• • 52 Times a year for $2 OREGON: BANDON, Velums XX THURSDAY, APRIL Number i4 7 o Phoenix Family Floui Tbe Socialist Convention convenes Self rising Buckwheat Flour for F ob S ale —A fresh milch cow at at Coquille, April 16. 1 pancakes, at Sandersou Brothers. . Sanderson Bros. Hay, grain and fed! at N. Lorenz’« Bavins concludtd to locate elsewhere, 1 Mrs. Geoige Conger, of CoqLille, Early Rose Seed Potatoes /or sale Geoige Wilson and E. F. Good desire all person* indebted to me to c<»me Store. by J. R. Stillwell, Bandon. win, of Corbin City, registered at the was buried last Saturday. Tli® 2?®rr©ot Product of forward and settle by *Mav 1st, 1904. After date all accounts will be left in the Lard ?l.30 per gallon can, cash, at Salectod Ca-lifomia. Wheat. Seed Wheat, Oats and Barley at that R. Pomeroy, of Parkersburg, was Tupper House Saturday. bunds of an attorney. A. W. K ime . T. Anderson’s. doing business in town last Friday. Father Mueller will hold fervices in Sanderson brothers' Store. Lee Cox. of Langlois, was a Bandon For first class real estate, corres­ Early Rose and Beauty of Hebron tbe Catholic Church here. Holiday, visitor last week ! seed potatoes at Sanderson Bros’ April 10th. at tbe usual hour. pond with Geo. P. Topping. T uesday , .March 29. Seed potatoes at one cent a pound store. Go to Denholm’« for the latest styles James Chenoweth, of Langlois was President John Mitchell is to assume com­ of J. H. Tucker. mand of tbe Colorado coalminers’ strike. For Sale Exclusively by A. J. Counts, of Dairyville, was a nnd the lowest prices iti Millinery. a Bandon caller last Saturday. Northern and Central California are still ‘’Photo” Buttons. 10 to 15cts. al Bandon visitor Saturday, having come Also a large line of white shirt waists E. W. Stillwell and wife bave moved flooded, and much damage will result. and Ladies’ summer suits. Wrenshall's Gallery. up for a load of freight. in with bis brother. T. J. Stillwell. The French flag has been raifc« d over the During the week s veral Marsh­ A. Goltcbe and wife, and A. W. W. H. Hull one of Riverton’s The delegatee to the .Republican Russian building at Niu Cbwang. A Russian cruiser and destroyer parsed -Johnson, of Coquille City, were in prominent citizens was doing busi field citizens among whom were T. Convention left for Coquille early I Gibraltar in chase of a Japanese merchant E. Dow. H. A. Green. Fred Christen ­ ne-s in Bandon last Tuesday. town Friday. x this morning. ship. The Japanese vessel had several hours Dr.G. D. Elgin, of Langlois, was sen and A. J. Seeley were in town. Millinery and shirt waists at Den ‘Miss Wiur.ie Doyle, of Wedder- lead. F or S ale . — A good second-hand bnrn. w - rs i.r Dtiudou 1'uAday bight • Tt ’ Haiti «in Pacific ’ cad tioliu’s. The best assortment ever a visitor io town Tuesday night on lines have consolidated with O. R. «1 N. organ on monthly payments of $1.50. ou her way homeward bound. his way to visit Coquille City. brought to Bandon. Indiana rivers are on a rampage, nnd the Col. C. T Iiliimen rot tier has received George M. Brown, District Attor­ Write tbe undersigned, care of this coal mines at Petersburg are flooded. E. M. F urman . a snpyly of register blanks and is ney. is after the nomination again, office. The New York Legislature has voted a Dealer in pianos and organs. pension of $72 a month to Hiram Cronk, tbe ready lo register voters. desiring to be bis own successor. The Methodist Guild gave a Dime nillinery. Spring und Num­ last survivor of the war of 1812. Ited Boom Suites Cnrtain Pole« and Fine Wall Paper and Persons wishing to have carpets or W. F. Harris, a band instructor, Tbe snow blockade in Northern Montana and Pieces. Window Trimmings. House Lining. Social Inst Friday evening at the mer lints. from Texas, arrived her« Sunday, and rugs woven should apply to Mrs. 11. ------- SEWING MACHINES AND liALY CAllltlAGES ------- is ended. Residence of Mrs. George Lorenz W ednesday , March 30. M. Tucker, Bandon. Ore. Fancy rugs will instruct tbe F. D. Band. Mrs. Glen Aiken, milliner from Mattresses end Springs. n