. Sunt 11.
J ()()() JV ."!'"
to (n:i on Ileal Kutate.
this oliice.
'1 estiiiKinv ui a y inistiT.
l!ev. .Ino. S. Cox, of Wake, Atlc,
writes, ''For 12 years I snU'oroil from
Yellow Jtuinilice. J consnltoil a Hum- l
ber of 11)1 vsieians mirl trim! nil sfift-!
" i
r .1. . , i.4 1 . 1 : .. r 'i'i . 1
01 uieoieitie, out got no ronei. 1 0011
1 began tho use of Klectric Hitlers
. v. . .
Volvo Vears.M If Voll want it roliabio i
ledicino for Liver and Kidney iron-;
Church Directory
M. K. ('HUM!!!.
IVeaeliiua service everv '-'ml and 4th Sun
dav at 11 A M. and S: I. M.
Suiidnv School everv Sunday at 10. A. M.
. l'P'voitli Le'iyue :i .M.
l'rajer Wednesday at S: 1. ,M.
V. II. Mkyi'.iis, Pastor.
l' itniAS Skuvick.
I'reaeliiiiij l.t nnd .'Ird Sundays, mortiiiie
and eveiuno.
Sunday School each Sunday at 111 a.m.
Kd..iiv.r meetitms at the u-ual hour.
I'rauu nieetint 7 ::M Thursday evening.
Ail are welcome.
Anou'H llApaiiuv. Past nr.
Come Settle Up.
1 'avian roncliulid l locate elsewhere, 1
desire all persoim indebted to me to cune
forward ntul st-ltle hv Mav lsi. l!)0t. After
that date all aeuoatits will lu left in the
hands of an attorney. A. W. Kimu.
Important News PJotes
TrK-JOAY, April a.
Dr. Win. Morris hi, a missionary to Africa, J
says that Kin Leopold has a native eatini
hal army of L'i'.OiM men. oliice red by wliito
lelviun. in the Coiipo State, who make
raid and capture natiyos for slavery.
An army of 41,000 JapaacMO advanced on
Wiju and fo aid it deserted.
Samuel .Mowerv, 1)0 jears old, lost his life
in Hi'viie- William Drake from burninc to
death at Washington, N. J. Tho latter is fcO
j'ears old.
John KeynoldH. a liny at Milton. Oregon,
fell eighty feet from an elevator, and was
instantly kilUd.
Mrs. Day. the wife of a workman at Hood
Hiver. was humud tu death liy the explosion
of a kerosene lamp.
A m ive is .started to instruct Oregon dele
iates to tho St. Louis Convention to vote tor
Chamberlain to ileteat Hearst.
Wkknksdav. April t.
United States Senator J. K. burton, of
Kan., has received a suatenee of six months
in j lil and a liu-j of S-'.eii!' for receiving
Secretary Hay signed extradition treaty
with ('u5m.
Fivi out of a pleasure party of seven were
drowned on the Florida coa-t by the upset
ting of a catluutt dniitiu a storm.
An underground tire in a subway at New
York delayed traflij and caused some dam
age. The Pullman Co. has sont ton oars to the
St. L"UH Kk.msu am valued at hlf a mii
lion dillii!s.
Dr. John Hobcrtsun, at the Kvancolieal
suhools. of the l' ('hurch ii Aus
tin, predicts that the world will come to an
end in vi-trs.
A famdv of six ptr.snas lou their livefi by
a tire at Veinon. NVw York.
I'wo H enr old bovs jpinrreled over a
. ......
jirl. srtiool companion, and one killtd the
i Uk jf!' lit (1UUI
The Allen Copper .Mine near (Jalice Creek,
on Hucr.e Hiver, was old for STf.O.OUU
Thu e Indian- v.i re killed and manv more
' fatally injutid in a tr-on wreck n.r.r I
Mavood. III. Here uere titi of the,,,,,, a
special car on their way to cee 1'iesident
K xjsevelt.
There in hut small hope of settling the
strike on the Panama Uaitroad at an early
An attempt was made r.n the life of the
Iviny of Spn'n. '1 he ( scaped, but two v.rc huit by the explosion of a
A starving youth committed suicide in
li"x York by swilhevnu' carbolic acid. He
had hi tHi thiovnoat of v;ork.
Tao n;asked mi: held up the Government
tradiii.-post tit I'ossforii, idi-ho, and cut
away with
A -tied; thief stile a m".n's wallet, at a
Seittle lutik. whi!e th- m :n wa talking to
tiie eashier. l!o had laid the wallet on the
counter to have a check cashed, it contaiut d
a check and $XAi 1:1 promt-iorv itoteas, all
Fi:;iav, April ?.
The Lewis and Clink Fair bill pissed the
New York fin-men. after two nnd a half
hou:s hard liuhtiiiu. sunciied a lire in the f'th
..... ..r .... I... t. ...... 1 ..... t-.fiitiMi 1
rui.t,) ... 4111 111111 iiuiiuiii;. jii.rt- i,.itjr. i
In a It de.in4 house tire at Omaha, one man !
was fatally injuu-d. anotiierURnceroasly.
ami two babes weie hurt.
Twi-nt v-f'ur per.-ons were killed, torty
were injured, and l.'rfO houses d i-st roved Uy
an e ittii ,uake in Turkey.
Three arede ul and omtdyiuc from tho of
fecof a cas t xploson at U a-hiucton.
A very heavy April snowstorm vi-it ed Ne-
liniwk.t :iiul tuirt s nt Mis-miri ntnl !Cnnsii.
Mrs. i.otkm lias imn fouim ytultyof mur-
ilitr in 111 ftrct ili.irn-o titfil w 1 titi neud t. lit a
.ivi in .10 01 iihu CUIKUd W IU
t".TCi:i.v. April '..
Jlr A. lamo:. an ex-eonviet. Iiih heen
id,ntit:ed as one ..f the LmiJns who held up
,. treun express ten days aKit.
Itor.rl.o Cue irane criticnud the Pretiident's
recent pftisuai omUt.
Ex-Qtifcn i.-al.-lla of Spain is dead.
West Minnesota and Dakota had a two
foot fall "1 tsnow. Ttait.s art;
The liu-siaii army has retreated across
.lapan has ordered two new battleships in j
I'.nu'iaiul. t.i tie iiie moil power till war ve.-;-ei.s
111 the world
Five bovs. under '() years of aye. stole
.ll'.OoU fiom Henry D.ivh, a rw.luse of Con
uectictii. SI A KINK.
April 1!) Schr Western Home. YVicder. K
days from Sun FraneiMio..
April 1J Selir Herwick. Jacoii.-eii, 11 hr.s
from Koyiie Kiver.
Airil S St nir ICli.abeth, Jensen, to S. F.
April 1". Sehr Advance, t.ideuKSfU, to
San Fraueisco.
A pril 1 1 Schr Alpha. Jensen, to S. F.
April IS Schooti. r llerwic!:, J
!acebi.ili. to
Hoiiit utvi r.
TKK.sOA.vs rt:ic.
N11I ice is hereby yivrii lo all persons not!
to trespass upon the premises of Dr. Ki tiyou. j
situated between Fioias bake and the cotiu- '
' .rMiin, i.ur.y i,v n niovtn-.
cut turn. r dcstrovmi! timbr upon sain
land. .wr.i will be ;...iu f.-r informa
I.ANl) Uri-U K at l:ot:ta;i.(i. Oregon, April
1, I'.Ml
.) I'NK I, r.hlt.
.ii i' v ..!- i M r
V:JhhrK v' VV',,,VL:,)aT,i"w,,ir
Section 17. 'lowiishin -". South, liu'-uc II
West, lb- names the rnllowino witne-Hcn
prove his continuous residence u on and
cultivation ol stud land, viz; (ieoryc ox,:
Alex KiMHMly. F M.Saiolerlin and Andrew
JohiHoti, ali of Maudoii. tvooH .. Oreyon.
J.T HmiaiiLS.
Ap:7 ltittister. i
Notice is hereby t-iven that the following;::' xTOmjv :f Ul.KI,1 1 hN S , HE lOKfcbl .ds
named .etlle: has lil, d notice of hiB i.iten- i " v' " ' ' - ,: . O .. 17. Ill(.,.t Frblav nitht cf 0Hch
ti. n to in ike final proof in support of hi-. : r.A Min.V I.ODC K. .. I ir, A. I. A. M :-..veek. in Coucn e Hall, b'midon. Orejjdn..:
claim, ai.d that said proof will be made he- ' :' cordial welcome is extended to ail vis-$
foieC T Mlumeiirother. V. S. Conimissioii- X AXDON bOHC. K. No. 1 13. . F.A .M. ;Mt mi: brothers. J. ,K. FI II Kit. p.
er. at Ins oliice at lSiiiidon. Oregon, on , 13 Stated cor.mmnicat ions tir.-( Sat 1 J. ... mh.ius. ' Chief Uau"er. S
Phoenix- Family Flour
Tiie Perfect Product of
Selected California, "vVlieat.