Indiana cyclone landed James Mclner- Cabinet Shop in Connection. which was well attended and whs a Delicious! yes, yon will find delic­ a specialty. Marshfield, will be in Bandon next vey in tbe penitentiary by wrecking his Furniture Repairing and Saw-filing a Specialty. snccess both hs to finance nnd socially. Fresh Groceries nnd Provisions at ious hams and bacon, tine flour, and Monday, ami will open up a select home and giving his name to the public, so E. Lewin had the misfortune to Cox’s Grocery. Flour, Hams, Bacon, U NDERTAKING the best candies at Cox’s geocery. stock of Ladies’ and Misses’ Hats for that bis first wife found out where be was. Glass, Paints, Oils, Brushes. 1 seriously cut his left band with a Spring and Summer wear, in all tbe Bigamy was tbe cause. Mr. Adam Persbbaker nnd daughter Fruits, Nnts, Candies, etc., of tbe i A Full Line of Burial Casket». Burial Robes and Goods, and Undertaking Supplies The Japanese drove Lack the Russian cleaver while cutting meat in Noble’s latest and most approved designs. Constantly Kept ou Hund. Ruby, of Prosper, returned home best quality. Aroops and occupied Chong Ju. Loss was 5 butcher shop at North Bend. He She will display her wares at the killed and 13 wounded. Charles Adams and wife of Myrtle Sunday from a short visit to San came to Marshfield to bave the residence of Mrs. Thomas White, and A Japanese ship was destroyed and the l’oiut were Baudon visitors Ibis Francisco. wounded member dressed.—Coast will be pleased to meet ber old cus­ crew and passengers captured by Russians B. S. Moss, of Stockton, California, week, as was iHso J. E. Moles from Mail. tomers and exhibit ber goods to all near Miaotre Islands, on Match 27. and -J. A. Romelee and L. L. Page, the same plaae. Two Corvallis residences were burglarized. John K. McLeod, of Coquille City, persons desiring to purchase. The thief is supposed to be a wom m. William Nasburg, a well-known of Napa, same State, visited Bandon was in town last Thursday night on All persons in want of millinery are The Belgrade levee on tbe Wabash river merchant of Marshfield, died last last Sunday. liis wav to New Lake to purchase cows requested to call. Remember tbe broke, causing heavy damage. Thursday morning from the effects of F ob S ale A span of Bulls; 6 feet T hursday , M irch 31. and heifers for bis ranch. He and \\ . place. 9 inches and 6 feet 10 inches, respec­ an operation for appendicitis, The Tonghaks, of Corea, are threatening S. Marshall of New Lake brought in A Love Letter, to kill all Christians in that realm next Del Norte Record: About 40,000 ft tively. Enquire of J. H. Tucker, ton head Saturday evening, which Mr. of lumber has recently been rafted Would not interest you if you’re month. Bandon. Oregon. McLeod had purchased of Mr. Mar­ An explosion in a fireworks factory at looking for a guaranteed Salve for Prisebnrg, Pa., killed several girls and in­ J II Hunt and family attended the from the Childs sawmill to tbe month shall. Sores, Burns or Piles, Otto Dodd, of jured about 20 others. funeral of William \\ illiaire, of Riv­ of the Chetco river. The sawmill is Coast Mail: -Deputy District At­ The Russian gunboat Maudjur has at last This Steamer is New. is Strongly built, and fitted with the lattst improvementfl, and wil erton, who was buried at Coquille located about 8 miles up the stream. torney E. L. C. Farrin returned yes­ Ponder, Mo., writes: "I suffered with give a regular H day service, for passengers and freight, between the an ugly sore for a year, but a box of been dismantled. It seems that the engineer’s strike City last Saturday. terday from Myrtle Point where he Coquille River, Oregon, and San Francisco, Calif. The oourt decided against W. J. Bryan's Bucklen ’ s Arnica Salve cured me. ’ ’ was not altogether settled when tho Myrtle Point Enterprise: Charles claim of $50,000 in the Bennett will case. had been to prosecute ibo case of L. ELBERT DYER, Agent. Bandon, Oregon. The French Court at PariB has removed Dodge bro glit a hack load ot passeu steamer Elizabeth left San Francisco, Haines, whojwas before Judge Bender It’s the best Salve on earth. 25ets at E. T. KIIUZ, Managing Agent, 207 Front Street, San Francisco, California. Lowe ’ s Drug Store. tbe last legal obstruction to tbe transfer of gers in from Roseburg Saturday. and it is not quite certain when the on the charge of having deer hides in the Panama Canal to tbe United States. There is considerable travel.over tbe steamer Chico will put in un appear­ his possession. He was fined $50 The Deniocrntic Primary. F. A. Heinze, President of the Montana ance. Middle Fork Road. and his bides taken. Tbe Democrats of Bandon Precinct Ore Purchasing Co., paid a fine of $20,000 j Dr. Prentis, the Marshfield dentist, F ound Near the Livery Stable, Coquille Bulletin: Tbe whirring of assembled in tbe Town Hall las^ Sat­ for disobeying an injunction of the court. F riday , April 1. Friday morning. March 18th, a black wishes to give notice to his many machinery in the old Lyons mill, on urday afternoon for the purpose of »-• We nre still doing bosniens at Tlie Old Three masked men held up tbe Oregon patrons that he will be in Bandon “ Vz H XeTd Stand and can please you. Give us a Call silk neck Landercliief, flowered design. the water front, has ¡made merry selecting seven delegates to the Coan Express near Redding, killing tbe messenger mid examine our Owner can got same at this office by again in August, at which time bo will music to many eager ears this week. ty Democratic Convention which con­ and wrecking the car. Tbe money and val­ applying and paying for this notice be prepared to take care of all work The mill has been idle for a long venes at Coquille City, Saturday, uables were destroyed by the explosion. 1’he Russians declare that the victory at time, and many men formerly em­ April 9. Any one wishing to improve their in his line. Chong Ju was theirs. C. B. Zeek and wife were in town ployed there have been forced to look ; After assembly, D. J. Lowe was se­ Now is tbe time to purchase Hardware. The undersigned has stock of chickens for winter layers, Vice-Admiral Toga made another attack in stock a large assortment of should get acock from J. R. Stillwell. the latter part of last week, having elsewhere for work. We nre g!ad to ‘ lected as chairman, and C. Y. Lowe on Port Arthur. Ohio is suffering from flood, and fear is He has tbe finest stock in the county, come in from tbe black sand mities in see the change for the better, and hope was called as secretary, with Cbiis entertained for the levee near St. Mary’s. and has made a specially of breeding th« Randolph district. Mr. Zaek ex­ tho new management will keep tbe Rasmussen to assist. The paper trust loses its fight against the pects to leave here in the course of a for winter layers. wheels turning every day. Tbe convention then proceeded to product of the Canadian Pulp Mills, and I Glassware, Crockery and Miners’ Supplies. few months. ‘‘I have used Chamberlain’s Stom­ select delegates, and for that purpose rossed wood pulp is admitted free. Port Orford Tribune: Tho Rogue A warehouse was destroyed by fire at | 1‘aintM. Oils. Doors mid Windows. ach and Liver Tablets with most sat­ nominated twelve to be voted upon, T1NSI1OP IN CONNECTION. Suver, Oregon, containing 12,000 bushels of isfactory results," says Mrs. F. L. River Packing and Navigation Com­ from which number tbe following wheat and 1500 bushels of oats. Mr«. D Giles, of Myrtle Point, ¡M pany have purchased the machinery Phelps, Houston, Texas. For indi­ named persons were selected: J D The hold-up artist got in bis work at Spo­ in town with a choice stock of Spring gestion, billionsness and constipation, • >f a cannery on tbe Colombia, and Lowe, Chris Rasmussen, S J Culver, kane, and four different persons were re­ The Bandon Hardware Man, and Summer bats, which she will dis ­ these tablets are most excellent. Sold will move the same to Gold B'.mi’ll, Charles Lorenz, W C Sanderson, Nels lieved of their spare cash during the nigut. • S aturday , April 2. where they propose engaging in sal­ pose of at prices to suit the times, and Rasmussen and A G