Ycur Ko?.ey Back if it Don't Suit.
For Sale Exclusively by
Furniturei '
Household Furnishings and Deco
rations of all kinds
lied Uooni Suites Cur'aiu Poles and Fine Wall Pa tier and
and Pieces. U indow Tnmmin. House Lining.
Cabinet Shop in Connection. Mattresses and Springs,
Furniture Kepairiie,' and Saw filmj: a Spociaity.
G!ass, Paints, Oils, Brushes, "a!: UNDERTAKING
A Full Line of I'urial Caskets. Hurial Knlu-.s and Oiuls. and Undertaking Supplies
( oilplant Iv lu-pt on HuuJ.
The Mew, Elegantly Fitted, and Speedy Steamer
HI 0 "s j
G. P. JENSOS, Master.
! ., . . x. .... . . ... ,
I 1 uis oteamer is New. i.s St roxmly liuiil. and
uive a rccuhir S dav service, for
-njui!Ie Kivur, (Jret, and I raneisco. Lahf.
KLBKUT DYKH, Acciit. Handon. Oreyon.
K. T. Kin!. .Maua:lni A cent. 107 Fr-nt Street, San Francisco, California.
..tI R, pi tirrt ? f rt- r
) U-tU A I ll
X'f ""oT TO We nr don'- hRsiuess at The Old
-L- .KJrJ. JJ stand and can please yon. Give as a Call
and examine our
Stoves, Baiiges and Farm Implements, EtcK
Now is tho timo to purchaso TIardwttro. Tho undersigned has
in stock a large ai-sortmont of
Hardware, Tinware, Graiiiteware,
Glassware, Crockery and Tvliners' Supplies.
S'aiiiis. GiN. 2)oors nd Vi:ilori .'.
Tiie Bandcn Hardware lMan,
8 rt-
2i g
1 JLJ Lv
.3. 3 TS'rS'r.SI. 5r:rIotj-.
This well known hotel la now uiuler iikw ami com
petent management and Las been thoroughly ren
ovatod throughout. The table service i oj:ial to
any in Southern O.vgon. ri mplo rooms for com
mercial men. .Baggage transported to and from
boats and trains free of charge.
Fine now bar in connection with the hotel.
nm 11 1 ii 111 1 wiii
C. Shields &
Wagons of all kinds made to order.
Job work nttendfd to promptly ;;ud all work uxi :n::tU'il to yive satisfaction.
KorsesIi.oe3iiig a STpeoisLlty.
O. T. 33 lzrn s 1110 tl. er
U. S. Commisioner and Notary Pablis
! Filim:-ai d I'i ol pr-fs made u Home
-lead--. I iiuU-.M't mi s ni.d .lhei ' . S. bantU
loney :.oai eui.thned on Approved
Seet.i 1
(Mtice in nmm lil I"everSe linjr, Hmi
doi. Kestdene o:. Hut !e f'ttek. ()reoii.
...:.. ...-x '.vkA.-, ..,&"is-'j:.zr.f.&
vvx ..w .-.
.' ,. , t v i n.-.- v.. i"-t i i tt
;i ,-a-',o:n '. J
mil iv Mt'ter the full moon of eeh .
iieuith. All .Master .M'lsons cordial'i
'-t invited. I'I '1 UI NKl.SOX. W. AI.
'f'iOfc'y.'.'vv ?.,:; rlv-t'r-r.iS.
'" .
T,JO Wouk!y 0rcRnn:nn and this jwpcr
P,v,; Joi: all the news of home, state, the
Northwest and the nation.
.... . 1 ,
fitted with the lat(-st inmrovcmonts, ana wilv
paener. - and frnh;. lulwueu the
A i b" W A ft L I
A. V. 2iI.12K. .11. I.
i:.v.i)ox. ui:i::on.
:riutllv a:i.ij-ii'.' da
wrBMr Lower .Main and Atwator streeta
l"".r!ter of Aiiie:!csi.
& :'. j ;.-,. ;. iv-v ftSik
wrsnshali & VVrenshsll,
: r- J.
I.'... s.-. ...... .... ?
t 111. vl'-l 4t"Cfli ,