Hoyt. by C. Y. Lowe. Druggist. The losses from flood in Mercer County, will remain until Saturday only. Per­ mon canning ou quite a large scale. Harmony prevailed, and the dele ­ Tbe steamer Elizabeth arrived here Ohio, is estimated at $150,000. sons desiring anything in tbe millin­ Easter Sunday was a beautiful day, gates were sent without instructions. Sunday afternoon from San Francis The Lewistown reservoir in Ohio has brok- i ery line should call at once. en, but the people along the water course | co, having about seventy tons of being pleasant and bright, but the She has also a fine collection of sen The Republican Erimary. had timely warning. freight and nine passengers aboard. weather since that day has been much shells which she is closing out nt low Captain Williams of the Eugene Guards is tbe same as it was before, and Winter On Thnrt«iay, March 31st. tho Re ­ The passenger list foil, ws: Adam in trouble for striking a private with his prices. publicans assembled in Kime’s Hall sword. Lieut. Babb took up the fight, and Pershhaker, Miss Ruby Pershhaker, is still reposing in tbe lap of Spring Call and examine goods and learn and proceeded to elect delegates to charges and counter charges will be made. S Brannon, Dr R B Boyle, L L Page, However, yesterday again was inclined J I 6> ’ Tl ri'EK. I’PEK. P Proprietor. prices. Thibetans made a rash charge on tbe Bi it the County Republican Convention, M Sohn, W F Harris, B S Moss. J A to sunshine, and was one among the This well known hotel is now under new aud com­ Broke Into Ills House. bright ones indicative of approaching which convened at Coquille City to­ ish at Guru, Thibet, and were repulsed with Funnel. petent management and has been thoroughly ren­ heavy loss. spring. S. Lo (¿uitin of Cavendish, Vt., day. Dr. R. B . Boyle, a veterinary snr I The third corps of the Austrian army is ovated throughout. The table service is equal to Geo. 1’. Topping was chosen chair­ prepared to leave for tbe Macedonian fron­ There has been some changes in was robbed of his customary health geon from Sun Francisco, was a pas­ any in Southern Oregon. S tuple rooms for com­ man, R. Frederick, secretary, and tier, and trouble is looked for in the Balkans. senger on the steamer Elizabeth this tbe barber business this week. J. L. by invasion of Chronic Constipation. mercial men. Baggage transported to anil from Deputy Sheriff, R. D. Meldrum, shot and Harry Walker, assistant secretary. trip. Mr. Boyle lias visited Coos Co. Thompson has purchased C. A. Moo­ When Dr. King’s New Life Pilis boats and trains free of charge. killed a Colorado toagb who struck him. There was a lively interest taken in Fine new bar in couuectiou with tbe hotel. on two or three other occasions, being maw's business on the steamer Dis­ broke into his bouse, bis trouble was Floods in northwest and central Ohio have the convention, which called out a patch; Moomaw in turn purchased arrested nnd now he's entirely cured broken all previous record, aud innuens« a friend to Edward Fahy and family largo representation, but when they damage has resulted. This lime ho comes to locate in Coos, Ralph Nosler’s business at Coquille They’re guaranteed to cure. 25cts at lined up and counted tbe votes, it was M onday , April 4. City, and Mr. Nosier has gone to Lowe ’ s Drug Store. intending to practice bis profession. In a battle in Nigeria, West Africa, a Brit very evident that sentiment was very Marshfield. Mr. Moomaw aud wife He will probably locateat Marshfield. flasket Social. largely one sided, aud tbe delegatee ish square was broken and tnaD.y soldiers moved to Coquille. killed and wounded. Tbe Coos County Push Club has on The ladies of the \\ . R. C. will tn elected were all in favor of R. D. The Russians have captured spies w»tb Coquille Bulletin: J. V. Foster hand$1500, tbe $1000 which was given tertain«wiih a Basket Social, Saturday Hume for Joint Senator of Coos aud notes and maps at several places in Eastern by the County, and $500 raised by the brought to th«' Bulletin office a pecu­ Evening, April 9th. at G. A. R. Curry Counties. Siberia. Club. It was the intention to use this liar growth or formation which be dug Political news purport that Parker, of New Ladies are cordially invited to bring Tbe delegates chosen to attend tbe money for exhibits and advertising out of the ground while grubbing an baskets, anil the gents to see ample County Convention were R. Freder­ York, will receive the Democratic nomina tion for President. this County at the St. Louie fair. Bui alder slump. It was soft and spongv. justice done them. ick, W P Holman, A W Kime, George William Morrison, a missionary in Africa, Wagons of all kinds made to order. Light refreshments and coffee will exhibits have come in slowly; in fact resembling a rubber cushion or ball, Button. Jack Hoover. A G Erickson, says that slavery is still carried on in Congo. Job work attended to promptly and all work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Prices there has been nothing worth men­ and was larger than a man’s fist, and be served to those not fortunate Geo. P. Topping. Gurley Boak, E M The House Committee on Appropriations, Reasonable. enough to secure a basket. Door ad tioning and it is now too late in tbe could easily be cut with a knife. It has reduced the Lewis and Clark appropria­ Blackerby and A D Morse. mission 10 cents. Horseelioeing a Sjpooialty. tion, allowed by the Senate, to $455.000. day to try to do anything’ The time was dug out of tbe ground last Fri A general invitation extended to all . (UUI to loan on Beal Estate. Ap Servia, in Western Asia, was visited by an i for the Lewis and Clark fair will soon dav. and has since shrunken in size Nothing Equal to I liaiiilu*rlaln> Colle’ <7 I J p|y at ibis office. earthquake. A Servian school house was de­ A. AV. KlYJi;. H. D. be here and it would not be out of and has hardened so that it cannot be CI k .leia and Diarrhoea Keiuedy for C. T. Blnmonrctlior stroyed and one person killed. Testimony of » Minister. cut with a knife, and is more like Bowel Complaints In Children. place, p?rbap.', to suggest that the1 PHFS7C7/12V AS/) SURGEON MA KINK. Rev. J no. >-». Col, of Wnke. Aik., Ü. S Cjœr&iMer acd No a1"» Public amount which lias been raised lie Used sand or gravel mixed with some sub i : andon , okbuon . A rrived . “We have used Chamberlain s Col­ writes, “For 12 years I suffered from for advertising at the Oregon fair. stance which hardens on exposure to Filings : till I’in.-.l |'l< t« made ' U Hon'S April 3.— S*mr Elizabeth, Jensen, 50 hour« ic. Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy in C h II b to all part» tawn nnd county steads. liinbcr Claim» Hint other I . S. Lands Yellow Jaundice. I consulted a num­ from San Francisco. Thousands of people will come West the air None of our local scientists answer* d day or uielit. Office on our family for years," says Mrs. J. B. ber of physicians and tried all sorts Apr G—Schooner Onward. Thomas, 6 days Money L omiim iat«*<1 on Approved promptly corner ot Ijower Mail, and Atwater street« 10 ’\ue iatr aTei ir, nv.-d homes, «m. l.urnhi’in .able tn tpll.Q«. whit i.t .¡s.. Security . Cooke, of Nederland«, Texas. “We of medicine«, but’got no relief. Tuen fropt San Francisco, to (’. M. A 1. Co. tins is tho time for the County to get Harber«' Wot ice. Odico in room 10 !■' verb* Building Ban- TKKMl’lKM NOIUE have given it to all of our children. 1 began the use of Electric Bitters don. Ib sid» i>«!<* on Batt»'< re* k. ();« g »n. in its work in way of advertising J L. Thompson hereby gives notice We have used other medecines for tbe and feel that I am now cured of a J. W. STRANGE, Notice i* hereby given to all persona not We believe tbe money should be used trewpaHH upon the premises of Dr. Kenyon, that during the week bis shop will be same purpose, but never found any disease that had me in its grasp for to «itnated,between Flora« Lake and the con..- for tbe Portland fair. M. P. Entes- ■£ ♦ open in Bandon onlv after the steam­ thing to equal Chamberlain’s. If you twelve years." If you want a reliable |y road, in Northern Curry, by removing, prise. or destroying timber up<»n «aid will u«e it a« directed, it will always medicine for Liver and Kidney trou­ cutting, er Dispatch arrives in the evening. land. $25 reward will be paid for inform« BANDON, - - • OBEOON. Bent Cotlgh Medre ine for < l»lhl rm. leading to a conviction of treapa«« as cure.’’ For sale by C. Y. Lowe, ble. stomach disorder or general de­ tion Selatlc KheumatUm Cured. state«! above. Will \i-.t Bar.don n trilnrly on date« to be When yon buy a cough medecine Dated at Bandon. Oreg n. March 14. V.K 1 bility, get Electric Bitters. It's guar­ supplied in the Local Column. *'l have been subject losciiitic rben Tom C!»t I’lnyn Foster Hot her. PE I ER NELSON. V»ent ft for «mull children, yon want one io anteed by C. Y. Lowe, Druggist. mutism for years,” says E. H. W al- :• •: •> ■> •> x- At J be home of J. L. White, south Only 50cts. NOT1CE FOB PUBLICATION. which yon can place implicit confi­ 5« dron,of Wilton Junction. Iowa. ’’My of Marshfield. tbere°is a peculiar fath­ Department of tlm Interior. .’. Court of the Forest No. 17, dence. Yon want on« that not only ft ft ft -í''^ •t V ft % ft ft ft ft V <■ •! •• * •• ft ft •» < ft •• ft. joints were stiff atid gave me much i <»rest«TM of .%n><‘.ica. L and O ffice at K osbbleg , Ore«i>ii, April ering of a clutch of chickens by a relieves but cures. You want one that ♦ - - W 1, IHU4. pain and discomfort. My joints would I.EN < i THE FORESI J burly old tom cat who takes tbe little K Mil RI ia unquestionably harmless. Y’ou want Notice i« hereby piven that the following ft ft « «5 ft :• ft ft.ft ft ft > ■: < > < ■> * ft •: No. 17. meet« Friday night < f eacb^ crack when I straightened up. I used chickens uridei Lis wing, so lo speak, M. E. C hurch . named ^etiler ba« tiled notice »»f bis inten­ one t|iat is pleasant to take. Cham- mcrete » Hall. Bandon. Oregon - •> ■ i k. in ( ........ .................. Il % > IMIN I Ol> >t ■ .i eomn o a pain or ache from tbe old trouble under tbe management. They are be­ Epworth Lenya« . 7:P. M. * I ......... Fin. Secretnry. 2 «food for tbe coughs and colds inci­ „ÿ nrdav aft* i the fall inoon of * • •< h e JUNE ♦. for many mou’lis It ia certaiuly a ginning to uftdi r-ttu d the feline cull Prayer meet ine Wednesday nt N: P. Af. * í ♦ « ♦ í < ## # ♦» .*♦<##♦ ■: «Ä All W strr M-ison« cordiifl'v •> • niGiitb W. H. M« t « bs . Pastor. dent to childhood. It is also a certain viz: H. E. No. 9B37, Lvmon J. Davison. ^>r • invited ® o’ PETEK NELSON. W. M. « most wonderful liniment." For sale The old _ boy is in bad straits the of N’E*4, Section 18; <>f NW»4. » . J. E W a I a ST iio M, Sec. <• when it 0 pSi’A^ntive and cure for croup, an l Psuturi « bias SxnvtcB. Section 17. Township 29 South. Ka° ge ¡4 • by C. k. Lowe. Wrenshall & Wrensh.ll, ;■ <• <• ‘¡> •> .> •> comes to scratching for worms, but Ihrr« ‘is no danger whatever from l'revtii'ig 1* «nd 3rd Suiidsy», morning West. He ran cm tbe following witne->««ft t«> prove hw continuous residence u on and FOB SALE. — A «11 »ere truer. adj"ii >u nnd evening. , „ tbe littfo fellows are fast teaching %ho pog <*ugl> when it is given. It Snnds» School <-:i«h fiondnv « 10 n m. cultivation <»f «aid land, viz: Oftprge fcox. corpora tn >n boondry: «laahed and burned, Alex Keneffv. F. M. Sanderlin and Kndi' W ®Xie <. on Bluff Street For fall particu­ All »re • welomne. K*r . W-.-st a 4ft »•* ft ft. Apr? # ItrgiMtrr’ AMLPH II ajkilt , I^Bt ir lar« enquire of J. W. Fetter, Bandon. Oreg. changed in this case Coast Mail. sftn by C. Y Lowe. •» ® ‘9 LOCAL NEWS Come Settle Up. Important News Notes < «luii’iiiitecd. llZvei’y Ycur Money Back if it Don’t Suit. SANDERSON BROS., Bandon. TA Household Furnishings and Dcco rations of all kinds* Coming! Coming! BANDON FURNITURE COMPANY. and Speedy Steamer C. P. JENSON, Master. DO YOU NEED ANY HARD-WARE? Stoves, Ranges and Farfn Implements, Etc, Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Millinery Goods. A. McNAIR. Hotel Coquille CJotquille < ity . >n J. C. Shields &■ Son, DENTIST, Church Directory U» Photographers, ft ft ft ft ft o ft o ft ft ft ft a a 1 « 1 « • ft . f :